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Postponned Edition
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https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
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https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
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>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

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Uh janny feel free to delete this thread I'm not sure how I managed that one
RRAT:They got food poisoning from wherever Suisei took them out for dinner over the weekend
Biboo is fine though
They need to release a oil massage photo set for members as an apology
brown tranny thread
I'm starting to think they really do hate us...
doing things the FUWAMOCO way in the YEAR OF FUWAMOCO.
God I miss the NW passage...
Do they have more work because its two people or are both not able to handle the same workload their genmates have?
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This would have had never happened if they didn't force themselves to stream during Golden Week.
They don't even seem like they are enjoying their lives or Japan most days. What a massive blunder moving with no planning was. Why oh why did they not wait until 2025? They would be healthier, hit 1M easy, and be able to really get their rhythm and balance established. Now they're living without essentials and cutting years off their life and career
They've been saying they will rest up to full strength since April.

It's July now.
It was the rat king tea and natto that caused this.
Smile status?
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I miss season one FWMC.
okay hindsight andy
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They are in for the money and their weeb dream. We are just the means to their goal.
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>no pledge post
I think it's the lack of rat king tea that caused this, Mococo stopped drinking it after everyone concernfagged over it
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That applies to every holo desu
Doesn't mean that they don't appreciate their fanbase
Are you retarded? Even if they didnt move to japan, they will still need to be on japan at this time kek
this is the anti thread
I never wanted them to move so early and told them as much then like I do now. I trusted eventually they would have a plan because they had given no reason to doubt them prior to it but now they've completely reversed that. It's error after error after broken promise.
>Take on a ton of homework
>Rashly decide to move to Japan before it's all due
>Move ends up getting slightly complicated
>It's ok because there's enough time to finish once moved in
>Get moved in
>Moco-chan gets sick
>Voice is affected
>Push for Golden Week anyways
>Ignore all senpai advice
>People who have been doing it for years longer than you have
>Back end homework gets affected by voice issues
>Get put on week of silence by management
>Come back for 2 light weeks, 1 stream each, talking about clearing up homework
>Talk about wanting to enjoy time in Hololive
>Say you've learned your lessons
>Start to go back to normal
>Push for 1m subs for some reason
>Over-commit when all other coworkers are talking about how stressful week is
>Not only the work they have, also have your extra tasks.
>Cancel 3 streams in one week because of it
>It's ok, fans are fine with it
>Get sick again
>Apologize publicly to manager
>Know both them and you will be in trouble for pushed back homework again
We're here. Just chill the fuck out please. I'm begging you two, the last thing I want to see is ultra burnout or some kind of harsh punishment that makes it way worse than the week of silence.
you can tell the exact moment the sister discord was notified last thread
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/baubau/ should doompost under #helpFWMC so FUWAMOCO wakes up already
I'm sorry it's me, I curse every vtuber I like just by being their fan
Here's the rundown. They invited 30 JPs for their showcase and are essentially working on schedules that are not their own. It's just a case of biting off more than you can chew.
We got 2 bait threads btw
I'm starting to forget what their voices sound like
Go do it yourself then you snake
Whenever that happens, I like to put the thread on auto refresh, drink my choccy milk and thank God I'm not a tranny.
And the holo hotel with the rest of Advent would have been kino and sounds like it's better equipped to live in than their current dog house situation.
So the ??? stream is canceled too? I wonder what that was all about?
They've been in Japan with Advent for months and we've gotten a small handful of collabs to show for it. They said they had to cancel a lot already.
All of the sacrifices, the disappointments, the fatigue and illness, everything will all be worth it when they finally get to perform at Breaking Dimensions for a theater filled with their adoring fans. That golden, dreamlike moment will make absolutely everything that led up to it worthwhile, for them at least, and for the true Ruffians who remain at that point.
It doesn't matter how much they want to stream for us if they get in trouble because they're too dumb to handle time management. Getting sick one time for a day or two shouldn't get you into trouble or completely fuck up the timeline of your projects.
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Thread is probably going to be shit, have a good rest of your day ruffians, im off to play yugioh with fwiends
3D debut
And then they'll finish the homework they have left and collapse for 2 months, where we'll get 1-2 streams max a week. Can't wait!
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>sorry (from:fuwamoco_en)
>our best (from:fuwamoco_en)
Don't put these search parameters into Twitter unless you really want to be depressed.
It shouldn't but it does with the FUWAMOCO way!
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It sure is the summer of Advent, huh?
Smile status?
little did we know the no signal was the actual announcement...
Ruffians, FUWAMOCO need your support now more than ever! You have to ... to BOTH Fuwawa and Mococo at least 3 times today, or else they might never recover!
