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>eats a HDMI cable
Break every cable and tie Bao up with them Edition

I can't believe I have to tell you something this basic, but, don't reply to stupid bait. Just don't. And if a dramanigger tourist starved for attention gets too retarded, report and move on.

>Who is Filian?
White haired kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomerbloomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:04 - 24:06 UTC

>Recent Stream/Current
Filian x Bao at anime expo


>Previous Thread
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>Recent Stream/Current
Filian x Bao at anime expo
any moment now
If Filian doesn't stream tonight I will just die.
Been gripping for an hour now, ready to boom the moment she goes live.
bao is PISSING in her mouth and she is now a lesbian sorry flippers

Do you guys believe this shit?
embed fail
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Hey Snackers! I’ve got a stream for ya, right here!
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theres zero chance she doesnt stream. you will continue to suffer
Not really, but I have time so I'll wait.
It would be REALLY funny if she started the stream with a recolored model and acted as if nothing was different.
Every single IRL stream has been scuffed
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patiently waiting on my kemonomutt wife
Filian is currently crying a river and can't stop
Forced marriage with Filian
>Twitter freak sees drama
>neurons fire on all cylinders in their brain
>first time they felt somewhat alive since the last drama
>makes a shitty comic edit
>no one laughs at it
>goes back to feeling dead inside
what is going on
someone link me to the stream
she’s streaming on fansly rn you have to pay for it
Bao must do a naked dogeza for this shamefur dispray
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who replaced my shit
Fansly members only
Filian is giving an enema to Bao, it's nasty you don't want to see it
Nice projection.
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your computer did breh
LMAO yeah. Won't happen, but genius.
I mean it’s also just literally true
You really just bait & switched me to look at goatse?
See you tomorrow
Bros I just had a dream where filian started streaming so she's going to be live soon
Bro, do you not look at links you click?
>I mean
They've also been spamming it in literally every thread about her for the entire day. Then samefagging with replies just saying kek
In a previous thread, some anon posted uBlock filters for some improvements to twitch chat. They look good but I'm using 7tv addon which manipulates the DOM and the classes of the elements in the chat are changed so it doesn't quite work but it's a good starting point so thanks anyway, anon
Stream doko?
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I click on everything, big dawg.
if filian loses it all she can just become my wife. Don’t worry bros I’ll take care of her, we’ll play settlers of catan together and travel to Europe and shit
now i understand what's going on with this twitch thot
It’s just sad at this point. Oh well. Time to get back to Filian architect posting. Her fat ass won’t get fatter by itself
n-noo it didnt
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Filian just scored a goal in divegrass
>stream already an hour late.
Profesional streamers who get paid hundreds of thousands a year btw.
Filian was a great man
filian’s annul pretax earnings are unironically probably 7 figures at this point
link to divegrass vid?
definitely not lol
I'm eating an excessive amount of cocoa pebbles because Filian is late.
delaying her next stream by
>PC hort
>HDMI hort
>iPhone camera hort
is really not helping her case
two goals now
napkin math suggests otherwise but obviously there’s no real way to know.
shut up
>complains about samefagging
>samefags himself
no. Anything else?
based as fuck
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I don't think so, we've gone over this before and decided 6 figures--and that's assuming every sub she gets is with US pricing, which obviously is not the case
You are my favorite poster
my numbers are anywhere from 600k to 1.2 mil USD depending on like 20 different fudge factors that I have no real way of knowing
Dont ask, it's funnier this way.
>Bailiff, tase her balls!
rip stream 4real this time
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Go back to twitter/reddit, tranny.
filian will make it all back in one kino stream
for the best desu
>no stream today
LoL. Lmao
It's over.
Stream it
cant wait for tomorrow's excuse
stream is rescheduled to tomorrow at 2pm PT! the HDMI cable got broken on the ride over, so we'll get it fixed and start tomorrow!
hello darkness my old friend
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wow! Who could have forseen this development!
>ran away again
RIP anon
ok. I've been defending Filian up until now. It's now pretty much clear she's full of shit. These coincidental technical issues. I no longer find this believable or defensible
They haven’t finished juicing her yet. She swelled up so big, it’s gonna take some time. I don’t blame her for delaying
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10 Bucks says she had a breakdown with bao and is currently crying into baos virtual arms.
filian crisis management skills: nonexistent

