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For the 421st time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

▼ Known upcoming streams
Thu 07/25 8PM CT, Advent karaoke offcollab on FWMC's channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd7jLinwSwg
Fri 07/26 7PM CT, AmeSame spelling bee on Ame's channel
Sun 07/28 8PM CT, Advent anniversary offcollab
▼ Last appearances
07/23 solo twitter space: https://x.com/i/spaces/1OdJrXrmZPzKX https://files.catbox.moe/o4n0kn.m4a
07/24 twitter space with FWMC, Bijou & Calliope: https://files.catbox.moe/zxyt4c.m4a
▼ Latest streams
07/21, Advent vs Justice Party Animals collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPZV-6DoRqY
07/20, Coffee vs Tea HoloEN collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4eWgQnoX3A

First original song: Say My Name
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_fkTc7Hlp0 https://cover.lnk.to/SayMyName
BlueBird cover of DECO*27 - Salamander
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Unarchived karaoke (May 9th 2024 #1)
Unarchived karaoke (May 18th 2024 #2)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>81325449
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
2024 to date
Solo streams: 73
Collabs: 74
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 11
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world
kek peak anchor. Also thanks for putting the catboxed twitter space in the OP baker-dono^^
I wrote this
Why is a temptress so adorable?
Its just not fair, its really not.
This... this is too cute
the least they could do is show a picture. otherwise, why speak of the springs?
Reposting the purest essence of CGDCT (with Rissa)
what does that mean?
If they post pics while still there people would go looking for them
oh no, god forbid you find out that they are real people, oh so terrible? Is his the part when should start crying?
>slurring/missing words
Perhaps the jewish predisposition towards mental illness is starting to take hold
I hate the Japan arc more than anything in the whole world.
Its bait Jailbro, he set you up so he could complain. Nobody seriously wouldn't get that they'd not post up where they are online.

>girls wanted kisses on boo boos from Rissa
She really is the den mother.
>carries kiddie band-aids
Man, she really is just equipped for kid wrangling
then she should put this garbage away and start having kids.
I'm an uncle of 6, soon 7. I also always carry band-aids
Patiently waiting for Yomosaka's art
I thought the Band-Aids were Mori's?
No Mori had medical band-aids for her knee. Rissa had Kiddie band-aids probably from Pokemon
Why didn't Rissa kiss Biboo's boo-boo better?
She did after she put the bandaids
That's basically like using a condom, doesn't really count.
I used to take care of my cousin's kids a couple summers back in college, so I get it.
And listening more to the space, did Shiori get her own room, or get some earplugs, because they were cackling up a storm, I imagine she's either a saint or pissed once they ended that space if she was that knocked out. Unless she got drunk, then I would believe her being dead to the world.
She was 100% in the room judging by how the girls spoke about her. God knows how she manages to sleep that deep, she wouldn't wake up for an earthquake
I could believe it if she is as heavy a sleeper as I am, or was heavily drunk(she has been enjoying the hooch lately from what I hear with the Novelites).
When I was tried, by 200 pound friend jumped on my chest and he said I didn't budge. So, might be dangerous if I ever need to be awoken quickly.
Forgive me for this guys. I really want to like Nerissa but No-Pan's cringe and I'm suffering from Sex Brainrot. I even had a joke that she was going to get perma-banned on her 3D debut because of that.
That is a bit concerning but considering the stress and all, I wouldn't blame her.
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After all this time, I can't help but think about Malphis saying ballista on stream and being into Roman history.
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This was how Shiori wakes Rissa up so promptly, waiting for morning sugar of a different sort. And I ain't talking cream puffs~
i coom
>the secret panel
>the cosplays with big tiddies
And Shiori gets to have sex with her. It's not fucking fair
Im personally more fond of Nerissium
wait was it really anyacchi?
damn she's lucky
Nta but if iirc it was her. The big itty-witty cosplayer friend
Was it? Thought it was another vtuber, saw them put up a pic on Twitter, and that didn't seem like anyacchi. Either way, fembirds, femNovelites, Advent seems to have quite a crowd of cute fans, good for us Adventrix.
If you mean the picture of their phones on a table, it was a different person, yes. Unfortunately I can't remember her name, though.
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(8/9 | 8/10)
10:00PM (CST | 8/9) | 12:00PM (JST | 8/10) | 03:00AM (UTC | 8/10) | 05:00AM (UTC+2 | 8/10) | 11:00PM (EST | 8/9) | 8:00PM (PST | 8/9)
my need to impregnate fembirds grows every second
except the resident fembird, you're cool so i'll spare you
Thanks for the reminder, countdownbird. 3D here we come
But she is Latina so she probably has a big ass
please keep reminding me everyday till I make me work schedule for August, I'll unironically kms if I have to work the day of her 3D or the day before
sure that makes me horny but i'll still keep my word
fembird deserves better than me
The Jailbro probably knows, but he respects his fellow bros. Weird type of chivalry, but hey, means he respects his Jailbros to not to automatically go to wanting to lay pipe in them, respect it.
That ass sure can fart
I'm pretty sure she said she has a flat ass actually
Yea I'm saying the artist clearly wasn't paying attention. Nerissa said Nerissium.
I would court the fembird, had she not been a dyke
I'm taking applications for a fembird wife
you can come live with me in my rural leafland paradise
i need someone to help me do the cho- uh i mean do whatever wives do
>all these circlejerking
i apologize that i entered this thread just because theres no fuwamoco thread
Come here, you're getting raped
it happens in /baubau/ too, you should know it's nothing new
I just love Rissa

