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Imouto Sox edition

Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


▼ Talents ==========================
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】

【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】

【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】

【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】

【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】

【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】

【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】

【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami

Previous Thread: >>79632253
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FFXIV is a mistake
kawaii art archive MEGA
Charzu CUTE
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I hope you're not busy at 7pm EST anon.
Meimi skeb spending

Nene Hunie Pop

Yuno Steam sale


Charzu SOTU

Isla 3D karaoke
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get the guy who did this one. I love it
>nene whore and more trannyge
yeah no
uh oh
melty on the first post must be a new record
uh oh melty over a melty
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she is streaming too, just no room yet
Fuck charlotte suzu
Fuck final fantasy 14
Eat a dick
Please tell me someone archived Reinas twitterspace, I was working :(

Do you think Yuno would go through the pains of learning how to play CK2?

she would not
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15 hours of no streams and then 3 starting at the same time. Fucking absolute morons
The game is unironically at its best when you don't know how to play and minmax all the fun out of it
its gets better Meimi is overlapping twice in one night lmao
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you keep saying no streams what is your damage name starts in half an hour
nami unironically doesn't count
how do archive twitterspaces anyway?
no one watches nami
there is twspace-crawler if you are familiar with js and there is twspace-dl if you know python
Shut it
I do, plenty of others do too.

Listen to my autistic JP bro
>Cut the clip so only a small part of "Juan Domi & Jorg's remix of Spiritual healing.
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How do I get Meimi to play xcom??? She loves turn based game right???
How do I get Shee to play UT2004??? She loves twitch shooters right???
How do I get Nami to lose weight?
Given how she fell in love with BG turn-based combat I think you have decent odds getting Nene to play XCOM.
Nami please grow beets they are amazing but careful with those types of veggies because they contain acids that cause kidney stones.
Depending on your current kidney situation, you might or might not wanna eat more or less veggies with oxalic acid.
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Fatty LOVE!
Home made beet kvass is amazing for cleansing.
KEKEDrojis lmao
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that means it's true
Is that really how that works?
>write a ridiculous rrat
>delete my own post
heh, nothing personnel
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uh oh
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god I miss Nano
What is your favorite stream?
my top 3 are her rerolling for kid cat, her scuff karaoke and her 69 karaoke playlist stream
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but which one is true?
deranged bratty nano is my favorite btw
she's really good at pretending to be crazy
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nyanocucks live like this
it's true that nene wants to go back to jamaica
This is literally me.

but she's WORTH IT, goddamn it.
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This guy has been shitposting and doxxing the girls here literally every day and every thread for more than a year. He literally just wakes up and spams shit for 12 hours every day
You'd think the mods would range ban him, but he doesn't even get regular bans. I'm surprised no one here became a janny to deal with this shit
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All of them!
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I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:


