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I was gone for awhile, what’s her deal why are holobros spitting on her?
The incels are upset that she's basically a EN version of Ollie
Incel board
Incel hobby
Incel planet
Don't like it? Back to twitter
2015-tier SJW
Same reason why they hated Mori and Kiara, white woman
nijisister hire







these are the people supporting her, very good at falseflagging
There are a lot of mentally ill people on this board
Like Mori, like Kronni and like Bae, people will love her in a year or two, just be patient.
Good. I hate saneniggers with all of my schizophrenic might.
It's just overreactions
Most anons already figured out that Jap is giving the homosisters what they always dreamed off: a starmin holo
Too bad that the dream is actually a nightmare. She's not going to funnel fans in the direction they expected. Wait a few more weeks and they'll ask her to stop and stay away on their own
She keeps on making comments about needing to ask for permission to sing songs and not wanting to break the rules. That's just constant shitting on Dokibird, what a bitch. What is her problem?


They already love her now. She's far ahead the rest of her gen in subs and views despite that they said she would be the runt. Gigi who they said saved the gen is far behind and is the runt in subs and views. There were also anons saying that EU talents would fail and they should just hire Americans. Gigi is the only American, based on all the language references that the others make about how things are called in Freesia. SEAnons were wrong about pretty much everything and all they can do now is seethe.
She doesn't stream. just spams Karaoke and rebroadcasts.
I think she's just autistic and doesn't get why some people think her interactions with the homos are bad, kinda like an autistic kid who's into some weird hobby being told he's a weirdo by the other kids for always talking about his hobby and not understanding why. I'm kinda starting to feel bad for her honestly
Are we though? It felt like Shiori got a lot more catalog threads and she didn’t really do anything.
Yep, it's hilarious how completely ass-blasted wrong anons are about everything these days. Never put yourself in the situation where you start talking shit and then have to ignore reality to save yourself from embarrassment.
>I think she's just autistic and doesn't get why some people think her interactions with the homos are bad
Are you confused? Wouldn't it be the opposite thing going on? The autistic ones are the ones getting upset and thinking they matter.
oh they're already using the autistic excuse for her too lmao
Found the seething SEA.
>I think she's just autistic and doesn't get why some people think her interactions with the homos are bad
No she's definitely fully aware of the stigma surrounding Hololive and male/female interactions. There's no way it's a coincidence she had that whole "bully" segment just before moving on to a segment featuring males and then focusing a vast majority of her attention both on twitter and in stream chat toward the males. There's also no way she wasn't warned about this by someone. Raora pulled a complete 180 in her behavior. Elizabeth doubled down. They're not ignorant as to their situation.
cringe post
My guy, it doesn't matter what you believe should or shout not be allowed in this hobby for what I'm about to say. This is the simple truth plain as day: Your entire post is 100% projection.
Even if you think they shouldn't talk about male vtubers at all you should not get so mentally retarded over it that you project so hard. It's sad.
You're the proof he hit the nail on the head
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If there's something worse than erb, it's her fanbase. They don't even enjoy her content ; they enjoy watching people "seethe" about her, instead. I just don't watch her and that's that. But there's something to be said about living a life where your only solace is to deliberately antagonize people. Pretty much the mindset of sisters, xitter normies and homobeggars.
I mean it's on brand with homobeggars
she's a brit so she likes it
>put i hate bullies in her debut
>gushing on homostar
>known past with #transright
Yup totally no agenda.
Holy shit i hate seabrowns.
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Because many of her fans are like this:
They barely watch her. They're just sisters trying to stir shit, instead of just talking about her in /innit/.
>hates bullies
>sucks reimu's dick on twitter
hearty kek
Holocorns are having a melty
she is a normalfag le quirky girl, probably with autism, but painted as a unicorn killer homocollaber that wants to change company, often comes off as obnoxious. I genuinely doubt she has any malicious intentions desu.
it's amazing how quickly she speedran mori's exact path
she's a old hag not an excuse
*Men𝗮cing Horns bl𝗮sting in the b𝗮ckground
post tits
What's wrong with your a's?
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She's become the poster girl by nijisisters and starsen sisters to "own le unichuds" and shit up the board. Homocollab or not, I have no desire to follow a drama-ridden chuba hellbent on starting a culture war. kronii me once, shame on you. kronii me twice, shame on me.
This is completely false in every way.
She subtly declared war on the unicorns. That, along with the selection of her games, earned the hatred of half of this board.
>autism now means well adjusted person with good relationships with family, friends, can lead and support a group, is traveled, highly skilled, and hasn't wasted their life on video games
