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The 85th Wind

>NEXT STREAM: 【DISHONORED】I will be a good Automaton!
[link pending]

>LAST STREAM: 【NEON WHITE】I am so fast!!! Pew pew pew!! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>79894515
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>correction: Crab game is at 12pm JST! o7
Previous thread: >>79906167
CC my sexdoll...
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This is what peak fanbase design looks like.
>Crab game at 0500
Was no other time possible? Two hours later would have been way better.
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>doll balls grasp your hands
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Raora love
NGL this gotta be one of my favorites hololive mascot/fans designs ever
Nein Bernd, Nein.
It's a Schedule you fucking Kraut.
Half of HoloEN is there so it would be middle of the night at least for somebody now that we have more yuros than Kiara.
Why is she hiding that in a comment on a vod instead of the community tab or even twitter.
That Doll can be a little silly at times.
Yeah, I think so. Up there with tako and koronesuki
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It's up there with SSRB and lunaitos, for sure.
Theoretically it is a dumb idea. Who watches vods from that time? People that didn't liked that time and only they will see that comment. It is a good thing that on YouTube there are Yesmen and they would approve even stream of watching paint dry, but I'd expect shitload of burgers saying that 7PM CEST sucks
Who drew this?
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Non-stop sex with Ceci!
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She should sell an Immertoaster as part of her birthday/anniversary merch.
Twitterfags don't watch streams. Better to keep it on youtube.
Not just in theory a dumb idea. If you are fine with the time you already watched the stream, left a comment if you are inclined that way etc all of that long before even looking if CC wrote anything at a later point - which again - only vod watchers that were not able to make the stream will see.
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>pebbles as B
>bibi in C
shit taste
this is mixing together fanbase representatives and mascots, you judge them by different criteria...
There is so much wrong with that, I don't even know where to start. But Pissbag in B might be the worst of it.
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No I'm right. Perhaps Cece's fanbase didn't deserve a mascot of this caliber, sad!
One of the worst and dumbest lists I have ever seen. You should be ashamed of yourself for posting this in /grün/
This is some questionable taste
I think she just woke up
Noel's fans should have been orcs...
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Can confirm, she's in our kitchen having a cup of tea right now
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I'm so happy Cecilia exists
KFP Chicken is at least A, as well as the Luknighto
SSRB is an easy S
Tons of Ds deserve a higher tier
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>Cecilia's face when 5AM stream
Ssh, this doll is sleeping.
The face of the goon of an evil woman
>Mori decided on 5am to haze the new girls
predict: will she stay up or wake up early?
Stay up. Her sleep is already fucked.
She will try to sleep early, but will be unable to and will be too angry at herself to fall asleep because she can't sleep, so she will be sitting /here/ on the phone while laying on bed
Will any of you be there for the collab? 5 am is a big ask
>Wrong! This doll is deceased.
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Yes (maybe)
Yeah, fan mascots and other mascots should be separate lists
Unfortunately no, maybe if it was 2 am start time
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6AM for me. Being +1 is beneficial one stream out of a hundred. (I would wake up for 5AM anyway)
Yes(yes). It's Saturday anyway.
I originally planned to wake up early, but I forgot about the Dishonored stream. No idea if I will manage to stay awake, but I will try. I think big collabs always suck, but it's for Ceci, and with Fauna, Ame, and Shiori there might be some good moments.
yeah im a burger
I'm mostly interested in green women moments, though I agree that big collabs sort of suck. There should be a max of like 5 members. More and it just becomes chaos with too much noise.
No way
>only Fauna for Promise

Not as big as it looks since you can effectively reduce the count by 2 with Ame and Shiori participating
Kronii had it on her schedule too
>fauna and cece both with closed eyes
Clock women had it on her schedule. Either she backed out or fwmc forgot.
Was already watching EN before Justice, so nothing really changed other than having an earlier stream to watch as well.
>green tea brothers together

Up with sex thumbnail
I guess you're right, those tend to be very quiet.

