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For the 420th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

▼ Upcoming appearance
07/22-24 @ unspecified time, twitter space
▼ Known upcoming streams
Thu 07/25 8PM CT, Advent karaoke offcollab
Fri 07/26 7PM CT, AmeSame spelling bee on Ame's channel
▼ Latest streams
07/21, Advent vs Justice Party Animals collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPZV-6DoRqY
07/20, Coffee vs Tea HoloEN collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4eWgQnoX3A
07/18, Japan zatsudan with FWMC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG5P-N2ML2k

>First original song: Say My Name

BlueBird cover of DECO*27 - Salamander
Jewelbird cover of VIVINOS - OTOMEROID
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Unarchived karaoke (May 9th 2024 #1)
Unarchived karaoke (May 18th 2024 #2)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>81233894
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
2024 to date
Solo streams: 73
Collabs: 74
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 11
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(8/9 | 8/10)
10:00PM (CST | 8/9) | 12:00PM (JST | 8/10) | 03:00AM (UTC | 8/10) | 05:00AM (UTC+2 | 8/10) | 11:00PM (EST | 8/9) | 8:00PM (PST | 8/9)
I love her and her ampits like you wouldn't believe
man I really don't like this person's art
the fuck are those man hands
I like it but due to his palette and shading everything looks emo
That actually is enticing, that cute, just a bit tired look is kinda of endearing, so it looks more tired than emo, if that makes sense.

Also just saw the space room, nice! Too bad I'll be at work, but hopefully its not too hectic today. Its nice to have the chat room, because its confusing if you're typing in the space chat or just putting text for the space itself during it. YouTube chat, even with its flaws is just better.
>Animation WIP, maybe later this year. Slow cooking
Also I'm looking for VAs who would voice Wawa and Rissa
I see your vision and i like it, but the palette really makes her look sad and depressed to me
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world
Nice, maybe they end up as the next Ludokano and she provides some bits herself? Though I can see her being hesitant because of AI abuse understandably.

I get it, but feel given she is a bit if an emo wet cat herself, which makes her cute, it fits. Sure, she is seemingly energetic, but we know she pushes herself to be that way because she still wants to prove that one guy who says she wasn't sociable wrong.
>Ai abuse
my homie, her voice is already on the Nerissa Ravencroft chat bot on Character Ai, you can literally phone call her and speak to her in real time
>you can literally phone call her and speak to her in real time
How much do I need to pay to disable all possible filters?
I wish they'd let us pay for that, but the filters are what make paying them possible in the first place. Apparently banks and payment services joooos hate "risky content" and will not let you be monetized for it
will it happen?
she never gave a date, and didn't bother changing the pinned message from March 13th either
Mini shadow
Gently feeding Nerissa chocomint icecream while she's resting her legs on my thighs
Violently feeding Nerissa chocomint icecream while she's resting her legs on my thighs
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sex with Nerissa Ravencroft (I'm scaping her runes) (runes=vagina, scaping=plapping)
Thanks for the explanation plapbird. Really needed that
Oh I know, but I'm saying from her perspective, like when she was worried people would do it for her sis, when pretty sure they had all the material they needed by that point.

Please, its not some global conspiracy, its just the West being funny about sex despite being hypersexualized. The sooner people make regulated prostitution legal and actually tell the religious fundamentalists to fuck off (which they won't because there is a huge amount of money rolling from them and their twisted selves) is where you see shit like that stop.