our kemonomutt oshi is so fricked
Gn folks. Seems like HDMI, which is also a way Filian sometimes calls her ADHD, did not manage to get it together. Hope she gets back on her feet soon.
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gn again snackers
>one hdmi cable postpones a stream for an entire day
Wouldn't you, I don't know... Have multiples of something if your livelihood relies upon it?
Come on guys, there is no way she would larp tech trouble. She would just cancel and claim she had covid if the problem was mental/stress. It is possible she's having trouble getting an alternative model working though.
ask bao cuz filian isnt there irl
the cable is for the backpack setup bao would be using, not her own stuff
seems it's the cable on bao's end, not filian's
and she doesn't manage that, Mythic does
This excuse sucks.
gn snackers
here is to a better tomorrow
its a term of endearment for a certain inbred ethnogroup
>Already blaming it on Bao
Just accept that she's fucked this time lmao
I’ll sell Filian a HDMI cable. It’ll cost her bout tree fiddy
I can’t stream today my dog ate my pc
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I refuse to believe it's impossible to find an HDMI cable at a fucking huge convention like this. Even just asking staff to borrow one lying around somewhere.
what's there to even blame on her here lol
>'uhhhh my HDMI broke, can't stream'
>literally the most available cable to buy anywhere next to a USB
some mega copium flowing
Bro it's a shitty excuse we get it. No need to rub it.
shes filian, thats what to blame on her apparently
There's a Target not 5 minutes of walking away from the convention center. There is zero excuse unless they happen to be sold out.
it’s more over than it’s ever been over before. time to start drinking iced tea with vodka in it
Bao should use this opportunity to lick fillipino pussy
I'm just going to assume it's genuine, it'd be silly to have 15+ mods in twitch chat if she didn't intend to stream. That said, good night, snackers
you think she would tell her mods? lol. lmao even.
rrat: Filian decided to cancel stream so she could take matters into her own hands and finally give Femanon sex. Filian did this so femanon twitter freaks will finally quit bugging her about the nothing burger of a drama that’s going on.
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I worked as IT for a couple offices, no way in hell are you in the entertainment industry without at least a couple spare HDMI cables laying around.
Even the most retarded of IRL streamers have multiple cables and cameras as backups just in case
Is this what people feel when their oshi fucks up?
I feel sorry for her and imagine her just being a crying mess rn and I don't like it.
She could've done so many things in the past so it wouldn't come to this, but I can't help but feel for her and want her to come out of this relatively whole.
Fuck, I think I like Filian. There's just something so vulnerable about her and her thin veneer of bravado she always puts on to hide the real human bean behind it.
The make believe, the imposter syndrome, the constant fear of just being real for a second.
It must really take a lot to be her.

Do all of you see this or is it just "Haha funny fox flips"?
stupid rrat
femanon doesn't deserve sex, let alone Filian sex
and Filian knows it
yeah but why would she assemble 15 mods just to cancel
lol, lmao
Bros... my HDMI cable broke...
I can't find another one and every electronic store in the city is out of stock...
I tried to order one online but it won't arrive until next month...
I feel bad for her and would console her if she was my irl friend or something, but I’m finding it difficult to unironically white knight for her because she’s objectively been very money hungry and greedy lately
These are all consequences of her own actions. Being honest instead of making excuses would go a long way.
Such a tricky tech issue this. Shame that it's an HDMI cable that broke and not the other kind of digital cable that 99.999% of TVs and monitors use that you can pick up for a few bucks at any 7-11, supermarket or dollar store, or could even borrow a spare one from a place with a billion fucking digital displays - like a convention.

