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>has a good night's sleep
Doomposting Edition

Do not reply to bait, shitstirring, tribaltards, or dramafaggotry. Be it inside AND outside the thread - Hide, Report, and Move on.

>Who is Filian?
White haired kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomerbloomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:04 - 24:06 UTC

>Recent Stream
Filian x Kirsche x SmugAlana cringe videos


>Previous Thread
You wake up in a cell.
this will be interesting
>will Camila snake out?
>will the Kokonuts, Bao and Nerissa collabs happen?
>how will Mythic handle it? Asmongold will surely have to comment on it
Filian is retarded and there's no excuse for it but i will shit on anyone who turns out to be a backstabber
Thieves deserve to be backstabbed
I doubt she will be sleeping this week
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we all need out beauty sleep
I feel like only the Nerissa thing is a potential sunk ship aside from Filian cancelling anything herself imo
Oh hey, you added the line about dramafags, nice one OP
Sucking on Filian's tongue after a good sloppy blowjob!
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It's Joever
well there were the suggestions so yknow
I only care about the nerissa collab
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overstimming her
Nah I'd win
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This image is illegal.
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ur an illegal
Posting pictures on the internet is permitted
Honestly, learning that Filian has been illegally profiting off of some random Japanese dudes intellectual property for years only makes me like her more.
"Artists" are fucking losers.
Okie dokie nigger.
hey man she paid her $40. pure greed to ask for more
she's a react streamer it's in her blood
Based, her original model will be made by AI instead, fuck artists
Filian's stinky rich. Why she hasn't bought the rights to the design or get a new design that she would own for so long is beyond me.
Honestly I've wanted Filian to have her own model for years now. Hopefully that is the good to come out of this whole situation.
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E is not referring to that, E is sharing the model itself on social media for the purpose of providing it to third parties. It's just a little Engrishy on that part, scroll further down for clarification on the terms of use.
you are talking about the girl who got scammed by her manager and the guy who gave a lighter to his mother, maybe that should answer your questions, but i hope im wrong
Filian's stink is rich
what should her new model look like
filian's rich is stinky
BIG sniff
microbikini and a cameltoe
woman brain, please understand
E. Is referring to two things:

- don't make it a public avatar/pedestal in vrchat; This is a thing where when you upload an avatar and set it as public where people can clone it off each other and pass it around, save it in their favorites etc
- don't use it in a place like the steam workshop for gmod or whatever where anyone can subscribe and download it.
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tourist here
eating popcorn while waiting to see if this bitch gets smacked with the rong jap arm of the raw

>AI 3D modelling
My friend there are mulltiple dimensions of complexity there that are beyond your comprehension in a literal and metophorical sense.

AI can barely produce models of chairs and they all look like this topology-wise. Fully featured humanoid 3D models (that are optimized and rigged properly to boot) are decades away.
ai feeds into itself and you can't really control it much anyway
whether for 2D or 3D, it's completely unoptimal for any real work, even compsci shit
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Coming here to dab on the haters, dramafags and antis who think Filian will be cancelled or face any sort of responsibility.
next thread should be called
>gets away with anything
She should commission the artist to make her a 2.0 design. The artist is really good. Not sure why this hasn't been sorted out yet. Stop spending all of your money on blow filian!
Exposed anus.
i thought she already commissioned a proper model
pretty sure she has a proper live 2D model
NOT a proper 3D model
I like how flippers are obsessed with her anus
I have no idea how this became standard for us
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*ting* *ting* *ting* *ting*
Drama alert
Drama alert
one step closer to being a scatfag
oh right
Wet vag (constant) (dripping)
scat sucks I just want to do her ass
You're about 6 months behind AI 3d. Yeah you gotta retopo and texture but a vase is a vase. All the AI is doing is generating a point cloud from its training data of tons of 3d scanned stuff and then another bit of software is meshing the output as if it was a real scan. If you can work with a scan you can work with 3d AI sloppa and might even save you time.

Today I wouldn't recommend anyone get into a career in 3d unless they're prepared to learn some AI too. In particular, players are likely to give way less of a shit if the mesh for that houseplant in the corner of that game's apartment is lovingly hand crafted or slop compared to how they feel about a drawing.

