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>lands in deep shit
Courtroom Edition

>Who is Filian?
White haired kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomerbloomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:04 - 24:06 UTC

>Recent Stream
Filian x Kirsche x SmugAlana cringe videos


>Previous Thread
good thing "artists" are being replaced by AI
uh oh
The model artist also made millions from that model. Just think about it.
What a shitshow... On one hand Filian is my oshi but I also believe in owning your own property / creation.
Hope this gets settled without too much fuss.
Tourist here. I don't watch her much, but Filian is cute and genuine and very endearing. I hope she finds a way though this and you guys are able to follow her despite whatever comes.
Good luck with your thread the next few days and don't let the dramashitters get you down.
I'm sure I'll see lots of dramatube videos about it later.
filian's new model should have her butthole exposed.
*sigh* I agree
time for Try Not to Moan challenges

in seriousness I hope she and the artist are able to settle without a ton of pain
Hopefully the stream isn't cancelled tomorrow
As this >>79951168 anon posted, that got from /HAHA/
>Do not reply to bait, shitstirring, tribaltards, or dramafaggotry. Be it inside AND outside the thread - Hide, Report, and Move on.
I mean, the most likely outcome is just that filian has to pay a shitload of money and get a new model made. It's pretty simple, just a big financial burden for filian.
if she is smart she cancels and talks to a lawyer first about what she can or should talk about it on stream without getting in deeper shit
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i lost already
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Stole from pcg.
She could just not address it. As of right now there isn't any lawsuit against her so until then she doesn't have to do anything but stay quiet and not incriminate herself further
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Who owns the Gilian model?
She should also take some time to decide what she wants to do about using models in the future. Because she has to come up with some solution pretty fast and it could be a while before she has a custom one that's ready to be used.
Supposedly she already has an original model, but was nervous to use it because of her association/brand with Rindo (and I guess Mint). She had talked about slowly integrating it as part of her before, I think.
I agree that we should add this to the bake from the next thread and onwards.
But I'm still a bit worried for her...
well there's no time like the present
>gets sued for copyright infringement
She's probably asleep. At least wait until she wakes up and sees the news before you worry about her.
the way the guy worded it it seems like he's trying to communicate with GSC/her and isn't going the whole legal route, so I think there's a chance she pulls out fine besides having to hand over part of the sales she's made/is going to make or some other things
that's the copium, I guess
Stop posting pirated pics of a stolen model, thanks.
It's over bro she's already on a plane to Argentina
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it's time to change models
>gets sued by vedal
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The Mint model has the same license. She obviously contacted the creator of the Mint model before that Lil Fil merchandise was made. But why did she forget to contact the Rindo creator too?
well yeah nobody in the equation wants to go full nuclear, because they are normal people
That's fine, anon, I just thought it bared repeating since it wasn't baked into the bread this time.
Vedal unironically did the smart thing by hiring Anny to draw a legally distinct Vtube Studio default girl before getting any merch.
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>She obviously contacted the creator of the Mint model before that Lil Fil merchandise was made.
filian is a good bean she's just extremely stupid with business
maybe she'll finally get a manager too
hoping the best for our wife
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Lmao vedal didn't do shit.
Anny did it for free because she liked Neuro.
>filian is a good bean

