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Weekend Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 7/4:
1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (6,982)
2: https://twitch.tv/sakurah (5,458)
3: https://twitch.tv/vei (4,802)
4: https://twitch.tv/Silvervale (4,273)
5: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (3,772)
6: https://twitch.tv/Sweetily (3,061) *Tie
7: https://twitch.tv/snuffy (2,826)
8: https://twitch.tv/nymphelia (2,595)
9: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,500)
10: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,425)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (7,051) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/soraposhich (3,897) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (2,591) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
July 8th - Lumituber & Marimari_en
July 20th - Callie Calico
July 23rd - Fallenshadow
July 24th - Yuniiho & Shxtou

>OC material for the OP

(embed) https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>80050871
anny is a planet
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I want to hear and see Tob rolling 9 Orgasms from he who she sees fit to bow to so. Who accepts and upholds on high her orgasm bow like no other.
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
Grimmi footjob
saru hate
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
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Love my wolf wife
She's live with Scotland simulator
Why did Layna do it?
I Love Lucy
Not anymore apparently
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She let Tobleroneanon complete his foul venture and now she regrets it.
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Anon's wolf wife is built for public use.
I just want to bully Jets for some reason
cute butt
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I will continue to love the dumb coconut.
hello Dawi how's the weather in the Iron Mountains?
Gonna jerk off now
if you bully her enough, she'll give in and start letting you fuck her, so that might be a good reason why.
i want to bully her butthole with my tongue and penis
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footy in 2 hours
>saturday 5pm
>no good liggers live
average day in the life of a europoor
Gorgeous OP, would both
What happened?
does saru pay her jannies?
Saru must have the most incompetent mods I've ever seen. All they have to do is count and they can't even fucking organize one person to do that
yeah she sends me dick pics from her boyfriend as payment
I like sarus almost daily shitting on the mods segment lately
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She's built for bullying.
Forever and always
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Saru's mods are slacking off again...
filian was sold into slavery to pay her debts
she literally killed an artist
The original creator of her model saw that she was coming out with a good smile figure without his consent. Now people are flaming her for basically stealing from him.
>fansly watermark
people pay to see her pick mushrooms?
Post them.
i think filians is free, isn't it? or optionally paid, with nothing gated, since she doesn't really do nsfw stuff.
So you're telling me that Para is so lucky lucky?
Twitter realized no one pays for the rindo model and that it doesn't belong to her
Dumb as fuck that she still doesn’t have her own model at this point in her career.
lol why do they think she's going to care
can normies just not detect sociopaths?
She literally committed another shoah against artists.
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okay but please dont leak it outside of /here/
I made this post
filian is about to assassinate that artist who made the model
The old Charlotte mods chopped chicanery.
cute cock. wish i could pet it.
It's 5 bucks a month. Can't see the pictures without paying. But annyposter does leak them here every once in a while
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How's our team?
Freya is kinda sexo
>i think filians is free, isn't it?
>or optionally paid, with nothing gated,
everything is behind a paywall
She'll never be satisfied with that.
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She knows that young as fuck looking model is half the reason she's this big
Anything else is going to be a downgrade
fansly enslaved her for the vtuber awards. She dodged the terms by making pictures like this. I think there are a few NSFW videos on there now though, but they're mainly of other chuubas getting their tits out
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>working hard
Wait. Para is, so lucky lucky, or so lovely lovely?
She cared enough to delete her post about the figure and go radio silent.
oh. i was wrong, then. fair enough. happens a lot. i thought hers was another of the "just follow and get it all" types. okay, i agree with the other guy then. people pay for that stuff?
mods are useless retards in the best case, malicious groomers in the worst. Fuck em. Can't wait for ai to get good enough to reliably mod.
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I don't know, hopefully good
daily reminder that gogesu just changed the hair a little, added a cute smile then carried on
he called that anon a dwarf. A manlet. Since that's what Saru's antis are and just like a dwarf they never forget a grudge.
consider this cute snail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0BM1EllHqQ
Simply damage control, bunkering down
The twitter masses are easily distracted by next thing
You can fool yourself
I promise it will help
Now every single day
I just wanna hear you say it
Wait... since Filian doesn't have the commercial rights for Rindo, is the Fansly content also affected then?
thank god it finally keeps going. that shit drives me insane.
she makes cute pictures like that for her fansly
but no one actually pays for her fansly
so she comes to /vt/ threads and dumps the pictures there
another artists drama. Reminds me of those closed species and adoptables dramas from 10 years ago.
isn't she getting a new model soon
oh man oh man then so are all her twitch subs bits and donos
Time to make the bait rounds
/shon/ - she got blacked, abandoned them, something like that
/flip/ - filian just announced her graduation???

