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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Kill yourself now Edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307 (embed)
VShojo: https://x.com/VShojo/status/1810826269552169224

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous Thread: >>81420109
First for kissing homomo
Haru rejecting Vita did a number on him didn't it?
Why would Haru ever reject such hairy gorilla hands?
What would it feel like to get a squidjob from both homomomo and kyuu? Slimy? Slippery?
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/asp/ collab for this feel?
I'm writing a fanfic now thanks.
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dead eepy rn, so maybe I'll draw more requests next time. nini /asp/~
Love you Must.
Merlie and coco
First for Me, who is Myself and the biggest supporter of I.
I will make it and so will you.
There are 151 threads on this board at any one time, take away the one dedicated for the sticky that's 150

In that 150, there is /cbdct/, /nenmen/, /MANS/, /orc/ and /stars/. That's 5 generals dedicated to males which is 3% of the board

I'm not naming them all because fuck that but I counted 59 generals dedicated to females. Not counting the generals which are heavily female dominated like /lig/, /wvt/, /freak/, /fig/, /tactical/,etc. That is 39% of the board
blablabla go watch some streams
Yeah? And?
male dominated website
you're insane if you think a large number of female viewers frequent this place. makes sense for female chuubas but viewers? i don't think most of them would be outside of twitter or discords or whatever, i'm convinced that half of cbdct is gay men based on some of what I read during the refired asp discussion recently
Cute zeph cute zeph!
not my favorite artist...
>male dominated website

If we take stats from 15 years ago at face value, 30% of 4chan is female (it's probably higher now given how normified 4chan is). /vt/ definitely has a higher rate of females than other boards.

But even if we be generous and leave the percentage at 30-70

Of the 64 gender specific generals. 7.8% of them are male. 92.2% are female. Not even women watch males
>If we take stats from 15 years ago at face value, 30% of 4chan is female
/cgl/ which has a purely biologically female userbase that makes up the mass majority of that 30 percent, is an outlier and should not have been counted
>/cgl/ a relatively slow board, makes up 30% of 4chan's user base

Also I'm male and use /cgl/
holy fuckin huge homo faggot spotted
>cosplay is now only for faggots
even worse, you use /cgl/
I'll suck you cock as much as you want as long as you admit /cgl/ is nowhere near fast enough to constitutes even a majority of 30% of this site's user base
rentry dot co / squidjob
>artist said she’d send me a rough draft of my model later this month
>it’s been three weeks
>haven’t heard from her
>meanwhile she’s posting artwork she’s done for small Japanese vtuber agencies and other Japanese companies
She obviously has a shit ton of work on her plate. But I mean if she had that much work to deal with, why even say she’d start working on my stuff this month instead of pushing it back to next month.
I was making a joke on spiders georg but if you wanted me to take this seriously:
There are multiple boards where I would believe you without question if you said there was a higher than average female count but I really don't think /vt/ is one of them and even if it was, the demographic of females coming here are hugely varied compared to the other boards that get more women than others because here, it's split between actual vtubers and then actual viewers where they're both here for completely different purposes.

/co/? /ic/? /cm/? /mu/? I 100% believe you on there being more women in those places, but that 30% you're citing is counting the entire website, not just a board by board basis. I'd be willing to put the female viewer population of /vt/ at around 10-15% but no higher than that, female vtubers would then make up another 5-10%

Also, consider that people try to make threads for each individual hololive girl whereas the male threads are usually consolidated. I learned from /stars/ that the etiquette for women posting is much different than for men and is generally slower paced even when something big is going on
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>high female count

What are you fucking smoking dude?