>normal person now means a shut in with no friends, no ability to communicate properly, can't even take care of themselves, no skills except shitposting and reciting fandom facts, and probably wasted their life on video games
How fascinating.
mentally ill losers baiting mentally ill losers creating a fake war
classic /vt/
No, we're talking about you idiots thinking she's autistic because she doesn't cater to your autistic demands. The only nail on head here is the one you're repetitively smashing on your head because things aren't going your way. I sympathize for your care givers.
Yes, I forgot to mention that thanks to her the sisters returned to full-force and with a desire for revenge.
This anon>>79723872 mentions a couple, but it is only the tip of the glacier.
Interesting conclusion.
I find that very hard to believe. Don't get so butthurt bro
I'm sorry for telling you this, but you are a literal normalfag/normie.
>I find that very hard to believe.
>Don't get so butthurt bro
You are not fooling anyone sister.
Reminder that only women and trannies uses the pick me phrase
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>wasted their life on video games
Being a misinformed normie like jack thompson is not something to be proud of, anon.You're just an extremist on the other end of the spectrum.
It's not even a debate. It's plainly obvious that you're wrong. It's so obvious that your dumb feeble attempts to push this only makes you guys seem more and more retarded.
It's not even good for your own goals. If you act so retarded that it's not even slightly believable then nobody is going to believe even your mildest rrats anymore. You're making yourselves seem obviously ridiculous and helpless.
>assumes the best of people(autism) instead of the worst of every single peraon defacto(malicious)
nta but no u
I'm not sure why are you even opening your mouth. I said I don't think she is malicious, I don't have any goals about her, frankly, I don't care about her, but it's clear that she has some autism in her with how she interacts with everyone in chat. Autism doesn't mean neet loser, you brainless "nice guy"
No, it evolved from "not like the other girls." Only men used that, mainly in MMO communities to talk about girls that were all pick me pick me. They ruined many good guilds by sleeping around, and that's why it was a phrase guys used, and then it evolved into pick me girl.
You are so fucking stupid if you think someone like that has autism.
lol no
it has been the least successful start to a HoloEN gen so far, so I'm not sure you can take a victory lap about EU being a success, especially since they aren't even monetized yet.
I don't think 200k instead of 300k makes a difference for monetization, anon.
What? I'm saying that you can't call HoloEU a success yet because you don't even know what their monetization situation will look like.
She's getting 15-25k+ views on many of her streams. Your argument comparing it to previous debuts doesn't hold for obvious reasons. It's not 2020-2023 anymore. It doesn't matter what the next gen is like they will pull worse numbers unless they tap a completely new audience.
You're only focusing on the immediate stuff on the surface level because that's the extent of your intelligence.
You should read the DSM or some shit before shitposting nonsense.
I hate being a numberfag but getting 15-25k views spamming unarchived karaokes with a debut buff is objectively unimpressive for a new Holo gen. What imaginary metrics do you have in your brown skull that lead you to believe she is some overwhelming success despite doing significantly worse than Advent and having much worse collab viewership than Raora and Ceci?
It's like when Tempus debuted, and everyone pointed and laughed at their numbers. They said it was dead and that was that. Then they released a second gen, and a third gen. All completely incomprehensible to the typical anon. But Cover knows when you're subbed to 10 holos, member to only 4, and your total supas haven't increased over 3 gens. Comparing this to several years ago is meaningless and would lead to the wrong conclusions.
No, you are literally a normalfag.
Nobody here cares about the opinions of redditors and tourists.
What the fuck are you even trying to say?
There you go again, you're not thinking at all. It's not about what happened before. It's about what is happening now. HoloEN5 will do even worse, are they going to be a failure? No, you're just actively choosing to be stupid. Instead you should be comparing it to her gen mates, and to what others in the branch are doing right now.
I've been posting here for 20 years or so. It's not like I'm going to leave now, and being called a normie by zoomer newfriends and election tourists is a compliment.
Don't pay attention to the sister or try to argue.
It's a waste of time.
Again, she is getting significantly less views than the last gen while she is spamming the biggest buff content imaginable. You can't compare her to her genmates directly because none of them are spamming unarchived karaokes and rebroadcasts like she is. I'm not saying that HoloEU will fail, I'm just saying that trying to take a victory lap when they don't even have supas open is retarded when the main criticism of the EU audience has been their poor donation numbers.
>I've been posting here for 20 years or so.
Yes, you are a tourist and a newfag.
Next time try to make your lie more credible, moron.
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>Cover knows