Filian is so full of shit.
rrat: HDMI is code for “dick” (mine)
Not one thing you guys said is a lie.
I'd still love to be at her side at the moment and sort out all of this together tho.
her career is going up in flames and she’s likely not even being rational anymore and just doing what she can to minimize damage. I’ve seen similar spirals before in business
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The rarest and most precious cable on earth
Your dick broke?
>suffer penile fracture from a missed flip
not worth the filiansex
I love filian but I don't appreciate being treated like a retarded child
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Get it out of your system, schizos. I'm sure you'll feel better once you vent your impotent hatred.
her career seems fine
this is nothing like covering up sexual assault/rape like a certain someone
and that guy isn't ended at all lol
probably not but I’m sure it feels like it if you’re her rn. at a minimum this is super humiliating and stressful
lmao these niggas actually waited for her to cancel with their fingers crossed she would just so they could bitch about her
Dr. Disrespect is funnier.
Career wise, she will never live this down and will always be made fun of for it. She will have to learn to live with it and embrace it.

But yea, in terms of morality it's completely ok.
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
yeah her mental health must be in the shitter rn
not gonna white knight for her but I hope she learns her lesson and grows from this, and ofc works with the artists to work things out
We called the fact she was gonna cancel yesterday in this same thread.
this is now a jpegmafia thread, post your favorite Peggy tracks

it's much easier to cancel a male fleshtuber
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>her smile and optimism gone never to return again
You write like a Twitter freak
yeah, I think that’s a reasonable take. I hope that she learns to be more cautious and grows up a little. Her career isn’t over, at worst she’ll come back with a new model
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They sell them in dollar stores, CVS and Walgreens nowadays
Just checked the map and there is literally one CVS a block away from the con lol
Uh oh
it should’ve been us… I’m sure there’s 10,000 filian rendo’s getting filled into a landfill in New Mexico as we speak
did I ask?
I'll support the filyBush heiress
It's ok, she loves streaming and would still do it even if she made no money out of it, right snackers?
I don't know why you're posting sensible shit in a thread with triple the IPs (if we could see them) because their holo/niji of choice isn't live
chances are high
unironically yes she probably would she doesn’t have actual friends irl still
have to counterbalance some of it without the hornyposting idk
Her career is over if she thinks she can carry on pretending nothing happened (like she currently is)

She'll be fine if she embraces her retardation and how she nearly torpoed herself over stealing a VR chat model
*bush cam
Her career in vtubeing is over.

She'll probably turn into an IRL streamer and become another OTK cumrag.
if she switches models I hope she shows us rindo’s holes as a final parting gift
You can see people making the exact same style of posts with the same wording, it's all just tranny brigade shit.
I want to have sex with Rindo.
she’s already OTK’s cumrag groupie, you aren’t even anti-posting right
>Implying she isn't already
Her career in vtubeing has only just begun.