> I'd be willing to put the female viewer population of /vt/ at around 10-15% but no higher than that, female vtubers would then make up another 5-10%
Why? Why do you think that the board about vtubers with a pretty even split in terms of IRL fans would have LESS than the board average from 15 years ago?
Do you seriously think 4chan is still a boys on club? It’s one of the biggest websites in the world that cater to anime/video games and other similar retarded interests. As hard as it might be for you to believe the anon calling you a retarded faggot and telling you to kill yourself has a very good chance of being a girl.
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why is /co/ unbelievable
also lmao you seriously believe these threads are mostly men?
Yeah those are all male coomers. I actually went there once to ask them help me identify a male group I saw a music video of once and they just kinda shrugged and said there aren’t any girls in the thread that could help with that.
>Do I think the handful of kpop threads dedicated mainly around attractive idol women selling a fantasy image of feminity are full of men?

Let me think about that one retardchama and I'll get back to you
>why is /co/ unbelievable

Show me the huge demographic of women into western comics and I'll believe you
/asp/ies will do mental gymnastics to argue about possible female audiences on 4chan but not do the same thing to improve their brand.
>threads dedicated mainly around attractive idol women selling a fantasy image of feminity are full of men
you don't actually go to /co/ do you
Guys, do I break the news to him that real women and anime women are two different things?

I'd easily wager half of ironmouse's viewers are female
>refusing to answer the point
>I'd easily wager half of ironmouse's viewers are female
You're probably correct but that doesn't correlate to them shitposting on /vt/
>half the threads in /vt/ are pure drama

I'd say that correlates to women
>all the dramatubers are men
>retarded Twitter tourist doesn’t even understand 4chan board lore
/co/ encompasses both cartoons and comic books. It’s one of the most left leaning boards on 4chan and the mods are mostly leftist tumblr refugees. It’s one of the few boards where spouting /pol/ shit might actually get you banned because both the user base and the mods don’t tolerate /pol/ shit. It’s a safe space for women, gays and trans because of the board culture they created. It 100% has a larger female presence than the average 4chan board.
Men write the gossip magazines, women buy them

Nigger I've been on this board since fucking 2008
>if it's left leaning it must be women
You know who overwhelming votes left? Black people, therefore /co/ isn't women, it's niggers, right?

>. It 100% has a larger female presence than the average 4chan board.
Now here's the part where you prove that in any way shape or form
Guys I’m kinda retarded and I keep accidentally outing my age. I don’t come right out and say it, but I think my taste in music alone makes my age range pretty much unquestionable. Same goes for things like movies and video games. How the fuck do you keep your age hidden and make people stop thinking you’re a boomer?
i can really smell the homo vibes off this guy
Only talk about recent media. Or mention such a wide range of media that you're hard to place.
how do i make it
Bro if you're really at a boomer age range, you wouldn't give a shit about what people think of your age
PLEASE reveal your age if youre boomer so i can sexpest you endlessly
In the past month more people have called me by my vtuber name than by my real ass name at a ratio of over 1:9 and I'm starting to forget my real name in my internal monologue.
I'm obsessed with my name and I already call myself by my vtuber name, I'm scared I'm accidentally going to say it outloud one day
i want to get a t-shirt with my model's face on it stretched out to every seam
Rinna is flesh posting
>a ratio of over 1:9
That's me, but with my irl nicknames, skill issue bro you're being over dramatic
My favorite bands are Bring me the Horizon and Stone Sour. How old does this make me sound?
I think of myself as my vtuber almost as much as my flesh self
>refering to yourself in third person in internal monologues
me think anon might be a bit special...
t. anon
She's the 2nd top earner in the corpo and her boss makes 10k a month. She's pretty much set for life now.
Now that the dust has settled, would you consider auditioning for Nexas? Yeah it’s kinda shitty, but it’s a corpo. Do your time with them, build a following and fuck off when they’ve done all they can for your career.
>10k a month
>set for life
>six figure income
>not set for life
Stop living in big cities retard.
i might not be able to buy a house (nobody can) but I can still spend the next decade doing so many things I can't do right now if I had 10k a month just for vtubing shit
10K a month whilst nice, is nowhere near set for life plus remember that VAllure had fucking wretched income cuts something like 70-30. She's obviously earning enough to quit her minimum wage retail job which I'm very happy for her, but it's very early days for VAllure and it remains to be seen if they implode or just fizzle out and die
Absolutely not lol
isnt that the battle royale one? lmao no
I've planned that when I do my proper debut I'm actually going to spend money on advertising for like a month or so. Like proper advertising on sites like YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, with a proper edited video

