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The 87st Wind

>NEXT STREAM: 【Crab Game】WINNER POV - playing with my senpai! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice

>LAST STREAM: 【Dishonored】I WILL BE A GOOD AUTOMATON!! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>79986032
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Nein Bernd Nein.
It's a schedule you fucking phoneposting Krautshart.
>100 people tell her that Korone is streaming
>Ignored, raids noone instead
Kinda annoyed by this tbdesu
He is probably an ESL fan of Dishonored, saw that the game was on the top spots of YT Gaming with CC at 10K.
Zeitplan not schedule
She might not be able to
Then she could've said so...
Eh, whatever
Raiding a JP with a chat full of non-JP is kinda weird tho, also she might not have perms to raid Korone yet.
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>BYEB YE !!!
Raids like that almost never happen, they usually stay within their region. Raiding with poor retention is also bad for the algo, and not that many people know moon runes.
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Take this object, but beware it carries a terrible curse...
>Raiding JPs with EOPs
CC, I know you are here.
How about just not redirecting when there is no stream up? Yeeting people into a waiting room feels more than just a little stupid considering it's already past midnight for your target audience anyway.
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Alright eurobros, I will be an idiot and go to bed now, then try to wake up in 4 hours...
EU generation, amirite?
You could close the tab
CC, I know you are here.
I love you.
anon, don't be so rude, it's embarrassing
raiding others is a good thing
I miss Cecilia Immergreen
proof it
can't wait for the brussels effect to take effect, forcing everyone to stream at eu hours
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CC, if you are here then ignore the rude people. You are amazing and you're doing so good!
I will watch you be sleepy in 5 hours. (I will be sleepy too!)
Sleep well. it'll probably not happen a lot unless its for collabs.
That still leaves me on the wrong tab when opening the browser again.
It's a waiting room, the stream is starting in more than 30minutes. Asking is one thing but just abducting watchers another.
Truth be told I'm afraid that her nightowl tendencies will mean that she will stream later and later until she overlaps the others at like 0200... Hopefully we can convince her to stay in our timezone.
This woman is too cute
Did you reply to the wrong post?
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>be insane footfag
>also think that cecillia's doll feet are cute
Why am I like this
Where's team just woke up
The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few.
>it's like wearing a mask behind a camera
I wonder why this creature has a dishonored pfp rather than a picture of his own face?
CC cute, therefore CC feet cute. Simple math.
probably she didn't had permissions
They have to friend eachother or something Youtube and yet up until couple days ago they weren't even mods to eachother in EN
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Ceci if you are here please check behind the couch in Justice HQ somebody dropped me back there last week and I'm wedged between it and the wall and I can't get out I need to be wound up again soon but nobody's found me yet please help.
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thanks for railing my gemwife
>23seconds apart
Baker actually mad and started phoneposting to continue posting in kraut like the nazi he is.
Can one of you lovely gayboys explain YT monetization to me or rather the benefits it gives to a viewer? Danke.
sleeping at weekend is for the weak
I want to polish your gem wife.
You can send superchats now and get her to read your name. When memberships go live you'll get funny emotes to use and a little badge next to your name and Ceci will stop paying attetion to filthy unmembered graynames.
i don't see it happening unless she keeps agreeing to absurd collab times to mess with her sleep schedule which again i don't see happening unless it's forced on her going forward which again again i doubt
You're the only one who's obsessed with this kek. There's no 60 second cooldown after making a thread. Nobody's phoneposting to thwart, just don't care about your autism
Your views mean she can get paid for her work, also you can now send money via superchats. Membership is the next step which means you get exclusive streams, emotes and other extras here and there
>Ceci will stop paying attetion to filthy unmembered graynames.
In your dreams.
I've got to say it's pretty pathetic for a nazi to try a no u when you are clearly in the wrong.
There is no 'tism at play other than your own. In case you haven't noticed yet it's HoloEN not HoloDE. If you have the desire to use Krautspeak go back to Krautchan or whatever else spawned you.
t. ruffian
actually they are paying attention more to graynames so they become members, most to paypigs to be parasocial and almost none to members so they send donations
Most of the girls seem to pay attention to grey names more to convert them into paying customers.