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The year of FUWAMOCO is basically missing an entire 4 months at this point. That's a third of a year.
I miss the days of the NWP...
Have fun, ruffian.
i don't feel so good...
i wanna know what they ate.
if they tried something new, they deserved to be told off for taking a risk eating something they never had before.
if it's food from where they usually buy food, fuck the chef for poisoning my dogs.
if it's food from the fridge, that's just unlucky.
What are the 3 most important things about Fuwamoco to always keep in mind?
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Waiting for the real return. Clear out the homework, then come back to us, ya fucking dopes.
I hate you all so much
I hate FUWAMOCO's management skills so much.
The wives are ill and that blows, hopefully they feel better soon. Food poisoning fucking sucks
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even me?
>no signal
>no signal
>no signal
>no signal
This was actually their streaming schedule for the whole summer.
Papa Puppy did nothing wrong with his aggressive tard wrangling. He tried his best.
Now would be the time for a come to Jesus moment where people tell them lovingly but firmly that what they are doing is unsustainable and unsatisfying, but thanks to the Hungarian retard, the well is poisoned on that.
mori should save them...
you can't let them drown like this...
>if it's food from the fridge, that's just unlucky.
is it still unlucky when they keep mentioning how they keep rotting expired food in the fridge? They likely did this to themselves. Probably because they have no cookware and can't clean their dishes or practice normal cooking safety
The only ones who can save FUWAMOCO are themselves. They keep jumping back into the deep end and pour more water ontop of themselves. Until that stops, things will not get better.
i don't remember them saying that.
when did they say that?
...how did you fuck it up that badly?
They've had multiple senpai they claim to idolize tell them off and they just shrugged it off. No one can save them but them losing everything again due to their foolishness
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Unironically, why DID they move to japan?
>With the heh, advent, of streaming you can easily read or watch any anime, manga, or otaku media you want across the globe without being in japan.
>If it's a matter of wanting physical merch or goods that are japan-only then they still would have had time to get whatever they want with how much they would have traveled to Japan for hololive anyway
>If it's wanting to collab with JP senpais and court the JP audience then I guess moving does make it easier, but they are ostensibly part of the english branch and cover wouldn't just let them switch branches and languages, also japs see them more as novelties rather than streamers to watch daily.
>Easier access to the studio? from what members have said studio access is restricted and lives have been canceled or members denied access
you can be a weeb and love japan and otaku culture while also recognizing moving there and upending your whole life is dumb and pointless.
Like 98% of their problems are self inflicted at this point with the remaining 2% being random maladies like migraines and food poisoning but even those could have been alleviated with smarter time management. Most people can take a day off work without everything collapsing.
It'd be great if they realized their limits ever and were realistic with their capabities. They wouldn't have to publicly apologize to their manager if this was the first tine their shit planning and time management skills didn't get them into a pickle, but instead this is the 4th that we as the public know of.
Makes me wonder how much head-rolling is happening behind the scenes.
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>xbox live is down
>can't even play with wuffians on Halo
>getting psy-oped before the first anniversary
It's a marathon, not a sprint.
>They don't even seem like they are enjoying their lives or Japan most days.
They've outright said that they've been too busy to enjoy it. Anyone claiming otherwise doesn't watch streams
Still protected. I've got a lot of fwmc vods to catch up on anyway.
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I'd be more mad if I didn't take these opportunities to get to know the three decent Justice girls some more
They've canceled more streams in the past week than there have been karaokes since they moved to Japan.
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Nah you're still wrong. The opportunities and the nearby studio, offcollabs with JPs and just being in Tokyo, it's worth it all for them and I'd do the same.
who is the fourth one?
Not protected.
I hope someone has a deck with only pot of greeds
Should have known that with the move, the GW stuff, and the insane, unrealistic push for 1m before the anni. They are destroying thenselves for shit that others have told them to take their time on. People who have been doing this for 3-5 years longer than they have. Their obstinance is impressive and I'm surprised they haven't gone more menhera.
That 3d performance gonna have to be really good.
The one that for obvious reasons I already unsubbed and will never watch, I don't think I need to explain
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Check out mamma Raora. She's very sweet.
I wonder if bait posters are replying to bait posters, that'd be funny.
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Which one would do better as a solo streamer?
you're not allowed to post goslings anymore
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Is it their fault for not knowing their limits and doing this?
Is it our fault for not expressing concern enough?
Is it management's fault for allowing them to do this?
Is it Advent's and holoENs fault for not supporting them more?
Who is responsible???
if only mococo would call me chattini
>screw over 90% of their fans for the sake of the rich paypigs that can afford to go see them in person
Ya sounds about FWMC
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This hurts to read.
