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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>79640149
why did you delete the ignore the crabs part of the OP
It's way funnier when people respond to crabs
Who and who?
Better work faster if I want to make gen 7.
Me and (you)
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I'm pretty tired.
Is this going to be the singing gen, where my idol bros at
What was the theme of each gen?
The autism spectrum.
Gen 6 ranking (I cannot tier this as I am gen 6)
When is Haru streaming again?
Gen 6 is the girl gen, I think there's more girls than any other gen
This isnt a mimimi crypost.
It's just an mere observation.

I'm not liked very much.
Most of my viewers are Friends and the 2-3 /asp/ies who can stand me.

i think i will slow down my streaming, only doing some stuff ocasionally. I had this brainworm in my mind that i could stand with the big ones here. But when i woke up today, it dawned on me that i can't. And thats okay. I still like you guys, alot.
You can do it.
Just say who you are and people will explain what you can do to improve.
making space in your life for other things might make your streams better too. good luck anon
Then come cuddle with me and restore your batteries
Name him, sis!
Fwofie rape
Fythol rape
Gobb rape
Kogo rape
Miu rape
QB rape
Chibii rape
Grace rape
Milk rape
Himari rape
Streaming is a skill set. It's like listening to a radio talk show, you can tell the difference between the ones that suck and the ones that dont but the difference is that if you listen to the earliest recordings, they will always suck compared to later since their skills improved. So keep working on it and figure out where your weaknesses lie and you'll get there.
I hate when you losers cry about not having friends and then you dont name yourself so you will forever be alone
Okay anon.
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am i too old to be a vtuber if i'm 23
too young, kill yourself
Good age overall. If you're 30+ only there might you need to reconsider being a vtuber.
Ideal vtubing age is 23 - 25 desu, out of college and no class responsibilities but not too deep in career so you can still find time to late streams and you have energy
kill yourself, hagfag.
dude what the fuck you're so old why are you even here go home to your family
it seems like most of them are 18-22 though
the most successful female vtubers are over the age of 30 because they are desperate enough to stream everyday to make it and they are mentally stable enough to stream everyday since they have nothing else in their lives so they wont stop halfway mid career due to menhera or having real life obligations.

So to answer your question, no it's not too late. In fact you're just the right age to keep going.
Yeah most and then they graduate after 6 months like Miu because 18 - 22 year olds are fickle and trying everything but once you're out of college you can actually commit to things and hopefully have enough distance from your parents that you can stream when you want
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Wait at least two more years
This is also why you see so many corpos hire hags recently because young people tend to drop out of corpos and waste a lot of money no matter how talented they are.
Buddy a lot of aspies are over the age of 30.
Age has nothing to do with whether you're cut to be a chuuba or not.

You can become a loli for as low as $20
Miu graduated?
Name a chubba and I will tell which free font they remind me of
keep seething, 1 view sister
Yeah turns out she just turned 18 in May and is going to focus on college
If a artist I like keeps drawing the character from onimai is this a sign they are trans
so she was a minor and she was playing a loli character to attract people
everyone who was supporting her should be getting their pcs checked for cp
>turned 18 in may
>she sent me lewds before then
That living bitch is she trying to ruin my life
>be me
>join vtuber discord for networking and collabs
>see people in VC
>we actually talk and shoot the shit for a few hours
>ask about advice on when to turn on affiliate, content, etc.
bros.. im networking.. be proud of me
Good job!
Nice work anon
im a very happy squid
how long are you gonna keep spreading lies? she's already graduating, sister
was miu sexpested by mami too
>not too deep in career
My brother, 23-25 is the age where most white collar guys bust their asses and burn the midnight oil
>didn't interact with her until june
dodged that situation entirely
yeah but she told him to fuck off
Yes and she sent nudes to him too
This year is special since it's year of the dragon, so it's the dragon gen
i don't want to sound like a schizo or a retard but why do people still openly support miu??? she was vtubing as a minor, she was playing up the "big brother" shtick and was clearly pandering to lolienjoyers AS A MINOR
weird as fuck and i hope she never returns
they should get commemorative dragon dildos to celebrate
>she was vtubing as a minor