She'll probably turn into an eating streamer and become another architect cumrag.
I wish I saved that /lig/ meme about a schizo anon saying "filian is over" for the 20th time this year
This is nothing new, corpo rats are just here now because Nerizzler collab and Niji failing at everything requires a scapegoat.
she should be my cumrag and wife
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The stream is at 2pm and the con closes at 3pm
Snakers it's not looking good
She's probably crying right now, and that turns me on a lot
It's so over
So for how much are Komado and Jingo going to sue her for combined? I estimated $200k last thread, what do you think?
I mean honestly, we all knew she stole all her models and just chops together outfits on booth for half her “outfits”, I don’t see why it would affect her viewership. getting forced onto a less good (for her purposes) model is an L but that’s the extant of it
You're not taking ads into account. You make a fuckton off ads when you agree to run a lot of them, and she runs a lot of them.
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Don't worry, if /lig/ wins the tournament, all charges will be dropped and filian will be back stronger than ever
Anny-sama... I kneel...
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Do you think Anny hates Filian because she hangs out with a lot of Russian descendant chuubas?
low 6 figures out of court settlement sounds about right ye
the post I was referring to took ads and bits into account ofc
Just wait for original model and reworked deal.
Nah, fat people just hate athletic people
The majority of consumer cameras use microHDMI or miniHDMI, not full size. So you need an appropriate mini to full size or micro to full size, and most stores won't sell one.
she might aswell do nothing if she cant keep the rights good luck with an internalional lawsuit
The ultra-rare and elusive HDMI cable remains impossible to acquire....
I want to have sex with mint.
You don't think Target would sell these? Lol.
I'll be there to confront her.
have fun rolling the dice on an expensive, long, and PR damaging litigation process, I guess, filian.
Well what has Filian given ze world aside from big booty shaped wholes in walls, flips, and ze twitch notification alerts?
Pretty big assumption that it'll go that way.
>what has filian given us other than every reason I have to live
Assmongoloid recently stated that a <600-viewer friend was making in excess of $8k/mo off of Twitch ads. Filian averaging over 6k CCVs would be making more than 10x that, which would be approaching seven digits annually in ad revenue alone.
Are there any good sites for watch parties? We could watch a VOD on youtube from ages ago together since there's no stream today.
Based true Neuro's mother
-Return of the model
-All profits up to this point (and all potential profits determined by a court)
-Ownership of the Filian Twitch channel
-All of her fruit snacks
Her HDMI hurts leave her alone chud.
anon. If there’s any one thing I know about this world and legal proceedings and lawyers, it’s that it always takes at least 3 times as long as you’d think and it always ends up being 5 times as expensive.
Hence why it's most likely they'll discuss and settle it out of court, much easier for both parties.
its expensive for the other side aswell, not like theres a big corpo behind the othre artists
ad revenue is extremely variable depending on viewerbases, but yes she probably clears 7 figures a year, especially in her dogshit local currency (CAD)
nowadays it seems like all the easy to set up watch party sites are gone. everything else requires some software
why would she need to sell herself to a whore website then if she makes that much
booth is owned by pixiv and ringo is one of booth’s best selling artists, big boys might step up to the plate for ringo and once they do filian is getting anally raped. So if I were her I would try to settle out of court instead of risking inviting the ire of the big boys
filian is like asmon and has no moral scruples whatsoever about making money + she knows she will always be a dime a dozen whore in normies eyes already anyways
Lol imagine making a model no one, not even yourselves the artists that made it cared about until someone with actual talent came along and brought it to life. And then the artists seethe that vtuber is more successful than them, and only then try to sue said vtuber.
I just checked. They don't. At least not in the store near the LA convention center.
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Oh boy, never seen this situation before
Imagine owning your fucking model.
>someone with actual talent came along
Come on anon at least make your shitpost believable
You'll always be some ghetto retard since you can't grasp the basic concepts of capital.
Imagine fucking your own model.
>create thing
>someone else uses it to make millions of dollars without giving you a penny
yeah, I’d be pissed to. and I’m as down bad for filly as anyone else itt
>big boys might step up to the plate for ringo
Genuinely delusional
You don’t use it, you lose it.
you’re right, I’m sure the owners of booth have no financial incentive to make an example of someone stealing IP from their marketplace.
I don't even disagree with your overall point, but no, you do not make $8k/mo off Twitch ads as a 600 view andy. You might make $8/mo total if you're utilizing a lot of revenue streams with high engagement for your size. I don't care what asmon said he's been wrong or just mistaken countless times.
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I think whole situation just gives some idea about her "offline" persona if anything. She will probably apologize but only because she got caught. All big streamers always turn out to be shitty like that. Professional grifters at their core.
This is not funny anymore. Filly is clearly full of shit and I'm quite disappointed
vtubers always did make their cash off of lonely simps desu senpai
>I don't care what asmon said he's been wrong or just mistaken countless times.
Asmongold has no fucking idea what he's talking about 90% of the time
And that's coming from someone who watches him daily
we’re all sinners anon. Put people in positions of social or financial or political power and they will always become corrupted by it. It’s a cliche but it’s true and I’ve seen it with my own eyes many times
why is the thread full of dramanigger tourists again? didn't we already have this yesterday?
In general, I don't get how so many parties only noticed this now. Not to excuse Filian's negligence on the matter, but there's already been corporate deals and none of thse company legal teams thought to check? At least this came to light BEFORE the Nendroids were made.
this thread literally only had 10-15 regulars and filian yabbed hard enough to draw the whole catalogues attention onto her. I don’t know what else you expected, if we had gotten a stream we would’ve at least been able to put up a fight
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Pretty much one reason.
pray for tomorrow ig lol
it’s because filian doesn’t have actual professional tard wranglers, she has her degenerate homie asmon and the other washed up boomer retards at mythic
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<Artist responds
>It was kind of surprising seeing my art being sold!
>I'm just waiting to hear back from them so we can sort this out
>Please wait until then
<Tranny twitter
>This is literally criminal here are the boyscout bylaws paged 95 section 12 article C that explains why
>I can't believe someone did this artists get no respect here's a screenshot of me seething in discord about it
>She's literally racist
>She needs to be killed honestly what a scum blah blah
Oh. So is everyone pissed off on behalf of the actual artist even though they seem like it's not a big deal?
>if she cant keep the rights
There is no conceivable way she'll get to keep the rights, no matter how much cash she offers. Selling the rights to either of the models will screw over other clients.
She'll have to pay something in the low-to-mid 6 digits and probably never stream with those models ever again.
A court will order her to pay way more than low-to-mid 6 digits, so that's a pretty good compromise for her. A "win" situation for Filian would be not to face jail time or get sued into poverty, a hefty financial penalty is "a win" as far as her situation is concerned.
yep shes been doing it since it started, also they might have only checked american registerd ips not overseas ones (cause who cares)
that's how I've been looking at it
streaming is allowed under the lisence only merchandising it was not
pretty much.
Twittertards are still mad about the Hitler and Geoge Floyd jokes filian made a while ago.
We can't lose her! How will my oshi win her rightful vtuber of the year award if there is no one hosting it!?
>twitter troons being pissed on behalf of someone who doesn't care
>twitter troons latching onto every flimsy excuse to go on a stupid personal crusade
one struggles to imagine a more unlikely behavior
this seems like such an obvious thing to like check before you try a deal like a nendo i really don't get how it got this far
at least we use our mental illnesses for positivity around here, they just ruin things
Lmao absolutely howling at the moon.
everyone in filian’s circles are LARPs who have never worked a day in the business world in their lives, that’s how
Kek, I remember seeing the original of this the other day but hadn't seen this edit.
Anyone can give me a qrd?
Is it just:
>Filian strikes a deal to sell a doll
>No one contacted Rindo OG artists beforehand
>They are now solving the issue behind closed doors?
Or is there more?
we're talking about filian
she's barely capable of pressing the "start streaming" button
As a fan of another white foxu, I hope everything goes well for you guys. You and Filian have been very nice to Kirshche and her fans, so I'm sure a vast majority of us have your backs. Though admittedly what she did is kind of dumb, I doubt it's going to be some career-ending thing like the twitter trannies are painting it to be. So don't let the bait posting get to you.
they didnt care since not japanese
That is the basic reality of it. Secondary to that is the twitter troons making it a bigger deal than it is.
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She needs to be punished
That's pretty much it.
filian repeatedly violated the TOS on her model and now likely owes one or two people hundreds of thousands of dollars, yes, that’s basically it
Filian lied to all of us:
it's clear now that she does NOT have HDMI
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So many people have drunk the purple Kool-Aid, it's fucking insane. Her Discord server is full of white knights right now, and the mods are banning and/or muting anyone that mentions the situation.
>there were dramafags waiting for the stream yesterday
>PC hort
>there were even more dramafags today
>HDMI hort and I can't do any other sort of stream
>tomorrow there will be even more dramaniggers
this is not the way out
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she wouldn’t be able to walk normally for days after I’m done with her
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Pretty much it, you've got a bunch of twitter moral crusaders invoking financial ruin, jail time, and calamity but that's nothing new.
happens every time drama arives theres so much shit no one heard about
Way back when Filian just found out about vtubing, she downloaded a random vtuber model, uploaded it to some random vtubing software, pressed "start stream" and just went with it.
She's been using that same model for 50+ years now.
Now when official merch is being made (being the signal that she "made it", which pisses of all the antis), the original creator was told by the twitter trannies about Filian.
They are now discussing what and how (with a rebrand being the most likely outcome).
she doesn't walk normally now