/here/ - layna = good
but dwarves are cool?
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Who are mods that serve as standing sacrificial lambs whenever another vtuber is getting more attention for being evil woman sex? Bats mods?
This. If you aren't dwarfmaxxing you are a knife ear supporter.
>/here/ - layna = good
I just want to lick her butthole as she relaxes in bed
No, because you only need to contact jindo if you want to make physical merch
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How is that bait?
Her at risk of losing everything should make her care at least a bit. What if the actual owner of her model just decided he doesn’t want her using it anymore.
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bnuuy cnuuy
Peppa Pig's Dad
I don't understand this post but I like it.
in this analogy saru would be the knife ear leaf eater so yeah, dwarves are cool
whats with all the grimmi feet posts lately? did I miss something spicy
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I like Max's oshi.
i don't really care about filian at all, but you don't really think there aren't hundreds of people who would love for her to use their models they made, for free, just to get their name out there? she could swap instantly if she wanted.
wow cute fish!
Grimmi posted her feetsies! They look so scrumptious! Licky licky lick!
tanya is very cute, so i like her too.
most artists are generally against the idea of getting paid in exposure instead of actual money, yes
going to need a link brotherman. or something
vtubers will never look this good
I busted to Tanya as soon as I woke up.
idk I've seen wumbo ban attention seeking chuubas before
That model is her entire image though
yeah, but i'm not talking about artists. i'm talking about the people who haven't made it yet. she would absolutely be a huge asshole for it, but she could still manage it.
some dude has donated almost 14,000 sub gifts to saru. wtf man.
Secondly reminder that goose goose just swapped a few things around.
This isn't a big deal outside of the merch.
This except beri
Damn vei is a fucking gamer
liggers that would say erm what the sigma?
Yeah. He's a truck driver.
>building your career on a model that you just licensed and do not even own
She is stupid. This is a VERY basic mistake.
All she had to do was to slowly transition a swap to some similar but proprietary model.
She had plenty of time and resources to do that.
Now she is fucked and the artist is coming what is literally rightfully his share.
And yet she still won't fuck him. Sad...
thanks anon you made me laugh
Australian zombie but I don't want anyone else to watch her (groomer)
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who is sakurah? any shills wanna give me their pitch?
She’s over leveled
He doesn't care, he said he respects her too much to be able to think of her in a sexual way
thats about 70,000 USD
>This isn't a big deal
>outside the entire reason it's a big deal
Filfags lul
I agree
She makes enough in an hour of streaming to pay for an actually reasonable model. That's the biggest reason I don't understand why you're going for this angle, but it's silly for countless other reasons, too.
man, cucks are wild. I try not to judge, but then I see stuff like this and its hard to make sense of it all.
>donating 14k dollars to orphanage
>some random chatter on 4chan: and yet they still won't fuck him
That's what they all say. But if she offered he would take her up on it no hesitation.
Give a girl a semblance of a human world and see her cum and cum.
what else is known about this dude. wife? kids? lol
it was mostly just in reference to them talking about her losing her entire career or something, when she wouldn't even need to take time off from an outsiders point of view. i'm fine with people thinking i'm an idiot, though. thats nothing new.
Artists didn't get their pound of flesh (horrendously overpriced model) from her and are seething
I think shondo says this
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The extra finger was bothering me.
i would punch her (lovingly) if she said this
That is a VERY weird post. No one wants to fuck an orphanage but many want to fuck an attractive woman.
some straya bitch with a new model
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Perhaps this is a controversial opinion, but I don't think there's much equivalency between charity and sending your shekels to an egirl
Anny says it to rile up chat. it works
yeah, they should.
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sex with this wolf
Even on that side of things, it's a corpo negotiating with an artist. Even if he refuses to give any rights she'll be able to just pay the man, use another free model for a few weeks and force some slave to crunch a new one.
I can only hope you're just ragefishing, because otherwise you might be fucking retarded.
>an attractive woman
what does that have to do with saru
how old are the orphans?
what if your oshi kept making vague reference to your own private life what would you do
>donating 14k dollars to orphanage
Her name is FallenShadow
>horrendously overpriced model
It's like 20 dollars dude?
i'd be a little turned on, honestly.
did you post those 4th of july bikni pics of Silver? I don't know if I missed them
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Ironic post oomfie
ironic image since Beri wishes she had a guy who gives her 14 thousand subs no strings attached. Beri would kill for half the viewership Saru gets too.
Calm down sister.