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omg hi kawaii friend spics!
We love spics here
we are all meixcan /HERE/ amigos
Ladies, ladies, ladies, please. Let the stars align and get one of our weeb senpais together with Belphie someday.
nigga. that's Ran. also good advice on jaypan food. also i would never travel to japan. i aint no fucking weeb
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ran-throughs (singular) will miss her joke handcam streams
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Yeah, for vdere HEYOOOOO
I'm just lamenting what will likely never be since Ran doesn't have a lot of time left and what she does is occupied with donothon promises and HMZ things. Lua and her had a collab but it was Bunny Man of all things. It was funny but a big missed opportunity. The thought is hitting worse right now because everyone is going to Japan.
you like to watch
I enjoyed them
niggaaa she'll be in phase or another small corpo one way or another, you can follow her then.
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what the fuck
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Why is Nano having an event on Tomoe's birthday?
Nano was a good hire
Nano should call Tomoe a bitch for fun.
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fuck yes Charzu on the main stage
not for streaming
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PKG is so desperate now that they'd play games with "traitors" LOL Talk about washed
based shee and ran playing for unity
uh pillow is a kwaii friend
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We didn't make the teams. It's one of those AI controlled things. The girls aren't playing. But you should go play in traffic.
Who the fuck is Dylan Galivan and what the fuck are these messages?
>Who the fuck is Dylan Galivan
I guess you're new
He is in every chuubas chat.
look at this fucking newfag, he doesn't know about our greyGODS
He has a moderate mental disability. Please be kind to our son.
Tomoe ends at 6 am Eastern. Nano event starts 4 hours later at 10 am Eastern
was it Dylan not too long ago who had the "brother was posting on my account" excuse? Made me rethink that he could be a child
3 witches with big hats on the team? Sorcery
I only remember when he tried to guilt trip vtubers by asking if they would still accept him knowing that he has a mental illness
>shee with that many latinas
You’re just a hater
No they don’t. They lock themselves in a closet and have sex.
Nami has been streaming for 4 hours
Says someone who spends his time here in /pkg/ instead in /vdere/. Oh wait…
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I'm feeling this right now
I will be there cheering for the concerts and in the end it will all be worth it but right now sucks.
nene the porn Vtuber playing a porn game very appropriate and on brand
retarded kektomo kill yourself
don't spread your negativity shit here. If the girls just wanted to be streamers they wouldn't have gone corpo. They want more. If you're not on board with support their dream there's plenty of other streamers thats just stream.
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umm ephemira... the unity...?
Tweet this to your oshi right now or you're a bitch
I'm just a greedy asshole. Last summer was better for me as a viewer. It might have been shitty for them and they deserve whatever actual downtime they can get in. Doesn't make me want streams less.
>having an X account
kawaii chuubas want to be idols (even if shitty underground tier ones) and sing for people in case you haven't noticed.
They'll demand their rights soon.
arisu sex
Post it in her waiting room
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>July 6
Tomoe Carmine Birthday
>July 7
"A Wish Upon Star Crossed Vtubers" Concert hosted by Navina Nova

Vtuber Hockey League hosted by Hirano Kokoro
>July 19-21
>July 20
Navina Nova Birthday
>July 30
Reina Sun Birthday
3D Solo Live Concert
>August 9
Kohaku Yumekui Birthday