It's a shame no filly today, I was looking forward to it. I hope to watch next time then :)
the shitcord's policy has always been like this, regardless of the controversy
you new or something? get out
>The discord dedicated to a vtuber contains people defending said vtuber
Woa.. careful there Einstein.
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Kirsche should kill herself and getting the support of her fans is about as welcome as a hug from leper.
>Fillian pirates a model that belongs to Rindo
>Streams with said model
>Begins selling merch of the model without permission
>Gets away with it for a long time
>Gets a Nendoroid
>Rindo catches wind of it
>Brings it up on twitter
>Another artists also comes forward and claims that they were also not asked about any merchandise
>Fillian's Nendo gets canceled
>Fillian deletes her tweets referencing the Nendo
>She canceled her upcoming stream
>People are rightfully calling her a retard
>You are here
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Guys this OoC joke clip could be proof that stream isn't delayed but...fleeing to Japan!
shut the fuck up tourist
pretty much.
Ginko is chill and is willing to negotiate a deal.
My main concern is how filian will handle it.
She's been greedy as of late.
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You fags care so much about Japanese copyrights that you are outraged? Get real. I don't see you throwing a fit any time a VOD is silenced on twitch or a stream gets popped on Youtube. You're just looking for any excuse to shitpost because you hate Filian, or you hate that FIlian is more successful than the bitch you pine for.
>get out
Nah I like watching the trannies and white knights defend her on the server. It makes me feel better about my life choices.
She's obviously in panic mode over the whole thing. This will fall on her management to strike some kind of deal. Some form of compensation. The artist seems pretty relaxed so I don't think it'll be very much.
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she's moving to China
you’re a sad motherfucker you know that
I get why people are mad about it, but let's be honest. 99% of the sisters bitching on Xitter don't actually care about the model, they're just trying to kick Filian off the proverbial ladder.
Artist is Korean btw.
China.. the home of copyright evaders
Bing Filling
>Filian strikes a deal to sell Nendos
>Her model is not her own but belongs to Rindo artist
>violates Rindo artist's TOS to merchandise without prior contact
>Nendo is like the 7th or 8th piece of merch, Filian has already done this before
>also sold merch of a 2nd artist's model
>has VOD footage of two separate instances in which she implicates herself in pirating said models
>potentially violates the TOS of both artists not just for merchandising but for streaming altogether
Shit's getting talked behind closed doors like it should, but overall things look bad.
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I can rest easy though knowing I'm not a retarded simp. I'm retarded, don't get me wrong, but I'm not a simp.
I am the proverbial Vladimir Lenin, here to distribute unto flippers that which is rightfully owned by the people: filyBush
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They care about copyright and respect to original until it affects them, oh wait
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Considering she probably makes more money than any other vtuber on a platform I think it's fair that people don't let her off the hook so easily.
Nobody cares. Announcing how you feel about yourself is pathetic.
ofc they only care abuot getting there ways
Ahaha, I didn't even realize I wasn't in the catalog.
If real filfags actually like Kirsche I regret sympathizing with and defending her.
Excellent rundown from the twitter perspective ma'am.
some like her, some of us don't
we don't shitfling about it, though
90% of the shit you posted is completely fabricated outrage not related to the actual situation.
I think it's pretty likely she's just stupid not malicious because anyone with even an ounce of common sense would know getting a fucking nendo of all things would attract a lot of attention which would inevitably lead back to the original modeler. Also not reading the tos seems like a Filian thing to do.
Anon...this is a vtuber board. By definition, you ARE also a simp.
NTA, but what is a lie in that post? I've seen evidence of everything so far.
>I respect the artist
>That's why I'm going to speak on behalf of said artist as a vehicle for my faggoty frustrations and completely ignore their wishes or intentions
Incredibly tone deaf
>they're just trying to kick Filian off the proverbial ladder
Twittards keep bringing up the stupidest shit, like:

>Filian and her mods let a groomer participate in a talent show on Discord!
someone accused the guy of being a groomer, didn't supply any evidence until after the talent show had already happened, and then cried that "no one listened to her" on Twitter
>B-but, Filian made a racist joke about George Floyd!
the joke literally had no racist connotation, she just said something along the lines of "you're breathtaking, that's a joke from George Floyd."
Did the artist themselves talk about any of that? Is the artist everyone is defending making these points? Do they even care?
all either of the artists have said is basically
>we didn't give permission to do this (make merch), we didn't know about it
and one of them said
>I'm trying to contact the vtuber and good smile company
>>80097181 (me)
Right. They're sorting it out behind the scenes, their post even says "please wait until we hear back from them." All of the other shit is manufactured outrage. For people who want "respect for the artist" it all seems a bit contrary to that.
xitter is just jealous they didn’t think to steal the rindo model and become a vtuber in 2020 and get rich enough to buy a lambo for the low low cost of dancing like a 14 year old boy in lewd outfits 20 hours a week
I want to steal Filian's virginity
Whether or not she still has it, the proverbial filussy should be mine
>How DARE you insult the sacred ST floyed!!!!!!
I would use goat blood and voodoo magic to restore her virginity and then take it again over and over every single day for decades if not centuries
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Just woke up.
Looks like a indies are starting to throw filiuan under the bus.

