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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

[Sad News] Kiara is losing her ability to mask her rampant European racism
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Based OP
Too small.
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Recent clip numbers
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Sex thread
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Harsh truth: Unicorns having dialogue supremacy here is predicated on the fact that the most popular ENs choose to not collab with males, not that the ENs who are the most popular is BECAUSE they don’t collab with males. People would make excuses for Gura, Fauna, Mumei, etc collabing with males if they did, or change sides on the issue altogether in order to defend their oshi.
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>71,218: Subaru (Hololive)
>38,502: Miko (Hololive)
>34,696: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>34,092: Chiroru (Indie)
>25,045: Hal (Neo-Porte)
>22,779: Lunlun (Nijisanji)
>18,987: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>18,131: Noel (Hololive)
>17,887: Koyori (Hololive)
>17,347: Lamy (Hololive)
>17,306: Chigusa (Nijisanji)
>15,924: Patra (Indie)
>15,797: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>15,533: Raora (Hololive)
>13,518: Yashiro (Nijisanji)
>12,972: Ibrahim (Nijisanji)
>12,666: Nozomi (Nijisanji)
>12,489: Cecilia (Hololive)
>12,231: Botan (Hololive)
>11,444: Calliope (Hololive)
>11,320: Gigi (Hololive)
>10,373: Bijou (Hololive)
>10,212: Ririka (Hololive)
>10,204: Koyori (Hololive)
>10,043: Haachama (Hololive)
It's ok, turks are subhumans. Nobody cares.
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[Kiara News] She's trying to "give birth to a goal" while moaning
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Gura retweet.
I am homosexual
cute feet
Turkey should throw for the content
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If it helps you cope anon
>harsh truth: schizo bullshit
Kiara threatening to invade Turkey
nta, but that's literally how it worked for global with how invested people were in Ame
her numbers are basically untouched too despite having one of the most mean anti-unicorn episodes
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so that's it? A week of shitposting, but in the end ERB and beggars just lost like that?
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what did she mean by this?
you're at the stage where you start blaming the girls instead of the fans. soon you will complete the homobeggar to holoanti pipeline.
Yeah yeah, let's just ignore Raora.
>austria will lose
>Kiara won't flash her tits
This is a lose:lose situation for us
wait for collab ban to end
Friday footie is going to be fun
qrd? Erb is the runt or something?
Austria.. Owari da..
wait till next week
that fucking save good lord
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GG starting in literal MINUTES
It's owari...
As EN gen 0, haachama is patient zero for the EN curse
So close
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bummer I guess
/baubau/ isn't taking the cancellation well.
Except my oshi is one of the aforementioned “unicorn-friendly” girls, and I would absolutely betray you cunts to defend her.
did she fucking spit?
this means kiara is graduating btw
If their goal was to enjoy their oshi and welcome a holomem collab maybe every once in a blue moon, they would be winning.
But they can never win because their goal is to get Gura to do weekly homocollabs to own the unicels.
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The moment Kiara lost her will to live and started crying
I think she now understands the appeal of this game
ofc the won't. They're like Saplings and chumbuds but a bit more unhinged
wallet or fuck off
Whatever helps you sleep at night
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We've seen whozuka and his assbuddy fail to sell out even 20% of an EN concert, but how do you think a power duo like Suisei/Miko or PekoMarine would do?
No "HoloEN is singing on the other days so might as well go there" buff applicable like Kuzuha had, pure just these two.
t. pretends he’s in good company when he spams about homos there
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am I the only one who thinks that sad and devastated Kiara sounds.. hot?
Those lower brackets are gonna be cracked
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za cull?
I have both membership and merch I could show, but I’m not gonna reveal my oshi.
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That's just your rape and pillage instincts
that's what made her so great in 2020/2021
then fuck off larper
Sounds like a skill issue, my dick is fucking diamonds
Retarded falseflag what do you even aim to do with such blatant shitposting?
Realise this homobeggar, anyone who is worth anything in vtubing panders to their fanbase, whatever that may be. If they are too shit to realise and do that, going against their own fanbase that will literally support them through anything they are actually worthless. If my oshi fucked up that badly, and that grossly (not that she will ever because shes a wonderful person and only retards and whores would do that) i would feel too disgusted to actually watch any vtubers ever again much less her again. This is how 99% of all vtuber watchers feel, regardless of how much you cope. Judt look at pink cat from vshojo if you have to
this nigga lying RUMAO
lmao Kiara now wants Netherlands to win so hard
Kiara 20k ccv confirmed.
The arc is over...
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Sure, you do.
I’m just pointing out an incontrovertible fact. If you would turn on your oshi if they collabed with males, then they’re not your oshi. That’s among the most shallow of reasons to oshi somebody.
/lig/ is melting down because there's Chumbies raiding their thread and posting Gura
What kind of numbers can Kiara get with a Turkey v. Netherlands hate watching stream?
What kind of yabs can Kiara get with a Turkey v. Netherlands hate watching stream?
Wait for monetization and members
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>her numbers are basically untouched too
I love it when people can't read supply and demand graphs, too, anon, but it sure would look like the numbers are untouched when someone sees decreased demand and matches it with decreased supply
why are the chumpedos raiding them??
Well you're not a sapling because they're never afraid to post merch
Why did kiara not sound so excited about having to stay in holo until the world championship in 2026?
