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If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://x.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1806417216486687172

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>79724883
I'm going to grape Shondo in the mouth
Someone do this with sho
this but she's sitting on my face
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I love her and I'm happy she has such a nice friend!
this but unironically
Same here!
i hope it catches on
this but unironically
do it coward
I don't care just want her back streaming
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we know, she's nothing more than your monkey, antichama
you dont want her to stream you just want your dopamine dispenser get a life you disgusting incel
same thing
Dewd you are so fake
Do you have a hobby besides seehting about nothing?
Spill the tea derek-chama
and youre a coward for saying it here instead of directly to his face
none of you love her you just love getting attention you disgusting incels
get a life
>wanting the streamer to stream is now a controversial opinion
what is happening in shonciety
He's always making sure he mentions a random fact about her life when he sucks up to her
but he said it here in a public place directly to his face?
I just woke up, considering the posts already in this thread I imagine there's nothing worth reading in the last so thank you
Some pathetic projection from you. As if wanting to talk to the person you love is a bad thing and means you dont love them
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These retards want more than a strimer-viewer dynamic, yet they call me incel.
There is for like the first half
>what is happening
Nothing, just remember that whenever you see something stupid it is probably one of the same 5 people arguing with each other or themselves.
groomers pretending to be anti groomers seething right now
So what did dewd do for someone to call him fake this time?
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seethe this *pinches taint*
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What the sigma
nothing but I think it's good to point it out so people don't get the wrong idea about this sociopath
99% of shoggers that are known /here/ fags are utterly detestable. Weird how that works out.
Stop posting about yourself, start thinking of your next random fact about her life you're going to mention to impress her
name the 1%
I'm the 1%
but he was talking about dewd, not tuffnar
true, the people that make it known they are /here/ are usually like that
tuffnar is a two-faced fag but he fights in the right side of the shogger war
So why did everyone say good morning? Did she happen to come online on the discord for a nanosecond so one or two people felt the need to attentionwhore which caused an attentionwhore cascade of shoggers to rush in and also start posting? I'm sure she really appreciates this kind of behavior.
who? They seem nice
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stop posting about yourself
you got it
What's the problem with saying hi when you see her? It's a very normal action to take.
Desperately trying not to masturbate to the idea of Olivia teaching Shondo how to orgasm
>I'm sure she really appreciates this kind of behavior
she does
You didn't see her though, she didn't say anything. Instantly flooding the chat with messages trying to get her attention the second she comes online at all is pretty creepy and weird...
can you stop pretending to care about her and her friends and then proceeding to cuckpost like you always do
guys you don't need to feel left out you can join us and say good morning to her too
you lost buddy?
she said she hates that sort of behavior just a few days ago lol
I did see her online. What kind of rule says you're only allowed to say hi as a response? That's not normal.
she probably appreciates it about as much as she appreciates being called a bitch over and over
she asked us to read what she says before asking something so she doesn't have to repeat herself just to give you attention because that's annoying
i can get along with almost anyone even if i might have my concerns about their character, you can call it two-faced but i don't exactly try to hide it so it's more like nuanced
She didn't.

He doesn't have reading comprehension.
if shoggers ever manage to achieve self awareness there will be a massive spike in suicides
I don't care what you guys say I'm gonna keep saying good morning when I see her online :D
Make sure to include my name when dereking
Did Shondo and Oli post any audio clips together
I'm sure they can be self aware and not kill themselves, i hope this will be the case
two groups of annoying retard groomers having internet slap fights with one another isnt really a moral battleground just because one set of them has slightly weirder people in it
Stop larping as somebody else.
This is all besides the original one that was on oli's server
quads can't save this amount of syadouClueless
Ask ChatGPT (The actual service, not the groomer)
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I also don't give a shit about vtweeter Shondo and her gf scissoring or whatever but I'll pray she doesn't get shot in the US. I need my oshi back.
sorry i was tired and bored im still gonna cuckpost though
I'm morally superior and i'm right most of the time
Good morning Shondopolis
Bless you
>no rushia
>no saya
>no shadowmama
Good morning
those are the ones she didn't want you spoonfeeding
That was honest Shadow not bullshit artist Shondo.
I think you are all nice and genuine. The only problem I have are the embarrassing meltdowns over nothing.
rather be syadouClueless than actual clueless like you
you have a rapist's mentality. congrats. hope your parents are proud
Hearing new snippets of her voice makes me so so so happy the way she pronounces every vowel makes my heart start breakdancing ahhh just 11 more days until we can hear her talk about all the fun she had I cannot wait
So is today the day she's going to the beach and let swarthy men see her in her swimsuit?
feels good to never be dereked but still get treated nisely by my wife
Most men would avert their eyes
Shondo would be so proud of me :D
You forgot to include my name in your derekpost tho
If you're a Burgerlander and don't scour the beach for her you've lost.
This only happens because she is making fun of you with the tier 5 subs behind your back.
>tfw you almost went to LA to see family this week but couldn't get off from work
I could have been breathing the same air as her...
This is still with fakery as well. Imagine if she just streamed with her natural voice. Easily 5k ccv.
>cali air
they put chemicals in the smog that turns everyone gay
you dont want to breathe that shit
i think
she is very small
and purple
>Easily 5k ccv
Are you outta your mind? Who wants to hear that besides Shondo's simps? The average twitch/youtube user wants the mommy voice.
>doing exactly the opposite of what shondo wants will make shondo happy with me
i'm genuinely curious, what diagnosis do you have? it's fascinating how much shoggers are willing to bend reality to justify their contemptible behavior. kind of like how dewd justified his dmfagging
oli is carrying this relationship on her back
I'm already a huge faggot for my wife and the actress who plays her
>doing exactly the opposite of what shondo wants