That said though, the novelty is fine, and hey, once we have working bioroids go nuts, but AI generated calls ins? I dunno, seems like that'd make people spiral a bit too hard in the delulu.
49:35 in she talks briefly about Nerissa being terminally online
She is, but I'd bet vice versa it takes forever to get responses back, so I do like that she is an attentive friend. Not like that dude you text and its 3 days later because they forgot.
>2hr space
If Rissa does the same, solo, I'll be pleasantly surprised
I'd be pleasantly surprised if it was longer than 30.
Yeah I’m good with 30 minutes
But even the last space was quite potent, so as long as she has that same kind of energy as last time, I don’t mind if it’s a bit short
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Kiara's already on it
Well you know her, when she starts gabbing she somehow thinks she is geeking out too hard even though we say its fine and to keep going, then mind locks up. If only we could completely stop the part of her brain that gets hung up on being embarrassed about just nerding out she'd spill her guts all the time.
Welp, sometimes all you got to do is nut up and ask. Forget what I said earlier.
It's 12:18 am in japan now, no twitter space today?
Bird be tweeting
Whatever this is referencing, I'm not getting it
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Someone made it as an Advent ad in Korea
>(Hapjeong station, near exit no.8)
They'll do it. Just for fun and because they dont want a phony voice over by someone who's like ERB
This, this is really cute
Jailbirds, why does Rissa always retweet the JP announcements for merch and not the EN? Does someone get a bigger cut or something?
Idk what that says but I like the art
It’s cool that those guys actually bought an ad
It’s probably whatever shows up on her feed first
The EN account is usually behind
I (literally) might have a chance after all
Are you Ryan Gosling himself?
>reposting the account that was taken over and mostly abused by homomanagement whilest it quit promoting HoloEN
I wouldnt either
Yeah I just saw her tell the person once they have the script they'd be in touch, do there you go, sometimes you just gotta be bold (but professional) and rewards come to you.