She flicks a good bean.
I'd watch
i flick her good bean
Oh here comes the ungrateful fuckers
Sounds good to me. When’s the stream?
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This one is all clear
... anon, people in the last thread people were saying similar stuff about the Rindo model and look how that turned out. Don't count your eggs before they hatch, and such.
gilian is an acceptable sacrifice
well, considering the current situation, sooner than you might think lol
cute kemonomutt moans live for her goslings
Yeah, like any sensible person would.
I just assumed she got perms from the creator before doing anything lmao
She might have done too many flips landing on her head.
Well atleast this is not a massive loss of image if we think about her fanbase, but it will surely hurt her pocket
No one cares about vedal, talk about Neuro instead.
>The model artist also made millions from that model
Seriously? Is that model an active cash cow for him?
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Filian will rebrand to Gilian
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She hasn't released the figure yet so she hadn't done anything wrong. She's fine. Have some fruit snacks (third time the charm?)
what pisses me off is that the artist knew. There is no way they didn't know since Fillian is one of the largest vtubers out there. Yet they decided to be petty about it when they saw a golden opportunity to get a lot of quick cash from it when all eyes were on Fil after the Nendo. So scummy.
No wonder filian quote tweeted the nendoroid tweet with "uh oh"
Damn, now we are going to go through at least a few hours of uncertainty and theories what's next. I did want /flip/ to be even more active, but not like this. fillyLove and hope it goes well.
Does mythic provide support for this kind of thing?
exactly. deserves to be shunned
Name one non-hololive adjacent JP ligger
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much better
it's one of the most popular VRChat models. Hundreds of thousands of people use it.
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Ooof, I was hoping she'll get away with a slap on the wrist. Good luck to her lawyers.
No one even knew about her in Japan. I bet you cannot name the top 20 JP indies either.
Nta but define big
Patra, Uto
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Haha, it's Unou!
Not that anon, I just want to post her.
i choose to believe the "nobody knows what's going on" scenario. filian didnt apply for this, the artist had no clue about this and goodsmile didnt research enough about filian and just looked at her numbers and said "ez money"
Most vrchat users are pirates.
Ironic that you think the artist is the scummy one.
Imagine being Filian and waking up to this
Patra was corpo until last year, Uto was (in)famously trying to leech Ame hard
I want to wake up to Filian
he absolutely is. Fillian fucked up but he is intentionally malicious. I am not buying the did not know part.
I love Filian, but lets be honest I doubt anyone in Japan even know who she is
Filian is the victim here
I hope you are a catalog LARPer
Peanuts kun
She had nothing to do with holo, so still fits. You are just upset.
AI programming 3D. Sure if it's 2074
moving goalposts and Uto never did that but I can name some JP ASMR vtubers if that helps
This is larp right?
Just coming here to send my future condolences when your oshi graduates later this year.
Hate to see it as I think shes funny and entertaining, but she really should have known better.
why? Fil is retarded for not doing it through proper channels and settling things beforehand but the artist chose this exact moment to maximize his profit. That is what I believe.
I knew she was retarded but I didn't realize it was terminal
Hopefully this'll work out somehow
Imma come back /here/ later, right now all that is happening is model stuff talking about which won't change a single thing. See you guys in a few hours. Don't worry too much as it won't magically change the outcome. Filian probably doesn't visit /here/ but on an odd chance she does – stay strong, try to resolve it peacefuly and know we wish you for the best <3
eh likes Fillian because she's funny, but she def fucked up, hope she learns her lesson and moves on, maybe getting a new model that she owns the rights to it
I think Rindo is a pretty cool guy. Eh flips and doesn't afraid of anything.
Guy literally stated that he had idea who fillian was until he found out about the toy. She never made any effort to contact him despite using HIS ip to sell merch and other things under her name. All she did was tag him occasionally as the artist

I get this is her general and I hope she ends up ok, but to act like the artist fucked up and Fillian's innocent is pretty disgusting. She misused an IP without getting the proper permissions.
The Licensing to the model was changed retroactively a year ago or so. Fil might have had no clue and I am not a lawyer so I can't judge if a retroactive change is applicable or not.
I'm with you on this one. Maybe it's all just a lack of communication that will get solved between Filian and the artists.
I know it might seem like I'm being disingenuous but I'm not. Are there any proofs, as in archives / changelogs? What abot Mint?
>The Licensing to the model was changed retroactively a year ago or so
post proof
Someone call that legal mindset guy.
I seriously hope so too, but artists are notoriously menhera
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>The Licensing to the model was changed retroactively a year ago or so.
please do not
lmfao please don't
cope, I'm never gonna hire a pos artist now, knowing they're just waiting to stab anyone in the back when it suits them
yeah that sounds very illegal
Let's just hope she wisens up and give a cut of the roaylties to the artist instead
Mythic buying the model would be disastrous for her long term
What for, as much as I like Fil', this is an open-and-shut case, if anything it would end up worse for her
Someone figure out if the model was created in Photoshop. If yes then it belongs to Adobe and the artist needs to shut the fuck up.
Guys Filian's gonna have to shave her pubes and sell them to smackers now
This is so tragic I can't believe it
its a vrchat avatar, it was made in blender
Fuck off, retard
she has to stream on chaturbate or fc2 from now on
Ah yes, Adobe Photoshop, my favorite tool for sculpting 3D models
It's Filover
Shaving stream, even worse, it's like watching a man sodomize himself with a McChicken
It can't be...
>The Licensing to the model was changed retroactively
Bring proof or shut the fuck up.
She didnt hire him though, just bought the right to USE the model from his store. Thats completely different from having the model be your entire brand and promoting under it.
and clearly no one should be buying assets from these marketplaces unless they want to gamble with legal problems down the road. foss or hiring professionals only, these amateurs will fuck you
>check on social media
>it's literally all sisters
She will reveal at the court that the nendo has a distinct feature, like a thigh mole that the original model didn't have. She's playing 8D chess
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16th November, 2022
No licensing parameters mentioned:
30th March, 2023
Link to Google Doc with Terms of Use:
>My butthole is dark, the Rindo's is light pink, it's different
you fags would still justify her using non original model after all this. she's not some fucking 2 view nobody anymore for fuck sake. how hard is it to invest on a model for your own good
when did she buy it?
FYI no license at all is more restrictive than the license that currently exists.