We're not there yet for character models, but 5 years? Sure. The pace is the same as in 2d. It's coming fast.
>scat sucks
yeah, from her anus
Filian should shit herself on stream again to make her money back
>Asked to give legal statement
"Your honour:"
>Your honor, I'm cute
>I rest my case. Thanks for giving me the rights to MY model.
>the judge is Neuro
>very well
>I sentence you to...
>mating press
>Your sentence Mr. Jingo: 10 years of Bread.
>Opposing lawyer: Objection!
>Filian: Overruled!
>Judge: Order! Objection sustained.
>Filian: Frick! *breaks own neck*
>I sentence you to life in a marriage with anon
Vid popped up in my recommended
Designed specifically for Filian honestly
i'm anon btw
not now false, give it more time
Guys get this, what if Filian just ignores the artist?
Dan Clancy personally corrects her
Huh, can the merch actually be copyrighted?
>generic catgirl in sailor moon uniform
If it was THE 3d model put on merch then 100% agreed, copyrightable. Now the mint model, that's another issue in regards to the baby kart game, unless the devs were smart.
specific design elements are used to prove copyrighted material afaik
>Twitter warriors try to do anything to Filian
>She ignores it and keeps doing her own thing
Many such instances.
>artist sues Goodsmile because they're more easily reachable law-wise (japanese company)
>Goodsmile cancels the nendo to limit further damages, or is forced to pay out a sizable sum
>filian is borderline blacklisted from any future collabs with anything because companies don't wanna risk being on the hook for legal problems
>the only company she can collab with is meiki
>Filian fans find artists location and behead him
Inshallah, the cascadian caliphate will invade japan over this!
she'll have to be OTK and Phase Connect's bitch for life
yes, my pippian ship...
In regards to the nendoroid the only thing that resembles rindo is the eyes which seem copypasted. Everything else is
>cat ear with bell earings
>sailor moon outfit with leotard
The only other thing might be the hair.
>Filian fans
slop watchers have no balls
filian can't even eat waterbug without wanting to throw up, the pipussy would kill her
Old Man Schizo Rambling Incoming:
This whole thing with Booth and how it works reminds me of some old shit from back in the day. Anyone remember "closed species" thing on DeviantArt back in the day?

Where these 12-22 year olds would convince each other to shell out $40-$100 for someone's furrybait OCs and there'd be all these rules and conditions attached and breaking the rules got you kicked out of the club. Most of those things didn't even last 2 years and dumbass kids still bought that shit.
At the end of the day, it's clearly based on and using the model that she's using, so I don't know if "it's generic" would be any sort of defense if you can recognize that it is meant to be, you know, "Rindo" (Filian)
yeah oc donut steel is a perennial problem. made messier that they sell them with piecemeal permissions
I always thought of artists as losers so it’s always a revelation to find someone seething over them getting bullied in high school by the art kids
Man shut up
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not enough training data and much higher dimensionality, second one isn't so much of a problem but the first one definitely is for transformers
nice catgirl oc bro
She's not going to sleep so well tonight bros
> flips
> gets into legal hot water
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there's a difference between an online store and some kids trading OCs
Assmon famously doesn't give a shit about copyright especially in regards to arts and was always a few steps away from preaching for it's abolishment so Mythic won't be against her. A lot of vtubers are former Tumblr artists so they can start a stink about it.
This is gonna blow over, GSC's lawyers would've checked this shit.
He probably only has a claim to the model, which doesn't extend to the character of filian.
In fact him being left off the credits was probably intentional.
only superficially
based assmon
It's the same character except for hair and eye color.
so not the same character, got it
What are rindo's defining characteristics?
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So, just the hairstyle and wearing a generic school uniform, then.
>take sonic
>paint him green
It's my character now, SEGA can fuck off. brb releasing merch
based and transformativepilled
Dude fillian is based off his model. I can't color swap Bugs Bunny and call it Brian Rabbit and have a leg to stand on. The actual law doesn't give a shit about how you feel
Aside from being an affront to God, this can't be argued to be either Sonic or Spongebob Squarepants.
Why are her fans deathly afraid of her losing rights to the model?
that's how it worked for Ken Penders
>jingo has a monopoly on catgirls
filian will bust this trust
>actual law doesn't give a shit about how you feel
but that's not what mommy's always told me...
You are wrong tech is already there once Blackwell becomes the standard it's going to be everywhere.
Hairy butthole
Hopefully our Filian will take this opportunity to make a better model.
We can shut this arrogant man out lmao
Well Shit I guess I was wrong
There is no way she didn't see this coming with something this big kek
and yes she should have gotten her own design a while back
Then why did you bring up those two very distinct characters if they have nothing to do with that oc?
Too late for that when she has been releasing other merch before. He only just found out about this one and seems to have been clueless on the past merch
Okay sister, it's kind of like makeup dupes. Everybody knows what's up and why, but the law doesn't cover it because then megacorps will be able to stomp the market flat by arguing that some superficial similarity is infringing on their trademark or IP.
it's easy to get confused about Sony and Nickelodeon's appropriation of Squaresock Nicpants, but Anon is a forgiving artist and won't press charges. All that is required is a naked dogeza from both ceos
Cats girls with specific design elements placed in specific ways to make a specific character yes. Or do you think Disney own all mouse characters?
Disney doesn't own shit anymore
Ok, how about Filian makes something for Jingo to use for profit and then they call it even?
>gets sued by the owner of her model
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Obviously derivative works aren't protected, however the concept of "rindo" as a character specifically is what matters here, and its way too much of a generic catgirl to have any kind of claim to it.
When filian complains she can't stop mobile ads that use her likeness its the same thing, its not because jingo would need to do it, but because "white haired catgirl in a sailor suit" is too broad a concept to lay claim to.
>this arrogant man
But he's not arrogant
wowee a catgirl wearing bells and serafuku with pantsu, I've never seen that before. it's basically ai slop
>idk why she won't get her own model and design wit hthe moeny she's making
she just like me
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Are that jew stars?
God what a thing to wake up to. What the fuck was she thinking, I can't believe she didn't cover this shit. I can't believe Mythic didn't make sure she had covered this shit.
Based goy.
Ignorance and dismissal are a great strategy on an anonymous image board, but not sound legal advice when you violate contract law.

