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Summer Edition
Previous Thread >>79675227

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https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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When I see them I shout BAU BAU
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Rabu Mocotyan
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Literally Fuwawa's fantasy
those fat ojisans? me and my shadow clone
Oh the artist returned to twitter, nice
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Fuwawa needs to get a sex outfit like fat cat.
he should draw more Mocovariants
It's only her fantasy if both men are me.
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Skinnyfags stay the fuck away. I am Fuwawa's fantasy.
Some day, but first I want casualwear based on the stuff they like to wear themselves, those are always some of the best outfits. Matsuri's ones that she said she even sent pictures of her own clothes as reference look better than the default.
That's not even her sex outfit. Her sex outfit is members only.
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I want to lick behind her human ears
I want to cum in her decorative human ears. she can just pop them off and put them through the wash.
they don't come off
woah wtf its only 3pm i thought it was almost 6
If they're permanent how can they be decorative? God is a sick bastard
rabu rabu mogo-hime
didn't ask
You have so much time in the day left, anon! I hope you plan on doing more than just gooning all day
drinkin and playin video games
the goonies watchalong when
they're demons God doesn't care
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fuwawa you are so fluffy
it makes me want to hug you
mococo your nose is stuffy
but your smile always shines through
i love you both please dont ever leave me
mid AF lyrics ngl
kys purityschizo
this is very soulful
wish more anons would draw
Getting likes on good night tweets is hard. I mainly get them on good morning or mid day ones.
they liked my bad morning and bad night posts
Maybe you just suck at saying good night
so which streams are getting canned this week?
portal 2
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Skill issue
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Homework Day's getting cancelled
everything else but superchat reading and collabs. OSRS will be cut game. out of embarrassment when they see what the Ruffians do in gsme.
All of them
i want to fuck Mococo's floaties
Holy fuck demons are disgusting
Mococo's bratty ass bauncing up and down my face.
Mococo, please don't say that word
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i miss twitter project spams
go fuck yourself
don't talk to Mocochan like that
it's kinda sad there isn't even anything for their 1 year anniversary I hated the spam too but surely this and 3D are big enough moments vs mococo having the sniffles? No one even cared about her during fluffy week...
Kek I don't. You retards would spam about how much you hate them and how projects were all garbage, then would go menhera when FWMC would mass like everyone who took part.
sorry, Moco-chan
then start them yourself
I don't.
>there isn't even anything for their 1 year anniversary I
Yes there is. It's been ongoing since before December
I just saw a white day like across the street.
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Onions sauce is shit, it tastes like nothing. Fuck the japs and their shit taste.
What the fuck I typed soi sauce
fresh baked mocopan..
I shit myself again
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>Onions sauce
Newfag-chama... use "sọy" ts actually hilarious seeing people try to speak spanish here kek
there's no way the osrs VOD lasts so be sure to archive during the stream if you care
I can't wait for when FWMC finally slay all Gorillas for being annoying pests on stream
mococo's floaties...
fuwawa will giggle, go “EEEEHHHH?” and become flustered and you will seethe
You just get mindbroken every time Mococo mentions being sexy onstream don't you?
Mococo is very childlike. If you feel any sexual attraction towards her at all, you most likely have pedophilic tendencies.
uh based
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there's no wrong way to fantasize, wuffian
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Mococo is my sexy daughter wife
why are those there?
Biboo is my cute daughter wife. Mococo is my sexy wife daughter. Mori is their god mother
Top tier artist right there.
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where else would she keep them?
One of the main activities of idols is collabing with professional male entertainers. Do you want FWMC to be idols, or do you want to remain unicorns?
Newissa Haachama cooking collab... FWMC what are you doing
their best
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her most erotic one imo
Have they ever said how often they bathe with each other?
they're still larping like they don't
they never do that
They only shave each other
They bathe every day. It saves water to do it together.
so i saw an old thread and people complained that they got rid of the natto challenge?
it was getting old how long do you want them to do it for? till she likes it? or did you just like hearing mocochan choke on it and wanted it to continue.
be real, it was getting boring.
You’re right. They should switch to actually eating my cum.
>or did you just like hearing mocochan choke on it and wanted it to continue.
Yes. It was a fanservice segment that gave me the greatest orgasms to start my week. I'm gonna miss it. They're going to have to start kissing or masturbating each other every Monday to come close to matching it for me.
They've said they don't, Moco-chan has complained about the time Fuwawa takes to bathe and said she browses twitter while she waits.