More in the last month than the rest of the year. Pretty funny.
Only one is even capable so this is a pretty easy question. Mococo pepbably wouldn't even be alive if she didn't have a sister that sacrificed her future to take care of her.
Fwmc streaming less right now actually came at a good time for me since I wanted to check out Justice for their first couple of weeks. Also have a bit of a backlog with JP holo streams I've been going through.
It's their fault for not knowing their limits and doing this.
It's our fault for not being sterner with them, not schizo like the Hungarian, but sterner and telling them to buckle down and stop accepting new HW
It's management's fault for allowing them to do this
Advent and Holo EN tried their best.
There's literally only one shot at a 3D showcase. stfu.
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gross, she called me a mexican
nta but they wouldn't be suffering the way they are now.
they would have achieved their 1 Million goal and when it's time to go to japan, they wouldn't be struggling to find a place to stay and be absent for a month plus.
im not saying they wouldn't be struggling, but their struggles would be less than what they are going through now.
All of you are retarded
Yup they are retarded and need to be told what to do by people who love them but know better than them, otherwise the sad state of affairs we have now is the result
>Get in trouble with management for causing delays in projects
>Twice (at least) in the first year
Bye bye 3d sololive!
Hello manager shitlist!
Now do the one for "our best"
Biboo should ask for a toggle to get into that mode.
this fuzzian plays kashtira snake eyes to make children cry
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#FUWAMOCO Princess Fuwawa, Princess Mococo! Feeling ill is never a fun thing especially food poisoning! It is all right to take today easy! Glad you both are taking the time to take care of your health! I am glad that you two decided to cancel Portal 2 for now! Please continue to rest and recover! Do not push yourselves! Take all the time to rest so that you both are feeling like your old fluffy and fuzzy selves again!
Hopefully you both are resting lots right now! I am always cheering for you two especially when you both are resting! You two will always have my full support! I love you two always! I love you my sweet fluffy Kamioshi Princess Fuwawa and my sweet fuzzy Kamioshi Princess Mococo !
Rest well and drink lots of water! Hope you feel better soon! Sending you lots of healing headpats, BAU BAU
It's worth it when it's planned out and not rushed.
Who would have guessed that FWMC were bigger girlfailures than Shiori lol
i'm so sorry your whores got infected by the western virus
Of course it would have been better but I think they had to move anyway and didn't want to get into a completely different new place now back home only to then move again half a year later
It was a now or never thing and yes it came with problems
They get sick so easily, they're just weak, they need more protein
Bijou got sick, lost her voice and recovered from her sickness by streaming more
FWMC are just made of glass
You guys ready for them to be micromanaged to hell and back for the next year? Will they survive mentally when they have the jap managers baring down on them constantly?
>they need more protein
suisex just took them to eat more protein and it gave them food poisoning...
not changing a light bulb for weeks until papapuppy came along to do it was a big sign
vegan guard dogs
What I fucking hate is that it's always the streams that get cut. Not the voicepacks, not the niche pop up events in Taiwan, not the Japanese amusement part collabs, it's the thing that 99% of their audience enjoys and can experience.
i don't really care about portal that much
can't wait for the 2 streams a week schedule
I really thought I could entrust my smile to them. They aren't doing it on purpose but it still sucks.
Well yeah streams are scheduled for a time. Voice packs they can just record it a day later, not like you would know later on once it comes out.
Wow I wonder why
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It's funny you can tell this over the top reaction is from some Ruffians who fantasize all day about their chats getting read then throwing a tantrum when they won't get their dose. I'll just watch Migo until they return, hope they feel better soon
And gachikoi enable this behavior by being yesman who shower women who don’t care about them with akas LOL
You literally can't have anyone responsible for your life other than yourself retard. Learn to self-actualize already.
You know shits bad when Ruffians are protecting your smile more than FWMC are.
How do you know they aren't getting cut from things behind the scenes?
KEK imagine seething this hard because I have disposable income. I'm sending another $500 next time.
The fact that I am now less bothered by it than I used to be either means I don't obsess over them as much anymore or I got so used to it that it just feels like "oh yeah another one I guess"
So the cake was lie...
and thats a good thing, being so bothered over a stream is bad for your health
They don’t love you KEKAROO
>cancelled stream
sorry to tell you that they hate us
baused, the superchat reading is going to be a great time
I just wish them well and hope they can recover as soon as possible.
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I should give my money to biboo instead
You’re just the same as Fandead keky
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Based Biboo
Gura didn't have to move. And it wasn't now or never, it was bad planning. They could have used this mandatory time in Japan to do their house shopping and get their ducks in a row, then make the move after their anniversary without killing their momentum nearly as much.
i think im just going to mute their tweets and wait to see if they actually stream on youtube.
when things get back to normal I'll unmute them and i think others should do it too so they don't feel bad when they cancel a stream and see the post on twitter.