Well if thats true, I wouldn't blame them either.
Advent has probably been out together all day
you were always kenough
i hope they had sweaty onsen sex and marinated in their mixed clam juices together
That's tomorrow, today seemed more adventurous from how FWMC tweeted about it
ah, well it's good that she's getting some exercise
the clam smashing will have to wait
I will dress as yokai and yobai Rissa in her sleep
Did you get Fuwawa's yobai perms? If not you should ask her
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i think i might vomit.
a good fucking might help with that, you anime-loving dyke. and not with one of your coworkers this time, you've had enough of that
Eepy wife..
Wonder if she ate too much when they were out
She 100% did. You know she does
overeating or blood moon?
We used to have a jailbird that could foretell her blood moon, is he still here?
>she ate too much
Yeah, too much pussy
Not him but i believe it is too early
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It's food confirmed
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Thanks Fongban
Nerissa it sounds like youre happier these past few days which is good, Im glad.
>Writing prompt
Your first family vacation. Its been three years since youve been married and you now have two children with another on the way. Wow time has flown so fast you never would have imagined your life would change so quickly. Youve been so preoccupied with starting a family but now youve firmly settled into your new life its time to relax a little. Where are you going? Road trip? Or Flight? Did you remember to properly pack all the travel itinerary? Did you forget to lock the door? Did you remember to pack the organic baby food? You doubt they have organic baby food at the hotel? Your husband grabs your hand, his girthy fingers interlock with yours. The way his hand completely engulfs your own and firmly grips yours has always made you feel safe and secure. It makes you feel small, weak, and dainty and you love it because you know you have this tall strong man to protect you. He doesnt have to speak a word because you know what he means but he tells you anyway "relax my love, everything will be fine, you worry too much. As long as youre at my side and we're together as a family everything will be fine." Your heart skips a beat and your stomach flutters for a bit. You remember how much control this man has over your emotions, how much he owns your heart, how in love him with him you are. You couldnt imagine a life with anyone else. "We're going to have a great relaxing time" he kisses your hand "so what are you most excited to do?" He says
She did this to herself. Dumb bird.
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Probably didnt chew properly and just swallowed
I get that when I go out to eat sometimes and think I can eat more than I really can..
I've literally been doing that my entire life to the point chewing makes my jaws hurt rn. It's how I manage to finish my lunch in less than 5 minutes no matter what it is
>Mfw i'm at a korean BBQ or an "all you can eat"
classic bird maneuver
I eat fast, not that fast, but i also have a chewing gum addiction.
>Met up with Kiara in January
>*7 months later
>Doesnt lay eggs
>stomach aches over ate but doesnt think it is from food
Oh yeah she's gonna be Kiara's baby momma
demented faggot
Man, I wish they did the pregnancy stream. It sounded crazy in a fun way and it could inspire Rissa to do more creative streams.
We got Niori, imagine what would happen if we got Niara?
Ooh, a mix of a phoenix and a raven, that sounds awesome.
She and Kiara both seemed to like the musical idea when I suggested it, so who knows? If only I knew how to actually write music, I'd be sorely tempted to try it.
Humming softly in Nerissa's ear until the tummy hurtie stop and she can fall asleep
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What about the demon part?
I'm eepy, but I know she'll 100% start the twitter space when I'm sleeping...
No way she'll do it anytime in the next 6 hours. Sleep.
I trust you anon. But if you're wrong, I'm coming for you.
Well usually I'll be waking up in 8 hours. Guess I'll wake up after 6 hours and check twitter
God i fucking hate ERB
rissa pls, no need to mald just because she is a better singer, has already done more karaoke than you and also probably gets more cocks
Oh where oh where has my Rissa gone?
Same desu. At least the rest of Justice is inoffensive even if none are particularly charming.
I missa da Rissa
No one liked Rissa's skateboard...
Go back twitchcuck
I don't think there's many skaterbirds
You’re mentally ill
We're all nerds. And for decoration the design wasnt the best. It was really dark and not enough Rissa
i already bought one
i don't care what the numberfags think
I kissa da Rissa
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And you shouldn't. Because its all shitposting and her merch did well all things considering. That said, lots of Large sized shirts, not even 2X just large, either there be more fembirds than I thought, or we got a lot of short kings.
Rissa is the SEA queen confirmed
