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The 84th Wind

>NEXT STREAM: 【DISHONORED】I will be a good Automaton!
[link pending]

>LAST STREAM: 【NEON WHITE】I am so fast!!! Pew pew pew!! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>79894515
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>correction: Crab game is at 12pm JST! o7
Nein, Bern, Nein.
It's a schedule you fucking Kraut.
Is Cecilia supposed to be that flat? They are making her Rushia tier
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I don't speak nazi.
you and the guy who complains about the /ciao/ OP are stoooopid
no one will be as psychotic as Rushia
I really want to like her...
How about you stop trying to enforce your nazishit, like just an idea maybe?
It's just a ritual poster.
>unwinded cc
If you really feel the need to roleplay as nazis try /pol/.
One we could do without.
Yeah, but that's every ritual poster.
and that's a good thing
We could do without Bernds too.
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And he goes:
>Nazi >Nazi >Nazi
>Nazi >Nazi >Nazi
>Nazi >Nazi >Nazi
>Nazi >Nazi >Nazi
Mushroom, mushroom!
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You guys fight over the most pointless things.
We literally couldn't.
We absolutely could. All they do is dummdeutscheln.
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i know she doesn't like long hair but id cum my fucking brains out if she wore long braids over her shoulders
I dont understand this german = nazi, they should blame Marx however for many things. Without Marx, no Stalin, no Hitler, and other socialist failures
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CC and this general wouldn't exist.
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She's very flat, mein Freund.
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>doll hands grasp your balls
It's easy Anon.
No one in his right mind would be using it if they are not roleplaying as nazi or have enough pride in their heritage to try and spread it. And we know how that ended last time.

Are we watching the same streams? I can't recall her using any german unprompted, unlike a certain chicken.
did immerheim run out of boobs when making her
the chest modules cost extra
Please don't crush them mein freulein
dollmaker just preferred flat
They just have excellent taste.
>No one in his right mind would be using it if they are not roleplaying as nazi
schizophrenia desu
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>doll fingers tickle your prostate
Just relax buddy
imagine if CC was a beaver
why would they to and ruin what is already perfectly smooth and flat
GG is a beaver already
Klingt nach einer Fähigkeitsproblematik.
We need a meds otomo.
She'd be eating sooo good
Smells like Bernds in denial.
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Manhandling this doll!
I want CC to impale me on a stick with two other Otomos
She is german not romanian
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Bros if I was a beaver I would be eating so good right now
Dieser Faden ist nun Teil der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Sorry Immergrants.
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das ist eine Komplement
I don't even know what a "bernd" is, I just think you're being obnoxious.
We need a whole pharmacy.
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id draw an otomo but mama didnt like my chattini
don't draw it with a massive penis next time
Cecilia will like an otomo art as long as it's decent and not very low quality.
draw a larger penis next time
are you the guy from /ciao/ who didn't get a like
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mama's least favorite son...
Ceci goes pretty far back to look at fanarts so i'd say give it a try and wait for a few days
i am ceci’s favorite otomo for i am the one who pours her tea.
I'm the one she puts inside of her butt.
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>Doll balls grasp your hand
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is this large enough?
Wait a second..
do it for the love of it, not for the attention
wtf why is it so thin?
it doesnt mattter anyway
now post this to cici's art tag
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How much does Ceci weigh?
an automaTON
pachi pachi pachi
need to make one with a coin slot
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doll sex
21 kg
I only caught about a third of the stream, but it was very cute.
She seems kinda nitpicky about stories.
Watchalongs with her are going to have a lot of complaining.
I want to see a collab with Cecilia, Gigi and Raora
Amazing 3 member generation guys
Sounds great
Perfect, I can't wait for Ceci's running commentary and complaining
That sounds great actually
We should make her watch the Cats movie.
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I love my nagging wife very much
>trinity posting is back
Feels like it's 2020 again.
>he thinks it ever stopped
and its just as annoying as ever
Unironically based, too many holos are too scared of losing perms they play it ultra safe. It's refreshing to see some honesty.
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Attention all true otomos!
Coffee drinkers have resorted to employing whores to seduce you into drinking the devil's beverage. Do not fall for their tricks!
I would unironically drop coffee if I had enough money to apply the perfect diet.
I drink coffee when I watch raora and tea when I watch ceci