And they're expanding starsEN DESPITE knowing the numbers, not BECAUSE of it. It's a simple case of YAGOO making it happen because he wants it. The girls are obviously subsidizing that branch, so try not to be disingenuous by implying that the boys are a success story. If you've got the grey matter, you might want to read up on Cover's 2023 financial report. The proof is all there.
I'm just trying to decipher the "Cover knows" part, what were they even trying to say there?
That's what I'm saying. It seems like you're not able to understand this basic stuff. It's like we're not even the same species, you're like a lower life form that can't see the bigger picture or even any picture that matters.
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>why are holobros spitting on her?
>20 years
Yet your lingo is way off base. I get that it's an anonymous image board, but try to at least make believable claims.
It's not even a lie or that unusual. The only thing I did to achieve it was continue to live. Your shitposting is some consolation that at least I probably didn't fuck up my life as bad as you have or will.
>>known past with #transright
so ERB is a confirmed child groomer
idk why but feels like I should have seen that coming

oh shit.. so with ERB, has hololive not taken the mantle for lgbt headquarters of vtubing away from nijisanji?

holofans are the sisters now... holy shit, my face
Am I supposed to say her numbers are XBOX huge? Mudkips and all that? You're a clown and have a clown sense of internet history.
>Homo numbers are bad
>Cover released 2 more Homo gens
>Homo numbers are still bad
what exactly are we supposed to take from this? Yagoo has been running HoloStars as a dead project from its inception, they have always been subsidized by the girls whom actually earn money.
Is the "bigger picture" continuing to waste money on a branch that continuously fails to grow?
this always makes me laugh
So what you're supposed to take from this is that you don't have a clue how things work. Even trying to decipher it from the posts where it was explicitly explained is proving too difficult. Just trust me that they will continue making decisions that you won't understand.
she likes to suck cock from man that put their dick inside other man, she also likes man that scream other man's name in bed, simple.
Yes, you are a stupid liar.
>The only thing I did to achieve it was continue to live.
and a failure.
That the only thing you know is memes that you read from Reddit shows that you are not an oldfag.
anon you just described the entirety of HoloJP
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>"it's too complex for me to elucidate upon. Your peasant brains just don't get it!"
Ah yes, the cope that has been used by intellectually bankrupt narcissists since time immemorial. larping as someone supposedly "in the know" won't make your arguments more convincing. But you do you.
I don't really hate "male collabers" or whatever they're called I just don't like ERB's "le own the unichuds epically" attitude. It's really of off-putting.
Yes, because Cover and Yagoo are infallible and have never made a wrong move. I understand the point that your feeble brown brain is attempting to make but it falls flat if you take even a cursory glance at Cover's financial reports. Stars was supposed to, in theory, gain a new audience compared to Holo but they've never been able to capture it to much success. With the fall of NijiEN males it appears that there really isn't much of a market for EN male vtubers in general anyways. Even if you are the biggest Yagoo cocksucker of all time you have to admit that the timing of the Tempus part 2 debut was absolutely braindead and only served to turn a good portion of the non-unicorn Holo fanbase against StarsEN.
>I just don't like ERB's "le own the unichuds epically" attitude
...When has she actually done this?
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I said "lingo", not "memes". Reading reps, homobeggar. You sound a lot more like a karen with an immense ego than a veteran anon just having fun shitposting. Go drink your kale smoothie.
on her debut
You're not half this board, sis
>she’s an SJW
>she’s trying to change holo
>she actively tries to get attention from niji and homos
So it’s just Kronii and Calli again?? Do women not learn from history??
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>dozens of unicorn-friendly and extremely talented Holos to watch
>This means unicorns are the ones seething
Do you think you're in The Matrix, shaping reality to your own liking?
Wait, are you talking about her "I'm going to sing with everybody" line? That was just a blanket statement for everybody in hololive, regardless of branch.
The way she interacts with Stars is really annoying and her attitude really comes off that way. "SENPAI, NOTICE ME SENPAI" and the like. It's annoying. If you're going to interact with male chuubas just be normal about it and don't make it weird.
come on now, it was the context and way she said it that made it different
She literally had several drawings of homos when she said that.
>>79727456 (me)
Can someone post the images where ERB is spamming/being annoying in Stars members' chats?
Yes, I'm just a person.
But I'm not a sister, you are.
>Cover and Yagoo are infallible and have never made a wrong move
This is one of the problems we have within the Holo fanbase right now. Granted, it's much more amplified on reddit and twitter, but this blind YAGOO worship is not helping things. Yes, he's a great guy and a very capable CEO. But he's not beyond reproach. There's this insane quasi-religious cult going on here where you can't criticize him or the company without being accused of nijisistery.
>>79727587 (Me)
Never mind I scrolled up lmao
If the gen was going to have a male collaber Cover could have at least picked someone who wasn't annoying and retarded about it. Just saying.
The entire Homo project has been an abject failure and we've already seen the EN branch management try to push the Homos through Holo collabs. I get that it's Yagoo's pet project but it has been a net negative for the company
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It's multiple things
>most incessant homoshill yet, has drawn them for her debut, cited them as one of her reasons to join, said she wants to collab with all of them, sang homo songs in her karaoke, has sent over 100 chat messages in multiple single homo streams, tweets at them unprompted constantly
>her abysmal game taste, she listed OW2, Valo and Fortnite
>constant "Ohohohohoho!" soundbite laughs