Might be hearsay or me having a shitty memory, but I remember hearing that Rissa has quite a lot of fembirds (not /here/), moreso than the average holomem. Can anyone back me up on this?
I'd rather say Latin America
I read the same post, it was when Fuwamoco shared their M/F viewer percentages, if I remember correctly. Don't remember the actual numbers though, unfortunately. I think Rissa and Kiara were among the ones with the most female viewers, though.
So 11.9% of her total audience is women. That's higher than the ~9% average of HoloEN. Live audience is also a considerable amount but not sure how much. Also 7% of her of her live audience are parents
That’s higher than IRyS who has 10% but lower than Kiara who has around 16% might be a bit outdated by now though
Ah, good to know my memory hasn’t completely gone down the shitter. Those are pretty interesting metrics though, and given her likes I imagine a good deal of us are probably also ojisans as well. Like >>81355318 has said, it’d be interesting to see if that has changed, especially with the addition of a certain Italian fembird to the group (haven’t watched justice much besides beeg catto but from the clips I’ve seen they seem to be fans of Rissa)
Actually iirc the majority of her audience was in the 15-24 category? Then the 25-34 group
Huh, guess that might just be a /here/ thing then. I’d imagined that since she liked perfect blue, higurashi, osrs, and other “older” media that the demographics would tend a bit towards the older side of the net.
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rissa pillow? rissa pillow
That is a wider gap, could be a large number of 23-24 year olds, and a lot of them are raised by millenials like myself, who are just reaching their 40s. So tastes end up adapted by parents who happen to be nerds too, society is changing that way.
I miss Nerissa Ravencroft
I'm gonna jerk off to Nerissa Ravencroft of Hololive English Advent
She's awake.
Same, Jailbro. Same…
would you let rissa plap you
Thanks screambird
Would you eat Rissa's puke?
Like a baby bird, yes
Someone record the space onegai
we all have to be sick just like rissa!
Fuck, I missed the first five minutes.
morning voice ah ah ah
get em rissa
Cumming on Nerissa's face then pissing off the cum
>tune in
>she's talking about food
Never fails lol
>Nerissa rambling sometimes takes me back to how my ex would for hours on end
Jailbirds, the wife experience is too real...
my risser is obsessed with skins
both in game and out
Don't lose her this time jailbird...
licking Nerissa's smooth armpits that she takes good care of
Skincare routine on point *snaps fingers*
god she's so pathetic
rissa needs those Sunset yellow FCFcheetos
Do you guys think some of the recordings are for Hologra?
Just joined, what did I miss?
I can't wait for her Hologra episodes
I need to take rissa to my county fair so she can eat up all the oiliest and greasiest foods known to man
There will come a time Rissa's metabolism will finally slow down and her eating habits will finally catch up to her...
Cute newfriend
She threw up, her stomach feels better, Japanese snacks aren't oily enough.
>deep fried oil
food talk
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Don't worry, her fair has plenty of that too
random moan ah ah ah
I've been around since Myth's debut so I'm not exactly new but I wasn't able to regularly watch streams for quite some time, did I mispeak?
You're half right
They record the VA
They have animators to do the animations for the models
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Rissa dose acquired
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Rissa...come back...please...
Oh, I didn't mean recording performance capture or something like that, I meant audio recordings. Probably should have been clearer, hah.
Nono newbird. The Hologra's will come worry not. Probably starting the week of the group collab there will be a hologra specially introducing Shiorin. The week after will be Bibbers, then Rissa and then FuwaMoco
has anyone seen "Nerissium" used outside /here/?...
no, not really
we used to say Rissa Dose a lot /here/ though
/hlgg/ seems to have some but never used the word
I love that she did this. Even a short twitter space is so much better than the lack of communication (even though it's understandable, considering how busy they are). I hope she does more of them like this.
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I miss her already
We're less than a month away now
Thanks, jailbro. Like I said, I've been around since Myth's debut but it wasn't until Advent's that I got the time to actual keep up with streams and all the other content. I'm still slowly catching up on some stuff.
Your oshi is very cute, that was fun to listen to. Hope she feels better
Thanks fluffian, i hope our oshis have a lot more lesbian sex
Nerissa, despite having the body of a sexy adult, has the personality of an 11-year old brat
Soo..... would it be possible to get a catbox of the twitter space?
Isn't it great?
and it just makes her even MORE more sexy
I can just imagine Shiori wanting to do a lot of crazy ass skits. You know, if there is ANY way we get that pregnancy musical, its with her directoring that shit.