at this point I wouldn't even be surprised if she was actually evading taxes.
Who. Cares.
literally who?
Twitter doesn't care for anyone else but themselves, you see that with artists that get popular so they go "Is anyone else tired of seeing this artist?" like Sakimi or Ilya Kushinov.
Filian is a retard, but the people calling her out are doing it for humble brag clout
filian tax evasion and money laundering case would be a crazy season 3 of flip
I wouldn't consider that to be "throwing under the bus"
It looks like she's replying to people supposedly accusing her of doing the same (according to her reply), and it's not like she's outright starting shit
>starting to throw filiuan under the bus
how is that throwing her under the bus? Did you link the wrong post?
>I don't work and I'm retarded
How can you take anything on that website seriously?
frick a normal face reveal, we’re streaming straight from the courtroom of the highest legal authorities of Canada
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Nothing to do with this
It wouldn't go that far in Canada in the first place, they barely punish that shit as-is.
Right so I’m failing to see 99% of the conjecture people are making.
inb4 she gets extradited to the USA and they have to issue an interpol red notice when she tries to flee to SEA or the ME
Again, what "conjecture"?
They won't even extradite omar khadr to the US.
kemonomutts don’t have normal human rights.
That this is a legal matter, that there has been any wrong doing, that any certain response is required as it has not been dictated to the artist for any assumed reason. Etc etc. These people are responding in a way that does not match the statements or intentions of the artist.
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>Posts a clip
>closes replies
>"Lol y'all being racist :^) "
just remember that Twitter is a place where you liking pancakes means you hate waffles
what if this was a 4d ruse to create drama and get more attention. tectone and asmon were on a podcast thing recently where they praised kirsche for being controversial and lamented that vtubers can’t do more drama related stuff
think about it: the timing is perfect. even holobronies are going to know about this when the nerissa collab gets cancelled
Kinda makes it sound like the artist will take a small cut or something. Definitely doesn't seem to mind it that much. Probably in their best interest, why cause drama and go through courts for money you might never see if you can make it quietly go away and live comfortably off of a % that Filian makes with all her merch? Seems like a win-win, Filian would get the artist's approval and they get the money. And it gives her time to get a new model.
>why don't people gamble with their profession?
fish also told filian and lumi that the most important thing as a vtuber is to get engagement when they were talking shop
but she’s not actually gambling with her career, she just has to pay a few hundred k to some artist, which she was going to have to eventually do anyways. it’s a shit ton of free advertisement
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From Bao's Discord, she's cancelling her meet & greet to make sure the Filian stream happens tomorrow
It'll be a flat fee most likely. And I serious doubt it'll be over 10k. 10k would be generous.
if 19 year old manchildren on 4chan can read the rindo license, someone at mythic and filian must’ve known. no way 5, 10, 20 adults do something this retarded on accident. goodsmile is deeply involved in 4chan and has a 30% stake in the site, so they’re probably willing to take the L as well to drive engagement on their soon to be fastest and most important board
You're a fool if you think you can predict the reaction of the Internet.
If she doesn't stream tomorrow I'm going to find her and turn her into a fucknugget.
>That this is a legal matter
> that there has been any wrong doing
Well TOS is explicit about merchandising requiring talking with the Licensor and Jingo's statement is that he didn't receive any
kek, excellent shitpost.
forgot pic
Micro HDMI a shit
Sure, that stands on it's own. I'm guessing they'll try to stand on contact of licensor retroactively. I don't see this making it outside of closed doors.
Display port a shit.
Jesus christ that fucking discord name. 4chan has legitimately completely rotted Baos brain LMAO
IIRC it was originally a punishment from a punishment wheel that she just never changed back
>he doesn’t know about m00t leaving 4chan to work on googles weird project on social control and lamarckian evolution
Pretty sure he got stuck on the maps/earth team and they downsized their operation significantly and moved him again. He was in Japan around 2016-2017.
so are we taking bets on whether this one gets canceled as well?
that’s what (((they))) want you to think
I don't want bao to miss her meet n greet for fil, so I kinda hope it gets cancelled
also imo con streams kinda suck and are hard to watch
bao is a good friend
I trust her as she keeps her vagina 1 foot away from me
The wind in the cancel sails are going to die in a couple of days at most.
>Sorry fil, I asked my fans and they all want the meet and greet, maybe we can collab... later
>Ghost her hard