Also, who cares? You weren't a horny retard prior to turning 18?
she graduated let her rest
she's gone now, so who the fuck cares
Why is it that the literally minor girl was less dumb with handling the sexpest then all the other girls
>Also, who cares? You weren't a horny retard prior to turning 18?
the law cares, retard.
>she graduated because she turned 18 and wants to focus on college
so she was a minor before graduating and she was vtubing
that doesn't save her from being a weirdo and anyone who supported her should be getting canceled right now
utemika also drew art of her too? he was the artist for her model, fucking weird to the maximum
Recommendations please
she's legal here and in most of europe, so no the law doesn't care
she turns 18 in may lol
>miu real loli
She could have become bigger then shondo if she just didn't lie about her age...
In most of the civilised world 16 is legal, also what law is being broken that says you can't be a vtuber before 18?

>she graduated because she turned 18 and wants to focus on college
Okay, receipts?
>Okay, receipts?
Watch stream dumb ass
Timestamp or fuck off
>Okay, receipts?
she made a vocaroo, I don't care enough about her to look for it
>there exists receipts but I will not find or provide them

And I am Gawr Gura
Why is sterling retweeting so many new female chuubas? is he the secret sexpest?
Hi gura why are you a lasy bitch that doesn't stream and has 0 talent
he's bricked up
Do you ever

Do you ever think

that the men here

Who aren't supporting men


Maybe don't care about other male vtubers at all

And just want to look cool for women
how dense are you? you can literally check the archives
You can check the archives, I'm Gawr Gura
Annoying smug asshole who couldn't be more wrong
Chuuba ships? Do a normal one and a crack one
They should make a law banning people from becoming vtubers before 18.
The Miu confirmation


Please let this serve as a reminder to anyone underaged posting /here/ that you WILL be creeped on you WILL be groomed and you SHOULD NOT follow her lead
utterly embarrassing post
You literally can't stream on twitch as a minor without parent approval and supervision
They also say minors cant use social media under 18 too, thank god there's no young people lying on the internet.
so she was also lying about her age on twitch and to everyone else, this is fucking WEEEEIRD
utemika draws little girls and he did a model for a minor? that's a real pedophile
She was the only one who avoided the groomers, the older women here are more desperate.
Yeah so it's your responsibility to report them as an adult, there's literally nothing else you can do if there's a minor in a space they shouldn't be
>she was under 18 by a few months
>this makes everyone who likes her a pedophile

Your brain on American politics.
like who
yumi, gumpai, beryl, haru
you should not be allowed near minors


happy to help you gura, I know all women are retarded and can't use the archive, don't worry
I live in a country where 16 is legal
>minor lied about her age to fit in
>it's the fault of the people she lied to instead of her

American brainrot
>someone has to be at fault of something because my feelings were upset

Or y'know, who cares?
I dont but the one slinging the pedophile accusation clearly does
the fact you people aren't weirded out by how a minor had a little girl model and clearly was baiting adult men into giving her attention and money scares me
Her using a loli model and pandering to pedophiles about it makes claiming her audience wasn’t a tough sell.
I mean I'm less weirded out by an adult who is actively threatening black mail and doxx because you know

A minor is a minor

Which is the whole point of distinction they're not considered adults and don't know better
she was the one who wanted to become a vtuber when she was a minor, she was the one who selected the loli model and she was the one who pandered to weirdos like you lot, don't think anyone groomed her to do that
Why would I be weirded out by it? Was anybody in danger? Was anybody being deceived? Some of the holo girls were scouted as minors.

