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Love Your Little Sister Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>Who's live right now? going live soon?

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Pixel VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
Ex-Tsunderia: >>>/vt//tsunx/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ thread: >>81177431
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>give me you MBTI right meow
>and your big three too
Essie is really filling up that spreadsheet
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Raki Scheduki
>yapping now
>huniepop maybe with wisu
>vsmp ender dragon
>collab with Kanna Chio Daiya
I miss her
>learns about a different connotation for supple
>I don't think I have sex appeal at all
>I can't see myself that way
>you know clairo released a new song "sexy to someone"
>I'm going to think about that song now
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Essie scheddie
>zenya raids at perfect time
>doing kouhai impressions
>yeyeyeah qua~
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Pillow Schediow
>green screen
>ASMR101 with Enya
>Comfy morning
>Live ASMR
birthday dinner of champions…
thank you scheddyposters you're all awesome <3
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>i wish there were booth assets for girls who aren't so blushie emojis
>that's the only one that wasnt so big...
how is Yuuna of all people aware of methods to make girls look more pettan??
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Para frenchdule
>last week ever
this is now a Daiya collab
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Joat schejoale
>yandere GF sim
>cozy ASMR
Roblox Dress to Impress today was a fun stream
Incestbro here
Happy birthday to my sisterwife
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Ayu Schedunity
>a walk
>geese and ducks
a very animalistic tako this week
celebratory manly video, never underestimate the importance of a letsplayer to a dumb girl
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Tonya Smilodule
>Liora bday
>Enya bday
>Encore day
>Pirate bay
>8th bay
>shool day
>this might be the last stream in a while so maybe it's okay if it's 6 hours
>para is going on a break soon
>nino is in japan
I'm going to shrivel up and die with everyone gone
time to become a trashpan
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Para confirmed that she is after Essie's kitty cats
>staff gave us perms to start skebbing stuff
big things coming
time to vanish for another year, or more B] adios sheeple, have a nice rest of your 2024,
love sisanon (alias; stinker)
goonai stinker i hope your debut goes well
>daiya and raki want to do ASMR from bed
it has been done before ITT and it's dangerous (in a goodway)
be well! and watch Esila
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>cancelled DTI with Yunna
>canceleld the 6h mario endurance stream 5h20 in
>will not cancell pilates tomorrow
>knows her ass
>wants to record things before parents come back
>also wants to clean the house all day wednesday
>has cleaned one of the houseplants she was supposed to take care of
>raided Bajiru (most beautiful singing voice on the planet)
>had lots of fun yapping today
>will play American Truck Sim tomorrow, maybe drunk, no feet cam
>is proud of having built her throat endurance
>may hop on the VSMP
gn basedgirl
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cottagecore gnome fren's muted and going on some vocaloid rhythm shenanigans
Did Essie get raided before Zenya? Why were her numbers so big?
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Moofie also raided in, no idea about numbers or retention cause i literally cant see those
>>has cleaned one of the houseplants
she has KILLED the plant
i need to sleep maybe
FUCK i bumped dead thread a moment ago... i repost.
"its always fun to see you guys geek on sheep as a sheeptuber" :3 thats all, i go back to lurkin~
o thanks
it's always a nice surprise to see you pop in :) whether you're who I think you are or not.
I'm.. probably not that person sorry :( I assume so at least
Going by typing style I think you are :) but I'm not going to blow your cover either way, we're "just anons" here after all. And, if I'm right, then you most likely know who I am, and I ask you to not name me either.
hmmm.. brain is chugging.

