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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

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I like Americans.
Yep. And to no one's surprise, just like when she was Selen, Fagoons pretend she's cracking 6ks easily and not just on announcements collabs or drama baits.
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I love Aqua
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Forgot image.
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Mumei stop being a contrarian.
Too big
>dead air
>dead air
gigi's trying too hard
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Recent clip numbers
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Reporting from Tsujita in Los Angeles
would you rather
>go on one date with a HoloEN girl (random wheel of fortune style as to who it is, the relationship can grow if you pull off her wanting to see you more)
>a fully passive and obedient clone of any Non-Holo girl in Vtubing to do with what you please
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>71,218: Subaru (Hololive)
>38,502: Miko (Hololive)
>34,696: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>34,092: Chiroru (Indie)
>25,045: Hal (Neo-Porte)
>22,779: Lunlun (Nijisanji)
>18,987: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>18,131: Noel (Hololive)
>17,887: Koyori (Hololive)
>17,347: Lamy (Hololive)
>17,306: Chigusa (Nijisanji)
>15,924: Patra (Indie)
>15,797: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>15,533: Raora (Hololive)
>13,518: Yashiro (Nijisanji)
>12,972: Ibrahim (Nijisanji)
>12,666: Nozomi (Nijisanji)
>12,489: Cecilia (Hololive)
>12,231: Botan (Hololive)
>11,444: Calliope (Hololive)
>11,320: Gigi (Hololive)
>10,373: Bijou (Hololive)
>10,212: Ririka (Hololive)
>10,204: Koyori (Hololive)
>10,043: Haachama (Hololive)
Based, grab me a bag or two, brother
Also enjoy the ramen
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I want a Patra clone to play video games and guitar with
If I was a 2view or 3view with holo aspirations I'd be pissed just watching her. Surely she wasn't the best out of 5k+ candidates.
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I'll be back next week to try the rest of the menu and get more keychains.
>dead air
>dead air
She'e playing the wrong genre, then, horror games are better suited for that flow
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The wawa blind bag
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Nice, are you fat fuck enough to try all 5 items?
9-14 win for nijisanji, hololive is dead
I'll bring my extra tote bags to New York
Why is ERB streaming at PH hours? Does she want the homo audience that badly?
i just had karaoke in the background and got redirected to shiina
if gigi stopped talking at max volume everytime she spoke and used a softer voice like her then i could see gigi growing on me
>phasenog dramanigger
Why are dramfags all so pro phase? How do they get 100k+ view videos but actual Phase VODs top out at 10k on the high end?
oh look its another flip
Who will Mori take the collab virginity from btw
Looks like a cozy place.
They're not so much pro-phase as they are
>pro-pippa politics
They've been turning on Phase over time as it detaches itself from that audience more and more
that anon gave me an awakening.
i am slightly more picky about audio quality in my porn
also i can goom to audio only
much thanks
It's a justice gangbang with Kronii and herself
>kiaras last stream has almost 200k views and over 1k in sc
Damn these watchalongs were a goldmine. I wonder if she will do one for other sports
Princess of 4chan get to do whatever she wants
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Shigure Ui (9 years old)
she just gotta continue but with Germany this time
what about the one in San Gabriel
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Wildest falseflag name ive ever seen
Give me a pochi-mama.
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I'll take a Hatoba Tsugu clone, thank you.
So how are we ever gonna assess if this is a success?
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only the Los Angeles Arts District and New Jersey locations are participating for whatever reason
Germany has pulled the unwitting Austria into 2 devastating wars that Germany started. If I were Austrian I'd hate Germany for what they do.
Is it fair to just assume the usual at this point
>big fucking groups show up and buy product
How much for the blind bag?
Guess I'll check it out on Sunday, or next week. I'm sure it'll be packed during AX.
yea, essentially this is my issue with her. I want to like her, but she just isn't good at streaming. If she wasn't yelling she could at least pull an ina position of cute calm chill, but the yelling is just too much for my ears. I don't know what Cover saw in this girl, I don't see it.
Isn't that the Singaporean?
ah didn't know that
>only the Los Angeles Arts District and New Jersey locations are participating for whatever reason
Classic underselling both by Cover and their retarded partners.
>xddd betta play it safe :D :D
>Ooobs there go 1 million dollars in potentia lsales, FUGG ::D
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blind bag is $10
and that makes me sad, there's a tsujita pretty close to me, but it isn't those ones....
>Austria got pulled into war by Germany
Hold the phone fucker WW1 was Austria's fault
Haven't kept up with the new gen but looks like en got their koyori/kaela? Hope she keeps up the grind.
It's a 2+ month long collab so no rush for easy huge lines, murricans flip out when you take photos of them, and there's no way to prove anyone is there for Myth over just sushi. Idk
>gimme TWO HOURS, guys, TWO HOURS
Describe a scenario where Gigi says this to you during sex
Oh neat. Are there variety of sizes, or one size fit all?