Filian's model is a Rindo derivative-- the defense that Rindo is a 'generic catgirl' doesn't prevent it from being a specific, clearly evident and-- as it happens-- actually provable original model. Rindo has a license for what it can and can't be used for. Violations to that license are actionable.

I suspect an amicable resolution will be made between all parties, either in the form of an agreement or a settlement to make the complaint disappear, but the violation is clear and no amount of 'it's just a random catgirl' cope will change that.
You'd be correct if she used a catgirl model that just happened to somewhat resemble Rindo.
Except she used the exact same Rindo model from booth, just with the hair texture repainted white.
She wasn't using a different model that made to look like Rindo, she WAS using Rindo.

Like, are you niggas all 12?
Why do retards keep pretending that this will ever end in a court of law?
That shit takes ages and the reputation damage is a much bigger incentive for her to settle and pay the artist
>help me snackers I'm stuck
>negev pfp
Pretty much, now if she used a cutout of the 3d model then she would be in big trouble.
At the end of the day this more likely will be settled peacefully in private, with the help of a lawyer and if Filian is smart she will shut up about this subject completely.
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>wake up
>check twitter
oh no.....
tell me she's gonna be alright lads
She's dead bro.
She seppuku'd out of shame.
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we are gonna have to shave the fillyBush...
Jingo needs to claim and defend the design of "generic catgirl" to have literally any legal standing here. The filian character extends beyond rindo, and the vta model wasn't built off it at all.

