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if one were to try reproducing a germanic gut microbiome like Cecilia, what kinds of food and drink would one incorporate into their diet?

/ringo/ literature rentry: https://rentry.org/ringotext
Are we back? For real this time?
Sauerkraut, cheese, potatoes, currywurst, schnitzel, Fanta .
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Sniffs sniffa-ing mammals hot, pungent carb farts...
CC will brap for us again next stream I can feel it
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As Ina mentioned, coffee is a natural laxative. Is this why Ceci is on team tea?
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Okay now that we're more familiar with Justice, where do they land on the chart?
To hear the thunderstorm of farts she’d unleash if she tasted coffee for once…
CC definitely needs to move further up, it was literally the lost audible vtuber brap
This was already posted earlier but brapGODS cannot stop winning now
>>81277004 (me)
Gigi could technically be further to the right assuming all her farts are filtered through the sweaty spats she always wears
It's sometime in /trash/
Following up on the brappino, the carb farts from Raora should put her higher at least when it comes to sound, its just she's way better at hiding them than CC. CC's are still probably the most volatile out of Justice though when it comes to smell.
has a second brap hit the tower?
Ina also brought up lactose intolerance as soon as milk was mentioned...
Alchemist Otomo are you catching all of this?
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*farts in your mouth*
If CC didn't have a brapcident back when she was much smaller and MUCH bluer she probably wouldn't have done that for a much bigger and less tight-knit community
sorry brapbros...
No, we’ve never been in /trash/. We’re in /d/.
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Unrelated to Justice but I think Shioron should be moved to around where IRyS is. Girl's diet is atrocious so I imagine the smell of her farts are just as bad
>>81279896 (me)
Jesus Christ.
Is Cece the new thread mascot?
>loudly sighs in relief afterwards
why is CC like this
Absolutely, her farts are actual biohazards
Another chairscoot
>piss thread
That one sounds even more like a brap and the sigh more like one of relief.
The fact that it happened twice makes me think it is probably her chair though.
Although you might think that, unfortunately that is not the topic of this current thread.
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don't worry, we can fix that
>Fauna runs clear
clip: https://files.catbox.moe/yclqfd.mp4
>Fuwawa and Mococo both on the hiss side
I think Mococo is a loud farter, but her farts don’t smell too bad while Fuwawa’s are nauseating, but quiet.
This, but I also like the idea of whenever Fuwawa does have louder farts, she blames them on Mococo.
Does Fauna piss have healing properties?
Yep, this is going to my brap collection
brap CHADS we are so fucking back
so it's definitely her chair
case closed
Yeah sorry brapbros, this one seems way more dubious than the first one. Idk if that's the game or just some other background noise but either way I'm doubting it.
I was a believer the first time but yeah that’s definitely her chair
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CC is moving her chair when she feels a fart coming on to cover up the sound
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I'm her chair this is true
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Imagine she wakes herself up by farting too hard
goofy ringo edits my beloved
Now that this place is back, I can say that VAllure has been absolutely blessing us. 4 of the girls have piss audios, 2 of them have farted, and 3 of them burp regularly on stream. We're eating so good with them.
holy based
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Good god I need this woman's noxious midwestern fumes to invade my nostrils.
I need Stronny braps. If her burps are anything to go by, she has to have some absolute rippers.
Her braps are so huge she said it made her fat ass jiggle once...
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Same, but I feel Nerissa would be too bashful to fart on my face
Mococo should be way higher up since mocofarts are absolutely loud as h*ck. Fuwawa is perfectly placed.
>4 of the girls have piss audios
holy shit, source?
at least piss is more understabndable why did you fags switch to literal shits and farts now
>literal shit
https://files.catbox.moe/lclj8t.mp4 (Immy)
Icey and Shibi has done multiple piss audios but you dig a bit for it on their alt accounts. Immy also did an entire pee endurance stream too.
It's been this way for about as long as /ringo/ has been around, newfag.
I meant to ask in the /d/ thread but I suppose I'll ask here now that I remembered my question:
If Fauna were to have an accident on a plane with another EN girl around, what EN girl would be best for wearing a diaper around her?
I can see her initially being iffy about it, but eventually coming around and playing into it more, she'd even become a tease with them too.
diamonds, thanks anon
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lots of chuubas in intestinal distress the past week:
Noel and Towa (sorry it's for ants)
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and Rainhoe
>Rainhoe will never pull a Tamaki and have a stream where she takes a massive shit
It's not fair bros...
