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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Missing Sheep Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>Who's live right now? going live soon?

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Pixel VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
Ex-Tsunderia: >>>/vt//tsunx/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ thread: >>81309652
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hello /wool/
I love Esila
that's all for now.
/lig/ seems to have a schizo that hates all /wool/ girls
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Strange group of girls to go out of your way to hate but I guess that's /vt/ for you
well that's easy to fix
just gotta revive /pi/ real quick
I love essie so much, bros
>/lig/ has a schizo
no way
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She's such a big part of my schedule now I'm gonna miss her a lot
oh shit what happened i missed the last stream
I haven't been there for a while, but it's worse than I remembered. Just filtered them for good measure.
kek, I just popped in and saw the one who hates para sperging over essie. i think it’s probably best to not shill her there when she gets partner on twitch
Her two monkey weeks
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There's a big GGD collab with a bunch of familiar faces if you need something to watch, here's Ayu's POV
>i decided to dye my hair
fuck right
genuinely despise that place, you'd actually doing good not talking about her there
>t. used to go there and have somewhat of a good time for most of 2022 until it went to shit
who's the one with the duck and the red pupper behind suri
wani and moofie (I think). They are friends with Raki
Mori, Raki/Ayu from the friend group
It's the girl Ayu was talking about here >>81218175
soon to have a full vtuber debut i think
moofie's a tiger
>>81430153 (me) I am not awake
Pupper is Mori, from the Raki/Ayu friend group
duck on head is Wani a alligator if you can believe it
>no scutes
I'm real generous with designs, but c'mon girl you not gonna cute scute 'n boogie?
>Ayu wanted to dye her hair cherry red but ended up with orange instead
>will dye black to get some more acceptable
if purple Ayu is mildly evil by default would an orange Ayu be somewhat angelic?
>pink Koto is now blue
>purple Ayu is now orange
>green/orange Furi is now blonde/hazel
is it international dye your hair day or something?
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just one of those funky hue days
it's probably just to shake things up
essie wants maros
>barely showered
>still not dressed
>gotta go eat dinner
>we ate a lot today (as the pelican)
>let's eat a lot tomorrow
i love the way Ayu turns any stream into karaoke even a busy collab like this
bugfren's bearfren is karaoking
>finishes last song
>i kinda wanna sing another one
she got the 'last song' addiction too
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is there a name for the behavior (mental illness?) that some chuubas have hoping from one model/design to the next??

they'll be a cat one day a bug the next month and a monkey a couple weeks after that, with a full detailed designed a different name and usually they sell the old designs and collect new adoptees daily and they're still predebut and barely ever stream
asking here because i've seen this happen with a couple very cool sheepgirl designs that have passed through 5 or 6 different chuubas without ever getting used on stream for more than a month
Captcha: HD PXW
HD pixel whores?
Hey, none of that here. Only comfy times, damn you.
nini shaggers
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holy shit
haha what if the popsicle dripped all over her chest
that raccoon is still awake btw
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Nanamona is doing some more drawing zatsuing while thanking supas
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Noitan is now 2 months old and answering maros
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>i always drink water, but today i have juice!
>my marshmallow overlay is not working
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Retro JP sheep Yuuho is doing her singies
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A very normal maro, part 1
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>>81450612 >>81450945
part 2 of a very normal maro
Japanese has about 10 times as dense as Eigo in terms of meaning per glyph, so this 1k glyph JP maro is equivalent to 10k characters if it were written in English
granted a good chunk of it is elongated sounds but still, it is very very normal
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The raccoon is still awake and now counting
>>is your current voice the result of a lot or training or are you extremely gifted?
>i dont recall it myself but i was told many times that when i a very little and just learning to play the piano,
>i would headbang while playing
>clearly i was born with a certain talent
there is a certain chuuni feel to this mental picture
yeah that fuckin rules
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>shorter stream today
>>is is because you are eepy?
>how did you figure it out???
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>my orison is now available in karaoke places
>please sing it and send me a picture
>last song for today
>*sings her original song Engelslied*
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>maybe guerilla tomorrow
>amongus collab saturday
>karaoke relay on sunday
jeeze nana why do you get to have THREE pairs of sunglasses
>now done with the supas from the countdown stream
>onto supas from the actual bday stream
>but first time to stand up walk a bit and stretch because her butt was starting to hurt