Dude probably played dumb until now because GSC is a japanese company.
Oh, I know, what a tragedy! Too bad Gilian is smooth down there!
Yep. He's just retarded.
After Filian stops using his Model, he will realize that he has lost millions bucks.
i dont think gilian is gonna be able to sustain me in that case...
Nah, Jingo need to defend "Rindo" and prove that Filian's design is a Rindo; which is such an incredibly easy layup this is just not going to court. There will be an agreement or the lawyers will arrange a payoff.
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Ok let me get this straight. If I get this character and recolor his hair and eyes the original owner can't get me? It's generic enough after all.
Currently trending and I cant find a single tweet defending her
>Currently trending
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>caring about what twitter thinks
fuck, i knew this general was full of hopeless newfags, but this is too much
you are absolute fucking retards if you listen to twitter's "opinion" on anything in any situation ever
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when was the last time Twitter opinion mattered? Just ignore those insaneos.
>stealing is ok when we do it
kinda niggerish ngl
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This aged like milk
Will her defense in court be "I dont care what you think"?
Yeah, I was just curious.
I'm gonna be honest Mythic probably don't know shit about vtubers
The "Trending" tab is just an algorithm feed, newfag-chama! It shows what you are interested in.
>search filian on twitter
>90% porn
I guess they know what I want
she explicitly said "I can't stop them because I don't own this model", least in the short I saw
She fucked up despite what retards here will say, she's in the wrong. It likely won't go further than her having to pay a licence for commercial merch use and perhaps part (or all) of the revenue from previous merch runs. She'll be fine but her rep will take a hit
She said the model is public use and free (its not)
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Just a reminder: Gilian model allows for physical merch to be manufactured off it with no permission.
All of this totally isn't a Gilian plot to take over once and for all!
Will be filtered of morons
Might have a few tourists with the % of a permanent seething autist
You can pinpoint the tourists(derogatory) in this thread.
And for the love of god to anyone without a sheer degree of individual thought just ignore dumb statements like >>79959063 made either in bait or through a game of telephone.
>despite what retards here will say
I mean most of us know that. There's like two retards rotating between "artist bad" and "generic enough" arguments which are kinda weak.
nice cope
She already wasn't paying so where is this supposed money coming from that they'd be losing?
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The outfit is a bit unique here, but if you changed that too then yeah.
>that's how it worked for Ken Penders
nah Ken Penders got the rights for his OC because sega was a retard for losing the contracts in a fire and not making backups of the contract
Oh dear goodness, you guys are still debating this? Stirring shitstorm over this won't change a thing. Filian will deal with it in one way or another and all we can do is hope it goes positively for her. Take a break, do something relaxing and maybe send her some words of support /here/, in twitter comments or in DMs on an odd chance she reads it. It will make it a bit less stressful for her if she sees that there is some support. Have a good day/night lads.
How is a military outfit unique?
Never mind I hope people keep shitting on her if this is the defense we are gonna get from twitter retards.
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so why should Filian make hundreds of thousands of dollars off of another man's work and expect no repercussions? How can anyone possibly defend her? Not even an anti, just saiyan. Marimari underscore EN would never be this stupid desu
Lol this is a squatters argument. I used this stolen thing for so long it's mine now
and the squatter is right
Military outfits as a concept aren't unique, but that specific design for one is unique to the setting right?
I mean jocat is basically black haired felix.
The rindo sailor suit is as generic a sailor suit as it gets.
What about this though?
>another man's work

a 2-3 day hack job in blender
months of physical performance

who will win
A white military outfit is unique?
Is it over for filian?
land ownership laws are diffrent as they needed to be when there were no constant up-to-date records
>I was commissioned to rig this model by saint usagi. Thank you so much!
What about it?
She'll bounce back.
get in here filian chads

She complained(in filian manner) on one of her streams that the artist shouldn't have leaked the 2d model.
she's done now
she'll stream her vrchat suicide, shut down her twitch channel, go back to hololive and bang on their front door begging to let her in again
Damn, every indies, antis and small corpos are after her right now. What a shit show but here's my advice to her.
>Hire a lawyer
>Pay the artist
>Remove all your merchandizes
>Make a new avatar ip
If this existed in a vacuum I might agree, but if she didn't have the merch rights figured out she might not have had anything figured out. If that's true the rights holder could go after her for basically all of her activities going back years and there's some likelihood that ends up in front of a judge just because of how complex it is even if they eventually settle. This is potentially, cataclysmic. She's actually batshit insane and pants-on-head retarded to have not negotiated usage rights. Like I'm actually fucking shocked.

The crazy thing is I distinctly remember her bringing merch up on stream at one point and alluding to having negotiated something when someone in chat asked how she could sell merch. Fairly recently, like in the last couple months, but couldn't point to a date. If we're really lucky and she wasn't lying maybe there was a misunderstanding on someone's part about what was and was not allowed and this won't be too bad in scope and can end in a settlement. The fact that neither Filian nor Good Smile has taken the tweet advertising the nendroid down yet gives me a tiny bit of hope, because if they were just wholly and knowingly in the wrong they'd probably have pulled the plug instantly, but I guess we'll see what happens today. Suppose we're about to find out if Mythic is worth it after all.
nah im good thanks
not really, the only thing this effects are her merch sales
I like this flippy fox floozy
>do you know how rich people have so much money?
>they act like cheapskates
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a 2-3 day hack job that Thiefian didn't do herself

