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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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For the 422nd time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

▼ Known upcoming appearances
Fri 07/26 7PM CT, AmeSame spelling bee on Ame's channel
Sun 07/28 8PM CT, Advent anniversary offcollab
▼ Last appearances
07/23 solo twitter space: https://x.com/i/spaces/1OdJrXrmZPzKX https://files.catbox.moe/o4n0kn.m4a
07/24 twitter space with FWMC, Bijou & Calliope: https://files.catbox.moe/zxyt4c.m4a
▼ Latest streams
07/21, Advent vs Justice Party Animals collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPZV-6DoRqY
07/20, Coffee vs Tea HoloEN collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4eWgQnoX3A
07/25, Advent karaoke offcollab on FWMC's channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd7jLinwSwg

First original song: Say My Name
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_fkTc7Hlp0 https://cover.lnk.to/SayMyName
BlueBird cover of DECO*27 - Salamander
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Unarchived karaoke (May 9th 2024 #1)
Unarchived karaoke (May 18th 2024 #2)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>81401240
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
2024 to date
Solo streams: 73
Collabs: 75
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 11
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>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world
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(8/9 | 8/10)
10:00PM (CST | 8/9) | 12:00PM (JST | 8/10) | 03:00AM (UTC | 8/10) | 05:00AM (UTC+2 | 8/10) | 11:00PM (EST | 8/9) | 8:00PM (PST | 8/9)
I hate the Japan arc more than anything in the whole world.
Is it going to be live?
Those are usually prerecorded but they're lots of fun
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sex with Nerissa Ravencroft while Sirens play
sex with Nerissa Ravencroft while the other Sirens play with my balls
sex with Nerissa RavenCroft while we wait for Sirens to release (meanwhile I'll release inside her)
Ya know, i respect the plapbirds and their creativity
So, are they actually going to be on Brooklyn next month?
Yeah, she's gonna be with me back stage
She hates you then and is ashamed. She's gonna be with me on the main stage while all the other holos and audience watch
Ashamed? Nonsense. I will be supporting her while she lives out her singing dreams on stage. Then I blow her back out once she's done as a reward. There's a time and place for these things
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I forgot to post it due to my excitement for Sirens but...
I already mis her...
nerissa backwards is a siren, did you guys know this
im in the opinion that vods are just not the same
what the fuck is siren?
New advent group orisong
damn now im ashamed about asking
It's okay Jailbro, we all have our silly moments. Some just more than others
I am Rissa’s silliest Jailbird
Thanks jailbro, I’ve been with irl friends discussing about the new deadpool movie so I’ve been out of the loop anything vtuber related for the past 6 hours
raise your hand if you're a silly little jailbird
Cool, hope you enjoyed it and had a good time
None can defeat me, for I am Rissa’s Silliest Jailbird
i don't get why you like this stuff. I don't even understand a word of Japanese.
Then why are you here?
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
to look at you people. To understand what you like about an American white girl so ashamed to be so that she has to pretend to be a lesbian girl from an anime.