She bought the model in 2021 but the VN3 license wasn't added until early 2023.

Booth Item Page (2024) https://booth.pm/en/items/3443188

Wayback Archive From 2021: https://web.archive.org/web/20211120110542/https://booth.pm/en/items/3443188
That I do not know. I'd say it was rather early on, but I might just be talking out of my ass. It just seems less clear cut to me as people assume.
she'll have to demonstrate for the court, but in my opinion, it's worth it
The artist is in deep shit! Filian will gain legal rights to the model and millions in damages.
I volunteer to be the examiner
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We are so back.
Yeah we are stealing, yeah we are going to keep doing it, and yeah there is nothing you can do about it.

Pack it up sisters, show is over.
If there's no license then there's no grant of rights, meaning using the model for anything at all is copyright infringement, even if they took her money.
(Same Anon) Eh, probably not. I think it'll end with Filian giving the artist a cut of the merch profits and her taking a break to finally get a new model.
maybe in retardworld
You think Rindo would accept filian apology with a sloppy blowjob
Redhead Fily model save me
Save me redhead Fily model
Are you not familiar with how strict copyright law is, and particularly Japanese copyright law? Whoever creates a thing automatically holds all the rights to it for decades and those rights are only transferrable with an explicit contract.
Do we really think Fillian, Mythic and good smile collab'd to make this and didn't look into rather this was legally permissible? All is fine snackers.
I don't think transfer of ownership is implied, just right to use.
For example just because I bought a copy of Skyrim, doesn't mean I can start selling copies of Skyrim.
Release, 2021年11月20日 RINDO_ver1.00

The downloaded archive still has a readme with the terms and conditions which state to contact them for commercial use.
The bald man will save us all
this, there are usage rights and then there are distribution rights
oh no shes gonna lose 8% of her income
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Before everyone gets excited, back then the TOS showed AFTER you bought the thing. I remember that. The contract was probably still there.
I want usage rights to Filian's butthole, but I don't want to distribute it.
Yep, it's over.
The downloadable thing has still a readme.
I'll distribute something inside of it
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This is correct. Having no license means you cannot do anything with the model. This would not save her.
popular because shes stupid
the coat of paint between sponsors and otk
>good smile
has a history of being litigated against

yep all checks out here, surely everyone involved did the right and proper thing
Filian should give him royalties and call it a day
Letting this explode further will kill her in the eyes of the artists
If anyone's in the wrong it's them
Their owner literally gives 0 shits about copyright
is there someone around her that's smart enough to make her do this?
That doesn't make any sense, the only "goods" sold but not used are fucking nfts at this point. The last spider thread is this >>79955224
It depends on what was in the contract at the moment of purchase.
yeah, mine
She's friends with smarter indies and it would be retarded for her to listen to Asmongold about copyright issues
yes u are filian
will she listen to them this time or just flip and land on her head again?
Yes, it's been a recurring problem for years that people selling things like VRChat models do not understand copyright law and effectively accidentally scammed all of their customers by not including a contract that actually gave them permission to do anything.
Notably, this is still not a defence, it's still copyright infringement even if neither party figures out that it is until 10 years later. Copyright law is very extreme like that.
You guys bought the model? If you did please show.
She's going to start posting risque stuff on her fansly to cover her legal fees.
can she even do that, legally?
>"Encouraging ai art"
Bros, in one of her streams from june didn't she says she only made the tag, not to encourage the artists but to separate them because ai was more frequently posted? I vaguely think it's from the colab with Lumi and Sakana from PC or at least around that time.
Does anyone have a link + timestamp?
Welp, gotta feeling alot of shits about to change in the coming weeks.