Goodnight /ope/, remember to jerk it off to Rissa
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I can't tell if I love her or hate her.
i feel like rissa doesn't want a boyfriend but a dad that takes care of her
what a baby...
That boyfriend-dad? Me
>I need a mommy
>she needs a daddy
We are diametrically opposed, it's over...
He finally remembered to give her a mole.
Some days I love her and can't help wondering where she is and some days some little flaw off hers will piss me off. I'm basically her insecure emotionally manipulative partner already
I know exactly what you mean, jailbro.
Nah, she's too doting on friends around her for that, she just likes being spoiled. Feels more like she has some internal desire for a doting big sister. I mean, she kinda screamed that about Fuwawa from the very start.
wissa... doko...
oh god...I'm so alone...Rissa...Rissaaaaaaa....
>true wife experience
How the hell did /we/ get more menhera than her?
I wouldnt say "more"
about to have the covers pulled away by Shiori to wake her up, revealing her naked body (that they've already seen plenty so far this trip)
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>mfw when i saw breasts the 1st time
>mfw when i see breasts the 16773326th time
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>【ADVENT KARAOKE OFF-COLLAB】just jammin' to our 1st anniversary #holoAdvent【ANNOUNCEMENT】
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Nerissa and Fauna need to do a white-off. Who is the whitest of the white girls in HoloEN?
Rissa wins easily
>midwest versus west coast
It's Rissa
Rissa has the spirit of the heartlands backing her, no contest
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>more onsen sex
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Praying that Nerissa has secretly been keeping a diary/journal so she has lots of stories to tell post-Japan
this must be bait
now show us a picture.
You ain't getting one of those anytime soon
What do you mean “why”? She’ll just talk about what she ate on stream
Nerissa is groping and kissing advent members right now
I'm the same and maybe it's just us, but I've often thought Rissa's "it" factor is that she is very hot or cold. You either love something she does or hate it. There is a lot chuubas that I don't think are bad, I just don't have much reaction to them positive or negative. I think is reflected in the manic state of /ope/.
Well I get regular mood swings so the usual Rissa stream can do a lot to both keep me happy/giddy but also just magnify any perceived flaw or mistake into something that'll keep me in a doom spiral for the next 8 hours. But yeah, she's really the only holomem that I feel that with
Rape the Rissa
When was her last karaoke? It feels like it's been ages.
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
Good night jailbro
Mamamia Rissa where are you touching me
Nerissa smells like home
my home smells like Nerissa
grapefruit jelly sounds good. I need to remember to get some later
Patiently waiting for a duet between Rissa and Calli
their duet name will be vanilla cakes
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Hi Nerissa I hope your stomach is feeling better. Upset stomach can a real pain, do you have an electric blanket to put over your abdomen? I hear the heat relieves pain and its nice to have someone take care of you, if you have someone like that let them take care of you.
Anyway lets continue the honeymoon sequence, I thought that was kinda nice, I didnt want to go into too much detail for obvious reasons so I left it broad and open ended. Ill do the same right now
>honeymoom part deux