Since when is saying hello the opposite of what she wants? Are you perhaps twisting her words from the other day to fit your narrative?
Mommy voice = Filian views.
it's insane that people think this is nothing but a small pitch shift. she's enunciating her words differently, she's not slurring her speech like she normally does, she's not doing the saliva sucking noises she always does normally when speaking. there's a fucking reason people newfags have trouble understanding her before getting used to her speech, and it's not because of her mostly non-existant accent, it's because of the way she fucking speaks, and her speech is completely clear here
Oh you're just dewd posting about himself again and now I'm sad because I was baited
>look away from the discord for a second
>they post
i guess i have to stare at this screen for the next 18 hours
she wants to be chatted with normally. having hundreds of people start spamming the literal moment she appears in the user list is not normal. why the fuck is this so hard for you to understand?
Hi oli. You're a great friend.
>camping #discussion and saying hello as soon as she comes online and before she typed anything

dont do this

>saying hello once she said something and then contributing something to the discussion instead of spamming questions to bait interaction

do this
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No :D
Keep crying about it
>dont do this
Quite telling that basic social etiquette needs to be spelled out to people
its a downgrade, always has been
Except last time she literally waited until somebody said hello to post.
huh? no i was asleep. give me an hour to start being retarded shiggie
I'm watching dudes repair cars.
grr little girls make me so mad
Stop lying you faggot I saw you posting
Whats so funny about that?
Someone post a TL;DR when they're done yapping.
nigga you're a literal schizo
my wife has friends :)
how do you guys always find a way to bring up guns
everyone has friends, shogga
>hundreds of people
There were 8 people saying hi
she's still gonna pretend she's a friendless hikkyneet though for pickme reasons and le ebin vibes
So she acknowledged the attention whores? 'Guess every milligram of attention matters to a shogger.
so if a certain number of people said it you wouldn't have? where do you draw the line?
I get what you're saying but the moment she typed all the people who would have said hi will respond anyway so there wouldn't be more spam.
i dont see why this needs to be spelled out but it isn't about the number of people saying good morning or hello, or even that theyre saying it
its that they are clearly just sat there waiting for her to come online onto the discord and then instantaneously say it
if you just woke up and posted 'good morning shondo i love you uuuuuuu have a good day with olivia Smile :))))))))" then it wouldnt be a problem
I still fail to see the problem so I don't care :D
Keep crying about it and make sure to include my name in your next derekpost
There are ways to see her be online without having to constantly stare at discord
My guess is you're a larper and didn't even say Hi to her
>they are clearly just sat there waiting for her to come online onto the discord and then instantaneously say it
And? You do realize that I don't really like 99% of you right? I'm there for Shondo.
You guys only give attention to dewd and tuff it's unfair that I'm never included when I do the same thing
Stop projecting, you are so fucking pathetic. Here's your (you), peasant.
are you obviously /here/?
You're not a King, know your place plebian.
me and u shondo
I don't know if it's too obvious
We truly live in a /shon/ciety
he was never a king, merely a jester
the true king lurks in the darkness
Shondo you need to internalize the fact that we secretly hate each other and to top it all off we're cucked by your moderation, we can't even bond over some gross locker room talk or loli doujins. I have nothing to talk to your fans about except you.
there's too many like that, i don't want to name random people because not everyone wants it to be obvious that they're /here/ and i like a lot of those shoggas
I don't hate anybody but I don't see how that is related to this topic at all
what if you were DMing with shondo and getting along and you even met a couple of times in public but then you found that neither of you could stand the natural body odor of the other person
would be fucked up if you think about it
i dont even want to talk to you guys anymore cause all you do is sperg out here with the most retarded takes ive ever seen
Sending my cock to every barbie this is the best way to test how good of a person they are
i always get extremely hard when i think about how stinky shondo is after not showering for 2+ weeks and shondo has no sense of smell so what i smell like doesn't matter. i think we're okay
>and you even met a couple of times in public
Stopped reading there, my immersion broke.
But then you say it into the void. I understand why some would want to say it while she's online. What's the point of talking to somebody if that person isn't there and won't hear it?
Shondo has always been a Becky, get your head out of the ground Shoomfie.
True that Shondo's a Becky, I'm just not Becky boyfriend material. Maybe a Martha would tolerate my existence.
Shondo doesn't care about her husbands anymore and only talked to them because oli wanted to, the recording showed that shondo puts on a fake voice for streams, shondo claims to not go outside ever yet has no problem going around LA alone to buy food, she claims to be too embarrassed to show us pics of her clothes yet she plans to go to the beach with oli in a new swimsuit, she made jokes about kissing oli and cucking us with oli, oli made jokes about it too, she's claiming she's doing this all for us when no one cares about her business in LA and just want her to stream she's giving the guys who DMed oli attention and calling them cute insyesd of banning them and this is right after she said she'll put her foot down more she people take advantage of her she's claimed she can't sleep in other beds but her own yet she's sleeping at olis just fine, she talked about oli sleeping as if they're sleeping in the same bed or room, more ntr, shes probably going corpo after constantly saying she doesn't want to, if she blows up even more due to the va job she got she's going to become even worse, she feels entitled to our love but doesn't give any back she probably worked with men while recording.
100% true but it doesn't matter, enjoy the larp shomie.
Estimated IQ: 78 (below average)
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shondo will never take this seriously if you don't express these opinions with your name attatched, there's a reason Fleece was Emperor with the most influence in the relationship
>b-b-but he got banned!!!
his downfall was from his nuclear spergout, his reign lasted years until then, but i know most of ya'll aren't ready to hear that yet, we have to work on your fear of little girls first
>she probably worked with men while recording
Forget that, how did she react when she realized that Oli has a boyfriend? Obviously the guy slept on the couch but still.
Not going to lie when I saw Olivia's tweet for a second I had a flood of worrying thoughts like
>Oh god it's happening she's going to learn that she's actually incredibly attractive from this Gigastacy and evolve into Rushia it's shover I need to kill my feelings for her now before I end up miserable
But I realized I should just be happy that the person I love is growing and not be an insane weirdo about it. I'm glad there was a thread up so I could use some unhinged posts to caution myself about who not to become
