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Is there any way that Nijisanji can fix their horrid reputation in the west? The false allegations and slanders levied against them by those they fired, justly I might add, has taken its toll that not many indie vtubers want to join their ranks now. What PR campaign do they need to undertake to regain the trust and confidence of the consumer and watcher and other vtubers?
Public bukkake event
They're in the muck mingling with small corpos now. There could be some goodwill to earn there in collabs but it's more a vertical cliff face than an uphill climb. Rebranding them with a new name could give them a little aid.
But the house is generally rotten and should be dissolved honestly. None of their remaining old guard talents are worth redemption as Nijis and the new ones are just meat for the grinder or desperate to take literally the only offer that went their way.
They really need more Seiso idols. Enna, Millie and Rosemi can’t carry the entire branch on their backs.
They should just make a new branch that also features English speakers and then merge NijiEN into Nijisanji proper.
>But the house is generally rotten and should be dissolved honestly. None of their remaining old guard talents are worth redemption as Nijis and the new ones are just meat for the grinder or desperate to take literally the only offer that went their way.
Why do people keep saying this? The branch can still be saved and the old guard can still be viewed positively.
Genuinely, who?
Outside of Obsydia, Shu, Alban, Fulgur, Finana and maybe Reimu. most of the old guard are now affiliated/tainted by genuine drama.
>Elira, Millie, Enna are implied to be the actual bullies.
>Vox and Ike were in the black stream.
>Luca is a literal sexpest and had someone do all of his personal merch like messages/signatures (also hates pregnant people)
>Uki is a racist who's afraid of their own shadow
>Sonny faked his PL's terminal disease

And we're being generous, Reimu's PL was allegedly affiliated with a pedo and harassed the victim. And Finana for just being unable to know what to do with her audience.

The foundation that is the Golden 15 IS what is rotten at this point in time. Even drama that is outside of that like the Aster/Scarle leak shows indication that Luca was fucking involved. Talks about a PR Campaign will just be a Sisyphean task when, not if, someone within that group fucks up.
>Elira, Millie, Enna are implied to be the actual bullies.
No basis on this other than the words of those fired and they are heavily bias on making their former friends look bad in front of the audience and onlookers.
>>Vox and Ike were in the black stream.
Vox and Ike and merely say that the management of the time, was extremely corrupt and evil and had no choice but to be on it, before the higher ups purge them.
>>Luca is a literal sexpest and had someone do all of his personal merch like messages/signatures (also hates pregnant people)
I will concede this one to you and that Luca needs to be fired for multiple reasons.
>>Uki is a racist who's afraid of their own shadow
Uki brings in the conservative and more right-leaning crowd. Not that different in Japan where that's the norm.
>>Sonny faked his PL's terminal disease
Again, I will concede that one too you. We can't have a Boogie2988 situation.
Finana isn't clean either. Remember the "SHE GASLIT ME" bullshit she pulled?
>Uki brings in the conservative and more right-leaning crowd.
Anon, Uki fans are gigasisters, many of whom are openly trans or lesbian, who are the polar opposite of that, and Uki panders to them harder than any other organ. There is not a single conservative bone in any Niji fan. They are the left-wing rainbow alphabet version of MAGA
get rid of everyone besides doppio, maria and vivi
Naked dogeza by all the female talents
>Elira, Millie, Enna are implied to be the actual bullies.
Proof of bullying?
>Vox and Ike were in the black stream.
So? Selen is a lying grifter
>Luca is a literal sexpest and had someone do all of his personal merch like messages/signatures (also hates pregnant people)
Raz is a confirmed lying menhera who kneeled to Niji immediately. She simply scribed a single line of merch for Luca and claimed she did everything
>Uki is a racist
>Sonny faked his PL's terminal disease
Ten years ago, before he was even in Niji? Dramafags are simply retarded
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>>No basis on this other than the words of those fired and they are heavily bias on making their former friends look bad in front of the audience and onlookers.
Doki to my knowledge has not once mentioned ANYONE by name regarding her treatment at NijiEN, The ones to bring names of other NijiEN livers into the equation was Elira/Management. And considering that this was a private document that was supposed to be have only accessed by lawyers AND Elira/Management were the ones that relayed the information to audience, there can't be any preconceived biased from Doki.
The only catch here is that is that in the stream, Elira says the document "alludes" to where they live. Not definitive bully allegations, but this still brings the question on what their involvement in all of this was. And until we get more info one way or another, they're stuck with being the prime suspects.