>Ceci will stop paying attetion to filthy unmembered graynames.
can't think of a single chuuba where this applies
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FWMC are parasocial fucks
actually membership exclusive streams are probably the real game changer because that's where they actually start interacting and opening up more
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Good night, I will get 4 hours of sleep, not my first rodeo. I can always go back to sleep after the collab
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Great to see you have accepted it, you have already accomplished your first step. Keep going and you can go the rest of the way too!
>When memberships
What's the best time to give memberships? I don't want them to fall into brownfeet accounts.
Never is the best time
They never sleep
Membership should be by volition not luck of the draw though
Immerheim über alles!
For smaller streamers I feel like gifted membership does encourage participation, but for bigger streamers there isn't a point. Might as well use it for superchats. Membership streams are already big enough already.
Thanks, but just to be sure, a superchat isn't a TTS thing is it? That shit is annoying, derails streams and talks over streamer...
it is not.
You will give hate watching anti membership and they will leak everything /here/. Or you will waste money for someone that doesn't give a shit.
Better buy merch or drop some superchat
It's not, I didn't watch her before so I can't say whether she'll stop to read them as they come in or dedicate time later to reading all the SCs that come in
Wow they are mogging, I thought Gura would be higher but she didn't stream for a long time
I don't think Gura was ever that much of a SC earner
If they are dedicated enough Hatewatchers will get a membership regardless.
This! memberships are really cheap really, if someone care enough, they could easy get it, I fear I could end up giving one to undesirables
They can easily use meme currencies too, it only shows the number of memberships not what currency they have been bought with.
For the most part she tries her best but if the amount is overwhelming it will have to be left to the end, I don't know if they are obliged to respond to them or not? I would guess not which would mean a lot may just go unacknowledged
divided by two it's actually just upper middle class sc earnings
>divided by two
Fuwawa hoards the majority actually
>I don't know if they are obliged to respond to them or not
Plenty of Holos will either thank everyone, pick and choose what they read, or skip them entirely
I am new to Holo and don't know any of these streamers really but why would the lowest "Mel" and "Shion" be that low? Are they new or? I guess a SC earning is not indicative of their popularity?
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is this why moco looks a little malnourished in comparison? that bitch!
One is dead, the other is almost dead.
No streams = No superchats
And Mel already graduated
SC is the old meta. It's merch > membership > sc now.
Since no one answered clearly, Mel was terminated January 16th and Shion hasn't streamed this year at all (she is on a hiatus)
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What if Ceci, but mecha musume?
Superchats are indicative of how needy their fans are for attention
As we know, all superchat earnings go to chuuba's tits
I see thanks! I think their graph should explain this in future...
Looks like something out of advance of zeta...
I think it's a good idea, good art
/#/ love their graphs and tables with no explanation attached
How needy are we going to be?
On the topics of membership. I know there are usually different tiers. Tier 1 being mostly emotes, tier 2 being membership streams, but for higher than that, what have the other girls done for rewards? Or is it just to flex how much you support?
I would rather buy merchandise, than super chat.
The large majority don't do anything extra on the higher tiers and don't have an emote only tier. The $5 tier is the minimum to get access to the member streams, anything more is only increased support
Fuck, I can't figure out what Mori is referencing. It's on the tip of my tongue
Persona 3?
>Or is it just to flex how much you support?
Basically, yeah
Most people keep their tier 1 as emotes and members stream
While tier 2 and 3 are usually just a more costly version of tier 1

Some of them make members streams exclusive to tier 2 and have it slightly more expensive than tier 1 to filter giftedfags
>Mel already graduated
She got herself accidentally FIRED. I loved mel too but let's not sugarcoat it. Fired ≠ Graduated.
Never ever ever gift memberships
Brutal lmao
Yeah, that must've been what I was thinking
Yeah it's Aigis aegis? from P3. To be fair that pic isn't even accurate since Aegis is a robot and Mori herself corrected that distinction over in the Myth 1 Block collab where she explicitly said that robots and automatons aren't the same.