As for the space, my babygirl needs gristle stat, some good old fashioned greasy patties, greasy pizza that seeps from the box you need wax paper to shop it up~
Nerissa is a bit like, a bit like Uzaki?
No wonder Rissa loves Culver's, it's some greasy food
Gracias Jailbro
shes' nothing but a cockroach.
My favorite poster
Fucking hell, I could've used a heads up a space was happening Rissa
>I missed you guys
>Moans shortly after
Oh my...
Its the gap moe, sexy voice, can like musicals and classical music. Inside a super geek that would rather most days cuddling her Eevee doll and chilling in bed. So not quite "brat", cause that is Shiori, but slightly bratty yes.
i just realized the space was basically 30 minutes
you got it right
i like when she does the jailborb voice
>>81366651 (me)
I was moody when I posted this and I'm still pissed I missed it live but I feel a bit better listening to her now...
I will listen to the "bed/pillow/hogging the blanket" part daily
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Nerissa groping Mococo
Is Rissa the clingiest Holomem?
She's up there but I'd say Kiara or Kronii are much more attached to their fans than Rissa is
aw man, missed the rissa space. Thanks jailbro for the catbox
Oh yeah it's happening
sorry guys but this time it was beebs
It's all four. You can't hide your antics from me, Rissa.
i like gigi
>>81368918 (me)
my wife and her adorable love of oily foods...
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Pure sex. Bath towel art pieces are the best
yup, she was in the advent sex puddle
they finally admit they're together
FuwaRissa is so underrated
>She was talking about Fuwawa's bush
Fucking artists will continue to draw ShioRaven because they don't watch streams.
Same with bloodraven
yo lay off my guy yomosaka, the man has incredible taste and art skills
Nah Shioraven is still good too
Jailbirds PLEASE start calling Nerissa a princess and drown her in love she is literally begging for it.
the last thing she needs if she wants to improve at any aspect of her job is to be coddled more than she already is
Never heard of positive affirmation?
i've bad new for you, bitch will never be happy no matter what you do
Sure she won't get pregnant but women like her love being called princess.
She's inherently lazy, if we coddle her she'll only get worse.
She already gets and sees plenty of it. But because she's terminal twittertard and egosurfer, the impact of it is lessened. Giving her more praise is like giving fentanyl to an oxycontin addict.
She literally pretends to be a faggot for clout.
don't worry
everyone in advent will give her a good fucking
Always have been
If I were Nerissa's husband she won't have to do anything but stream, eat and produce babies. I'll do the cooking, the dishes, and lick her clit anytime she wants.
checked and based
Holy digits
Rissa wins again
Checked and true
emergency plap
Where art thou Risser
Woke up at 5am and found out she did the space at 3am so I just continued sleeping
I hate the japan arc too now....
>I don't have much to say
>I miss you
Rissa... you have a mine gold to talk about
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Hows it going Nerissa I hope your stomach feels better. Upset stomach blows. If youre still sick, just workout HIIT until you throw up, that always makes me feel better and it works everytime, guaranteed.
>writing prompt
Im actually feeling much better since how I felt this past weekend and Im not so much in a sulken mood anymore so get ready for this prompt now that the thrill of my heart is coming back
Newlywed and excited, you have just arrived at the Seychelles hand in hand with your husband for your honeymoon. Ever since you walked the aisle to your husband you heart has not stopped pounding in your chest. This tall handsome man has chosen you over everyone else and you now belong to him as his beloved wife. You love the idea of being this man's property, his object of desire, his princess to whom youve given your heart to and soon your body. As you walk to your bungalow his heavy muscular arm hangs over your shoulder while his other is effortlessly carrying your purse for you. You wear a toothy smile as your arms are wrapped around his torso and your head is tucked into the nook of his neck. Your small talk is gleeful and you are happy to be here with the man you love, enjoying sight of the turquoise water, white sand, and light blue sky. Just before you reach the doorway to the bungalow suite, your husband tells you, "wait princess, we have to do this the right way." He effortlessly picks you up in a princess carry, and you walk through the doors.
Describe what you see. What does the inside of the bungalow look like? Did your husband plan out rose petals on the bed? Are the petals arranged in the shape of a heart? How big is the suite? What does it smell like? What does the view look like? What are you going to do first?
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
Good morning /ope/
The twitter space was really cute, but it had the opposite effect on me cuz now I'm missing Rissa more and feeling really needy and sad...
Just one more month jailborb, we're almost there
Normally Japan arcs aren't 4 months long, this year was just crazy packed for the summer
I want to pack rissa full of baby batter
You missed the "good girl", did you not see the BG3 playthroughs? She loves that too. But seriously, if anything its been working, she mainly getting sad in Japan because if the homesickness, her traveling like she has been a good bit if this year destabilizes her mojo of a good feedback loop with the family. Plus the fact things will be vastly different when she actually gets back is a thing. But we'll all be there for her and cheering her one, and she'll be back with her parents and bro, plus her bonds with Advent are getting stronger, and she always has that cat adoption down the pike right? She'll be fine.