>it's shover I need to kill my feelings for her now before I end up miserable
I did this before the New Year's stream and I'm still miserable.
>>Oh god it's happening she's going to learn that she's actually incredibly attractive from this Gigastacy
it's good you can finally admit your posts about us being the best she can get were gas lighting out of insecurity, i'm proud of you anon
What tweet?
its fine because im still the kind of man she wants
(old, stupid, wealthy, fat, obsessive)
When did she say they're going to the beach?
Why else would she buy a swimsuit?
She can get dick, she can't get commitment. She's like 60% of women.
if she wants commitment she should just dm me
the amount of offers from well off and high value men she's gotten in her emails are closer to 10 than 0
this is cope, ignorance, or gas lighting
*pinches puffy cunny lips*
haha gotcha clit :]
>well off and high value men
Like who? Fireneko? Kek.
still mad she shot you down ff?
Oli is gonna rape you anon
ones smart enough to know their name shouldn't be known
Ah yes, imaginary "high value" shoggas.
>go to cali
>dont go to beach
>oli introduces herself as from the beach
refer to the second line of this post >>79750658
Or it's the truth.
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Don't hate us
do you really find this hard to believe? shoggas have given her thousands with nothing in return, they are willing to commit to her if given the chance
she already posted one of those emails
nobody high value is offering her their hand in marriage through email
>implying they could make that offer in any other way
>missing the point
No "high value" men watch vtubers, obviously there's a handful of oil barons here and there but I doubt most vtubers are willing to move to the Middle East and wear a blanket.
>thousands with nothing in return
That's not high value money, that's hobby money. Last year I've spent $3k on gachas.
Hope you get help with your bad game addiction anon
we are talking about men well off enough to support her and her family comfortably and willing to make a commitment, that's the level of value, not just millionaires
nobody high value is watching vtubers obsessively enough to want to marry one either, especially not one with a laundry list of health issues like shondo
This is why being with Olivia is good because as Shondo gets back to being a more normal person again like she was pre-vtubing thanks to her wonderful friends and family there are more opportunities to put a ring on her finger. Simple as.
this but unironically
what are the groomers talking about? some shit from olivias discord that they feel compelled to crosspost about because they need to get attention?
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Someone please let me know if she makes another appearence in an audio olivia posts on her discord, I'm not gonna bother joining another server
yeah they posted dress pics on olis discord and said that they might take some bikini pics later today
this outing is irrelevant to her being more normal
oh she's not gonna even bother with crossposting that... ok. evolved shondo who not cares about inducing fomo is something
based, she is finally encouraging her husbands with fomo to overcome their problems
wtf is her problem?
I can't believe her leaving the house was enough to mindbreak some of you.
What do you think she was doing until now, when not streaming (even before hiatus)? Hibernating?
Watch vods
>I don't like FOMO!
>I'm cutting out the bad habits!
>Proceeds to cause as much FOMO as possible while encouraging stalking
love this stupid bitch of a wife tb h syadouHappynod
Sitting at home on her computer scrolling twitter and drawing. What do you think she was doing, going to the club?
shondo can u stop being a dumb bitch for one day pls thank you
she's a great wife, learning not to enable mental illness for her husbands
>Olivia and Shondo hang out in Shondos discord one day
>They hang out in Olivias the next to repay the favor
You guys gonna have a melty no matter what she does?
Someone keeps spamming about fomo but we've heard more about what she's doing yesterday than we did in ful weeks during the hiatus, how is that creating more fomo for you. Would you have no fomo if she stopped telling us anything of her irl live?
Being a hikki or a clubslut, there is no in-between
I don't know how the Olympians manage to do that. Are we broken?
>I just can't possibly expect her to send two messages and include us!
Apparently the new rrk is Olivia's server.
this but unironically
he's doing it to be mean to shoggas and shondo
this unironically
you know who i am ;)
I don't know about you but Olivia caused more FOMO in 5 or 6 messages than Shondo managed to cause in half a year.
I actually don't because you guys keep making clones of each other
only cause oli told us. if it wasnt for her, we would not have heard from shondo until the 13th (assuming no delay)
>No more sekrit clubs
>Btw, I'm going to participate in voice clips and an entirely different server that you wouldn't know about otherwise
Shondo you need to actually get your shit together. You've learned nothing after 3 months.
Olivia caused all the fomo in me.
this post represents my spiritual disposition
>You've learned nothing after 3 months
She's an expert at both learning nothing and learning the wrong lesson. The DMniggers that DMd Oli should've been banned.
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I will stop coming here again. I hate people seething about everything and making about entire fanfictions in their head but I also hate the weird newfags who have a thinly veiled cuck fetish.
That's what you get for buying the larp, you're a dying breed of husband. Nu-hubbies are fine with polycules and with bedding the olympians.
see you in a few hours
im not gonna join olivias server so i will just get mad here and ask to be spoonfed
It's not a sekrit club if you announce it to everyone Dewd and Mouz, I don't see why this upsets you
Part of me hopes she does not waste time reading every dono and sub message from the last three months but part of me really wante her to acknowledge mine uuuuu
Kinda feel bad for the Olimpians if the usual spamming shoggers are all flooding into her Discord server and clamoring for Shondos attention.
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Seems like I've missed some stuff while i went out to unclog drains
Please tell me with what has happened while I catch up on the past hour of posts
Just a heads up, if you don't join Olis discord and send some messages, then you will permanently be debuffed in Shondos head. You will be pre-screened out of the husband trials.
If only there was some place that Shondo could use to speak to her husbands then.
too bad such a place doesn't exist...
Mods please ban me so I'm forced to adjust to discord culture instead of returning here whenever I need a lore update
NTA but that's why i bothered to mention it in the first place shiggie. why would i be upset over this?
>if you dont act like someone desperate for attention you will be on the shitlist
i dont think so buddy
bitches love stoic men
Are you mad at Olivia for not posting in her discord yesterday? Shit yourself.
It would be if they didn't tell me about it, am I supposed to be in her every friends' discord in case I miss something she says? I could handle miss stuff if I could read what she said later, she created this type of audience and now she's trying to go back in the worst way possible.
Yes, I'm an Olimpian and your faggot neet "wife" needs to stay the fuck out of our server.
She loves passionate Spanish men
Jannies, i will accept a range ban and never post here again if you also range ban at least 10 of the most active retards above
please be nise