Chumbuds dont even post in their own general and it gets fully bumped everytime, they are too busy gooning to feet/pedobait to actually post anywhere be it reddit or here
Kinda based actually
Who’s your oshi?
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i haven't opened /lig/ in over a year
This CCV looking exceptionally grim.
>not sound so excited
Why make things up if you're already taking the time to watch her?
Why do you just, I dunno, not watch her if you hate her?
Gigi is cute
3k doryaaa...
>losing to kiara ranting about turks
Here's something that your axiom fucks up on, though:
You're assuming the only reason someone here would like her is that she doesn't homocollab, when the truth is that the girl, being who she is naturally, chooses not to do so of her own free will.
To change things so that they start acting differently is to make them a different person entirely. Thus, the logic doesn't hold.
Kiara will raid Gigi.
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wow the globie males can get some numbers
is kiara going to be watchalonging germany next?
Anyone else feels like buying GG's acrylic stand?
>it's hot where I live
I thought she lived in america which universally has AC. is she in japan or is she actually a euro?
Shitting on turks is a buff
Why did brave do it?
>Shiori under overlap tier
Man, what can she even do to get more popular? This is less than two weeks into debut, she could very well become the branchwide runt.
Then why are you here?
They finally allowed monetization?
>rip bozo
is GG more of a zoomer than Bae?
current numbers
yeah who knows why it took so long
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>Recaps previous streams
You guys think this helps new viewers?
idk but sometimes the A/C isn't enough.
I guess going outside is foreign to you.
ERB BTFO by Kiara
>Kiara: England SUCKS tho
I think the dog has potential.
globie needs more girls like Bonnie and Kiri.
I’m saying that collabing with males is such an arbitrary place to draw the line between whore and not whore, and you wouldn’t actually turn on your oshi because of it. Now it’d be different if they were flirting with males on stream, that’s another story. But Mumei has collabed with males, Peko has collabed with males, at the end of the day we make excuses for them because it was a completely professional interaction.
Erb graduating out of shame after that Kiara dunk.
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I took a look and it seems the shitfliging started when someone said that
>"Nina couldnt even fill out a $150 dono goal"
and then someone said that she would start applying to Holo in 6 months then. Honestly pretty funny how some of the /lig/ fags instantly got offended and started staying she good get sponsorships and sell merch (cant even fill $150 dono btw) and started sperging out on Corpos.

conclusion is that liggers would rather have thier oshi poor and struggling than for her to go to a corpo even tho they dont even donate to groom them either
Kiara wasn't satisfied with only two dead homos, she's going for the beggar Queen now
Carmen Sandiego
Opinions on this spic video?
>male vtubers don't work
ganbare phasenig
BASED BASED BASED! The Hololive CGDCT Empire reigns supreme!
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gigi I'm here for the yap but you aren't yapping.
You really want those holo x homo collabs, don't you?
The dog is committing sudoku with some of her donothon goals, one goal is doing an on stream rice purity tests
fucking retarded dog
Big words for a country that just lost to sub human turks
buy Justice's acrylics you anons... Someone fucked up their monetization, so acylics is the only way to support them for now
You know, a Carmen Sandiego vtuber actually seems like a cool idea.
The reasoning is clear and baked into that if you bother to discuss the actual concepts with people here.
Professional content has been a known thing for a LONG time.
Why did she do it bros...
>mixed genders
Gigi absolutely putting the most amount of detail into the crab queens breasts
Is this real?
She is drawing, I like it. She actually tones down her voice this time.
she could've been in GG's place right now if she only waited a little longer LMAO
No, not really. But I do like pointing out logical flaws to people that aren’t as committed to their ideals that they pretend to be.
Is that woman still doing that shit
>gigi losing to kiara ranting about sports
Why so it's easier to collab with Flaygod?
Professional content has always been fine, like 99% of the posting about that is just pure shitposting. Like if a holo has male musicians on stage just like Azki no one fucking cares really, if one of the VSPO FPS sluts casts a tournament with a fleshie caster no one cares etc
sorry she was making points and then went on the whole "VTUBERS ARE MORE PARASOCIAL" when she just finished talking about how male streamers try and do the fraternity thing AKA "im your bro" shit.

Nah its literally the same crap, Pewdiepie telling you to brofist and other asking you to join their family is Parasocial as fuck too
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Until Gigi plays the fucking game I'm not unmuting her
Real Based
That’s very near to the point I’m making anyway. Unicornism is mostly just used a point to shitpost about girls that you don’t like regardless of whether they collab with males.
Shes barely even talking for all the effort shes putting into drawing the queen
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Crab Game draw stream is a unique stream concept for sure
bonnie is a 1000000x better than GG. She'll be a fully pledged CGDCT in HoloEN
Correct. People won't see it though
We've literally see that happend during the Omegatroon dark age and Holo numbers recline into oblivion. We literally see the homo numbers with the vast majority of Holofans utterly refusing to watch them and whatever fanbase they have being filled with fujosisters who don't care about Hololive.
Why is it so hard for you mongoloids to accept that CGDCT is part of Hololive's appeal and one of the things that make it stand out?
Similar to Bae, her voice is actually a lot better when she goes lower like she's doing now.
Oh yeah, she is one of those somethingtroons. KEK.