she did a whole bit explaining how more sunglasses means more protection from UVs
>it makes me laugh when people try to massage my back
sheepgirls are usually ticklish
>everytime i try to clean my ears with cuetips i cough
strange creature
>picking a movie for christmas watchalong
planning early
christmas isn't in july?
>stopping here for now
>did not get stopped by thunder
>but headaches are back
Nanamona raided thigh chuuba Anshin
only if you're australian
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time for a nap
a 42 hour one or more
don't think so, because they usually coast under the radar twinkling in and out of existence and only the really plugged in even notice them much
it's just vtweeters with a budget, spending money trying to solve their problems with delusions only for the problems to slam them in the face the second they get what they want and then it's on to the next thing
could be real, actual bpd, just retarded, or some other combination of nonsense, but man, it must suck
HATENA a DELTA e-sports sheep from the Amuse Dolce Amyudol vol. 2 Singing Relay
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Little known sheep tuber for you.

#ThatHecksingSheep #skribblyn #Kadalingus

Retro and low bit games. Currently playing Crown Trick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfNkQaEYufI

Get in here sheep fuckers!
if they're selling the designs maybe they're also making them and taking them for a test drive? Only thing I can think of apart from thinking the model makes the vtuber and they just keep changing trying to find something viral. If they're buying the models then selling them then they're just some daddy's daughter with too much credit card playing dress up.

There should be more low viewer and dress up chuuba generals on /vt/
might be trying to make too much sense of it
probably have the dress up part right, but I'm not sure they know that
hits me more like people who think buying a guitar makes you a guitarist only, well...
>that one wasn't the right one so I wasn't really inspired to play
>oh and that one something got in the way, so I had to sell it
>hey, I'm trying again! this time, for sure!
>>no one cares or shows up
>>it was not this time
repeat with every other flavor of not understanding how the world works, but being able to scrape enough money together to buy another round of fleeting hopium
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Pillow news
What is our stance on self shilling?
Personally it does not bother me (but I realize this is a very radical stance.)
openly /here/ is never good
With exception made for Kiki.
I don’t like watching chuubas that are obviously /here/ tbhdesu. Also this thread is picky with who actually gets posted so the chuuba can try but they probably won’t stick.
How picky this thread is has really saved it a lot of hassle
i like her design a lot, actually. the star motif seems pretty well-implemented
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https://x.com/BriAtCookiebox/status/1816518635432870283 pillow stuck in between balls
i feel like it's been a while since i've watched balls on stream
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blue friend committing felonies in san andreas
Did someone fool her into licking her ASMR mic?
no but they were VERY close
Paras stream was killed by faulty drivers.
And it died just as she was goin to show us schedule of her saturday marathon.
The concept is not bad, execution is. Thankfully it is not like ideas are ever obsolete and you can recreate your concept once you are more skilled.
somehow i am still not used to the gap between krum's cute model and voice and how much she enjoys doing violence in games, it's great
Found her last week when she was playing this and she's pretty cute. I hope she doesn't quit and people stop backseating her with wrong info
Para was back for a little bit, still with tons of delay
feeling pretty down, will try to fix it offline and might come back
not happy streaming when stuff is not optimal
she mus be really stressed about the 24h stream now
Been watching her for a couple of months now, still can't deal with how cute she is sometimes
I like Krum but I feel like I dont match her wibe, so I dont watch her too much to not be a bother.
>this game is fun but is it worth it???
jank ass retro games just be that way sometimes
why is everyone sad today
Krum learns deep dark truths about Pringles
(the recipe is not the same in the US)
anons or chuubas? or both?
kinda glad i dont have any insight on anons mental state
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woolly non-sheep southerner's got a few more levels left until she 100%s super mario sunshine!
surely she knows SA is extra jank without the frame limiter right? even with the silent patch I got some crashes here and there
i really doubt she does
she's not really used to dejanking retro games
>koto did her talons today
>went for a jiraikei inspired pink and black design
>can take up to 4h to do the whole thing with charms and all
her IRL model has to look super vtuber with those and the pastel blue hair
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what if seep was hornier
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Guess who DEFINITELY DOES NOT have a sand addiction AT ALL
god i love watching this game
she's getting lots of chatty kaigai niki today
and her eigo is lovely
>*game crashes again*
>that's enough!!
>i cant do it not more... I've had eanough!!!