Hey, it's those accounts that are doing some gayops
It's the usual time she does the rebroadcasts, but this time she's swapping it around and having the stream be at that time and the rebroadcast at her usual slot
oh, it's the schizo with multiple accounts to falseflag with
I haven't seen anyone shitting on ERB outside of here. Is that chick just posting a bunch of posts here and a couple of containment breakers?
I like that mamma is putting in the work, but she can take little breaks. I’m worried if this continues she might feel burnt out
You can measure how good a Holo is by how often they take piss breaks
Not even a subtle falseflag account retard
>Hold the phone fucker WW1 was Austria's fault
The joke I was making was Austria's war hawkishness while simultaneous procrastination during the July Crisis started WW1 and Hilter was Austrian.
It's the singapore larper again. This guy's a total fucking schizo, he's probably given 1k+ to drama channels to seethe about unicorns and push unity shit, plus what he's given to Mint/Doki to larp as a collective of holofans that love them. None of this is going into a single homo's pocket.
Why is IRyS using art of her sticking her bare ass out for a thumbnail?
The merch is made by omocat so I'm pretty sure it comes in whatever sizes omocat offers.
Who did this faggot send this to?
I like the design.
>art and merchandise by Omocat
What the fuck? Are they just a Hololive supplier nowadays?
Also a sponsor
She smartly jumped onto the Hololive train thanks to Mori and now she's doing all this shit. Brilliant business sense honestly.
what type of subhuman currency is that?
Imagine being so stupid you fall for a blatant shitposter account using /here/ rhetoric
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I want to put my dick between these two
>bare ass
Kek the mask slipped right the fuck off.
And still he does not bother to sc a single homo who unironically need it more
JWU, how did ERC embolden beggars again?
I get it but I'm just very big on shitting on Austria for just fucking themselves over so BADLY
If Austria Hungary didn't start the war they would've unironically become the strongest world power in the globalized world and it fucks me up so bad
It's the guy with multiple Advent accounts that shows up in every dramafag's chat except on the chat of those that he has the name of

A drama channel. This falseflagger is a regular in her channel.
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do we forgive her?
The only relevant currency of SEA.
For what?
This whore left up Holo doxx in her comment section, she's just the female version of doxxsagi
Mori once again being the strongest HoloEN member
Because it’s not an actual homo fan you collasal dipshit. It’s a dramafag shitposter.
No, she's too pon. Her name should be changed to Raora Ponthera.
Speaking of drama
>The unicorn to anti-pipeline
For stealing my heart
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for kicking villagers out of their beds in minecraft? i guess
>Will not be participating in the EN crab game collab, it's on her birthday while Kiara is very busy with her stream plans
Who organized the collab?
tuesdays snoozedays
Niggas watch Perfect Blue and think they're experts on society
Popping my cherry
Her SEA accent is so bad I'm not sure how anyone could watch her. She has an agenda and you know she wishes it was Hololive that imploded and not NijiEN. I bet she got rejected at some point.
Lol. That's what was getting spammed here(and deleted).
Is Cici grooming Gigi
Mori who wanted to gangbang all of justice at once to get it out of the way
>proceeds to overestimate holostars merch and popularity, ending up with a bunch of leftover shit
I don’t understand why they overestimate the homos and proceed to underestimate the girls. Something is seriously awry within Cover management.
It didn't take long for them too start trying to drag hololive into the mud with bullshit.
Please no more redirect Raora sama, your timeslot is too shit for that (it's fucking Ollie or Iofi of all people or raiding CC waiting room that still 6 hrs away)
Beggars steal memes made by their betters.
That's the plan
It's so easy to groom fujos bro
I hope she takes it further. Their designs are nice.
>5 JP girls out of over 30 who even acknowledge da boiz
Whole branch, guys.
Anyone have that pic Reporter Anon took from last year's ANYC with the Miko and IRyS merch sold out, Roberu at like half sold and then Ollie and Regis Filman at like zero sales
For the overestimated homo merch, it might be that that amount is what they calculate to be the most optimal amount of bulk to buy
The girls will finally be free to do what they've always wanted, get to collab with Da Boiz, and finally get to incline like they've always deserved.
I don't really like Liz.
It's over.. Royal Farms is going to take over as number one
>both the unicorns here and the homobeggars in chat too stupid to identify the most obvious of falseflag SCs
Just gas both factions, both unfit to live in this world.
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Everyone remember to thank Liz for bringing this stuff to HoloEN
yeah she ain’t doing shit
>Live and Stars
>She's immediately started going "CC DO YOU SEE ME? ARE YOU WATCHING? AM I GOOD?"
What is it about Autistic Germanic Pussy that makes women lower on the autism spectrum fall in love with them so much
Nigga I'm pretty sure we know
We're shitposting the fag not going "wow a real novelite"
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Germanic women are blunt. Autist can't misread them
Oh wow yeah just full on straight up huh
GG is extremely sexually attracted to CC
I watched some of her hololive "documentary" and when she appeared on the lawyer guy channel. She is Canadian and a homobeggar/holo anti.