Yeah, it still hurts, can't believe that Pon got herself fired
>nice digits
Yeah it still hurts... now I'll never see her with ame again... and she'll never get to meet Ceci or the other Justice members too... I don't even remember if she met advent or not. No right?
all good things, anon.
It's the Gigantic Arm Unit from AoZ, yeah.
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Take it easy~!
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>Soul of Chogokin Otomo
Yes. With my doll wife.
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Horny time?
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Can a clever person make this a soundpost pls
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Danke schön
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Naked CC
CC makes the weirdest noises
I want her to call us stupid more
She should call us worthless too!
Agreed, I love the way she says it
I'm gonna be watching both greens tonight.
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Based and same
I love her cute accent. At lot of the time you can't hear it, but when it comes out...
Where's globalschizo...
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1 v 1 me otomo
I keep telling you she's EVIL.
She was being good today. She deserved a little murderous fun.
She's just German
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I dont see the problem
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I want her to berate me while she edges me by gently winding my cog.
Wtf happened to Bettel? I remember a post bragging how much the stars mogs the hololive EN branch for 2023 overall superchat earnings.
(you) should ask the professionals in /#/ instead.
Don't summon him. What the fuck is wrong with you
Go ask /#/, they'll be happy to tell you
>> It's a ratos eat rats world! (Small pause)Lady!
She almost said bitch. I know It.
1 hour til our girl meets her senpais
She is a contrarian by her own words, even in the beginning of the stream she was playing with our expectations using the red arrow gag. A woman like this will blueball you when you're about to come, just to subvert the expectations.
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I made it to day 7 bros...
What happen next?
I just realized Gigi's high pitched voice is going to sound crusty as hell in Crab Game
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I'm not sure. The sky is turning spooky. I think there will be a horde or something soon.
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Uh oh I might be dead. It would be pretty fun to watch cc and gg try and survive this.
So are dead for real if you die after day 7? In the stream they kept respawning.
Only if you play on hardcore probably. It spawned like 200 zombies and 5 giant hell hounds but I survived cause the building I was in was pretty strong. I had to use all my ammo and arrows though that I collected over 7 days.
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Good morning! Did any other euros manage to wake up?
15min left.
Stayed up for it, excited
>a time I can actually watch live
>don't need to wake up early tomorrow
At last my EST self can watch the automaton live and in full.
>Ceci isn't live.
CC doko
what if she fell asleep....
what if she fell apart...
CC... Should've drank coffee...
No no... she will show up guys
Sorry guys. Ceci and I are still cuddling. Give us a bit.
None of the other Justice members have started either except for Gigi and it's just a starting soon screen. Just give them a minute.
not a good look for team tea
Don't tell me I woke up for nothing.
It's over...
100% The group as a whole is fixing something in the background before any of them go live
Your now listening to Cecilia FM..
Cecilia Immerspät
This is FuwaMocos fault
If she's not here by the half hour mark, I'm going back to sleep...
Once again I shall blame the scarlet rot for this tardiness.
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my dollwife is live!
>You're now listening to Cerescilia Radio.
where's uncle...
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>doll hands grasp your balls
La creadividad!
>delayed for this bit
i forgive her
their grip reassures me
She's the EN Korone she's 100% so good at using OBS as a sandbox tool kit
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>Yes... ha ha ha... YES!
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She's so fucking cute...
>mori's voice
i need to stay strong for CC...
We gonna get through this anon
>CC delayed the stream for 10 mintues just for this kino

I kneel.
Ame sounds like she really doesn't wanna be here
this is a very powerful image
I always kinda forget as exciting as these all out group collabs are, they just pure fuckign chaos
I think Ame should kiss Cecilia on the lips!
She's looking outside not inside. See the bricks, and the flowerpot?
>no spin to win
i thought this was the winners pov
Not even wiiiind up
Ame's just usually like that. She gets introverted when in collabs with a lot of people.