Like the only actual benefit I see to being in a corpo is that they market your debut so you can hit the ground running, so why not just do it yourself?
Tierlist of the girls who would become a lewdtuber if they got a guaranteed spot in Vallure
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Is this really that unreasonable? Everyone is agreeing with the OP, but if someone is willing to pay for a full copyright transfer, they pretty much have the right to make the rest of the demands. They own full rights to the vtuber at that point and they’re no longer obligated to credit you. Accepting the copyright transfer agreement means accepting the fact that the model you worked on is no longer under your legal control and you can no longer impose things like asking for credit for your work.
Name you, sis
>If someone is willing to pay for the full copyright transfer
That is if the artist accepts that notion. It's all up to the artist and if you agree with their terms of services, if you don't like that sort of thing then you just have to find another artist to commission.
Denpa, Gumpai, Fwofie, Yumi, Grace, Gobb, Himari, Elfin, Khubie, Layla or Tupo
For the most part rights transfer is meaningless because realistically most people who commission vtuber models will never make it. Artists don’t really have to worry about making a model for the next Gawr Gura and the implications that would have. What’s more likely to happen is the artist gets hired by a vtuber who maxes out as a 2view at best. If they buy a full rights or transfer or not, it really doesn’t matter because they’ll wind up in the same spot and the rights transfer would never benefit them in the first place. So the artist makes a few extra cash for a rights transfer that won’t have any realistic effect on either party.
Artist is a dramatic faggot. People have a right to at least ask especially if it's not explicitly listed.
Question is not who would, but who is qualified according to their requirement of lewd experience
denpa already did a collab with notriifu's roommate, she might have a chance, actually.
>Pay money for art
>artist: sorry but the art is mine and I keep it and you arent allowed to do anything with it

Artist is a faggot.
None of those females would sell above average
corpos have the privilege of having an existing brand to work with
This is how most vtuber models are. Most vtubers don’t truly own their model because copyright is never transferred unless stated otherwise. Even if you commission a $2000 model using mostly your own ideas, the copyright still stays with the artist. Of course them enforcing that copyright is another story.
What about Gen 1 corpos like Rinna is?
>Of course them enforcing that copyright is another story.

Good luck suing anybody who is not in your own country
Even that one had a bit of star power behind it with DTL at the helm
>I want to the art you make for me without crediting you.
>Okay, I'll ask someone else.
What's the issue, again?
Yeah, just hire people from outside your country. Many countries dismiss out of hand lawsuits from foreigners. The potential lawsuits would have to be massive to be able to afford just the travel and hotel costs from going to another country.

Probably the worst that would happen is being "canceled" on twitter. Which doesn't even fucking matter.
Hiiihiii .w.
i wanna be a silly little guy,,...... a bit of a mischievous troll....... but i dont wanna get into any drama or bait negativity................
Being offended that someone wants to buy the copyright
So don't?
you wouldnt get it
cute sheeb
> Fuza and Poly playing games with Fwofie on stream yesterday
Looks like they both moved on.
If I'm not good at singing. With say, weekly singing lessons and practicing everyday (singing in the car, etc) how long would it take before I don't hate the sound of myself singing in a recording?
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Hi cute fwen
Mwah! :3
Which aspie does erp?
i dont erp on my vtuber account
Ask Iriya and he'll just write an ero about you if you tick his boxes
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gm aspies don't kill yourself today
All the gay males.
2 years
Fwofie is a saviorfag
Anyone who wants or needs to be saved by a raspy voiced tranny should rope
>mommy in twitch tags
fwofie is my friend

We're back gambling in zenless with the NO PISS CHALLENGE.