ALSO HOLY SHIT ESSIE IS SO FUCKING COOL... she and eira are my two sheep oshis...
oh i thought that was on purpose
that post had the biggest clue - to me - on who our visitor is, but I'll keep my mouth shut as promised
goonai shagger
thanks, good morning
eep is for the weak
I'm also weak
g'night shaggers
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Singies times with Yuuho!!
she had a few frame drops at the very start but it seems fine now
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these are the guitar songs for today
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+one uke song
and the usual guitar ending
>i have a playstation i need to return to the person who lent it to me
>and lots of NES games to play
>and gunpla i wanna build
and the stream ends without deciding what she's doing next time
that was comfy
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It's weewoo's birthday she requires worship and hydraulic pressing
She has a kudoboard too https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/RWt9Qwm0
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definitely would press
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found this cute nurse
>Estelle Underscore Channel
That's scarier than the injection
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Alp is playing eldenrin and doing silly voices every 5 deaths
she's pretty good at this
ganbare alp! that gank looked terrible...
rupu rupu neruneruneee
she's bakc on with more stuff i can't chekc cause busy aaaaaaaaaaa
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what kind of weirdo reads chat on screen, especially during asmr
>71 votes, 53.6 - 46.5
I have a strong hunch a lot of the supporters are twitter tards that think it should be done just because it is done
Remember when Fuwamu said she will not guerilla and spend her day off playing sand tetris?
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seep is doing asmr
But i jusr woke up
>last post 15 minutes ago
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Torture Tuesday, the final countdown edition
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>feeling sick
>allergies have been pretty bad for 3 days
>if you don't shower the pollen and stuff sticks to your hair and skin and that makes it worse
>and i have been too lazy to shower
>there is still leftover cheese
>the lost beetle was found on dirty socks under the desk
>don't like feel of bare feet on cold sticky floor, wear socks, stream, feel hot, take socks off, leave them under the desk that is covered in used tissues right now
>beetle update this weekend
>gonna sound very stuffed
...a very likely explanation
>i bought Essie's merch soooo fast
>then told a friend and they asked me what was in it and i was like
>i dunno...
>i didnt even look i just bought it >>81134115
>shipping was 30 euros
average shagger behavior
para eats food that went through her nose as fast as she buys essie merch
>>gonna sound very stuffed
Sorry thats me.
No I am not pulling out.
eira raided para >>81342842
a rare para sneeze was captured at the 1h mark
clip it and ship it
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it was a short 3.5 hour sand stream
got closer to 200k but not quite there yet
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>I love my women brown!
>you guys are me and im you
>you guys are inside my body and im inside your, we're fusional
>we're like the ying and the yang
>we're the ying and the yang, i'm the ying and you're the yang
>we're linked
>>gay as fuck
>no it's wise!
>the ying is like the yang it's not because the yang is not the ying that the ying cannot be the yang but when yanged you're linked forever
>thank you
>that was not very good but if i had said it in chinese it would have been better
Short but at what fucking hour.
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>>81342842 >>81311252
Para schedule update:
>doing debut watchalong friday night (saturday 1AM incest)
>2 girls, 1 hour each
>got paid 300 USD
>right before the 24h stream with no sleep no snore and karaoke and definitely no asmr haha
>Para is the loudest snorerererer in her senpai after her dad
>moving in with Essie
dafuq did I just read
Welcome to Parasi !
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weewoo borf in under 30m
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>im ....thinking...
>im uhh... i am running...
>i am running reflexions ... in my brain cavity... in order to appear... more polite... and more... a part of the bourgeoisie ...YES
very wise, comrade
>para wear white thigh highs at home for no reason
how is she so gooner coded and lolicore at the same time?
In my experience these generally go hand in hand
para is looking at insects having sex, again
so here's a cute parasite with bnuuy ears instead
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>para will be gone for years in a week
>and I am shit scared of worms
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TF2 sheep's practicing her karaoke skills tonight!
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A little too related to the Para stream...
>I forgot to set up thing the thing I was going to announce today
>*fire gremlin noises*
One year older but still the same weewoo
Does anyone have the eira beatani colab 2kvkpn
>Raided by Pillow
The ewenity even extends to the friend shaped creatures
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>*pillow raids in and instantly gets wrenched*
>god it's a good day to be born
>wtf pillow you want me to be your mom???
strange relationship
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>there is merch
>trying to make good content today for once
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>Pillow you want my home address?
>I'll give you my home address don't worry I'll DM you my home address
Pillow can't stop winning
however, pillow doesnt want the weewoo peepee
she might have found something more terrifying than herself
rough stream schedule
>yappies for another 30min
>call ins
>kudo and cheese cake
>more yapping
>more kudo and cheese cake
>I'll edge you with whatever the fuck I want!
I-I see...
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VERY lewd Enya nudes revealed right on stream
>im not a boy!!!
>im a tomboy! get it right!!!
tomboy are a disappearing breed, which is why we need to breed tomboys more
dollie kinda cute wtf
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seep if she wasn't horny
this is so wrong and heretical she should be horny always and forever
>brat couldnt wait until the top of the hour and decided she NEEDS to look at her kudoboard NOW
so we're doing that, burn the schedule
i don't mind this
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the progression so far
>insect sex
>deshelled turtles
>girl boner
a very normal para stream
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Shaggers there's been another 9/11 meme in the kudoboard
a very normal weewoo stream
>>wait you're a 40yo alcoholic cougar???
>i fucking wish! i'm only 21
sheepgirl can't wait to be a hag but is baby, many such cases
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>It's not... photoshop
She admits it live on stream!
>it's NOT photoshopped!!
you heard the fireball, she did 9/11
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>running out of time
>doing the song of all times
why are the BRB synching...
holy shit
sheepover eminent
>call ins
starting with tonya
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we are now gambling
Junaur next
>Push me, Pull me, wrap your fingers around my neck
>I need your hatred when there's nothing left
>I need your mark emblazoned on my cheek
>I need your strength when I get in too deep>
>And I fall so deep
>Please. Protect me
>I'll love you if you let me
>I know there's something there to save
>So sign my life away
>Moments on my lips like cabernet
>I'm okay when i'm your slave
well damn
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>pillow on da screen fo' borfday
>Pillow mad at gaslighters for the kudoboard
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>>81349056 >>81350125
Pillow drew a cumming weewoo peepee
the thlot pickens
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Ayu's buttcrack is going for a 10000 aura walk
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>murdering technical difficulties
>today we are gonna be walking
>10k steps is the goal
>i kinda just woke up
>touching 360p grass cause everything was being slow
>you can dono to make the tako walk faster or sing
the plan is:
>10k steps
>2h ish