Honest, non biased answer please
Is Fillian actually incredibly fucked here, or can she pull through without her channel being affected?
sure, but the rights have to be deliberately exercised. the scammer is now completing the scam
She can't even sell risque photos of herself(rindo). She'll have to prostitute with her real life model(herself).
it was the sakana + lumi collab
It looks really bad for her, but nothing has happened that can't be solved by negotiating
Seriously doubt anything will happen to her streaming career, but getting a Nendo is like a super rare occurrence and she probably lost that chance forever now.
Depends on the artist. I don't know anything about him/her but if they are greedy they can milk a lot out of her. PR wise I don't think it's gonna change too much.
She will have to pay the dude either way.
What comes after is important. Filian will either get a new model she owns the rights to or will be paying royalties to the Rindo model owner for future projects.
>Is Fillian actually incredibly fucked here
Not if she pays up.
Now she can fully embrace and live up to her twitter handle "FilianIsLost"
Games are software. And they still need to give credit for commercial work.
she's said that several times, but that is one of the instances, yes
they're not integrated into the game unless she's porting/modding the model into the game (and no uploading into vrchat doesn't count as a "game")
any of you numberfags able to ballpark how rich Filllian actually is?
It's already happening.
You would have to prove deliberate intent to trick her on the part of the artist, and they had terms that look a lot like a limited grant of rights in the download, so their intent was quite clear. And again, ignorance on the part of either party is explicitly not a defence. Copyright is automatic.
she doesn't seem smart enough to keep any significant amounts of money for very long
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She will have to pay the artists in some capacity. I assume this is for merch and fansly distribution, but not for streaming and yt videos.
>can she pull through without her channel being affected?
Yes, I've checked. The only people on twitter that care enough are nobodies. She doesn't have any big antis that I know of(they can still exist, but I don't know).
The only advice I would give to Filian if she were to read this, get a lawyer, don't touch social media, maybe postpone the friday stream. Best case this gets solved behind the scenes without much of anything getting into the limelight(can depend on the artist, though).
Rich enough to have a new model by now.
it's also of dogshit unusable quality
Yes if I get my hands on her
Will she still be rich enough to have a new model after the lawsuit?
What? Besides wasting 10k on hardware she lives like asmongold
I'm just saying, proceedings are only initiated through a conscious action by the creator. Forgive me if I have a low opinion of the shithead crying about "muh IP" because of a hidden clause in his cobbled-together license that he's choosing to exercise out of greed. All the more reason to avoid these marketplaces entirely
Depends how the artist wants to play this and how well Filian can smooth things over by communicating with them
hands off that's MY wife to sex
Probably not. Will definitely go into some debt if the artist is a cunt.
>She will have to pay the artists in some capacity. I assume this is for merch and fansly distribution, but not for streaming and yt videos.
Correct, except now if the artist wants they can say since Filian broke the agreed upon terms that the entire thing no longer applies and she would no longer be allowed to use the model as a whole, and it's completely within his rights to do so as she was the one to unintentionally break the contract first. Banned from the mall for pissing in the plants, basically. That's the real issue here.
i wrote this
Communal wife
And what about the Gamersupps or the YouTooz or any of the other merch?
sorry, I can only invite one other snacker so that he can fill in the sneako chair
how difficult will it be for a jap to communicate with someone like filian?
All earnings that the artist can rightfully take whole.
Lol. The amount of doom posting on here is hilarious. Let the process play out. It'll be fine. Relax
And if she spent those earnings and she cant pay?
Which would result in an actual debut. Unless you mean everything using the rindo in the past years would have to be removed. But she can bounce from that.
She already has a high-profile artist who supported Doki cancelling her
Debt. Possibly life is over if she is poor.
Pattaya only stopped being corpo because she paid a bajillion to buy it out and is absolutely holo adjacent and Uto’s entire thing was trying to use having Ame’s artist and had a Chinese shadow corpo.
I'm sure she can put the coke away long enough to write out some coherent sentences
In a week this will all be forgotten by the public anyway. Everything will be settled behind closed doors.
imagine sandbagging for some grifter
The guy communicated the terms unambiguously. Since they were only readable after downloading, you could probably get a refund for the model if they weren't what you expected, but that doesn't stop copyright from applying.
This is really in the hands of the artist. I would expect them to settle (because that will almost certainly get them paid more) but they would be legally within their rights to sue.
Aoi Midori
Tomari mari
Gorilla gentleman
Ex Gundo
Ex Gibara
Ex Mirai Akari
Next stream, jingo joins filian in if you laugh you litigate
I don't think the guy would be able to tell her to wipe her presence off the planet, but what I am saying is pretty clear: a contract is a two sided agreement and when one breaks it, it's invalid. In this case it was Filian inadvertently, and as such the guy could just say
>you no longer have the rights to use my model, take your money back and fuck off
and... what could she do beyond using the super sekrit model? Challenge him?
I mean that's twitter artists for you
Even if things smooth out between Fil and the modeler, this'll probably remain a stain on her rep from now on
You guys say that she just has to pay him and it's done deal like it's so fucking simple.