I only tolerate Haachama during her ASMR or Minecraft streams, I hate the wacky shit
I'm just glad mococo doesn't have to suffer it anymore, but I'm sure fuwawa will think up something even more insidious.
What a shame.
Is Chammers still pretending she can't speak competent English or has she moved on from that?
>Yes there is. It's been ongoing since before December
Do you mean that clips compilation that I saw posted like 3 times in 6 months?
Breeding the princess!
why is there more mocobunny again all of a sudden?
I just eat a very nice avocado
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In my country people love avocado so much that we dried towns over the production
Getting a bidet is the best purchase I've ever made. I no longer have to worry about the nasty shits I get from fast food.
Mococado Avocado
Open up Wuffian
god why does food taste so good when you're fucking hungry
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uh did they wake up early or did they not sleep?
Didn't sleep
probably not sleep
I made a reddit account so I can downvote all the clique members
Oh, there we go, I was wondering yesterday why there was no reddit post this time!

I've already said everything I wanted to say about the schedule on YouTube and Twitter, so instead of repeating myself, and since I want to BAUlieve you read everything anyway, I'll just say good job, puppies, and GANBAURE! You got this, it's gonna be a fantastic week!

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I'm new to Fuwamoco, never watched much Hololive before, and was wondering why do they look so different when they are twins ?
No, I am really interested is there lore about it ?
They're identical.
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Other than hair length and clothing color, they are literally identical
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I thought it was fucking dead since it was barely shared or announced at all
Not like this...
Tomorrow's stream is cooked
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Portal better be canceled because I'm assuming that means they didn't sleep at all. A stream isn't worth falling apart and risking the convention appearances.
Anons portal is in 28hrs kek
Vagueposting again
Which one of you fucks upset the doggos
Does Fuwawa pad her tits and butt
Yes and they have 20 hours of work ahead of them today. Also where the fuck did you learn math, it's in 27 hours
They upset themselves by staying up all night and now they need to go to the office.
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Why are they like this?
FUWAMOCO are just like the jps kek every jp menhera post on members, lamy and nene are the worst ones but marine and polka como close
I love Lamy for it
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Only membered to Marine among these, but yeah, her membership content is 90% either horny diaries or picrel.
>Right on, dude.
The true JP experience.
GFE in its purest form...
>on members
I wish we got member posts
Lamy bro one day the collab will happen
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 328: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime.
Will you have cake on the anniversary?
Lamy collab would be amazing
It's too bad she doesn't seem to be on FWMC's radar... Even though she's usually such a good collab partner to bounce off of
what happened to twitter
Elon couldn't take more of the big W posters so he's messing with twitter so nobody gets one today
runatan everybody's golf collab
that's the real kino you didn't even know you wanted
somebody should scoop this anons efforts to fwmc
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put me in the screencap
They did like her tweet when she released Lamy Love Fest, so there's that
mane-chan, do something
Anon watched an episode of anime
and now for Mococo with the weather
this fujo will play final fantasy xv
Rolling the dice today. What are the odds we get Portal moved? I figured if they were gonna collapse and push/delete anything, it's be the MC stream because they want to get through all the SC's, wouldn't want to push Portal, and would never skip out on collabs.
>no down arrows
False prophet
i just hope we get a stream guys.
Portal better be more expendable than Minecraft it already has been weeks. They should play ongoing series than starting yet another fucking game if they have to shift schedule
eh, they can play a few puzzles and end it there.
it's not like they are doing the whole series.
just the multi-player
I honestly think Mococo should try clearing the rock game one day. She has the potential to do it.
They're in the numberfag mindset. It's hard for new viewers to jump in on streams labeled 4 5 6 etc. Better to start a bunch of streams so nobody feels like they have to watch from the beginning. Plenty of Holos have talked about that, it sucks but if you really wanted to grind subs, just start a bunch of games or short one shots that can be completed in one stream. Things like VNs or JRPGs are number poison.
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JWU, thank fuck natto challenge is over. That segment got so stale
I should ask them to play the Kuukiyomi series on their help tag. I've been talking about it here for a while, but it's a really good one-off that could give a ton of great moments for them that could easily be clip-able.
in a bunnysuit
they've played it before
They should really just do eroge reviews or something that would be a nice unique niche that would grab people because sex always sells and would probably make a lot of clippable moments. Plus Purityschizo could finally kill himself.
They played it before in their PL so they probably don't want to play it again.