>wanted to ask for help about dual streaming but Essie was busy and could help so Ayu had to figure it out on her own:
>dual streaming might be the default from now on
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turns out there is an entire open world game hidden in this gambling simulator as a silly easter egg
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more bug sex here
>ayu hasn't eaten yet today
>food will be yummier after working out
>30min in
>just past half a mile
we're not doing 5miles in 2h at this pace
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Big fan of that tummy
>i was talking to essie the other day on minecraft
>we had a nice chat talking about our goals and stuff
>we both felt so lucky we have such a supportive audience
>told me i should dual stream
>i love essie
>essie essie essie~
I think Ayu likes Essie a little bit perhapies
she is also hungry sweaty yucky and gross (allegedly) at the moment
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giggly bear fren's using her war-covering experience in dead rising
>made it through the 1st round of call ins
>only missed 3 people
>was expecting so many people to not just read my message
>and everyone was so nice...
birthday creature is not used to being loved on
This slow week is starting off with a lot of overlap
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>already ate a bunch of rotisserie chicken
>i have a cheese cake to eat
>i have 3 bottles of soju ready
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lisa plays the maincwaft
>i go doctor cause i have heart palpitations
>and ms Yancha saves my life and gives me food and internets
>then i play music and i record music
>and i happy becase i play music
>and then im here
>i spoil myself with a carbonated beverage and minecraft
>and i fixed my IEMs
>2 miles in
>not tired yet
>not gonna have a break
>had a bunch of hydration
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The kudoboard going from
>Enya version of the Sam Hyde Hitler's top guy sketch
>Osaya bin ladnis
To just
Had me dying
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>If you are at Vexpo please be expecting something cool from me
This damn sheep is always scheming up something
Super secret scheme no one could have seen coming:
>gonna raid into Enya and cause mischief
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Essie trucking in 1h btw
She is going to accidentally inject herself
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>which one of you fuckers made this.
>stunned after a horrific death
a helpful ragi appears
>I will survive...but out of breath
this is pretty kino
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The picture evidence seems to contradict this
She's being such a little lamb today it's very cute
>careless whisper
i like this a lot in dollie's voice
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A Pillow appears for an adventure after purring on Twitter
>Pillow has successfully asked Lisa to do more ASMR
Thank you Pillow my greatest ally
>Pillow and Lisa discussing the meaning of life
that was not on my bingo card for today
>You don't want to share organs with me!?
Surprisingly Pillow is not the one that said that
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Pillow saves the day, once again
>P: are you okay?
>L: im okay now that you saved my life

