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>/corpo/ resources:

>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
PRISM: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/

Previous thread: >>79527573
Shiki drew Eva?
Danke anon
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jellyfish doing jellyfish stuffs
remia cs2
Is she GFE?
So she's a whore
No, unless you consider CS2 her BF
then nene (kawaii) is not a whore?
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Mimosa cover premiering NOW
Scarlett is starting Morrowing playthrough
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Looking for a partial archive of Menace's vods: Sept 15 - Nov 7 2022. I know it’s a longshot, but I'm putting it out there just in case someone has them. Unfortunately these vods aren't on her YouTube channel. I'm not posting in /jidf/ because it'd be off topic.
arya (gfe) buckshot roulette (she has a cold so wants to wait it out before streaming apex, her main)
how did you manage to misplace the question mark
kek, im on my phone so needed to replace the /live/
Is this one GFE?
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Lina-55 Just Chatting

Amase Io Weird Meese
I'll bump with something mildly incendiary. How does your oshi/corpo stack up?
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Shee has a normal job too doesn't she(e)?
Damn Shee is a powerhouse but I can't watch her because EU and work
She does, i don't know how she can stream that many hours and also not be a snoring rest, i wish my oshi could do the same
I wish PAM went the projektmelody route and did CB and OF. I’d dump hundreds a month on her no joke
Emi Rose (Emilene Briar) playing The Quarry
hundreds in what unit of measurement exactly?
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I don't know if I would wish for that exactly but I would like PAM to make me cum.
I actually thought her secretary to be sexier
Did she ever resurface?
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Since we're talking about PAM, she's doing something FFXIV related if you care
Aka? No she’s gone gone unfortunately
Saw Arial getting Twisty collab in 5 days
Neat. Twisty did say she watches small corpos and Arial is her favorite.
I think she has a collab with Raki and Miuna planned too
Jira soon
Can we cancel Bri?
It being used in motion is even more horrifying
one day misaki will come back
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You got me curious, Naki did 242 hours this year. Not bad considering January was the only month she fully streamed in it. counting 24 hours of twitter spaces, so 218 if that's unfair

And while I'm here I don't feel like/don't see the point in baking /ppg/
I don't even like Overwatch but she's so precious
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Emilene Briar The Quarry pt2
mero not in special thanks? those outcast allegations have to be real
Kanna streamed for 195h 40m since she debuted on 25th of May. Out of that 156 hours and 17 minutes was in June. I can't remember if she did any collabs where she didn't stream her POV so that's not counted in.
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it is yumover+
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Spica has 963.4 hours counting public and members videos
960 hours if we round it for shorts and other uploads
but that's since her ungraduation, which was about 14.5 months ago
so about 66 hours per month, 792 per year
she basically streams every day, bar getting kidnapped by her parents to go on vacations, 66 hours a month sounds right
aimee too i think, 1 month until they can re-apply again. rip
She was on Chio's birthday playing Lethal Company for 2 hours without streaming her pov. I think that's the only non streamed collab (not counting the VSMP obviously)
In other Spica news
She finally got her reference sheet

Also apparently her schedule is up too but only on this schedule waiting room
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HItfDQgRWY8 that's kinda hard to find
Finally proper 3dio stream since she got a new audio interface for it
Damn. That stinks.
Oh yeah, I missed parts of that stream because it was late and I passed out.
cute child
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Lillian the Maid- Monster Loves You + weekly Schedule
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Mero ANNO: Mutationem btw does 10PM EST mean something else in Canada?
It's not bad for a traitorous whore
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Lucid ESO collab

Tea (maybe?)


/pkg/ told me she was into Norwegians, but it looks like she is more likely to elope with Krum...
I'll eat them, and then eat out Mozzu.
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Sera Kesera- Buckshot Roulette + New Updates
Eva's Wendy's adventures

Damn she's getting big, and almost to 20k subs
She's getting architect'd in real time
I found Utahime and the rest of her genmates this week from the VSMP and she has grown on me so much. I’m so surprised not many people watch any of them.
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Weekly Schedule
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Rixxy Brightful, Robot Girl of NEXAS, is on the final hour of her endurance stream.