>i really did i really did, im a gamer!
>...totally beat the game mhmm
>having lots of short streams lately
>wanna try to make a really long stream for my bday
>maybe 10h
>i wanna do pancake art, i think that wouldn't be too messy to do in room
>gonna celebrate early prob the 6, two days before the actual date because i'll be away for a week for my bday
it's like 4 months away still
i guess christmas really is around the corner huh
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Joat is playing some silly yandere game
she made a cute thumbnail for it but youtube hates her re-using wating rooms
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Weewoo ASMR 101
>Pillow will teach Enya how to weewoo in a tingly way
Can't wait for the "Your house is on fire" ASMR
>E: you could invite me to do anything and i'd say yeah
>P: anything...? saw trap?
>E: yeah!
Enya has no sense of danger or she really really trusts Pillow for some reason
>"Your house is on fire" ASMR
which chuuba's streaming shed burnt down recently?
>weewoo like to roleplay much more than she likes to listen to other people rp, she wants to be part of it
this 101 class is a trojan horse to recruit Pillow for her future chuuba DnD projects isnt it?
Pillow would actually be really good in DnD I think
Was it Kilia from EIEN? I don't keep up with them but I think I saw something about that on twitter
it was, and it wasn't a total loss
>sometimes when i'm doing asmr i'll lift up the shirt i'm wearing and wrap it around the mic, it sounds very soft
pillow's soft bare pillows...
>I'm trying so hard to be calm and quiet
Calm and quiet Enya is very cute too
>I can do funny ASMR?!
And now they are whispering skibidi and sigma
>i dont know how girlfriend stuff really works but it really like the idea of your brainrotted GF explains memes to you
>i dont know if im more girlfriend or annoying little sister tho
Enya, that's called streaming
>>i dont know if im more girlfriend or annoying little sister tho
That feels like it describes a lot of this thread...
>I want to do pirate ASMR
>You're the only one awake on the ship and I'm the mermaid that was captured trying to convince you to set me free
Right off the bat weewoo has a great idea
DnD mentioned!
i think weewoo would really enjoy doing her non serious asmr ideas
all she needs is a bit of confidence to get past the brainworms about her ideas not being good
>turning DnD campains into ASMR
now that's a fantastic idea
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>5min solo weewoo asmr
>helping your little sister clean her messy desk
nevermind, the desk is staying messy, it's comfier that way
Enya's voice is really nice for ASMR
>Pictures herself in a field of sunflowers when anxious
>Wanted to reference it in her 5 minutes
If she seriously gets into ASMR she'll be dangerous
>Enya: you know how sometimes viewers get parasocial for their streamer? i feel it's the other way around for me
>Pillow: it's okay, i'm very parasocial to my chat too
none of this is being parasocial, it's just being affectionate
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so anyways Essie Underscore Channel is thinking about lactation in public
>Eating ASMR
Enya you know not what forces you are messing with
>xlr cables should come in tomorrow
Enya will very soon be armed with a fully functional 3Dio and many many ideas from shower ASMR to mukbang to being your little sister who has no idea how to girlfriend and really need to tell you about this new meme she found on tiktok
>I'm really glad chat was nice to me
>i dont know if im more girlfriend or annoying little sister tho
Enya just take the sisterwife pill
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>Enya HAS to do an ASMR stream next week
Thank you Pillow
Enya got her homework, and a lot of praise and she'll have the cables tomorrow
>im gonna have to practice being quiet for so long
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that was a really cute and funny stream
Enya definitely has the right kind of autism to really get into making asmr and figuring out what sounds nice, on top of enjoying roleplaying
she'll do great!
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>i kinda want to go in a public server
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>watching a horror movie with your cute and funny student after class
Pillow is an inspiration
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Why are all the pink women groomers
short 3h sand stream today
>she talked about Egypt and how the mummies were stacked on top or one another in display cases at the museum
>and how she could not go through with a pyramid visit she had paid for because as soon as she went in, she couldnt breathe
>having looked up after the fact, people say tha pyramid is protected against evil spirits by an ancient spell, so that means she is evil
>either that or because it she did not eat anything that day and the crowded pyramid was low in oxygen
she got very close to uncovering the true wisdom hidden in the sand...
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i mean... maybe dont
kids have zero taste...
yeah dont eat them either
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Wifey's malfunctioning!
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is it cannibalism hour?
what would the ninokashi taste like?
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uuuuuuu Essie tweeting just makes me miss her more uuuuuuu
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like guinness drank out of orange crocs she wore all day walking across tokyo during summer, but more bulbous
>you are now thinking about essie on a thoisday
it's almost as if that was on purpose
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I got inspired by the other thread
She dressed, she impressed, now she embarrassed
Did anyone save it?
It's not in cache anymore for me
And I thought her burger was questionable…
just like the feetloaf... the only question: why.
the world will never know
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I miss my Wife uuuuuuuu
Esila please make a short and sweet voice tweet, I want to hear you again. Yes, phone quality is fine for this once.
essie is a little freak and i love her dearly
If you think the feetloaf is weird, just you wait until you hear how she eats it
she protests a bit too much whenever feet are brought up, so I'd guess toe by toe :D but I do want her to tell it... I want her to say anything, I miss her voice and I'm going crazy AAAAAAAAAAAA
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jaypee retro sheep's doing her singies tonight!
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both of you never post again
I just did. oops!
b a m p
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cute outfit tonight
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>dont forget to tuck in your sleepy sheep girl at night !! she gets cold easily!
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>Para will be learning ASMR too
>From Shibi
The ASMRification of /wool/ continues
nice to see the whores getting around
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Post this >>81527676
Deletes it >>81509098
>calls baachis DUMMIES and batters them
>decides to end violence
>thinks about lactation
>posts revealing outfit
>abuses baachis
>comforts baachis
what even a single day without baachis does to a sheep
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Meanwhile on alt
>monkey running away gif (after deleting >>81527676 )
>swears to come haunt your dreams
>records a cute voice tweet for you during the 2 minutes of privacy she gets https://litter.catbox.moe/hcyz4r.mp4
>reminds you of her hot body suffering to become hotter
>asks if you are thinking about her yet WITH EMPHASIS
>gets a bit sad (i think ? because of the lack of replies? not pictured here)
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and 10 minutes ago:
>this is us btw
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Fuwamu is drinking and zatsuing
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Meeple is surviving and crafting but the game is not blocky for some reason, i am very confused about her shaders
>Fuwamu is eating eel (unagi) and explains it's not that weird of a dish, other people eat it too
>Somehow mentions /Wales/ in the list of countries where they also eat eel, but she's not certain about it
I don't think I have ever heard a JP chuuba mention Wales, ever
You can even add generic JP talents the list, in a couple decades worth of listening to those
I dont think 99% of the JP pop is aware of the silly island of sheep fuckers
>gonna announce lots of things during the 6 months anniversary stream
with how industrious she I'm gonna guess merch, a cover and some big collab/sponsor
(and I hope it's gonna be sand themed)
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Kadalyn my oshi sheep tuber is decoding low bit music in python. It's pretty fire for this channel. LIVE NOW