>lolis are the same as real children
here we go again
but you know that hololive doesn't call their fanbase older brothers and keeps doing posts about how they are a "loli wife" to a 30 year old man when they are a minor dude
I'm more weirded out by the people obsessing over someone that left and screaming bloody murder about their transgressions instead of writing them off and moving on with their life
she doesn't deserve peace after being a pedobait
Yeah and when I was 17 I wanted to be a porn star
>but you know that hololive doesn't call their fanbase older brothers
Woah, a vtuber which is a sub-set of weeb culture which is a subset of otaku culture which is a subset of anime culture which is a subset of Japanese culture where people refer to older than the speaker but still relatively young men as onii-chan affectionately?
>keeps doing posts about how they are a "loli wife" to a 30 year old man when they are a minor dude
Again, was anybody in danger? Was anybody being deceived?
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Stuff like this really grosses me out about vtubing
Miu seemed like a good egg, but the whole schtick was kinda skeevy
Western vtubing just feels more on the NSFW side, on the eastern side for most of them it's about seeing a girl/guy improve at some kind of hobby
Half of you blokes are throwing out sex worker terms like GFE/BFE, most of you would kill yourself if your online nonsense was leaked
Slushy and Daiya collabing. It’s Slushy yelling at Daiya for saying something stupid when Slushy is just as stupid. They’re both autism creatures.
Get filtered fag
You need to check your Test Levels, a grown man shouldn't be into a child

>Inb4 it's legal where I am
Sure it is Jason-kun, I'm sure the bumfuck Alabama province you reside in totally is ok with your bs
nigger she wasn't 12, she was an adult in almost every way except legally, there is no magic switch that suddenly makes it okay to do at 18 years of age but wrong at 17
a 17 yo its not a child, literally only americans care about this
Okay but consider burning the midnight oil to become an entertainer
>But muh males ngmi
YOU'RE not going to make it
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>lolis are the same thing as real children

Also I take steroids, my test levels are about 5-6 times the average man

>Sure it is Jason-kun, I'm sure the bumfuck Alabama province you reside in totally is ok with your bs
Majority of the western world have a legal age of around 16, in fact majority of the US states it is 16, some 17 and a minority being 18
men made these posts and they're all pedophiles
just burn asp to the ground
>pedophilia is when you like post-pubescent women
i was going to ask for advice, but i will wait
at the very least nuke this thread inshallah

please ask, then ask again later if you feel like it
Don't bother just ask in the non schizo discord
I can smell the dusty womb from here
Name the country retard
This comment is so laughably bad too
The countries with low age of consent are also countries where the parents keep the daughter under studies until she's a graduate

It's kept low because of western pedo tourists trolling around to find poor families willing to sell their kids off.
Really look in a mirror asshole, you don't want to be on the wrong side of this issue

>The countries with low age of consent are also countries where the parents keep the daughter under studies until she's a graduate
americans are completely clueless, you have probably never left your state let alone your country and you want to lecture about other cultures
Ohh.. after reading all the responses my question on collabs with males got last thread, its time to ask some and see if they won't deny me... .w. I just wanna have fun with people
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Were live! WoW leveling 1-70 doing only pet battles continues, end my suffering!
>Name the country retard

According to this>>79669813
Majority of the US
San Marino
North Macedonia
Vast majority of Australia
New Zealand

Covers most of the population and most of the important parts of the world
This argument is retarded because she turned 18 a month or two into vtubing so it doesnt really matter anymore.
most /asp/ies are collab hungry and will accept a collab with anyone that asks
>it's legal so it's okay
Yeah no. you are an adult with an adult mind that should be making proper decisions. i want you to have children and learn that your sixteen year old daughter is basically selling herself on the internet for 100 views and some pocket change
I am not. I have turned down every collab I've ever been offered.
you know who also is an adult? an 18 years old who is 1 day older than her, stop acting like a retard
Save your breath
These guys hopefully will never reproduce
>>it's legal so it's okay
An argument I didn't make for 200

Also explain to be the functional difference between 17 and 364 days and 18? Why 18? Why is that the number you're hung up on? Why not 20? Fuck it why not 25? Fuck it, why not 20 for women and 25 for men if we want to get really anal about mental maturity levels?