I think taking into account how they go about it is an important factor, i.e., Kronii and Ame vs. Bae.
kino gg, never doubted her, you'll regret being mean to her
Then tell her to apply for EN 5 and do develop her skill set a bit more
Eh, it reminds me of Ollie when Ollie doesn't scream
To shit on disgusting homobeggars that think theyre doing my oshi a favour by shilling their homobeggar whore and pairing them with him
They need to get it through their thick skills that everyone hates them for a good reason and it is because theyre the most cancerous type of anti
I wish I really like her voice
Bae goes about it in the least inflammatory way possible, and she still gets shitposted hard, so what’s your point exactly?
Ah yeah. Those big underdogs like Mori or Kronii.
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lmfao no she won't
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Kiara gonna become the sports Holo (im down)
>Like if a holo has male musicians on stage just like Azki no one fucking cares really
This whole board turned on her yesterday. Now they turned on Subaru because she said she doesn't have many gachikoi. Just face it anon, this place will always find the silliest way to turn on a Holo. Sora and Nene over phones too.
plus she's a real Yuro, unlike GG
Kiara is going to be disappointed if she tries to watch the Olympics to cheer for Austria, they're a complete nonfactor in the summer for the most part.
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I'm going to watch Gigi at a very low volume because she hasn't done anything wrong
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numbers for the venues?
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bronze girl
What the fuck are you talking about?
Why the fuck does a crab have tits
JUSTICE is not marketed as an EU gen, so that little detail is worthless
Only if she does a Super Bowl watchalong
>would rather cheer for austria in literalwho sporst than Germany in fútbol
these fuckers really take the "not the same country" shit too seriously
>implied we
Fuck off catalog pig
The problem are the homostars, nijihomos and their mentally ill fanbase and 'supporters'. Every each one of them are radioactive shit, woke/pol shit enablers and fucking scum in general. That's why nobody watch them.
chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu~~~~
Stop replying to schizos retard they will reply to themselves anyway
She streamed Noita for 3 hours and took a drink every time she died and she only died 13 times, impressive for a w*man
We've had this conversation with you a million times. You get told it's an emotional matter of jealousy and we don't want to see stream shitters collabing with our oshis, you act as if this is some sort of religious fundamentalism where no men can ever be on the same stream and believe the AIEEE MALE shitposters are real. You know why no one thinks Kiara and Ina are male collabers despite interacting with homos and collabing with dudes? Cause we know what we want to see and what we don't. No fucking other streamers, no hour long collabs of talking like normal people with each other. If you stick them to shill something together in some stiff manner, or an interview, or they're hosting something, it doesn't even begin to count.
Not really, this thread will never turn on SNO because they're the only holos who can be trusted in the entire company to not sell out their fans, you gaslighting nijinigger.
Isn't she the one that collabed with Flygon on debut week
it literally isn't the same country
Wait, I thought you were just being facetious, do we actually have some unironic Astelsister here that’s a hardcore unicorn?
This thread is the catalog's hideout
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eh as long as its not soccer shit, im down to watch Olympics stuff. She interested in GOONING too girls tennis and maybe skateboarding.
That's mostly spic culture, of the two popular male vtubers they mentioned, the ugandan one says he's not a vtuber, and the dog one is a fucking peruANO who does spout the parasocial one.
Why can't they be more like the US, they cheer for Canada and Mexico since it's all basically the same country anyway
>Subtract -20 more for the same fagging, and also look below the belt line.
I fixed it for you, ESLchama.
Justice acrylic sales numbers?
No she doesn't? Nobody gives a fuck when Bae collabs with dudes.
Gigi didn't do as well as expected huh?
Right. Hololive to you is just SNO only. You refuse to watch whores and sellouts. Even though your oshis may interact with them on a yearly basis.
Before globie as well
Oh and to add homocollabing is such a big sin because the males they collab with are fucking losers with no talents to speak of, so the only reason as to why they collab is to flirt or whatever. Male vtubers arent funny, they arent talented, they have no clout to speak of, they are the digital equivalent to a homeless bum
Why so much Gigi seethe lately?
Sounds too much like doki, Enna and Bae. I literally watched a clip yesterday that someone posted here and she sounded like Enna straight up and then laughed like Doki to finish it off .........
womens beach volleyball is the gooning sport
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You lost already.
Holoan are desperately trying to manufacture something to seethe about
Otomos are like the Pebbles or Saplings of Justice. Are singlehandedly responsible for intragen tribalism.
if two countries are similar but not one altogether , they probably hate each other, kinda like spain and portugal
Seething 2view fans, you can differ it from general holoan by them saying how others deserve it more
Yes, nijinigger. I don't care as long as a male isn't involved and those three are the only holos that'll never betray what hololive really is, you could even say that they are hololive.
Cecilia is unyabbable
Raora did much better than expected
they've been ERBposting on cooldown to no avail so they need a new target
>holo fanbase vs holo fanbase
Are we pretending now that Mori and Kronii have not always been among the most hated ENs on /vt/? If anything, this place is softer on Mori nowadays than it used to be.
>t. the troon seething about Gigi
kill yourself trannysis, your homocucks will never be relevant or popular
Yeah chat asked her to watch that but she said she wasnt interested. I think she would like it, she just needs to give it a try
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I don't get what GG did to catch the ire of shitposters.
