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>shows pant
Becoming Homeress Edition

I can't believe I have to tell you something this basic, but, don't reply to stupid bait. Just don't. And if a dramanigger tourist starved for attention gets too retarded, report and move on.

>Who is Filian?
White haired kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomerbloomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:04 - 24:06 UTC

>Recent Stream
Filian x Kirsche x SmugAlana cringe videos


>Previous Thread
Daily reminder to hate dramafags
>it's stained
she stained it for me
she's going to jail
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Whoever did this art should be the to make filian's new model
Yeah, horny jail, for being so flippin' horny.
>ends up in jail "oh frick snackers I've dropped the soap again"
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i love my retard flip bitch
In an industry that is largely built around artists and respect of artists I don’t think Filian will come out of this unscathed even after whatever settlement she reaches with the artists she stole from.
It’s easy for some to ignore the pressure put on them by the twitter dramafag community but many won’t want to risk giving the cancel culture horde any reason to go after them, especially those that have deeper connections with the artist side of vtubing.
I know I sound like a doomer and you’ll probably call me a sister or a catalog tranny but it’s really quite easy to see some of Filian’s former friends and collab partners not wanting to associate with her anymore. Obviously some of this is dependent on how the situation is resolved but I feel like some bridges have been burned already.
Insider trading: new model competition coming up. Ready up if you do it.
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>turns hyperrealistic
Still a catgirl, unfortunately it still falls under rindos copyright
Filian is copying Ironmouse again.
>being in the jail shower
>Filian: *farts*
>me: "That sounds like my size!"
okay mr not-a-catalog-tranny, whats her favorite color?
fruit snacks
Uh oh
Acting like everything you said is happening is kind of asinine. Acting like this is a hivemind is just so deliberately disingenuous.
We get to weed out the disloyal whores(derogatory)
It will be easy to spot the real friends and she'll have no trouble making new collabs.
>As if one views, two views, 3 views and low 4views will resist the urge to collab with her as a mid or upper 4 view sometimes 5view.
Her artist and vtuber friends can easily vouch for her
She's pretty much the only big vtuber thats actively growing and it would be stupid for them to throw her under the bus for a blunder
artists care, the general audience doesnt rly
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I forgot artists were a hivemind, you're right.
Is she going to stream today?
Is filian a man
No man is this stupid
Who knows?
I won't be surprised if it ends up getting canceled.
not sure yet theres no event in her discord
>stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars is a blunder
average snacker intelligance
So is there any outcome where filian isnt in the wrong here
Just one. She got the rights for the gamersupps cup and assumed she got complete commercial rights since the permission was in Japanese/Korean and she used DeepL
Morally? Up to interpretation.
Legally? If Rindo is too generic a character to be covered by copyright.
>if she didn't steal the model, the models would generate hundreds of thousands of dollars out of thin air
No. You can try to deflect saying people who are going against her are worse than her but that does not make her less guilty.
Dude, stop conversing with dramafags who will do anything to push a false narrative. Just look at the way he formatted the message. Hide the message and move on, there will be no discussion and no resolution between you and him.
A reminder that this is the opinion of someone that illegally purchases marijuana from violent cartels and throws garbage in the streets.
I kind of want to come inside her bussy
nta but what kind of weird projection is this, anon
communist tranny argument

piracy is theft. You would understand this if you'd ever worked or created anything in your life
I have no idea why you even bothered to bake a thread when the entire board is still like this, you should have waited until either a stream was confirmed or just before the actual stream starts
Every heard that old tale about the guy who borrowed some eggs and then raised chicks and made more eggs, etc? And then got sued for the whole value of his labor?
You probably pirated New Vegas before you came out of the closet, stop acting like you're morally superior.
ehhh uhhhh. is being mentally disabled a legit excuse not to be litigated?
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How are you still awake? Go to bed.
It's the happiest(and probably only in a long time) day of his life. Let him be. He'll wake up one day thinking he wasted an entire day posting one image 20 or so times lmao.
With all the evidence on the table, it's quite clear: Filian did nothing wrong.
completely different. Filian has been profiting off of an artist's work. You can argue that it's her personality and shenanigans that make people like her, sure, but the fact is it's not her personality that's being sold, it's the model that's being printed on cups and made into plushies. She fucked up. I'm not even an anti, I'm just being logical which is how lawyers will approach this. Best she can hope for is a settlement. Worst case is complete blacklisting, loss of ALL prior and future earnings and possibly even jail. I mean this nicely but you gotta learn to cope, fren
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Pippa's silence is deafening.
I literally just post it whenever I see a Filian thread. No need to get upset.
Everyone is morally superior to a scammer of her scale anon
Lawyers don't approach logically, they try to lie as much as possible legally.
Why her friends are not supporting her?
If Filian has one million fans, then I'm one of them.
If Filian has five fan, then I'm one of them.
If Filian has one fan, then that fan is me.
If Filian has no fans, that means I'm dead.
If the whole world is against Filian, then I stand against the world.

why would they need to lie when the truth clearly wins in this case?