Anyway, I miss my Rissa
disappointed that you could barely hear her through the whole karaoke
hearing her try to sing in Japanese is a joke. You aren't asian, woman. it's not a bad thing.Get over it.
weird angle. didn't think we had tourists new enough to not even know how Hololive works
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Hello I'm looking for my son Joseph, I've heard he's camping in here.
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He's either going to get mindbroken into liking this stuff like orcschizo, or he's going to suicide (possibly by cop, he's prime material to be groomed by some fed into being news fodder) in like a year or two
Either way I don't really care outside of the minor five minutes of amusement I'll have when it happens, and because I'm a bleeding heart at my core I hope he chooses the happy ending where he learns to love life instead
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Oh I actually have a son named Joseph, maybe you're looking for him instead?
Good morning /ope/!!
I tried to wake up at 4, my body absolutly refused to get out of the bed so I passed out again. Is the Vod worth watching if I only care about Rissa? Was her singing clear enough?
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It was a very nice karaoke, they had lots of fun
Put it on while you make some brekky
do we have any art of nerissa cosplaying grace from zzz yet?
who tf is that
I kinda want to see her in Zhu's uniform
hey look, it's the good sister, the oldest, unlike the other two degenerates
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Who? I only post images that I find from here, however the vast majority that get posted are very lewd so I only have a small collection of pics to use
>do you write fanmail?
Ive never written fanmail, ill look into it though. Thanks for the heads up. I only post here because its instant and I know Nerissa reads it. I dont think sending a letter to japan which will then get sent back the us is as fast. But i will look into it thanks again!
Thats pretty hot but pic related
it doesn't get sent back to the US. She can only receive it while she's in Japan
How are you Nerissa I hope everything is well with you. I hope youre keeping cool, its pretty hot around the world, I assume its the same over there. Ice cold water helps if you need to cool down in the outside heat.
>writing prompt
Last time was kinda loaded so this will be less heavy. Youre on a family date with your husband and your baby, and you decided to go on a stroll along the shoreline of the beach. (Your baby is adequately protected from the sun dont worry) The heat has picked up so decide to enter a local ice cream shop to cool down. Its a nice little boutique shop and they serve many flavors and different styles. They have a large selection from normal ice cream, to gelatto, and sorbet, and even frozen custard? What type is your husband's favorite? And what flavor is he getting? Is he a cup or cone type of man? What about you? What flavor are you getting? The usual or are you trying something new? Your baby is still just a baby so your husband wants to pick something organic he can share with your baby. You purchase your cold treats and you find a nice table to sit at, you take a neat little family selfie and enjoy your afternoon together as a family.
Oh, thanks for the info. Even if I sent a letter right now I doubt it would get there anytime soon. Maybe I should just make a social media and dm her my Nerissa X Nerissa's husband fanfic lol
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Anyway on the topic of ice cream I want to make some predictions. Nerissa's husband usually goes for salted caramel ice cream but since he wants to share with your baby he doesnt want something too fatty and salty, plus with the temperature he wants something refreshing so he opts for a sorbet. As for flavor he chooses peach strawberry because it sounds good and the color looks is nice. Nerissa you strike me a a French Vanilla girl, the organic type with the vanilla seeds still present in the ice cream, and you likely prefer good old fashion frozen custard. However that gelatto section looked really good so you opted for strawberry gelatto.
Im super hungry right now dont mind me
Yes it was very good. Advent was super silly for it. We had a lot of silly people last night being assholes about Rissa(as usual when things are doing well), so good you missed that and can enjoy it.
Wrong, i am Rissa's silliest Jailbird. I'm way sillier than you are
Does Nerissa's sister, the one married with no children, cuck her husband? It seems like if they're in an ope marriage, it's her idea for sure.
>ope marriage
Why did fuwawa push the stinky joke so much? Is she a redditor?
she was obviously trying to push Nerissa to the edge to get raped by her
Rissa smells like a deep fryer and that scent is overwhelming to the sensitive nose of a demon dog. If you were getting overwhelmed by Rissa's girlstink you'd probably bring it up a lot too and you're not even a dog!
>Is she a redditor
fwmc only lose to Watame in number of r/hololive posts
They also talked about how their mom browses the sub
She is training Rissa into becoming her personal toy
I want Nerissa to play Dark Souls 2 and then fly into a rage when she has to fight the Semen of Dong.
Yeah yeah Fuwawa, you know you love that girl. Don't become a Helga, Nerissa isn't as chill as Arnold.
But seriously, Fuwawa loves getting the love pats, she was never the same from a dorky tall girl's kabedon.
>last night being assholes about Rissa
Saying her belting is weak is just reality. She would be the first to tell you she didn't hit her Rebellion part well live.
You know what, I'll admit it, this fucking killed me. Jay Bulkler reaction images are the future of /ope/
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If we're gonna shoot for the moon, ask her to do a vibrator challenge with Bloodborne, both equal chances of happening. Or her own drunk Sekiro challenge. The last would be fun because she'd probably become the most puddly uwu monster, give her a play partner and it would be the most sacchire cuddlefest of a Fromsoft game ever recorded. The archivists amongst the Jailbirds would get material for days.
I'll forever dream of her doing a drinking zatsu...maybe one day...
I believe in my wife's spelling capability
Well i dont
T. Dyslexia-haver
at least we’ll get some Rissa tonight
>I believe in my wife's spelling capability
"Spell Nerissa"
"Hai! N E R I S S A K"
"You lose"
"Jaiwbiwds… I lost…"
And on Sunday!
It would be the cutest thing but I understand she knows herself and wouldn't want to be too melty, since she says that is one of the reasons why she dislikes alcohol.
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Would be cool to get this to 9M by the one year mark.
Okay Nerissa, I'll do it for you. Can you tweet something cute on twitter for now though? I'm having a hard day and need some motivation
I can hear this
Well let's not count her out, she did say she was an honors student in English classes iirc. You may ask yourself, how do we reconcile the two things? Pure stubborn dedication.
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On Shiori's 3D debut date?
Did she retweet it already?
If its something that he did for the first time, I assume update on the Silent Hill he is working on?