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She is pretty stupid, but I don't think this is due to stupidity. She knows damn well that she doesn't own the model, she just doesn't care. She's had countless opportunities, but never had any reason to even try to transition to her own model. This is far from the first time she's exploited others without a care, and unfortunately I doubt anything will really come from it. At most she'll make a little payout that will be recouped by sponsors and cucks immediately and she'll get some cheap lookalike model, maybe even for free from some poor guy like >>80062308
You're correct in the sense that it's an extremely avoidable situation. And it still is. And she still let it develop to the point where the situation at the very least risks her losing the nendoroid if nothing else. So it's not a nothingburger, but it could have been one. You're pointing out that it should have been a nothingburger. You're 100% right on that should have been a nothingburger.
And what if he’s pissed enough to refuse taking payment?
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Sex with anon's wolf wife while he watches.
sloppa anon can you gen Silver with long thick tongues?
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You're donating to the wrong orphanages my friend.
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i only posted a 4th of july vei but i genned some 4th of july silvers from last year
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Imagine needing other men's approval to like a woman, like some kind of homosexual
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She's not an orphanage until I put some kids inside her
Her reason should be to avoid things such as what’s happening right now
>risks her losing the nendoroid if nothing else
god please let this happen and let it go to anny instead, she actually wants one and her oilers will buy the shit out of it, mythic is retarded
I see, some other anon then said he will post 4th of july silver in bikini and I didn't see them so I'm wondering if I missed them
it is 40 which is 25 too much for a generic low texture model that breaks all the time.
I will fuck this Asian ladybug
the least they could do is bake me some shitty brownies or cookies
It was good enough for you build your entire personality around the person using it apparently.
sorry I am just mad that she streamed twice this week
the sad anti attempts lately just make me think of SEA dudes on twitter who post about how the west is fallen
It's literally VRchat slop made for ERP, I am telling you this is one greedy Jap!
i bet for a lot of them, if the guy messaged asking for some, they would actually do it. especially considering they usual requests they get.
I love big american boobies!
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I want to make love to Beri while Nino watches and whimpers as she gets no attention.
>kuu hasn't tweeted since that tweet 24 hours ago
Getting worried
What do you think?
worst case it goes through some court and she's forced to.. give a payment. Maybe burn a bridge with Goodsmile. Big deal, this isn't even her first figure that she's had made with the model she doesn't own. Do you think she's going to go to jail over this or something?
Why did Layna destroy the west?
Why would that be a reason to fuck the guy
this but small UK boobies
Please let this happen!
Today is Lucy's last full day in LA. She'll be back tomorrow and then streaming on Monday.
Fillian could have had any other model and it would be the same despite what she thinks because of brainworms. People watch for Fillian not the shitty model.
I need to see this Wolf butt please
Why is Tanya so cute and sexy?
>this isn't even her first figure that she's had made with the model she doesn't own
see, that occurred to me too. where were these people when she was making plushies and stuff? did they just not know like we did? or do they only care because of how big she is now?
Hers is cheap, but other vtuber models can be like 15-20k$.
If the case isn't resolved, no business would agree to make merch of the model. Logically she'd stop using it too to avoid racking up stars like GTA.
It's an international case as well so the average man isn't going to stand a chance in a court house. Anything a fucking twitch streamer of all people does is just saving face to retain reputation with other businesses.
You're not going to get very far suing an overseas company unless you have a lot of money and/or a government willing to support you.
Yeah because you think with your dick
are there any cuckquean liggers
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Miia cleared the tutorial of Cuphead, but kept dying on the first Run & Gun. Therefore, she is in fact no better than a games journalist.
the Nendo is one thing as good as dead, anon. That was obvious the moment this got out.
this but medium French boobies
>Maybe burn a bridge with Goodsmile
if it burns the bridge between mythic and GSC I will forever anti filian
i bet coqui is one, with how into humiliation she is.
And what is happening right now? filian trending? do you think any of her viewers are going to stop watching or even care? do you think she's going to jail? She'll lose out on having one figure made, get one artist that already didn't want to give her any rights angry at her, again. So what?
Giri wanted Onibro to fuck Girl-dm
The guy didn't know, because Korean and Japanese Twitter is very isolated from western Twitter
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mii mii..,
They refused to give her a baby so now they must perish.
Didn't it take nino and beri two streams to clear the tutorial on co-op?
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He should just raise his sword to the United Nations. He'll die if he doesn't. Once Japan shakes off UN Agenda 2030 World Government freemasons and all alongside the United States

