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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Schedule: https://x.com/rinkouashelia/status/1815458219319587037

ϟ Upcoming Streams ϟ
>On Thursday at 8pm EST, Lia will be collabing with Dizzy, Hina and Runie

ϟ Current Events ϟ
>Lia's birthday is on July 31st!
>Phase Origins premiered a cover of Adabana Necromancy! Please give it a listen!
>Lia announced a new outfit AND original song are both in production for 2024!

ϟ Lia For Sale ϟ
>Marketable Lia Plushie!!
>Lia shirts WTF
>Charms, Pins & Prints!

ϟ Other useful links ϟ
>New to Lia and are looking for VOD suggestions?
>Cytube channel:
cytuDOTbe/r/VODclubhouse (replace DOT with .)
>Divegrass team:

Remember to only love Lia, and never watch other girls. Only Lia will ever love you. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ

Previous Thread: >>81378371
thinking about Lia's brown butthole
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yo when you like Lia it helps me help my daughtah
thinking about Lias pink butthole
>Complains about Neal and YouTube treating her badly whilst doing stream making fun of dead children
Is Lia dumb?
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>he didn't get enough (you)s in /pcg/ so he has to post it again
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ϟ Lia Friends ϟ

Phase Connect>>>/vt//pcg/
Phase Gen2 +>>>/vt//pcgia/
Maid Mint>>>/vt//mint/
Rurumi -https://twitter.com/RurumiYumemi
Haruna Swift -https://twitter.com/HarunaSwift
KKCyber -https://twitter.com/kkcyberai
Maple Alcesia -https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesia
Aoi Moi -https://twitter.com/Amoi_moi_moi
Nyaru -https://twitter.com/nyaruchuuu
Obake PAM -https://twitter.com/obakepam
Kamishiro Rita -https://twitter.com/RitaKamishiro
Ushio Ebi -https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Reina Sun -https://twitter.com/reina_kawaiii
Punkalopi -https://twitter.com/Punkalopi
Nova Aokami -https://twitter.com/novavreverie
Kureiji Ollie -https://twitter.com/kureijiollie
Sayu Sincronisity -https://twitter.com/sayusyn
Da Michi -https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru
Hakushika Larry -https://twitter.com/hakushikaiori
Hasekura Muumi -https://twitter.com/hasekuramuumi
Faye Mata's perfect tits -https://i.imgur.com/imT0dGn.png
Sam Hyde & Nick Rochefort -https://www.youtube.com/@PerfectGuyLife
L.A Flights -https://www.youtube.com/@L.A.FLIGHTS

ϟ War Time Traitor ϟ

Ayase Yuu 絢世ユウ -https://twitter.com/ayaseyuuu
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I want a Lia!
I want a goddamn Lia!
If I had a Lia
A cute, a pretty Lia
If I had a Lia...
I would.. watch her
I wish I could help Lia.
Mostly I am sad because a 30 second blip at the end soured a phenomenal stream.
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any words?
>pee orphan girl
>michibros sequel
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>faggot images
Lia from Phase Connect

I want to give my lil sister Lia head pats
>No otsupost even after Lia has lived her starving British orphan chimney-sweep dream
It's so joever
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how can she otsutweet if she died of shingles
she died, anon.
I would keep the body
I hope we see Lia again this week. I hope she collabs a fuck load the next couple week it might do her a lot of good to be around people on stream to get her mind off it.
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this is what the ideal woman looks like
start from scratch and rebuild on twitch until youtube gets figured out.
just get the dono situation figured out on twitch first. the worst part of last nights stream was there was no double dollars because of no donos + the cheap points redeem for highlight my message. those are lia's bread and butter she is great at conversational donos.
right now i view neal and youtube as terrorists and they are caushing my lia stress and i don't like it.
>african dizzy boba rap
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thinking about Lia
thinking about liking Lia
thinking about licking Lia
thinking about Lia eating beans and toast for breakfast
why do you want her to eat beans huh?
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I want a free Lia, where is this contest
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We got your back, Lia.
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For me I just don't accept Phase Connect not trying to move heaven and earth to find the people to talk to within YouTube. Between all the connections within Phase, I do not believe they can't get someone to talk to help resolve this issue. Get that line of communication opened. This won't be the last time this will probably be an issue for one of his channels, either.
I hope Lia speaks up for herself to management. It is their job to take care of talents and deal with disputes.
it's his job to sell coffee and not ship your merch actually
fuck if I were Lia I would reach out the manlybadasshero he might have some leads or advice
Lia doesn't even want to tweet @ team youtube. she's not going to reach out like that
>I’m the D to the O to the sipping tea Kuro
>Miss me with that chai shit, my order’s thorough
>Droppin’ tapioca like pearls around my neck
>Fucking ask for Dizzy milk, I’ll end you in a sec
>Don’t be needin’ cup holders with a chest size: GIGA
>Careers ‘bout to end when I spit this verse nigga
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I love Lia
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well Lia needs to put on her big girl panties. Stand up and fight for herself. There is a fine line between looking whiny vs. your livelihood is on the line.