Captcha: NGG82
>am I supposed to be in her every friends' discord in case I miss something she says
listen im gonna be real with you, if you aren't prepared to chatterino stalk every single one of shondos friends and be sat in all of their discords then you aren't cut out for this and shondo will hate you. doing these things is the BARE MINIMUM that shondo requires every single husband to do.
They love feeling that they're the only people who can get through to stoic men
based olympian GOD
Olivia would never approve of this kind of behavior, I'm DMing her a screenshot of this post.
>she created me so nothing is my fault it's all her problem
move on fleece
>doing these things is the BARE MINIMUM that shondo requires every single husband to do
Then I'll take the stripper pill, Shondo will dance like a monkey for my shekels.
3 months of Shondomination has really fucked you guys up
someone please post a transcript of every single shondo message that has been posted so far in olis discord
she needs to hold some of the responsibility if she wants to change her audience's behavior
Join it
that's why she isn't making sure everyone is informed about every action she takes thus enabling and encouraging the behavior she wants to change
>Shondo saying she wants to change how people behave
>Shondo actually doing things to make people change how they behave
>Shondo continuing doing the same things because its what she actually wants
i WILL stalk my wife and help prevent FOMO for my husbros. if shondo has an issue with that, she can DM me.
not the best way to start, it only makes me feel worse when she doesn't even try to communicate stuff like this with us
It's amazing how are fans are her biggest antis.
>only 6 people joined Shondo's discord after Oli
take notes
She could have just copy and pasted the same message in Discussion. That is the bare for the effort she needed to exert fyi
it doesn't matter how many times you say it, it won't be true, creating fomo is not encouraging it, it's discouraging it because only fomofags get punished by this
that's expected, you will continue to feel worse until you change your mindset about fomo or leave
almost as if she never encouraged obsessive stalker behavior
>accedentaly end up on voice clip in olis server
>realize she fucked up
>spend 3 (three) h with oli in her server talking about what she's doing and hanging out to make up for it
>people are still not satisfied
yeah she totally wanted that crack cocaine and it wasnt just a bit
here's your (you) you gigantic faggot please get better baits
but Oli is posting in there and that's fomo
unless she crossposts the exact same thing in both discords
making concessions for behavior you don't like only enables it and encourages it, shondo, put this in a sticky not on your monitor
Yeah you're right, if I rape someone it isn't encouraging rape, its discouraging it because only rapists get punished by rape.
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>change your mindset about fomo
What I'm trying to say is that this really just amplifies the stalking practice from her husbands, it really doesn't make things better.
>Shondo crying herself to sleep a couple of weeks from now
>Shondo going menhera again
>Shondo getting a post menhera I-will-change high
I'm not sure if you're a europoor or not, but just a friendly reminder that California is the size of the entire UK and the US is bigger than the entirety of Europe. I live in Ohio. It would be a 6 hour flight or a 36 hour drive to get to California. Assuming we don't know which beach she's at, it would take over several days of walking to cover the entire coastline of CA. Just LA is like 24 hours of walking the coastline. If you were to narrow it down to just one of the iconic beaches like Venice Beach, it would only be like an hour, though.