It is, isn't it. Shoot if it is what I think its about, they'll both be excited, so more things to geek out about is good.
Will probably be some onsen stories on FWMC Morning in a few minutes.
Most likely
I could hear this and felt it in my nutbladder
Yeah time to tune in
Who is that baboon
The something new that he will announce is that Rissa made the next OP for the series
She'd be dancing in the aisles if that occurred. I don't think she could contain it. But hey, maybe she wasn't and these watchalongs besides being comfort material were how she was containing her Higurashi boner.
Smelly Rissa mentiom on fwmc morning
>Fuwawa likes watching Nerissa eat
Fuwawa is an Architect?
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>If we're gonna shoot for the moon, ask her to do a vibrator challenge with Bloodborne
She can play Rez that came with a vibrator peripheral on the PS2, I have seen another vtuber play it and its a lot of fun. Pic related its the trance vibrator to the game.
The game is also a musical rail shooter so it fits with Nerissas theme of being a sound demon
and yes the vtuber had it against her pussy
Can't wait to see what Nerissa cooked for our anniversary together
She cooked steak. For me, personally. Specifically (me) because she is my lovely wife
You can eat the steak, I'll eat her ass
>he doesnt know how it was served
Someone should have given her another wasabi takoyaki beforehand
I'm summoning watamage to spawn a Rissa stream tonight. Probabky RuneScape
>2 streams in one day
she's in the amesame spelling bee tonight though
After the spelling bee. She wants to Runescape very badly and i want to scape her runes too
They don't look like that.
What do you mean? Of course they do. Btw I took that photo myself
Can confirm that anon took the picture, I was the table
Can confirm that anon took the picture, I was the censor bar
Can confirm, I was the right tit
Which one? There are 6 right tits in the picture
We don't use that word in these parts, mister.
>>81542104 (me)
Which one? There were 6 right breasts in the picture
I'm possibly seeing a mole. Good.
I kissa da Rissa
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What a lovely family picture
Mamarissa should canonically have the largest, while Nerissa should have the smallest, even though still massive
cute family of lobsters
Malpha would not be stupid enough to not use sunscreen. She has 5 children. That is like rookie mistake in parenting 101
>no one posted the sirens trailer
This is a very lazy split for posting stuff about Rissa (especially with images). I'm not enthusiastic enough about her anymore to do it myself.
Oh thanks. I didn't know it was posted already
Jailbirds/chat truly are a reflection of the streamer as it turns out lol