their women will not be streetwalking for such an artificially valueless Yen as their war enemy intended at all.
Good Smile was the first eastern company and also large company. Makeship, Gamersupps, and Youtooz are all western and fairly niche. It's not something that would make the rounds to Korea where the owner of the model is from.
So she can get a model that she actually owns in order to avoid future potential legal troubles which can be a huge pain in the ass.
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>snackers all weekend
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happy 6th of july
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She's gone early...
>got recommended a lucy vod
>let's take it easy and ignore me being in heat
vtubers and by extension women cannot enter estrus or be in heat. if they could then if they were denied sex they would literally die
My kisses
this but unknown sized African boobies
fair enough. sort of the last point, then, with it being related to how big she is now. unfortunate for her, especially with how easily avoidable it was.
I have to watch the euro so good
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same size but ass please?
can ass chads also get some Silver
Youtooz released a ugandan knuckles figure without crediting sega, and knuckles is trademarked. They just called it "red boi"
Copyright isn't nearly as wide in scope as people believe. Its trademark thats usually aggressively enforced, or corporations threatening lawsuits for stuff that isn't infringement to intimidate people.
Rindos copyright probably only extends to the model itself, because the character is too generic to justify additional protections.
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I need Silver to forcibly extract semen from me until I pass out
Hail Epic Bimbo Wolf!
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Good saru stream, I enjoyed it a lot more than yesterday's. I don't think I have a single bad think to say about it today, I had fun.