Jeffrey Epstein tweeted an hour ago saying she did nothing wrong
After she hosted the dogshit awards thing with those sponsors and all the ridiculous award types, yeah I find what's happening to her now funny
pippa is a fence sitter but I understand if she thinks filian is wrong but chose to keep quiet to avoid further drama. She’s going to tread lightly as to not provoke some antis
Probably waiting for an official response so that they have something to support as opposed to posting something while knowing next-to-nothing.
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amen brother
I think she's waiting for filian's opinion on lewding horses
>it's the model that's being printed on cups and made into plushies.
lmao it's literally not. both the cup and plush were original art. the model wasn't used in the manufacturing process
Filian would fuck a horse.
Based on the model.
When exactly did 4chan become the resurrected collective consciousness of Harry Anslinger?
a drawing of the model, you fucking moron. If you drew "original art" of mickey mouse and tried to sell T-shirts with it printed on do you think Disney would just let it go?
that's a trademark claim. "Based on the model" is not a valid legal argument, because the model itself never entered the manufacturing process. you would need to prove that Filian violated the Rindo trademark, which doesn't even exist. Mickey Mouse is internationally trademarked, but if I changed his design absolutely I could make products and sell them. Disney could patent troll me with their army of lawyers, but they would legally have no argument to stop me
So defending lawyers.
You quoted me 2 times underage sperg. Calm down and step away from the keyboard.
So it's fanart, in which case it's legal in the Japanese system.
Does this make you uncomfortable sis?
As long as it respects the ToS of the IP. The Uma Musume shit for example lets them go against certain types of fan art.
No that was the Yakuza
>but if I changed his design absolutely
then it wouldn't even be recognizable as mickey mouse, right? It would be a completely original character, maybe not even a mouse because it's ABSOLUTELY different. Filian is almost exactly the same as the Rindo model except maybe the eyes. She fucked up which is why the merch has been pulled an she's cancelled streams. No amount of coping will change the fact that she's probably right now having a mental breakdown while lawyers slowly explain to her how fucked she is. Kill yourself
Don't engage with the troll.
Can you post the non-song version too?
I don't have that one saved. Forgive me, or else.
You can make it up to me by posting your favorite, doesn't have to be related
Can you be more specific?
Your favorite soundpost
She did not sheltered a pedophile. I think we can rally on that.
This is better.
>surely filians "PC" will be "fixed" today and she will go live!
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The wissa collab on Monday... RIP
no doomposting...
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Sorry to see you guys are still dealing with sisters, doom posters and catalog shitters. Hopefully this passes over quick and she can go back to doing flips.