Did you reply to the wrong post?
>stream at 5am because of americucks

I have so done and so disgusted, stop stealing us from stream and stop stealing sleep from my wife
Of course they HAVE to stream at JP time for the EN living in japan right? Or is it for japanese audience?
Fuck mori and fuck fwmc they should stream in the middle of the night.
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I love the arrows and text she puts on her thumb ails
her face is hot too
Who is her?
i find it hot that ceci is aware of her horny fanbase but pretends they don't exist yet.
Yeah, would it kill them to put it two hours later? It would still be fine for both NA and JP then, but a noticeable improvement for EU.
Let me fix that for you
You have posted this 5 times now.
It's funny that vtubers are the ones that will make me actually hate weebs and asians.
Have they said anything about their oshis are? I can't remember CC saying anything about that at her debut.
Raora has said that Nerissa is her oshi
perfect time for me
All of Advent is currently in Japan and they need to prepare for their 3D so it's less viable for them to stream at night. They could have picked JP prime time though, but that would be 5AM for Americans instead and that's the majority of EN audience overall.
They don't give a shit. They just took the best time slot for US that was compatible with JP time. I bet they didn't consider EU time and that two of their new colleagues will have to stream in the middle of the night.
Raora and ERB said that they love Nerissa
CC and GG mentioned that they love Takamori
you forgot their schedule. not just stream but work.
They could have picked JP time that wasn't US prime time and compatible with EU time.
They just went with US prime time
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Is Ceci able to blush?
Ceci and Liz ought to form a coalition with Kiara and invade Pol- I mean demand better working conditions.
She is too cool to get flustered
Mori is the organizer. She probably just picked a time that usually works for HoloEN (meaning no EU) and didn't think much further.
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>Mori is the organizer
That is the likely cause and explanation
Its the weekend so ill just sleep early and wake 5am
>sleep early
And miss today's stream?
You have to replace her faceplate like a nendoroid.
i’m in burger time so yeah if i get off from work in time
Well no you are right but i can just sleep again after the collab
6am is not that bad, I'll have some coffee and quaso while enjoying the stream
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11 pm is a little late for me. Might need to brew some tea later.
She gets flustered as soon she starts the stream. Every stream. Just listen to her fumble her words and intro.
bet you think she got us into a car crash too
Never happened. That Anon is a coffee lover.
Don't believe him fellow Otomos!
Spin to win!
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CC baby
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ceci after the dishonored stream (hopefully)!
It's what we want. Not what will happen.
There's no way she's going to sleep.
Any cranks itt?
she should play Dishonored until 5AM and go straight to collab, sleep is for the weak..
t. Pemaloe
There are no Otomos. Only cranks.
I'm right here though?
I'm an Otomo, but I am crankin my cog rn
Poor Otomo... Thinks he's a crank...
Dilute it with water or other tea.
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Otomo mean Great Friend.
Cute thumbnail
Hungry giantess Cecilia?
I know Autismatons are retarded, but...
So Kronii's in after all
what does changing it to watch do?
I am commuting home and it came up...
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using senpai the correct way, i love this woman
Not outing you as a zoomie, among other things..
I'd be more concerned about the tracking ID than the 'live' though
What does the id do
It's a tracking ID, it allows youtube to keep track on who has opened that particular link coming from that account, at least the is the intended use.
That is going to be a chaotic mess
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Hell yeah both of those are awesome
How often will she pee today during the stream?
I am ready to receive.
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Not enough.
Immerlings, assemble!
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I'm sorry Cecilia... but I want mi Españita to win...
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At least she's confident. https://www.youtube.com/live/mH5iestE9VQ
where are all those phone poster even coming from
I just woke up from a little nap.
Watching a little Fußi
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>My poor wife has to stay awake until 5am to play with her senpais
I was taking a little nap until I was woken up by people watching a little Fußi
monetization relay on 7/7
ceci @ 9pm her time
come back....
Take this upgrade, otomo >>79963446
i can watch live...!
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>Debut order
Those streams are a little short though, only 30minutes each? Even assuming just barebones intro/outro and minimal zatsu that is not leaving a lot of time.
Is this also memberships?
Advent was the same.
That's right where the TBA game would be
I mean, it was probably TBA because monetization was pending.
This is a day later, no?
the 2nd saturday on the schedule should be sunday
Says who?
das kann nicht wahr sein