>P: i guess we're stuck together now
>L: yeah like conjoint twins
>P: i guess...
Lisa gets attached to mother figures so fast...
>you owe me your friendship for the rest of your life
also NOT a Pillow quote, surprisingly
some sort of post apocalyptic RP has begun
>Pillow is trying to convince Lisa to not talk to anyone because soundwaves are spreading some sort of zombie infection in minecraft AND IN REAL LIFE and management is clueless about it
>Lisa goes along with in
they end up in the basement, naturally
lala x enya was so TT o TT
Chio Chomperoonies on da cake fo' today
shit mang is it gonna be archived
>>81360059 >>81348931
stream just ended, the vod is still here not sure how muted it is tho
there is now a duck on the birthday qua-ke yeyeyeah
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we learned a little more about this strange vtuber disease and now everyone is cured i guess
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Essie is drunk driving tonight
>we're truckin and drivin before i disappear forever! this time, with a proper driving set up i'll show u my pro driving skills!
>10k step goal reached
>see you tomorrow for Miuna's bday collab
>we ate a lot today, let's it a lot tomorrow
>there will be more hot girl walking streams
let it be known that Ayu is not a quitter (at least not today)
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the serene soothing cinematic intro tells this will be an extremely kino stream
>>81360676 talking about eating raccons
>>81349056 has a raccoon on her cake
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>Lisa made a friend and they bonded over obscure music
>all of this happened as Pillow watched quietly
i need to check this Eva girl
also Title Fight will redebut as part of THAT vtuber corpo at v expo, you did not hear this from me
eva burps a lot
my first impression was that she sounds like chromu and yeah that fits
are her mods fucking braindead? there's at least one schizophrenic retard talking to himself and spamming the chat for hours every other stream
>then Lisa died of excitement
>could not raid weewoo like she wanted
>Eva shows up in chat and is immediately exposed as a sheeple
>Lisa needs more time to recover
>is that too soon? should i ease her into it?
>maybe take her to a nice diner first?
this level of anti rizz should be illegal
what is this spreadsheet she's talking about?
>calling the birthday weewoo rn
fooled by timezones ONCE MORE
the whole drakenier timeline with the full lore
it is a real and actual document she has shared on stream partially before
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>why are you eating everything crazy
fire eats stuff in all sorts of strange patterns
>L: i can feel the sweat dripping down my chest
>E: down your WHAT??
>L: im gonna hang up on you i dont care if it's your birthday
and they keep chatting
>all Enya wants for her bday is for Lisa to sing the freak (sheep) song
and she does, Santa is real and he is a sheepgirl
Wisa widdewally talks like that now
at like 1:04:40 she shows a glimpse of it, her drakenier brainrot is not even a meme
Lisa wants you to know she is sweaty
Enya is a menace and outed Lisa as a Resident Evil resident, which ties back to Pillow's pandemic, full circle, magic is real
she said how sweaty she is 3 (THREE) times, in great details in the span of 30 minutes
>the nape of my neck is very moist
4 (FOUR) times
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And she mentioned her tan and tan lines. DO not combine these two pieces of information together for your own safety.
that was a fantastic Lisa stream
you see the most concerning piece of information was that Lisa is going to fix her weird tanlines
and that means lots of time wearing not very much in public cause her $8 ass aint paying to for a tan
>lots of time wearing not very much in public
Idol has really changed Lisa...
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>said she wouldnt play DTI after mario
>did play DTI with Yuuna
>they get a theme, don't consult each other and end up in a paired look SEVERAL TIMES
cant they just marry already?
Lisa has always been a prude freak, for instance >>81364059 this pic of Lisa with underboobs and a very revealing bikini bottom was drawn by Lisa herself back in Tsunderia
she cropped the top off on purpose so no one who know who that's supposed to be, and it worked!
for years people knew her as pure and innocent and definitely not a freak
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>Lisa has always been a prude freak
She knew exactly what she was doing even predebut. The longest scheme she's been running.
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Chikafuji Lisa made this post
>spongebob brainrot and labeling baachis as wienie hut juniors or salty spittoons
>tiktok brainrot. claims there is a small town in Alabama where girls dress in 'renaissance' clothing for an event
>pilates class today. had trouble lifting weights and instructor was hinting that she should lower her weights
>plugging in her driving simulator wheel but does not have enough space on her power strip. does not know which plugs connect to her PC so could accidentally pull out her PC plug
>gambles whether she will pull out her PC plug. successfully wins the gamble
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the final official essie 1.0 comm ever from a soft bnuuy girl
>step shep help im stuck
today is speed day apparently
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a mere 1.5 hour into the stream, Essie is drinking, trucking and gamering AND NOT FEETCAMING
>yes, this is 11% but today i am well fed so it will be alright
>blue raspberry flavor, it tastes like cotton candy
somehow i am not convinced
Exactly 1 hour and 49 minutes in she is finally pressing down on the gas peddle
>im just very confused...