t. dragoon
no shes gonna graduate and go onlyfans
I appreciate it. Filian is learning a similar lesson Doki did.
Do you think they know?
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what lesson? The part about getting a new model? Did Doki ever commit international fraud? I'm confused to be desu pham
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goodnight snackers :)
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gn anon!
The lesson being to avoid Japanese businesses.
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He tried to warn us but we didn't understand... >>79918056
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You better stream today you little shit. I miss you like you wouldn't believe.
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Hey just just a reminder
I can't believe filian is getting guillotined
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A Prophecy of the Great Cataclysm.
post yfw filian and jingo are in on this together and this has all been a psyop to sell assloads of nendos when they are "brought back"
I did not realise there are two /flip/s being run at the same time. One done properly, /here/, at that other one I am not even going to reference. Fuck, I wasted my chances to gosling properly for the last few hours. May I request other blelele webm?
All you'll get. We're rationing you see.
kek this posts sounds like some reactionary retard-tier shit but it's actually true as fuck
Damn, we got hit that hard, huh.
Extremely disturbing.
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Pssst, just for you anon
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>friend is found out to have stole some art
>says literally nothing
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>Oy, who let you give him extra?!
Pippa is a hypocrite we know.
Being anti-piracy is a colonizers attitude
All the dramaniggers from a certain country that come from twitter are invading /vt/ rn
Thanks bro, smuggling things reminds me of the olden days.
Still on stealing model I see
Go be brown someplace else.
It's this one
in case anyone is curious ;)
I know at this point it's ancient, but have you guys heard Baolifornia Girls? That cover is idiotic and anytime I see her it starts blasting in my head on maximum volume.
Artists are all faggots and anyone who respects them is a faggot too!
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How is Layna consoling Filian in her time of need?
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It would be one hell of a PR stunt
Right now she is probably sleeping looking at what hour it is in NZ
Agreed Fil should become a fleshtuber instead, her content would be a lot better that way.
If the model didn't generate money why is she so hesitant to change it?
What's the retarded drama about this time
So the model is generating money then.
filian neglected to sit on my face
the license has never precluded streaming
Filian can't stop fucking me, her husband. Basically, everyone is jealous.
Filian's fluffy tail pisses off the tailless 3DPDs.
So true, many such cases.
She alluded to a clean shave
Male on stream
Said she will stop doing flips.
No waxing?
Filian's unironically going to jail
No vaxxing
Fan art is illegal under Japanese copyright law; there's not even a strong parody exemption. All doujin relies on an informal agreement in which lawyers look the other way as long as some lines aren't breached. This is why some franchises can just declare the lines to be in a much stricter position and get away with it.
she really gone and done goofed big time
Japan sounds like a corporate shithole.
The license has nothing to do with her since she never even bought the model.
Why won't pippa save her
It really is backwards
>the train that got derailed because otherwise it would've ended up 1 minute late
>the entire aethelstan quitting his job arc
Beautiful to visit if you've no clue about what goes behind doors.
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She's busy.
You misunderstand. If you associate something with your personal brand, your identity, then changing it will hurt your brand regardless of if you were making money or not. Envision Filian doing this completely for fun, no donations taken and no sponsorships done. She becomes synonymous with the rindo model in people’s heads. Then she has to change it. She’s not losing any money, but when people see a different model they don’t think “Filian,” and so that hurts her brand. Make sense?
It's funny because all of her friends are massive artist respecters. Majorly shitting on everyone who disrespects them. Now they are all quiet. Funny.
Your hypothetical is worthless because she's not doing it for fun.
How would you have felt if you hadn’t had breakfast today?
She should apologize