I might not see the start tomorrow, but if we're continuing with this boss maybe I won't miss a lot.

Good night saru! Have fun with the meet and greet. it's early so maybe I'll say good night again later. Good night lig.
I've never even considered anti'ing any chuuba but if anny isn't able to get a nendos anymore because of this i will become a filian anti
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So who's gonna go to her meet 'n greet?
Sweet dreams frog bro
If women could go into heat it would solve a solid 70% of the world's problems
Very based anon
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So what if Filian cloned the model from her Spanish friend and then let Rekson clone it from her thus technically stealing it twice, not everybody is a Saint!
Obese american "people". She will have to hide her disgust
I still need to lift another year and work on my face and voice before Im going to a meet and greet
>the character is too generic
no it's not, it's an original character owned by someone.
>go radio silent
which is the smart thing to do. drama whores on twitter never had the pull they think they have.
you have to step on big toes to actually be cancelled .
Cute buggies.
trying too hard
thing is nipponese companies are super reputation driven so it there's even a hint of controversy they roll heads
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That TMZ wannabe vtuber guy made a video on this. Apparently she's had a figure with Youtooz, and a waifu cup with Gamersupps (that credited jingo in the descriptiion, so idk if that was ok or not). Apparently she also used the lil fil 'Mint" model without permission to sell a plushie with Makeship and even had it added as a skin to some racing game I've never heard of in my entire life called Oh Baby Kart.
I'm always impressed at how hard she can go when it comes to grifting and fucking others over for her own gain. She's a talented girl.
an actual physical meet or virtual meme?
Me coming home to my wife Vesper
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I miss feemsh
>she just doesn't care
no shit. and I hope it will bite her in the ass
The "asking for forgiveness is easier than to ask for permission" mindset is absolutely disgusting and a threat to society as a whole
poor startled buggy. give it something nice to eat.
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The no micro bikini was bothering me.
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Listen to your brain go. Stupid and dumb. And then we go insane though. She will always come back for my cum.
Virtual obviously, she's still in France.
She ranked very low on her tier list
We can only hope, but I wouldn't get your hopes up too much.
i look like this and do this
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>Bodega makes a whore-critical tweet
>Instantly replies that she is also a whore
Fence sitting rrat needs bimbofication correction.
Always been less lewd to me
Like seeing the legs of a literal whore on the street vs seeing the legs of a cute girl in a sundress caught in the wind
original character is Fillian
>some racing game I've never heard of
this ligga really acting like a filfag
Filian is gonna hit 1 million followers on Twitch very soon.
no, it's the model, filian is just a react streamer who uses the model/character :)
I wish Filian wasn't /lig/
Anti filian and anti digital "artists"
filian is a scammer, everyone is waking up for the fact and she's done. long live roflgator
would you still support your oshi if she started doing findom content?
what if your oshi kept giving you spoiled milk. you live together and have fresh milk available but whenever you ask her anything that has to do with milk she gives you spoiled milk somehow every time without telling you
Based and Hatepilled
>the bug jumping when the door opens
she already does
no, as it is not my fetish and feels weird.
This but unironically. Gatorschizo in shambles.
What do you even mean by this. I had to watch the clip after seeing a screenshot of it /here/ too.
You're not out here setting up one of them unwinnable aguments are you?
>saru ended
>nina hasn't started yet
What the fuck do you guys do at this time of day on a Saturday?
real buggy footage
I'd start getting milk straight from her breasts
Your aim
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Then I amplify her worth by at least 100 times without Order 66 Orangina.
Then I win again
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>how hard she can go when it comes to grifting and fucking others over for her own gain.
that's most popular people especially in entertainment and streaming. This kind of work is not a charity.
I become her personal braphog
Need to organize a filian's death celebration party at the golden gator.
below 18 like they should be, if they were over they would be kicked out
watch fleshies.
Eat dinner
I agree. Layna is pathetic.
watch footy
play game
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i think happy thoughts
what if it also tasted spoiled though
Eat something
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low effort patriotic wolf ass
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Shooting cum
on her face.
fuck no
live vesper reaction
I'd start milking her regularly so it's replaced with fresh milk
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I would jerk off to it, but I wouldn't pay. Though if my oshi did it when I was still a parasocial schizophenic then I would probably be homeless right now.
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Hands free?
lol that stream was bad fuck you
ligga are you seriously trying to tell me right now that you've heard of oh baby kart a single time in your life before this very moment? bullshit
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God damn that ass! I would help Silver wash every nook of it.
Would para survive childbirth?
would the baby survive the amount of alcohol in her system
I created an account last weekend.
no and that's why she needs to get pregnant immediately
>anything that doesn't directly fuck people over is a charity
did i accidentally load up kirsche's chat instead of lig or something
Gay, micro bikinis were meant for fishtanya
I'd think less of her if she does it, people kaap asking saru to findom them and I'm glad she tells them no (or at least keeps it private if she has accepted any)
Filian should have gotten her own model. It's that simple.
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yeah I have because there were like 10 fucking sponsored segments for it during the vtuber awards you retard, even half the catalog probably knows what it is since they watched it too but I guess you shipped that thread
I thought I would like sucking cock but it turned out to be pretty yucky.
I eat, dinner with saru
hopefully not
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t. inchless globalist who can't stop voooting to shackle himself to medical slavery for a chance to shackle his anime girl.
m i n d b r o k e n b y c o c k s u c k e r s
>vtuber awards
lmao well no fucking wonder nobody has heard of it
>end of last thread
>take a shower
>cut my hair
>do some clipper maintenance
>go back to lig
>300 posts
You guys seriously need to calm down.
Could you make "realistic" huge ass like that?
Kitanya cunny
you are a genius
for me it was hotter and more intense than i expected it to be honestly
>outing yourself this hard as a tourist
kek go back retard
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Stacy collab is off and will be resceduled.
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It is I that she loves and nuts to. The Worthless and Terrorist Schizophrenic.
fishtanya should be wearing fishnets
ok snacker
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I am still unmedicated. Just pointed in another direction. Nice to see you again.
hey filian, hire this guy, he has way better ideas than you.
what if your oshi was an occasional enjoyer of casual fentanyl use
Only part that was maybe bad was her going silent and trying to beat the current boss for so long but for some reason I don't mind her going silent during a boss grind while I do mind when she goes silent doing other content. Rest of the stream was objectively decent to good
just hit page down
they weren't worth reading anyway
This whole drama is retarded, but nigga nobody remembers that shit lol.
i don't think anyone uses that casually, but i wouldn't really care as long as she still streamed regularly.
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Why the fuck is there tourists here and i dont even mean catalogniggers but literal newfags to vt itself. Even holofags know about filians awards they seethed about them for months for inexplicable reasons
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Whenever you need me. Here daily for four years so far.
it's not that simple, someone as big as filian getting a new model would be scammed by any artist and be asked to pay lots of money
I sure as fuck remember since I had to mute every single fucking one of those segments and that shit just dragged and dragged
not micro enough
i would get high with her and cuddle scratching each others opioid itches
American copyright protects the expression of the idea, not the idea. Stuff like wizards or bikers or catgirls aren't protected, because they're "stock" characters. If you've delineated enough from a "stock" version of a character you may qualify for copyright, but the exact ways you've delineated are part of the scope of the copyright.
So the expression of "Rindo" is the model. That is protected. But for the character to be protected it must create a unique identity that can be protected. Superficial things like hair and outfits generally aren't enough of a change to count, so since rindo is literally just a 3d catgirl model. with nothing else attached it isn't different enough to justify protection so its still a stock character. Often copyrights for characters need to include characterization like personality and story in addition to looks. Jingo can't claim a monopoly on catgirls on looks alone.