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They dont have luck
they missed ALL THE meme games during the move and are now ending their body with work they could fix that with more meat and less plants in their diet
The only way they can numberfag properly is if they get more HP to tank the streams and work at the same time
>Playing something their fans have been asking them and would really love to see
>The numberfag mindset
Anti thread.
it's minecraft
why are they so menhera?
I was responding more to the guy who was complaining they start new games like Portal. He's also missing the fact that some of the games that he wants them to "continue" they no longer have perms for like OOT.
they're women
FNaF vod views are btfo of their shorts streams it's time to unleash the zoomerslop. Baldi's Basics, Subway Surfers, Advent Roblox.
I miss RnRs more than anything, but it's extremely obvious and entirely reasonable why we're not getting them for a while.

Frankly I wish they would play the actual main story mode, I think they might like the writing if the puzzles don't filter them too hard. It's superficial and silly enough, with over the top characters/voice acting that they might enjoy.
Can't they play the other FNAF games? I thought there were 4.
who killed Nerissa Ravencroft?
But then we also have Subaru who played 60+ hour JRPGs weekly and it gets her some of her highest numbers. Why can't we have that?
That stream was fun as heck, I wouldn't mind another one for them to finish the game and if they do it too quickly try the bonus stages with no intention of clearing.
Nerissa is also on the numberfag mindset and it's been killing her streams as well. She's been spamming verticals and shit games and has gone without a karaoke just as long as FUWAMOCO have. Clearly Nerissa and FUWAMOCO should have sex on stream, get to 1 million, and then go back to having good streams.
how do you get FWMC to improve their game sense?
mocochan needs to improve, fuwawa needs a refresh of being.
is it because they aren't PC gamers?
>I miss RnRs more than anything, but it's extremely obvious and entirely reasonable why we're not getting them for a while.
We're getting one next week, should be fun. Hopefully nothing goes wrong.
they just need to play turn based rpgs instead
This is barely anything.
>Numbers mindset
>Grinds prayer on stream for 8 hours
You might be retarded.
Am I stupid? When did they say this, this morning on FWMC Morning?
Twitter, replying to their schedule post
Yeah she actually likes that game but she's also been spamming verticals and playing shit like Sisyphus, Platform 8, and the like.
They said regularly, but if we count the one this week as one, then it'll be the week after next since RnRs are every other week
I thought it was 'We'll do one soon, in July!'. July just started Anon.
They said back in July. They could do one karaoke on July 29th and it would still count.
But that Anon said 'next week' which is why I was confused and thought I missed something
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Nerissa hasn't been doing karaokes
a. because her vocal chords were damage pre-debut from belting incorrectly (she was tasting blood) WE JUST LEARNED ABOUT THIS OFFICIALLY 11 MONTHS AFTER DEBUT IN A RANDOM OSRS STREAM
b. because she's probably singing a ton for 3D stuff so doesn't want to strain more in streams
t. Jailbird
Baldis Basics would be kino
I know why she hasn't been doing them, I'm still saying she hasn't done them in a really long time.
FWMC should play OneShot.
i said it many times but it's the best short story interactive game of all time.
i think they would like it.
and they might feel sad or cry in the end.
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i'm onto you "reps" anon. i know the real reps anon died long ago and you're just a script posting fake progress everyday!
i shan't be fooled.
I wish FWMC and Newissa would balance each other out. FWMC go too hard on stuff and burn themselves out. Newissa doesn't try hard enough and often will do the bare minimum for 2 hours and check out. If FWMC gave a bit of their energy to Newissa, we would have constant, consistent, good streams from both.
They should fuse.
They need to have sex on stream.
That would for sure get them both to 1 million.
Sure, I suppose. Still, a while was how long we've been without them, not a couple of weeks.
I would prefer they drop FWMC Morning if we could get 6-7 solid streams a week. Instead they should do good mornings like Ririka does. It would also cut down on menheras whining about not being picked for Doggie of the Day, Question of the Day, Walk, and ESR.
kys deko
>Newissa doesn't try hard enough and often will do the bare minimum for 2 hours and check out.
personally that sounds comfy, dunno
reminder fuwamoco intended to stream for max 2-3 hours before back in september then that all changed suddenly
Most of the important stuff will only be said when you least expect it in a random long stream
Got a like on my reply
tranny game
they're sadliking. portal might be in danger
I haven't got a like. My smile is in danger.
How organic.