Typical yuro bike experience?
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those were a thing 20 years ago...
Are those bloomers that Ceci wears under her skirt?
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emergency parachute
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>Americans think bike lights slows you down
They use batteries my guy
Cecilia referred to dynamos.
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Would you kill another otomo if Ceci asked? Would you kill a member of another fanbase if Ceci asked?
They aren't anymore? Mine still got an Dynamo
murder is morally wrong
I would disassemble another otomo and add their parts to my own, and we shall live forever, together.
She doesn't even need to ask
It is not about emotion, it is about becoming a perfect being
Are otomos their own fidget spinner?
Not with my inferior parts
That face is justice, if she asked me to murder it isn't murder, it's committing justice.
Please do crush them mein fraulein
everyone has at least one perfect part of their being, and I shall add it to ourself.
They serve no purpose
Is she made of wood or porcelain?
Draw two penises next time. One large one small.
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>Another Otomo
No, Blut und Boden
>Another fanbase?
gladly, ceci doesn't even need to ask
Yes, mein Fräulein. I will kill them all.
Lol I remember that Simpsons episode
cute. i hope they like cecilia’s debut.
Ceci isn't much of a twitterfag, is she?
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I wonder if Ceci will ever play OSRS?
Can't join in the Advent collab thanks to work, but I hope they all have fun
and this is a good thing
pebble here, you guys are pretty cool
I wonder if Cecilia is the type to sing in the shower
Green woman spotted in Fauna's chat.
stop stalking her
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I'm not, I was watching Fauna and she just appeared. If anything, she's stalking me.
Who needs sleep anyway...
I guess, I'm just used to Twitter/stream addicts.
Sorry to burst your bubble but she chat right after i opened Fauna's screen. She's definitely stalking me and want my attention.
I blame hololive for my desire to fuck and impregnate dolls and robots.
None of the Justice girls seems to be that active on social media in general, maybe Raora?
Nope. She’ll use it for fanartists, schedules, and stream announcements and that’s about it. Its all they need to do anyway.
>Cover paving the way for our dependency on sex robots
Sex with Cece and rbc simultaneously
Immerheim über alles!
She's an overthinker, probably has tons of tweets ideas but then startd spinning them in her head like "what if they interpret this in a very weird or specific way?" or maybe she thinks a tweet sounds smart in her head but after typing out she gives up.
You guys aren't too bad when you're not going feral over cunny.
Dorothy from Big O awakened something in me
I wonder when I stopped...
A fucking otobble
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Somebody just set off some fireworks and I instinctively rushed to cover. My time in the trenches changed me...
I love how mamma Raora made us look
Just the cutest things
We're fucking adorable.
idk we kinda look like we have downs
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Ceci is too Sexi.
We DON'T fuck dolls here
Right, cute
That’s like the only thing we do here
Skill issue
Ceci in Raora chat!
ceci please take care of yourself...
Speak for yourself.
Raora's and Ceci's sleep schedules are finished
Well Raora is physically in japan so her sleep is fine. CC is fucked though.
Don't worry bros I'll tire her out by playing Kirby Air Ride with her all night.
Aestival nocturnality is peak tho
How is the con thing going?
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whore detected! exterminating!
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I love her..................
I wrote this post
My hands wrote this.
Don't know how much of this general cares about JPN stuff, but Ririka, Chammers, and Raden are covering justice debuts in order. Going to watch Cecilia's tomorrow if any Americans or degen Europeans want to watch it.
I hope not.
Ah my bad, I clicked on that link initially but since I deleted my twitter account it's been 50-50 whether twitter shows me anything when clicking on a link. That one errored before but is working now.
mmorpg and jrpg slop are terrible stream content
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Pebble dont look
She should play a vn
she mentioned playing persona but said she didn't want to read all the dialogue or play in english
I dont recall saying I care what she wants
She should play Rance X.
cecilia should play danganronpa
Cecilia should play me like a fiddle
Cecilia should play PVKK: Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant
i wonder how long the dishonored stream will be since she has the crab game collab the next morning
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I enjoy the VN streams.
This is very pretty, just like cece
I've kind of had living rent free in my head all day a holo reading through Muv-luv on stream. I know exactly why it wouldn't happen, the 40 hours or so required for extra and unlimited is just too big of an ask and chomp/twizzlers is probably too graphic for any holo scene.

But damn if I can't help but think how good the later parts of Unlimited would be for some holos
CC is pretty cute huh
There is no one cuter
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>think about alternatives
>remember muramasa (haven't read it yet)
>check it
>+70h long
No chuuni VNs allowed I guess.
Imagine how fast a talent would get cancelled for doing Dies: Irae, especially if it was CC.
Reading through Muv-Luv with my bro, it's a fun time but we're still early.
Dies Irae is like the worst possible pick for CC lmao
100% getting canceled
i doubt they'd get perms in the first place
You still in Extra or have you moved to Unlimited.