What if Filian just has 10k in her bank account and the dude is asking for damages for like 300k.
Life is basically over and people do rope over shit like this.
and it's nonetheless entirely scummy and should be treated as such. worse than a corpo, because at least they don't pretend to be permissive
>half of them only got popular because of corpos
>it’s scummy to expect people to follow copyright laws
The guy wasn't pretending, the terms were right there to read in the download. Like I said it's just endemic to art commissions, 3D model market places, etc. that people don't understand copyright and don't make terms clear upfront, but that doesn't change how it actually works.
That's so weird, I don't think any Nendroid has ever encountered anything like this before ToT
Did you received a confirmation/ OK sign from the artist to sell merch?
Oh oh...
>laughs at the first clips
Where did this
>Filian spent all her money
Come from? You(or people like you) keep spamming this narrative.
just admit you are wrong
No, anons got a point if she didn't like the terms she could have asked for a refund. Or just tanked the loss I suppose. Most license agreements like this are behind the paywall of actually paying, it's the same thing with vidya. You can call it scummy if you'd like but it's a standard for a reason.
If the artist wants and is willing she’s going to have to cut him in not just on the GSC but a cut of all pre-existing merch she’s already sold off. Even if the nendo isn’t scrapped companies are going to second guess before partnering with someone who was in a fuck up this bad.
One of the people on this list literally co-owns a corpo agency
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Could he save filian ?
What if Filian doesn't actually have any fucking money. How about that?
Everyone assumes she is fucking loaded. If the guys asks for a shit ton, I'm fully expecting she might kill herself over this.
This isn't some fucking joke you retard. Money drives people crazy.
i'm him btw
it's scummy to hide shit in your license. exact reason why I support unambiguous foss. don't pretend this was some egregious overstep
we're talking in circles. he doesn't have to do this but he's choosing to be a piece of shit.
just workout a deal with the artist to take a cut of money for each nendo sold and with any future merch using that model
Figure it out. Depending on how the artist is either she has to pay a percent of all income until whatever percent of royalties the court agrees would have been appropriate or she goes bankrupt.
>concernfagging this hard
Anon, a court will not charge you to pay money you literally cannot pay even with a full liquidation, and liquidations are not even remotely a factor in a case like this. That's the kinda stuff that happens for murders.
>ignores all the rindo ip questions
>doesn't debut her own model
>releases merch without a license to do so
how can i defend the indefensible
It’s basic logic that if you’re selling merchandise of a model you didn’t make you should at least double check the contract to make sure you can with no problems
I don't think Phoenix "Nick" Wright, known as Ryūichi Naruhodō from the Ace Attorney series owned by Capcom and published by Nintendo could save Filian.
nobody asked you to?
The first person on your list is in a corpo and got popular off her position in Hololive before graduating you potato
You don't understand copyright or licensing, are you filian?
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she's cute so it's ok
EOP chaama, even if you ignored all the ex-corpro which is 80% of that list.
hal literally started a corpo, Gorilla is still contracted to a corpo.
Ex-mirai akari isn't even a streamer and is a vsinger like KAF & Himehina.
Also who is this aoi midori, I can find 2 sub 200subs vtuber under this name.
OP also asked top 20 and you named 15...
Not against him.
Tourist here, chiming in just to say thay Filian is fun and she stood by my oshi in her worst moment, so I hope she can bounce back quickly from this mess.
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>Successful youtube channel
>gains many followers for each stream
>has had 1000+ sub PER stream (at least recently)
>is very lazy outside of streaming / running, which has been confirmed even by her friends
>only known spendings are for vr hardware: 10k and flights for otk / mizkif
Well excuuuuuuuuse me anon for assuming that she isn't a full time gambler / spender of MTG cards.
But please outside hardware which is 10k, tell me how much she spent on what in order to be completely broke after 3 years of consistent streaming.
Or, just offer a lump sum payment to buy full commercial rights and skip any legal battle, and probably save like tens of thousands.
Filian's new model should be completely naked
Filian should sell her body to pay for reparations.
But still indie don't move your goalpost.
>umm actually you didn't read my contract closely enough when buying my $40 vtuber model that I made using foss and said you could use in your own ip (except for one thing you didn't read oops hehe), you now owe me hundreds of thousands of dollars from your own labor
trash behavior. all the more reason to never pay for assets
Being too lazy to read the terms of the assets you are basing your entire livelihood on does not make the terms "hidden" or "scummy"
Fruit snack inflation
what does she do between streams, lay on her bed and drool?
ok scammer. I'll make sure to double check extra hard next time I download cc0 assets to make sure I can't be fucked in the ass by your legal autism
either one works. filian just needs a good lawyer to tard wrangle her during negotiations
yeah, on me
meetings, gaming, exercising, planning next streams
she doesn't go out much in the first place
Didn't she change the original model thou'?
I'm going to make Filian sign a contract that gives me full legal access to her womb
>legal autism
Do you think life is just a game?
I'm gonna be disappointed if she doesn't start her next stream in a full dogeza.
>her womb
you bought the DLC without paying for the base game im afraif
sometimes I forget there are actual kids here
Get out, sister. You aren't wanted here.
The contract is two pages long and the copyright section is 4 sentences.
https://files.catbox.moe/5ollhh.txt (JIS encoding)