How does that encourage you to go outside and touch grass? FWMC Morning is their project to fix NEETs
gigi liked my reply
I liked my reply.
king isn't even a good song
i haven't gotten that desperate yet
They can just say "Go outside today Ruffians!"
>It would also cut down on menheras whining
Why let a bunch of fags dictate the content???
okayu played it already fag.
mocopan liked my reply it still has crumbs on it
shut up antiFWMCmorningschizo
We've been getting FWMC Mornings in the place of real streams for months now. Oftentimes it's the only thing they do that day. When they had a lot of energy and time, they could do FWMC Morning and a stream on the same day, now all the planning that goes into FWMC Morning could give us an actual hours long stream and they could also sleep more.
What is Koahri implying here?
>anons saying FWMC liked their comment
sure buddy, sure.
they are demon dogs
Holy fuck this fight is literally "Zanzibart forgive me"
>FWMC Morning is their project to fix NEETs
I don't suddenly stop being a neet just because I go on a walk or wake up early
At best I'm not as much a hikkineet anymore and just a neet
eigo jouzu
I've been saying I'll do my best every time but I think maybe I could do better. Then again, maybe not killing myself is all I can manage at this point in which case I am doing my best.
They want to be your Misaki anon, will you let them?
They need to be alive for that, not killing themselves over homework
Is there a way to block certain hashtags on twitter? I keep being bombarded with pink whore's art.
Nope, maybe something else, I shall see.
Nope x2. Even if someone tries, they can not possibly react to it. Also, lemme live in an illusion that they are actually /here/, they're following my journey and they're silently cheering me on.
I'm still alive and kicking. Okay, maybe not the latter, but I'm at least not dead.
menhera faggot
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fuwamoco cute
>Suisei is sperging about swimsuit illustrations again
Really hope FWMC don't become like her in that way. Or the no streaming way. Or the anti gachikoi way.
orange shiori kissraped me
You can be sure FWMC will never become prudes like Suisei. They personally enjoy ecchi VNs and anime. For the GSC panel, they were even saying they wanted to talk about cast off figs,but probably shouldn't to not get bonked
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even gg gets to have sex with newissa while fuwawa staus in the kekchair
Fuwawa doesn't need Newissa anymore, she has her hair, blood, and sweat. She's growing her own.
Relationship with Newissa gets cucked by her kouhai
Relationship with Marine gets cucked by both Newissa and her own sister
Being Fuwawa is suffering...
you fags have an extremely loose definition of "sperging".
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peroccino is just a corrupted chattino
Its ok she likes the drama
she likes being the losing heroine every time?
Saying you don't want porn on your official art tag is one thing. Saying you don't even want swimsuits on your tag is weird.
Suisei is so lame these days
it's a meme boomeranon
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I'm pretty sure she's talked about this before last year and she meant things like picrel, not just swimsuits in general.
She's changed a lot since the early days. Her singing got better but everything else got worse.
fuwamoco encourage artists to draw porn of them
If you look at her post she now means everything with exposed skin. Part of it she says is because if she allowed swimsuits, people would draw micro bikinis, and while I'm sure that's true, it's also true she never liked any lewds in the first place and was always trying to shut them down.
i do not care for suisei
Yeah it literally is the same thing she's said since forever, I'd guess she's saying it again because she's gaining like a thousand new fans a day.

I dunno if it's just me but there's been this weird shift in tone in the catalog lately regarding her where she does perfectly normal stuff or things she's done since debut and some sperg tries to paint it as the worst thing ever, and some people eat it up. I don't particularly care for her nor what she does but it's very jarring. Later I'm expecting to be seeing people bitching about how she shills herself so hard when it has always been one of her most celebrated traits. Feels forced.
I only like her music, and even then, only some of her tracks
Don't really care for her herself that much anymore because she feels so detached now. Really hope FWMC don't end up like that when they make it big
She probably self inserts to the point where that stuff makes her uncomfortable, maybe it is not too different from making nude edits of 3dpd in her eyes. She made the design herself instead of it being something she was given so there's probably some extra attachment.
Read her post, she is now banning swimsuits outright as well as anything with exposed skin on her tags.
i agree, she's been pretty much static (activity & attitude wise) since like 2022 yet sentiment has shifted and it feels jarring because i see zero good reasons for that. but also why are we discussing this here
If FWMC asked you to not masturbate to them, would you stop?
no lmao
That would just make me want to do it even more which is wild to think about because I average 5.6 times a day already to them.