That's right NO PISSING until I pull ellen joe!
Will we hit the jackpot early? Will I DROWN in PISS?? Swing by and find out!

Now, let's party!
Man this faggot is really going all in on the pity baiting
vtuber advice

pity baiting is fucking annoying
You're never going to get her nudes if you keep this up
"Which aspie does erp?", Anon typed into the text box. With an expectant look, they clicked Get Captcha, only to be greeted by clearly written words: "you anon".

"It's true." Anon stirred behind them in a frenzy to see - themselves? No. It couldn't be. This Doppel-Anon leaned confidently at the doorway, seemingly savoring every ounce of spectacle of this encounter.

"Don't act so surprised." Doppel-Anon continued. "You've always been a bit of a weirdo. Your tastes and urges growing increasingly eccentric and eclectic." Doppel-Anon recomposed themselved and crept closer and closer to Anon. "It's gotten to the point where the only person who can truly satisfy you -" Anon gulped as Doppel-Anon cupped Anon's chin and tilted it up. "- is me. So... my little diamond, where shall we start?"
last night i dreamed i was tailing a serial killer at crowded cafeteria
he looked at me and said "what is the surface area of everyone's armpits?"
then for what felt like an eternity i felt him groping and burrowing into my armpit with his fingers
when i woke up i felt completely violated and disturbed
im a straight dude not into armpits, why did my mind subject me to that?
asking this here because i would not live this down if people knew who i am
What's the name of the white fox vtuber with the pink ribbons? I'm on and off here and I really like their design.
Kogorin? But the ribbons are red
kogorin ?
I have no idea who you're talking about and I fucking live here

The best I can think is Kogorin
hell yeah the curse worked
yay I found her thank you so much :3
happy to help hehe she’s super cute !

I love how simple her design is but it definitely stands out to me.
Whatever. The only time I've seen his stuff was back when I half-bothered watching NijiEN stuff. He was aggressively homosexual in collabs, so I didn't watch anything he was in
Sorry, I meant sir shabby.
real ! both her hair and tail are super fluffy i just wanna give her a lil squeeze >:3c
fun fact, you can play games with your friends without having to stream it
What are you planning today asp????
Not dying
does she want advice? pity? what is she trying to do?
going to sleep and then more cleaning tomorrow. everything's gonna need a proper wipe down once I sort everything into boxes and throw out all the junk
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Looks guys I installed Spout2 and updated the image, I didn't forgor! Live in 20 min with the weekly fitness check-in/zatsu. Anonymous questions via Marshmallow. Also have some photos of cool forest friends to show off.