she has said they told her there is nothing they can do. In which case I would get firm and bitchy and say they need to make it happen because you are 100% right it is phase connect's responsibility to support their talents in issues like this. from the sounds of it, lia doesnt ask phase for a lot and they take their sweet fucking time with her projects, so lets get some priority here on this issue
what Lia needs is Muumi
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you do not know more nor care more than Lia and Phase management do. She already said during the members stream that management was trying to help, there is only so much they can do against a megacorporation that default to AI reviews and then close the case.
this. it really fucking sucks but speculating about it doesn't help. just try to stay positive and send Lia good vibes
I know Phase isn't doing enough. That's all I know. This issue has been going on for months.
It's called Sakana would rather circle jerk phase wars and shitty merch events than help talents who are in need of assistance only they can provide.

I know it's rare to see someone who doesn't drink le ebin fishman koolaid cofee, but he is failing Lia right now.
They never got Uruka and Airi's Twitch accounts back, and Twitch is more approachable than Youtube.
Lia's channel getting demonetized means less money in Fishman's pocket. If you think he didn't do anything he could then you are retarded. You do not know if Phase is doing enough because you have no clue what Phase is doing or has done. They cannot magically call Neal and make him change anything. Fishman and management as a whole has far greater investment in Lia than you do.
Yes because they likely failed Uruka and Airi and didn't do what they could to fight for them.
Why be in a corpo if the damn corpo doesn't back up their talents and take care of talents when they have disputes? From what it sounds like, they leave their talents on their own to fend for themselves.
>From what it sounds like, they leave their talents on their own to fend for themselves.
Lia said during the members stream that management was doing their best to help her
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it's not enough imo. if it was enough, streams like 2 of the last 3 streams would not happen. i watched my oshi on the verge of tears because she has been dealing with this youtube shit for 6 months and she is LOSING motivation to stream by the damn day because of it.

Forget trying to appeal youtube, they ought to be trying to fire up and motivate Lia and inspire Lia right now. Instead it sounds like they just tell her
>Outfit? it's done, but not yet
>that song you've been working on for a year? not yet
>Youtube problems? what do you want us to do?

The best opportunity Lia has is in today, and they need to pound that message into her. VTubing can take her anywhere she wants to go in life. Block out the noise and worry about youtube because IMO that should be Phase managements worry, and Lia just needs to worry about being Lia. Getting excited, get her onto new challenges new opportunities (which I know are coming thanks to Phase, but they need to put those in focus for her. dangle the carrot in front of her that hey great times are coming soon you just have to keep swimming and weather the storm)
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chat is this real
is this real???
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[Liker news]
One well known Liker joined the lobby for an opportunity to punch the hamster in the face in the Idol Showdown game.
If you watched the members stream you would see that she is handling this very maturely. Though she is upset, she said multiple times she is trekking through the hard times to make it to the light at the end of the tunnel. Lia is an adult and doesn't need a carrot dangled in front of her. She's not a retard and I'm sure management is doing their best to try to motivate her because motivation = money. I understand it's an upsetting situation, but none of us have any clue what goes on behind the scenes and using management as a scapegoat for YouTube's shitty system that has been screwing people over for years achieves nothing.
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he better have won
oh, yes, he did... basically anybody can defeat the hamster
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if anyone can beat her how is Lia losing this wrestling match?
yeah, I thought about that image... My best guess is... Eimi is heavier than Lia, and that's quite important when fighting, it gives you a ton of advantage
You fool, she’s most powerful in that stance
>Lia is an adult and doesn't need a carrot dangled in front of her. She's not a retard
the fact that you think people at jobs never have incentives or rally to stay focused and positive and are instead "retards" tells me you have likely never had job working with a team/group.
you want to lift moral and present incentives to do your best. that harbors a mentality of prosperity.