I absolutely expect Rissa to play this at some point, it seems right up her alley.
I didnt think it was Nericessary since we talked about the trailer and posted about it ITT and last thread
there are certainly a lot of erm... colored characters in there
expect some melties on the board if she plays this
How was this shit made by the same people who made dredge?
nigga what the fuck are you talking about. My desktop is full of Rissa twitter screenshots and Rissa frames because I post them here 1 sec right after they're posted. I was asleep during the reveal and thought someone posted it in the dead thread
Does anyone get notified by youtube about streams for hololive talents they're not even subbed too? I'm looking at you ERB, it's even the homocollab one
i enable all my notifs but i never receive any
my account seems to targeted by neal to receive experimental ux bullshit though so maybe that's why
I see some Rissa regulars in that ERB prechat...
Talk about your offtopic stream elsewhere
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Here are my notif settings if it helps. Trying to get it to work for Rissa was like trying to install windows on a new drive when there's a version already installed, black magic.
Skibidi Rissa
thanks jailbro
i'll try using these settings
Good night /ope/. I managed to clear my schedule for the day of each of Advent's 3D showcases The day before and after for Rissa too so I CAN WATCH IT A HUNDRED TIMES
have a good night jailbro
>Inpired By Lady Gaga's Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony Performance
I see. I dont watch the olympics, solely football stuff, F1, boxing and MMA, so i dint know
Power went out
Guess there's no sleeping for me tonight. Might catch the spelling bee
Nighty night jailbirdy
I think he's the one above you…
>four days of no streams
She literally hates us…
What did she say nigga, tell me what she said
She released her "teehee pero" emote and said somethinv like: this is how i looked when i kept hitting Rissa during the party animals collab. I'M SO SORRY RISSA, I KNOW IT LOOKED LIKE I TARGETED YOU BUT I REALLY DIDNT. Please dont hate me Nerissa
Oh yeah that was kind of annoying but I felt really bad for Gigi, poor girl must have been really anxious
Ahhh~~ Rissa, you're touching me even in your sleep?
she'll have to pay for it, with sex
I'm quite sure they'll have sex eventually in an off collabo
I believe GG could be convinced to do it on stream too
Easily, but probably like Fuwawa through bullying Rissa
Rissa is not for bulli
New fatfuck unlocked
Is this her second itasha or am I misremembering?
Would Risser be a rimjob queen?
She's a Rusty Trombone specialist
how do we think Risser will do in spelling? good? bad? okay? cute.....?
Already is. Her extra long tongue does wonders to the prostate
Various variations of cute dorky.
I believe in her honors English credentials. Also we always take Advent for granted, even collabs are on the dot on time. Already pushed back about 5 minutes, will it be pushed to 10? Take ya bets ladies and gents.
How do advent collabs have less issues when they have Rissa and FWMC on every time?
The more people are involved, the higher the likelyhood of issues happening. This collab has almost 20 people.
it's 14 or 15, but the point still stands
If you're an Advent newbaby then trust me, sometimes we would have to deal with
>5 min delay
>into 15 min delay
>into 30 min delay
>into 1 hr delay
Being around since 2020 changes how you look at stream starting times... Grateful that Rissa and FWMC are always punctual....
Right you are, sorry about that. I thought it was 14 participants plus 2 hosts so I rounded up.
Rissa may be mentally challenged but she's eager to please so she'll show up on time no matter what it takes
I remember when ina missed an entire scheduled stream from oversleeping and kiara covered for her
good times...
All my homies remember Fubuki's old streams that she did when a member overslept more than an hour
Choco oversleeping by almost 24 hours..... memories.....
The Marine and Shion one was iconic.
Newfriends in the thread, you just had to be there
I do indeed. But in this one it seems they are actively pushing back the time, so its probably just last minute hiccups.

...and here we are!
Hey /Ope weekly Advent wellness check coming in. Trying to hurry before the spelling bee. Hope things are doing alright both in your thread and IRL for you guys too
Hi! Things are alright, both in the thread and IRL for me, nothing particularly noteworthy either way. Hope you're doing well!
Thread gud. Less chaotic than last time. IRL i have new therapy for my anxiety. Need to do daily swimming for an hour
Thanks for checking in guy. Mental health ain't been the best but by golly AmeSame and these fucking chibis are doing their best by me
Heh, she loves Fauna so much.