I will erp with every aspie and I won't be stopped
Three have already been claimed
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I need to do another pass on my edh deck for tonight, but I'm excited to play an energy deck finally.
All males
I would say 2 years too, but its best to start now than to never do it. In 2 years from now you'll look back and regret you didn't start 2 years ago.
nobody has attempted to erp with me yet
you are not gay, i don't watch you
it's that shrimple
Today I start voice training so I can one day have a cool deep mommy voice and be a cool girl vtuber even though I'm male
See you in like 5 years when you are done and assuming you don't kill yourself mid way
I don't think he changed that much, the ubume leak on the other hand killed his streams
went from a stream every few days to 3 streams in a month
I just want to be loved...
if you're broken enough, just make yourself known to the local dryad and she'll probably latch on pretty quickly. look at everyone she talks to
Maybe nuking your channel and deleting all followers was a mistake like a year ago? And then after starting to grow again jumping on Zhuuba account instead?
The plan is to practice every day for one month, then vtube. If my voice is still too trannyish I will redebut later when it passes
im gonna... im gonna... im gonna nug..
Have you ever been in the middle of a stream and had a burning need to yell out the n word? Not like if you get killed in a shooter and yell it out of anger. Just like yell it because you need to?
im not mentally ill, sorry
yeah. I always have a finger near my mute hotkey for this exact reason.
Brainstorming ideas for a second outfit and a few other designs I've neglected. Also gonna start putting together a karaoke playlist to listen to and practice while commuting to and from work. Also gonna be planning a few collabs and build up the courage to ask 2 people for collabs.
That means you are spending too much time in this hellsite
You guys are cute <3
must is the only good artist here. need must drawn gore so I can hang it on my wall uuuuuuu
Baitpost; but
just to name the people top of my head.
... additionally I know for a fact Must wouldn't want you to say stuff like that. Don't do it to hurt them.
Rip FairchildVT
It's all been a waste of time
always was gumpai
every time I see a long list like this one and I'm never on them it really makes me want to stop making art, even after a year of drawing myself and others I never get mentioned as one of the artists
that seems pretty comprehensive so if you're not getting mentioned it might be because you either dont post your art enough or nobody knows who you are
It's better to not be mentioned often here, I love when asp forgets about me and I hope to be entirely forgotten one day
I do get mentioned all the time for negative stuff or things outside of my control
>nobody knows who you are
heavily doubt that
>you either dont post your art enough
considering many of the usual mentions draw even less often than me I don't think thats the problem
vita stop taking this shit so seriously
Draw hot guys instead of fat girls then denpa
It's him? Now that I think about it he never gets mentioned by anyone when they are talking about /asp/ art but that's because he rarely gets talked about in general
maybe he should STREAM then, hmm?
That's not even a valid criticism if we are talking about art, half of those mentioned stream once a month or less
Instead he should be less menhera and stop caring about what this thread thinks of him
After a couple weeks of no streaming I've realized that being a vtweeter is not so bad
he said he'd come back when he gets a new computer. Also its probably not him but like Gcleff or Violet or someone.
you can be the next flipsie
im sorry but the only thing i remember violet doing is the art of him fucking ubume
what's a flipsie
No no, it's him
He talked about this before when he was doing traditional art before and how he didn't want to draw anymore because he thought no one considered him an artist no matter how much he tried or something like that
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i hate you
is that dat boi
can i have someones head in my lap
mine pls i cant sleep ;_;
mine too i cant sleep either
I was SA'd in my life once, should I talk about it on stream, on twitter? I don't want to get pity likes and how everyone is sorry this happened to me, I just want to share my story.
headpats / scratches inc!
never tell anything about things that happened to you your friends or family it can all be used to find you easier. make stuff up instead
maybe he should draw someone other than haru once in his life then, hard to take him seriously when all he does is draw haru
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It's my grumpy viewers
Which was based!
Based on what?
based on how much this general dislikes Ubume
>don't ever sign art
>Mad that nobody recognizes them as an artist
cute uwu
Signatures ruin the art tho...
Nobody here ever does that and all of the known artists have their very obvious styles that separate them from each other
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I'm tempted to play max payne on stream now since someone in my chat suggested it
I'm not even mad i'm not on the list, even au contraire since my legacy is unfortunately mpreg art, but hey don't worry you'll be there one day I believe in you drawanon
I need to have sweaty passionate sex with ria
He is literally in the OP, I don't think that's him