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Eh depends, like swedes usually cheer for any other nordic country but the other nordic countries usually dont cheer for sweden (if you take them at their word)
Are you the fag that said Legal Mindset was more Hololive than Kanata? kek
>Sora's label producer retired
A shame, I hope next one will be good
Retard my oshi is IRyS then again it's not like unicorns were known to like her anyways
yeah but sweden is... yknow...
The crab bucket is real...
can't believe subaru covers this song. it really fits her perfectly
you do not know what turks are like in europe
they are the absolute worst and they are fucking everywhere
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I want to use Gigi's spats to make tea
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I love autistic white girls so much
Yeah you're in it
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they always target the one with the lower numbers, just like shiori and nerissa, they don't really need a proper reason since they'll make one up anyway
>Austria lose againts turks
lmao imagine losing to kebab
>I don't even wanna do this GIRLFRIEND thing but I'm unwantedly doing it
Kiara is GFE
>taking dick in your vagina is such an arbitrary place to draw the line between virgin and slut
That's literally your thinking.
As far as I know spaniards and portuguese are ok between them. But I must say portuguese women are very hairy and got impressive mustaches.
This is true, I am the otomos. I'm not shitting on her when they don't collab though.
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Gi Murin /#/
Nerissa isn't that low
This is phase board
Oh, Gigi 5k
I wish. Crabs are CUTE.
I sorta agree that the concept of the girls collabing with some kinda nonspecific male is not itself a selling or detracting point; Roberu's doing ok with his hetship, for example. The part where your logic goes to shit is when you try replacing said nonspecific male with
Because I've tried enough of the former to know I don't want to watch any of them, and I'm here because I stopped wanting to put up with the latter. The opposite's true too, by the way - the Tempus Twitch Takeover did a whopping fuckall for any of their fortunes, as did Magni trying the same on his own with that GirlDM shit. Nor is any of the Phasecollabing, or Doki's wrestlemania (wasn't T-rex a debuff when he showed his face?). Hell, I watched hours Selen playing with TSB and all that did was sour me even further on Altare and especially Axel.

Skill issue motherfucker. Maybe I'll try again when there's something worth watching, but until then I'm going to continue bristling against the idea that I'm at fault for not liking their shit content.
Point is Gigi could just not collab with males for a year and her numbers wouldn't be the greatest. It's another Shiori, IRyS, or Ina situation.
Why does Wawa have the wawas out?
Is this real?
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>dead hours incoming

HololiveEN is dead

EN5 when?
Part of being the runt of a gen. They catch strays for being perceived as the weakest link. Happened to Kiara and Bae, has been happening to Shiori and Rissa, but it seems they can't decide which to focus on. Gigi is just the latest in this trend.
You say "point is" but I don't see the point.
Justice is missing the 5th member that's either the star by far, or super close to the runt. 3 people close to each other in numbers and a runt is not normal
No, that’s very specifically defined as sexual intercourse and literally every society in history has made a strict distinction between sex with males and talking with males. Only a 3rd a worlder could think this is some kind of “gotcha” argument.
yagoo should have hired 4 or 5 EU prime time talents so that Ina or Fauna could get spirited bombed
You have it mixed up. This thread considers Ina, IRyS, Shiori, and Gigi to be the runts of their respective gens for reasons that go beyond CCV
That they'll never truly be loved by /#/ despite being "safe" by the code.
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Kiara's about to be really racist.
>about to
...you skipped the TL:DR too?
They're mad that Gigi is making Erb the runt.
If i was gigi i would be pissed at my numbers right now
barely maintaining 5k with a debut buff
Gigi might actually end up a 3view at this rate
Cause and effect, genius. They are runts because there is something wrong with them and that something gives endless ammo to shitposters. You sometimes get schizos obsessed with one girl, but most shitsposters are lazy and just throw feces at the most convenient target.
She wouldn't be the first at all
Compared to what she used to get I think she'll be fine
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Go back beggar
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so, no holosummer? really? nothing for the summer? like at all?
Another new tactic I've seen is them suggesting them collab with homos despite being SNOfags, why is that?
...calling all da boiz shit is a beggar opinion?
Mental illness probably.
yeah it sucks, it would have been announced by now and the girls that dont mind using the swimsuits are using last years stuff already/anyways so seems there is nothing this year.........
Blend in better
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>Still no GG porn
Sorry da boys needed the shiny new 3D studio for their HIGHLY ANTICIPATED concert
>posts a male collaber
Males = Holostars
That's the rule, no space for being fine with things but holostars. If you accept any male presence at any point it means the holostars are fine and collabs/shipping with holostars should be a mainstay of their content.
Not now discordbro, shit up the catalog instead
Blame EN. They're taking most of studio time.
Honestly, same.
Don't need to. Hololive has 68 girls but you choose to only acknowledge 3 of them. You're like an Islamic fundamentalist.
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GG should have streamed NA hours
I can't wait for her to run around on all fours during her 3D
too cunny like, no one is gonna bite on doing itunfortunately. I think Gura, Shion and La+ appeal to the Japs who are waaaay more likely to not give a fuck.
inshallah that is blasphemy
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Any and all male collabs are shit. Go back.