She has two Saturday streams listed in separate slots, but two Wednesday ones were in the same slot. Chances are she was just copypasting it and forgot to change the day because her original schedule was Sun-Sat instead of Mon-Sun.
Immerheim über alles!
look at wednesday, she already has a format for two streams in one day and she said she wanted the schedule to be from monday to sunday. it would be weird to just leave sunday off the schedule.
es ist vorbei
Pretty sure she talked about streaming on both Saturday and Sunday during a very recent stream. Might've been even yesterday's.
My condolences Meine Germanische Freunde
/r/ es ist aus.jpg
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Was ist los?
>they fucked up the am/pm on pdt times
The refugee and nigger fagball selection of Germany lost against Spain.
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Aktualisierter Zeitplan
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tbf they apologized right after, but the twitter manager is quite incompetent at their job
Stop posting this. Too many details wrong.
why did she put friday and saturday on the same slot...
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I feel sorry for Ceci, but I wanted mi Españita to win. Good luck next time, it was an insane game to watch from both teams
24 hour clock is superior
Xitter mane is a yuro and can't into 12-hour clock...
>bikini Otomo
For her it's only a new day if she goes to sleep.
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>but the twitter manager is quite incompetent at their job
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>10 minutes
get in, we going to murdertown
JP culture issue desu. AM/PM is autism, the bad kind
i feel like she's planning to stay up till their collab after this stream...
The HoloEN Twitter guy is also a starmin or whatever the homofags are called.
Gonna listen to Immer while I do some housework!
>posting this at yurop primetime
12-hour only if we're talking about a single time zone. 24-hour clock works better if thre are multiple time zones since there isn't any AM/PM fuckery that can cause confusion when looking at multiple dates and times.
Where do you think you are?
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in case no one has posted this yet
cute plushies
In a general full of hot-blooded American men who feel closer to their old world ancestry by watching a cute German doll?
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you guys will all buy her friends with u plush right?
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>9 pm stream into 5am stream into into 9pm stream into monetization at 8pm
I think Cecilia should take a break.
>another 5am collab
i legitimately dislike cover corporation and won't subject myself to this badly explained joke for an excuse of an event
No, I like Dollbutts
everyone shut up my dollwife is live
Doll NOW
Get in Crankers
all of them live around the world, it's kind of hard to coordinate that without having to make some sacrifices
especially since the girls in japan are very busy
I hate corpos too, especially Japanese ones, but that collab has nothing to do with their retardation.
Crank it up!
Crank it UP!
She's smol today
this doll is weird
Why is she looking a Fauna like that?!
My ancient automaton wife can't be this cute!
She wants to be a real girl
>She didn't spin to win
Either I'm deaf and missed or she already hates us...
That is not a dollbutt, as it was not drawn like a dollbutt would be drawn.
she's smol everyday
if she were made of flesh you could easily princess carry her
Burger here, 24 hour clock is way clearer than 12.
>haha you're too dumb to remember which 12:00 is noon and which is midnight
Unironically yes, I have enough trouble remembering things and would rather just have the unambiguity of a 24hr clock.
She should have a bunch of different cringy (in a good way) intros and randomly pick one each time.
Seethe. I'll be posting more dollbutt.
>I have enough trouble remembering things
...things like looking out a window?
Please do, just make sure the dollbutt is actually dollbutt.
>another game wasn't approved
Justice manager doesn't seem very competent...
Wonder what game she wanted to play?
No, that's a cover problem.
This doesn't help when you're talking about future plans and scheduling.
When will she piss?
My guess is at minute 85.
that's what those little initials are for
Cecilia probably has PC issues more than perm autism
the ID perms guy is fully occupied by ela
How is she back on Low Latency instead of ultra low..
Just schedule for 11:30AM or PM.
I noticed that too
> calls Sasuke a whiny bitch
Kaela should fuck off honestly
a private presentation for Fauna...
>it's hard to stream for us to stream at 3pm can you guys accomodate and stream in the middle of the night at 5am? <3333
Cecilia has no idea
How does she effect you in any way?
>Mori Senpai.
get some help
She's hogging all the perms
>crap game
That the perms people are busy getting perms for asset flip kusoge for Kaela to stream instead of getting perms for good games?
Yet more evidence that she's /here/
More signs that she's /here/
Or she's an oldfag that calls her Mori instead of Calli
what is with the autism over which name to call her? does it matter? really?
I'm pretty sure most of Advent calls her that.
>that collab has nothing to do with their retardation
it does because of the absurd timeslot
it's cute
Mumei also slipped up once, pretty early on calling her mori.
>but how does this affect you personally, chud?
visions of pathetic sort
therefore seek rope
For someone educated like CC it's much more interesting to call her Mori than Calli