honestly, I'm not surprised that a vtuber doesn't understand how work works
Love me Filian, simple as, but time and again the subject of getting her own model has been brought up and she simply brushed it aside. I understand that she got attatched to the rindo model, but how could she never once think this could go bad considering she or her team never directly contacted the original artist before releasing any merch? Filian isn't evil, just stupid, but then again what's new about that?
I'm not surprised artfags vastly overestimate their importance
All the drama has reminded me that noone on this board is a lawyer, and everyone is just pulling shit out of their ass depending on whether they like or dislike a vtuber.
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
You sound like AIjeet.
unfortunately that's how the legal system works in practice
she's even more retarded than previously proven then.
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i NEED to pound that dirty filussy and correct her naughty behaviour
and racist too. enjoy your replacement
Gosh...who wishes this nendoroid shit never happened?
We literally went from heaven to hell in few hours
What a day...
It triggered the antis
defcon 5 to defcon 4
I want to bury my face in Filian's fluffy tail.
Drama is fun, and filian's reluctance to get her own model was going to blow up on her sooner or later.
drama is fun when it isn't happening to me
amen brother
>gets his model immortalized in nendoroid form
>even gets credited on the page
>seethes about it in a public space instead of being happy
some artists are more menhera than vtubers is this really worth it for getting 30 cents in royalties from each nendoroid sold?
It was bound to happen at any moment
The nendo triggered it earlier since it's a big deal in Japan
it kinda is. money do be powerful and shit
True, but that's how law works as well.
It's just a jew word game
>went to japan with luca AGAIN
lmfao poor rosefags always getting cucked
>Filian's credit rating
In the shitter
Everything my favorite vtuber does is a virtue.
Everything my least favorite vtuber does is a sin.
>AI slop
Jumping from one IP nightmare to the next
It's me
Your friend
Behind all of these
There can only be one white fox
She'll either have to make a new model and potentially suffer blow back when fans complaining that "it's not the same!" or face lawsuit after lawsuit from IP holders for the rest of her carrier.
>just get paid in exposure bro
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That's a cat.
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>There can only be one white fox
Hello. I'm tenma.
There is only one way this situation can be resolved.
The Ultimate White Fox Showdown Collab!
Artist could have settled it privately. He even admitted to contacting both Goodsmile and Fil in his tweet. Him going into a public lynching space just shows that he is a malicious person.
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>flips your artwork on the market without a license
>both tweets are still up
>no reaction from gsc or filian
my guess is that they’re working out something
White cat.
Jingo tried contacting them but got ghosted. It's their fault for not taking the message seriously, and now they will have to face public backlash.
>sell thing to someone on the condition that they don't do X
>they do X
>"uhm akshually it doesn't count because i made it purple"

30 iq brownskin post
I wonder how many people would continue to simp for Fillian once they realize Jingo is a cute Korean Woman too
>but got ghosted
ma man it's been less than 24 hours
Does she do flips tho
She does on my dick with full body vrchat ERP.
I think the best solution is giving him a cut
10% or 20%
There's nothing money can't solve in this world
Filian is a shitty person desu
0 iq simp post
she could be a cute holo and this would still be detestable
t. seething sister
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Her hair and outfit arent even unique btw, its all a part of the same purchase lol.

For the low low price of $45 you too can become Fillian
yeah she shits on me everynight
Scamming piece of shit
Looks like being a lazy retard zoomer finally catch up with her
10 seconds in
>I’m so glad that you like this model that I paid zero dollars for and am using for free
Uh oh
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Do you see the copyright fillian on the lower left corner of the announcement page? I'd seethe too since fillian is slowly becoming the creator of Rindo rather than the artist herself. Circles are already calling Rindo Fillian and dont realize that its a generic prefab anyone could buy (or clone/pirate).
if people don't know how to capitalize on exposure it's their own fault. Majority of small vtubers waste huge raids like that too.
Starting to see a bunch of pearl clutching trannies get mad over a nendo. I think they can work something out.
Well shit is fucked we better delete the general for now because things are going to get ugly
I think this makes her management company look even fucking dumber than before. She's already complained that they don't get sponsors she wants and that they aren't all that helpful. Shouldn't they have seen this coming?
I fucked your mom last night and paid her in exposure.