That said, I get your point. If you happen to be in the area and you don't take the opportunity to try stalking her irl, can you really call yourself a parasocial? Hardly a dedicated husband.
why are you responding to tuffnar, even if you were to axiomatically prove anything he said to be 100% wrong he would still insist he was correct
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/shon/ when someone asks for what shondo said in the discord
>just join the fucking server
/shon/ when shondo talks in oli's server
>I'm not joining, post whatever shondo says word for word
Lol, anyways, post whatever is said in either servers
Almost as if it would've been better to just crosspost that voice clip on her own server.
for those who do it to themselves, yes, but that's not something she needs to be concerned about when she wants to say something on the internet so this whole idea that creating fomo is bad is irrelevant
hey dumbass i know you're new but everyone knows where Olivia lives
>/shon/ is the same 1 guy and (You)
Oli is telling us how cute Shondo is. Shondo is telling the Oli fans how cute Oli is. Seems pretty normal to me.

No mutual server, no mutual server, no mutual server, no mutual server, no mutual server, no mutual server. Pretty normal join rate for the day. Not a lot of noting to do.
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>all this insecurity
we're going to need a bigger gulag
I don't know where Olivia lives, I only care about my wife
The post was "if you live in the US, you should go there" and my point was that unless you actually live in the area, it would be a huge fucking time commitment for travel. And even then you have no idea what beach they're going to and by the time you've wandered around most of the bigger ones, they've probably already packed up and gone home.
What's the point of a gulag if you're not gonna use it? DMniggers should've been sent to the gulag, instead they got rewarded with extra attention as always. It's time to prep my next email cuz fuck it.
I hate that instead of being 100 percent happy and proud of her growth and amazing friends that I also have this impending sense of doom
When I first learned about her 3 years ago I tried so damn hard not to fall in love with her. It was inevitable that she'd grow enough to find love irl and I didn't want to suffer and be bitter when she did