She could just have comissioned a similar design to the original artist like Doki did with her new model. Fucking retard, I swear to god.
How would you have felt if you could reply to posts normally instead of spouting memes?
I don't think the impact on her success will be major which is why I'm not worried. The rindo/mint models aren't why I watch her.
For suggestive lasering her bush? Absolutely.
Regardless, rights not granted are generally reserved. That the license does not name something explicitly more often means that it's prohibited than that it's allowed.
Kek I'm having such a goddamn stressful day, and I check /vt/ to find out that 30 year old NEETs are gossiping like middle schoolers about how OVER it is for Filian because she made merch with her VRChat model for the 5th time. Find something better to do with your time, lazy ass sisters. Filian isn't some gigantic threat to your Japanese corpos. It's okay.
I will come to your house and steal your stuff, sell it for more than you bought it for and then return you the cash after, dont mind me :)
>commits legal theft
Agreed, just outlining the thought process of someone paranoid about this sort of thing
Minor spelling mistake, it's over
jwu I love filian are we getting a stream today or do I have to find some other way to pass the time
Dude you got got lol, just take the L and move on
Filian has done nothing
let them scream and cry, they can’t make me stop watching my filly
>haha lol u replied to le meme take le L!!
Your whore will apologize and beg for forgiveness like a bitch much to your disappointment.
Basically, big retard has been using a model she copied from some other player on VRChat and didn't think it was a big deal. The original artist finally found out and it turns out it was a paid model (albeit a fairly cheap one). I seriously doubt any ill intent. Likely this will resolve in a couple of days and everyone jumping on the twitter tranny bandwagon will go back into hiding.
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I hope this finally pushes her into avtubing
She knew she didn't have rights to make merch
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Would you rather have
>unlimited fruit snacks but no more flips
>flips, unlimited flips and no flips
have a heart anon
There is absolutely zero proof of that, even though it seems to be part of the hearsay attached to every twitter post. Even the clip being passed around is just her saying "yeah I copied a free model from VRChat lol". It's a bunch of bullshit.
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She’s responding to mine
I do and its pumping all the blood into my cock
there certainly won't be an irl AX stream with Bao
I want unlimited flips
unlimited flips no fruit snacks
currently driving around the Welch's HQ looking for a girl sitting in a cardboard box
Can you please proofread your surveys?
solid snake filian
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>"yeah I copied a free model from VRChat lol"
You omitted the part where she says "illegally".
Move fast breakfast
just a bit bro don’t worry about it
Really strange that all of you keep hallucinating that word because she never says it in the clip.
If she knows she can't do anything about some asian mobile game using her video for an ad because she doesn't own the model she definitely also knows she can't make merch based on it.
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This is my favorite art of filian
THe little zoomer twat is going to get sued to hell and back for fraud and intellectual property theft, and I will laugh, laugh, and laugh!
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>1k after 3 hours
did yt shadowban her?
The tail is very important.
I miss my wife
Why are you lying? https://youtu.be/63kh-N_BECk?t=61
Why are you trying to pass AI voice clips as real?
When is Filian streaming?
That's not the clip that everyone keeps passing around.
... I'm starting to think that Filian is retarded
fake clip, probably created by Jews
holy kek
It's one of the two clips that's getting posted. Your only defense is to admit that you're simply ignorant, but I don't think you're going to do that.
Huh? This doesn't prove anything
"Ripped it from VRchat illegally" means that someone willingly shared the Rindo model with her, that's just as she started as a streamer with literally 2 views.
>i'm ripping the model off of VR chat illegally
you're retarded
90% of the clips getting posted claiming she said she downloaded it "illegally" are the other clip. People aren't even watching the things they're using as evidence. Which is my entire point.
And to add to this, by willingly shared, I mean a feature in vrchat where other can copy your model if you let them. Isn't that the case?
You claimed she never said illegally when she did.