>. i want you to have children and learn that your sixteen year old daughter is basically selling herself on the internet for 100 views and some pocket change
Ah yes I'm sure my nearly adult daughter larping on the internet as a fucking anime mouse girl who never did anything illegal or dangerous is literally the same as online child pornography
Why do away with age and make it so you have to get a mental maturity check before you can be issued your sex license?
Reminder that any vtuber you talk to might be under 18. Watch out!
>sex license
britoids have gone too far...
I don't like you saying that about Slushy, but I find those particular moments really funny because I don't often see Slushy get mad.

You can ask anyway, then ask again in the next thread if you need more answers. Some people don't backread the threads.
Random hymen inspections for any women, if she has no hymen and cannot produce a valid sex license, she gets jailed for life
Reminder to demand to see official IDs with their DOB listed before talking to any vtuber. Animal vtubers need to have their IDs sanctioned at the closest animal shelter.
>Never did anything illegal or dangerous
>Literally nuked her account the moment she leaked she was a minor

You guys make me laugh
Why the attention on Sterling? Doesn't he also retweet the posts of males, too?
>two unrelated things
>this proves an unrelated point

What law did Miu break exactly?
>nuked because it was leaked

You can still DM her right now and she's been planning to graduate for a long while now.
i like tomato soup
I know you're trying to get me out of my shell, but I've been stuck here so long. I feel like I'm not enough. In general, but especially for you. I need to work on myself before you can pry it open. If you can't wait, I understand.
pumpkin soup is good too
Women, do you still have your hymen?
Its not legal here, you will still get arrested and jailed for it

Stop being a pedo
No, I'm not a femcel
Name her sis!
Did everyone forget that shes been posting on soc as underaged too? Lol
>inb4 its not her it was mami! She said it wasnt her!
Dyrb? The post reads exactly like her and in what universe would a girl willingly admit to posting on soc, especially one that was lying for months about her age
yes im a femcel
>Feeling attracted to a sexually mature female is pedophilia

Smells like reddit in here

Fythol is the dumbest motherfucker in these threads

I love her
Its reddit to dislike pedophillia?

Thats epic.
You can just say you don't know what pedophilia is and move on with your day.
dont make fun of me how do i reactivate windows i dont know the key ;_;
How did you fucking deactivate your own Windows?
Yeah sure Hashinshin
Cody's pretty laid back on other people's channels believe it or not. Almost makes it worse because he has the capacity to be normal and actively chooses to be an asshole instead
don't astroturf so much sis, just hurry up and stream so i can catch you too
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my game was acting funny and slow so i uninstalled it and reinstalled it and then when i opened it the screen started flickering so i was like oh maybe i need to restart the pc too and then when i restarted it it said i need to activate windows
>actively chooses to be an asshole instead
Did you ever consider some people here like to play up characters more than others like yourself or the people you watch?
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fuck off retard
Fythol.......how do you dress yourself
I love stupid girls so much. How is this even possible?
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yippe we match :D
not knowing why my windows left does not equal not knowing how to dress myself :( should i just buy another one thirty dollars is a lot of monies though ;_;
Hello Everyone, I hate women
>light mode
I no longer like you.
told embarrassing childhood stories on stream(non opsec), everyone was surprisingly nice about it
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gm aspies don't kill yourself today
/cbdct/ is next door

But nice to know you're one of us Vox 'I hate women' poster
maybe but i don't want to watch cody no matter where he is so i won't watch you
stop collabing with cancerous vtubers
>Light mode
Look, you can't hate on someone for rocking the default blue on a blue board. Just do your thing as a Tomorrowchad and leave the sea bunny be
pain meds aren’t working
it’ll be hard
shaniachan please save me...
/cbdct/ girlie...
Fythol are you open to being flirted with?
Which one of you retards is breaking containment?
You can go into your settings and manually hide the little sticker on your screen that says “activate windows” without activating windows
>from another activate windows VTuber
My hard drive is clicking, does anyone have any good recomendation for a cheap 1tb one ? possibly one that can get shipped internationaly and is cheap (i'm on a tight budget) ((might take comms to get it remplaced + get some more powerfull ram))
Fythol please, I need to know how much I can call you cute and how much I am allowed to caress your sea bunny antennae and kiss your nose
i dont think so i am in love with myself too much >>79672273
wah really :00 i will try to look for it thank u
1 TB? SATA SSD is a better buy for that these days. Patriot makes the cheapest ones.
No...it's over
I can't flirt with her
Why fucking live?
Please reconsider
I NEED a stupid girl