I love this. I have been fervently praying for Fuwamoco’s downfall. I’m slowly getting rewarded. Fuck them and fuck you retards lol. I wish the worst for them
Baused and same.
The more they cancel streams the less I care about their streams. It sucks, but at this point it can't be helped if they're sick. Maybe they will pull me back in whenever they start streaming normal again like they used to before the move to Japan.
The homosisters are making their attack. Stay strong unicorns
I unfollowed them, it's not worthwhile to waste my time on twitter for them anymore
They hate you :(
I do wonder how much Biboo destroyed her SC potential by streaming so much stuff she can't monetize. At some point people just forget you can SC her on other streams
well im not advocating to unfollow but that's (you)r choice.
good on you outsider.
>girls get food poisoning
Surely the ruffians aren't going to anti and shitpost about them cancelling streams for literally being sick--- oh, nevermind. Forgot. Ruffians, worst fanbase
It's because they are dumb, they got handed a golden ticket with hololive and so didn't have to grind the creation of a massive fambase all they've been doing is milking their existing fans HARD. They are milking us for all we're worth in the first year instead of thinking about building a dedicated fanbase that will support them over the next few years, hell I wouldn't be surprised if they try to jump ship to JP.
a lot of genuine ruffians in this thread right now
she did fine on her bday and is not that much behind shiori and nerissa
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They love me. They said so themselves and I believe them. They haven't given me any reason not to believe them. They love me and I love them.
>Ruffians, worst fanbase
You're right, but not for the reasons you think.
a lot of genuine cucks in this thread right now
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Come home Ruffians
Yeah, you
Only true ruffians let FWMC fuck them in the ass with a rusty strap-on: The Thread
>leaving us for JP loop
Woah! Retro!
hi cuck
No one wants Ruffians on this board. You’re all a blight.
all they say is
>Problem has occurred.
>Stream must be canceled because of said problem
>We regret or Sorry but it must be done.
the reason people are complaining is because everyone agrees they should focus on doing their job and let streaming be the last thing on their mind right now.

everyone wishes FUWAMOCO well and hope they get better, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't criticize them for their poor decision making.
they should stream when they can, not because they should.
but hey, im in the silent majority that thinks this so what do i know.
Mamma mia
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Every time I see those troons run to this thread to shitpost I realize how much they've been seething all this time to see FWMC succeed so much.
most of us really don't give a shit. because it's nothing burger that only retards who think they are good trolls keep pushing and same fagging.

i am not interested in married women. sister
they should stop making schedule because they obviously can't follow it
Are there any Travelers that still visit this shithole? Where they always biting more work than they could chew? Have they changed?
i said as much before they released a schedule: https://warosu.org/vt/thread/79411684#p79412894
but, you know, stubborn retards. fuwamoco i know you're /here/ right now, you are two fucking retards who do this to themselves. zero sympathy from me.
Day 1 ruffian but i'm thinking about jumping ship.
They should just stop streaming entirely and only focus on their Idol dream. No point in streaming when they hate ruffians.
Yes schizo, everyone upset at getting fewer FWMC streams is a troon and not a genuine fan. Genuine fans are happy to have all of FWMC's time be spent doing voice packs and events which most people don't get to go to.
Sure is a lot of ESL posts in here
>hate ruffians
i mean, can you really blame them?
>i am not interested in married women. sister
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Floofies too small and that fluffy tail is fucking pathetic
Come on Mei
Stop complaining faggots. Keep going and Fuwamoco will stop putting so many streams in the schedule. You don't want them to end up like ERB with 3 free days in her second week on the job
Why can't you white knights fags ever accept criticism of your oshis? It's always some nebulous nefarious outside force coming to personally ruin your favorite thread.
>he wants the Quick Rao Down
Bamanos! We're not holding back
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>everyone upset at getting fewer FWMC streams is a troon and not a genuine fan
Yes everyone who doesn't care about FWMC's health and wellbeing is a troon and not a genuine fan you are correct
if this is affecting you and isn't "protecting your smile"
please leave.
this is a good test to see who's loyal and who isn't.
chumbuds have it worst but they never complained but accepted it and moved on while waiting for her to stream.
this is only temporary but you fags want to jump ship?
please do.
They HAVE stopped putting so many streams in the schedule and now they cant even do the few they put in.
japan ruined fwmc
I feel bad for them. I still live with my family so they take care of me when I get sick but I always wonder how people manage to survive alone if they get bad food poisoning. Do you just sleep by the toilet and pray you survive or something? There's no way you're going to be able to go out and get medicine and stuff.