Its now the next morning, as you being to awake, you notice your body feels amazing, your legs feel weightless, your torso and back are pain free and decompressed, your arms feel like theyre made of air in the best of ways, amd your head feels clear and perfect. You dont even need to rub the sleepyness away from your eyes. Youre in a total state of tranquility. You hear the waves crashing on the shore, the smell of the salt in the air permeates into your bungalow, and to your right your amazing husband. All is well. You stare at him for a moment watching him sleep. Everytime you look at him you remember how in love you are with him. How happy he has made you and how you are going to spend the rest of your life with him. You scoot closer to him, grab his arm, and pull it over you as you rest your head on his chest. You never want to be separated from him again. As you listen to his heartbeat and his breathing, he slowly awakens. He stretches his limbs then hugs you tighter as he realizes you are laying on him. "Goodmorning princess" his gravel like voice vibrates your head. "Goodmorning my handsome hubby, how was your sleep?" you return. You engage in small talk together, holding each other tightly as he rubs your scalp and gives you kisses. Before you know it, its noon, not that you woke up too early anyway but you had laid in bed for hours talking, sharing each others company, in love and you wouldnt have it any other way. "What do you say we get some brunch my love?" "Anything, as long its with you." You return.
You need to get dressed first so what are you wearing? What clothes did you pack for your sunny island honeymoon? A long flowy sundress? A colorful maxi dress? What is your husband wearing? Is he wearing a tie like usual or is he letting the chest hair get some exposure? Did you plan coordinating outfits? Mr and Mrs novelty hats? What sort of restaurant are you heading to? How is the walk there? Is the scenery beautiful? How is the decor in the restaurant? What are you going to order? What do you like to eat for brunch? Your husband orders a mimosa like usual, but this time he doesnt order one for you because you cant have alcohol anymore. He also places his hand over your stomach and reminds you, youre now eating for two so you better eat well. This makes you so incredibly happy and giddy, you practically jump on your husband giving him a hug and a long kiss. Youre so elated it makes you cry tears of joy. You thank God and your husband, as he holds you enjoying this wonderful moment.
Are all Christians this obnoxious? No wonder it's a dead religion
This was a long one, I didnt even realize it was that long. I started to write the honeymoon arc in second person pov without even realizing it. Perhaps next time I wont, I dont want to cross any lines I just wanted to paint a picture to make Nerissa happy. Anyway I hope youve been enjoying these, I hope they at least give you some form of comfort during this difficult time Nerissa, its actually been enjoyable writing them on my end.
>Over two months ago...
Fuck karaoke beggars
Relistening to her old karaokes and hearing her blue ball me for Take on me pissed me off again kek
Licking Rissa's armpits clean
who do you think is gonna guest at Rissa's debut?
Since Calli is streaming today, do you think they're already back home or did she go home first?
Are fwmc streaming?
Nope, they have nothing on their schedule until the karaoke.
You've got your answer then
Are you saying that Mori went back home, but they are still at the onsen to have their advent orgy?
They've been having an orgy for 3 days now, they're in their post-orgasmic haze and need a break
>and need a break
They want to be broken? The Ravencock will have to work overtime then.
I think this onsen thing is just a break before they go back to doing more 3D stuff
No I think it's a celebration because they're done with 3D stuff
I hope so
Real question.
Does Rissa like rapeplay?
I seriously doubt it.
>>81450523 (me)
She delayed the stream to tomorrow so they're probably still on vacation.
>>81454170 (me yet again)
Just saw that she said she's home. Advent will probably be together at least until the karaoke, which I guess will either be at Fuwamoco's house or at the studio.
Sasuga Demon of Sound
The question is, what songs will they have? All of them together would be quite a mix.