Why are you making shit up again instead of just admitting that you're ignorant? They're clearly referencing this clip as it has that exact quote.
So.... stream today?
That’s the plan
Of course!
What makes me retarded? The claim was that her saying "illegally" is a hallucination and I proved it isn't.
>You claimed she never said illegally when she did.
No that was the other anon, all I did was explain what happened in the post you replied to, the one ending in 332. The first reply, the one above yours is also mine.
Should've specified NTA, my bad.
please god I just want to hear her say what up mothertruckers
>all this autism over an ancient vrchat model
They're clearly parroting shit so they can get in on their gay little twitter drama with zero understanding of why they're doing it. It's proof that there's no real commitment to the ideas that everyone is pretending to suddenly care about.
Sorry, she hasn't arrived to Argentina yet
If people could harness this outrage for actual problems we’d be living in paradise by now
What am I "parroting"? I'm literally talking about the clip and nothing else. She says "illegally" despite your claims that she doesn't.
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Will her nendoroid ever come out?
Are you genuinely retarded? As in do you have reading comprehension issues that are deeply ingrained that prevent you from following a conversation or an argument beyond two responses? Why even include yourself in something like this if you are/do?
oh so the anti thread archived that’s why everyone’s showing up here
yes obviously
filian can just throw money at the problem. don't forget, she's a fillionaire.
Your responses make no sense when you're accusing me things that I have no idea about. What am I "parroting"?
Filian needs more money.
Yeah, this is pretty much what will happen. English twitter artist cancel freaks forget that JP twitter isn't as ravenous about this kind of shit. It will blow over.
exactly, and whatever she ends up settling for out of court will just be based on how much money she made, it won’t be punitive most likely
NTA(I specified this time lol) but doesn't that mean she eventually learned where the model comes from?
If you're in VRchat and someone allows you to copy their model, or it's on the map for you to select doesn't mean at some point she didn't know it was illegal but then learned the origin?
Realistically do you get a warning in vrchat like "Warning! This model shouldn't be distributed".
Now there is still the matter of whether she bought it after learning the fact, but the way it's being presented makes it seem like she wanted to illegally use the model in the first place.
Well, there still the possibility that the person who willingly shared the model said "btw I'm not allowed to do this, it's not withing the ToS" but the chance is rather small.
Just interpreting and providing possible contexts.
>you're accusing me
Right so like I was asking, are you retarded? Do you have trouble reading and comprehending written English? Are these the kinds of people that participate in these kinds of dramas?
>Realistically do you get a warning in vrchat like "Warning! This model shouldn't be distributed".
This was meant to be a question, frick.
not an anti but I don’t really like this line of logic, filian’s a grown woman, she knew it was rindo, it takes 5 minutes to open up the license and TOD
You're overthinking this whole thing. This all comes down to her assuming that the original artist wasn't active and the model was being passed around actively. If you know anything about VRChat this is extremely common. Now that we know the artist is still active, they'll probably find a way to make amends financially. There's pretty much a zero chance this will ever see a court case or whatever. JP artists are pretty chill.
Eventually, I would imagine so
Filian's boyfriend Jesus is definitely going to dump her after this debacle.
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you can't be mad at her, she's cute!
Filian will return after three days and three nights
maybe if she literally killed someone or something, but yeah I don’t really give a shit about this, she can have a pass in my book
I'm within the group that talks about the clip, so you are also talking about me, retard. What am I parroting?
If Fillian's still got any brainworms about rebranding, hopefully she sees Doki's as encouraging. Doki made a hard pivot to American West bounty hunter and, individual tastes aside, that's not sinking her ship. Doki's still going to be ballin'. Filian doesn't even have to go as hard as Doki did, and a model tailored to her will do much better than anything she can try getting added to jingo's. She can keep the outfit themes, colors, motifs, etc. Just get another illustrator to do it unless somehow jingo is down to do it. Doubt it even if everything's settled amicably, but I'm open to being surprised, especially after recent events.
You don't need a TOS to protect your IP. By default, if you do not have a license to someone else's IP, you assume you are not allowed to use it. This is why open source software has licenses to say what you are allowed to do with it.
I'm not your daddy bitch. I can't teach you to read dude, go learn on your own.
Shower taken, my drink is cooling in the fridge so now there is nothing left on my list but wait for her to go live. I just want to watch the kemonomutt again.
Anyone that says she said "illegally" is referencing the clip I posted because that's the clip that quote comes from. Your bizarre claim that they're only talking about the one clip you were aware of and falsely claiming that she said the word there is simply retarded.
You need a break from the internet for the rest of the day.
imagine believing you can doodle a generic catgirl and this now means you own all generic catgirl designs used in every country on the planet. and you don't need to register a trademark or even have a license to have these rights in perpetuity. lol.
There's several types of licenses for open source software including ones that allow unlimited modification, usage, and commercialization.
Not reading garblygook from someone that cannot read. Here I'll help you; https://www.readnaturally.com/research/5-components-of-reading/comprehension
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Filian’s punishment:
I was expecting a naked flip into dogeza
She said illegally and the clip is out there. You lost.
Evil bitch
shoutout my dude the MIT license I fw that nigga heavy
you don't have to believe it. if you believe your IP rights have been violated, you file a complaint with them, and if you can't come to an agreement, you can sue in court. it's actually pretty easy to not violate IP rights. it is harder to defend it if someone sues, since it has a cost associated with it.
Yeah mine uuuuu
Not today
yeah, mine. keep walking drama tourist
It'll come out as Rindou and Jingo will get all the profit from it.
>Erm she said the thing in a clip
Yeah I get it, you're too retarded to understand past a single plane of reasoning. Probably because you are subhuman, brown even. Teaching you reading comprehension is probably an impossibility. "Learning" for you is a misnomer. Hope this helps.
You claimed she didn't say it when she did and couldn't even admit that you didn't know this clip was being posted.