there is exciting stuff coming for Lia, and she need not ever lose focus on that. in vtubing things can go from lukewarm to redhot in a day. be ready and stay excited for what is coming. and that is just the stuff she knows is coming, what if Lia pulls her head out of her pink asshole and puts herself out there for new collabs? that stuff is exciting and stuff she can semi-control.
they are having sex.
I want Lia to call me a swedish rape baby.
The phrasing of saying she needs a carrot dangled in front of her makes it sound like she's a retard that needs to be tricked or baited with a carrot. What incentives can management dangle in front of Lia? Lia loves streaming, that is her incentive. Not returning to the boba shop is an even greater incentive. She doesn't need management to feed her corporate buzzwords about morale and prosperity. Lia is passionate about streaming, but when the tools of your trade have been kneecapped its not exactly easy to get motivated or incentivized.
>there is exciting stuff coming for Lia, and she need not ever lose focus on that.
She is aware of this, you are infantilizing her which is shameful considering she showed a great amount of maturity and hope during the members stream.
>what if Lia pulls her head out of her pink asshole and puts herself out there for new collabs?
Lia's head is not in her asshole, she is clearly doing her best with what she has.
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I thought swedish people didn't have penises
>thigh insistently buried into her crotch
She can't do that! That's an illegal move!
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>Lia's head is not in her asshole, she is clearly doing her best with what she has.
Im not meaning it in a negative way, I'm just putting it in a more crass way not sugar coating it.
she said during the members stream she hasn't done her best in that avenue and that she has neglected reaching out to work with new people and it is something she hopes to get back to.
I phrased it that way in the chance Lia reads here (hi Lia) that, yes: we DO want to see her meet new people and put herself out there. It has been a while since she has done it.

I want Lia excited! Now I'm gonna let her cook. And she she is cooking tomorrow with a collab. I hope she considers more fashion streams and can get excited about those because those have been some of her best content this year.
are you from Finland?
love this guy
that's my president
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Yes I agree, tomorrow will be good with Lia spending time with her friends. I would like her to collab more as well since her style of streaming is very fun when she has a partner, I want to see her and Enya together again especially since she just barely missed the birthday call-in.
>Now I'm gonna let her cook.
Lia is a lot smarter and stronger than she seems on the surface. If I went through half the things she has talked about recently I would have shut down so the fact that she is still streaming and delivering good streams at that is impressive to me. Just trust her and let her do her thing.
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believe in Lia
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I would give her a nice home and would would BBQ every weekend. Ribs, chicken brisket, you name it.
unlike the UK, here in America we have the best medical care so we could solve that problem
everything I wanted it to be/10
chin up. tomorrow is a new day and we believe in you more than you will ever understand.
>delivering good streams
I just hope she realizes she is. Since she came back, streams have ranged from good to great. We've had at least 1 great stream every week since she came back.
Content wise, I have been very happy watching Lia. Probably the happiest since last year.
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Is this the original soundpost done a year ago? I remember it being simpler.
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After all, Lia is a teen idol sensation
What kind of animals eat beans and toast for breakfast?
hey that's me!
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the same ones whose ancestors lived in swamps before they were civilized
What’s the matter? It’s not a deep fried McDonald’s you fatso
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What did he mean by this?
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that's not me
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Anybody else ever play bloody knuckles while in school?
yes I did but not much cause im a pussy boy
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I played it with my autistic friend. me and my other buddy 2v1'd him. he would win every time because he liked the pain
that autistic friend? Lia.
bloody knuckles was my game bito
we would play with a quarter
The fuck is bloody knuckles?
its an old creepypasta like sonic.exe but knuckles instead
It’s where you put your knuckles flat on a table, and then your opponent shoots a quarter at your knuckles. First to bleed loses.
There is also coin spinning involved to determine who gets to shoot.

this seems dangerous and a way to get a blood infection or disease. This is what honkeys did for fun?
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damn thats hardcore, never played it like that
>blood infection or disease
stop being a little pussy lil bro
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dont be such a baby it's not a rusty coin or anything!
I will have you know my first kiss was a result of winning bloody knuckles. Young love trying to impress and it worked.
was she cute? did she kiss your knuckles to make you feel better?
>first kiss
and what was his name?
Yeah she was cute. She looked like boxxy

Sorry it’s not dominos or dice, Keyshawn.
Were her eyes always like this?
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how the fuck do you even play dominos, I always thought they were just to set up and knock down
today my oshi looked perfect again
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>9m mark
>fujo woman zooms in on his butt
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Yes, played it in highschool with a big fucker, built like a goon. I showed no emotion.
We called it a draw when the bell rang for next class.
Don't remember any pain.