>it's normal to hit curves when you drive, i am not the only one
>did you know my front bumper is falling off?
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>ayu in da chat
>we on da road
life's good

>is there a mod to make this like GTA?
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Does anyone have the beatani colab with the Welsh sheep
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>i hate this one the most and it's the first one that comes up
i cant believe Essie just blew a blue raspberry on a baby
>Essie thinks highly of her feet
she would be offended if she ended up with a poor grade on a certain feet connoisseur list
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Eira the School Girl
That's the kind of face you see after waking up and realizing /wool/ was all a dream
that happened way before my time...
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>i'll make myself suffer for you
>for your entertainment
>*tried to chug*
>...uhh... i am not capable of chugging...
>*tries again*
>this is strong...

>i can feel it... maybe i was not supposed to chug...
Essie is far too week to peer pressure
>im a very clean woman
>it just shows up on my for you page
im not clean and that shit never makes it to my FYP
so im thinking essie's curiosity has been feeding the algo much more than she is a aware of
literally no clue what the fuck she is referencing
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>my espanol es muy bad
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twitch staff knows she is driving drunk her ass is so getting banned
kill yourself
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we truckaoke now
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one pixel away from pikminese
holy fuck
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this thread scares me
I think Essie just said her tights have a hole in the crotch? Pertinent info as she does squats.
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>wearing an off the should UEFA shirt with the neck cut off
>and pinguin pyjama pants with a hole in the crotch
>just did 10 squats
that hole just got bigger
im not truck your drunj
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Essie might not be into hot dudes, unironically
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>i really need to finish this drink...
>guys what if i did a wheel spin right now
>hello Para you are my favorite bunny on the internet, you are so silly i hope you are doing well and that you are doing so awesome and cool and because of your smoking stream i feel influenced to become a smoker thank you Para for showing me a new path in my life, i hope through our shared new love of smoking we can become good friends
>then i'll translate it 5 times and i will not learn how to pronounce it
Para is so gonna interpret thats as "we are not friends yet"
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>shall we karaoke?
>let me try to be a sexy lady
she's tipsy alright
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currently flaming this baachi, allegedly
>even if you killed your family you wouldnt disappoint me
>i love you all very much and you cant disappoint me
>there is nothing you can do that could disappoint me
>unless you became a dictator and killed 50k people
>this is now a maro stream
also DrDisrespect would however disappoint Essie
>since becoming a vtuber i've been looking at my feet differently
>but i think they are so normal
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>im done with truck simulator, let's do karaoke
>you guys can choose my songs
>i was not made for driving, i was made to be a passenger princess
>karaoke starts with Country Roads
this happens way too often around these parts
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>*back from a long pee break*
>you know, it would be really funny if i hadnt muted
>because the bathroom is in the same room as the... as the room, yknow?
>it would be horrible actually i would kill myself
>thank god i am smart enough to mute
>some one said my espanol is very good
>*reads a maro* SHUT UP someone asked me if it was shy this time
>you know, 2yr anniversary essie was a little bit insane but final stream for 2 years for 2 weeks essie is not as insane so you must not ask me these sort of questions because i will kill you
>i will kill you that is none of your beeswax you silly goose
>and i will continue to sing because i hope that you guys like it
>what would you like me to sing?
>>did you wash your hands?
>of course i did you silly, would you like to sniff it?
>just kidding sorry that was a weird thing to say *laughs*
Essie is pretty drunk huh?
her voice sounds so beautiful bros
>essie attempts aishite for the first time
it doesnt sound like a first time
she's pretty good at this
>sorry this is so freaking bad
she is running out liquid courage
this song is dangerous
I know it's rude to put others down to compliment Essie and she'd slit my throat for saying this, but, I don't understand why she talks about vtubers and raids into others saying they have amazing singing voices and she's creaming her pants hyping them up. Then I listen to them and they're all performance and they're straining the hell out of their voice and it just sounds uncomfortable.