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We need Shondo for EN5 to save HoloEN
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>Ollie at zer sales
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EN is pretty lacking in /u/ atm
Thats not a novelite
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Who doesn't?
The amount of ESL in the chat is something to behold.
>Germanic women are blunt
No they ain't. They still engage in the same type of doublespeak that most women do.
Source: personal experience.
>sub 10k while uncontested with debut buff
It is to be expected, they're goddamn vultures. They contribute nothing and are a wound that rots the vtuber body. These are the same people who tried to make Gura out to be anti semitic and painted Mumei saying "I'm glad Hololive is so flexible" into something bad. They want Hololive to fall.
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I miss them both so much
My favorite groove metal band...PONTERA.
>GG: "yeah, I got some rizz out here, watch"
I don't watch homoshit nor do I care about their supposed supporters that don't watch them, but are they ok with their creature-fans calling them "boys"? It's extremely fucking faggy
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Don't forget about this.
I didn't want to be the one to say it but Gigi is literally Millie but for Holo
Tomorrow the Bijou Reactions end
Lmao, all the beggars key talking points are on display.
Very obvious dramanigger falseflag
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KYS and all faggots who write this, also for saving that retard's SC from SNNK
It's so easy to tell that's not a real Novelite. Not because they're "unafraid" to bring up The Boys (tm); but because a real Novelite would literally never want anything about her to change. Good OR Bad.
They do stripper pole dance on stream. What do you think?
Bold of you to assume literally a single person here has ever watched Millie even once
Do you think autistic women child would be able to figure that out?
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>discussing some dramawhore
the NA hours specials
>the brave google docs leak also affected the EN auditions
And of course they waited to reveal this AFTER the VSPO EN debut kek
No... the engagement farm...
Fellas, i hate to say it, but i think we're getting a part 3 of this garbage game
Gura antis are beggars? Shocking.
Didn't we have a poster or two that kept up with enna's shit?
Not just VSPO, but V4M and Globie too.
Gura seethe really is the first tell
I will miss my Biboo face of the day
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We had exactly one Ennafag that wasn't ennacuck
>random Gura seethe
Literally a caricature.
She sounds like Mori sometimes... or at least her white-ness
They use the same audition form for all international branches afaik, so it should be a given they'd all be affected.
Alright, last one. At least a few of them are self-aware.
Holy shit she sounds exactly like Fauna
Who is Arya, and why is she so strong? These bitched better know Japanese so they can leech from the JP girls.
>legitimate homobeggars that practices what they preach
I didn't know those existed.
Only Jira speaks a modicum of Japanese, but passion English/Nihongo is enough for an APEX collab.
EN has 19 girls btw...why so dead right now?
Kek, that's definitely not a homobeggar.
You fags do this every time and it's never true
>dramashit hours
>t. SEAnegro
GG hours suck ass
I want my CC shitposting hours
NTA but it does sound like Fauna when she’s not putting on her voice
That's someone from /here/ 100%
Oh, I've played the game Hyper Light Drifter and thought it was cool. If this game at least at that level?
I think it's safe to say anyone watching that crap is from here.
Instant kills...
Oh wow she sounds like fauna, definitely give her a watch
stop astroturfing us vspoen intern
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Posting here is cheaper than booting 3 channels
so these are the gura antis. what stream is this?
Why are jannies on the prowl today
are they worried about vspo doxxes?
You know
I think she kinda sounds like Gura?
Same as Mumei and Bijou and Gigi, actually, so many Gura soundalikes...
Why, are you trying to shitpost?
Theres something wrong with this chicks eyes
they look like something Iofi would draw
GG really is just Bae but recolored. At least she's gay for CC.
kronii was en 1st army before the homo collabs?
I see a few JP people in the chat but in general I don't think she has much of the core vspo audience watching her at the moment. It isn't even a good time for japan.

One thing to bear in mind with vspo is that they don't get much of the SEA audience that hololive has. It's almost all japanese people.
>en 1st army
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Should I watch Gigi or masturbate in a grocery store parking lot in my car
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I just realized that Ui's latest song is released under UMG, have we talked about this
GG sounds like anya
Well...2022 was a rough year for everyone in general.
they are not mutually exclusive...
Cecilia love!
Who's the other chick?
I love Marines angry faces.
she just laughed over a post from here and said vt is making shit up
This is a faggot from /here/ it could be literally you.
Naive automaton
/vt/ may be making shit up but it doesn't justify the existence of dramatrannies. I'd rather be a liar than a drama vermin infesting the hobby.
Holy shit Rima is tearing out asses up
Did she not upgrade her weapon or is the damage in this game this low?
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Is the Dramawhore just talking about /here/? Because most people don't really talk shit about her elsewhere and would rather just not watch her. Arguably most amount of backlash she probably got was getting baited by /pol/fag.
GG is more high-pitched while Anya is nasally
>vt is making shit up
The irony of a dramanigger saying this is staggering.