Commercial use is not allowed.

Nor is transferring it to someone else for them to do that.
I am just going to inseminate her
Business meetings? She did say in her Lumi + Sakana that one day she woke up and had 5 business meetings one after one and that on stream vs off stream is 50/50 in terms of time spent. Also >>79957007
clearly we would not get along, since you tolerate scumbag behavior
someone edit the dr.disrespect glasses on her and put elden ring in the background
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So she can get sued for this alone and not even the merch?
Commercial use could mean anything.
The TLDR would be:
Streaming with the model and getting revenue from that is OK
Selling physical merch with the model or anything derived from it on the merch is not OK unless they agreed a separate contract for it
Yeah as much as I wanna defend filian it's pretty cut and dry. The only way I can see her getting past this without paying/giving royalties should the artist pursue is her saying
>dude lol i pirated it and didn't get the readme
which is a defense so stupid it just might never work.
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Mythic Talent will save her
>Commercial use is not allowed.
not necessarily a yes or no, just a 'contact for negotiations'. also it says both commercial and non-commercial.
If they're reacting with surprise to the nendo existing I think it's safe to say this did not happen
Why would she post this?
You'll never get anywhere in life if you blame others for your own mistakes
Merch has always been a gray area where all of it is illegal but right holders just don't persecute it because it's a massive dick move
calm down dobson
NTA and his summaries are fucking shit but no, it's definitely crystal-clear in it saying that you do not have the rights to resell or repackage the model in any capacity when you buy it.
because a generic white haired catgirl with purple eyes belongs to the people
Please contact us in advance for both commercial and non-commercial use.