>Vox and Ike and merely say that the management of the time, was extremely corrupt and evil and had no choice but to be on it, before the higher ups purge them.
Highly unlikely that people will believe Vox. When one of his rare appearances shortly after the Black Screen was to say in a collab to "Keep up the good fight." not to mention self admittance to reviewing the documents that he legally shouldn't have access to. Ike is more salvageable considering his lack of involvement in the stream, but it's unlikely a scenario where people don't believe Vox but believe Ike exists. So even IF Ike was led along/coerced into this, he's potentially unfortunately brought down by Vox's actions (Ironic, considering recent events.)

>>Uki brings in the conservative and more right-leaning crowd. Not that different in Japan where that's the norm.
We're talking about the old guard being viewed positively (in the EN sphere is what I'm assuming), sure Uki's insane yumes will tolerate hating white people but outside of that he's gonna look like a absolute clown. Either you're not well informed or this is just low quality bait I'm enjoying.

Overall I can only really see Ike being considered "positive" enough that he can stay. But everyone else is either a PR nightmare, or are highly suspected due to their own statements. Though I am glad that we can both agree that Sonny and especially Luca needs to fucking go.
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Your whole company is a grift
Mr. Tazumi said it himself
Alson post tits
All Nijisanji EN needs to do is focus on GFE. Enna and Millie are already making bank on it, so having others do it will bring in new revenue and audience.
Honestly, just an apology (specifically to Doki and Sayu, but also in general) and a promise to do better, with some public showing of new programs and changing management. Retracting the two termination letters (replacing with generic "parted ways" ones) and the black screen stream would be needed, too. It won't 100% fix the issue, but it would get many people off their backs and allow them to slowly build back their public image.
They don't have to follow through with it, just bury the hatchet publicly as a PR move and making some gestures would mean a ton.
>No basis on this other than the words of those fired and they are heavily bias on making their former friends look bad in front of the audience and onlookers.
>Vox and Ike and merely say that the management of the time, was extremely corrupt and evil and had no choice but to be on it, before the higher ups purge them.
Honestly, I don't get the impression any of this even matters. All sorts of thing revealed about the management looked absolutely awful. The black screen stream, even if everything in it was completely true and meant in completely good faith, just looked awful. Even if it's not clear exactly what was going on with the bullying stuff, any viewer will just have it in the back of their mind now.

The problem with getting a reputation for covering up the truth and hiding information (and NijiEN definitely has this both from management and the streamers) is that it's really hard to get rid of. Anything you say or do to try and improve your image is just seen as being fake or lying. Like I just straight up cannot think of any sort of action or statement management could make, even if they're being 100% honest, that is mostly not just ignored by everybody since they assume they're hiding the actually truth.
I'd say group bastinado session with Elira, Vox and the Swedish Water Bottle Slayer, but I feel like that would be an insult to the people who actually have the balls to make that content as a profession (or at least a semi-regular side gig).

the idea still gives me a mile long stiffy though ngl
And yet, even with their tainted reputations. The golden niji en livers is still the english branch's best performers this year, with luca, finana, enna and alban having earned a combined total of 29.781m views gained as of june 30th of 2024. Removing the old guards will bring more harm than good, because none of the denauth members are outperforming any of the old guards. Take ryoma for example : a measly 151k vods views vs Vox's 1.872m vods views, total views gained are counted from july 1-22.
If someone is disgusted by the fact they pushed someone to suicide then joked about it, I don't see how they'd ever change their opinion. Best they can hope for is for people to forget.
a branch that don't grow is a dead branch>>81423255
even the school dropout that is Riku understands this and dropped the branch like the trash they are
his billionaire trust tund baby ass created the conditions for that trash to pile up
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Enna and Millie just need to do more GFE.
Like >>81423371 said, even if the golden livers are more profitable if they are preventing growth it's at best a branch that's on a timer. Shareholders always want more growth, no growth = failure in their eyes. And if we go back to the financial reports, NijiEN has failed to grow in revenue and dropped severely despite all the attempts in Q4 to raise it.