I like how Rissa has completely given up righting the ship and just does long runescape streams now. most wasted slot in advent and it isnt even close, at least shiori fulfills her weird girl niche (and will probably do more 3D stuff when she gets her model). Meanwhile Nerissa went all in on music branding/theming and hasnt even done a cover a month and took like 9(?) months to release an orisong, and rarely does karaoke. I hope cover learnt a lesson and only give heavy music branding/theming to people that actually can make their own music and debuts with at least an EP
No one's gonna take you seriously
I'm hyped for her taking the boots off more
>posts a male collaber
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I cant wait for shiori to get her home 3D to use
kys retard
I only found this, sorry.
Sexy wawa
mental illness
>2 fucking AM
>I watched hours Selen playing with TSB and all that did was sour me even further on Altare and especially Axel.
can i ask why tho? just curiosity i dont fucking care about them
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I don't watch whores
its for the unemployed euros and the japs
Late Fauna frame incoming
This thread has done nothing to disprove, and in fact only helped to prove, that >>79761151 is right. Most people don’t want to see their oshi collab with males, but also wouldn’t abandon them if it happened. Most people just don’t want it simply because it’s shitposter fuel.
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Seethe beggar
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Why is Subaru collecting Okanyan plushies?
What a great market to aim for.
No way, don't get my hopes up on a Tuesday
Acrylic stand stock update:
>Remaining stock in Holoshop/GJ = Total sales
Raora:4460/307 = 733
Cecilia: 4500/320 = 680
Gigi: 4472/364 = 664
Elizabeth: 4501/346 = 653
post memberships
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Holos for this feel?
Imagine GGs numbers in 6 months
Its also because people like MikeNeko and Aki exist. Once it starts then it can get rolling into stuff you dont want but were ok for a one off stream.
sisters you forgot to buy the acrylic stand
sadly none yet
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Imagine giving JewTube your money kek
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>Calling others beggars when they are the ones advocating for male collabs
They need to get new material.
Post merch
>Shiori vs Rissa
Beggars not buying merch what a surprise
kys (not because of your opinion but because you sound like a retard)
Cute triangle.
So you admit you don't watch them.
this is the big thing, if homocollabs are off the table there's no chance for anything to happen. if your oshi is open to them there's always the chance that she'll start doing something you aren't comfortable with and you have to live with that in the back of your mind.
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I still prefer this duo
>2nd biggest ccv
>most subs
>last in merch
It's 10am her time, and she can raid/funnel into the CC/RR collab
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Whores? Don't watch them. Simple as.
>is that Tom Brady?
For all the hours I ostensibly watched him during that Vsaikyo run, I somehow couldn't tell you anything about him beyond being kinda decent at shooting. I couldn't tell you what he said to Selen, to the coaches, to anyone; at least Axel had the singular "kidnap an Italian man" moment that went nowhere, except...
Desperate to position himself as the leader, but utterly incompetent at it, which mostly led to his moments oscillating between indecisive, insecure, and whiny. It was also kinda telling that most of the coaches found reasons to directly give him shit, followed by him trying to weasel out of taking responsibility for trying to be leader.
why are chumbuds like this??? You are making me hate gura now.......
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Does she ever do anything other than unarchived karaokes?!
interesting image history phasebro
don't say that about your mom
So it's a phasecuck trying to justify male collabs.
Late to respond because I'm at my job but we ARE a CGDCT thread for a reason.
She was 3rd biggest ccv on the couple regular streams she did. Beggars aside, nobody expects English karaoke tourists to buy merch.
Its so Jurard and Octavio know when its on.
yes their little discord has decided to post all over the place, probably to create some mindshare.
>Overlapping IRyS

Aren't all unicorns the same?

It's like the one thing they all have in common with one another. In fact, it's arguable that unicorns are the hardcore part of the hobby in general. Same with gachaslops.
"Philippines standard time? Thats not a real thing right?"
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she gona mog shitrys tho
Anon your timezone reps
Phasechads hate male collabs though
I can totally see her being like "oh I'm going to be considerate to my flip senpais and stream on that timezone"
kek nice one anon
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I blame the dino homo
kys faggot
So how long before she starts raiding them?
IRyS streams around 8 hours when playing ER anon.
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Do you faggots make yourself this obvious on purpose?
Watch Streams
I thought it was a rare 10/10 cover.
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>no more penis beak
dont want
Says the homo begging clip watcher
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Gotta make sure da bois know when to watch!
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Tired of this “wasted spot” nonsense about Rissa. She’s the glue that makes Advent feel like a cohesive Gen. FWMC would just feel separate from the rest of Advent without Rissa being tight with them.
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>Only 3 members in the branch
are they fucking stupid or something
Uhm, that's a child, anon, I ask that you please refrain from posting more like this, thank you.
I want to lick so badly
Leave it to some other wagie, anon.
Not her fault cover took her away from her recording setup to live in an apartment for 3 months
Oh God Mori still isn't done with Persona?
They are playing apex and other shit, they must be retarded
a janny is here
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Time to eat then
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She will never be done
I understand they're busy and all, but I couldn't imagine taking months to finish a singleplayer game
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best thing i ever did was quit the shift whore wagie job for a better one, unless you are medical or oil rig or something.
So where do you rank this song in terms of EN originals?