Yeah, she is /here/
she's putting vt schzios on full display in front of 1k people
All dramaniggers steal content from here.
Shitting on IRyS to compliment ERB. Do dramafags really?
hey dramatuber, the only one getting perfect blue'd is you!
she's taking shitposts at facevalue and is trying to make "serious" content out of it LMAO
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Is there so little going on that they have to rip off their friend Parrot's shtick for content?
are you guys talking about /here/ as on /#/ or /here/ the catalog?
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You mean the vod botting whore that pulls millions of views but has 0,01% of that mindshare IRL, just like Toya and Kuzuha?
It's really funny that every vtuber that has a "miraculous" incline is coincidentally a Niji or a Niji orbiter.
>watching dramaniggers
You're part of the problem and I hope you die from hitting your pinky tow while stepping on legos and slipping on an abrasive asphalt surface in the middle of the summer in the desert.
Why the fuck do dramatubers even care what gets spewed here unless they actually think we're influential
>talking about dramafags
That's my cue to leave the thread for the day I guess
So thats it? Austria just loses?
right now?
are they really shitposts? this board treats everything it says like an objective fact
Think about where you are in life if you watch a dramatuber over Gigi
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6k without a single holomem overlap....
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I mean NijiEN seems to think so
If you retards really want her gone post porn in whatever thread she's live reading then report the stream for sexual content
That in itself is a shitpost. Only fools take offense in what Gods do in jest.
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I want to ejaculate on Nanashi Mumei of hololive Promise's big sweaty feet.
SEA dramanigger's iscord, you can stop raiding now.
Don't think jannies are around, there's fucking fauna dox in a catalog thread that's been up for a while
Well I'm not watching dramafags, which thread's she browsing rn?
Do you treat anything ennaschizo says like the undisputed truth?
The date I ‘m not having a fucking slave
Minto... i thought you were supposed to be hololive material....
Ennaschizo only posts shit Enna has actually said on stream. Ennacuck makes up lies.
Nakadashi Mumei...
All dramafags are homobeggar.
The goal was always to destroy hololive.
Define the meaning of truth.
Oh no! this anon is about post VSPO legit keyboard sales.
i meant the bold claims made most lf the time
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wtf she's good
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humiliation ritual
Oh I remember that Shiori Novella Novellite Knight account. Them along with an account named in the same way for each Advent sent each Advent a homobegging super
How new? This bitch has been trying to make "omg hololive's UNICORN problem" a content farm ever since the Nijinigger drama mine collapsed
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I want Mumei to slip up just one time and call herself that...
So close
She got 4000 damage in her other match
WHo in the fuck is Zali??
I want brave corp employees to go and stay go
Parrot oshi is Vesper
I rather have corpo shills than literal dramaniggers.
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I only like vspo en insofar as I can use them as another stick to bludgeon nijien with, can I stay
>vt is making shit up
The irony
That's because they're retarded.
Though I do take pleasure in the fact that many of them are aware of the cripple gold and want to win it.
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all this stupidity diving into /vt/ archive crying about unicorn and they still doesn't watch da boiz, its just sad
homos is just tool, content for dramafaggot
you dress your child like this?
jesus how is nijisanji en still standing
>vt is making shit up
V4mirai shills can stay though
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>7 nijiEN equal 1 vspoEN
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this shithole can make billions of shit up and it still doesn't change the fact they doesn't watch da boiz they love so much
You're just gonna tuck her into bed, right? You're a father figure to her
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What do you mean?
Arguably the 2nd strongest homo is doing HUGE numbers with zero overlap rn
Oh wait, they're all watching some retarded Canadian whore complain about no one watching da boys instead of actually watching da boys...
Give her a blue dorito and watch that become 10k
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Cooking da pasta
>nijiEN box
>The girls will finally be free to do what they've always wanted
Yeah. The freedom to not collab with homos
she has more viewers than both the homos streaming combined
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It's fucking over.
You need to go lewder cunnyposter.
Okay explain to me why the fuck are two massive collabs starting at the same time?
I mean it’s probably more places requiring a minimum order to make sure they make a profit
Is there a generally agreed upon duration for the "debut buff"?
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shork tick
spoiler gore
>replying to a man
No because it's not consistent.
See: NijiEN literally having no debut buff period
A week or so for the first stage of the buff
About a month for the second stage
beggar to dramafag pipeline
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the cookies are going straight to her thighs
Uhh 2 weeks?
Are you stupid? Like, for real, you think there's a mathematical amount of days or streams where people just decide "oh yeah imma fuck off"? No.
Depending on how good you are, you'll retain more tourists for longer. Gradually you'll be left with a core, and once you've held that core for a few months, people can assess your vtuber ccv level. Inclines or reclines can happen, but they won't have much to do with debut buffs any more.
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>drama channel has more CCV than the homos
you can`t make this shit up
wait rima admitted not watching da boiz
female trannies will never be real men
will we turn against CC now that she has descended into darkness?
people would watch male vtubers more if they were animals instead of anime twinks
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Really made you thunk innit?