Family Feud Company Collab
EONIA Concert

Production kawaii recruiting clippers
Nene Amano Extra Merch
>no kawaii friend Miki either
miki is there retardo
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I'm a bitch.
and I like that. But this is the empty schedule flipside to it.
oh sweet. I love miki, she's the cutest ESL on the planet.
>she's the cutest ESL on the planet
Peo exists. But Miki is cute.
>flayGOD cumdump
When is this? And on which channel?
vtuber hockey league
It's just some AI match thing
all I know is kawaii friend and polish supermodel Auri will call the traitor a bitch to her face
I love my adorable wife Meimi
based nasumatsuri
>no shee
Them outright saying all of our girls were not allowed to play along really soured me on the whole thing.
i am in love with my wife Tomoe
Ephemira already knew from the start, no wonder why they avoided the traitor whores as much as possible.
trooning out?
check members
There's nothing new there?
shee will have her revenge
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It's a Nene!
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I dropped Peo as soon as her whore behavior leaked out onto stream, she plays the bit harder than Uto ever did and Uto is a bitch EOPs won't know about either of them because they don't speak japanese so they'll continue to give money she will use for condoms
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get fukt western artists, skeb won
charzu cat
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If someone could tell Charzu to kill herself on her next stream I'd appreciate. Thanks.
kektomo keked again
sorry cucktomos i waked up late
>runs to 4chan and posts crying emote
effeminate nigga. this is why you get cucked kek
Meimi is spoiling me
she had too much fun with her camping friends, sorry buckos
Lottie says LETHE makes cute stuff, but doesn't know if her name is pronounced Le-thay or not.
Get Meimi to try Koume
I will tell her I want to impregnate her.
>meimi uses japanese artists because the collapsing yen means her dollars get japanese men on all fours licking her clitty
look at those pathetic yesman tomos in chat farming good boy points but seething in their private discords
surely you have proof?
>he does not watch streams and operates on /here/rrats
nigga you look stupid ass fuck. keep doing what you’re doing love kek
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I love Nene!
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The thing that gets me is how normally there is a cadence of things that happened daily. Right now so many things are happening and the streams so infrequent and short that they are just being lost in the mists of time.
>muh charger
my nigga andrew finna meltdown frfr senpai
ISLA SEX thanks Meimi
he cucked out
Fuck this I'm done with nene, I've dropped more vtubers this year than any other year, is this the end of an era or some shit?
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ive seen dime a dozen fimdom chuubas but never heard of sugarmama ones? do they even exist?
you improved yourself and whores are getting exposed
become a shee paypig
You've never heard of boytoys?
you are dropping her today and not yesterday?
he wasn't there yesterday
which ones? GIVE ME A NAME!!
am not following the discussion, what happened now?
what did she do yesterday?
ask neme for an invite and you won't get it
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you were not there either? that explains the fake outrage kek
wait you guys are watching nene instead of watching CGDCT in vsmp? and you call yourself kawaii fans? everyone knows kawaii fans watch CGDCT over anything.
you don't want me in any patreon because I will rip everything and post it on kemono
discordfags already do that
if this is real its fuckin mad cringe
your zoomer is showing
clearly not enough, the last kemono rip was from feb2024
Time pressures make it impossible for me to get comfy
male voice on stream in patreon
lua fat lol
Reina can you not act poor when out of the country plz.
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No, am watching Yuno window shopping
yes, mine
we had sex on stream too and lil cloud niggas clapped their hands along to me clapping nene’s cheeks
hmz was a mistake
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those yuno thighs look delicious
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damakek lol
I would destroy Meimi in basketball
Yuno said the THING the THING
based jamaican
based flayGOD
tell yuno to play silent hill 2, it doesn't have zombies and she would like the plot
You got Konami perms, my guy?
the slayer of peocucks
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>checked her stream to see the builds
>see this in chat
in my ideal world, people like this would be euthanized.
Lottie just mentioned Nano. They are singing in a duet.
thank you for the nano news anon, god i miss nano like you wouldn't believe
Lottie just sent us a goodbye kiss. No one in kawaii does that. "Le GFE" corpo my ass.
>perma online retard keeps seething over anime girls instead of changing his hobby
yeah at this point you are beyond mentally ill and should probably just end yourself.
you can try to convince us and yourself that you are just trolling but no one spends this much time seething over anime girls as "trolling".
I would feed Meimi so much food
This was never a corpo for gfe or cgdct in the first place, that is why koshitter left, can never trust western women being chaste
this is a cuck corpo, bucko
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Yep just look at holo EN4 newest picks, Niji sinking, kawaii down and been staying down forever now. Most indies now are normies that hate everything anime.