He also gets a lot of support from other artists so I don't think he gives a fuck about who a random poster considers an artist
Hi chriichrii
Wrong post, was meant for >>81472753
I wrote this
I'm GOING to take this gun away from Vita
What's the point of sharing our story if you don't want pity likes?
jesus fuck no
Only because the aspies who receive fanart are grateful enough to dig up who draws them since so many art menheras don't credit themselves, which I find to be annoying
Denpafish is the queen of asp.
I can recognize everyone's art style and I have only received fan art from someone from here once, even people like Olga have a very distinctive style
If you live in the thread, sure
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i agree, i'm always very happy and thankful when i see myself in art posted /here/, but i wish some of the art niggas DM'd me at some point to tell me "hey i made this" so i can actually thank them. it's fun to look for them myself! though ultimately it is annoying. it ain't that hard to DM people you fuckers >:c
Holy ungrateful.
I forget the names of people who drew some of my fanart because they aren't around and it makes me feel so guilty even if they will never know because they don't even watch me.
My art gets mentioned here sometimes and I think my doodling style is distinct enough that some regulars know who I am (I'm on that list after all) but I thought it was really funny when someone was asking for who made something that I drew and everyone gave wrong answers
Any artist who cares that much about being recognized should be ashamed
Any vtuber who cares that much about being recognized should be ashamed
Anyone who cares should be ashamed
i hope this is not pantsu saying the n word
who cares
I honestly agree with this and hope that these artists realize that not everyone is in the threads all the time to learn and recognize art styles. Or hell, go the real ballsy route, make something, post it on twitter and tag the target of the art/use their art tag.
Being ryona'd by kogorin and malphon at the same time
god I WISH
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I appreciate that you consider my silly doodles good art
The new aspies are weird and too zoomer brained for me. This place is reddit now.
honestly yeah i cant keep up with them at all
Can you get away with not knowing how to sing if you do a genre like punk or death metal that is mostly just screaming anyway?
if you want to destroy your voice completely sure
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I'm sure Corpsegrinder never took any singing lessons and he turned out fine.
he barely has a speaking voice anon
i miss him so much bros
Everyone says that but almost no one watched him
I hung out with him almost all the time and got to know him really well as a person. I miss him so much.
he streamed at a time I couldn't watch and didn't stream much at that, but I talked to him a lot and hung out outside of streams, I remember he was trying to make a game similar to balatro using these really well drawn tarot cards
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I do, but only on that site, I don't like rp on discord it feels weird. Unless you make a separate discord for just the two of you to run through scenarios at your leisure.
>inb4 anon just means 'im strokin 4 u' type shit
I write smut for fun / used to erp in video games a lot... It's always fun if the writing is good but I'm a total snob with it in terms of expectations and how easily I can be put off.
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ill THINK about it
But gobb I do be strokin 4 u....
Did you finish changing your diaper?
Did you clean off your chair? The skid mark thing was pretty gross kogo...
ok you two are the first to beat up
*cums 3 lines in and keeps going with decreasing writting quality*
Do you promise?
Well STOP IT go take a sHOWER instead take care of yourself, drink water and get a little sunlight today
I think it'd be fun to write out something playing into gooning and the one getting off again and again slowly writes with less and less effort as it keeps going kinda giving the mind drain effect.
The post nut disgust towards what you were just writing is pretty real.
Do it, no balls
>write an extensive fetish fuel paragraph
>add (going to work/sleep btw see you later) not because I'm satisfied but out of disgust to myself
>come back hours later when my horny head has suddenly decided that there is literally nothing wrong with the sick shit I had written
im a squid who wants to stream but family is here until the weekend
i want DEATH
99% of the males here are not watchable because they are depressed, and seem to be looking for some kind of savior to come pick them up (understandable because that's how girl vtubers behave). That strategy is fantastic for women but terrible for men.

You need to do something different. You notice Uwo and Clonq don't blog about how sad they are or whatever.
That's okay anon
And 98% of the males here don't blog about their sadness.
Try harder, anti-male.
and I want to use your mouth as an onahole, such is life
I already did, but for very stupid personal reasons. I'm treating it basically as an acting role and going all in on kayfabe and if it doesn't work out I'll just ride out the contract or step away since apparently you can just do that. And yes I'm rhubarbbid.
It works for me
crinkle kyuu...
Men should just openly whore themselves on stream and whimper for me, then after a long and extensive edging session where they let me verbally assault them I may consider tipping them a couple dollars
I know that you know, I was watching you watch me jerk off.
Name 10 /asp/ males that blog about their sadness.
That's right you can't.
kek I ghost wrote this post.
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next stream i will kill kogo, malphon and albert. and tjen myself
reveal yourself and ill draw it cause it'd be funny
I'm not any of them heh
not me... huehuehue...
Hey I haven't been here all day