Brother IT is so retarded I can't believe this shit for the summer
>drive ungodly hours for an absurdly long commute (billable hours) to the worksite in the morning to make sure we installed everything correctly (we did)
>spend about eight hours waiting for the next job site's work day to end so we can get started (billable hours waiting at the beach or walking through the park)
>teammate with literally one important wire for each thing I'm replacing calls and says he'll be two hours late (billable hours where I sit around and do literally nothing)
>do like one hour of work finishing the replacements since I got some time in as the workplace was shutting down
>drive back home (billable hours)
Just an absurd money jelquing process and they just make me do it, I don't even ask
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God I hope Gigi finishes this game today, it's horrific.
Trying to build different audiences and it's not like that is completely off base as a reason, but yeah, the people running VSPO EN are somewhat dumb and not overlapping alongside knowing how to play the raiding game and build connections is more ideal.
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yeah me too, the game is boring as hell
Wait that sounds fucking fantastic, what IT sector are you in
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Holy kek she knows a lot of her her subs and viewers are coming from flipland?
the posters in ERBs general sound like women and NPCs it's scary
Bae took a full year to beat persona 5 royal
Gigi MENTION!!!!!!
Contracted firm for a bank that's replacing Windows computers with new Windows computers (they are exactly the same size but have a slightly newer OS)
it's gonna be really interesting to watch how an official "non-hololive" enclave within hololive develops.
Yeah, I'm aware, worked like that for 5 years. Then they suddenly realized that nothing is working the way it's supposed to anymore and I had half a year of 14 hour days but without the bullshit. Made enough money to do what I want now but I still wish I quit earlier.
>subhuman pandering
Holy mother of GRIM
Anyone watching the Arya chick from VSPOEN? she any good? Also which one will become a holostars onahole first
She was the first EN to acknowledge the two homos so I wouldn't be surprised
They can see the demographics.
Fauna gave a breakdown of hers recently
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In celebration of Gura being in Japan I'm eating sushi
>wait for it
rizz em up
you got this
My friend had a similar experience working for IT in the military.
I said like a week ago that her fanbase will probably be like 60% women.
No I'm sitting here fucking miserable because no fauna yesterday and no Fauna today and with no updates who knows if she actually got sick
I want to die. I tried watching Gigi but this game sucks and she's teetering on annoying because of it despite me liking yesterday's stream
She's cute (canadian) and has the best voice of the lot but sadly
As for Holostars stuff Eh I don't think they're gonna be onaholes (thats cuckposting behavior) but I wouldn't be surprised if CSGO girl does an outreach collab
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Straight out of a parody. Those subhumans LOVE ERB.
She's surprisingly good but she is playing against shitters in ranked (getting a new account ranked up) so take it with a grain of salt.
Her aim and movement is good
Apparently she is a Masters player but orange homo also said he was a masters player and he was dogshit
Get a hobby
GG’s numbers are looking so GRIM actually sub 6k with debut buff
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>those random gachikois doomposting about the inevitable homo collabs
>that one Anon saying he doesn't think she will collab with Homos and will only do songs with them at most
Okay seriously, how do we save Gigi?
I've tried learning how to draw but didn't improve and it just left me frustrated after a year of trying.
Knitting does nothing for me anymore.
Vidya does nothing for me anymore.
>that I'm at fault
but it is, chud
I don't make the rules
I mean the game is a debuff but yeah she can’t seem to break 7k without raids
>Homo claims to be masters, dogshit, garbage player
>Woman claims to be masters, immediately starts stomping
VSPO, you may be entirely different from Hololive, but you fucking get the people you were looking for, damn
Some holos we just can't save because they play dogshit games, have no talent, and collab with males. We just gotta leave em be.
Audio books
Does it matter the order? They will be side NPC to prompt every homo in the west like their JP senpais do in japan.
No fucking way are half of her fans there because they are in denial?
There's nothing we can do, Gigi fucked up her debut month and try to get viewers back now would be very difficult. First impressions matter
I c-c-can save her….
Your logic is flawed in that both Mexicans and Canadians have the same problem that Austrians do: they suffer from deep inferiority (or even superiority) complex. Americans don't give a fuck because they're the literal apex of the civilized world and basically call the shots for the whole planet, so for them it's easy to view others the same as them. Canadians live and die by trying to prove how much not America they are even though they're virtually indistinguishable from one-another and Mexicans stay impotently forever seething over historical grievances.
drop the voice. EN doesn't need another bae, play into the lolibaba instead.
Needs more yap games
Kek they have a lot of Niji EN posters in there.
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stop the voice, her voice really is just grating to my ears
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Make her stop playing these dogshit games holy shit
Her numbers are gonna be so fucking Grim when she starts collabing with homos... like she might actually be worse than GG
If kaela could incline by grinding, she also can
>Female talent is actually skilled at what she does
>Homo talent is actually dogshit at what he does
So even if it's not hololive, the homos look like shitters by comparison. Sugoi.
【Funny News】
The Berylschizo hurricane (as in an actual hurricane named Beryl) is growing yet stronger still
GG voice is really neat not sure what this thread means.
nah can’t really beat the position out of GG’s hands man
>even though they're virtually indistinguishable from one-another
I'm not a burger or a leaf. I genuinely can't tell which is which by their accent.
Which stream?
The other girl was actually quite good at CS when she wasn't distracted by talking to chat.