You wrote that
They care about people care for homos more than they care for homos
i wouldn't
she has a lot in common with the average holostars fan then
A week after monetization.
That's just a pitstop along the beggar to anti pipeline.
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Don't forget anon Da boiz have a highter CCV/Revenue ratio than girls
How many males on Hololive? Ao and Taa?
no such thing
That's Ennaschizo and he's the same person who reports most of the NijiEN news in here now that the resident pomies and dragoons all left.
There isn’t a specific amount of day but there normally is a correlation in the data.
If you can get graphs of multiple holos together throughout their first 5 months of activity, I’m sure there will be a pattern of when does the core audience form
I can never understand how people can be so confident in saying such stupid shit publicly
Ah right, they are different schizos
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So is the dramawhore gonna raid Ruze or is she gonna leave the homos to dry like a slacktavist.
>Rima is advocating for NTR
My fucking sides
I mean, the resident pomies and dragoons are still here
Just not in fucking Niji anymore is all
Really just making shit up and still won't watch them anyway
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Why the fuck would she admit that
revenue to ccv is an interesting take/cope. anyone wanna do the math?
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my child
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>niji stopped yabbing
>resorts to mongolian basket weaving forum where everyone on earth can falseflag shitpost for content
the absolute state... i can`t believe this is real
the fuck are you anons talking about?
is someone talking bullshit again?
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They wish holofans were doxxfags and shitposters?
Gigi did it!
Holy shit she finally killed it
Are we SURE she's not secretly filipino
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Yeah that's what I meant, left the NijiEN sphere not left here
/Were/ on the teli
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Better than NijiEN
She's Canadian so it's a high chance.
Man watching the VSPO EN shitters really makes you appreciate how so many JP vtubers manage to stream FPS slop without sounding whiny or bitchy. These girls keep whining about their teammates, their opponents, lag, the game, it's so fucking grating.
Dramafags have nothing left please understand
Gigi defeat the KWAB and got two bitches in her chat immediately!
Phase vermins are lower than scum.
>Play well
>Get numbers
it's literally that simple
I understand Irys now
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ew a phasekek
flayGOD wins again
So true gigi
NTA but for EN, council had a month while advent had 2 weeks before debut buff ran out. Justice would probably have their 2 weeks or less for their numbers to stabilize for long term.
They drop the mask so quickly.
I am very lonely holokeks
I think they wish they were into cucking like phase fans.
fuck I missed it
>These girls keep whining about their teammates, their opponents, lag, the game, it's so fucking grating.
Isn't that what Ame does when she plays counter strike?
All of her genmates were in chat to congratulate her.
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Tortellini Towa...
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They fucking suck at larping holy shit
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nice to finally meet you, father-in-law
They can definitely rage, both Arya and Remia have showed hints of it. The only reason they are relatively fine for now is because they're still in their smurfing stage. Once the games put them at their respective ranks and it isn't smooth sailing anymore and there is more focus and skill required, you're going to see them go off in one way or another. Jira hasn't shown any hints so she may be the last one standing there but I doubt it.
gigi on the drama telly! she finally made it!
yeah I know a woman with her two kids from the phillipines moved in with one of my neighboors who's a single man, construction worker in his 50's and he's clueless about the internet and stuff. it's not impossible that her mother married a man to stay in canada or maybe she's the mother.
are phase fags trying for all out war against hololive? i guess dramafags are going to get some content out of phase imploding soon.
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i wonder what made phase fanbase so fucking bad
other small corpo fan doesn't act like this all the time
I distinctly remember yall were sucking rima's cock when she was shitting on nijien but when criticizes holo even a little you guys lose your minds
When was the last time Ame played CS
>he fell for the fagoon discord raid
Rima was never liked
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Does Enna enjoy getting curbstomped like this?
The day Pippa gets out and the company falls with her since she's the only thing holding them together all those dramafags fall with the company. Only 2 or 3 are gonna remain all the others will lose all their credibility, that's how much tied they are to phase connect.
She's trying her hardest to crab bucket the Holos and build a fanbase of vitriolic homobegging faggots
I dont tolerate any drama faggots, i dont care about them shitting on niji, theyre bringing the nascar audience to vtubing
of course
Maybe they should actually watch phase. How can such a great agency never have a single stream bigger than 8k?
She used to rule the world...
i wasn't there for that.
all drama whores should die hating on niji or not
Pretty /we/ always hated her, everyone was just enjoying the fire while everything went down also
>Criticize Hololive
She's fucking dumpster diving /here/ of all places for content right now no shit we're gonna call her a dramawhore.
actual cope
dramachannels got so big because of nijisanjis implosion
>Austria eliminated
Who should I support now?
till the first dedicated superchat reading stream
Spain, Germany or France
Ui is officially signed with UMJ under EMI Records Japan, same as Mori. Her name is listed as an artist in the official UMJ website
Yes. That's how it works.
All of them suck phase cock pretty hard. Their reputation is tied because they are vouching for the company with all the dick riding.