Nope, I can't say I see it with her.
I think at least some Hololive songs are a safe bet. The rest will probably be mostly anime OP/ED songs, since they're the most likely to be known by all of them.
Mr. Koro is the Christfag? Nobody else uses Christmas hats mid summer
No she likes romantic cuddling
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I dunno...I remember her liking this awhile ago (before likes were private).
She also mentioned that she likes being chased and hunted down so there's hope
Pretty cool animation
That is a thrill people get over their blood pumping, which is why the survival horror genre is popular. Its having control over a tense scenario. But that doesn't mean they're gonna want someone to try to re-enact their favorite ryona doujin with her. Its like you saying you like some playful scratching during a shag and a gal wondering if you'd indulge her desire for some CBT with a guy with a cat o nine tails. With her, given she bruises from opening jars with the tiniest bit of exertion, gonna say a lot of rough stuff especially with her back, probably a no go.
sex with sex
Smooching Rissa on her cute forehead and wishing her a good night
Hi, licking Rissa's sweaty underboob
Rissa album....save me Rissa album.... Mori's music can only carry me for so long in a 24h shift
Sup Watabird.

You're getting a karaoke tonight, you can make it.
Both Shiori and Biboo posted tentative schedules. Hoping we get one from Rissa.
Every day lately I ask myself, just what is it that she saw in chat that made her drop FF7 of all things. I swear it was a perfectly average stream with nothing out of the ordinary. Didn't even get a big CCV for a possible influx of greys. Even /here/ no one complained much.
Why? There's way too much FF7 garbage to scroll through on twitter.
I think it was more of an excuse than anything else, honestly. She either wasn't having fun or thought it was too much work to use the playstation so she decided to stop. People backseating was just the scapegoat.
do you write fanmail? you should look into it, talents really treasure fanmail and it's something a majority of fans don't do or forget about
She already tipped off that the Playstation controls were what got her, she seemed to have difficulty adjusting, even though yes, modern Switch controls and Playstation ones are barely different, she has issues. She already tipped off buying it for PC when she can, so likely when that happens, she'll go back.

Basically, she is was being a cute Nintendobabe and Rebirth has a good deal of mechanics.
That's sad…
What if we suggested Astro's Playroom to Rissa? Its whole point is to be a beginner friendly platformer to teach the player playstation controls.
That might actually be a good idea, she does do better with visual than written instructions, so working it into a game is probably better, and its a platformer, so good for learning things. Would be a shame if she got a decent system like that and it ends up a paperweight. So many classic rpgs she could play too.
Exactly! I think if she can get over the frustration of learning the controls, she can open herself to loads of new games she can enjoy.
There's a trillion things that we could suggest. The issue is, she's not taking suggestions.
I bought a controller for the first time in my life yday and I could play sekiro with it in a matter of hours. But I know Rissa is mentally challenged so yeah...
If CC can use the keyboard, so can you.
I already finished the game on keyboard once.
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Not sure if I should kneel, or be terrified
If she is able to work through BoTW and Ocarina of time, its a mental hurdle for her. Which as usual, when she tries it and sticks with it, it gets easier. I'm almost positive given she said she played League comp to relax part of his issues with learning new shit stemmed from being told she was ass in chat with people and she internalized that a lot. Reason I say that is because she always prefaces everything with saying she is beginning. So I don't think its entirely just the greys, its...you guessed it, her letting past stuff affect her now.

