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Drained Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules

>July Patreon Script Schedules

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Up to discretion of the girls. Content will be free. Will come later.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Yume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi's friends: >>>/vt/choc/

Previous thread >>79835971
love immy
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

I want to lick Immy's cute toes!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
Chat stop being cringe I'm getting second hand embarrassment
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
I want to cum inside Immy Bisou.
Immy's toes in my mouth.
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I just wanna slide my tongue in between each one of her toes. Is that really too much to ask for?
>chubby ankles
i want the one i can't have
Every inch of her is built for sex
Immy knowing she has really cute feet and liking showing them off increases her sex appeal so much
I feel not sorry for pinpals... must be torture
I need Immy to wear cute little anklet socks with a single red band at the top like in that greentext. I wouldn't be able to hold back.
It's actually so fucking hot that she wants us to lick her feet
Does someone have that greentext by the way?
>It's been a week since you last fucked Immy
>You're starting to regret abstaining from sex with her but don't want to disappoint her
>It would be unfair for you to cum while she's been holding off as well
>You walk into to the room and see her watching something on her iPad
>She's lying on her stomach, feet in the air swinging back and forth
>She's wearing white anklet socks with a single red colour band across the top
>You start to stare at her tiny little feet, becoming completely mesmerised by them
>She looks back at you and laughs in shock
>"Oh my god anon, did you actually get a boner from looking at my feet?"
>You look down and see a raging erection straining your shorts
>"Holy fuck you're such a disgusting degenerate" she says, an evil grin spread across her face
>You struggle to think of what to say as she continues to seductively move her feet back and forth
>"Well anon, why don't you take my socks off then? I'm too tired to do it myself"
>You nod obediently and reach out with your hands to peel them off
>"Uh uh" she says with a giggle "use your mouth"
>Your heart starts racing as she pushes her foot towards your face
>The scent drives you wild as your cock twitches from the aroma
>You open your mouth and grip the edge with your teeth
>As you slide them off your nose brushes against the sole of her foot, forcing you to take in her divine smell.
>After the second sock your cock is aching
>"You know anon, I said we need to abstain from sex, but I don't think my feet are off limits"
>Your eyes widen as you realise what she's said
>"Go on faggot, take your pants off"
>You rip your shorts and underwear off before you even realise what you're doing
>Your rock hard cock is pulsating right in front of her dainty little feet
>You hesitate before slowly placing your dick on her soles
>Your mind goes blank as your start to thrust, panting and moaning like an animal in heat
>Immy has gone back to watching her iPad but you can see the distinct wetness seeping from her cunt
>You grab her feet and start thrusting harder
>Oh fuck you're already going to cum
>You shoot thick ropes all over her feet, absolutely drenching them
>Some even makes it to her back with how pent up you were
>"Jesus Christ anon, did you really just cum while rubbing against my feet"
>She's laughing her ass off from how desperately you were humping
>"You're kind of cute when you become my desperate little puppy"
>She turns around and kisses you deeply
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for me, it's mercy modiste...
It’s ok I’ve messed up my ritual post before. Happens to us all
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patiently waiting for next diary entry
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LOL what an idiot! What a dumb dumb
You know the drill senpai! Get in the cage your getting educated!
Fuck... the bit where you remove her socks with your teeth is just incredible...
My wife is going to strike me across the face after she fucks up this next attempt, later virgins
I just opened the stream why is shibi a furry
I'm leaking so much fucking pre thinking about Immy guys, I think I'm at my limit...
She has a 1070, needs all the PC she can muster
Recite these words
>I hereby declare, I will not cum this day. Not only for me, but for all those who stand with me—and for our future selves—that will.
If you give in now the past week would've been pointless. Is that what you want? To cum in shame and disappoint your little sister on top?
Don't be a little bitch. You only have like 4 days left.
I want to stick my dick in Immy's armpits and cum all over her chest.
Think about how good it will feel to cum with her when she gets back. And if you do it now it’ll feel empty and loveless.
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wat if she calls us retards for not being able to solve a simple puzzle ;_;
which would be hot
why doesn't she just put a 4080 on throne?
I'm going on a family trip now and likely won't be able to be there for the return stream. I'm gonna hold on until I'm but back blow some ropes for me too bros.
Yeah its only 4. its atleast 6....
I'm in this picture and I like it
Gentlemen, my mother-in-law now supports my wife's career. Be proud of her. Play button soon.
I’m calling in sick if it doesn’t line up with one of my days off.
Ngl, I like when the pinpals get riled up for Immy like this. I'm kinda jealous
If it overlaps with my therapy appointment im canceling it Im being serious
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I want for nothing more Immy
please keep making them Immy, without them the pinpals would have completely lost it
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in a sick and twisted turn of events, the shift i worked for almost 7 years, which enabled me to be awake for NA hours changes completely... the day immy returns, and doesn't seem like it will change back anytime soon. i can't call in sick too
sry for blogpost, legit want to kms myself
My condolences anonquit your job get a better one
The day she didn't post an update was a dark day indeed
What do you think immy will do to reward us for holding out for her?
I honestly hope she does the stream on thursday at the earliest preferably at 9-12 EDT
Am or pm?
Mutual masturbation session on stream where we all cum multiple times. If faggots make her cry again im going to commit genocide
To be more accurate it's that live2d can't run well with Eldin Ring playing. She said Stronny could have given her a better rig but she used the money for paying debts. So she'd rather not upgrade
ha, duck tape
last night was fucking crazy, pinpals and ojisans panicking and schizoing out because their oshi suddenly stopped posting.
I meant 08:00-12:00 or in other words
Yeah I’d have to call in sick. I work mornings
Damn. Sorry man
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that would be ideal but i'm still missing prime pinposting hours GG