>know a flip who's always known about hololive but never really watched anything but a clip or two
>recently started liking ERB and changed his steam profile to her
oh my god isreal
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How do we save VSPO
This Arya bitch is cracked.
Sex with me.
Don't worry, their corpo will not them
I believe in her growth and her idol journey but it's going to be hard when she has homo supreme in her gen and also yeah, better games could help, I wonder if her horror games streams are good, that's always a make or break, some cute screams and cutely scared girl can always light an ojisan's heart ablaze.
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ban them from overlaps
How do you save rosarians from themselves?
I believe in ERB! She's clearly a woman who knows who to get it done!
Her subs will likely always be ahead of Gigi so long as she releases more music but I believe in her ability to get lower average CCV!
>someone starts a vote kick against her because she is so distracted yapping with chat
>she locks in and gets an ace next round
>goes back to yapping again
is she using a controller?
The last time they were lax about that shit Germany literally invaded them and forced them at gunpoint to vote to be assimilated and then they spent the next like full fucking decade in a state of low-running rebellion that was so insanely bureaucracy focused that they basically organized the ENTIRE resistance effort across all of Occupied Europe from the shadows
Jesus christ man
I really hope this retard just fucks off and sticks with the homos after a month so she doesn't ruin too many of the girls' collabs
This is just GRIM
honestly I hope that she has the ability to beat it out of GG
By letting me slip my dick through her sweaty fujo thighs.
I would say change her timeslots but she is the only one streaming right now until 5 hours. At least I got something to watch.
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MnK like God intended
They aren't Hololive, but they're definitely putting out the content they were hired for
Only disabled people play fps with a controller.
Between the voice and seemingly just being a lower quality version of Shiori I don't think there's anything to be done.
She's gonna end up being the runt of two separate corpos, honestly impressive.
>27 Apr 2024
>US - 32%
>Japan - 9%
>Canada - 5%
>UK - 3.4%
>Germany - 2.8%
>Australia - 2.3%
Imagine erbfags actually having meltdowns because the girl who spends hours in homo streams chatting them up collabs with them
VSPO kindly provided her with a brand new keyboard
Oh yeah that was a superchat reading right?
Honestly this seemed super off to me, there's no way only 32% of her viewers at that time were from the US
Controller is OP in Apex because of the amount of compensation it gives
>literal Apex player more positively recieved in /#/ than a new Holo
Last year you guys would've shot me if I said this would happen
vsai debut for arya. it's too perfect of a chance.
nah we can’t, I think once debut buff wheres off she might actually 3view in HoloEN. It’s not really a bad thing since HoloJP have their shitters and the rest are still thriving. But I do feel bad for the girl
Yeah. It's not that accurate.
If they're able to convince themselves that she won't be homocollabing at any opportunity she can get now
They'll also be able to convince themselves that they actually enjoy it after it happens
You go first
Kiara raided Gigi.
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I mean, I wasn't expecting them to be that good at zatsu too. Arya is a bit yappier though but I like Remia's yapping subjects better. Only Jira seems like the runt here though, OW2 is the worst performing FPS on the market at the moment, even Valorant would've been better but I think it's because everyone in corpos already play it that they didn't consider it for Gen 1.
Kiara didn’t raid into GG? It’s over guys
literally who?
VsPBot interns working overtime I see
she did
1k natty vs 5k blue dorito fellating faggots
This Arya girl is cuter aswell
Jira is probably going to move into playing League more, which is better for her if she wants JP collabs anyway.
She did.
jwu how racist was kiara?
Good question, can't remember which one honestly.
It didn't get clipped so it might have been one of the members streams?
It's all about context. For VSPOEN, she's doing good. She is what is expected, but we're also likely to forget them. It's like how /#/ sometimes liveposts about AVtubers. They're literal whores, but whores is what you expect from them.
this guy would rather watch collabs with the flip dino and his friend than the gay ones
No yeah that's basically what I was going for
The Apex woman is doing Apex good
The Hololive brit is apparently failing the basic expectations of Hololive content
It's wild
Who the fuck are you? Go back to your dying general. AND BUY AN AD.
you don't get it there different levels to homos collabs as long as the collabs are not weekly I can tank one or two.
>homo collabs
Once the homos realize it won't boost them and they're left with a desperate hag aggressively getting their attention she'll get ghosted by the ones with any sense.
Surprisingly didn’t know the thread was wholesome like that, some genuine support for the VSPO girls which is always nice to see
Didn't realize we had so many ardent ERB defenders/fans here today
You can tell thats a flip
It's just one dude.
Just the usual deadbeats
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Most of them think with their dicks, not their brains.
this one might be a female?
Nah deadbeats don't care about non-Mori
Gotta build that grudgepost if she blurts out a homo name on a 12 person collab.
Aggressive women make dicks shrivel.
When will GGfags finally accept the reality their oshi doesn’t have broad appeal like KFP, Brats, and Novelites, and stop begging other people to watch her?
This is a lie and you know it lmao
Okay yeah so that leaves weekly collabs with Flayon, Octavio, and Jurard
Sounds like fun kek
t. Weak man
If /morig/ is any indication they only really seem to care about Raora from the new girls.
I like it, I just watch my hololive but support for others are always nice to see.
Fuck nijiggers tho
no appeal you say...
KFP and Novelites don't shit up the thread. Can't say the same about Brats.