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>Nerissa giving you a knowing smile as she loads up on ice cream and cheese curds
Is Ina an honorary /ringo/?
How did Nerissa invade /Fart Global/?
Is it because of the shit she talks being akin to a fart?
Mumei so the flight attendants can diaper both of them.
>Loves spicy food
>Ate Culver's cheese curds on the daily (also just loves dairy in general)
>Has IBS
just lol if you think there isn't a brapbro silently lurking for every single vtuber
Yes, I'm taking notes
I don't know if I'd ever admit that I have IBS.
That is basically an admission that you shit your pants on a regular basis.
(i'd post art of a chuuba in diapers but idk if they'd be allowed even with spoiler; wouldn't wanna risk it)
There's always catbox, Gromit.
This thread belongs here >>>/trash/
Mumei or Kronii were initial thoughts, but I wanted to at least field more thoughts. I was just thinking about how before that clip I mentioned, Fauna talked about being afraid of having an accident if she didn't have an aisle seat and the person next to her was asleep. So Mumei takes the aisle seat and falls asleep, whether in a diaper already or just wetting herself in her sleep, all while Fauna can't hold it between needing to pee and unsettled bowels due to her vegan diet, so quite the mess ends up in her panties before the smell alerts the flight attendants and now they have two vtubers to put in diapers for the duration of the flight.
i assumed my cell data-based internet wouldn't let me on the main site. what a pleasant surprise
earth shattering cecilia brap
slightly better audio
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Kneel before me, /ringo/ for I AM YOUR QUEEN
Never! Your chair noises will never sway me.
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Then drown.
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/ringo/ used to stand for something. Now it’s jerking off over the sound of a squeaky chair. How the mighty have fallen.
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nice try denying it, ceci
The first occurrence was a definite brap. The second drop was more dubious, after running the simulations and analyzing the audio wave patterns I'd give this a 53% chance of brappening.
I get what thread we're in, but they were both chair scooting noises.
I thought that as well at first, but all the youtube comments timestamping CC's first brap have been removed. That's suspicious.
Nah this has always been the case. There's even some braps in the rentry that are still considered questionable. The first Ceci brap is definitely real btw her chair does make loud sounds but they aren't as low and muffled as that was.
Refer to the Mori incident where she had to actually apologize for leaving the mic running almost immediately afterward. That was even less audible than this supposed brap was, but it was clear what it was.
If either of these were braps, there would've been a statement of some nature and she likely would've been warned against it after the first one. Definitely much more than a few comments being removed.
meh if they offer it up like a regular porn vid it defaults the whole point
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yeah i would say she engages in /ringo/ talk more than the average holo. also used to eat on stream and burp but idk if she still does that
shut up ceci, stop deleting my youtube comments
Still waiting for a clip of her talking about how milk makes her fart. I keep hearing about it, haven’t seen it.
I'm guessing it's a tako thinking everyone will believe it if he says it happened enough times in global
https://youtu.be/rgVPQUzsXZs?si=kiw73ArmgyIxqMQS gotchu bro
god that's adorable
No, it was a scooting sound her chair made.
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Okayu might also be a good /ringo/ mascot
>she's used adult diapers before
>she seems open to baby play
>pic related
that might be her chair but it's good enough for me, suspension of disbelief you know?
Scientist should hurry up and invent smell-o-vision
I read this in CC voice
Shylily butthole hygiene
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yep, I'm thinking we're back
Can the thread survive dead hours though?
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night shift needs to tend the thread now
I'll do my best but thread tending hurts between this one and failing with Chammer's thread as of late...
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oh to be raora's personal litterbox cleaner
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why not be the litterbox?
Why is a wooden doll so gassy? Where is all this gas coming from, she has no organs!
>CC is a 4channer who has a ringo fetish but is also trying to clear her name

I can completely buy this rrat
>cleaning up Raora's coffee shits with my tongue
You're so right actually
Watch her Sekiro drinking stream. There’s low muffled squeaks every time she goes to get a drink.
Unless she just farts every time she moves. Which is kind of hot.
fermented cabbage, imagine the braps
Looking back at >>81276921 does the stench of sauerkraut braps outdo the natto and dairy braps? Would Ceci's farts be about the same level as Kronii's?
You shouldn't. I'm not defending the Jerry's honor, I'm just saying it wasn't a fart...because it wasn't.