Yeah thats american copyright, japs are crazy about that stuff.
Good thing she has lots of money
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She did. She got one on booth and paid for it.
You pay way too much attention to ads. I powerdown immediately when that shit comes on. I don't even remember which chuubas took part.
get sued loser
Rothschild vtuber with adrenochrom drinking redeem when.
Why can't shondophrenics be more like gm saru poster
looking forward to the liggies?
my oshi would be tob
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ye should be fun
you are a fucking idiot and your understanding of copyright is extremely flawed.

funniest thing of all: it does not even apply here. Good Smile is a Japanese Company. Rindo is made by a Japanese artist. Your "lmao fair use whatever" bs grade school copyright brainrot does not apply.
Please just shut the fuck up if you do not know what the adults are talking about
Saru is a cuck
You're a brain-dead retard. Kill yourself.
i'm sleeping with her bf on her bed
I wouldn't be surprised if she was using it regularly :(
>American copyright
too bad GS is a japanese company and a character in question was made by japanese artist
but im sure filfags screaming about american copyright will convince both of them
nta and it doesn't change anything about your post, but small correction: jingo is korean
Thought he was Korean
you confused me for a solid 5 seconds as i tried to remember any tabletop gaming related posts about saru
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I love when my Oshis sync up on my timeline
I thought he would be playing WoW
>Shondo isn't getting rid of dangerously insane retards btw
The fuck are you on about now?
fair enough. booth is still a japanese platform
>Filian gets talked about more on /vt/ than all other liggers combined.
How does she do it?
when's footy?
>muh japan
don't care. the us is literally the only country that matters.
>jingo is korean
Why doesnt gsc just make the nendo then, might as well rape korea again
shut the fuck up
by scamming
She hasn’t opened the discord either I’m actually getting a little nervous
The ultimate diceroll for us who haven't tried it
filian mindset
I bet she can find a US company to produce her figure instead :^)
Sisters love to gossip and talk drama.
it's a talent all grifters have. they can just make millions by selling air
people only care about nendoroid
holy shit its LockpickingEagle Mindset
>making a black text on white bg tldr apology as some random nigga
he already lost
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Success has that effect on bottom feeders
the funniest part about this drama that it hit durring AX so Filian can't use whore clan to walk around AX
Controversial post, you're not allowed to like things
It was a pretty visible thing anywhere that matters (the indie sphere) even if you don't care about Filian or shitty kart racers
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guess who has a nendoroid and who doesn't
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can somebody put that through chatgtp or something please
By being a success retard.
I wonder if they’ll stop associating with her all together
bodega loves whores and sluts
that happens sometimes, yeah. the key is to do it with someone who wont get mad or anything if you have to quit in the middle of whatever it is. to bring it back around to vt, for as much as she goes on about being rough and stuff, i bet reiyu would be one of those sorts. mel too, if we branch out of lig. they're both very positive overall for sex.
Thank god they used the good doki model for the nendo
to be honest in my case i was kinda in love with the guy which probably colored my perception heavily
I do not care about any of the drama. All I care about is my oshi and I want her to have a great 3D debut tomorrow.

What is your oshi cooking? What are you looking forward to?
Anything exciting coming up?
Let's be positive!
I dont know whats going on.
He might be upset that Filian beat Ironmouse to the punch of hosting a VTuber award show
> >>80065596
Reiyu only cares about pegging things.
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She's good because she has a firm grasp upon the obvious. Very blessed and enchanted indeed. A way of human nature. Those who shape us in ways that are simply not to the image of man
will be stopped by the woman.
straight up ive been wasting time here most days for way too many goddamn years now and i seriously don't remember anything about this at all. idk maybe i was high af or something.
40 minutes
you guys make me really fucking mad when you shit talk my friends and i hope you get hurt
Based and true and I am Dutch (I am not Nina)
Here is a shorter version in iambic pentameter:


To all who hear, I've erred in recent times,
From Shondo's Twitch and Discord, I am banned.
For Patreon messages, wrongly sent,
Unfit in words, discomfort they did bring.

The fault is mine, her Patreon, I thought,
Was long inactive, yet I sent my notes.
In restless nights, my judgment went astray,
But reasons none excuse what I have done.

Support I'll give, though distant I shall be,
To work on self, on sleep, and health of mind.
Apologies I send to all I've hurt,
The consequences just, the fault is mine.


With sorrow deep, intent to grow and mend,
get fucked shitlian LOL
Longtime viewer of Shondo's sent DMs to her on Patreon about how he was jerking off and got banned for it, his excuse is that he thought she didn't look at those anymore
yeah, but i bet she wouldn't be mad if it was too much for you and you had to stop. maybe a bit disappointed, though.
you have shit taste
maybe suck less ass
I love seeing her squirm, but filian's going to spend this like she spends everything else
he's getting so much hate but I think this is cute. I'd reduce the perma to a few months
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someone could just check on her? have you even tried?
too long didnt read but im assuming this is retarded lawyer rp
The person who antis shondo in this general and shon is a person who got banned from her chat
I want to lick the blue foot
She's in the top 5 most popular VTubers of all time
only matters IF GSC incurs damages and tries to extract said damages from filian. nobody's launching international suits over this otherwise.