>She is also currently at first place of AniLive's Pixel Art event/

Anyone know wtf that alarm was that made boss pause the stream? She’s acting like it’s health related.
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pet the dog
People watched them until suddenly they lost their steam the week after debut, Uta sabotaging herself with early break, Vicky focusing on Twitch, Miu exams and internet issues. Only Miki basically trucking along.
Honestly I only really follow Miu and she was great at the start. The middle streams weren't my favorites, this was when she said she wanted to stream more League, at least once a week, thank goodness that didn't end up happening. Lots of health issues. Then more exams and now we're in her Megaman phase which I'm not really into.
I wonder what the future holds for EIEN. Gen 3?
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Raein Clowd- Kindom Hearts Final Mix
>Subscribers only chat with low 2 views
Is she stupid?
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Weekly Scheule
Me marrying Kilia.
>Verification not required.
I’ve been watching Uta since even before her debut on her personal identity which she still streams on and she said on stream she took a break because her school had final exams. I assume that’s why she also took a break from Uta. It’s a shame she had to take the break for it I’m sure she could have done well as a corpo if she didn’t take a break.
I wonder why Raein set it that way.
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Comfy retro gaming
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I am watching Jonathan Blow play the remake right now
Eva is about to become the first vtuber to kill someone out of road rage. she's deathscreaming slurs towards other drivers with bright lights
Is he GFE?
>I'm actually a streamer so
Holy sperg, I cringed hard
He is the programming love of my life, yes.
Eva got raided by Scarlett
i'm hungry now
What chat picked for her
what a dork
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Just checked her out she seems sweet but super hung up on numbers
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no way it's the real account on eva's stream
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i think she just got her times mixed up
Stream over, she raided into Mercy.
Mero schedule by the way
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New kawaii unit orisong announced
lyrics by Cosmia Iku
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Shizuku Shadowbrook Arts and Crafts Handcam

Elyna Duskfell- Elden Ring

Arashi Nebula- Subnautica
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I want to stick my hockey stick between Roro's goal crease
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I'm surprised this thread darling hasn't really been growing in terms of views as much as the others. I get that she's busy with a million other things, but you'd think her community would at least try to shill for her.
Her game choices aren't really engaging from a viewer standpoint and I can't really get a feel for how I'm supposed to chat in her streams so I don't even try. She is cute and I want her to succeed, along with the other Yume+ girls, but I just don't feel any strong desire to watch her streams, I don't know how else to put it. Also, it feels like her community is just a handful of groomers. I can't even hornypost about her without at least one of them getting mad, apparently.
very cute outfits I especially like isla's
It’s just the loli buff. She herself has said “don’t lewd the loli” in her debut stream and is one of those.

Also you can thank Halhorn the yumegroomer for making her chat like that.
ogey yume schizo
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I finally got my brotuber...
I can't believe Metorial is actually Malaysian
I thought she's from Taiwan or even Japan
really you couldnt believe it? was pretty confident she was sea
it was pretty obvious, but i think she only reveal her country after akio implosion and the ceo's racist comments
She fooled me
t. Malaysian
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Riyu the Lamb playing Rimworld + Weekly Schedule
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[HIghTideSha] Nious Heiramond starting Dead Space (for real this time) in ~2hrs:
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Enominya Andi showing off VRChat Swimsuits with Arry and Coda
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Bitches be vacationing
she should unironically start a travel blog
Anyone wanna camp LAX with me
Isnt this bitch on vacation every month? And like every month she cries about rent and food?
Women when they say they have crippling social anxiety:
I wish you could afford one
Hey Mozzu be sure to handle literally everything about our group while I’m gone on vacation ok?
Spica playing Don't Scream
She started on the wrong waiting room earlier, silly cloud
She once said that she has to choose between food and heating during the winter, all this while having a dog that is fairly expensive to maintain and groom.
She is a lying pity baiting grifter whore.
Her thigh reveal donothon is the peak of her being a massive dono baiting slut.
This bitch gets hololive tier money and is constantly on vacation and when she streams she just cries about how her life is bad and she's poor and doesn't have money to buy food
Worst vtuber ever
This bitch should get a life
It's funny how every girl in vdere is way more entertaining that her and she rakes in the most money just from pity baiting. Mozzu mogs her in entertainment value and of course, Spica destroys her in singing and in pure cuteness.
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almost every vtuber I've seen is more entertaining than her, she feels like an anituber
Cute Spica whispering
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I know it says "Anonymous", but maybe you should reconsider
Good morning to all second class tabemonos.
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Good morning. I love and miss my wife Mari.
I really don't see why she gets so many paypigs, she is not bad, but she is nothing out of the ordinary either and she doesn't do hard gfe or asmr so how the fuck did she farm so many of them?
Spica thinks minecraft is scarier than don't scream.
and now she's gonna play Minecraft
Men are easy
>she doesn't do hard gfe
She doesn't, now. She did back in kawaii. Plus she had a separate character for coombaiting in her dark alt persona...forgot what was it called.
It was basically a perfect storm of setting up a good paypiggy fanbase for those 6 months.
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sex with the shark
Sell me on Miya, what is she like, what streams I should watch to get the general idea of her content?
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I think Amoria tried to raid Spica but not sure if it went through
Ended pretty scuffed
>I'm off to LA!
>If any mutuals are in the area, DM me!
you just know heh
Yeah offcollab with other cute girls.
Uh oh? UH OH???!!! Multi thread drifting melty?
Ready for some LA action
Spica is way too cute, no girl should be allowed to be this cute
Spica's hobbit house building will continue later this week
she's thinking of doing Lord of the Rings watchalong with members tomorrow
Raided Miya and Piapi
cba to watch to find out but this is the account that sent the supa
looks legit