Really it's 80% the first one. No one else in EN has ever shilled the guys to this degree, it's almost comical
...And Ollie had a full page spread right next to them. What's your point?
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>tranny liggers and phasekek astroturf hate
>homostar sissies astroturf hate
>y da homobroniies do this?
The same Ollie that had at one point talked about wanting to bend the rules and bring girls and guys together in hololive during a member stream?
Ah, so if Becky talks to Jennifer it means she hates Stacy shit.
Grow up, anon.
She literally said she disliked how separated holo and stars are, yes
Obviously the solution is to nuke the philippines and take out jurard
The only holos were the ones that sisters, homo adjentes and lesbians.
That's so stupid lmao, just fucking disband Homostars (especially EN) and all problems are solved. The amount of unproblematic Homos can be counted in one hand.
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>literally the craziest holo
>with the craziest fanbase
Is the problem male vtubers existing or hiring girls who obsess over them to begin with?

If you had a gf and she kept cheating on you, would you be angry at all men out there or at your gf?
Obviously both are to blame, but it is a very stupid example.
it's the same faggots that took shiori's "respect my collab choices" as male collabs. but it's totally the sisters btw.
Anon, if you see this thread and don't realize that it is full of sisters, you are lying or you are stupid.
You forgot one of the most infuriating and laughable reasons ERB listed, she said that Holostars also paved the way for Hololive's success.... like if you thought this bitch was retarded then by the time you realize she adressed the reason there is a Hololive in the first place as just ''Sora'' when she herself called the stars senpais and explicitely said ''YOU ALL DESERVE TO BE CALLED SENPAIS'' you'll notice how fucking malicious she is.
>Lmao she's a bong she doesn't need to call people senpai
Except she herself called the stars senpais and told them that they deserve to be called as such... but when the actual fucking senpai of everything comes she just gives her a bland ''Sora'', fuck off.
This. Also sending 110 messages during Astel's karaoke - someone that doesn't speak English.
She dared speak to a man and holobronies lost their shit
but the truth is it's holotards falseflagging as sisters vs holotards.
there's no issues with the other 3 girls on her gen. couple of bait threads for sure but not as much as her. the only different thing about her is that she replies and chats with males. doesn't really go any deeper than that.
And yet no one is losing their shit when Fubuki, Koyori or Suisei do it. ERB is simply a new level of homo orbiting that is almost malicious.
>holotards falseflagging
unicorns never do that, this is always the sisters' work.
She's literally a holobronie, sis.
I feel like it's the way she does it that makes her disliked, she acts like a sister, like someone who wants a female fanbase,it's not a very smart decision to go after the females while the main demographic of holoviewers are 20/30s loser men weebs
red hair
no t'
shit thread, check this soundpost tho
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What the fuck is this thread. Everyone in it it (me included as of now) should kill themselves.
I dont really care to be honest. She will settle at a normal fanbase, and if she collabs with homos it will dwindle just like the rest of the homo collabers. Not saying she will but there's a high probability. Then her fanbase will get smaller if she decides to do other stupid shit like pushing homos with non homo collabers. Or collabing with fleshies or something. If she continues to act like an indie she will end up with indie viewers and fans, aka not the people who pay bills.
Pretty much. The only concern is whether or not she'll bring them to the other girls, which remains to be seen as the months go by I guess.
holy shit she really butchered that song and that laugh is awful
I actually like her a lot and I do think she's well intentioned and not the xXxUnichudSlayaxXx she's portrayed as, but man is it hard to separate her from her absolute garbage bag of a fanbase sometimes.
check out this one too!
Chat is this real?
her singing is better there but she still goes off-rhythm very often which bothers me immensely as a drummer
they'll just stop talking to her
She's a technically good singer but I don't like her voice or singing style
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Yes. Also imagine earnestly replying to this tweet.
aight and what's your review of that one
When will people stop pretending she's a good singer
Dmitri is the smartest person in Hololive
Even with A-Chan gone I know we're in good hands
Spamming a 100+ messages in chat isn't normal.
Now you understand why we hate sisters.
Again pretty good overall but she struggles to hit some of the highs she goes for and mostly just struggles to stay on rhythm
how bored she was to reply to a fucking 1 like tweet in a sea of thousands of tweets