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bros she reading high ram get in here!
this is a whole new level of autism, i like it
my brother in sheeps. also the OST is fire 70% of the time.
>nerding out EVA voice actors and who voiced the mechs or the pets in the show
>continuing EVA watchalongs next week
>all out of eel
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btw color is navy blue, lacey
>reveals that the eel she was eating was actually human meat and discusses the way people's diet affect the way they taste
she isnt usually like that...
The voice is a pass, sorry shagger
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she's not wrong, I got compliments all the time when I was veg*n. now my jizz stinks but I'd rather eat beef than impress a girl with my cum flavor.
>back during the darkest period of my OL days i would drink a strong zero first thing in the morning so i could feel drunk all day
>at night i would stream to socialise and fall asleep on stream all the time
>it happened so often that i set it up so people calling me on discord would cut off the streaming mic and it would be safe to sleep on stream
"22" years old btw
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>no sand stream tomorrow i have rehearsals for the concert
>definitely wont play sand game
>vRide concert tomorrow will be streamed for free if you cant go in person
>SAT 2130 imas/LL relay
>SUN 2200 will be 6th month anniv (and maybe sand game in the morning)
I like her voice it's kind of relaxing like ASMR

is she a trap? not that it matters just curious
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Pillow needs you to do the democracy
Both will end with her taking my heart. Literally, that is
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mint followed mint so they are mint moots now
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Furi Ferntail might be trying to compensate for something
Girls will literally build a whole empire in the sands by hand instead of just confessing their love to the local yandere stalker, baka my head
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and everyone kneeled out of respect
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Today Krum is a cat-shier
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>game is short, gonna yap a lot today
im still not over how cute her new model is
aw cute
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>prepping for maid ASMR
>rigged a pose for it
>the outfit is on the way
>not sure how to show it off or if she will at all
krum says it then plays gordon ramsey saying it then there's an
>i don't know where is the lamb sauce?
could be a soundpost i think not sure how to best edit/clip it tho
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VSMP Ender Dragon Raid, Furi POV
when you go into your clips menu there's a download option, it'll come out as an mp4
using sites, convert it into an m4a and then remove the sound from it before making it into a webm
there should be a site for downscaling the webm too if it ends up being too big to post on 4chan
encode your m4a using https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder/ and then put it in the filename (example: LAMB SAUCE[sound=encodedlink].webm)
thanks for reminding me that i need to fix the lengths on this later btw
Is the thing where you hit the clip button but not publishing it still notifying the streamer still happening?
don't need the scheme, so just the single / needs urlencoded to %2F
probably, unless their new clip interface is active yet
they're supposed to be reworking how clipping works to make it easier
I just snag a rough cut from the vod with yt-dlp and process everything locally
also really annoyed that vodrecovery no longer seems to work to grab a vod in progress that isn't published yet. recent fork doesn't, either
twitch must have changed something on the back end, so unless I can find something else, no more ad-less radio sheepy vods
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>killing the dragon won't be that hard
>debating whether i should bring some withers to make it harder
>won't do much fighting the dragon, mostly making sure people don't die

>group raid is in 2.5 hours
>has started using litematica to plan sandland

people have started building in Furi's kingdom
>Daiya made a bakery
>Kanna made art
>some of the girls help mining out a bunch of sand
>DK made a thing
>Furi made a minecraft school

>working on different areas all at once
>almost out of ADHD meds, saving the last ones for when it matters (aka not MC)
>gonna work on the lighthouse