BUT I FAILED. I couldn't just limit my feelings to adoration towards my darling imouto. Even dating irl didn't negate my love for her. And now that she's hanging out with the biggest Stacy in vtubing (who I can't even be mad at because shes a wonderful person and helping my wife) she's undoubtedly going to learn how to become a Stacy too.
I want to believe she has meant everything she said and that she wouldn't do anything similar to what Rushia did to her, but I know women too well. At least she'll probably be honest about the end when it does happen. But I don't want this to end! I hate that it probably has to end for her to grow into her happiest self. I'm happy when she's happy, so I can accept putting her happiness above mine easily but it HURTS THINKING ABOUT THE DAY THIS CHARADE ENDS HURTS

We probably only have two years left at most. I guess I will try to find a flat chested cosplayer cis gf sigh...
Didn't she say that the swimsuit was for next year? You guys remember that it was a pre-order right?
>long distance relationship where you can't experience her growth in person
Only pain. It is what it is.
Estimated IQ: 120 (high intelligence)
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>she'd grow enough to find love irl
yeah, me
I really don't think things will change. That's how her husbands are and it's fine by itself. The problem relies when she does that to stop worrying about talking with her community and then decides to not communicate with us anyway which is what gives the bad feeling. Again she just said good morning and dipped.
It'll be alright
>Even dating irl didn't negate my love for her.
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>Even dating irl didn't negate my love for her.
I would say they get punished by shondo liking them less but she started loving Dewd more after he bragged about it while telling other shoggas off about so I don't know what to think.
Can we drop this forced joke? I'd be fine with losing to another shogga but I doubt it, chances are it's gonna be some guy that doesn't know her vtuber side.
There's a balance. Constantly thinking you have to put her happiness about yours isn't healthy. There should be happiness equality and it's okay to be selfish sometimes.