This is why Anycolor if it wants a chance at the long term to purge/rebuild NijiEN from the ground up. Current NijiEN is a depreciating asset, and will slowly die off at it's current rate due to their mistakes and toxic fanbase. A new branch can't guarantee things, but it gives them a potential out if they don't actually fuck things up.
maybe instead of being worried about nijisanji en's future, you holokeks should go loop pekowho's ark vods. embarassing that she cant even hit 1m views on atleast 1 vod from such a massive event with other holomems.
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This picture looks so empty without Pomu and Selen.
There is only 1 way

The ultimate way

Proof that Dookieturd is indeed a horrible person

Niji's reputation will instantly recover and even soars to infinity and beyond

You can see an instance of this happening right now with SunnyV2 is vindicated after Kris Tyson is proven to be a pedophile
I love how this thread is doxsisters gaslighting ghemselves “company good, two more weeks”, falseflaggers, and actual moron who have not read the OP and think itms a legitimate question.
This is just the gaslighing room the sisters use to convince themselves the branch is not dead and abandoned and if they keep screaming their truth eventually people are gonna join the cult.
NijiEN needs to merge and die. Especially because the fans are scammed whores who just want more people to join the scam to feel justified in their loss.
>All the world will see niji once we harrass people more
LMAO, that’s exactly why the branch is dying sis, you are just sinking it more.
Try watching the streams maybe, we know you don’t, you are permanently here or on twatter.
>Holo out of nowhere
Like clockwork, the whores can only hate and deflect.
Take down the black stream, backtrack, and apologize through naked dogeza. Its up to us if we want to forgive them or not.
I sure as hell won't.
You're right, actually. There's no other way to salvage NijiEN's reputation except by proving that Dokibird is actually evil.
>Total views gained in an arbitrary time I decided is now the goalpost.
3views who can’t hit 30k on vods are shitters you can leave behind sis. No exception. Stop drinking the delulu cult.
>Le black stream was good, let’s all accept this fact in this gaslight room we created.
LMAO, how Niji can ever heal if the fans literally praise their worse decision as bibble cuz they can’t accept the cult has been discovered and humiliated.
Friendly reminder AX was not even a month ago, what a fantastic shitshow that was, can’t wait for the “never happened” delulu answers like good scammed cult victims.
>Le harrassment is our only weapon
Have you wondered why even the livers are openly hating you? You reminding the world everyday how cult of shit you are only helps people get away from the shit.
In a sense, tou are doing a good job making sure people know to avoid Niji like the plague they are.
you are just jealous that nijisanji en is still getting more views than your shitty small corpo. let me guess, you are either a production kawaii faggot or a v4mirai shitters fan.
Dude, the OP asked for a real solution.
There is no solution, I guarantee. Except to die and merge with main branch. OR. Paint Doki as the true villain.
>There is no solution
We can save the girls.
The best thing to do would be to lay low for at least a year - no new waves, no concerts, no large events in any Western country (Japan, China, SEA ok). People here on /vt/ don't seem to pick up on this, but in Japan, Nijisanji is viewed as a much higher quality agency than Hololive. It's like comparing Nordstrom to Walmart in the West. This is why Nijisanji is able to get collabs with Hatsune Miku, the NBA, McDonald's, etc. while Hololive gets turned down for things like these and also why AnyColor's stock is worth more than Cover's. In the end, the company will be fine, especially in Japan, but it needs to separate itself from Western internet culture for a while until the Selen/Doki stuff dies down some more.
new waves need to keep coming as the branch needs new blood for the eventual rebound. still, it's better to lay low on the other areas until the whole Doki scenario dies off. How long? at least a year.
Selen wand holding them back with her menhera attitude
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a new wave won't save you since you refuse to see the problem any color has not adressed their dogshit management that lead to this problem
>There could be some goodwill to earn there in collabs
Absolutely not. Any small amout of goodwill will immediately be null and void the moment anyone collabs with NijiEN.
>sisters can't even touch phase connect now
>production kawaii
Friendly fucking fire. Everyone knows that Kawaii is chock-full of friends of the clique.
i never said anything abour saving anything, dragoon/falseflagger.
they need new blood to keep going. this isn't Holo where they release new gens once in a blue moon
>stock worth more
It's been in the fucking red for months. That's literally the only thing that matters.
Dookieshit's hype is already dead though, and nijisanji has retained majority of its fans in SEA countries, like bangladesh, japan, malaysia and philippines. the old guards just need to gain new subs, to replace the deserters from donki's saga.
altare (a good friend of the fatty) and hakka from holostars collabed with niji en in recent times and received no backlash, nobody's worth a damn gives a shit about dookie's drama anymore.
phase are only strong with tenma and pippa lol, take those two out and phase will lose over 75+ percent of their views. meanwhile in nijisanji, most of the old guards are reasonably close with each other in popularity, except luxiem who is on a higher tier.