I'd rather FWMC make a realistic schedule than get my hopes up and get me to reorient my day for them, and then get stood up.
This thread is 90% sisters and browns shitposting and samefagging.
they should stop putting up schedules until they finish what they have to do.
they are too parasocial with ruffians and need to focus on THEIR work and not pleasing us, because when they DON'T work, it will hurt both FWMC and ruffians.
They’re busy having sex with their big brother
They cancelled a stream because they have the screaming shits, no criticism is warranted
>B-But they cancelled a lot of streams lately!
Yeah because they're busy as fuck, like the rest of Advent, they also have additional work like preparing for AX on top of that.
>They should prioritise streams!
They're hungry dogs and want to do a lot of things, they do their best to stream as much as possible but their hands are tied, they can't miss deadlines for work they signed on to do. If that upsets you then you just picked the wrong horse because they've never made it a secret that they want to do these things and outright said in January that they'd be making sacrifices to do things they want to do and said they know it would upset some people, which is (You)
Sounds like there's not too many ruffians left to defend them. I wonder why.
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fucking kino
They will literally never be realistic, if they were capable of that, they would have gotten real jobs 10 years ago.
Not Fuwawa
I do care about their health, and their health will improve if they stop working themselves ragged larping as idols. What's more straining on the body, fat 30 year olds trying to dance, or them streaming a video game from their computers?
They all make tons of money regardless of what they play since the biggest paypigs will just throw supers when they can.
3d stuff is so weird
I'm sure I can get used to it, but...
>Why aren't the ruffians spending their time 'defending' against my bad faith troll posts?
I'm playing jong
I don't give a shit what you're saying or what they've said in the past. They're fucking up right now and no amount of 'hur dey hungry puppies' platitudes is going to make it better. They're fuck-ups and I'm glad it upsets you.
>loyalty test
>saying fwmc should stream less like gura does
Lol the absolute state of ruffians, we are in the cult phase
SC is far from being their biggest income, merch clears all, plus I think biboo got 3 or 4 sponsored streams already and you make bank with those
Stop complaining about your own posts
what do you find weird about it
because we leave the thread while you sisters loop
>Bringing up Gura in any capacity
Yea nah fuck off with that
Got one from me, good job.
I got kiss raped again...
it's fine
we can watch justice instead
Name? I know this 3d artist but can't remember
jong is shit
No way, I was looking forward to portal. Food poisoning sucks though, I hope they get well soon.
>this is only temporary
Any proof of that? It's been temporary for 4 months now
There's a fucking limit
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>Typing of the Dead
>Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion
>Cookie & Cream
>Chilla's slop
>Donkey Kong Country
>Metal Gear Solid 1/2
I believe that Japan is unintentionally killing them
just don't like the look
>chumbuds have it worst but they never complained but accepted it
didn't a chumbud send an SC to ame that he was going to kill himself if gura didn't stream?
Only 3 'true' ruffians in the thread. Pathetic.
you're retarded and that's all im going to say to you.
read above.
wtf is this bauga guy going on about?
I am the last Ruffian
I get it chumcuck Gura left you fags alone forever ago you're still sucking her dick
Then cancel on AVX. Why should I be okay with them canceling on us instead of management? And ya, if FWMC keep pulling shit like this I'll watch someone else, as I'm sure plenty of other ruffians are.
Oh yeah MGS2 was great, they couldn't even follow a voiced story and were too occupied screaming around to figure out where the warehouse is they were told to go multiple times ingame.
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Someone is sabotaging them, and they probably accepted food from an enemy
Fuck you, manager
As a hooman ex chumbud this is all too familiar.
Be glad you still get regular updates.
why do all sisters post like this? nobody will take you seriously, put more effort into blending in
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she is being cute
I'm sorry
You will never stop us.
they are in 3D crunch time for breaking dimensions and choreograph the shit they are going to do for their 3D debut, they have to rehears what they are going to say for their Good smile panel + whatever else they have to do for summer.
so yeah, it will go back to normal in September or late August.
if you don't believe that then you don't watch hololive streams at all.
if twitter is any indication they're losing a lot of diehards. They will come back but their hearts are now shared with other girls
well, I guess it can't be helped...
Get back to me when she plays Halo.
everything went wrong after hachi watchalong
For a month or two then Holofes 6 or whatever else will get to them.
holiday voicepacks and new year event prep
Actually everything went wrong after the 2nd BP stream.
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Just another day that ends with y.
you just haven't seen quality 3D stuff.
im not talking OW2 source shit.
look up flim13.