Next year will be... the last year.
This hobby was established off of CGDCT and GFE, only when it had solid footing did you tumblr girls and e whore come into it to try to change it. Fuck off
uh oh melty
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Miki was cute today falling asleep to pillow's asmr
I'm the last one though
If you've been jumping around different oshis that much it must not be that big of a loss that you're not still watching
Japanese women can also be whores, it's just western women are in you face about being whores.
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>This hobby was established off of CGDCT and GFE
No it wasnt newfag. Go back 7-8 years and see what vtubing was like. It was mostly about doing funny shit, doing comedy bits, sketches, etc.
i hate what vtubing has become but you are delusional if you think that it started as CGDCT/GFE.
Even fucking holo JP didn't start as that. They collabed with males for 2 entire gens before they remembered to do the idol gimmick and seriously limit their interactions with males.
who is your oshi?
I just assume women are whores, it's better this way.
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Makes more sense to say "it was established within japanese norms, then later japanese apexwhores and western ethots who hate anime flooded in to make a quick buck doing fake gfe and shit".
In kawaii? Isla. Outside of kawaii, my JP oshi retired like 2 years ago. I mostly follow vsingers and artists so a lot of singers and vtuber mamas in general. Don't really have an oshi among them.
>perma online retard keeps seething over shitposting instead of closing the tab
yeah at this point you are beyond mentally ill and should probably just end yourself.
you can try to convince us and yourself that you are just trying to save /pkg/ but no one spends this much time seething over 4chan shitposts
>It was mostly about doing funny shit, doing comedy bits, sketches, etc.
>not CGDCT
hello retard?
How appriopriate then you post an autistic and selfish crazy bitch
here's the difference tho', i drop by 3-4 times a day max (sometimes not even that much and sometimes i skip a whole day or two) and you are here all day every day.
but keep coping. whatever makes you feel like you're not a complete no lifer retard who's entire life is just vtuber drama. retard has screenshots 3-4 years old just so he can whip 'em out to show how this or that fanbase are "cucks". think about that. stop for a second and think how fucking pathetic that is. it's like you are a faggy activist instead of a true shitposter.
That was the intention, yes.
Lottie Shinju, Mono Monet
damn the yen is fucking cheap
what's with the nene anti meltdown today?
Vtubing gained solid footing when it because a parasocial grift aimed at lonely dudes, that's when normalfag tumblrina whores started coming in (during covid years) because they saw easy money and attention. Had it stayed as funny sketches and comedy bits 90% of the current vtubers wouldn't even be here.
Kawaii truly has one of the most dogshit fanbases ever.
First most of them are retarded third worlders, and second, you willingly let your general go to shit, and the state of it directly harms your girls because many of them got affected by rrats from here.
There was a cloudtomo that said "Tomos could completely take over this thread if they wanted" but they dont. They dont care about kawaii or even their own oshi getting trashed non stop because Nene gets the most hate here. They sit in their comfy discords and jerk each other off.
One of THE most pathetic fanbases ever. Throw in Isla doxxers into the mix and you get the picture what this fanbase is like overal.
Not to mention that everyone hates each other. There is ZERO unity among fanbases. No one would give a shit if some other girl from the company graduated. They only care about their own oshi.
>i drop by 3-4 times a day
that explains why the thread is so shit. drop by less, or stop coming here altogether if all you are going to do when you drop here is respond to the threadshitter when most anons ignore him
nene is a whore and she really wants to go back to jamaica (camping)(with comiket ojisans)
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R18 Nene
meimi focus on your stream
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Latest kawaii gen btw. This shit is pathetic. Three years of existing and your latest gen is 2viewing.
>Nene gets the most hate here
you got oneguy'd by the mindbroken samefag
most fags here are indifferent towards Nene at best, I haven't watched her more than 5 minutes because I don't wear adult diapers
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Meimi cute
hey now, don't pick on our 3rd string chuubas
andrew having a melty
they refuse to do real GFE and would jump on some male vtuber cock to own le incels because they are dumb nijisisters, what did you expect?
Can you fucking stop derailing chats to talk about sonic the hedgehog you fucking prick
Anon, that's the threadshitter begging for more engagement and (you) for his low effort threadshitting and trolling effort
Furries should just be blanket banned as a topic. It keeps happening
Why do you keep bringing up fagdrew?
I don't buy it, threadshitter is a third world ESL who can't form a sentence longer than five words
he is having a meltdown
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which andrew?
the one having a meltdown
the schizo with a bag mask
how do you know the melty anon is named andrew?
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vdere won
How much you want to bet she is trying to stream from shitty hotel wifi.
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>watching nene streams