> phase are only strong with tenma and pippa lol,
Bitch, are you forgetting Lumi? She’s also a heavy hitter and she brings in that conservative money.
>>Elira, Millie, Enna are implied to be the actual bullies.
>Proof of bullying?
Pretty sure Elira said all three of them was mentioned in the documents in the black screen stream.
now quit wasting catalog space
So t you want to save the girls from their fate?
gay af
captcha PP WW
By getting them out of there, yes.
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just apologize properly to the livers? not reading off a script?
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People ITT who suggested to apologize even more are retards
You can't win anything on the internet by apologizing, not for the crime on this scale anyway
505k views on her day 2 stream is pretty underwhelming though, kuzuha was doing a million vod views on every niji gta streams last month.
easy. just very publicly announce they're improving the pay for your talents, give them some pittance base salary and increase the split for everything else based on performance. That gets rid of half the negative talking points. Then just pay doki whatever she wants to publicly kiss and make up. She knows she was wrong, she knows it'll come out eventually and she'll be fucked. Plus she is the grifter queen, she'll do literally anything for money: throw her friends under the base, fake suicides, whatever. So you have her read some unity statement clearing the niji girls of wrongdoing, say she was just in a bad mental space and took their concern the wrong way, whatever. There's a way to PR spin it so everyone looks good. At that point most antis have no ground to stand on. EZCLAP. Oh and just to finish the job, merge some old gens ala Promise. Just give everyone a fresh start, Elira, Finana, Petra, Millie and Enna. Vivi, Aia, Scarle and Denauth, etc, you get the idea. Get rid of old gen names that have negative connotations and dwindling members anyway, just hit the reset button on all of that.
>Then just pay doki whatever she wants to publicly kiss and make up
If they pay Doki, then that's an admittance of guilt of something they never did.
>of something they never did.
But they were the ones who released the termination notice.
not really, they're obviously not going to say they're paying her, just hammer something out behind the scenes with her. The guilt has to be eating at her, she'd probably be more receptive than people think to just putting everything behind her once and for all. Lots of times the innocent party still ends up having to pay thanks to public opinion, just the way it works sadly
I think it shouldn't fix itself or be fixed. It should burn to the ground. Elira deserves a chance to redeem herself in a new life but the ethyria girls and the males are all scum that I'd be glad to see never return to vtubing again.
If she had guilt about it, she wouldn't be palling around with mint all the time
no, relevant individual wont associate with a company with the reputation that it drive its former employees to suicide. They can't do anything in the west anymore.
I feel so fucking bad for her. She just minded her own business, happily spamming rpgs, not doing anything to anyone, no yabs, no nothing, all these years. You try to be a good soldier and read a PR spin piece for your boss and suddenly everyone thinks you're fucking satan. I'll hate every fagoon for the rest of my life for the way they treat her when she did nothing wrong.
that doesnt really mean anything, of course she's going to pal around with her. But if she has any ounce of goodness in her there's no way she can't feel guilty about how many innocent people her greed has fucked over
Doing the black screen is doing something wrong sub human. If she wants forgiveness she has to say that she did something evil that cannot be taken back and stop showing up on merch
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>She just minded her own business
Elira is pure and virginal, anon. She would never stab someone in the back unless pressured by higher ups.
>Le black stream was good, let’s all accept this fact in this gaslight room we created.
I think you misunderstood me, although maybe it's my fault for not being clear. What I was trying to say is that the validity or not of any of the statements in that stream is not really important - the entire thing was just absolutely horrible optics regardless of how you take the content itself. and once you blow up your reputation that hard it's near impossible to fix because any actions you take afterwards are seen as insincere
What's the proof Selen was bullied and she isn't just a retard?
nijien is irredeemable. anyone left who hasn’t had anything to do with the drama should just leave and rebrand. and if you can’t do that, start applying to starbucks or walmart.
I remember, anon. and since we’re gonna bring that up, kotoka also threw her under the bus.
Rosemi/Petra would be salvageable but petra was never popular.
Shu spent an entire year doing nothing but collabs and barely streamed solo streams.
Alban is the petra of the male's first two waves.
Fulgur is too 4chan.
Finana was a vtwitter that got lucky and absolutely ruined her career with gacha shit for a year then pulling 180 on her content insulting the fans she had.
Reimu is an angry spic that clout chases.
Sonny basically had his redemption already being hired by them after his PL shit. You only get one redemption arc
Petra has a dedicated Japanese fanbase who supports her.
To make it understandable to you
Elira is the [polite girl] who after class talks to the bullies/mean bitches in class, encourages them to keep doing the shit they do and if she gets caught
>Oh, I was just telling them to try be a bit nicer, you know? Everyone deserves a chance