here's the deepl version
Acts of use by anyone other than the purchaser are not allowed.
All acts of selling or redistributing the model in whole or in part, including the model's original data, modifications, textures, exclusive shaders, particles, and sound, are prohibited.
Evidently not, Bane.
To be honest I always thought her model was her own, and I think she sort of forgot too. She hasn’t really updated has she?
yeah you can pretend to be fake moral if you want, I don't care if you have a legal shield when your conscious deliberate actions are garbage
>just a 'contact for negotiations'
And what have we seen today, anon?
As in you're not allowed to repackage the model itself and sell it. Commercial use with the model such as merch or livestreaming require permission from the author.
turns out that being retarded wasn't just a bit
I think she just forgot about the terms of use.
>gets contract
>doesn't read contract
>signs contract
>you tricked me!!!1
Read the thread retard
She never signed the contract because she pirated the model
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I always assumed she had enough sense to at least ask for permission.
This actually makes so much sense, lmao.
>gets brain damage
Same, I've known it's been a rindo model since fucking forever ago when /pmg/ first threw a similar shitfit about the gamersupps stuff I think, but clearly that's not the case. It's just baffling man.
>makes shitty contract with 0 knowledge of licensing law, only exercises rights when someone else makes it big and you want to steal from them
No faster way to kill goodwill and free advertisement.
thats bullshit but I believe it
Nta, but she's joked about how she doesn't own the model before. That would imply she was actively aware of problems that using it could cause.
I hope you are trolling.
She's retarded, but she's not THAT retarded. And like... you know that makes it worse, not better, right?
cope, another example of how IP law is shit and only exists to be abused. basically the equivalent of patent trolling
>You can use this model for streams, but you need to pay me if you use it for merch
>*uses it for merch*
>WTF I'm not paying you SCAMMER
Can you provide any other examples of people making merch of the Rindo model?
>Pretending like they didn't know filian uses their model
fucking LMAO
>3rd biggest chuuba ever
Man saw an opportunity to try and cash out.
Good luck btw to him he'll need it.
Legal disputes across country borders is a NIGHTMARE and costs like 10x the amount of a regular court case and even then laws apply to both countries.