Well looks like I'm not interested anymore :3

Here you go fythol, just run the powershell script and you'll be fine.
Containment? Are people not trying to aspire here??? As long as it's not astroturfing selfpost it'd be a GOOD THING if people got mentioned anywhere outside the thread
Based. You sound very young, don't let these creepy old men try to get into your pants.
Going into /cbdct/ and asking them about /asp/ when they fucking hate /asp/ (and it's offtopic) is NOT a good thing

It just means any guy that gets mentioned there organically will get looked at as a self shiller
I have a prebuilt and as retarded as it sounds I'm a bit scared to check if my motherboard has an ssd slot or even how to jam it in there (tho I doubt, it's one of those cheap chinese ones, a lenovo 3741) and I can't upgrade to a new pc either so... I prefer to stick with what I'm sure my pc can take
that is exactly why the anti male is doing it
you faggots treat 4chan WAY too seriously
wat da hell u are super awesome... thank u so much ;_; night night asp mwar
Nigger the reason /asp/ is allowed to exist despite self-advertisement being strictly against the rules of this website is because it acts as containment to avoid people shitting up all the other threads. Once people start spreading out too much then the thread gets blasted because it's failed its job and there's no reason to keep it
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Love you guys, take it easy and also peasy today!!!!!!
I can just post gore to get it nuked if you care so much cry baby
If they didnt want you to advertise yourself on 4chan why did they allow you to buy ads?
No you can't. The only way that would work is if nobody reported it

Because you pay money for those
This is Momo, Patchey, or Cody
Waiting for the day Johann is brave enough to bot likes on his Xeets that shill the Twitch account
No need he will just bot views using his niggerblue money
I don't like the guy
But he's not botting his ccv, there are that many people that vibe with his incel takes on Twitter

40K followers you expect some fraction of those people to move and see the guy live
If you don't like what he's doing, do something different yourself
Stop being a Gossiping Gertrude
Vtubers love minors
i had i nightmare about pafu DMing me
wrong thread sis
Pafu DMed me and I only noticed two weeks later, Pafu if you read this I'm sorry I'm actually retarded, I didn't know there was an extra tab for DMs because I'm a boomer who never used twitter before and I felt so bad I missed it that I didn't know how to reply so I haven't
i miss denpa
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Live in 20 minutes with Region Quest Nuzlocke as always yo. We moved onto Hoenn in Omega Ruby, hoping for 2-3 gyms today.