actually considering it unironically kek
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When she was begging last time and said “wouldn’t it feel so good to cum together” that was the hottest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life.
Careful there Ryan(me), she is about to snip your cock off!
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I always look forward to these posts
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Nah it's okay
I had a string on my jacket, she took care of it.
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Azura is cute, Azura is love!
Azura is not a mute, Azura is quite a dove!
Though she is a goat, it fits her like a glove!
This is all to quote, that Azura is my Ladylove!~
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I do like good Icey posts myself.
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She's so tilted right now
Is she? She seems pretty tame honestly.
Thanks for reminding me. Shibi's elden ring stream will be the first time i watching her
She was for a second
brothers, exalted pinlords
as we delve into the ninth sublevel of insanity in tandem with our fair sister, i must confess today was especially a rough one not only for me, but also for (You). it's fine to remember we're humans after all, it humbles us keeps us level with reality. the reality we must deal with, and deal with it we will.
growth is in the discomfort after all, and the only way out, is through my friends. we're too deep into this to give up now, the harder we struggle, the more glorious our triumph will be. take my hand and we will make it to the other side.
as always; know that i love you, and may god bless you all.
Replying again, it's a combination of a lot of things. People trying to backseat her people being passed aggressive in donos, attention begging in chat, etc.
Love you too. may the good blood guide our way...
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ganbare pinchads
[Shibi news] Shibi is a furry.
Thanks mercyposter only 24 hours till shes live!
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it will, don't you ever doubt it for a fraction of a second.
your encouragement means a lot, blessed mercyposter. god knows we need it.
Anyone have any idea what Immy wanted us to get out of that tweet earlier?
No one loves Icey anymore... It's all Immy.
Thats because (you) don't love Icey like the i love Immy the real Ojisans are asleep/lurking/doing other stuff
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I'm still trying to figure it out kek. No dice tho, I feel like I'm missing some lore piece.
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Don't out me like that.
>like the i love
Fuck i need to kiss my sister for this MINOR SMELLING ERROR
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Icey doesn't wake up for a few hours ojisans are asleep. When she awakens the alarms will sound and they'll be here
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Shut up, Icey! You suck! Immy is the best!
She's funnier, prettier, bolder, more creative, and dont get me started on the hair, my hair is definitely i mean Immys hair is definitely better than yours!
Im my.....
nice try, but real pinpals would never make such a mistake
Wait hold up what?
Mercy told her parents about the stuff?
Speaking of Icey, was the VOD worth watching? I had to go to work early and missed the whole thing.
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watch her newest short (or her streams)
I want to smash Immy's face in with my elbow before I fuck her, a bleeding nose and bruised face would make her look so much cuter as I pound her into the mattress. She'll have to give the camera a big smile and double peace signs after I finish inside her followed by lots of tender aftercare in bed
new member emotes soon?
Immy and Mercy next I believe. Immy's actually came back already, but the artist messed up and forgot one emote.
I don't want to give shibi any suggestions because I'm a filthy grey...
Im not watching her right now, what did she ask also im only membered to Immy but i'd like to think i know elden ring pretty well so someone that is can just take what we post here and claim it as their own suggestions in her chat
What was the other tweet? Only the one about her tits growing back was posted here
Something like
>Also, this has a deeper meaning so think hard to uncover it
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not really i'm afraid
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Only 2 or 3 grey names caused any trouble with backseating everything else you stated never happened
Ojisans finally gatekeeping? about time now we just need a few pinpals to start doing it too
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I love Shibi. It feels like I'm hanging out with a bro that likes to fuck you on the side
I would love to see Mercy do a top 10 must buy items at costco
>captcha: N0AH
That's a bummer. Oh well. There's always next...GW2 stream I suppose.
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i'm all for gatekeeping but since it was a watchalong stream there really is no point in doing reps
Another day another two edges in Immy’s name
the only thing I can think of is her cosplay photos she deleted on Lividy twitter? But that seems too literal
What were the cosplay pics? the maid one?
Guys... I love Shibi
Hey, atleast say 'nta' they'll think IM asking
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Harelot, a word
I hear you conspired with Shibi the domme
I understand.
The need for muppet gash is strong. Do you think I've not felt it?
In my quest to be all knowing I too have known the draw to the furry cunny.
I’m so backed up it feels like I’m gonna piss cum

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