GOATnaldo, of course
i don't even know who rima is and i always warned that dramatubers would eventually attack hololive and even make up drama to get views.
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Ame skill in CS is casual as fuck, seeing her do that kind of raging with that in mind isn't surprising, and she is an easy person to tilt, but you see that with high skilled people too like Doki.
I think like 4-5 months ago with her new outfit.
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fuck off Rima
doesn't matter
they got big because of nijisanji if phase vanishes tomorrow they will still be there faming /vt/ content
Watch Copa America
i don't even know how france isn't a guest team when they have the entire african continent on their team.
support Germany or DONALDO
tits too small
They won't because their audience is phase cucks.
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Who's gonna tell him?
Shitting on a black company is good
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What a wasteland
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it just never stops
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so is that thing still here?
Turkey team B
no way...
they won the last euro, how?
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You remember wrong, thread was simply enjoying watching monkeys fighting each other.
Im i retarded for thinking koyori and raora look kinda similar and could be confused with each other
A phasefag and a Lucuck? Grim
Penaldo is done
Speak for yourself. All dramatubers deserve the rope.
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So, falseflaggers who sends bait SCs to create fake drama?
I never liked Rima, she's an ESL dramafag. Her voice sounds like shit and her content sucks, she's always had a hate-on for hololive but it just got overwhelmed by the nijisanji drama which was too good for views.
Anyway, I'm offended you thought I'd ever endorse or watch some third-world incomprehensible dramatuber. Apologize NOW.
it's aislop
Bitch I don't even know who she is. She and every other dramafaggot gets the fucking rope and so do the people posting them.
Costa will save him
I love gg
now show the 600 messages he has in hololive chats
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Not a bad raid retention at all while playing a debuff game, but we have also to consider that she has the debut buff + no overlap.
gay guys?
Pretty sure the debut buff skipped her.
England are the protagonists of football so them
Alternatively just pick Germany since Austrians are Germans
KFP are used to watching debuff games.
One drop of phase faggotry is 100% a phase faggot.
I don't see male dramatubers shitting on unicorn
Well of course. Even phasekeks watch more holo than phase. Who would watch filipino connect when the superior Holo exists?
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Sisters are Phasecuck
The no overlap is important here. Literally the ONLY en girl streaming, anyone would watch this
nta but phase fans shit up a lot of holo chats with rude comments.
Who the fuck is rima
Just because Mococo is blond we don't have another pink chuuba with animal ears
kek alwawys
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Not even the first time you subhumans did something like that, asswipe.
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I love Gawr Gura too
Better than this
rima asshole
so gura is a homocollaber because she collabed with males before she joined hololive?
you would say no
so your argument is wrong
rima deez nuts
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Can't make this shit up.
The only real difference between them is in their clothing, strip them naked and they could pass for twins
[Sad News] VSPO girl just got her first hackusation in chat
she is depressed nousagi's girlfriend
I wish they would admit that the girls aren’t entertaining and need males to prop them up.
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You didn't get the memo? They want to be the next niji, meaning not only in size/popularity but also the spot as hololive's rival, which means waging all out war rent free.
wow, phase fags are really insane. do they think having a schizo meltdown over gura will make their shitty black corpo more popular?
I got 77/81...
Fucking #14 was unfair.... Also #32 and #37 and #45 got me...
oh no you're retarded
Pl's are not doxxing try again
Phaseshills can't help but reveal themselves
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I want to cuddle her in bed right now
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>Pl's are not doxxing try again
It writes itself.
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You can't make this shit up.
You aren't good enough if you haven't been banned from a few servers for hacking. I am not that good, only got one ban off a fluke headshot through some doors.
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>doxxsagi's cope
I don't even know who that is. Going by all the replies saying she's a dramanigger, I'm guessing she needs rope.
>She was shitting on Nijien!
As were all other dramaniggers. At best it was mildly amusing watching retards slap each other, but it would best if they all ceased existing.
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If you’re trying to imply that this is exclusively a Mori thing, Gigi herself has literally had nijiEN tier retention graphs before.
are you phase flips really this braindead?
I got banned from a Bad Company 2 server for blowing up the admin's tank.
I'm sorry, but this shit is hilarious.
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Why phaseniggers are too retarded to even fit in here? They lurk this place 24/7 and still don't know how to behave without outing themselves.
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>waiting for holo to screw up with a giga yab
The only fucking giga yab is Fauna getting sick. FAUNA PLEASE REST AND GET BETTER SOON! I'M MISERABLE HERE!

All jokes aside these fucks are delusional. I don't even know what's worse, fighting for fucking #2, or them thinking they're even in Holo's shadow
>dozens of talents in EN now
what the fuck... Even JP and Stars can be bothered to stream at this hour sometimes. Just fuck off, EN.
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Disgusting Phasefag...
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bot responses
>Pl are not doxxing
a-are they dumb?