Elira was 100% encouraging trouble without actually getting involved to come across as clean.
The termination notice itself.
They could have worked with her on a normal graduation, but they didn't want to.
They could have done a "mutually agree-upon termination", but they didn't want to.
Instead, they went the most bullying route possible with what they put in that termination notice.
She does, which is why she has the least drama around her. It's understandable she would distance herself from EN (whose fans in general found her 'boring') and focus on her JP fanbase too with how she got treated in EN collabs that weren't obysdia-only.
Can Petra be saved?
>>81417033 (Me)
>Rosemi/Petra would be salvageable but petra was never popular.
Agreed, they're not popular but they're currently the best choice based on process of elimination. There's no real need to get rid of them though pairing them with the other Iluna girls is probably the best course of action.
>Shu spent an entire year doing nothing but collabs and barely streamed solo streams.
Non-Issue for the most part, and probably something can reasonably be enforced.
>Alban is the petra of the male's first two waves.
Alban is actually the most popular male outside of Luxiem. He's actually the third most profitable talent SC wise, behind only Pomu and Scarle. Not to mention he seems to be making genuine efforts to do stuff here.
>Fulgur is too 4chan
I'm pretty sure this would eliminate over half of all corpo vtubers. Non-Issue.

The other two are fringe cases.
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>The only catch here is that is that in the stream, Elira says the document "alludes" to where they live.
The problem is that Doki claims that the document had no addresses or specific locations listed that weren't her own.
Thus, the only possible connection that would have both Doki's location AND allude to Enna, Millie, and Elira would be... Canada.
Doki said she lived in Canada and Elira claimed it was doxxing.
And you believe Doki over Enna and Millie?
twisty is struggling to tread above 2view status.
New waves are not the answer.
God, it's like nyfco never left. All they do is project all of their insecurities onto Doki (omg she's such a lying money-grubbing grifter who'd do anything for money while elira and the other organs are pure angels) without even a hint of self awareness.
Yes? Enna's a known terrible person, and Millie made that fucking secret gc stream and has a history with Elira of crybullying and harassing people on twitter.
Meanwhile, Doki has dozens of people, corpos, and the entire fucking western vtubing scene vouching for her on top of her stellar tenure at the company, not to mention her actions after the termination being nothing but good natured and professional.
>Getting fired is bullying
You're such a faggot, it's unreal
Whatever Doki says will be accepted as the truth because she has the public on her side.
Getting fired in the way she was fired is bullying, yes. It's a reflection on how the company is run.
that's something she did to herself by pissing off everyone.
New waves are ALWAYS the answer.
they should debut a mascot nijisanji liver that can speak english in the next wave, lunlun is a massive success.
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Explain Klara then
now that EN is at this point, they can actually use this to their advantage and try all sorts of crazy ideas like the mascot character and other unorthodox models.
She pulled a Meloco by pandering to the JP audience and alienated the rest.
i think the female fans of nijisanji en would actually support a mascot character because they wont view it as a threat to their source of affection, ie : the male nijis. but first, lets see if en branch survives long enough for riku to test this out, the next judgement day is after lord riku meets the investors on july 30th. i hope the investors will be kind to riku, its not his damn fault that en management was so gung-ho on the subject of handling selen's termination.
en managers really screwed up.
>let's see if the en branch survives
they'll survive.
en is in the perfect position to try out those dozens of unorthodox models they have in some PC catching dust in Japan.
"Unorthodox models" isn't going to fix the brand image in the west.
i never said anything about "fixing" anything, genius. they're in a position they can actually bring out all the crazy or weird models they couldn't before because there's less risk. Their main strategy has always been to "keep throwing stuff until something sticks".
>Is there any way that Nijisanji can fix their horrid reputation in the west?
Nah. It's far too late for that, and I am saying this as someone who has been following Niji on and off since before the debut of EN. Initially I ignored all the red flags left by what happened to the indian branch, as well as a bunch of other concerning information that was floating around pre-EN - but by now most of what seemed like it could go wrong has gone far worse than expected.
Nijisanji's model doesn't really lend itself well to actually screening or managing its talents, let alone dealing with PR disasters or foreign cultures. It's very much a quantity over quality situation, same as with their merch. They way they manage perms and sponsorships also seems to affect the talents negatively most of the time. Most of their focus seems to go to Kanae and Kuzuha's brands over everyone else.
TL;DR: Rosemi is cute, but there's no recovering from literal years of bad management company wide that even former JP talents complain about. It's over.
yes, it is indeed gay af. it would also be hot af. the two are not mutually exclusive.

I imagine that Ike's whimpers are probably in the top 10 most intoxicating sounds on Earth. I'm getting hard just thinking about them.

Seriously, just picture it for a moment.