new Fwofie model coming I don't know if my dick can handle it bros...
It’s okay! Feel free just to say hi back! There’s no obligation of course to say hello to me, and I understand a lot of people are intimidated by me. My goal this year was to try and say hello to every active asp once this year so pls really don’t feel pressured:)
/ASP/ tell me how was your last stream and what when are you gonna stream next. And who is streamin right now i have an hour to kill until i stream
who should i commission a vtuber model from if budget isn't an issue? i want a high quality one but am not sure where to start
Do you know any artists with an artstyle you like? Try DMing artists on twitter or looking at who did who's model on twitch vtubers and asking them. That'll be a good start.
Iron Vertex or everything. If you're a cute girl, Yenkoes for art, Cillia for rig. That's the combo that Laimu has and theyre both really good at what they do.
My last stream went well, got to enjoy doing some art reps before diving into a game in pursuit of a bit. Might stream tonight if I can figure out what I want to do
Lets goooooo
If you stream after 2330 GMT+3 I can raid you
My last stream cemented my desire to quit until I'm good enough to entertain my viewers
Post link
An if you want to id love a collab
No need bro, I'm excited to start working on myself and my skills so I can do better in the future, will do my final stream for this year this week and I hope to comeback next year
To add into this because I just noticed its not worded properly, I'm not quitting because of bad numbers, I'm going to quit because I don't feel I deserve my numbers
Respect for that bro but should you need anything reach out ok? https://x.com/RamnorH
Look Im pretty sure people follow and watch because they like you. Despite that, i understand the feeling of wanting to be better and im fully supporting
Also do drop link
Post aspies you want to collab with
Anyone who will have me
iron vertex is a huge scam, once you go into their eco system you're forced to be overcharged for everything.
Last stream was fun, but got chaotic as usual. I still have a long way to improve but I'm motivated! I'll stream again around Sunday.
I have a lost of people who have asked me and I said yes but i'm so shy live that I still havent set up any details with them....
My last stream went great! It's been a while since I just did some pure zatsu and it was nice! Gonna be streaming some Monster Hunter Tri later tonight, probably in around 5 or so hours from now-
Wanna collab?
If girl use
Thats awesome
Drop a link so i can raid you cause im starting right now
can someone give me the rules when starting as a male vtuber please
They said budget isnt an issue though. aeru studio is also an alternative for a slightly cheaper model. Just the fact that it's made by IV and maybe rigged by someone like Brian already gives you a lot of publicity. So you're paying for the brand label as well. Thats why people get rigged by that one dude who does pink mouse even though his shit sucks
Oh, that's very nice of you- Here it is!
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Just start streaming and post your links here and say hi. That's it really.
holy fuck is this how women feel when men do way better than them in real careers when male chuubas get easily mogged by women just because they're women
Okay booboo i followed you and when you start ill drop a raid
mwah mwah
Just be nice and welcoming and dont give up
starting stream booboos come and say hello
how do I stop people from crabbing me or pulling rats out of their bunda about me? I do not want people claiming I am someone else just to try and get me canceled when I just want to be a retarded cute boy on stream
it will happen, just try your best to not bite the bait
Honestly you cant, it's the internet and people will talk about you no matter what. If you're weak to people crabbing and rrating you, just stop looking at the thread. It's as simple as that. The point of introducing yourself here on /asp/ is to let the others in the community and all the lurkers (hi all of you!) to know you exist and to be okay with you networking with them so they know where you're from instead of being some random.
yes. women feel like trash in the real world when girlbosses try to grind their careers. we watch retarded white males jump to c suite level positions while be severely under qualified while we have to fight to prove that we're good enough to get more than the yearly minimum raise.
I have not yet decided on the artist for my model, but I do have an image of how I want to look like. I might just overspend a little on this future hobby of mine, even if I am unable to speak. I hope /asp/ will be good to me.
Only in backwater countries like america. You should try catching up to our standards sometime
>unable to speak
mami reincarnation already using the commissioned money....
The corporate ladder is a fucking scam and everyone in management positions are retards, men and women.
when will male vtubers get our breaking the glass ceiling moment?
thats mute anon, he/she has been asking about how to do mute streams for over a month
I'm sorry. I heard about the Mami fiasco. I posted about myself long before he reared his ugly head. I hope people don't think of me as a reincarnation. I really am just a mute girl in love with VTubing.
are you mute-anon? do you wish to speak eventually one day? i think its better to start small and just see if you enjoy it before spending a fortune on the hobby. it takes a lot of time to get a model created and rigged too. i would suggest just streaming with a png at first and test the waters
No it's clearly Sukadrii making a new account. He will become giant fast this time since his girlfriend QB will shill him and help give the female identity legitimacy and he will just type in chat from now on
at least with a l2d he could show emotions on his face
You should try getting a booth model and customizing it or using a vroid so you can move around a bit to test out streaming to see if you enjoy it, while getting your own custom model is tempting, you should test the waters first before committing since they can be expensive.
It only took me two months to get art back and another 1.5 to get rigging back...
there are affordable premades that she should use then in that case.

mute-anon are you willing to show more of yourself on stream? like a handcam/keyboard cam or something? that might help as well to compensate for the lack of talking
The real problem is the kind of person watching male vtubers is not the same kind of person watching female vtubers.