picrel is a litematica view of the red outline on this pic >>81542442
>>81545011 a wild pillow appears
>im one of the first people who got to see Pillow-s plushie and it's so cute
>do they ship outside of america?
>>they do
>im gonna get one and throw it in a woodchipper!
>furi: im gonna get heat problems from this server aren't i?
>pillow: from the server?? i don't get any credit??
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Krum is in game with Nina
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>Furi gave Pillow a job to get rid of her
>DK and Chio come along
>Furi teaches them colour and the meaning of a specific one (could be a clip)
>DK leaves, Chio gets a bunch of diamonds to make some armor for the raid
>Furi is now on her lonesome
Furi is way too good at the abusing boss RP and Pillow tears make me horny
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ok some of her reactions in this are gold
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weird game are great for that sort of reactions
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Essie has been on the server for a while
I'll try to find a good POV for her once the raid starts in 40min
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giggly bear fren's watching some videos with viewers tonight
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Tako VS Dragon but on Twitch
Furi was very excited to see Tonya join the sever
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Ragi POV of the raid
>furi went to rescue pillow as soon as she asked for help
Essie and Yuuna are on Raki's PoV rn
It's already so chaotic lmao
Tonya is also streaming the raid
Tonya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQqulfm80H8
Pillow is on Ayu's POV for now
now joined by Raki
>essie wants to know that she is scared
>this is like an introvert's worst nightmare
based yuuna
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If you want some peace and quiet instead of blocks and chaos, this demon from down undah has your covered
Tonya still doesn't have her sword...
Essie was hard to catch in the group pic
Furi and Pillow are dead center, as the toxic yuri power couple of the server
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Pillow is glued to Furi, it's so cute
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I think Essie hit the perfectly average sized dragon
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im not gonna say i knew this was gonna happen but i was saving this screenshot
>raki once watch her brother kill the ender dragon
can you get any more little sister coded?
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All three of them seem a little overwhelmed lol
>Raki: i consider myself an ambivert
that's where her magic powers come from
>Raki with Ayu, Yuuna, Essie, Tonya, Utahime and Mariya
A dream team has been formed
Raki, Essie, Yuuna, Tonya, Mariya and Ayu are in a VC group
it's the quietest POV i think
Team comfy soft girls love
Furi and Pillow being cute together i dont see any others in their group this is a date KEK
3h7min VOD time 22:46 on screen
>furi explains to pillow that the Last Hit was foreshadowed >>81555081
Tonya is a struggling stray smilodon...
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Essie spoke! (i only saw it on the UI and did not hear much)
Tonya dipped out to attended voice training
DK just came back from a voice lesson too.... could it be?
Essie also had to go it's so over
Essie is also dipping out, might explore the end tomorrow
>Pillow finds something cool, shows Furi
>explains the Lore she sees in it
>Furi was looking at something completely different the entire time
this is louder than the soft girlies but it's a comfy 1on1 date
>Raki dipping out
>Yuuna is suppsosed to be at work
if you wonder why Twitch never works right, their employees are literally playing games instead of working most of the time
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Para is chatting before the watchalong but she thinks she has covid
>Para's monitors were plugged into her moba
>This caused the issues last stream
23:10 on screen time
>Furi asking how ASMR101 with Enya went
>"she's a natural" says Pillow
>cute convo for a bit
>chat convinces Furi to hit Pillow
>Pillow has knockback on her armor and it backfires
still a cute clip
there is a weewoo on the server somewhere
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Ayu is out of the VC group, and now leading Zumi to cute pink bees creature things
Now I'm imagining how chaotic an ASMR101 with Furi would be
>Furi keeps talking about actual pillars
>Pillow: everytime you say "piller"....
>Furi finally learned to use chopsticks after roaming Asian restaurants in London
>she just needed to be called stupid to get it
>F: im a stickler for cave bases, it's like a
>P: Furi just wants to
>in unison: burrow
>P: yeah, i know my girl
they are so cute together
this is what off stream Furi is like i bet
23:25 - 23:27
>scary spooky shadow encounter
cute pillow noises and furi saves her GF