Wouldn't need perms, light went under. Steiner was supposed to end up as their head of operation in NA and it literally just collapsed overnight like 2 weeks after he announced it.
management still needs to greenlight it
>Wouldn't need perms, light went under
If you mean the company is dead then it's literally worse. Dead doesn't mean you can fuck with their IPs at will, you need perms from whomever the fuck has the rights.
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is kinda cute seeing so many newfags not understanding how far the jp big corpo autism goes
If the original devs had an ego and put a lot of rules or outright wouldn't allow it, then the IP going to another hand would be a positive because they very likely don't respect the IP in the same way.
Still, it's just a hypothetical.
newfags to holo*
Here's the kicker anon, unless something has passed into public domain, aka really fucking old (steamboat willie just passed in, so that old) they can't just freely use it. If the IP rights have no leaders as to where they went, they cant ask anyone, and thusly cannot use it at all until that point.
I don't really understand IP law, but wouldn't you need an owner to enforce their IP?
It doesn't matter, if they dont know who owns the IP rights they wont touch it. If nobody owns the IP rights they wont touch it because somebody MIGHT own the IP rights.
Gotta ask the publishers too. God have mercy on you if there are more hands involved.
I wonder if ceci is saving her karaoke stream until monitization
the tl:dr is
Does she enjoy singing that much?
>Wouldn't need perms, light went under.
I have no idea how Germany or Japan works with this. But if they are like the US, then it would mean it's limbo. Someone owns the rights, but very few people know who. The fucking Happy Birthday song went through this for decades until someone fought it in court and now it's public domain. Nothing gets into the public domain unless the creator intentionally does this or the time expires (though a long time ago, there were extra ways, but those loopholes are gone).
>it's limbo
it's IN limbo. Whoops
That does make sense I guess. Wouldn't be surprised if there's an actual business of people buying random IP and then hiring lawyers to see if they can sue someone over it
There is even a term for these! Copyright trolls
Its a thing, yeah. The perms autism is there for a reason.
In who's chats has she appeared so far outside of her genmates? Biboo, Fauna, who else?
Shiori's when she was playing hollow knight
No tits.
No nipples.
No ridges inside her semen collection unit.
Just flat, smooth, cold metal.
This is the way.
Please hold them tight as a vice and then run out of spring power, mein fraulein.
>endless, rhythmic, mechanical milking
Anon why are you making me hard in public
Half a metric ton of hard metal. You're not supposed to escape her embrace.
Shut up, the red one is an amazing singer and a huge dork (affectionate)
It's a great gen.
this post glows
Go back
I like you anon
It's called a M.O.L.A.R. (Mineral Oil Leak Absorption Rag)
>what if they interpret this in a very weird or specific way?
/vt/ would never
Not that we should talk much about ERB in here but the anti-gen-unity niggers can eat shit, CC would not want anyone to shittalk her genmates.
She's annoying as fuck and is completely brain dead
Where did you find my picture
you don't speak for ceci lol
Go back to global
You are in the wrong thread, an-non. That's the only thing on our mind.
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Everything she does, she does for justice
Thank you, will watch!
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I want to mating press Ceci
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this writing jesus...
watch streams
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I was in the first pre-debut green thread minute 1 faggots. Have you tried having fun instead of posting holo vs holo? You are the ones who should go back to the catalogue
>baiting for people to shit on ERB
be less obvious threadshitters
the game seems pretty cringe but i like the music and the gameplay reminds me of old cs surf maps
Not at all, I like ERB but I acknowledge she is off-topic in here when not collabing. The trinity-posting on the other hand. That is actual threadshitting.
You're going out of your way to bring her up, and trying to thread police, it's obvious what you're going for
>holo v holo catalogsister calling anyone else threadshitter
I would actually very much enjoy watching CC surf. Has any holo played surf on stream at any point?
No, you are wilfully misinterpreting me even though I am honest with what I think. Calling my opinion policing is retarded too but I wont change your mind on that. I'll just wait for stream hours since dead hours are usually trash.
Global is next door.
>raiding the ceci thread
calm down sisters, no need to get uppity
This nigga never had/was a sasuke in his/someones life
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>her arttag
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Bitte überdenken Sie es noch einmal
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It makes me smile when I think that she hasn't yet told this greeting "Speen to ween" without cutely giggling
I like how she insisted about artists remembering the joints (she just said it once but it was enough to grasp her feelings), there was always the possibility of the person ending up with a doll-like avatar to resent it in some way, but it's neat that she truly likes it.
Any soundposts of her laughing/giggles yet?
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>fans being stupidly horny for flat and basically asexual woman
Weird, it never happened before
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kinda salty about the writing bc the presentation, gameplay and music are fucking great