Essie's voice is so open and pleasant to listen to.
>throat is starting to die i feel i should end soon
>but i dont want to end
>i dont want to go either im sad i love streaming

>i will apply for partner again tomorrow
>and i will get it and i'll tell my parents i need privacy for 2h to celebrate an internet accomplishment and we'll celebrate
>im manifesting it into reality
>it will happen it will happen it will happen
>i'll do one or two more requests
>then i should really go because i have to wake up at the asscrack of dawn
silly chat not requesting super shy
>give me more requests
>i dont want to leave...
>i really love streaming
>let's do a couple more
>i really don't want to leave tho
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Don't do this to me essie...
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>moon song
>we're a million miles away
>meat fren Alpa raided in
>singing Utada Hikaru's First Love
It's over...
nini shaggers
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>thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart for my NEET summer...
>this is literally the end of my NEET summer because im gonna start working as soon as i come back to be honest
>it was a crazy crazy summer
>so much has changed for me
>so many awesome things have happened
>this summer was great. honestly, genuinely
>i know august has yet to come but honestly this si gonna be the endo the summer for me because im going to become a working woman for the rest of my life soon
>but! NEET summer was fun, i did so much, I accomplished so much...

>NEET summer could have been much longer, curse the fact that i became sick for 3 weeks as soon as i graduated college..
>i feel like i accomplished a lot, i had a lot of fun
>and i dunno, it reaffirmed in my life that i just love vtubing and i hope that's something i can do for a very very long time
>im so happy that i wasnt taken down, i, so happy that i proved my ultimatum wrong and i am excited for what year 3 has to offer for me

>thank you again for hanging out with me tonight, genuinely i appreciate it, it makes me happy that you enjoy my company
>i promise you i will do twitter spaces between now and aug 4th
>will celebrate partner when i get it. i'll ask my parents to give me some privacy to stream
>thank you for listening to my karaoke ...im sorry it was so bad... im a very rough at the edges kind of singer but i will keep practicing
>thank you again for everything

>i'll see you in august okay
>have a good rest of your july
>will try my best to stream if i can... if we can stream together, im manifesting it! im speaking as if it's already about to happen, im manifesting that it will happen! maybe not tho... but hopefully.. i dunno!
>but thank you so much again, i really appreciate it, it's been lots of fun, i'll see you soon ...
>i'll try my best to stream when i can i really will i really will
>thank you for hanging out with me tonigh-
>*eyes darting left and right*
>i heard like a door open.... and that's very scary ...i think it was my cats but it's still very scary ... i don't know if you heard it but it was a weird creaking door noise
>that's really scary... i should check... but let's raid somebody actually, let's go

>thank you for this crazy memorable summer
>most awesome summer of my life
>i will see you all soon okay
>don't forget me okay!
>i will bother you sooo much on discord i will bother you soooo much on twitter, i will constantly bother you all
>just so you know i am not disappearing
>on friday i will join the End Raid on VSMP, i promise
>i wont be streaming, i will be on other streams
>i will definitely exist on other places
>thank you again i appreciate it, good night good night
>dont forget me okay
>what is my name? essie underscore channel
>what am i? a sleeeepy sheep vtuber
>and i will see you all hopefully soon if we can celebrate question mark

>i love you all shoooo much
>thank you shooo much for hanging out with me tonight i really really appreciate it, have a good rest of your day, night or whatever it is where you are and i will see you all either soon if we can celebrate together or i will see you in august i will try my best tho to make time for when i can
>good night everybody i love you all so much ...don't leave me!
>dont leave me please dont leave me dont leave dont leave me, dont leave me please dont leave me okay

>we are stuck together at the seam, i have sewn my hip to yours, our bodies are connected and you are not allowed to go anywhere else
>you are not allowed to leave me, you are not allowed to leave me okay
>have a gpod rest of your night or day or whatever time it is where you are, bye everybody i love you all so much chuchuchuchu
>i'll see you on twitter spaces for sure but i'll miss you... ill miss you so much i'll miss you so much
>bye everybody buhbye buhbye buhbye
>waaaah i dont want to goooo
>i am sad this had to end but goodbye every body i'll see you
>have a good rest of your july okay, hopefully we can see each other soon buh bye everybody byyyyyyyeee
>haaa... man... i should go... goodbye vod watchers ...goodbye goodbye goodbye, thank you for everything i'll see you later
>goodbye thank you for watching this vod goodbye goodbye goodbye thank you, buhbye
>i dont wanna leave i dont wanna end stream uuuuuu
>okay goodbye im sorry byyyye