The cable was a bullshit excuse for bao to bail
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Source: Trust me bro
that's kind of what I mean, she's already set up the excuse ahead of time. Rather than just saying "no streams for a week while shit simmers down" she's just making last minute excuses.
bao reminds me of this girl in college that gave my friend an STD and then one time I got drunk at her house and she got into bed naked with me when I was trying to nap and I had to decide how much I valued my own health and well being
bao would never bail on a woman with incredibly sexy legs
you underestimate the goon in her
if you have so many images of m00t senpai can you post one of him with his fat ex wife or whatever she was
>in terms of morality
At best she's malicious by virtue of extremely negligent retardation. At "worst", she stole from multiple artists, profited off of their work, and implicated a multimillion dollar merchandising company in blatant copyright infringement.
What is the moral angle here?
>my oshi's a thief, she's so based
>she's only criminally lazy and retarded
/flip/ has already made peace with both possible outcomes. we barely even complain about her discord VIP’s anymore.
Right yeah. Maybe we should wait to see what happens before we make a bunch of insane loaded statements. We don't want to look like fools after the fact, do we?
the Buddha has shown us the way
there is no peace without bush
and as we have bush, therefore there is peace
>insane loaded statements
I'm literally just listing out what she did
>>80100127 (me)
accidentally clicked on the bao std guy, my bad
I don't really know what to say to you
You're "literally" just parroting the way twitter is talking about this.
maybe twitter is right
I'm sorry reality as it is offends your anonymous sensibilities
>what is the sound of one filly flipping
>what was your original model before you were sued
6 consoles

So no argument? Yeah, no surprise.
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