What the fuck are these retarded takes? Holy shit.
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Fillian *IS* Rindo
Do you have the license for that picture?
Filian original model, hype!
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guys... she's getting cooked
It's over.
>artist for the other model, the one the plushie is based on came out and said Filian never spoke to them either
Filian is actually so retarded she deserves to get sued.
How the fuck did she ever think it was a good idea to make a whole brand and sell a shitton of merch using IPs she doesn’t own, didn’t even ask permission to use, and ignored the TOS for all of it? Genuinely so idiotic.
Don't say I didn't warn you
nobody stopped her, so why wouldnt she
Doesn't she have a manager and a management company for this stuff? How did they not see this coming from a mile away? Why did they do nothing?
>kills her career
Uhhhh good luck Filly I got some uhhh stuff to do, see ya
no manager and management company is only one in name
>How do you say it's over in your language?
snitches get stitches I hope the antis are happy
Then what's the point of them if it isn't to notice things like this?
they're never happy
It's actually over this bitch is stupid she makes enough money for her own model why didn't she get one is she just lazy
to set up brand deals. nothing more nothing less
Take a temporary hit, smooth out this mess, learn from it and be better.
lol there's 0 chance she read anything on how she's supposed to use the model
lazy and entitled. from everything i've watched of her it checks out
Pretty much. Not like the trannies from twitter ever liked her in the first place, they just need something to seethe over.
It’s gotten to the point where I have to assume that everyone else assumed that Filian wasn’t retarded enough to sell merch of something she didn’t own the rights to.
I feel like everyone just figured that she had an agreement with the artists by now. Turns out that wasn’t the case and Filian is actually just extremely retarded.
She 100% deserves to face backlash, even if just to hammer home how fucking stupid she is for this whole thing.
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Neuro will break her out of jail
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>skins in a racing game
HMMMMMM, who could that possibly refer to?

holy frick I love vtuber drama so much it's unreal
As an artist myself I can see the point of this guy. Artist are getting fucked in the ass everywhere and be everyone, getting their art stole by AI and being sabotaged by social media algorithms. So the tiny work you produce is getting big exposure and you don't even get a small tip? No wonder they're going feral.
imagine if this was all a stunt just to finally debut in an original model (that looks 99% like the rindo one but actually hers)
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you are free to go back to breddit
i don’t care that she abused copyright
what gets me mad is that this whole thing was entirely avoidable
holy fuck she’s retarded
Sure, someone's stupid, but people don't need to have terminal fucking meltdowns over this shit. People act like she walked into the artist's house and stabbed their dog to death but it's clear that they never really liked her in the first place. People stoking flames over nonsense that's easily resolved.

Vtubing's gotten way too popular and now you have the same slimeballs in this corner of the Internet that you do in others and it's really getting on my nerves.
Don’t come back to /lig/ when your general dies out.
We still don’t want you there.
I think what makes this most irritating for people is that she's one of the biggest western vtubers and openly brags that she doesn't own the model, but will likely get away with selling merchandise of it.
How would sex between Rindo and Mint mama with Filian pan out?
Literal Who? This will have 0 effect on Fillian.
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Finally some good Filian content.

Also what did this zoomer stockpile the money for?
>Never payed royalties
>Never paid for a custom model

Is it far fetched to think she's investing and not blowing all the money on gacha and coke?
bdsm or oyakodon type sex?
Not like it'd change the quality of that general by any noticeable amount.

Most people are fucking idiots that have and will continue to excuse anything and everything unless it happens to someone they don't like. Vtubing is just the latest stage for this circus.
retard kun. that guy made this : https://booth.pm/ja/items/2258111
well you gotta spend it on something... i would too tbdesu if i was filian
She's low on the money because she bought a stake in Phase-Connect.
Is she gonna be smart enough to try and resolve this peacefully or is she gonna go full retard?
This thread is getting 3x more traffic than usual. You sisters are more addicted to drama than middle aged cat ladies.
>less than 24 hours
Since the public knew about it. Jingo was trying to settle this quietly for much longer, but that wasn't working.
>People stoking flames over nonsense that's easily resolved.
We don’t know how it’s going to be resolved yet, could be easy or they could pursue serious legal action. No sense in downplaying it.
Filian has very likely made more money selling merch of their IPs than they have selling their models and it’s no ones fault but Filian’s if they feel entitled to a large chunk of it.
>steals your ip
>lands in a lawsuit
>rolls on the floor
This has been well known for a long time.
Just noone looked into the license agreement or connected the dots with the merch till recently.
If she were a random 3-view it would've flown under the radar forever.
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>she's investing
Well, since zoomers are all terrified of phone calls and emails, I'm guessing full retard.
She has invested a bunch in her streaming; she's spent tens of thousands on all the hardware, she's had advertisements for the Awards show, she's commissioned art.
She's actually paid a lot out to artists for art of her model, and some even for modifications of her model... Just none to the actual artist of her model
I do not respect intellectual property.
We don't know that, that wasn't said in the tweet.
we know, filian
Die, commie
Like I said, easily resolved. If the aritst wants a chunk, then they have an avenue for that and filian will have to realize that she needs her own model if she wants to freely dole it out for merchandise. I would like to know the original agreement between Filian and the artist but that's likely not coming out.