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>Para does not understand the appeal of an ice cream float
>But will try one and give chat her opinion
I have never heard of a McFloat before
im ears deep in block girls, let us know when the debuts start
>It's even more intense when you kill something that's suffering
She's talking about killing ants and being empathetic...
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just a space octopus girl watching her bostong frog friend walk her pet hell moth
does the lower gif's draw style have a name I can read upon? it's super adorable and maybe even I could learn to draw like that.
Kadalyn is a vtuber?????????????
I see her in Esila's chat all the time.
reminds me of hidamari sketch's style when they go W I D E
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@Walfieee is the artist, just normal baachi followed by a bunch of holo girls because he GIFs good
23:40 on screen time
i was too distracted to write it down but basically Kanna joins up with Furi/Pillow
Furi gets outed as a tsundere, again
then she explains that this is some poly amourous couple thing and Kanna cant just join like that
Kanna doesnt care about the gay shit and just wants to talk about blocks
i want Zumi and Essie to hangout more so Essie starts speaking in a boston accent
I’m pretty sure it’s a self-poster
if she likes Esila, she's cool in my book
i wasnt really following the hacking going on today but turning GB era music into python code is cool as fuck
thanks, anon, this dude nailed it.
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Rough 24 stream schedule >>81528423
>Starting strong by talking about suicide tomorrow for Seppuku Saturday
>Shibi will teach Para ASMR and it will not be lewd and instead shitposty
>Will be the last time Para does ASMR
>Is not interested in ASMR
I don't think I believe her
>Then playing Lethal Company with a modpack and the crew
>At the end there will be comfy karaoke
>Mostly sad songs and love songs
>Will be doing various things in between the big segments
>Will take her covid test on stream with handcam
Should be a fun day from the looks of it glad this is a long weekend for me
>I don't think I believe her
i dont believe her either
feels like para loves to RP "not GFE" to test the waters since forever ago
and the recent Essie RP changed her mind on the nature of ASMR quite a bit it seems
Para is giving out her hi's now. Para got carried away talking about the stream tomorrow so the debuts are starting shortly >>81560143
>i love women guys...
>i love the VSMP
Ayu is now on her own, looking for cute girls to rizz and or terrify
>if she likes Esila
Kadalyn is one of the chat regulars, that's why I was so surprised.
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Essie in chat
Para is blocked from chatting in her own chat again
And the starting soon music for the first debut reminds me a lot of Naruto
>Pillow, Furi and Kanna MC pros babysitting Chio the Dragon Slayer
it's a strange dynamic
It definitely feels like an excuse to dip her toes into ASMR now and I'm all for it
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First girl has a genuinely great singing voice
She probably thought it was only either for softcore porn or GFE and got freaked out by the intimacy. I kneel to Essie for showing her a new path
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>Tits on stream
>Para immediately blocks them
She wants boobs sooooo bad
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>i wish my voice was strong like that
Para can 100% sing like that based on the volume she has when she screams she just needs to learn to control her breath
>hot voice
>sings good
>speaks tagalog
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Yuuna might get along with her
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>Furi was too busy yapping with cute girls and almost fell off the edge of the world
also a good clip
weewoo found a city and an elytra
i dont know if there was a POV for it
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>She plays League nooooo
And of course the requisite block game
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>>i dont do country but i guess country does me
>Para feels ASMR is more fun with more people
She's already cracking and thinking about doing more ASMR
>we karaoke now, kinda
>Nano raids in and asks for a chu
>Para does it
Now imagine the chu into an ASMR mic
>>you said you wouldnt do ASMR until Essie asked you to
>when Essie asks me to do something i do it
>when Essie speaks i sit down i shut up and i take notes okay
there you go
i dont know how being a bottom to a very submissive sheep girl is gonna work tho
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Obviously a third more dominant girl is needed in the relationship
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She continues to impress with her voice it's pretty damn good
>Furi has to leave
>thanks everyone
>and thanks Pillow for being her partner
she is just deredere today
i think Furi's POV was the most interesting today once the initial chaos dies down