Speaking of Kronii, how does the protein diet impact her already quite rancid kimchi braps?
so is this allowed again or have the jannies just not noticed?
Probably just allowed for now. There was a /become/ thread a while ago that was up for days
Oh, I can repurpose my post from /ggg/ the other night as a bump here.
Ame and Gura should do a zatsu collab where they massively bloat themselves up on soda and stuff that agitates their guts beforehand, and don't mute when they need to burp or fart. Other than that, it should be a completely ordinary stream, just one where you can see their models lean to the side as they rip ungodly ass, and the "HIC" emotes find new use.
Isn't she german like CC? I feel being german is cheating for /ringo/, they have such a massive advantage only the actual whores of VAllure can compete.
Yes lily is German too. Do you think there’s a way to trigger Kiara’s jealous nature so she braps too to keep up?
There probably is, but who would bother?
What do you mean, Kiara should brap
Just throwing it out there that vegans fart like 50% more than everyone else on average so the Hololive brap GOAT is actually Fauna
Wait, why isn't this general getting deleted? Are we under new board management?
average thread quality is so low that the thread about literal shit fits fight in
Sapling propaganda
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>he doesn't know about the holy food known as nattou
Fuwawa could easily beat Fauna and its not even CLOSE.
The real hololive brap GOAT is (You)r oshi. Yes, that's right, yours. Believe whatever makes you happiest and horniest. It's not like we'll ever get straight answers as to otherwise.
now that mori is no longer the brapqueen, what's next for her?
I'm not entirely sure if this is being asked in good faith.
Lethal combination. The increase in both volume and smell would make her braps able to knock out a large animal if they were to be hit with just one at point blank range. It definitely bumps her up to the likes of Ame.
absolutely based thread. long live /ringo/. have some chromu pissing audios. (deleted from her twt)
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Marine should smother me under her massive weight and torture me with her braps, and whenever I beg for fresh air, she just laughs at my desperation and lets out more farts.
Not one day passes that I'm not depressed that Marine's fat gigantic ass doesn’t rest on my face
>the real reason Ceci is strongly against coffee is because the one time she had it she sharted real bad
Yeah I can believe that
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Gigi, being the apex degenerate that she is strongly alluding to, would probably actually be very into brapping on stream if she could get away with it. I bet she'd do that adorable laugh of hers right afterwards to like it was the funniest fucking thing in the world.

God I love spats.
if you could make a joke or a meme out of it she probably would.

or just wait. cause with how hard she laughs, brap is bound to slip out one day.
she says she eats even though she doesn't need to. so that food has to go somewhere.
She really does come across as the kind of girl who'd be down for anything and everything.
through her colon and into her spats
Having my sinuses and mouth rinsed by all of Justice.
I think ERB secretly has some rancid braps.
beans on toast every morning will do that
Ok but what about kemonomimi doing it like animals?
I guess I'll just post this here too. Immy burp compilation:
>Mococo is captured by Justice
>they bring her in for interrogation, looking for information on the others
>conventional torture methods aren't working
>Gigi tries smothering Mococo's face with her damp, unwashed spats
>Mococo's canine sense of smell makes the stench so much worse
>ERB shoves her face between her fat British cheeks and starts ripping ass
>Raora uses her as a fart cushion during dinner, the big cat's huge ass barely gives her any room to breathe
>finally she's handed off to Ceci
>Gigi says a silent prayer on Mococo's behalf
>Mococo's secretly relieved because at least automata can't fart...
rip moco-chan
This just makes me think of Marine's methane infused chair at her streaming setup. It holds her weight and ass sweat better but it still has to endure her braps for several hours a day... especially during drinking streams...
Taking Raora outside after stream so she can drop a big log!
having anal sex first so she can squeeze out a choco cannoli
Mamma mia...
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Would Lamy farts be cold enough to quickly chill a drink?
The Justice building is built earthquake proof specifically because of Cecilia
Lamy’s piss already comes out cold, no need to chill it. Could add flavor though.
I think Panko is trying to find out
It could be useful for another girl's piss though, nice and cool with a bit of Lamy spice to it.
need an anon to /become/ and try it
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sweaty japanese summers…
You all want ringo and brass, I want the choco
Don't forget large amounts of tea. Germanic automaton ringo is 90% tea.
Whose do you want?