This is why you don't oshi anyone before 1 year
I love them, but they're my side bitches. I know how to control my emotions
everything went wrong when the west shared technology with brown people
Don't forget all the membership cancellations that most likely have been happening recently.
We're their side bitches so it's fair.
They should have waited until 2025 to move to Japan. I know some people say their lease was up but with how much money they are making I don't see how that is a problem. They would have reached their goal in under a year.
Management will be beating the piss out of them for the next 6 months for fucking up their homework timelines so much. They're about to be miserable.
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>their hearts are now shared with other girls
Haha... I feel guilty
Yeah ok Bravo.
Sickening, no other member of hololive in the history of the company has ever had to cancel streams like this - especially EN
>They're about to be miserable.
I know they're hiding it but they're probably the most miserable they've been since the move started.
Do ENs even have a schedule?
You can't cancel what was never announced
Lack of sleep, overworked, and back-to-back illnesses. Living in Japan is probably a small comfort right now.
It's really funny to me that they made a members post a day after the day one members were renewed.
Will things really get better in September?
Can you really call it 'overworked' when you do it to yourself? I guess I'm usually used to seeing that attached to someone who doesn't have the option.
Yeah that's true, it was their dream to live there.
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i want to see what this fucker is cooking.
We'll see, but they haven't shown any signs that they've learned their lesson so doubtful.
MH Freedom is easier than I remember, I'm halfway through the noob village quests without needing to craft armor because I don't feel like grinding
Do none of you remember the love they've given us in the past? Now when things are getting harder for them you're just gonna leave? What is wrong with you? Motherless behavior.
It was outta panic probably, I give it a few more days and we'll see some actual members content show up.
>learn their lesson
think i might drown my sorrow with some taco bell...
the love is gone after they moved to japan
Doubt it. They will be prepping for the Christmas and New Years concert soon after September is over, and then it will be Holofes prep.
I will be the last Ruffian and Fuwawa will marry me for my loyalty
Please don't be so dramatic and have faith in a return to the good days. How are Ruffians less resilient than Chumbuds? Give them some time. It hasn't been that long yet.
Actions speak louder than words. They've always said this. In the past their actions showed their love. Now their words just say their sorry again and again and that they're trying their best.
the hyper warp effect is funny
who are the people on twitter enabling them to continue instead of focusing on work?
tell me so i can shove my boot up their ass.
It's been 4 months. By the time you're waiting a year like Chumbuds, that's not resilience, that's being a fool.
only antis are posting, trying to promote other EN whores
I will, by unemembering and waiting for them to take care of themselves first. Fuck streams, get your shit sorted out with homework and your own living conditions first, then come stream for us.
I will be the last and when they ask me to marry them I'll say NO WAY FAG
okay, come here so i can shove my boot up your ass.
>Fuck homework, get your shit sorted out with stream and your own living conditions first, then do more projects.
Fixed that for you.
They're still working more hours than what they should. The cause is irrelevant.
Membership content...
go share your thoughts on twitter
If only they had the work ethic of Mumei or Gura...
>300 posts in an hour
surely worth reading
No more good content...
The homeworm is committed to. If they want to stream more, they will take less homework in the future.
We are where we are, pretending we aren't is what fucked them up in the first place and now they're tumbing down the hill, just waiting to hit the bottom to pick themselves back up.
Its mostly shitposters replying to themselves or samefagging
as if /baubau/ ever is worth reading
I bought a streaming ticket to support them but if you're not going in person it's going to be only marginally better than their karaokes, which they have canceled multiple times for this shit. Why should most ruffians be okay with getting shit on for the sake of the rich paypigs that are going? Sounds like a cuck mentality.
Then we'd never hear or see them again
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I would love to lick Fuwawa's sweaty pits.
all me
They keep committing to more and more.
Don't you claim my shitposts as yours, fagola.
Half of it is concernfagging, the other half is people who hate them talking about 'switching Oshis" or 'what failures they are'.
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 329: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime.
as they should, some opportunities only come once
imagine trying to handle so many spinning plates at the same time and then both getting food poisoning making them shit for a week with only 1 bathroom to share
They used to work for our love and attention, now they only do shit that advances their career. Why should I support that?
True Ruffians would never leave them and would support them through hardship.
How do you know that? They openly stated that it was gonna get rough, and gave us a window of September for when they might be able to actually take the advice of those around them and chill out a little. I'm willing to believe them and wait until then, but they won't ever be realistic with themselves.
I just farted!!!! It smells like rotting meat!!! BAU BAU!
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Those opportunities have been voicepacks and Taiwanese popups mainly. You know what you only get one of? A body, that is rapidly aging and deteriorating.
when was the last time you got food poisoning, ruffians?
You're doing great Moco-chan!