>Kanna joked about finding a city after Furi leaves
>and she does just that 00:42
>Furi comes back on the server
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ayu just kissed me see you later shaggers
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>I can't show that!
She's actually less concerned about the pantsu shot than the boobs
ayu singing soft songs softly in the middle of all this chaos is really nice
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Next girl starting soon. Apparently she said Para is her oshi and Para is being brown in solidarity.
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Starting now with flesh of all things. Cute voice though.
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>>sanest Para fan
It was a unique way to start her debut
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demon from down undah play a very game about cute animals in a very normal labyrinth
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>Birthday April 20th
>Speaks French
Also another creative part of her debut. (You) are strapped down to a chair forced to listen to her.
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Oh yea I'm sure the 4/20 cat is a baker
Speaking of is baker here?
yeah i can bake also essie space
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She really is Para's sanest fan
Danke baker
>sister is at a concert
>nice and cozy, could roll into bed
>got some jewelry as a gift from her senpai
>did not know some plants existed and never watered those
>the one she thought she killed was fine actually
>senpai kind of got scammed over plane ticket delay
>car was super packet with luggage
>give me a sec
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>Nooo I can make you like maggots
Para wants to fix(?) her
>yuuna is casually listening to the space at work
market research
>>I dislike boobs
>She's so real for that
Para also said boobs are scary
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She's actually making catnip tea as part of the debut
>dad was on a call, being loud, muted to be safe
>no one knocks in this house
>kinda dangerous to do spaces at home locking the door
>very eepy, should make a matcha

>anyways, they had 7 suitcases, the car was super full
>Essie was standing in the car on the way back from the airport
>managed to clean the house before parents came home
>even worked on some projects
>celerated the nurse license with senpai
>today was a rot day, skipped pilates but woke at 9AM
>essie_sis is so evil because she insinuated in public that a whole thing of chicken for the whole senpai as essie's meal

>yesterday i posted a little GIF okay and i want to wear the cute outfit
>but i was like surely people wont go crazy bonkers over it
>and i got really freaking embarrassed and im still punching myself in the face
>i was trying to be to naive
>no it's okay it's just a cute outfit
>so i deleted it within 5 minutes
>i feel like a horrible person and i need to repent for my sins
>i felt so embarrassed
>it was just cute okay
>dad walked behind me right after i finished recorded the little GIF >>81527676
>i was just feeling a little bit left out okay
>but yes they are a little more on the blushie blushie side
>there assets that arent as blushie blushie but i paid for that one so im gonna use it okay
>the only place i feel safe using it is youtube memberships cause it's not public
>kinda surprised i got partenered on YouTUbe
>made members as cheap as possible $2.99
>will dual stream every stream but the morning streams to make the YT emotes worth it
>when i feel too nervous about things being public i'll do it as as YT member stream
>things like karaoke practice and asmr on memberships
>will do YT exclusive streams very rarely, will do one soon to celebrate memberships
>sometimes i just dont want to be perceived by the public
>bro leaves the 3rd, gonna buy soundproofing and make it better for streaming
>thought about getting a soundproofed door
her parents are gonna be so sussed out by that
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Para seemed to like the idea of collabing but then immediately doubted that she is this cat's oshi so there's still some brainworms squirming around among the parasites
aite baker
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>Do not look up blue waffle on google!
Wrapping around around the perfect time for thread to die

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