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with the return to ark, choco stocks are rising
I wish nene was back for it
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Sipping on Shiori's neon yellow acidic piss
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have you ever translated the comments about mio at https://suki-kira.com/people/result/%E5%A4%A7%E7%A5%9E%E3%83%9F%E3%82%AA ?
it's like a jp /ringo/
My JPbros...
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God what a shitty thread
Thanks, we like to collect all of their shit and make a bath out of it
/ringo/ anons I haven't been the same since the Ceci brap. I can't watch her anymore without thinking about her lighting up her chair with her hot German braps. I just wish she can keep her mic unmuted during a bathroom break again so that I can hear her steaming piss hit the toilet bowl, or the sound of her struggling to get a turd that's been stuck in her all day.
Keep dreaming anon
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>"has a THIRD brap hit the tower?"
>the brap: https://youtu.be/eg75kY1YjP4?t=5
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Not sure how we'll feel about non-Holos in this first reincarnation of the thread, but man have some of my favorite VTubers outside of that group been really asking for some diapers lately
I feel like there's been a bit of a lull in diapered VTuber art in general lately but especially for those outside of... basically just Gura lol
>Not sure how we'll feel about non-Holos
op here, I don't want tribalfag gatekeeping just because the mascot is a holomem
this general above all others should know that every chuuba's shit stinks (good)
Mint Castelle braps
Mint Fantome braps
Anal with Mint Fantome until she braps
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What kind of braps do you guys prefer? Big meaty ones, medium-sized toots, or small little wispy puffs?
The ones I know in my heart that my oshi has: big, obscenely bubbly ones that vary in pitch from low to really, really low.
Bigger is always better. Volume and length.
goes for choco as well
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Big fat ones. It's why Juna's brap is still the best for me. Ceci almost had her beat though because of the moan after.
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twap braps
Juna should go through with this idea she came up with
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and if the farts still don't work, that's when ceci installs the piss module
>it would be so funny
Haha yeah it'd also be funny if Juna would let me suck a fart out of her ass too haha it'd be so gross and hilarious to fill my mouth with her ass gas so I can smell and taste her dinner.
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In that case, the notable examples for me have been:
>WrestleTuber 2024 "diaper meta" forms, basically all commentators provide ample chatter about diapers and Mint notably insinuates Doki has a "diaper vibe" to which she intensely defends herself
>Michi Mochievee debuts and within 48 hours is talking about how sippy cups should be for adults, proclaims she's a baby on Twitch https://x.com/honeyyoonn_/status/1782346835144896934
>Twisty talks about how if she wore a diaper, she'd never have to hold her pee when playing games and genuinely considers a "gaming diaper" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYKV7UdF_Mo
Bery cute, I want that sweater some day... Also that artist is fantastic and there's a non-zero chance he'll draw Mint in the future, which has me pretty hyped
Oops, didn't realize I left the links in the greentext for the latter two. Soz.
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>/ringo/'s back!?
Top 3 chuubas you want to be trapped in an elevator with after they just had a huge lunch that their stomach doesn't agree with?
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Haato, Shiori, and Fauna.
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Which is smellier between Chloe's shits and her unwashed orca musk?
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for as strong as Chloe's musk is, I don't think anything can beat shitstink
big, hard piss like she's frying chicken
I'm amazed that /fart general/ is still active.
>6:03 brap too
>Ame and another two Ame's from other timelines that have even worse gluten intolerance
>and they just finished a 10 course pasta buffet with Raora
I will never understand your infatuation with braps, piss, and shit, but I'd trade every single catalogshitter thread to keep you weirdos around
>the third Ame has lactose intolerance too, on top of that
>and she ate her weight in cheese-filled pasta...
In case you haven't watched it, Mio's Ark stream had her delightfully collecting other members' and her own poop
>first barrage of their rancid combined farts drops you to your knees
>they all push their hips back and seal your face inside a sweaty three-way Ame ass sandwich
It lingers like Fauna's awful vegan farts
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good luck, dead hours shift
>all keep whining about their tummies horting and complaining about the utter reek of each other's farts, which keep escaping this seal
>after all, one anon's face can't be expected to take the full brunt of the worst braps in hololive multiplied by three
>the elevator suddenly jerks to a halt, lights briefly flicker
>technician calls in to the intercom
>they say they'll able to get everything repaired and running again...in about an hour
Bros I've been thinking about this for a while, but I really want new Menace to fart on my face. She looks like her farts reek
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Pooters from moomers
Unexpectedly loud one from the cheerful, happy girly girl but when it rips it completely destroys her charisma and she turns into a flustered, shy and stuttering mess.