If i had a penny for every little sister coded sheep girl who used conjoined twins as a metaphor for being together forever i would have made 2 pennies in the past 6 hours which is a shitty hourly rate but it's really fucking weird that it happened twice in that short of a span
entirely unrelated to the stream, I just want to say I really love her smile
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Joat turned her cover of Aishite from ther Yume+ concert into a standalone video, it's really good
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Yuuho singies
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Piller space
it's oh so quiet...
>seaweed spoketh
>the space endeth
Raki wike up for her morning ASMR
goo mornin
Oh look, its raining.
Noitan singy relay
Fuwamu singies
Fuwamu singies !
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>>81395605 >>81401365
3 hours in she is still going strong
Krumroll is live ! she will be playing [STREAMER LIFE SIM] !
Her endurance is incredible. Probably thanks to beer.
fuck yeah mang
so true
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>only just realised the humour in posting a lore heavy video titled 'THE END IS NEIGH' in blood font and then disappearing for like five days
>i don't think the guy who did the discord bot stuff is still in the company...
>>sorry about your vtuber agency
>me too brother!!
>i love being indie but i get to put brackets after my name
i need more soundposts of eira quoting dracula flow
>i've been away from my computer for 5 days and it feels more like five weeks
>this past weekend i went to Hyper Japan an anime and JP culture convention in London
>and it's been really weird

>was going with 2 of my very close friends i dont get to see very often
>we found a relatively affordable place 40min away from the con, however
>when we got there, there was a heat wave it, there was no wind, no air moving no cloud cover no trees
>and im from the ocean, the weather is cold and windy in Wales
>you add this to the London Underground with no AC
>we are tired sweaty and gross
>it was a renovated house, we walked in and the whole thing smelt like gas
>as though the stove had been leaking
>there is no AC no airflow it was like a sauna in there
>there was no toilet paper, we had to go
>it was full of bugs, airborn bugs, wall bugs and floor bugs
>the towels hadn't been washed, i picked off a piece of dried booger from my towel
>my bed sheets had black mold growing at the bottom and also burn marks

>my friend has a shower, everything is fine
>i go take a shower someone comes knocking
>my friend warns me i now have to get our of the shower because the water is dripping from our shower to the room below it
>we figured friend 3 could get a real quick shower anyway
>and a different person comes knocking saying their ceiling is leaking water onto the electrical box for the whole building

>we call booking dot com and they tell us we had called 3minutes too late to be relocated, it had to be before midnight
>the entire weekend was back and worth trying to get relocated and dealing with fantom plumbers
>so we survived there for 3 nights

>i got bit by a mosquito but i didnt tell anyone
>because my friend told me they saw a mosquito and i said we don't have those in the UK and i didnt want to admit i was wrong
>i saw the butt of a fox, ever saw two and one of them was in London
how does furi always get into the craziest situations???
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>going to VEXPO, really passionate about it
>bumped into organisers, they were walking an iPad around, got to learn some behind the scene stuff
>cons in the UK are usually 18+ because it's cheaper for insurance reasons
>you dont really see anime/geek stuff just around in stores
>we just had Comicon for years
>the idea of VEXPO opens up the possibilities for more specialised cons in the UK and that's cool
>i wanna see VEXPO year 2

>Kawaii had a M&G and i had arranged to go see Tomoe, but those were streamed on youtube
>i debated doxxing myself but i was in cosplay with a face mask
>so we're at the Prod Kawaii booth, manager is explaining when Tomoe will be around and the VEXPO guy who i was talking earlier comes buy and was like
>>OMG your tweet is on the ipad
>it was this tweet here
>and the caption was "uh oh"
>we talked a bit but i never found out why they were talking about my tweet.. (picrel)
>and not knowing drives me crazy...
>i do have his business card
>the chances of that happening are actually astronomical...
>the chances of seeing my tweet on some random ipad in a crowed convention center from someone i had bumped into earlier... that is really weird...
finally a vtuber con that I wouldn't have to cross a whole fucking ocean for
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Another promise kept!
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>my hair is really short and spikey and the back is blonde for now but 2 days beforeVEXPO we're gonna die the back green and the front orange
>im cosplaying myself at VEXPO
>i need to see VEXPO year 3
>and at year 2 i need them to say
>>oh Furi you are so cool and so awesome and we want you to be the headline of our convention
>it's exactly how that's gonna happen