Lonely male weebs watch female vtubers to fill a void of companionship and/or romance. Lonely female weebs do not have such voids. You are pure entertainment and women cannot form parasocial relationships with you.
>but the fujos who worship niji
will move on to the next hot anime guy with a deep voice and an english accent if they go away
> only 3.5 months
the anon has been asking for over a month now about streaming. i think she should just do it. she'll have to make a ref sheet and everything too. and it sounds like she wants a high quality model which may take even more time/waitlist time
This anon is getting your hopes up. If you don't have an in or aren't a stupidly famous content creator, you are not getting people of this caliber even if you can afford the 7k+ for a model
you should do a 3D model so it's easier to track hands to better show emotion
other idea: have a TTS speak through a puppet you hold
I think this is why you get guys trying to do the "brotuber" thing. Providing male companionship to lonely men
I don't like to entertain the idea I would one day show myself. I have been doxed before and it is not something I would want to relive. I have been on the internet for years, no one will believe I'm a mute woman and it's a-ok. I'm used to it already.
Recommended pngtuber software? I still just stick the png in obs when my pc struggles with the l2d but I would like something that can actually express and do little movements when I'm speaking
the most basic you can go that has more than something like Fugi is Gazotuber, but you can use pngtuber+ if you want to give it a bit more flair
i used veadotube or whatever back in the day.
Everyone arguing about male vs female chuuba. I just like to watch males so I can pretend like I have a hot and funny boyfriend. Some I really want to dm but I don't know how to approach guys
PngTuber Maker
Steam+Free so easy to use and update
Feels like we're getting some interesting people for gen 7 already
approaching guys is easy, just talk to them about stuff that interest them
I feel bad for not supporting enough Gen 6s and now that we're at Gen 7, I'm not sure if I can keep up anymore. There are too many people and not enough time to watch everyone.
I went through the same thing before I started streaming and I realized it doesn't matter, you can't actually support 20+ aspies let alone a 100, just do your best to support whoever you like
It's okay, you dont have to support everyone you dont like. It's part of growing as a vtuber to find your own audience and you cant be there for everyone, just do it for people you like and enjoy being with.
Always prioritize supporting newbies, specially if you've never watched them, give them a chance.
If you actually don't vibe with their streams, then move on, but at least give them one chance.
Gen 6 should have their own regulars at this point.
I've already made a model. Does anyone have advice when it comes to actually starting?
network with some people here, show up in streams, say hi. network with people on twitter, maybe ask for collabs with smaller creators. join a discord community of other small vtubers on twitter. advertise you're going live here and on twitter.
finish setting up your twitch page if you are streaming on twitch, start trying to get your leg up on twitter, start popping on the radar of other vtubers (not necessarily from here if you don't like us), work on the courage to actually hit live when you need to, test technical stuff like your microphone, your internet, if you play games then test if they will run well.
where do you find these discordS? ive never seen one
Check the streams of anyone who post themselves here and see if you vibe with them and they'll help connect you to the other aspies.
you can find them on their twitch channels, twitter, etc.
Look up vtuber network discord, friend discords for vtubers, etc. There used to be a couple around, but I dont check anymore. There will be alot of retards in there, but socializing and networking within those discords can help you potentially gain a couple friends or collab partners along the way. Starting as a total nobody is hard to do on your own, so making sure you have a couple chuuba friends to stream with you or watch you is a great motivator to keep going.
Ok! Since some tierlists yesterday were saying I have a "Hot Voice" and that they want me to "Kiss their ear and comfort them" I'm gonna put it to the test and see how badly I'll actually do if I tried. Give me some positive affirmations vocaroo script requests and I'll give them a crack later tonight. Keep the lewd ones to a minimum since I have negative rizz and am not fully comfortable with doing them right now. Just be warned, these will probably sound bad cause I dont know how to eliminate certain noises completely.
Who are the new people?
The only one I've seen was this girl that was trying to groom some oilers here
"You are a worthless whore and don't deserve any of my attention"
dm https://x.com/ElliottAmbers/ to get into the big networking discord for people here
There was a lurker girl who followed a bunch of aspies on twitter already Mari something, and maybe the mute anon if they ever end up streaming.
No the Elliott discord is full of schizos the only good one is >>79680300
>discord for people here
that discord is actively disassociating with this thread. It has nothing to do with here
a networking discord of 300 people that's active where you gotta dm a guy to get an invite vs a dead discord with 50 people posted here that nobody with sense joins