"*sigh* okay, I'm taking off my heels. aaaaand there go the socks. *sniffle*"

imagine their naked feet all lined up on the rod. their terror as the rope encircles their ankles...

fuck, I need the winning lottery numbers so that I can commission this.
There is none. As long as Riku keeps pennypinching and relying on the starpower of jps like Kuzuha, thete is no hope for EN. I am personally rooting for either Brave group or Phase connect to overtake Nijisanji for number 2.
>Elira, Millie, Enna are implied to be the actual bullies.
This can probably be resolved just by Elira addressing the black frame stream - claim it was management, allow her to apologize for taking part in it, have her state that it misrepresented her and have her say she understands why people would be way of her, have her apologize for any pain she might have caused. If it was her idea have her lie.
It's not unsalvageable, but it needs to be addressed.
>Vox and Ike were in the black stream.
If Elira takes the initiative everyone else will be forgiven by proxy.
>Uki is a racist who's afraid of their own shadow
Only people of a certain political persuasion care, there's a reason why he hasn't apologized the way Rosemi dogeza'd for McDonalds.
>Sonny faked his PL's terminal disease
Old news.
get rid of everyone and keep only krisis and claude
Get rid of everyone and only keep Claude
whats wrong with krisis theyr awesomee
It's a good thing everyone here is unemployable
>false allegations
Most of them were self reports tho
Make a public announcement. In it, you will:
>distance yourself from the black screen video, explain that the video didn't get approved by management D:
>terminate the three talents involved, since it was a rogue carried out by them
>put the blame on mismanagement of the EN branch(indirectly throwing Elira under the bus)
>apologize to Selen directly

That's the absolute minimum needed to start rebuilding the branch. Obviously, Enna, Milllie and Reimu have to go as well at some point, but sacrificing the three directly involved, whether they are guilty or not, is a good start. After further graduations/terminations, you should redebut the remaining talents as new waves and retire the old branding.

That's it. The public needs its sacrifices, there's no way around that. Niji is a Japanese company, they'll understand that.
>the three start releasing receipts
There's a hitch in your plan.
Easily, she just needs to be traded out of EN and into regular Nijisanji.
>No basis on this other than the words of those fired
Elira was fired? News to me.
>Getting fired and your boss telling people why is bullying
You're such a faggot, it's unreal
If the issue is between the boss and the employee, the public doesn't need to know the details. Making those details public IS bullying.
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Graduate all of them and dissolve the branch. It's the only way
Receipts of them having been involved in bullying? That'd be self defeating. That aside, if they have dirt on niji, niji definitely has dirt on them. Mutually assured destruction.
Public bukkake event
What ammunition does Nijisanji even have left to use against Dokibird? We saw how well the blackstream worked out for them PR-wise.
Retard-san, it means a lot. Mint knows everything that happened and is happy to be friends professionally and personally with dokibird.
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The only real idea I had was private apologies to people like Selen and Pomu, people that were pretty much the few keeping a positive, safe, and somewhat professional image for NijiEN throughout 2022-2023. Not a public apology because that puts the company in an awkward position and because it will backfire if they don't respond or accept it, but just a private one with sincerity,
But as people have pointed out in another thread, the time for an apology has likely long since sailed. Even though Doki does not seem to hold that much ill-will and the two of them are probably in touch with old colleagues as is the case with many other people that leave corpos, February - March 2024 was such a PR disaster of epic proportions that it just tainted people's entire perception of the branch. Even some of the casual female fans seemed put off and haven't really come back.
He can stay if he fucking asks
As long as Niji continues to have fans defend its every decision it will never heal.
Kinda too late now.

If they had publicly fired several people, including some talents, while profusely apologizing for being stupid enough to publicly attack a popular suicide victim, twice, bullying her off the air while claiming their was no harassment the second time around to boot, they might have had a chance to turn this around. As it is, they've made it clear that they don't care about the fact that they have become an objectively evil cult. Their whole response to the utterly horrifying acts of the branch seem to be just to spit out more 3D and cancel more concerts. No sane person with an ounce of morals is going to back a company that nearly succeeded in covering up a suicide attempt, and did pretty much everything in their power to get the victim to finish the job.