>what the adults are talking about
/flip/ raid and not a single parafag to be found. Interesting.
who's the coolest /lig/ger at the skate park? there is a right answer
Filians the dsp of vtubers, she will survive this like always
Tell tob to say sorry.
This unironically is a better format than the schizo vomit he posted.
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hurt this
>my friends
Who are your friends? A lot of people get shittalked here.
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womp womp
i want to lick Para's asshole
It is just an Anon being an idiot.
Here is what actually will happen:
Filian, Good Smile and the artist will talk about it and make a compromise.
Done. Chances that this will see a court are very slim. This is real life. Not a TV show.
I love both Para and Filian
i like the haiku.
Vox Akoomer?
Milky, the hot mom that brings drinks & snacks for all of the kids and everyone want to fuck her.
Did you guys know that Fuwamoco makes $250,000 in YT superchats per month
Sniff para
have they overtaken the reigning queen that isn't even with them anymore yet?
That's nothing compared to the hip /lig/ duo Sigrid & Bird.
They even have a cartoon.
Get better friends
phase connect
t. Lucy
Dokibird and not SelenTatsuki?
This goes hard
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Shondo has been letting people in her community jerk her around for years, to the point where she's had to put out multiple statements begging people not to DM her with trauma dumping paragraphs because she can't help them and all it does is make her miserable. He should stay banned just to set a precedent
i wrote this plus i hope it's hairy and stinky
You're not a vtuber, you don't have any friends, stop larping.
All based.
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loli cunny tenma mentioned
when I read this I heard her laugh her ass off
you forgot sex with girlfriend.
I really dont like hair in my mouth during sex..
he threw the whole rod in
My bot has been activated
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They make 49k usd a month on average. Cut youtubes pie out and its 34.7k and if Cover still takes half of that its 17.3k usd a month, a far cry from 250k superchats
yeah but then Google takes their cut, then Cover takes theirs, then the US takes theirs, then Canada takes theirs, and then they split it 60/40
You should learn to ignore it, some people deserve to get shit talked, and no one is getting shit on 100% of the time
Very edgy Saru
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bat is learning about this in her geometry class
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I remember when Saruei banned someone for poorly referencing this meme while she was playing Half-Life
Ironlung has sat on her laurels since 2021 and contributed nothing to vtubing, she got lucky being in the right place at the right time and now leeches off of corn dawg va
southeast asia
I contributed towards that.
Saruei has mental problems leave her alone
I make $1,200 a month, HELP.
did you know i want to lick fuwamoco's assholes
>17.3k usd a month
before taxes, and if they get double taxed they would make even less.
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if he thought she didnt look at them then why did he send it?
Also helps that people love white knighting for a charity case
i make 1050 or something a month. i need more help than you do.
that's fair, if he really was being a dick he deserves it. though the information provided on bothsides (mainly due to shondo just giving a ban announcement) makes it seem as if he just used it as a coomer log.
obviously I'm not really in this circle at all so my opinion means shit, but I personally wouldn't perma somebody for coomposting on an account I check every 4 months. I'd probably just type lol or something on finding it. again, my opinion would change if he was saying some crazy or scary things
this but my penis
So did the chatter, he said she needed to get ebola and he did the joke over text. The accent is what makes it funny
Key word here is "poorly". The ban was well deserved.
shut up you aren't funny
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Really grasping at straws now
You guys rich or something, I make $950 a month and my job is being a neet
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The CEO of Schizo has sent a memo.
Behead those who call schizo for a globalist and New Normal /vt/.
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oh damn, nice. can you add a sick beat to it?
didn't even have the balls to at least send a video of actually shooting ropes to her? what a pussy. absolutely fucking pathetic.
Yeah I was lying, thanks for the real answer Mari
im horny posting in another thread
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Action is coming
No I need to keep telepathically sending her thoughts of semen
She does just brush off most of the insane emails/maros/DMs she gets, but that guy apparently just crossed the line and in a way that was traceable back to him
this is a shogger we're talking about, his coomer shit probably involves disturbingly specific fantasies about how he's already obtained her address and what he's gonna do to her
I'll shut up if you hand over the rights to Bird. I WILL marry her.
I do now and I found your comment very humorous.
Yeah i didnt know how taxes shake down so just went with raw bit before government knocks for their piece of the pie
where is she uuuu
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My dad sends me 3k a month
hurt yourself
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Don't reply to the bot silly
before or after cuts? either way that's crazy, good for them. they're very cute and unique.
hey, wait a minute. you said this to me after my joke about birds dead body in the woods too. i'm starting to think you're not a real person.
How often do you have to suck his dick for that?
Shondo when she rubs her cunny against my face
Did that post not make it obvious? I already am.
imagine not wearing diapers to stream
I am going to trauma dump on shondo constantly now