You do the maths
>All Girls

Ok hope they have fun, I'm gonna pass on this wave
I haven't even shown my model yet and people want to not watch me just for being a girl :(
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Live now with a relaxing handcam stream!

It's mostly crabs/groomers like Abigail and Eraxs trying to start convos, leaving because they don't actually know how to talk to people, and then uwahrabbit going "uwah!"
I want to sexpest this buff butler so bad I want to see his hot abs and for him to casually carry me
this thread has a terrible experience with girls who only come here to get viewers and who never support any of the males
It's not about the support
I personally don't give af about any of you "supporting" me, male or female
A Vtuber should have their own viewers, stop by and say hello, or don't idc

It's more that they come to this thread for a kickstart of male vtubers for their ccv, waiting for the eventual simp wave to lift them to the 20ccv plateau all of them fall under
I can name 3 women in this space that have acted like I was a fellow human being, instead of another +1 in their chat log.
Name the grifters sis!
When is Haru streaming again?
You forgot about azu plugging himself out of the blue whenever someone asks for any kind of help.
i make sure to remember each of my chatters’ names, interests, and personalities.
i even remember people who i haven’t seen from over a year ago.
When you pay her ransom fee pig I have had her trapped in my basment for weeks. Every recent post or discord message from Haru has been sent by me
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Ref sheet in progress look how cute I am !!
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We were supposed to play tabletops, but there's no table to top, so it's probably mtg or map making
Live in 5m o/
He's streaming this week with Beryl.
Genuinely looks pretty nice.
Good design!
I like your pants and I think they would work well with ninja tabi. I like your cloak and the insignia clip on it too.
I once experimented with a similar character concept, but I basically stole the design for Heat from Digital Devil Saga and added some stuff to it while changing the colors around.
summertime brings all the highschool and college girls looking for some extra attention
alpin is going to do lessons
I'm not against starting Gen 7 but isn't the list of active gen 6s like 8 people? Is Gen 6 just the cursed generation or?
Thank you!!!! My artist is a gem and I'm lucky to have her do all my stuff !
I was inspired by Egyptian style clothes, the finished product will have a lot of gold accents !
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yeah it's funny, for as active as it is, it doesn't seem very helpful, unless you're looking to be included in one of their masterpieces
Gen 6 started with Skab. There's a lot of people.
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The discord is comfy, but recently I've felt the crab overtake me
I might just lurk there for my own sanity
I took beryl hostage too he only showed up in the dumb foxes stream for a few moments before I caught him trying to get help. They are both happy to be my cum buckets now
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malph cute.
Need correction...
>the /vt/ boys
why would they ever do this
Abby croc of shit won't let you see the hidden channels but with the power of discord plug-ins you can see they exist
is there really nothing to be done but be a 2view male vtuber if you don't have connections or speak jp?
No you won't even get 2 view. 2 view is only possible for the gods amongst men and even then max ccv will be 25-30
Landitube if you want a more interactive/animated model. Otherwise just for for Veadotube for simplicity.
What do I do about all the twitter bots following me? It's too tiresome removing them all every day.
nothing. some of them will unfollow/get banned after a couple days

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