She can't handle the shame
Can't reveal all her tricks from the start.
she has never enjoyed collabs with more than one person
i hate kronii, keep her muted
So what's up with Nerissa becoming addicted to Runescape why is that a thing. I feel like I missed this becoming a thing
Looking forward to the EN runescape streams
this but nerissa
this but ceci
She played runescape and became addicted to its superior MMO game design. It's a very quick process, easy to miss.
CC's evil laugh is so delicious
I have never heard any of these women speak before except Ame and Justice, I am quite overwhelmed
>CC immediately starts camping
Green versus green
This but for 1/3rd the people in the collab and disinterest for another third.
Im really just here for Fauna, CC, and Raora.
Too many people in this collab. I'm watching the JPs watch her debut
ceci hasn't said anything other than her intro… is she shy?
green giggle
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I just like Hololive, man. We don't gotta be sour about unity.
green green tete
It's 5 AM, she either just woke up or is ready to pass out
wait a second this is just a mario party minigame
isn't this exactly a mario party minigame?
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based edit.
german autism
No fucking way
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winner pov!
>Showered in blood
>Winner POV
Absolute sweep
She won the Bowser's Big Blast minigame.
so proud of my girl
Was there audio meant for this or
It's official, CC is THE green women now!
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EZ Winner POV
I dont see any crabs this is bullshit
>didn't read the rules
many such cases
>11 plushes and CC
>only 10 players in the game
what's going on here?
CC you fucking retard...
>Wins round 1
>Immediately loses round 2
Is she a gamer or not?
ERB too busy sleeping
liz didn't join
>red light green light
>everyone moves forward
>she's the only one who moves back
Ceci really is autistic isn't she...
the politically correct term is "german"
ERB didnt join and thats a good thing
Limes telepathically pushed her
FWMC you tard
I hope she accidentally mutes Mori
she might like the green woman
She said it herself, she's a contrarian
what happened to winner pov...
She accomplished her mission and won first try
She already won, she can do whatever she wants now.
One for Fuwawa and one for Liz. Fuwawa is just backseating and Liz overslept or got stabbed on the tube or something.
it's uuuuuver...
GG and Shiori seem like a good pair
That was a long string of rng
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Dirty camper
>CC loves to camp
>I love to camp
we were literally made for each other
Fucking camper wife
ah fuck I can't keep 3 povs in sync
She's gaming!
my girl grinding sneak
this is like a stealth game
CC wins by doing nothing!
that was just like a stealth game
not fps wife
CC... youficking sucks...
kek wtf
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why is this cece toasty?
nice greenscreen setup
great minds think alike
Ahh admiring the greenery while camping. what a beaut
green minds think alike
Talking to GG feels like bullying 12 year olds in Minecraft
>all these people
>she immediately goes to play with GG
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This is fun.
A Way Out forms bonds unironically.
bros why does she like stealth so much? What secrets does this automaton hide?
Rissa just made an enemy for life
Dishonored gameplay wife...
I don't like this version.
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She's so fucking bad...
My wife can't aim for shit bros
GG's gonna fuck her up after this.
what the absolute fuck
Sneak: 100
Fps: 0
My wife sucks at viddy games
correction absolutely mandatory
it's fucking over
a toaster is fine too
still would
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my toaster wife can't be this cute
Stephen Russell will voice my sneaky wife in the Netflix adaption.
Shiori is fun
they are
ccshi SWEEP
Yeah she's a good one
My wife is unimpressed with her drops
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She's so fucking autistic (cute).
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cece... your genmate...
what is wrong with the red girl?
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She should go back to sleep
okay FWMC is cute I admit it
the waiting room is more entertaining than the game itself
CC x Fauna so cute
>team peaceful
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cecilia? /here/? in this site?
i doubt it
no vtubers are here
I'm gonna watch their vod later.
Shiori's probably here.
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is that the slime
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She likes Shiori the most, doesn't she?
It was fun
cc can have a little cannibalism as a treat
everyone does
She's fun in collabs, I don't blame her
I am sorry for ever calling Mori annoying.