Never seen that.
We just punched eachothers fists.
just because she zoomed in on his butt doesn't mean she's a fujo
I want to play bloody knuckles with you but instead of your kunckles it's your toes and instead of punching them I suckle on them with my mouth
Just punched? Did you ever break someone’s hand?
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Suckle on a shotg-

No, don't remember any blood either, just bruising.
Maybe we weren't doing it hard enough.
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she's filming two boys playing bloody knuckles and zooming in on butts. kinda sus if you ask me
Why would girls like butts? What is in it for them?
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Freaky bitches that eat ass.
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it's funny
Girls can have a fart fetish too
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i'm sure some of the gay Likers here can tell you about the appeal of manbutts
Yeah but guys have a benis for the butt
Girls have no benis
this. michibros butt is yummy
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you don't know that
I hope Lia has a good nights sleep
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Faggot of the day
My truth is that I like Lia and believe in Lia with all of my heart
I made this post
I think you guys should check out this website and get educated on self rape
gonna goon now
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it's not rape if i consent
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you don't even have a penis retard
Beans and toast is not bad, the problem is... don't ask the Brits about beans. Ask a Mexican person. Brits think beans grow in Heinz cans.
Beans need salt, pepper, fat. Brits just dump their bottle of ketchup on them and that's apparently a meal?
beans are just kinda shit in general. just tastes like mush
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High energy tonight.
Keep it up.
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if you jinxed us I swear to god
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Nothing personal.
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if the fire goes out you are legally obligated to post toes
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That doesn't work for me, brother.
I ain't no mark.
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I don't like you enough to let the fire go out on purpose jackass. get over yourself
>doesn't invest himself in the fire
why do you anti?
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Hi Lia, I hope youre feeling better. Dont get too worked up about these situations, they happen. Everything will work out in the end I promise. If I were to offer some advice perhaps it would be wise to tag youtube on twitter complaining, it seems to me thats the only way to achieve results with them. They hate negative pr more than anything so if you take your issues publically they im certain they will get resolved.
Its always a joy to watch you stream and im glad you do, so its upsetting to me when youre disheartened about streaming. Cheer up Lia! I found this webm just for you I hope it will at least make you feel better even if just a little
I come back to /vt a year later and you faggots still keep his glorified discord server of a thread alive.
why did you leave?
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to lure in innocent anons and rape them to death
based positivity spreader
>missed out on the best divegrass team
sounds like a you problem
Yeah, they have a very neutral taste, pure starch and protein, that's why you need to season them properly with salt, not fucking ketchup. It's the same reason tofu tastes very bland if you don't add anything to it.
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remember to say your prayers to Lia tonight
Browsed catalog a bit. The worst way to start my morning.
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skill issue and you should feel bad for doing so
What if it made me think of Lia
thankyou for the tears anon
I like Lia
Stunning and Brave
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Undoing that tie and pulling her thong to the side
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I like my Lia country fried
I like my Lia chicken fried
Im awake, but at what cost?
About tree fiddy
Double Pounds
Thinking about Lia cleaning Hexa’s dirty chinney
is this a butthole thing?
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based good vibes anon
I would kiss Lia’s butt and give her $1000 double pounds to do so
Stop lusting after women
but women are erotic and sexy and they pee
Men are better
Girls have much cuter butts
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Well that part might be true
do they have titties?
Boogie has titties
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well damn i guess i gotta fuck his titties then
I want to hug her and give her tummy rubs
You’re penis isn’t big enough for Boogie’s boobs.
Have you considered taking bluechew?
In fairness, Boogies titties make any penis look tiny
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Do penis enlarging pills really work?
God yes
Take a pill before watching a Lia stream
Morning lads I like Lia and hope she has a wonderful day!
Are you thinking about big liker cocks managersan
I woke up and immediately thought about Lia
She makes me so happy
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just curious and i figured you guys should have some experience with them
Nothing really makes your cock bigger permanently
Lia’s milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
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I wonder if Lia has ever had Culvers?
I dont think they have those on the west coast they have shit like in and out
Lia's milk is to small to shake albeit
Lia confirmed has a juicy ass. Watch streams.
does milk come out of the ass
Milk comes out of the boob area, anon
Cock milk
Provided by a cute liker, what's up with it?
I want it
thats gay
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Yeah and
Likers and cocks are hot
Can boys wear safety shorts?
They are called boxer briefs when guys wear them.
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I always imagine boomer Likers as the dad from Malcolm in the Middle
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they have nothing to hide
Aren't most likers boomers
Think it is a healthy mix
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this outfit, but Lia
Sometimes I think i'm too old to still be watching vtubers
Need thicker thighs to be my Lia
on planet nigger maybe
If you can be straight but have a penis fetish, can you then be homosexual but have a cute girl fetish?
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ofc orange ape is an iPad bab
how you know its not a samsung tablet
dick fetish is a meme. you have been worked.
Prove it
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Because if dick attracts you and you’re a male, then you’re gay.
what if it's a cute girly cock?
Cocks should be strong and manly
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yippee we dont say that word here
was a bit busy but /vgtc/ central released a trailer!
The race should be on July 28 (29 most likey for JST time zones)
more details on the dates are here
I won't mind to give a small pinch to a cute feminine bulge.
nice job!
what time and date is this in EST?
I hope Lia has better results here than in the other racing autism thing. looks cool.
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Lia fren LA Flights are setting up from BAT BRIDGE