Antis like to shit on people who are successful. That’s it.
Bizarre hypothetical. Would make more sense to discuss a possible "please do not fall in love with us" instead.
They want lewds of them, those will not be made if people are not masturbating to them. Does not add up.
>menheras in the replies
I would lie and say I never did it in the first place to get them jealous
I'll chalk it up to the state of the board this past year, they're allowing any marineschizo-tier retard to let loose and shit up an entire thread if you mention [specific random holo they decided to target]. There was a catalog bait thread the other day that was shitting on Gura, Mumei, Biboo (iirc) and Fauna and the entire thread was basically just shitting on Fauna. Global is fucking unusable, apparently so is /#/ if those anons in global are right about the crossposted shitposts, and don't get me started with /baubau/. Anons lost their minds when they realized they were banning people for reporting shitposts and doxx just a few days ago. It's just not getting better.

Sorry but...
Fuck LA and fuck everyone who lives there. That city could be nuked and humanity would benefit.
Jesus. How do FOMOfags live with themselves?
Shit got way worst after the IP counter was gone.pngsm
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>big ass homo schedule
what is “haachama now”
I just looked at the most retarded schedule ever kek
I would tell them to stop being so effortlessly sexy
You're right. Jesus fucking christ what were they thinking?
Smells like a mane-chan retweet. The kind that back when likes were public I'd always laugh because it would be retweeted but not liked.
the fuck
the masks are coming off
So their Q&A shares the slot the with RnR Party?
>EN con
>2 EN talent times
>5 JP talents
>2 hours of dudes
What the fuck is this?
That comes across as very rude. Is this a meme or joke I don't get?
Thats the holo en tweet no fuwamoco
They are the final slot of the day. Maybe they will run overtime like the one at NYC.
Doesn't make much of a difference given the oshi mark.
That's a little bit better but it doesn't make ruffians look great
Doubt it if they need the same setup of a mic and staff to screen the questions
They are retarded. Doing this kind of stuff with FWMC pfp or oshimark reflects badly on them.
DEATH to the homos
Post got deleted.
>Make Ruffians look great
Where the fuck have you been?
Ruffians are antis causing trouble...
wtf lol
Probably some time they got wrong, that twitter account is run by a complete imbecile. Feels like every single post with a date has it wrong.
>Ruffians made them delete the tweet
They forgot the yagoo and fuwamoco panel btw
Do you think the guy that went on a menhera episode in their replies right after they asked us to protect their smiles gives a shit about how anything affects FWMC?
Just retards check twitter replies
That wasn't on purpose? I immediately noticed it wasn't there and thought it was just because they were specifically listing one venue and this would be at another or something like that.
Absolutely fucking grim. But hey, at least they don't forget to post dead memes or reply to talents with retarded bullshit.
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It is taking an absolute amount of patience not to say something to these assholes.
I thought that was something else entirely and not just a "panel" so it wasn't on this schedule
They will just block you anyway. I told one of those imbeciles to stop posting schizo shit on their tags and they just call me a hater and blocked me.
It's because everyone in the clique enables them.
/baubau/ is in full bitch eating crackers mode kek
If you see schizo shit, you gotta press the button. Be it here or twatter.
I hope they aren't just upset about US politics
why would they be
I didn't get this reference at first, is it like "I hate this guy so much, the sound of him breathing is too much"?
Drumph is going to win
check the mega, sort by newest
the left keeps ratcheting up their fear porn idea of Trump being giga hitler that'll magically implement a 1000 year reich if he wins, and a surprising number of people actually unironically believe it. And they're sweet empathetic white girls so they're the target audience of it if they're politically inclined.
they aren't even american
I'd vote for him if that was his actual platform
They're from the NWP and they'll probably be buried in Japan, what do they care?
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The issue is they're so sweet and empathetic that even if it's a foreign country and doesn't affect them I can see them bursting into tears after reading about how trump is going to win and proceed round up all the journalists and put them in concentration camps
they're not going to collab with your homos
How the fuck can they do it a second time after Trump already won and none of the fear mongering came true?
Funny how murricans believe anyone but mexicans care about their politics
thanks koahri
how does Trump bau bau?
FWMC commentary on US election soon
>Mocochan, we're getting news CNN has just called Florida for Trump, BAU BAU!
I just farted
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anon just farted, and now for Mococo with the weather
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best post in the thread
We haven't had a sneeze in over a week.
What the fuck?
FINALLY! Baused!

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