yeah thats the common opinion from most people who play it
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Some other otomo needs to bake next, gute nacht.
good night anon
>kinda salty about the writing
Cece's reactions to the cringe writing actually improved the stream so I am fine with it. I would never play this game for the story but someone else suffering through it is entertaining.
Yes, I liked her reactions. I love that she's not afraid to express her disgust.
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In case anyone missed it, CC asked on her latest VOD what people think of the 7pm CEST starting time.
Hello CC, I love you so much
it's a good timeslot, i like it
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It's a good timeslot for EU bros but obviously too early for US
Already told her that I like it.
Good shout. Im fine with 9pm if she doesnt plan in on going over 3h but 7-8pm is golden
Oh I guess I'll let her know
fucking sucks
you liked it
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It's 2AM in tw so I can put up her waiting room then go to bed and listen to her voice in my dream. No I will not take my meds.
Thanks for the heads-up. I'm so happy she's looking into this, shows how in touch she is with her audience.
You guys have the entire rest of HoloEN, please let us have a single member that's good for european viewers.
If she streams like an hour later then it works perfectly for me. I'm pretty sure you old world fuckers can stay up for another hour.
Tell her then, she is looking for feedback for a reason
You're saying this with every single holo out there.
>bro, just stay up until 2am, what's the big deal? you didn't need more than 4 hours of sleep anyway
>bro, it's only 5am, why not just get up a couple of hours earlier?
>bro, I know it's like 3am for you guys, you can sacrifice that much for your oshi, right?
Maybe you guys can change your schedule just this once.
That being said, I'd be okay with 8pm cest, AS LONG as she doesn't continue past midnight. (But I just know that you guys want her to stream 6+ hours too.)
I think one argument against 8pm is that's when Elizabeth usually starts her streams.
While I recognize they don't 100% share the same audience, and most people would pick CC over ERB when ERB isn't doing karaoke, I still think that the 100 karaokes ERB does every week is a mammoth to compete directly against.
It's also kind of against team spirit to budge in on the exact same time slot this early after debut. With how staggered they are, they at least open up for everyone to have a period of no overlap.
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Look man I have a job I have to wake up early for and the girls I follow have always either started streaming right before I go to sleep or while I'm at work. When I said an hour later I meant starting at 2 p.m. eastern burgertime instead of 1 p.m. like her Neon White stream did, not an hour later than her usual time of 3-4 p.m. so far. The 1 p.m. timeslot is the only one where I'll miss a big chunk of the stream so it would be nice if she started just a little later than that at least part of the time. Granted I do get a bunch of time to live like a NEET since I work in public education but I'd still be mildly frustrated if she only started streaming at the time she used for Neon White.
Solution: ERB should go to 9PM CEST because it's an hour earlier for her than for Cecilia.
>Just listen to her at work :^)
That's what you burgers say whenever I mention being at work. Follow your own advice burgers!
Just watch the vods 5head
Been thinking that as well. But I wont hold a candle to it
I think Ceci should stream 24 hours a day. That way everyone can watch.
>since I work in public education
What cooooountry?
with the melanin enriched?
The Br*tish aren't known for compromising.
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I agree.
The land of the free, which is why I made my post using burgertime. You can probably guess what kind of students I work with based on that.
You have my sympathies
Why does she dislike the expression "this ain't my first rodeo?"
probably just sounds goofy to her
Not gonna lie, I also would like streams at 9PM CEST because I'm busy usually. 5PM back from work and after that either I go to the gym or to japanese class. There is no way to watch 7PM streams if you do anything more than work-sleep-eat or if you are a not a student
Sounds cringe
t. Esl
Because it is her first rodeo.
Get a real job you waste of space.
What do you even do in the gym for 4 hours?
My work ends at 5pm CEST too but 2h is more than enough to go to the gym on the way home and fix dinner once I'm home before 7pm.
I oogle the hot mens
What happened to her mouth lines?
>6AM wake up, praise Cecilia
>6AM - 7AM work out
>7AM - 8AM breakfast + shower
>8AM - 9AM chores + doomscrolling
>9AM - 5PM work + lunch
>5PM - 6PM a walk + groceries
>6PM - 7PM reading shitty web novels
>7PM - 10PM Cecilia time
>10PM - 11PM reading more shitty web novels
Literally me yesterday. I do my own things on company time too and it's possible to integrate something low effort during streams.
I feel as if your 8am constitutes most of my day, sans the chores.
17:00-17:30 going home
17:30-18:00 change clothes and go to the gym
18:00-19:30 hour of strength training and 30 minutes cardio
19:30-20:30 XXL kebab after gym to recover proteins and going back home
20:30-21:00 shower and shit
I think it is reasonable
>1h going home and then the gym
Can't you bring clothes to work and go directly from work to the gym? That's what I do
>1,5h gym
Depending on how often you go to the gym its way beyond necessary or average.
>1h eating
? Can't you eat at the computer?

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