I don't think ID and EN have the same perms guy, but I don't know for sure so feel free to call me a retard if I'm wrong
Unless you browse /here/, no-one calls her Mori
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well that's dump, Calliope is her surname
who calls people by their surname except japs?
Cover didn't decide that though.
kronii too
Sports coaches
Shes such a dork
It's because Advent apart from Nerissa were and are /here/ chuubas
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fair enough
Tummy hort...
the sleep schedule will never be "normal"
Now this is fixing your sleep schedule
>plans to stay up
Doll,please take care of yourself..
Green Ame...
When you guys talk about Holo related stuff I have no idea what you're on about.
>don't worry
i'll try not to...
where did the boobs go
The overwhelming number of people call her Calli, anon
I know some but it's all outdated since I only followed Myth for a while
>barely any zatsu again
I will never forgive Nerissa.
She's a doll, her chest is modular.
currently /here/schizos spreading their schizophrenia
>humidifier in her arm
she will form her own literal stink clouds
Be that as it may he is correct about it being dumb and CC may simply refuse for that reason
It's modular.
Cecilia please, you have wanted a humidifier for over 6 months
Fucking cute
what a wingnut
>barely any zatsu again
She should already have one.
hard to zatsu when there's nothing to talk about
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So fucking tiny..
Doll sized Ceci
Shes too cute this isn't fair
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I don't get to see her today.............................
Wingnuts 2 is an excellent game
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I can totally use as a sounding rod at that size..
Surely she can talk about something. New fans barely know anything about her.
Way too sharp and wide, unless you like lacerating your urethra
She can vibrate too!
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she's so stupid (endearing)
Raora only did chatting today and nothing was set in stone.
I enjoyed it.
She really is a sadist...
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can you see it??
She totally is enjoying this
That’s photoshopped, right?
Hi Roli
Reminds me of that one hentai where the android girl or something could change sizes.
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Holy Jesus Christ she's too fucking adorable
I love this autistic woman so much
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biboo's stream is later, is it okay if a pebble hangs out here? (I'm watching the stream)
Yeah, welcome in.
this behaviour... she's an idiot... I love her, I want to hit her across the head
German talking about golden showers, like clockwork.
my monitor is covered in saliva
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Have a seat, enjoy the closeups
She's so adorable
>showing all the minor faults in her rigging
Very important
There...aren't people telling her to play the game instead of being cute, right? That's just her making sure to not commit too hard to the bit?
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Take a seat, fren
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>Doing an "interior maintenance" in Cecilia
>"I'm gonna have to put him somewhere safe where he won't be found."
>chucks him in the river
kek, the piranhas are going to eat well tonight.
You can count on chat being retarded
Fucking ref robbed us of a watchalong
>No killing today
>Yeets unconscious guy into the water
Technically it wasn't her who did the killing, right?
chat is this real????
You can kill a little as a treat and still get the good ending.
>world of goo
you guys would not believe the nostalgia trip that sent me on, holy shit.
Pretty sure that anon means managers.
I-It’s not that old, right?
i played it on the wii
Nta but its pretty old, almost braid old
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anon it came out in 2008...
It was on the Wii, a retro console for those of you too young to remember
im so fucking old holy shit
delete this post.
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The creation of the Immerkid...............
me on the right
She can still use the rats right?
Good post
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That depends. Which DMC do you think is best?
>that stressed out automaton squeal
I remember being excited for the new technology wii remotes brought as a kid
that's just fantasy automata can't get pregnant
You are just not trying hard enough.
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Sure they can!
Anon wake up, we don't use Crysis for benchmarks anymore
With enough power even a dying star can be reignited
Leave it to me anon, I'll prove you wrong
i want to sextant ceci
I like my evil sadistic doll
>"Ah, a drink after a long day of work."
>smashes bottle into a glass
>smashes bottle into a tray
>slurps drink and glass shards out of the tray
She's so hardcore, bros...
>Numbers! We need the numbers! WE NEED THE NUMBERS!
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>my oshi is a /#/fag
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do otomos have prostates
What's with all the whales?
Whales are very important to Dishonored's setting. Whale bones are used to make objects of occult power and whale oil is used to power technology.
If otomos have prostates then they must also have penises and testicles
that's a little insensitive. we call them burgers here
Whalepunk game
Some of them do..

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