>Mom I posted it again
Genuinely retarded.
RIP Filian, she will never come back as this model ever again.
Don’t care, I’ll follow her to the ends of the earth (kick) if I have to
Anon you don't understand she said she was andrew tate that's unmistakable
>commits serious copyright infringement
It'll be jewtube before kick
I keep posting it because you can't respond to me whenever I post it. All you can do is spew a bunch of insults and completely ignore that you got owned.
I don't think she'll ever stream again as Filian. She'll need a total rebrand, like Doki.
I responded to you and you were genuinely too retarded to understand what I was talking about and now you're mindbroken repeating yourself forever.
I don't think anyone who likes watching her gives any fucks about Rindo itself. Sure, it is a cute model, but at the end of the day it's the streamer that keeps everyone around. If I cared about a model I'd watch some corpo since they have way higher budget for that stuff.
guys, you both are hopeless faggots
go be gay in some other thread
catalog has plenty
I bet she commits tax fraud too
Based. Fucking over the government is the way to go.
You didn't respond to me. You started claiming that everyone you don't agree with is "parroting" something that you can't even explain.
the thing with that is that basically everyone who makes a lot of money in weird ways has super fucked up taxes and even if you hire a cpa they more or less just send in an estimate, so unironically she has more plausible deniability for that then the copyright infringement, which, I hate to say it, she basically self reported 5,000 times
and before you faggots start telling me she self reports on not paying taxes too, any reasonable person would interpret those as jokes, the model shit less so
Right yeah you're proving my point. No idea why you even try.
What point? You have no point.
If that's what makes you feel better about being this retarded I'll let you have it.
Dramafags will take anything seriously. You could make up shit on the spot and they will spout it like a gospel.
>filian doesn't come to Kirsche's defense when she gets illegally blacklisted by offkai
>filian gets cancelled and potentially goes to jail
these anons work in real estate
Just like every (smart) streamer.
She said illegally contrary to your claims.
I mean unironically it is a decent option to just send in miles of fucked up paperwork and a lowball tax payment and basically tell them to go fuck themselves
The smartest thing you can do.
I can’t believe Filian admitted to being a pedophile live on Twitch
Nah, I just live in a corrupt country. If they wanna fuck me over, I am all in for fucking over them too.
Mindbroken. You're gonna have nightmares about this I bet.
I'm not going to give a single fuck about this exchange the moment you fuck off. You on the other hand will keep referencing it for months.
I see. I’m a burger and I used to be more zealous about paying my taxes and then I met a bunch of rich RE guys and basically found out they’ve all been committing fraud for decades
Mindbroken and seething. Can't read. Look down at your brown hands. Wake up.
The amount of waste your government produces along with how much they're lined up at the trough is enough reason to deprieve them of as much money as possible.
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please marry me filian you’re the only woman I’ll ever love
you're not really depriving the government of money. they were gonna spend the money anyway regardless of tax income. you're stealing from the rest of the population that pay taxes honestly.
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I'd be willing to pay all kinds of taxes if myself or my family would benefit from the services those taxes funded. But unfortunately 99% of those taxes are either going towards shit that we will never benefit from, or is actively funding things that are a detriment to us. People with my values are not being represented. You know the saying. No taxation without representation.
I'm european. You're a mutt.
>F. L. I. P. S.
>Fringing Legally Intellectual Properties Serially
Being honest doesn't really get you anywhere nowadays.
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Brown hands typed this.
Amerimutt confirmed.
filian is perfect for me. we would complete each other. we’d be like Bonnie and Clyde except even more retarded and richer
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You're literally not white.
I'm as white as it gets buddy.
You're not because you're not even european.
Are you guys seriously this bored?
where the fuck is my kemonomutt oshi reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
fuck jews and niggers but fuck jews especially
retards just cant help themselves but destroy everything nice
>Stream title changed
>Less than an hour before stream
Wew she's actually gonna stream today.
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I had to double check to make sure I wasn't on /v/.
She doesn't wipe after peeing
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Just how we like it.
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But you are on /vt/
Hey my spoiler broke. Ruined the joke!
the indomitable spirit of filian marches on
I was gonna work today but now I have to move my schedule around. fuck it, can always do stuff tomorrow
Invert this guys balls.
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officer down
she's ready to be sodomized (by me)
Good luck with all of that, mate. One more hour and we can watch her again.
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I'm gonna have to take you in... to my bedroom.
what is it about pettan tomboy’s with fat asses that is so incredibly erotic
filians punishment should be one massive spank with a ten minute arm-spinning faster and faster wind up, delivered by me
It might be the "pettan tomoby with a fat add" part, but I assume we need more research.
how have you survived this long with so little braincells
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
Fuck, minor spelling mistake. It's joever
Pettan tomboy with fat ass so erotic UOOOOH
I'm just chilling playing cod4
Based. My favourite /flip/ resident.
ok bro color swap micky mouse so his ears are white and his top is purple and start selling shirts, see how far you get retard
Any guesses with which model she will stream?
Hopefully pettan fat ass tomboy

also someone bake
Soon we will need new bread. I humbly ask of the baker to make it with cranberries.
something that you can see her panties in when she sits down on a shitty metal folding chair
baking I guess
the classic begrudging /flip/ bake
only on page 8 so far
yeah but if we don't make someone bake rn then thread will die because we are too zoomer rained ADHD stupid to remember to look at page numbers
this is flip
If I bake. I bake at whatever page when we hit bump limit.
Sorry not sorry.
You need to be 18 to type on the tibetan basket weaving forum
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I heard tomboy. I need tomboy.
Just finished a run for the night.
Fricking hell I've been slacking, my legs gave up last month completely, I hated not being able to come back reporting, but the fear of injuring my legs was greater.
good shit anon

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