might as well watch cuck porn with black dudes lol
Can't stand the laugh.
Never has there been a better time to post this
reina is the george floyd of vtubing
I miss Nano :(
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Honestly feel dumbfounded by Meimi struggling to reach a more stable 3view base like Tomoe and Kohaku. She is a really cute girl and good with chat, i just dont get it.
What klind of salaryman is sleeping in at 10AM?
A bit of debuff early on with contents, inexperience, and shitty chatter derailing the stream
She's coming back recently though, especially for her YGO contents that seem to have a good amount of core audience who would tune into her stream just for it.
I like Meimi but why would you watch Meimi for YGO over bestie?
text chat is GFE
With Meimi I don't have to give a fuck about yugislop because she's cute
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>feel bad
>be exposed to Nene
>feel better
it just works
Bestie kinda have a trashy zoomer vibe. I tried watching her before but she is just not my type
I'm not even watching Meimi for YGO, just notice how she does seem to gain some audience for it.
She's menhera with all the downsides and none of the fun parasocial bits
>with all the downsides
Can't be as bad as Sava. Meimi cyute
Sava gives you a type of parasocial that some maladjusted men are into (bpd menhera that hates you)
Charzu LIVE
There will be a brand new announcement on Charzu's stream after she goes over past events
Meimi is a good girl
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worse than LA
it s over
hyper japan will be streamed
woo, who's going again?
some SEAfren will grief Nene again...
uh oh...
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Hiyorin the heart of ephemira is getting props for being team sunny mvp
I am tired of watching Yuno lust after anime men that are explicitly not literally me
Performance probably isn't being streamed but we will have a booth there Anime NYC style, so we will have girls streaming that. Schedule and roster pending
I want to shove me dick so far down her throat
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what about one who is gender bent Yuno
we got cucked out of some kind of show at offkai too didn't we?
I would support others I liked with money and the occasional view, but keep up with Nene and two others over anyone else
On the plus side I have more burnable money since my donos have dropped by over half at this point I guess I will start finding another hobby to waste money on
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Isla Karaoke today
We had some type of event at offkai, it was like a quiz show type deal from what I heard the girls talk about. That was not streamed yeah.
Hyper Japan will have our best singer from each gen performing a concert (Isla, Lua, Kaya, Tomoe) so I will be very sad if there isn't a way to see it
Fuck it. I'll bite. I've watched streams. What are you mad about specifically?
I'm taking Charzu's latina card away
>yuno alter ego is peruvian french
Its the date for the concerts.
Who was in the quiz show?
Huh? How did i memoryhole this cover from Isla????? For some reason, i never notice it existing.
Lying about her camping trip, meeting male ex coworkers and being with them overnight on said trip. Getting railed and pretending she isnt as usual
Kaya Hiyo Ran Charzu
Charzu was invited to the PAM ffxiv concert but denied
for two reasons:
dodging male collab
Which raises the point, why do people not ask Charzu to do things? Nami, it's been YEARS. EONIA not doing it I get because they are all waiting for someone else to ask, besides Reina.
Their times just don't match. When Charzu starts her streams is when Nami is going to bed.
I've heard this cope. They have both streamed within the other's time range within the past six months.
They are in rival FFXIV gangs.
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She is just perfect
Then I don't know. I feel that they just won't mesh well if they collab. Lots of awkward silence.
fuck off. nami doesnt want to collab with her, and that's all there is to it. you keep drinking the timezone koolaid but anyone who isn't a retard doesn't believe her.
AAAAAAAHHH i want to comfy watch with Shee
Literally all of kawaii are passive and don't reach out like that even if they are available and can make time for things. Hiyori proved this when she and Reina got nearly the whole company into an impromptu collab in the late evening.
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I like kawaii
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weird song choice but ok
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>Lyrics not by Yuno Hanaki
I sleep, it's probably not good.
At least there was i n t e r a c t i o n with Yuno and senapais in the chat once the announcement went live
surely you have solid evidence to back up all of this? right, anon? surely you are not just fabricating cuck fantasies? right, anon?
>Lyrics not by Yuno Hanaki
thank god
>more xiv tranny slop
oh what the fuck
fuck this company
sisters run this company
I don't know why you waste your energy seething at a week's worth of content every 2-3 years
>Lyric by iku
Ahhhhhhhh IKU fat TITS.
kawaii friend Auwi is back
come say hi
Eh even if you are into it the current MSQ its pretty fucking bad
i will tell her to join her grandfather in heaven
Surely you can pickup on social cues right anon? You have been around enough women to know what type of girl nene is right anon, surely you aren't some lonely cuck eating up slop from some anime girl that is known for being a two faced grifter

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