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The next thread will be better right?
because they're gay flips with butt aids.
phasenig cope
She should do "Singing until 5M"
They REALLY want there to be some form of cuckshit going on for some reason
homos aren't part of holoen, nigger
>trying to watch the A Way Out collab
Why the fuck did they hire Gigi
Only if ERB graduates. She makes my life worse
>every single assumption made here was right
Judging by the numbers, they are competing directly with homoEN so if you think about how they're all beggarcucks who tout "holostars is hololive" then that explains why they think they're competing with "holo".
why are you deflecting? everybody's laughing at you , phasefag.
what do you mean, the AWO collab was the only stream I've liked Gigi in
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probably a self inserting pagpag
They hired Gigi because of everyone saying Doki would be a good fit for hololive. They were wrong.
I see their frames on holodex, faggot. I don't watch.

How many are there? Then realize there's no fucking excuse for this.
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Phasenig seethe
Fuck off
Send mogo john
> #2 in EN
still no 10k stream this year for Phase ...
Agreed she's shit
They work for the same parent company they don't live in a streamer house/frat house the fuck is wrong with them
>Gigi seethe right after phasenigs get laughed at
so transparent lmao
>not having the homos hidden
You're not beating the homonigger allegations.
is right once again
It's funny that she's talking to a person whose name means Blue.
>look him up
>sargon of akkad
yep pippanigger also possibly swedish
hololive has had more homo collabs than phase connect
Cover helped normalize the male vtuber
holocucks trying to pass their sins onto phase will never cease to be funny
I can guarantee you that everyone here’s oshi would hate them if they knew what you posted.
grim. phase is even greedier than niji when it comes to pocketing money without producing anything.
/#/ gods are right again
Helmite really lives fucking rent-free.
There's a way to do that? No shit? Spill.
People follow rule #1 in general. If you don't understand why get the fuck out. NASCAAR tourists really are the worst.
wtf, okay mori im gonna need you crank that gfe up to 110%
the funny thing is he's right but about the wrong boys
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Kys phase/drama faggot
Are you trying this here too phasenig >>79775590
Dude is a god for making these fags seethe and much as they have
that faggot can't be serious... right?
Women aren't attracted to failure men lol, that's partly why holostars can't incline, because they're stuck in the shadow of hololive which makes them look more pathetic and therefore unattractive to women. And if they had 10/10 physical looks to override this they would've been models or fleshtubers at least.
im black so it's fine.
im aggressive by nature but nice in appropriate settings
You can block them one by one
No, I think my oshi would hate subhuman phasekeks for trying to tear hololive down
yes thats literally me
You're retarded. Why would phasefags hate Gigi. She's literally phase in hololive.
Nah she would hate ERB. My oshi takes being an idol seriously
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helmite is getting so popular in beggars circle, to the point they doesn't know hes not a unicorn
Thoughts on HoloProEN?
Tourist scum die.
The problem is they use the same metrics to hire the men as they do the women.
Which is fucking stupid. You hire women for what they ARE. You hire men for what they can DO.
And I don't think any of the Stars are particularly talented.
deadbeat deflection graph
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He's fucking famous among them, he's the menace that haunts them. I kneel.
Stop calling it holopro it will never be a thing
if helmite says you're (x), you're probably that.
Brother look at how long she streamed and into which (NA) hours. People have to sleep.
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No, no i don’t think she would actually. In fact she herself told us to shit on Holo antis before.
seethe nigger
I got that, but.
Okay, but where is that option at?
>mori gfe
it's really based how helmite defeated all the homobeggars and gave them suicidal thoughts.
Gigi sounds like a nerd
laughably ESL too
aieeee helmir-sama cast his gaze upon me!
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Why don't you go back to pcg considering you use that image exclusively there?
open the side tab and click channels then click block on the ones you want to block. good luck little zoomer.
>first collab with TT
yeah, nah
Did Zeta get an extra block?
only if you take back your numbershchizos
it's funny how a simple post brings out the deadbeats lol
i think gg should do mesugaki/ojisan asmr
Some of the guys can sing well, the problem is that as a streamer you need to be entertaining, which almost all of them aren't. As far as I know only Bettel and one other guy has reached 4view status but he seems to have hit a wall in growth, probably because the mandatory female pandering counters any brotuber attempts he makes.
Find this button
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where the fuck all these tourist come from??
fuck off faggot
would be based if he donated and said
>yes, she's a whore and yes you're projecting snd harming the hololive brand.
but giving that bitch money is too much.
Oh thank God.
Sanitization is so good.
homobeggars really are the type to let a single schizo live so rent free that they spend money to talk about them
I'm gonna blame Jellyanon, he fooled them to think this is a safe space for those insects.
you first homosexual
>Shiori Novella Novelite Knight
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(me) Forgot the pic
why the shiori falseflag? were they pissed that she didn't homocollab? it really seems like all phasenigs are obsessed shiori antis.
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reminder helmir was a unityfag
he could be the beggars greatest allies, but these subhuman dramafag turned him because of how obnoxious and rabid they are
I doubt he actually called her a whore but it would be based if he did anyway.