Same types of people I knew growing up always saying they were ass at games, S-ranking songs in Stepmania, its all in the mind.
Nerissa's butthole is a sexual organ
Skipped on a cup of coffee so I can sleep on 9 and wake up for the karaoke. The shit I do for my wife ...
In like 8 ish hours?
Thanks, I found it out myself but wasn't quick enough deleting the post.
Kissing Rissa goodnight
Nerissa's butthole is a reproductive organ
As if she is sleeping this early
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Imagine being the meat in this sandwich
This is canon btw but i wonder watch she pulled out from under her yukata and held against Fuwawa that prompted this
The thing that Fuwawa called stinky that is
I really don't understand why people say it's hard on keyboard. But as I said I've never used a controller before and always were a keyboard guy so maybe that helped
Mole is too much to the side but still acceptable.
Name some things that Rissa should do when she gets her home 3D
Have sex with me and hold the pregnancy stream
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>when she gets her home 3D
I hope she commandeers Aradia's room as a real workspace separate from her bedroom for this.
do you really think she'll ever do home 3D more than once?
I question whether she'll ever figure out how to get it to work.
it's gonna end up like the PS5 100%
Please think of Rissa's metal rod, that movement isn't happening..
You know, that is actually a great idea. If the parents aren't turning it back into a den of sorts, that would be perfect, and allow her to seperate a "work area" from a "rest area", which helps one get better rest. Plus obviously having more room and being able to do more things.
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stole this edited version from hlgg
I don't see why not. It's the hips that matter here.
Fun fact: Rissa is laying in bed right now struggling to fall asleep even though she has a karaoke in just a few more hours
What do you think the hips are connected to in order to swing, dummy?
That anxious about singing live for the first time in months?
Maybe not, she has hot women to the left and right of her. Who knows, maybe she's told them about how scalp massages help her sleep and she's knocked out.
She's just like me fr fr
Just set my alarm, 4 hours and 50 minutes
She is gonna grope herself on 3d like she did with the Giri offcollabo
It was me who posted that Jailbro, i believe i posted it /here/ a couple threats ago?
*Threads, not threats
But she is already dummy thicc
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Knowing people make fan models like this is pretty baller. Rissa should also use that model that one guy made for her Mom. This community amazes me sometimes. Shit, seeing that makes me want to get back in 3D modeling like I did in college. But don't got the cash for that!
Cumming on Nerissa's face then pissing off the
We'll never know what he was going to say...
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I want her to use that one demon form 3d model. The one inspired by this
I'm gonna need you to post it, anon.
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Lathering up my wife so she doesn't get the lobster skin rash!
This is what heaven looks like
I'd get bonked so have this Iwara link.
This model but obviously a little more censored?
Getting choco mint ice cream with my wife after i put sunscreen on her first
Wife in less than 2 hours
Unfortunately I won't be able to watch live. You guys have fun, jailbros!
Of course but something like full demon Rissa. This is the best design of that i have seen so far
Who is your oshi's worst collab partner?
Hakos Baelz
Bae and Ollie
Why are you spamming this in every split?
Ready for your corpo mandated 1 hour collab with an announcement?
>stop having fun guys i mean it this time
It's one hour more than what we've been getting recently. So yes
When exactly did Irys do a 1-on-1 collab with Rissa?
I was right kek
Aw that's a cute bit they're doing right now
Rissa stop being so erotic
Stinky wife...
Rissa's girlstink...