Eva said that to the Wendy's employee who probably looked at her weird ordering what she ordered
Somehow I'm getting JP clips of the VSPO EN girls
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Remia starting.
Not surprised Brave Group are paying for exposure, I think VSPO is going to quickly not be small corpo. But I'll enjoy the time until we get kicked out here. I think we're already on thin ice with /v4m/.
/v4m/ up >>79749667
>I think we're already on thin ice with /v4m/.
Isn't that just schizos replying to schizos?
imho we should just hunker down here instead of /v4m/ because the increase of schizos targeting that thread since VSPOen debuted is fucking insane, the schizos wont know that we are here
No, just the general mood is a bit not welcoming, people aren't appreciating that we shat up the treehouse and relative coziness of the thread and ruined its vibes.
We could but it would be quite easy to overrun this thread when we get too big. It would be nice if we could just merge with the JP VSPO thread but their vibes are quite different. The best course of action is to splinter off as soon as we can.
>merge with the JP VSPO thread
they are a bunch of last samurai so that will never go well
just overrun this thread until we're sick of you
better than getting overran by /pkg/ schizos
>giving a shit if a few schizoids have a melty
The thread yesterday was close to 50% schizos and idiots biting bait
Aura playing games with chat:
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reminder that all it takes to ruin a thread is a single dedicated anti with a lot of time in his hands.
And no jannies i see if it took them 3 hours to remove that many posts
It took them almost 3 days to clean up our threads. And I'm pretty sure if anons didn't keep on reporting everything, it would go on much longer
she is smart knows how to target and pander to asian men and yellow fever fags with money that are desperate for pussy
respect the hustle
But they are not getting that pussy
>they want overly modded safe spaces
Why did you ever leave reddit?
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thats there problem if they havent learned after donate thousands multiple times
long ago,during vspoEN application period, i suggested redsong01 as a very likely candidate. she wasnt one of the three, but today she just announced her hiatus so i am still very hopeful

please dont be any other corpo not vspo
>the general mood is a bit not welcoming
It's literally just 2 dudes tops that are doomposting when VSPO is talked about in a very specific time frame, nothing close to general mood other than people actually replying to them
Sounds like VSPO is going to debut at a brisk pace if it is her but it does seem too early. I was also under the impression they would want to debut a gen with MOBAs before trying FPS again but I guess they're sticking very close to FPS like with their JP branch. I was also hoping for things to be spaced out more.
What does she play?
redsong is really cute
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Yeah, that does scream VSPO
I don't know if you watched her but she was wokring as a nurse along with part-time streaming and the way she worded this statement sounds like she'll be working full time
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To Aspies with no viewers, now is your time to join NEXAS. Wave 3 auditions begin.
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/ppg/ is dead again so I'll post my cute sheep girlfriend here
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Is Eva the new thread darling?
no, Spica is through walkover.
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smol khajiit zooming
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eepy jellyfish stream
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Rixxy Brightful, Robotgirl of NEXAS, drawing FEET
>half decent apex player
>knows/plays with pro players
>played with Arya's pl pretty often

I'd be more surprised if she didn't end up in vspo
Scarlet hag (affectionate) of vreverie playing Pentiment
dumptruck browser
can't graduate yet champ
My wife
Apex is good?
Doki paved the way
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NEXAS Streams

Faeilie Fallwood- Passpartout 2

Clotho v Melodiam- Midweek Chatting: Beginning his Singing Training

Wave 3 Auditions just opened.
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Damn! Sucks for applicatiants
>/v4m/ not baking because their girls are talking to males on apex
Unicorns really are like this
VSPO is not V4M
/v4m/ up >>79772436
The Information Privacy Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the hardworking incompetent corporation everywhere.
Since you asked
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feet (with socks on)
Literally whomst
You read the name and the agency
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Mimosa OW2
i think it was raeinn that said YT keeps taking away watch hours every time someone gets close.

my rrat is that vallure is botting, so when they've been consistently raiding yume+, the bots they send over are penalizing the latter
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It is no longer yumover+
>Gets monetized on YouTube.
>Immediately starts lusting over lolis.
Why is Rhea like this?
cunny corpo
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this question haunts me too
weird looking arms
god i want to pin io down and forcefeed her cookies
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He says right there
Io! the cute bunny angel idol from project memoire!
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Lumi, the Jellymommy of NEXAS, continues Amnesia
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Look man, not everything needs to be pink and sparkly and girly.
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Iva chatting
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>The age of 38 is in demand.
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag sexo
Where is ppg when we need it the most
No reason to bake until Naki comes back
Did Kanra just post morse or am I tripping?
She did, Sony killing vee soon too..
That's kinda worrisome... I hope they treat her right
Miu tootin' in 15
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I hope not, my girlfriend doesn't stream but I would miss her...
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Nei preparing that sweet lobita bathwater live on stream

sales starting this month, stay tuned anons
Probably a temporary condition but neat to notice for the moment
Number thread is two blocks down
Go to /#/
If it ain't nijiholo they DGAF
We don't give a fuck, you filthy SEAmonkey. Go numberfag somewhere else.
kys /pkg/ and numberfags
Lumin can sing again and she will sing untl she can't sing no more
DorkAthy start gaming stream + Debut date annoucment
Oh shit, Skye has been playing Deus EX
Cute, Thank you Anon for links
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