I'm betting Rissa will get the buffRissa.
I'm guessing a Crownie and the Raven
All three blue women are next to eachother
The fucking sock puppet
It would be funny if Nerissa licked Kronii's boobsweat and vice versa haha
We got sock puppet Rissa!
>Gura loves Rissa noises
Hey guys my mom found my nerissock what do I do
>Rissa and Kiara are sock puppets
Nerissa Ravensock and Takasocky Kiara
These freaking DORKS. They are Muppet watchers definitely. I love them.
Nice one Kiara
holy ESL
It's raover...
oh poor mamma...she's doing her best...
kek this ain't no scripps that's for sure
These poor ESL's lmao
I feel like I had these words in my elementary school's spelling bee
why did bae sound like she was having a stroke kek
>justice is 0 for 2
No wonder advent escaped...
Bets now, is Rissa gonna mess this up?
She's screwed.
oh she's fucked
It's over…
>Rissa gets kumquat, probably the hardest word of the bunch so far
>>81572996 (me)
Never mind, she's fucked
>is fruit a noun
It’s actually over
These happy friends FWMC models are so fucking cute, I'm getting cuteness aggression fuck
We don't usually see Kumquats in the midwest, so I feel for Rissa
>fucking kumquat
If this round is "easy" the next round is Rissover
The judges are ruthless
>"Is that a hint?"
Kiara you ruthless bastard kek
codependency kek. That's one way to describe FWMC
Damn, not being able to edit the word seems awfully harsh
I think in proper spelling bees, the judges let contestants start over if they made a mistake
oof, compliment vs complement. Beebs is definitely getting rolled.
So what's biboo's deal? I don't keep up with the ones i don't watch, is she retarded or something?
Oh ok, that makes more sense to me
Youtube needs to fix their shit, streams have just been randomly ending on me for days while they're still running.
She's coming up!
They'll give her the hardest word out of the bunch again
ok if she gets professional wrong it's on her
dyslexia strikes...
She almost fucking blew it
She lives
I think Gura really likes Rissa
please get your white midwestern american
I was just about to fucking say that, she is not lying, girl definitely has it!
she's dyslexic, purease undastan
No, she's a delusional weeb.
>still mindbroken
Not that I doubted so but it's cool to see Gigi's school smarts is up there with Fauna's
Some of these words feel unfairly hard and some feel laughably easy
Jailbirds using ope like global...
Dude fuck off
It's almost time again
wait was it Rissa who saved Cecilia? I'm pretty sure I heard her voice but I think I heard wawa and Kronii as well
She was one of them, yes.
Rissa chimed in, I think she recognized the correct spelling of the word
Yes. Now in return CC will let Rissa play with her body
Rissa was the first one who asked for the correct spelling assuming there was a mistake. But she was not the one who said that she had the right spelling
>>81580394 (me)
A mistake by the judges
I see, thanks. I heard the buzzer and got confused as well since I thought Cecilia spelled it right.
nice she got it
Nice one Rissa, I sure as hell wouldn't have gotten it
>medium round over
What do you think Rissa's hard word will be?
too easy for her
Despite having 200+ hours in BG3 she didn't read so she'll fail
They will tell her impregnable but she will spell out impregnatable
Why is SockRissa moving so seductively
Coming soon, can she make it?
It’s so fucking over
fuck yeah, talk about that fat ass
No fucking way she got that
No way these are random kek
RIP Rissa's gf
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The twins' accents are the death of them
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>those toes
fuck I can feel myself becoming a jailbird again.
She became a HOT DOG.
It's fuwawa's punishment for calling her stinky kek
Oh it's going to be sudden death now?
>also long word hard
The theatre kids should have this in the bag
Rissa knows the source, she could probably sing it but no way in hell she can spell it out
So Rissa wins then? Or will it be dyslexia that strikes again
She's gonna surprise me, that's my bet
Oh Rissa's next
pretty anticlimactic ending word honestly
>Rissa got skipped
Rissa forgotten …
wtf ame where are the words
>>81585755 (me)
I kneel
I doubted
Eternal shame upon me
I didnt expect her to know the word but it's probably such a known spelling bee buzzword at this plint
My theater babygirl, I'm so proud!
Forgot all about the stream for nearly an hour, tuned in just as Rissa came on for her first round I'm locked in
It really isn't. Hard words in spelling bees are words that no ones heard of like Appoggiatura or some shit
I kneel as well
I should have never doubted the wife
it's literally sang out in the musical no?
Poor cat…
Yeah I gotta agree with that. National spelling bee has had some nasty winning words. stromuhr, succedaneum, and guetapens - somehow these are real fucking words.
They really should have picked a different word but I think it's a fun ending
It's so mococover...
Marriage. Or heterosexual. She cant seem to process either word.
I have a word for you: endlösung
>scream for me
God someone sound clip that
what the fuck are they talking about, they're unironically yapping now
I know right, when Nerissa goes for it, she HAS it.
Rissa's audio settings...
Well, I've got two words for you too. Ignoramus. Or blatherskite. You "CAN'T" seem to process either word.
Heaven knows mere mortals such as ourselves aren't worthy of hearing the Rissa scream
It's her demon magic
If she does the scream as well I'm ngmi
did I hear "him" as a special guest? Does that mean yagoo is here?
Joe Biden dropped from the presidential race just for this moment
>>81590975 (me)
Never mind, need my ears cleaned. Heard "she" a minute later
stream died rip
Man this last bit was kind of a dumpster fire...
Blue wives in 2nd, feels good
Baking fresh.
also Baker-sama, did you hydrate properly?


All is right.

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