When I was in High School from a Sonic hamburger.
They committed to US in their schedule and yet they've been breaking their promise consistently, why should I give a shit about their commitment to management? Say sorry we fucked up and take some of that homework off your plate. Otherwise you are telling us you care more about making selling shit than maintaining your fanbase.
never and I've eaten some raw stuff
A year ago, from bad pork. It knocked me out for a day.
Remember how they promised that moving to Japan won't change anything :)
Pissing off management by taking on so much shit that any small setback makes a bunch of the plates come crashing down isn't a great way to push for getting more plates to spin.
Any time there's an open post for someone to come work on a project and they answer, they will be scrutinized or possibly even rejected because of everything happening in the last 2 months.
They've already won by getting into Hololive. Killing themselves and their careers for homework is retarded no matter the cope.
4 years ago from some organic apples
Feel better soon Fuwawa....
I told everyone they couldn't keep that promise and was called an Anti. I believe they wanted to keep that promise but that's like promising to never age or die.
ate curried crab.
that was the first time i ate crab.
that was also the last time i ate crab because i vomited my guts out
Stop being a faggot. Once you are committed to the project, it's too late to remove yourself.
it was a big red flag
>true ruffians would be happy about them getting married and pregnant
Yeah no I'm not a cuck, I am not about sacrificing my happiness for FWMC's
About what? There's no fucking way to avoid their current situation and all the rescheduling for the offline stuff, hence why they're apologizing to their manager since it's whom has to deal with that. If anyone means the current and future schedules then they booked themselves months ago and can only deal with what they have right now.
Ruffians is this unironically the beginning of the end? It's been nonstop terrible since they moved to Japan. I feel like this is gonna be a turning point.
I can't remember, maybe 7 months ago?
I didn't eat anything bad, my body just decided that now was the time to get sick for some reason
Sure there is, just say sorry I'm canceling this commitment just like they've been doing to our streams. If they are fine with saying that to us, the people actually paying their salary via our support, why not management? Are they going to get fired over canceling some voice packs?
thats not food poisoning then retardffian
Japan was the beginning of the end. This is the end of the end.
>I feel like this is gonna be a turning point.
No, that was the move to Japan. The only other turning point is September
I got it from crab some months ago. It was only bad for a single night however.
Everything would get better if they moved back to Canada.
The turning point was when they streamed for golden week instead of resting.
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Season 2 of FUWAMOCO is even worse than Season 2 of Kemono Friends because I didn't love Kemono Friends nearly as much as I love FUWAMOCO.
shellfish intolerance
I'll keep an eye on them but the spark has definitely faded, no reason to not check out the Justice girls at this point
Don't talk as if you know how my body works, it was food poisoning
When I was a kid I'd eat perfectly fine pork with the family and I'd be the only one with gut rot and the runs
>No fucking way
How about trying to stop streaming constantly and taking care of the business on the back end untill it actually gets a little more clear? I give no fucks about streams if it means they have to burn the candle even harder at both ends just to try and spend 4 hours with us a week. Relax, take a break from streaming fir a few weeks to make sure you're caught up and have the leeway to do a few streams, thrn come back.
Instead they sit around doing streams pushing for a goal that was basically impossible (1m subs by July 31st).
The turning point was when rudeus went to the teleporter labyrinth
That's not food poisoning then, that's just you being unable to process pork.
When is /baubau/ going to stop being the FWMC anti thread?
I got food poisoning from cancelled streams
I got fart poisoning
eh, could be because i didn't heat the crab properly but i also vomit when i ate shrimp but i also think i ate it wrong (never took of the shell)
I'll still try tempura if i ever get the chance to.
i wish there was a way to find out what im allergic to without eating the thing to find out.
I got food poisoning from illegal ASMR
Last year I think. Bought food from some stall, can't remember what it was. I threw up fast so I recovered in a day, heard it gets really bad if you don't throw up.
FWMC are the number 1 FWMC antis with their self sabotage, we are just a reflection of that
The turning point was when Mocotoes and Gb got put on the same team during Wuffian Halo game night.
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Not sugoi at all
is it true that you can get food poisoning from eating cum?
This but illegal wotagei
I can process pork just fine, I just get sick from eating every now and then

Seems like it to me
Whenever people bother to report the obvious samefag
The turning point was when I ate too much spiced ground beef and pasta. I can't stop farting and its been 2 days
Remember when FWMC did asmr for the japs but none for us?
cool now post the overview tab instead of the symptoms tab
What about this proves me wrong?
when are we doing the kemofure watchalong?
when is the ruffian competitive eating challenge?
if no one else gets sick the food isnt contaminated
>Food poisoning, a type of foodborne illness, is a sickness people get from something they ate or drank. The causes are germs or other harmful things in the food or beverage.