They got the harmony down really well, Advent really comes together well, even as solid individuals.
need rissas smelly hairy pussy on my face just for the pheremones
come on now
let me dream jailbird
>Sex with
>Sent to the doghouse
The Dogs
>High five with
>Fed to Jailbirds
Look, i love a well groomed carpet but even i am realistic
I hate them, and all vtubers
This one is the worst out of all of them.
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can nerissa not be white from the midwest for one second
Moleless heresy
Hi, wakipai need be shaved. Yes i am an expert, i have learned from the master herself
>Rissa started too early
Why is she so pon and cute, Jailbros?
Shiori is so salty about Kaneki, haha.
Rissa putting on the emo face is just chef's kiss.
What's the difference between Nerissa and a mosquito?
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I saw the mocosquito, but I certainly did not expect to hear mosquito rissa
>everyone knows the lyrics
It's in someone's 3D
Even the simplest things coming from Rissa sound angelic
KFP truly are God's Chosen
They spent some time practicing and arranging this! I love it when Rissa is forced to put some effort in for once
Wait till Rissa's 3d
and I was just about to say her voice sounds weaker than ever...
partially the mic setup though
I know, she just has such a rich bell voice and it stands out.
>i thought it was Nerissa and Charizard
I have a urge to make this
Oh this is a good one for Rissa
city pop kino ah ah ah
Now, for some serious music appraising, some people will say they don't sound good, but they are learning to harmonize together in real time and its getting smoother as time goes on.
Rissa has such a city pop. I think she and a jpmem should make a City pop orisong
Harmony is definitely not the word you want to use when it's about singing. They are doing literally no harmonizing
Who the fuck cares? It's pure fucking sovl and they're having fun
Just let him have his delusion come on
It's pretty much an inevitability at this point. Now will they stick to just some Mariya Takeuchi or branch out?
Man, this makes me want to hear Rissa sing some idol songs
I want to hear her sing Macross songs
Specifically from Fire Bomber
Oh that's a good choice, Jailbird. What a treat that would be
Not an idol song but i want Rissa to cover the goblin slayer op by Mili
>one guy but as an affirmation
>>81499776 (me)
In acapella
That's my girl!
I can't hear Nerissa at all
Yeah the dogs are really loud
probably on purpose, spotlight whores
Lets not hate
this actually works, if only Nerissa was LOUDER
Sorry our resident schizo made his way to this thread I'll leash him back to the bau thread
whatever, I'm here for an advent karaoke not just a RnR. I literally only hear her when she sings past them on the track
Thanks Ruffian
Just wait for a Rissa-only karaoke sometime in September or October or listen to one of the old ones
rissa solo?!
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seeding nerissa's horn...
She can't resist the Higurashi lore...
Rissa's flowers bloom every time she orgasms (inside knowledge)
she's definitively having a higurashi song in her 3D
I'll be disappointed if she doesn't sing the Higurashi OP
My cute Higurashi otaku wife dropping lore mid song..so proud of her..
She's such a fucking nerd I love her so much
Honestly? I would appreciate her singing one of the character songs. Hanyu's or Satoko's maybe.
stellar stellar nice
And Rissa with the perfect open. As expected of my wife
If its not an OP, it'll definitely be a version of -You-. Or she throws us a curveball and does Umineko's OP.
OH DESIRE would be supreme kino.
I really want Rissa and Suisei to duet a song one day
Someone else will have to bake the next thread since I'm phone-only right now.
I can do it if no one else can do an emergency bake
I think they killed the smelly joke
to prevent myself from losing brain cells im muting, pls tell me when beebs is done taxing
I might actually die of cringe if they do the nerizzler song in one their 3Ds
She is finished
You can absolutely count it being in biboo's 3D. I'd be surprised if it wasn't
biboo 100% is going to.
I hope not. Just imagine her passive aggressive seething when the gray tourists still bring it up in 2026
She stinks. Why else would she wear perfume if she didn't want to cover up her natural (stinky) smell
Oh ho another group orisong?
Americans unironically smell to the rest of the world. It's kind of like milk, it's gross.
I can only imagine the seed oils leaking out of her pores when she's walking around sweating in Japan, detoxing from US food. Probably smells like a deep fryer lol
is... is this true?
Man I hope Nerissa can strengthen her belting in time. It's so weak right now.
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kinda yeah. It's not every American, but many. Diet, location, and genetics all play a part in it
I do it when Rissa belts rebellion
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This is a nerissa song
He's got the right idea. Nerissa is very cute
>openly promoting it a few days before
Certainly not Rissa's PR tactic kek
Yeah they did this wrong. the proper way to build hype for something is to say you're working on it, say nothing for 7 months and then do a stream where you say it's releasing in 30 minutes.
Rissa in the subway btw
I too find it difficult to time my moneyshots to the music Nihon-dude, understandable.

I really got a feeling Advent is gonna pull out banger after banger. Both Rebellion and Megitsune were excellent with them as a group, they just can't fail together.
qrd on the karaoke I was watching a certain marvel movie so I couldn’t catch it live…
Kas Siren?
Good shit + new gen orisong in 2 days
I like how the dogs also have higurashi brainrot
I hate otaku. American otaku in especial.
Baking new thread
Did you hydrate properly today baker-sama?
I did an emergency bake, but yes I did thanks for asking

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