I'm not really afraid that something like that will happen.
its not forced because i will win
It's going to be okay
>when she does that to stop worrying about talking with her community and then decides to not communicate with us anyway
these two things are unrelated and if they somehow aren't you couldn't know that
It isn't possible for her to become a Stacy because she has crippling mental issues, touch sensitivity/aversion and also has quite literally no chest to speak of. She will (return to being) become a Becky at best. Some local guy that FT meets at work will be very happy with her.
If you're skilled enough to pretend that you know nothing about her streaming, smooth enough to rizz her up irl and are rich on top of it then whatever. Congrats on the W.
Just don't remove your oshi marks when she rejects you and then come crawling back like a burning forest.
She doesn't want to be with any of you IRL you stupid incel manchildren. Give up.
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You know you guys can bonk her right? The power balance of the relationship is due to the husbands' unwillingness to speak up nisely and sincerely about something
Unfunnily enough, I'm somehow never there to say anything
can someone post the other webms of her talking about rape for no particular reason
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I'm a girl so she wants to be with me. ;)
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>right now
We're always like this though?
yes youre the laughing stock of /vt/
wait... i thought she was only a virtual youtuber in order to find a man to be with in real life, and now you're saying that i'm gonna have to pretend to never have seen her streams? naur... all that time wasted...
Why is the conversation in oli's discord so unfocused? People in her fandom do not actually care about her?
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shondo will never be anywhere close to normal without years of therapy and maybe a change of meds, even then she will always have her differences
but i think she would realize she doesn't want to live like a stacy anyway and will find herself closer to how she is now and happy rather than a completely different person
I was feeling down but realizing some sperg is giggling to himself while he posted discord and thread screenshots in here and /lig/ made my life seem much better
bro had his first time exploring here because this place looks very typical today
did they see the 78 IQ shogger?
Shondo will never be normal, what she's been through is not something normal people go through
who gives a shit lol. when other threads focus their attention outwards it's because they have issues they're too cucked to deal with so they try deflecting until the problem goes away instead. meanwhile in /shon/ we're chads and deal with our problems head on
>Shondo will never be normal
forest elders beat the allegations
Nuh uh
>deal with our problems head on
by shitting yourself in the thread instead of DMing the people involved or messaging shondo openly on discord or twitter?
Why would you want her to be "normal"? Besides, what makes her special is not something that is fixed with therapy, and she is already well aware of what meds do to her (after all she has been taking them most of her life).
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/vt/ is not ready for our power level
I thought /shon/ was pretty bad until I explored the rest of their board and saw that Shondo's roast from years ago was still accurate
>meanwhile in /shon/ we're chads and deal with our problems head on
By talking about it /here/ and never bringing it up in/on chat/discord/twitter?
So what did shondo say in oli's discord?
that she loved me specifically and she was going to move in with me and become my baby factory
yeah its degenerative neurological illness
trauma is an adaptation that the brain learns, it can be reversed but it's not something you will do quickly or on your own, just going outside won't fix that
other things like schizoaffectiveness are something that can only be treated, usually very effectively
i think you misunderstood, i don't want her to be normal unless that's what makes her happy, if i had to guess becoming someone she isn't won't do that for her and i think a lot of the things that make her different aren't bad for her and they're things i love about her i don't want to see her reject for no good reason
>when you come up with a meme /shon/ months ago during an alcohol bender then have to deal with seeing antis and outsiders spam it relentlessly
It wasn't even that funny...
I wish my fans were more like Olivia's.
>Why would you want her to be "normal"
what a nice attitude to have about someone you claim to love, lmao
That she loves me a lot and that my weewee made her go wahoo
which meme xister
>It wasn't even that funny...
But it was the truth, your alcoholic self is more honest with himself than you.
normal isn't always the same as good or best >>79754070
Shit yourself first and I'll tell you
But "shit yourself" is funny
Do 100 years of reps before commenting again.
My point is that she is extraordinary the way she currently is. Becoming normal would be a downstep. Thinking that "normal" = "good" is one of the most prominent forms of bigotry there is.
Thanks Tuffers, after all you know best whats good for her.
the irony is that Shondo is far more normal than most of her fans and the people here despite her illnesses and neuroses
What I'm saying is that she's had to learn lessons that most haven't had to go through, that's not something that goes away and it shouldn't
She won't ever be normal, but that's fine, you don't have to be, even if her mental illnesses and anxiety go away she'll still be herself and I'll still love and support her
Simple as
And that's a bad thing.
weird that you get triggered over some of the most reasonable and healthy takes in the thread, clearly i can see you want what's best for her when you poison the well
Has shondo said anything on HER discord today? Or just oli's? If so then what did she say?
Don't engage with them. Everybody leave the thread and calm down
I'm calm
Idk man I have a serious worry that someone (realistically one person but I won't Derek him) is going to start saying it in chat once wifey starts streaming again
It's already cringe when some people use /here/ memes around her in excess, knowing I contributed will suck
>Most reasonable takes
>"A lot of things that make her different aren't bad for her"
Yeah going through life unable to socialize, touch anyone and having chronic reliance on caffeine because you're malnourished are great.
Nah, I'm a 4channel MOOT era /b/tard veteran. Shitposting is my specialty.
I know what you mean, it was very weird seeing people talking about "wicked smile", thankfully it fell out of relevancy
she will be normal with me though
yeah because those are the things i was talking about
at least you're making your bad faith obvious so we know you don't care about her and maybe even are intentionally trying to hurt her
I will make her normal and by "normal" mean we'll cannibalize our enemies.
I actually stopped using that meme entirely thanks to the people who associated themselves with it.
go back to the asylum, gramps.
shondo has no enemies
You will never convince a bunch of teenage girls to cut themselves for Justin Bieber.
Some people have her as an enemy though
not true, I am her enemy.
Considering your usual behavior, accusing other people of not speaking in good faith or caring about Shondo is pretty funny. Especially since you think she doesn't know what she needs or wants. Obviously when people talk about 'Normal' they are specifically referring to her mental issues and not that she likes le ebin ryona and gore and the little anime girls.
yes... ? why would the thread's problems be solved by bringing it up on discord or on twitter? are you fucking retarded?
we know, bratty
It's not solved anyways
>she likes le ebin ryona and gore and the little anime girls
This is weird as fuck off the internet.
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I want to steal her panties