What do you consider food poisoning? It still qualifies if there's bacteria that does nothing to everyone else but fucks him up
>even halo anons dropped the thread
sisters won
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We're all meeting up at IHOP a day before Breaking Dimensions.
You do realize that they would still be in Japan now with the rest of Advent and have the exact same workload either way right? All that would be different is that they'd be a hotel instead of their dog house
Huh, maybe they'll actually fucking listen instead of overexerting themselves.
No they wouldn't have the same workload. They have told us many times that they took on A LOT of stuff to the point that they gave us Septemver.
>What do you consider food poisoning?
I consider food poisoning to be anything that poisons my food.
If I eat and get sick from it, it's food poisoning. I'm well aware that my body is a bit strange in that something as simple as a stale bag of doritos would get me sick under the right conditions. So someone else doing the same and not getting sick doesn't surprise me
Imagine wanting to be within 5 ft of other Ruffians.
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I just don't know if we could actually at this point..
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>shits himself to death from stale doritos
Anyone have a list for all their reason of cancelling stream?
The Mongol Invasion of Tsushima
They still would have accepted that homework even if they were living in the NWP retardo. Did you forget they were almost collapsing in October trying to juggle streams and homework?
>sleep hort
>head hort
>voice hort
>homework hort
>mocochan hort
>taiwan karaoke hort
>one week stealth suspension hort
They’re fucking Oniichan aren’t they?
>Suisei supper
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>village quests 4 star
>still no rathalos
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I'm the oniichan
How is this cuckoldry? Why do you need to sacrifice your happiness? Just do what any reasonable person would and hold the good times in your heart while watching other vtubers and when they are ready to come back they will. They've given so much and should not be taken for granted. They are a one of a kind duo the likes of which we will never see again. Cherish them.
They also probably wouldn't be getting good poisoning because they'd eat lunch or something together with Advent instead of the conbini chicken and salad packages every day. Wouldn't be surprised if they got it by a bad batch of conbini food that went bad in transit from the summer heat
They're entertainers, not fucking saints or religious icons.
And in September they'll be busy with holosummer 3D recordings
Please quote where I referred to them as the latter.
Hello retard
i did a poo poo in my daipy
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They're not special or exempt from criticism.
>Cherish them.
My fucking god man, get a grip. If they disappeared forever right now every single person here would get over it within months and move on.
i wanna watch them dance practice
Why are ruffians such poor fans?
I'm hiding my investment powerlevel, no need to become a paypig right now.
If they aren't worth being cherished why are people throwing a melty when they cancel a stream? You're mistreating the object of your affection. Potentially even hurting them. Use your brain.
The time to become a paypig was months ago. Money means less and less to them as time goes on.
>You're mistreating the object of your affection.
Half of the 'melty' is that they want them to take care of themselves first and formost so we don't lose them to extreme burnout.
rrat it was gigi what did it to FWMC. she used gremlin powers to make their microwave uncook their food
proof https://x.com/gigimurin/status/1808229505074618384
Why are you having a meltdown over entertainers retard? Go fucking watch another entertaining
They're paid to entertain you, there is no personal relationship. I have no reason to prioritize them over me.
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didnt read the thread
I was listening kiawa before going back to work and she said shits are fucked
too many work to do this summer and she will do everything to not regret
so I guess FUWAMOCO are just busy as fuck but at least its not retarded projects full of empty promises like usual
I hope they fucking do some meat based diet to stop getting sick when they need their body the most
I believe I addressed that in a previous post. I will assume I am being baited and leave it at that.
Then stop spending all your free time obsessing over them schizo
I hope so,they can finally follow their real dream
return to be fleshy idol in RM after 2 year as they announced it
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I meant more with how little leeway you guys give them emotionally. Its no wonder they come back to me to be loved. cut them some slack, they have needs and portal is an ass game anyways and getting the perms is always a pita for them so sometimes they need to release stress with me
Just welcome them back when they come back and enjoy the time you have with them.
Welp I missed the boat then.
What an obtuse motherfucker.
I'm poor now because I spent all my money on them.
Actually they are my wives
Work's over. Later fags, enjoy your cope thread.
Anon you're retarded and delusional but I'll look past that since my asmr oshi is eating out my ears currently.
Oh i will and i will take my membership with me and never look back. Once a season ruins the show i won't give it a second chance no matter how many say that the next season is better.
see you next thread
I hope they keep doing schedules. The worst isn't cancelations. It's no schedules or communication, logging in every day to see if there's a stream that day. I can't live like that. Every chuuba I've dropped It's been because of that.

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