I've been saying it day one. Its been so obvious, but I was called crazy, and "no it'll never happen". The subtle messing with each other they do is like neon signs going off. Fuwawa is like that school boy whose gotta piss off the girl he likes but its obvious he likes her. The best way to describe her is that she kinda acts like a Helga to Arnold, but just not nearly as abrasive. That just tonal shift when she calls her stinky? You just see it.

No, that is still very good. Anyone who denies Shioraven just seeing FuwaRissa is missing the forest for the trees. Rissa very much cemented herself as a galpal for Shiori, to deny either is to not see the truth. What is happening is Shiori is integrating well on her way as the flirty brat with everyone, she's getting more comfortable seeing that people dig what she is throwing down and nurturing her geekdom.
Sex the Rissa
Man, I want to get my hands under Nerissa's saggy udders and bounce them in my hand and then squeeze them, if you know what I mean.
Lap pillow with them as my "blackout mask" for me. Best believe I'll have the greatest sleep ever then.
I couldn't do that. I would just larp as a baby.
how do I get webm with sound?
Consensual armpit sex with Rissa
Nonconsensual thigh sex with Rissa
Consensual tit sex with Rissa
Non consensual buttcheek sex with Rissa (She wanted it in the butt)
We dont use that vulgar language /here/
Non-consensual intramammary ejaculation with Nerissa Ravencroft
I'm looking forward to the twitter space. Hope we get some nice stories about their vacation.
I'm pretty sure that's not the word you wanna use...
broooos why is she so cute AAAAAAAAAA
You will not deny me the raven boobpussy, fiend
Consensual nonconset with a fembird
well we know it won't be just about food at least
Oh Rissa my Rissa, where have you gone?
fembird detected, come to papa!
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bets on that person being Rissa?
Rissa wouldn't ask she'd force her to
It was Rissa but at the onsen
It was Rissa but at my house
These dogs are asking for it...
>tfw I'll never get to see, let alone feel, FWMC's bush
I'm ngmi
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it's the semen demon confirmed
This woman should grow a back bone. What a pushover
yeah, because Rissa will also convert them to laser gang
Not a Ruffian but Fuwawa should keeo her fluffy bush. Otherwise she cannot remain being the fluffy one. It's like an identity crisis
don't you dare tell them to laser next, you hairless abomination
Nerissa is a RAPIST!!!
yeah, mine :(
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/ope/ you think Nerissa would join GG for a watch along about Teen Wolf once they get back from Japan? I never seen the series so i dunno how long it is
Cuz i see Gigi becoming a new member of DANGO after she said she wants to do watch alongs with Shiori, although it will eventually have a chance of including 50 shades
From what I know of the show, which admittedly isn't a whole lot, it does sounds like something Rissa would like.
Fuwamoco twitter space in 10ish minutes, Rissa will probably be part of it.
Rissa, Biboo, and Calli are with them in the futon
Nerissa was asleep, it seems.
They woke Rissa up and she's sleepy, Mococo refused to cuddle with her
Rissa pushed Biboo and she fell down
This is turning into an orgy real quick
she's asleep...
Rissa is either silent or fell back asleep…
Fuwawa slapped Nerissa to kill the ant that was walking on her
she fulfilled her talking quota for the vacation yesterday
Nerissa was trying to drown a big spider violently
Shiori and Nerissa are the parents confirmed
Oh, she's still awake.
Biboo's small naked body....
Catbox the space onegai!!!
Nerissa kabedone'd Biboo
I hate that lying whore.
They're bullying god's sleepiest soldier…

die kike
I love her so much
you first.
Nerissa was sandwiched between all holomems naked
cunt- licking degenerate's going to make her womb sterile like this.
sniffa sniffa
>Fuwawa bullying Rissa and calling her stinky
>Nerissa: All right that's it. *proceeds to literally rape Fuwawa*
Jailbirds. I love Rissa. I feel energized for the day
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I hate her. her cockroaches won't leave me be.
>can't listen to it because work
You fags better be recording it
Fuwawa is literally so bratty that she can actually make Nerissa top.
That's an interesting super power
I deserve an Advent layer cake.
I deserve Rissa's cake
I will still say she started all this.
retard just visit other places on the internet or get off your computer
if you can't do any of these then you deserve all the shit you get
you put yourself in this position but you're too weak to take responsibility for yourself so you blame other people for your problems
GRRM fucking sucks, dude
Dollar-store Tolkien that gets jerked off because he wrote babby's first edgy fantasy for zoomers
Damn, hit him with those FACTS and LOGIC
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They've been having sex all day
I'm glad she got to go with everyone, the hot springs will definitely do her some good healthwise
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what does this mean
I just hope she doesn't slip and die
Your oshi can't keep getting away with molesting half of my oshi...
Indeed. The stupid fucker goes and starts shit, then whines like a little baby and plays the victim when he rightfully gets assblasted for it.
She is a force of nature
Lust in human (demon) form
I'm not a victim, nor am I a saint.
Baking thread.
Did you hydrate properly baker-sama?
>i am not a victim, t-t-trust me, really! s-s-see? r-r-rules for me and not for t-t-thee?
Ok, entitled baby. Go eat your mashed carrots and peas.


Only half so far.
She is a power bottom, so it works. Her role is enticing people to giving her the business, like her lore entails, she drives people crazy.

Now this though, maybe switch with power bottom tendencies?

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