Maybe if the stock crashes and burns so hard it gets sold off, and the new owner take those actions that the company should have done so long ago, then maybe, after several talents have been beheaded, they'll be worthy of being given a second chance... But as it stands now, the only possible redemption is death. For the safety of its talents, fans, and for the good of the whole industry, the branch must die.
But the public does need to know the details because they're the consumers of what they're selling. The same reason why companies tell the press why they dropped actors after they're involved with scandals
They don't do that officially, at best they leak the info to the press (and are scum for doing so) while the official notice cites "creative differences" or some shit, not a three page litany of largely manufactured sins. Never mind that they went so far out of their way to attack her again and literally bully her off the air live, in front of a hundred of thousand plus witnesses, during the infamous Black Stream. There's a reason their reputation is in the shitter. It's entirely of their own doing and entirely deserved.
But then how do you reintroduce Nijisanji EN 2.0 to the west?
>They don't do that officially
Blatantly wrong. That's the first thing they do
>Never mind that they went so far out of their way to attack her again and literally bully her off the air live
Defending yourself isn't bullying. Using the word "bullying" makes you sound like an actual child too. You might as well say dramafags dropping anti Niji videos while a Niji is streaming is "bullying" then
By making it about idols and seiso
They weren't defending themselves, they were attacking Doki, again, with more of the same, which is what got them shit on to begin with, which just doubles the retardation, ruining remaining talent's careers in the process. And if you prefer we can use the word "harassment", because that's exactly what deliberately driving someone off the air is. If anything they were trying to get her to finish the job.
>Blatantly wrong. That's the first thing they do
No, they don't, because that makes them liable. Official lines out of entertainment companies tend to be as vague as possible.
Enna did nothing wrong and should have sued Dokibird for slander.
So doki can attack them but they can’t.
How is that justified
>They weren't defending themselves, they were attacking Doki, again
They were responding to her accusations and explaining why they took down her video, which people were saying they did unjustly because Selen made it seem that way. That's defending themselves
Jack Black just canceled his tour because of his band mate and openly explained why online. Fox Network directly responded to an actor staging an attack on himself as "disturbing" and immediately fired him. You don't know the entertainment industry if you don't think this isn't normal
How did Doki ever attack them other than by revealing the fact that they drove her to make an attempt, after they ran a three page attack ad against her? So to correct that, they attack her more and further prove there's harassment going on by harassing her off the air for all to see?

No sane company publicly attacks a popular suicide victim, let alone twice on two different platforms. Riku himself may still be driven by mere profit, but the branch has clearly become some sort of yes-man cult driven by something much more sinister that runs counter to AnyColor's own interests as well to the safety of its talents. Left as they are, it's only a matter of time before they get someone killed, either by driving another member to suicide, or directing so much hate against them someone decides to do something permanent.
>They were responding to her accusations and explaining why they took down her video
All they did is prove the accusations true while generating hatred for their talents and pretty much ending any hope they had for any career outside of the company. In regards to the video, most thought it was a copyright situation, which was infinitely better than it just being a new policy decision with no legal repercussions at all, and revealing it took nearly two days to get back to her, with that deadline looming, in the process. They were much better off with Selen simply not revealing why it was removed and leaving most folks to assume there was a real legal issue. Turns out they were in no way justified in ruining the Dragoon's Christmas, let alone trying to get her to finish herself off.
Jack Black tweeting about his band mate isn't a corporate response, and Fox provided no additional details in their firing. Providing bulleted sin lists rarely, if ever, happens in the west. Being blacklisted is rare enough, but making a public rant about the individual you're letting go, in hopes that they can never work in the industry again, is pretty much unheard of. You generally don't get details directly from the company outside of the tabloids and court documents, because doing so often opens you to legal retaliation. Not that it never happens, sometimes unprofessional hot heads go off, but it's rare as fuck.
Just shut the fuck up and stream. Go one year without some retarded scandal. Their core fanbase hasn't left, and will never leave.
Clearly it would have worked out better for Nijisanji had they shut up and not tried to hit Dokibird. The blackstream was a disaster for Nijisanji.
Suicide is your own responsibility and she never tried shit retard. She baited for sympathy from stupid fucks like you so you'd open your wallets.
Yeah, basically. pretty shit if you ask me.
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Go away.
Ah I love the smell of nijiseethe in the morning
You can't
Why not?
Because nijisisters still think shit like >>81508998
Are winning arguments
it's been like 6 months and sisters are still coping
>elira good girl dindu nuffin
holy fuck elirafags this is embarrassing
>Go one year without some retarded scandal
literally challenge impossible
Out seiso idols are being attacked for no reason, of course we're worried.
Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?
she was always a JP member in disguise so it was a good thing for her.
>All they did is prove the accusations true
You have brain worms
>it just being a new policy decision with no legal repercussions at all
You can feel those worms wriggling around in your brain
>revealing it took nearly two days to get back to her, with that deadline looming, in the process
It was her own deadline, you retard. Managers don't work weekends, you think they don't take breaks on Christmas.
>let alone trying to get her to finish herself off
This retard actually thinks they mind controlled her into trying to kill herself. She should have sent it earlier to her manager if it was so important, she'd kill herself if she didn't upload it on time
>Jack Black tweeting about his band mate isn't a corporate response
He is the boss. Talking negatively about someone he hired and explaining that he's the reason his tour is cancelled. That is corporate
>Fox provided no additional details in their firing
What the fuck else were they going to talk about? He only got fired after getting exposed and they started shitting on him in public.
>She was blacklisted
Schizophrenic. Just admit you don't know what you're talking about
How is that a good thing?
Naked dogeza and a paizuri. Times 2 for Elira.
avoiding getting the hate other ENs got. stealthy woman
Elira finds that demeaning for women
That's the point?
So, tap into the same niche as Hololive, but years too late when Hololive already monopolized that? Idiocy. If anything, they need to steer in a different direction.
Yes, she has that power now, so NDF sisters should not come gunning for her cause it won't go well.
i bet they're now just copying hololive EN's 3D debut format in terms of presentation. having lightsticks on a concert, what could that mean?
Don't be sexist.
>NDF sisters
>Say sorry
>Selen was right
>We are showing the employees responsible the door responsible
>Proceed to fire The CliqueTM
>The talents say sorry to their respective fanbase for their own, specific, respective yabs
Das it, it really isn't that fucking complicated, HOWEVER, Nijisanji is a japanese corporation, they would much rather self-immolate and perish than ever admit their own faults. For the company never makes errors in judgement, they could never hire a bad employee, that would mean they are bad at doing interviews or some other retarded logic.
>>Selen was right
But she wasn't?
Fired anyone responsible for the toxic work environment, be it talent or management. Call it "graduation".
Completely rebrand the EN branch. More management, less new talents, longer training before debut, no gossipping in the discord.
Maybe even a new name since the name nijisanji EN is so damaged right now.
Irrelevant, that wasn't the question. It's about fixing their reputation, not about how they feel about it, which is why they will never do what I said. In their mind, they were right, all those millions down the drain were worth it to save face, everyone will come back when they see their vision.
>How to fix its reputation?
You don't.
But we can.
Sabotage the competition so people have no choice but to watch NijiEN
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Good one anon
One aspect that people dont bring up is that they probably have lawsuits brewing against them, which makes them fundamentally incapable of admitting to their wrongdoing.