How’s a moom fart smell?
Woodsy, with a hint of a variety of fermented fruits. More of a mild scent in comparison to other brappers but still a good stink
I was expecting brap ina not /become/ ina.
As loud and windy as possible primarily
would you guys rather your oshi fart on your face or piss on your dick
Face fart, 100%.
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Piss on my face, duh. Yes, picrel.
The thought of feeling her hot air hit my face and getting a nice whiff of her scent does more for me than just feeling her piss.
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Top 3 chuubas you would like to take off their panties after a sweaty gaming session, sit on your face and grind their smelly, unwashed cunt into you as they pleasure themselves, oozing vaginal fluids and smearing them all over your face, until they cum hard and empty their bladder right into your mouth. picrel
I'll start
>biboo at no.1
imagine the mossy rock pussy grinding your benis to dust...exquisite
Is there any chuuba who beats pink thing as the strongest pisser?
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the latter any day of the week and yes I will open wide for mommy.
Twisty is perfect for diapers.
>most iconic /vt/ thead is back
We are so back.
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She is the messiah!
I'd rather kneel behind her
What does the Runie Nectar taste like?
Facefart while I'm tongueing her shithole until she pees on my face
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When is the full Justice ASMR femdom farting JOI offcollab?
They can borrow fauna's ku100, it probably stinks already
pic semi related
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The secret brapper of hololive. She is both loud and rancid every time, but she's incredibly good at control and double muting.
The source is my dick.
god runie is perfect for /ringo/dom
Do you think Kiara got a surprise when they roomed together in the Maldives?
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CC and Fauna should do a green woman collab where they fart into both sides of a binaural mic
Does /ringo/ know that /vag/ chuubas have been posting audios of them peeing, cumming, etc. on their alt twitters since pre-debut? Many of them also burp and brap on stream, but that's not my cup of coffee.
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Shibi also teases us by telling us whenever she farts and sometimes even describes them. She's planning on doing fart audio too so being patient has never been more painful...
Did any vtuber do an actual brap asmr stream yet?
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I think I can say no. /ringo/ would know about it if it happened.
Closest I can think is Mazono Akira’s toilet audio, which had a few farts.
How would frog piss/braps/shits be?
Did you see that webm of a frog shitting?
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once i asked in cbdct if i can talk about male vtubers farting and they said no, can i talk about it here
Maybe some of the bubble noises in Gura's bath stream were farts and we'll never know. Perhaps she even pissed in it, knowing her showering that might’ve happened
We're not gay, basically what you’re describing is a niche of a niche
so i can only kill myself
I don't wanna see a real frog shit
she's pretty fit and keeps well hydrated with her water bottle next to her during streams so most likely a slightly mild, salty taste.
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>ERB admits she wears bloomers
My lord, I try not to exclusively write hololive choco stories but this brit girl is begging for the choco treatment between bloomers and my love of the word nappy.
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You get it!
Since we're approaching bump, and it's about new thread season, should we make another on /d/, too, just in case /vt/ being /vt/ kills us in the middle of the night?
ya, can do it a bit later
Good deal.
Thanks man
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Not a dedicated brap ASMR, but long ago I remember an indie (mumuguru) was messing around and ended up farting and burping during one because she felt bloated. Dunno if it's still archived because it got nuked after a while.
We got it in the rentry https://rentry.org/vtuberingo2
I doubt Reine farted in front of Kiara, but Kiara definitely snuck into the bathroom after Reine took a shit to sniff.
What's with Germans and braps
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Imagine if Fauna has been taking this time taking notes on what foods and drinks gives her the best sounding braps and burps for the first ASMR back. She could even describe how her gas smells and tastes while charging up for more.
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Fauna's rap has taken a turn for the /ringo/
>Fauna's comeback ASMR stream starts
>standard soft-speaking and brushing with cotton swabs
>brief shuffling noise
>loudest wettest fart in the universe
>Fauna sighs and goes to back to whisper ASMR like nothing happened
Fuwawa and Nerissa continue to call each other stinky
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Ceci's thick German logs...
I've never watched Menace but this design does make her look like she'd have an aura of stink around her
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Nice thread
May that anti-/ringo/ janny rest in hell

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