Mori gfe is the "take me back I've change I promise"
There's a dramafag who's /here/ on stream what do you think?
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I thought he was falseflagging. Holy shit phasenigs are so fucking dumb.
Did you really expect to lie in the numbers thread without pushback?
Helmite should make a platform to expose all these scum, but I guess that would be goes against his principles. It's all so tiring
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What do you think? She has such a tight group of SCers that you've probably heard of him if that was the case.
I have to point out how retarded this line of thinking is. Most of the dox on the Farms comes from public sources, especially American government ones.
You mean the phasejanny, who deletes all insults towards phase, and coincidentally always appears at the same time as that jellynigger.
why xhe still pretending to be a Holofan with this account name ?
>just want to combat misinformation in the fandom
>suddenly become the demon king in the eyes of homobeggars
how is that possible
Why is no one talking about the NND leak and Kson moving places because of it?
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Why did they delete the original schedule? What changed?
>scrolling to block homos
>see a bunch of "graduations" for greyed out channels
WTF... lmao
Yagoo, man, let it go. It's time to stop.
Explain this behavior
Probably made that account when shiori debut.
samefagging and retards
Our good friends from /pcg/ are here.
Allegedly some sisters were mad that they didn't use Astel's latest icon or something.
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Why do they occupy a big part of the schedule
Phase seethe.
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Morischizos who think numbers is their safespace from the dreaded deadbeats
NTA but as a neutral bystander, I don't think pointing out preferential treatment /here/ is beneficial to your argument. Kettle calling the pot black and throwing stones in a glass house and all.
Hakka's picture.
They changed astels icon
Funny thing is none of the homos have a proper graduation farewell
Anyone kinda worried about that guy? He makes so many beggars angry, I can’t help but think they’d at least try to dox and harass him. That’s completely ignoring the guy on r/holostars openly suggesting he be killed. Jesus these people are fucked in the head.
Nice cherrypicking data. Why didnt you take a screenshot of the data today, as opposed to the old ass 2 weeks screenshot? Why pick the immediate time after stream end, when VOD generally take time to properly register view counts from stream?

Because that VOD currently have more than enough views to discredit your theory? Because the only way for your theory to stand is to intentionally mislead?
Whoever that is has a bunch of Advent accounts like that. Guess he didn't bother dusting off the other ones today.
Deadbeats? More like "homobeats."
It's always funny to see retards holding a grudge from 2020 progressively losing their minds that nobody cares about their anti mori crusade anymore
Damn, you got instasniped, hombre.
They need the exposure chudcel, this is the event that will save them.
A bunch LA EOP Hololive fans are going to totally become huge fans of Rio and "Fuma", a totally real Holostar that I totally knew existed before I saw that schedule, and they'll finally incline
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>preferential treatment
You think we call him the phasejanny as some kind of joke?
Way at the bottom is a single CN greyed out. Shit man. Where did the time go?
Phasenigs trying to fit in
Haachama too
Just can't help itself
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Doki raided Mint.
Also holy shit Mint makes so much money
One of the jannys is a deadbeat
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Did Kira not get a final stream? As far as I know he's the only homo who graduated normally.
It's probably your eyes only
If people are confusing Raora with Koyori, Raora would be the fourth member of Lamy council
The funny thing is the Hololive girls are more talented and act like brotubers than the jackasses from Holostars who are basically drooling dimwits.
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Frankly. i love fauna
Chammers, Mori, Holoearth, Nene, and all of ID were also changed
Turning the invisible war into an actual all out war is gonna turn ugly with the homobeggars because EVERYONE is going to find out they're not actually fans and don't even watch any of the people they supposedly oshi.
Why is no one talking about the imminent danger NND leaks have caused for Holos? This is potentially massive and /jp/ is literally on suicide watch
Yeah, that was some bullshit.
>durr, I know, if I become janny I can bring down hololive!
do phasekeks really?
>the girls had enough of it and it shows
>it's literally a SINGLE new hire that's doing anything
>no one else is saying shit
Is this person retarded
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this will be the event that finally inclines them
this time for sure
people will love and watch them
Didn't Kira graduate properly?
updated a lot of icons like haachama and zeta as well
It's struggling with the English language. What do you think?
>Rima farming content off of Ollie's dead fan
Holo dox got archived yesterday. In the same thread the Peo Rie pic got banned on sight.
Luna got fully doxxed for example
>Meanwhile Advent
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My Mori...
That's gotta be somewhat obvious since barely anyone watches homostars, though.
ok schizo
already exists
sheepfucker not in charge tho
schizos's losing his shit huh
seen a couple recent post
His end goal is making people hate Shiori by proxy for using her image and fan name
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kek they are literally shitting on everything hololive stands for
Whose channel?
They think shilling phase in dramanigger channels is "supporting the cause". Clearly they perceive certain parts of the community as being THE MOST INFLUENTIAL and are swarming those places, kinda like SJWs.
NND is a dying platform so the info hasn't spread that far yet.

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