Captcha: PRGT
nta we kissed and made up in november
i wonder what pettan thinks about these threads. it gives me secondhand embarrassment thinking about it
people in general are weird as fuck on the internet and then behave in a socially acceptable way when off it, i dont think anyone would consider that to be a problem
imaginizing shondo being ryona'd and mutilated and raped is what keeps me alive whenever I feel sad.
the word stacy was used, i don't think her unique interests are compatible with that
did you even read the post? what is your problem? i literally said she should go to therapy to work on her mental problems like her trauma which causes a ton of her problems, especially social
>Considering your usual behavior, accusing other people of not speaking in good faith or caring about Shondo is pretty funny
i know you're obsessed enough with me to see the things i've said, you are being completely unreasonable and living in a different reality if you still think this
nta but when you have to associate yourself with every post you make and affirm that it is you posting them i dont think you should be surprised when people remember that
I'm a moot era fag too but why brag about it? We should have escaped by now.
ive been using this shitty website almost as long as shondo has been alive
grim when you think about it
I don't want to escape, I want my glory days back.
the post wasnt her
Shondo can go to therapy as long as someone drives her there and if the person she talks to is a straight married faithful woman
those days were terrible, your nostalgia googles are just distracting you from the truth.
Thinking you can't make new glory days is sad. I guess you're much older than me and I don't relate as much as I thought
Some of you are really weird. Insane to think how at least a handful are late 20’s / early 30’s.
>nostalgia googles
I was smiling, I was laughing daily, I used to feel stuff in my chest.
Early 30s.
I like my current level of weird, better than being a boring normalfag
>tuffnarr is a white knight feminist on welfare
jfc get a job loser
It's clear to me when I read these threads that you guys haven't read enough or any good stories in your life
It's called being young. It had nothing to do with what the internet was at the time.
well yeah stories are boring
>reading for entertainment
I prefer actual books that make one think, not slop.
i wanted to buy a kindle and pirate all books but lost motivation
I wish you all would fucking die holy shit
making this post is worse than i'll ever be
entertainment is not mutually exclusive with things that make you think.
What'd i do? I just pointed out the spelling mistake
Fucking retard
father time comes for you too
Anything can get you thinking, not knowing that says a lot
I imagine it must be time consuming to find diamond in the rough.
Nobody here cares about how old you are
>imagine my shock :0
Speaking of, i feel bad for not getting the chance to tell abcs happy birthday
shondo does
tell him right now, or next year don't post about it so you can
I don't fucking care bro dm him
SyadouClueless he said here
But he said on twitter his birthday is over and not to wish him happy birthday
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this is more on topic than the others
kek why would he say that
but why him? I want the attention too why are you not talking about me?
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Tuffnar, for your own sake, you need to stop being so overly verbose and learn to use less 'I's in your posts, you narcissist.
guys dm me please I'm so lonely
His tweet talking about his birthday popped up in my notifications randomly
Do mine please >>79754357
61 sorry
i'll dm you in a bit, just hang in there My Shogga
not enough data, but given that you couldn't find this tool yourself it doesn't bode well for you
and this tool is a funny gimmick which is very easy to break when you have a goal to do so, don't take it too seriously
I will win fallen shadow’s heart by my clever and humorous posts on 4chan.
>given that you couldn't find this tool yourself it doesn't bode well for you
I didn't try
>don't take it too seriously
Smile i know
this machine knows nothing of the depths of the human soul and intellect, i IQmog 99% of /shon/ i don't need to prove it to a soulless algorithm
i can't even fathom what makes you think i'm a narcissist. but seriously, my narcissistic tendencies come from something different places, i don't have a personality disorder
also i'm pretty sure that website values punctuation too much and is supposed to be used on formal writings like a school paper
IQ: 85
that's progress
>i can't even fathom what makes you think i'm a narcissist
>blogposts about yourself in a thread about a vtuber
yeah, i can't even fathom either
that was the joke shogga
>boobros are colonizing shoncord
she’s gonna pull a yuko on her return
Congrats Anon
shes gonna work at Starbucks?
the true genius in this thread is none other than me (IQ: 154).
hi shonshon <3
My iq is only 131, am i cooked?
131 is merely an upper midwit, it's unironically over for you
it's still better than 100% shoggers and 99% shoggas
it's over for you. shondo has an IQ of 160+ and she requires her husbands to be within +-10 of that or she won't consider you her equal
I'll love Fallenshadow and the lady who pilots her until the day I die, it doesn't matter that she only sees me as a friend.
She sees you as a husband as well
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it has never been so over, perchance
this reminded me that I killed a cat growing up by injecting it with random chemicals, the syringe was trash I found on the sidewalk so it was probably discarded by a junkie. would Shondo forgive me if she knew?
no, violence against aminals is where she draws the line
she doesnt seem to give a shit about men eating meat for some reason though
well shit.
>she doesnt seem to give a shit about men eating meat for some reason though

you are retarded
kids do bad things but I wouldn't confess this desu
>ur dum
yeah? well, shes the usual the milquetoast vegetarian who doesn't want to push her opinion on others, even though she believes that they're committing murder every day. she doesn't care. simple as.
>ur dum
>>ur dum
prove me wrong then
>even though she believes that they're committing murder every day. she doesn't care
Shondo is this based?
She just doesn't like how aminals get treated at places where they're grown for food and doesn't want to personally partake in that, even if only a little
She said she would be okay eating meat if she had to if the aminals were treated well
Last for my meat going into the shunny

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