I defend all Holos, simple as
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Deadbeats love Runie for some reason, as far as non Holos go.
Pink women supremacy?
Red and Pink women make their dicks tingle
They don't care about anything else
Yeah, also the prior connection probably helps.
>GG finds the squid sexy too
Biboo and GG have some weird fetishes
numbersisters, get this guy!!
Nothing will boost them. Not big holo events, not indie tournaments, not eceleb servers. Nothing. They are that shit. Everyone knows them but no one want to watch them or support them.
I mean she is going to be the runt of HoloEN for sure which just pulls in nore saviorfags
Schizophrenic answer that doesn’t address my question at all
>Deadbeats see the color pink
>"wow I love her"
Are they okay
Why is Watame playing this with herself?
she didn't say it's sexy
Are we being raided?
They are more mentally stable than GGfags
>2nd stage: bargaining
she said :fire emoji::fire emoji::fire emoji: which is zoomer for hot
I can’t wait till they get brave enough to harass the other girls while troons and beggars brag at how brave they are.
kys phasefag
KFP were the absolute biggest beggars back in the early days.
I didn't ask for shitposts
They literally sit here waiting for any opportunity to shitpost.
Gigi is the only one live and her numbers are going down after the raid.
Doki's on vrabi now? kek
So how is VSPO EN doing? How are their numbers?
She is??
literally just facts, her numbers are shit
Just call in Emiya.
Low for a Holo competitor
Good for a Small Corpo competitor
I'd say you're jumping at shadows, but going from past experiences, you're probably right.
How does that relate to her fans mental state
They have a name and it’s Gremurins, not “GGfags”.
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>Play FPS = Very low 4view
>Play/do anything else = 3view
she bleeding with no overlap GRIM
>NEXON Destiny 2 ripoff
They should just play the real thing instead
Three girls, they can do group Dungeon content
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no way these stupid football watchalongs are working lol
GGfag rolls off the tongue better
Because it's GG for you, faggot
all saviorfags thinking they can save her
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This is better than anyone would expect. They obviously aren't Holo killers out of the gate but who is? People expected god girl gamers and they delivered.
Well, not anymore they're not. Thanks, Austria.
Do VSPO have a collab ban? Has that been mentioned?
Why is Gigi filtering her audience with shitty games? This has to be on purpose.
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I miss the updates about The Human Sprinkler...
bad name so no
I will be content if they mog niji without their fans being antagonistic towards hololive
Shame Austria lost
She could've done another watchalong
Doki of HoloEN
pfft did you really think that sounded cool or something? are phaseniggers getting insecure because vspo EN and Pixel link have way more potential than them?
GG is what happens when there's no one to carry your gen overall. No big star. You're a runt among mediocrities, and that just makes it worse.
Want to finish the game she started. Hope she end the game today
no gacha perms
>t. seething ggfag
buy more acrylics sis
VSPO went cheap with VSPO EN
Cheap management
Cheap streamers
Cheap bots
>just focus on whoever does low numbers after a week in a new gen, and shittalk them
legitimately pathetic
Good news, she will watch the final match
I'm gonna tell you this right now
>IF VSPO EN does well and beats NijiEN regularly
>THEN nijifags will falseflag as VSPO EN fans and shitpost about Hololive
Will you fall for it again?
I don't even know how frequently she streams. AVanon used to come in and let us know, but I don't know if he's still about.
And now there's a chance she disappears after the leaks(no pun intended)
That's how she has always been. Have you seen her game selection choice before she went to the glue factory in the sky and then came over to Hololive?
Isn't she in midgame? Don't remember how long biboo took to finish the game.
>phasenog seething at gg
ogey retard
She's doing one more watchalong for the final match. She wouldn't have been able to watch other Austrian matches if they won because schedule conflicts.
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Can you tank duet karaoke with the guys she draws blushing shoujo art of
He's still here but he's simply quieter about his fetishes (shame)
the fucking nijifags are like cancer cells that never stops growing
I like Gigi. I think she's cute.
>Arya VSPO nervous puking offstream already
I mean I get that allergies fuck people up I'm not so good myself but damn girl
>>THEN nijifags will falseflag as VSPO EN fans and shitpost about Hololive
Yeah, you're probably right. Phasenigs will probably do the same.
NTA. The moment it becomes an annoyance, it becomes trash
>THEN nijifags will falseflag as VSPO EN fans and shitpost about Hololive
They are already doing it kek
My bad, confused Doki with gigi
Reminds me of KDA
Not sure how long the game is but it's still pretty early
They didn't skimp where it mattered which is the talents. Otherwise, being 4views while playing their base FPS games on day 2 and 3 wouldn't have been possible.
go to bed SEA fag
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>if someone pretends to be someone else and makes me mad they should both die
Canadian and American English are different but mostly boils down to expressions since Canadians and Americans share most of their culture with each other in music and motion pictures, so they tend to blend a lot more than other Anglo nations. The only ones that that are truly different are the French Canadians because they speak French primarily.
I didn't say die.
What's the point of posting on an anonymous Malaysian palm oil forum if you don't post about your fetishes?
At least someone does
Im exaggerating for effect
Me too anon
Does she want to be saved?
I'm a leaf, and I love burgers. Always have a great time fishing and camping in Maine with great people.
She's cute and I want to suck the sweat out of her spats after she finishes a long gaming session.

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