There was also something about her buying rights a long time ago and making the model public use or something like that.
*asset flips*
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i'm afraid that he might unironically be of those college-age commies/anarchists
no that's me actually
Rindo model was for sale for 40 dollars.
She bought the model for 40 dollars and is using it.
Execute anyone who demands that you pay them after you already payed them.
>he thinks japan knows what some random no-name TWITCH streamer does
Trolling, stupid or both
Pick one
According to google Filian was unknown to japan until last month Which is when he probably found out about it
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Twitch is an American country.
wallahi she's finished
filian jokes about pirating it but isn't that in regard to ripping it for like, desktop streams/other software?
didn't she pay the 40 dollars for the VRC model itself
They put a guy in jail for playing Steins Gate
probably pretends pirating games and movies is sticking it to the man when really he's just poor
Actually copyright and IP are incredibly consistent across countries thanks to treaties covering basically everywhere on Earth
when does she distribute the money between all the others who bought rindo?
Didn't know anons itt were mind hackers and are able too see and know
the memories of a random jap from across the sea
again, all the more reason to avoid making deals with you and anyone like you. enjoy
no because it's a generic model
It does not matter.
She was in the top 3 global statistics with ONLY two hololive girls above her.
They don't know much about the EN SCENE but they DO know filian at least by NAME.
China is vastly different.
USA has fair use laws. Japan doesn't. etc
You are only correct if you discuss WESTERN countries and copyright.
only the purchaser can use the model
once purchased, the sale or redistribution of any part of the model is prohibited
Filian is basically an outlaw and I'm going to become the Clyde to her Bonnie as we escape the Japanese Yakuza together.
>no peanuts-kun
Hilarious self own
I support foss, you know, the thing the guy you're defending used to make this stupid model
im saying this guys interpretation of the text is shit nothing more nothing less
That's exactly what I said, thanks.
I'll go with both then
cute idea
yeah i just wanted to get an accurate summary out :)
they just got cat memes. there's no way they know this brain damaged twitch streamer
why is the tweet still up
why hasn't Filian deleted her tweet
does jingo handle the licensing by himself or does someone else do it for him (he's apparently traveling)
Stupid retard with delusions of grandeur.
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Oh Filian... How will you get out of this one...
cool, tell your oshi to use a model with an open license next time instead of one with terms she agreed to and then violated
likely asleep?
she's probably still asleep right now
Filian is lost...
Just tell the dude to fuck off he in japan and I doubt he will sue due to language barrier.
Hes traveling to filian for a 1v1
>lands into an international copyright dispute
she was online on discord a few times already in the last few hours and i'm sure goodsmile jp can get someone on the phone
personally I'll just continue to avoid asset marketplaces and only pay artists for the work they create specifically for me, since cheap unfree assets are a legal trap that will be defended by simps
WW3 is gonna start because of this. Screen this post.
richard stallman is a pedophile and picked his toenails on stage when he spoke at my college 13 years ago
They both die in the end...
This is worst.
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Except the original model wasn't released under a permissive or copyleft licence, you dumdum. I'm a free software tard myself, but you're legit retarded. Fucking kill -9 yourself nigga.
How likely is she shitting bricks right now
I think it would be a bad idea to delete it, Streisand effect and all
Isn't that just her normal state
She's shitting my cum and she's not awake yet.
No she usually shits liquid
1) No DMs. Full public communication only with the artist
2) Ask how much she wants
3) She demands a ridiculous amount, and that's a PR win for you. Counteroffer to something reasonable.
4) Pay
5) Abandon the model and start fresh
You're welcome. Also hire a manager.
Worst possible advice. Only real advice ITT:
shut up and talk to a lawyer
shut up and talk to a lawyer
shut up and talk to a lawyer
fuck no lol
The actual step 4 is they take you to court and force you to back pay a significant percentage of all your previous merch
Literally the only right answer
Get Mythic Talent to line you up with a copyright lawyer
Bit too late for that one https://x.com/GoodSmile_US/status/1808884499863801871 this tweet is still up by the way
does it matter when they haven't even produced or sold any goodsmile rindo merch?
GSC is gonna release some kind of statement and delete the tweet that much is a given.
>Does it matter if they had full intentions to scam scam and fully breach copyright laws?
Filian is going to get both her holes filled by the artist and good smile
Hmmm, there seems to be 500 new posts in this general since I went to bed. I'm just gonna skip them and assume that it was heated bush discussion.
Yes, using the likeness in an ad alone is a violation of copyright
the fillyBush...
This post assumes the artist saw those statistics, in english, noticed the name of filian, noticed the model, researched her, then waited for a new merch of her using his model since he didn't go inmediatly after her for the youtooz stuff.
Keikaku doori as they say
Don't do this, Filian
bush or not, she's getting fucked
her most essential asset
her assets may need to be... liquidated, as they say...
well I sure hope to
is someone going to bake
I'm on phone
yeah i can
Petition to rename to /asset flip/
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great asset great great asset
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I went to bed yesterday. Posting love bombs to filian in the thread before I go. Only to wake up to this.
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What about the other people who read this post then made and sold merchandise? Will they have to pay Jingo too? Where does it end?
stay strong flipper, we will continue gosling
go back to bed, this shit's only getting started
Guaranteed to not be worth the court costs, but basically, yes. They would owe him but would be able to sue Filllian over that debt
there isn't much "off brand" Filian merch idt, it would probably be a waste of time trying to find them but idk
seems to be dying down to me ngl
the amerifats aren't even awake yet
Filllian isn't gonna an hero while I'm asleep right
Which vtubers will support Filian in these trying times?
i will become one and support her
Copyright law has the concept of "secondary infringement", which basically means if you were tricked into believing you had the rights by someone else, your liability for copyright infringement transfers to them. I'm not sure if a tweet meets the standard for that, but if it did then she would be responsible for anything made by anyone who believed it
Outside of xitter literal whos pretty sure nobody in her audience, and us, are going to drop her. There are worse people out there lmao.
Does this all extend to that cart racer game that had Filian in its roster?
>supports AI ''art''
>steals models from artists
>makes fun of black people being murdered by the police
Baiting at the end of the thread bro? Really? Have some standards.
The artist vtubers might go into a lil bit of autism, but as long as she pays and makes amends, no one that important
No one can really 'support' her by letting her get away with it because what she's doing is simply illegal. Best they can do is legal advise or give her resource.
If someone really said filian is not wrong, then they gonna get 3rd party merch'd to oblivion in the future. it's financial suicide in the long run

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