i'll reply back when they wake up. i wrote the dates because the google sheets didnt have it (inb4 it's there lol)
*but not the time zones
god damn i'm too high for this shit
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imagine holding hands with Lia under Bat Bridge
I wish I could make Lia as happy as she makes me.
Inhale hope
Exhale fear
Wish Lia would call me a faggot
I made this post
For the collab tonight, Runie, Hina, Dizzy have waiting rooms. Lia usually puts her waiting rooms a couple of hours before the stream, right?
We will find out
If Lia is going to stream she usually puts up and tweets out the waiting room between 3-6 pm est
yeah, that's what I thought
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I hope Lia streams today and has a happy day
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nigga u gay
what can anon do to cheer Lia up, especially ahead of her birthday?
give her money probably
the best i could do is draw but i'm really fucking retarded in anatomy, perspective and colour
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cute lia
that was a nice backread, very enjoyable. I give it a 8/10. good job bros
I want Yippee and Liacon to play bloody knuckles
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neither of them even have knuckles
you don't know that
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it would be just like the video. Yippiee would tank it and Liacon would be bleeding like the nerdy kid
I do cause they are both literally me
they can use their third leg
the fact that he is playing bloody knuckles exempts him from being a nerd.
bloody knuckles is a man's game.
he was clearly doing it to impress the lady filming
chad shit
Yeah and i'll suck your cock
it's your responsibility to educate the younger vtuber fans, ojisan
I'm an ojisan, and Lia is the only thing that is stopping me from being the old man yelling at the kids who fuck with my trashcans.
Being 30 doesn't make me an ojisan
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you are an entire decade older than me, old man
Shut up brat
Im sitting here aged 36 posting from work.
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imagine being this old
I'm still a teen at 33
you sound like me from a decade ago.
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It catches up on you fast
I want to sit next to Lia on a 13 hour flight on a Dreamliner
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old, decrepit, one foot in the grave, his penis doesn't get as hard anymore, newspaper buying, only looking forward to retirement, bengay purchasing, 401k having, stinky, ojisan
Thiking about manager-san asking about boner pills
I don't need boner pills with them around if you know what I mean
I'm 19
feels good
hope the ojisans can teach me their wisdom
is ET also EST? i was told it's this Sunday, 11AM ET
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My cock still works perfectly
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good night lickas
night euro man
Hey, don’t go slandering us, I’d never buy a newspaper
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i will bake when it is time
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Heh, kids, I get to call you kid because I'm 10 years older than you
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Nice cock bro.
nice cock bro

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