>saw maids stuff
>saw lots of cute girls in lolita fashion
>was excited that people knew who i was cosplaying and that was very exciting

>this is really exciting to me and maybe 3 other people in the world none of you are gonna get this but i need you to know that this is so hype
>in the early deviantart era, i was a wolfkid and there was this webcomic called the Blackblood Alliance and there were these two figurines of these two char this is BloodSpill and this is SwitfKill
>and when i was at Hyper Japan i came across the booth an a certain artist and she was the creator of the BlackBlood Alliance and she revealed to me they were remaking these figurines in high quality and for a limited time they are selling the older version at the convention and i am now a proud owner of a SwiftKill figurine
>this is like going from a con and Jesus Christ himself coming down from the ceiling and giving you a living breathing real life pikachu
>so i got to meet my childhood hero and spend a 120 bucks on merch of edgy dogs and i dont regret any of it
>there are 2 people in the world who know about that franchise and how influential it was
Essie youtube membas have opened!!!
>learned a lot about contract laws and lawyers against my will in the past 4 months
some advice from Furi Fertain from Vtuber Company in Important Looking Brackets
>A. dont talk about anything ever
>B. unless it's in writing, signed and dated, it isnt real
>C. ???
>D. dont sign contracts outside of your own country, just as a general rule of thumb
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>im not a sanrio girlie
>im not a chiikawa girlie
>im not a tamagotchi girlie
>im a kenji (sp?) girlie
>my fav chars are tanuji and daruji

>i dont have a schedule at the moment, my agency is going *falling down like a pooped feather in the wind and into a bonfire noises*
>*pillow appears in chat*
>i saw a clip of Pillow saying that MrBeast was gonna run for president on twitter and
>the sound of of her voice was so comforting that i dropped everything i was doing and just zoned out listening to her voice

>i need a girlfriend
>i... am sick of this... i need a woman in my life... NOT PILLOWDEAR
>i was listening to pillow and hanging out with my friend and human contact is so nice
>i need a woman in my life, that or 3 more dogs
>>how about Pillow?
>NO she offends me

>anyway, you guys want to play some VSMP?
>just for one hour because Salsa is waiting
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>Kanna was into Furi's wall, waiting to pillow-prank her
>Furi collected some Rhubarb (head)
>Furi has lost her drive to build SandLand
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>Furi sees Pillow out of the corner of her eye
>freaks out and logs off
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>Pillow: i will always find you Furi~
somehow this turns into a convo about ASMR
>Furi is curious about that $10k ASMR mic
>still not into ASMR, allegedly
>unless it's very specific soap gouging but not soap crushing
Pillow dies a couple times for no reason and then
>*Pillow hrmphs Furi cutely*
>*Furi asks about no-no works and gynaecologists and ends up in a "hole" naturally*
>*furi then develops schizophrenic hallucinations from a cute stalker overdose*
her two stalkers being ASMR pros is a strange coincidence
oi oi oi
>F: are you gonna put Curse of Binding in a dispenser and then trap people in pum-
>P: in pumpkins? yes...
>F: you're so so evil... that's what makes me carnally attracted to you
>P: huh?
>F: mmh? i said that's what makes you evil
>P: *stares* w- what was that last part?
>F: uhm... i said that's... that's so evil... that's what makes you Pillow.. cause you're evil
>P: Furi says some interesting things sometimes...
>F: huh??
>P: cute furi~
>F: i dunno whacha talking about, anyway my little Salsa dog- where the hell did you go??

>*pillow can't handle being wanted carnally and runs away*
>*furi announces she is living in chat, pillow comes running back*

>dunno when i'll be streamning next
>will stream the ender dragon raid around 8PM BST
>im gonna play Dress To Impress before bed
Furi raided Scarlett
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really tempted to make this the OP
she's so cute here...
W-what if Furi and pillow just... idk, k-kissed? Not romantically or anything just yknow... it'd be cute I guess
The cutest! Plus the fact that she remembered to post it, even if was scheduled right after the stream she promised to post it... my heart. She'd probably find it weird to see how much this means to me, but still, I love her so much.
it's time, baker
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>>81424917 something
>>81424917 not unlike the
>>81424917 shape of bread
These two trying to do anything remotely sexual would be so freaking awkward and cute and incredibly hot

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