I dont think the consequences of their actions have even finished unfolding yet. So its way too soon to start talking about "recovery." Let's see if Niji EN even survives another year first.
She never mentions them, and she has never implied anyway. You keep going in circles, ignoring this fact. She has never attacked first. This is why niji reputation died.

>First, they do the terrible letter after months of silence. Doki is forced to respond to the slander. Tell her version of events.
>Then she moves on and doesn't mention the drama again.
>Then they attack her stream directly with the black screen, slandering her even more and mentioning their own talents.
>sisters surprised this backfired. When selen just mentioned their whole premise is a lie and she has a lawyer,
>moves on and doesn't mention drama again. Sister's seethe to this day.

Doki has never attacked, her response has been as professional as it can be. This is why companies and artists and the public all work with her.
her biggest problem was the tweet where she told others to upload the music video themselves.
i don't think it's possible, best bet they got is just trying to not get into any more big controversy and hiring better entertaining people. One day the rest of the internet will learn how much of a manipulative piece of shit selen is, but i don't think it'll help get niji into it's former glory
Yeah, if they terminated her then, cited vaguely repeated disobedience and creative differences and shut the fuck up their PR wouldn't be on fire. They would still have a bad reputation because of their horrible management and people would just say Selen was an ambitious lose cannon, and both go relatively unscathed. But they wouldn't be known as absolute scum.
But they didn't did they? Their management is too horrible. They had to double and triple down again. Well, now you see the consequences.
but they did do this, doesn't matter what way they would've terminated selen, she was gonna clap back just as hard as she did. only way this could've been peacefully resolved is if selen got to graduate, which was not possible
No, they didn't. That would be a single paragraph explanation.
Instead, they did a 3 page notice, which explained selen:
Did copyright violations. Oh but the artist say they cleare them months ago? By showing anycolor assets? Isn't she part of anycolor? Sister's this doesn't look good for management.
Didn't pay artists, except, hold on, all the artists came in support of her. Sister's, this doesn't look good for management.
And especially, the harassment and mismanagement allegations. Wait, why are you bringing this up? Sister's, this doesn't look good for management.

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