>Filian has very likely made more money selling merch of their IPs than they have selling their models and it’s no ones fault but Filian’s if they feel entitled to a large chunk of it.
Depends on the agreement though I doubt it included things like merch.
>Also what did this zoomer stockpile the money for?
A fuckload of hardware.
You're saying that just because you never had neither intellect nor property. Laugh at this poor and unintelligent!
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What DEFCON is this?
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>Intellectual property is theft
What did she mean by this?
>I would like to know the original agreement between Filian and the artist but that's likely not coming out.
There wasn’t one.
I'm sure she mentioned something about being allowed to use the model to stream in.
>you never had neither intellect
>the last thread
wew son you niggas are crazy
the usual license for those models usually allows streaming but not merch
>He doesn't have 2 intellects inside his head.
Me and my head friend are laughing at you!
If she knew she never owned the model but kept doing merch deals despite that, she deserves everything that's coming.
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Just like she told good smile company that she owns it
Pirated the model by the way lmao she couldnt even bother paying $45
In that case, she can work with the artist to get them paid then I'm sure she'll have options if she wants to have her own model for merch.
>her signature model
Zoomers are so fucking retarded, I swear
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Nothing was stolen you fucking idiot.
It's like saying digital piracy is real theft. They have lost NOTHING but a POTENTIAL profit.
If I try and sell you a lemonade but you decide to make one yourself. You've just stolen my potential profit.
That's fucking ludicrous.
Defcon fucking 1 if she survives this she is never gonna be canceled by twitter troons.
She literally pirated it though >>79969233
the problem is that she actually got a hold of your lemonade
>Waifu cup released
>Makeship plush released
>Nendo announced
The last thread on that list really gives away who at least half of that traffic is coming from. Sisters are still mad huh.
that's a yikes from me filly
>pirate model
>deletes it and downloads it 9 more times
>artist loses 600 korean dollars
He is a nip to be fair. They live on a tiny little island in the middle of the ocean.
I'm surprised no one at Good Smile had second thoughts about the ownership of her model.
you stand by and defend your oshi no matter what even if she is wrong or fucked up otherwise they are not your oshi.
>not by a japanese corp, not worth legal trouble
>not by a japanese corp, not worth legal trouble
>by a japanese corp, lmao get fucked
I don't like blaming the same group for everything, but... sisters are the only group here that unironically uses Twitter for anything more than fanart and porn. And this thread is full of retards thinking the sky is falling because Twitter told them so.
Nobody in Japan knew of filians existence until last month
Jingo said in that tweet they didn't know until today
I respect physical property.
They probably trusted Mythic
Other than the artist I guess?
Someone send this directly to ringo holyshit is there a vod and timestamp for this?
How did Good Smile not know of the artist?
So based.
He's been constantly trying to get in contact with her and all the shit merch companies she signs with, but sure silence.
Retard. If she had the lemonade. The artist would no longer have access to their lemonade to sell.
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That will teach glorious Nipponese companies not to deal with the westerners.
>He's been constantly trying to get in contact with her and all the shit merch companies she signs with, but sure silence
Source? If that's true I might buy her as my wife since she's gonna have to pay the guy all of her shekels and more.
retard. there's an infinite supply of lemonade
>Vtubing's gotten way too popular and now you have the same slimeballs in this corner of the Internet that you do in others and it's really getting on my nerves.

I'm sorry to tell you, but the entertainment industry is just that way. That you thought vtubing was immune was kinda of naive. There is too much economic inequality to think situations where large amounts of money changing hands and IP is brought into question wouldn't have people who take advantage or have scrutiny.
>>Waifu cup released
Niche weeb shit that very few people are aware of
>>Makeship plush released
Niche weeb shit that very few people are aware of
>>Nendo announced
Mainstream appeal
You're overestimating how popular vtubing is. Especially /lig/ers.
Don't worry guys, I will singlehandedly save Filian. I have a personal lawyer character AI and a cash to cover all the expenses 10 bucks
>Literally infinite supply
>Bitching about how you lost an infinitesimally small irrelevant portion of your INFINITE supply.
lol lmao even
Yeah, it's the same sort of rot that's settling in and I fucking hate it, it's ruining a lot of nice things.
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>I paid 0 dollars for it!