I feel bad for the red woman even though I'm a unicorn.
A lot of suffering will await her if she doesn't realize her mistakes.
A-Chan doesn't have as much authority as you think, plus she wasn't a friend of unicorns.
After calling rextard a part of holotori? Good riddance
Speaking as someone with no horse in the unityfag vs unicuck race, she's extremely autistic and desperate for dick. She ruins the streams she's chatting in because she just WON'T STOP TALKING.
Maybe she's a homobegger with a secret agenda to ruin cgdct in Hololive, maybe she's not. It's not certain yet.
What is certain however, is that she's annoying and distracting while in other member's chat.
They're going to force IRyS to do projects with her. They're both singers and they made the outfits similar on purpose.
alright but check this out
The one time I have no idea what A-chan was trying to do
not sure if it's the accent or what but I really don't think her voice suited the song. Also not a big fan of her lows here, and again she goes off rhythm a decent amount
because she talks to b-b-boys! eeeewww!
naruhodo, but consider: a soundpost
this is getting sad
I don't think it will happen, but as long as they don't force her to do a project with homo again, I'm okay with this.
Having a parasite that spams up the chatbox is exactly what Holostars fans deserve. In a few months you'll be begging her to stick to her own gender.
To me it sounds shes just going thru the motions, theres no passion or emotion in it.
>Verification not required.
okay but what about christmas in july
going to sleep but I've got more soundposts if the schizos keep the thread up until tomorrow. I like posting soundposts,
>no passion or emotion
she's british
Based Igon thank you for your service
>stiff, obviously joyless hag
>unironic sense of superiority
>constantly "on" drama kid energy
I'm a voice actor and I knew a hundred chicks like her when I was still in LA.
She oozes that attention-hungry control-freak vibe. I would put money on her thinking of vtubing as settling or a way to get "real" work. But she's not close to good enough to book serious singing or VA work. Dubs maybe, but they'll take anybody if you make a few friends.
she's a slag, a homostar cocksleeve, hates lolis, supports troons, rebroadcasts karaoke instead of streaming, and worst of all
she's british.
off rhythm a lot again but I've just come to accept that. Her accent doesn't help her again here and I don't think she is particularly good at getting the gravely tone in her voice that Gaga does. 2:30-2:40 was especially unpleasant to listen to
hereby vow you* (no comma)
your fears*
riddle with holes*
wow so she did. i deleted my tweet saying otsu and i'll miss you. fucking whore.
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upon learning she was an unabashedly pro co-ed streamer they went
>YASSS QUEEN destroy the incels/unicorns
which then became
>ok ok, yes we get it you're a holostars lover, no need to smother them
and then turned into
>alright bitch fuck off holy shit, you're a goddamn try hard fucking pick me skank AND normal fag. Fucking kick rocks you old ass ho
>and then turned into
never happened, they love her for pushing boundaries
>she's british
>she's british
Probably the only honest responses. 99% of Liz antis are buttblasted mutts.
very true
She is like Nerissa but instead of joining to stalk kiara she joined to stalk holostars as a collective it seems
I don't mind her males interactions that much (although I admit she sent a lot of messages), but she seems like a big numberfag and that's a bigger red flag
if she was a numberfag she'd stick to the hololive formula
>A-Chan doesn't have as much authority as you think
Compared to who? Dmitri jap? She had more
Big numberfag and homolover are pretty much the antipodes, but yet i can see from where you are comming, and it's something that is totaly possible from a woman with SJW history to not realise she can't have the two at the same time, and the mehera episode that will follow will feed the drama faggot for ages. Honnestly she should have spammed valo to kill her number if she is so into collabing with homo, her final number will likely drop at least to bellow 2K, but she is setting herself up for a bad taste when she star homocollabing and her number start to bleed.
I don't even think about her unless some retard makes a catalog thread. Could you stop that please?
>holobros spitting on her
>no u
Yeah it's almost like the only ones losing their mind are retarded EOP tourists who have no fucking idea how Hololive or idols work.
I want to contribute by saying she has come across as super obnoxious. Even if she is professionally trained in vocals, her going full blast the entire karaoke was cringe and she would be ok if she didn't overdo it.

She was also super loud in the collab (also snorting laugh debuff). Kiara and Mori seem super introverted in comparison to her, I wonder what the managers were thinking onboarding her with the other talents.

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