Where'd all the air in the room go?
fuck ERB woke up
OK I love our automaton wife, but she cannot fucking aim.
she's been doing this for a while now so it's probably not hard for her to tard wrangle the rest of EN
Shiori's a very sweet menhera mama.
true, but she's in it to win it (by camping)
her fake child friendly kind of voice now annoys me more than her fake cool guy persona she had at the start
needs calibration correction
Meant for
From what I've been told her friendly voice is actually authentic and the dude bro is the fake one.
bros why can't she into ladder?
ceci's laugh makes me feel funny
Our wife can't climb ladders either...
Is she a raptor? Can she open doors?
it involves aiming
my wife LOCKING IN on this one
The Green ladies did it!
Green peace
More instant loss
she didn't even do a flip...
Green women ride together or die together.
>I'll punch you in the face ugly ass
I love their dynamic.
I think there's something wrong with her calibration
Is it giving HoloEN to much credit to say that planning the first green woman as the embodiment of nature and the second green woman as the embodiment of mechanization is brilliant juxtaposition? Yin and Yang but with green woman
>rooting against erb
>fires 20 shots straight into a tree
My wife for most of this game.
>sneak shots from below on Ame
CC is playing a dangerous game...
she's a 'nam vet
why does she keep killing herself...
CC what the fuck
brilliant job cc, you got advent to fight among themselves
cute laugh
ok nevermind, they're all retarded lol
She defeated Advent with that gambit
she has the cutest laugh
I can't believe that was the winning strat
CC defeats Advent with sheer wit alone. I kneel
3000IQ by not exposing the right tile
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factual AND true
Death literally came for her
does she have a soul to reap?
I think so, that's why she has that soul gem
Everything has a soul
you must never have watched a stream if you think cc lacks soul
Green solidarity stronk though. Fauna picked hide up when she saw Ceci going for it.
Cant wait for the CC and Fauna collab, with Shiori would be even better
the famous green woman gaslighting…
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Based and animistpilled.
CRAB SWEEP!!!!!!!!!
something about the way gg talks makes everything she say way funnier
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Blessed urine break
my wife SUCKS at this game
her voice feels weirdly nostalgic for me but i don't know why
it's all about the delivery
Her aim is so bad, it's cute
I'm baking
CC if you're reading the thread I have some advice to help you win: acquire skill
hold it
I'll post when it's close to archive
she cannot ladder...
inb4 archived before it's posted in this thread
It's so frustrating how bad she is at climbing the stairs
CC needs to learn how to climb a fucking ladder
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People die when they are killed CC...
>put in a car with three seekers
the game doesn't want cc to win
Ceci lost the second she couldn't stealth to win.
She just had to spawn in that cart
>I hate this game
CC gives a good POV tho
but she died by falling off...
CC dies early to give us a good POV of all the contestants. She's so thoughtful I love her
Spectator's POV
when she rages does she blow steam?
Like a kettle
>inb4 baker fails to link new bread b4 archive
her cranks spins faster as well
It just grinds her gears
i'm steam btw
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nice title lol
>european ping
lmao you did good CC
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She changed it? Kek
truly die kreativität
AutoFister Love
teaming up is cheating
>Kornii killed ERB
wtf I love Kronii now?
Should've blasted erb immediately.
CC what the fuck...
CC, all you have to do is jump...
Ceci... is retarded...
she's so bad bwos
I blame her weak GPU
At least she won the first one, r-right?
You joke but this actually might be the case
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what is she trying to say...
it's not anon
she might be an autismaton honestly
this game doesn't require any semblance of a good gpu
cc cute
that scoff though, would she do that to us?
>target practice on sioli
That was scoff was pretty hot
my wife is eating :3
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why is cc always eating cookies. Is she… you know…?
cc is FAT
adorable? feminine? yes
automatons can't get fat idiot
The cookie monster?! Say it isn't so...
her mouth, is she eating on the job!??!
how much do you think she weighs??
several hundred kilograms, porcelain and metal are very heavy
She's working on it.
bros I think cc might be fat...
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no one must know my secret
aim skills 0/10
Camping skills 1000/10
based, camping is cozy
CC gaming
>ame being nice to new and improved robo-ame

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