This is the humble japanese man, living in his one room apartment with no air conditioning, chairs, or forks and spoons she stole from for 3 years.
I assumed she atleast bought it but with this she has literally violated every single stipulation in the vn3 license for that model.
Good fucking job filian youre the perfect example of why all japs artists think westerners are uncultured niggers.
korean actually, anon. you cant be racist now, its 2024
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my bad, should add single, living in a country that's going to be extinct in 100 years to that too.
i have no fucking clue what "closed species" are but i've heard of "adoptables" which are basically what you described but not limited to furries, so anyone on dA can design an OC, complete with a bio, furry or not, and sell them off to a willing buyer
anyways i know nothing about filian except for a few funny videos that popped up on my youtube recommendation about her, but whether or not she got her current model for free, she still has to talk with the original artist if she wants to do anything with it besides just using it for her videos/streams (e.g. making merch out of it). neuro is still safe because there's really no merch, and i've also heard talks of neuro finally getting an original model/design although it's been a few months since i heard that and i still only see the free l2d model on her.
She actually did buy it by the way.
I know I'm not supposed to spoonfeed tourists. But filian does these things called bits where she doesn't tell the truth for comedic effect.
Filian just announced she will be live in an hour addressing the allegations.
so sad...
joke please laugh
*pirates the model for a joke*
just a joke bro
*monetizes and tries to ship merch of stolen model*
still a joke bro I'm a comedian
That's kinda dumb. She should just settle it in private before saying dumb shit that could be used against her in court.
who bakin
>Inb4 she doubles down.
announced it where?
Yeah, very funny!
Sister made it up, please use your brains.
anon, stop listening to the voices
I'm sorry. I'm nervous.
i guess she is supposed to have a just chatting stream later today as per her schedule on twitch
Imagine she just ignores the whole thing and goes on as if nothing is happening
it was literally posted in this thread retardchama
pretty based ngl
That's the smart thing to do. Lawyers tell you to shut up about these things.
Will be hard to ignore thousands of people asking her why she is a thief. Its only more fuel for the fire
Her chat is going to be worse than usual if she does that
There's 100% going to be people in her chat being incredibly rambunctious
It would actually be really funny, but I'm not sure if multiple entities would lie about that. One hell of an advertisement.
It's much easier when the vast majority of those people are weirdo trannies that don't even watch her.
It won't. There aren't thousands of you in the first place sister.
this is how i know youre a tourist sisturd. filian viewers wouldn't give a shit and would probably just make fun of her
Filians zoomer brain is probably gonna make her say some joke about the situation and make things worse
she just appears like normal but in the new model in the next stream
I am glad aside from vtweeters nobody that matters like 4view indies is ridiculing her at least
haha small titty bitch
A whole lot of predebut vtrannies love dogpiling this shit on that dumpster fire website.
i have unfollowed filian and will unfollow anyone who sticks with her from this point on forward
THIS is not a fuck up, this was deliberate and she hoped the japanese artist wouldn't find out
Give it time anon, someone is gonna get pressured enough to throw her under the bus.
You never followed her in the first place, sister. You don't even know the artist is Korean.
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about that...
Big vtubers tend to avoid drama shit. The Niji drama was peculiar and it took them numerous fuck ups for the whole industry to hate them. That being said maybe a few dramafags will cover this like False or Rev.
Ok larper.
Look at the date you retarded tranny
You posted this in another thread and still didn't look at the date even after people mentioned it at least edit the dates you lazy fuck.
Based sexfox
I know we're memeing but it would be the greatest bit in history. Though I do wish for a new model debut like dokis
one can only hope
Nice guess this is over for Griftian over here
Samefagging this hard
Why is everyone assuming this isn't gonna be worse then the shit she got for joking about Fentanyl Floyd?
chill out vedal
i REFUSE to continue being a virgin filian fan after this and will NOT stop having sex until she makes things right
>things only twitter cares about
>well except where all the BLM money went
godspeed smacker
Because money is involved. Not only just some, but the basis of her livelihood.
>default Rindo
There is a 0% chance of Filian being unable to say something about an elephant in the room
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I took this pic from your pc you lying frick
A-at least she did a flip...
A new thread has appeared!
Jingo has a monopoly on it being the exact same mesh data you retarded simp
Lil Fil is dead bro...
inshallah filian will fix the copyright system in all of asia

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