Stop being poor NOW, any shitty IT job pays 6 figures.
jesus christ. i wish i was born into wealth
You can't, that account got banned and her new alt doesn't have DMs open at all
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ze timeloop.. do not start it
fucking freak
Aren't you a good little Princess
Post Para's butthole
i don't remember if this is a new one or if you used that one already too.
I will spam her donos then, does she have donos?
I get around 6k a month, after taxes and retirement deposits.
Hello Nino
Does Shondo get wet even? Like can her pussy get sloppy? Gushy?
Did you check bird's pampers today?
Sure, go ahead
what do you want dipshit my fucking driver's license stop saying fucked up shit about bird
what about pre para's butthole?
if i dress up as your oshi can i have some of that
nah, i'm just seeing if you're real or not. that one is new so you might be. fair enough.
Shondo has a pristine immaculate untouched pussy she still has her hymen intact
Imagine how good it would be to eat her out
if I had it in me, I would photoshop big ass bunny ears and the blue hair and bandage on the cado pic

probably not.
meds and being an actual shizo do things to your body.
do not sexualize shondo
between meds and anorexia maybe a little bit, but probably not.
I make ZERO dollars EVERY month
and it's free entertainment, all day every day
I love being a neet leech!!! Wagie retards!!
Put all of it into lottery tickets.
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Yeahh, it's pretty awesome being a spoiled rich neet.
Maybe your family should wage harder
Yes she gets wet but only for women.
No she has a pre-pubescent dry cunt from a genetic illness
King Cobra JFS what's up toobs
i knew this controversy was somehow ultimately GirlDM's fault, she showed Filian how to do illegal shit:
Sigrid and Bird are the most irrelevant liggers, literally never heard of them until lurking here. Please never mention them again, unless it's that image of bird killing sigrid, that was funny.
Imagine the stench of this poster..
Are you looking for a boyfriend?
Send her some love Layna
actually they've always worked very hard for me. I'm incredibly lucky to have them.
Youre going to be murdered soon when the resource wars start THOUGH
I want this liggas soft hands around my cock
i searched for 30 seconds and didn't find a site that lets you do this, so i've given up. sorry
Give me
ze para
Huh? Why does she take her meds when she always tells me not to take mine???
die screaming
He's probably posting this in a jacuzzi right now
the thought of bird getting too distracted and soiling herself is actually pretty fucking hot. i'm on jorkin duty
do you guys like jets
It is a canon event
fuck it, footy's on soon
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its the thought that counts
Kill yourself privileged nigger
drive nails into your eyes
But i want it to be a stinky neet i can fix them
got a link?
Everything is DMs fault
they're sorta cool i guess. i've never really been into planes that much since i have a fear of heights.
can you oil me. ill be whatever kind of whore you want to watch
It's pretty awesome seeing smug fucks like you hang from trees
remember when DM was relevant enough to be on filian's radar
thinking of shondos thick meaty mentally ill flaps
where da bred
Why didn't Layna spank filian?
shondo would have a really tight and squishy innie that's just how her body is developed
Haha poor people, you make me sick
thanks lad
she pisses as a defense mechanism
I think she's sex
then spank her for pissing
Yeah, I hate her, but at least I could go on /vt/ and talk about how much I hate her.
Now if talk about her everyone looks at me like I'm weird or something
i really want to believe this, but in my heart i really don't believe it to be true. i think she's got some flaps, and that's ok. its not ideal, but it was never her choice and she's still beautiful.
cumming inside jets
I don't trust a woman who larps so hard as an actual child to not have hamburger between her thighs
Fucking die rich scum nigger
annybro save this thread and post ally's audio
please stop being fucking disgusting oh my god
Jets is a top!! A TOP
they have fuckin turbines and shit in there you'll be shredded in seconds
this but Oli
her body is literally underdeveloped and prepubescent, her libido is as good as an 8 yer old's
womp womp
jets cumming inside me
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>Oli takes Shondo to the mall
>cashier thinks she's a child 'who is this little girl?'
>Oli introduces her as 'my daughter'
>forces her tongue into Shondo's mouth kissing her deeply right in front of patrons and clerks
>then just nonchalantly pays and leaves
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It appears my wealth has led to some controversy
why are we back to page 10???
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no stop
this and specifically her butthole
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imagine being jets dad and having jets literally inside your balls inside your sperm literally in your cells
its okay I have protection. (Im fucking her anus)
>tw-two more weeks...
You forgot slaps her ass on the way out so everyone can hear it
Bruh, there are IRL photos of her. She's a normal looking young woman
Olivia would never do this, she is VERY STRAIGHT according to Shondo, who is extremely gay and angry that Olivia doesn't sexually assault her.
It must have felt lonely spurting her out. The father's burden goes unrecognized...
yes she's very sexy. have you seen her chest?
Wow I didn't know nino posters were this fucking annoying I will anti her now
with a medical condition that prevents her physically from aging
imagine spreading those cheeks and seeing the amazon rainforest of hair inside...
They have always been annoying.
sex with my oshi
cocky want boingboing
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Poor SEA-rat dog can't get literally any IT job (pays six figures)
good post
What I mean is that her body is not "underdeveloped and prepubescent".
What kind of fantasies have you developed?

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