>constant diaper and piss talk
nice thread
Why is Gen 6 obsessed with diapers
Which creature are you, voyeur-chan?
I like beating and smacking my diaper on the front it feels good :3
i added skidmarks give me a medal
bye hanabi
theres a hint i suppose...
I'd rather read about weird smut
about diapers perchance?
it started one stream when kyuu and chat was discussing age and he accidentally slipped up and said he was too young for Dr Disrespect, then chat started teasing him.. then pamperkyuu was born, sparking the war
At most I'll talk about annoyances in my life. It's okay to say you don't watch males instead of just pulling shit out of your ass.
/asp/ is healing...
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i didnt even want this meme about me and diapers to be a thing but oh well, sorry yo
Asp is an ouroboros
Apparently pamperchuu is still alive and pretty fucking insane nowadays.
Thank you sea creature for reminding me about that monstrosity.
you forgot pamper
didn't he get ball cancer from microwaving diapers from the dump and then wearing them?
better than drama or vagueposting
i thought he died from the cancer??
no it's not. it's disgusting
make up a gross fetish rrat for a vtuber who doesnt have one
gumpai likes piss and pisses her chair on stream because it makes her horny
Well, surely you aren't some form of critter covered in wool or anything, right?
nappy, huggies, pull ups
This is Gen 7 now, please don’t associate this with Gen 6.
this anon groomed me
But Kyuu, Kogo and Malphon are gen 6
definitely not... that'd be crazy!
He survived the cancer.
But like I said, he's insane nowadays.
Would say holy newfag but I can't really blame you for not knowing who pamperchuu is.
the crinkle crew are getting out of hand
Yeah it was better when you dumb fucking retards were bringing up camui drama and patchery drama and every inkling of made up drama that passes through here over and over and over instead
I hate all of you
yeah i think the song is its grand finale
I hate myself too, we have so much in common. Let's be friends
you people have no joy and whimsy in your life and it shows
patchy and camui were a worse blight than some shitposts the pun is intended
Yeah, I'm prone to get sad every now and again. I think I'm just a little lonely and generally dissatisfied. I don't say as much, because I'd rather be there for people when they need me and lift them up when they're feeling down.
Your model's so fucking ugly lmao
Nah I'll take the diaper talk any day.
crabs or daipers, /asp? crabs or daipers?
It's a 4chan board, they're all fucking miserable and expect everyone around them to be as well. And if you're not? Well good job, now you're getting crabbed.
genuinely I'd rather read about the messiest and smelliest of shitty diapers than see crabs
alpin should do a workout stream in a diaper
should i crinkle a diaper in front of the mic on my next stream
Commissioning art of /asp/ies in diapers!
we should make a show called lil' /asp/ies and have every character be a toddler version of our chuubas and they're all wearing diapers and crinkling them the whole time
name em
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As much as it sucks, getting crabbed is basically a right of passage to show you're doing something right. Every stream after is another victory for you and a loss for your detractors.
My crabs don't know that when they crab me it just gives me fuel to stream since my content is being miserable in the first place.
Haha, that would be pretty crazy. Could you even imagine, polishing your knob only to glance out the window, locking eyes with a sheep? What a silly thing.
Can't stop, though, and the sheep's only staring intently. What's begun must be concluded.
I'm glad my mental illness is normal.
So fucking glad I got the delusional-optimism mental degredation and not the voidless-malice mental atrophication.
i have an unhealthy combination of both
Excusing that kind of negativity as a 'rite of passage' or a 'sign that you're making it' is just as miserable as the cucks who do all the crabbing. I know I can't stop any of it from happening, but I really don't like that mindset..
Yes this thread has been so much better without them
They alone were the cause of everyone’s woes and the thread is entirely free of drama rrats schizoposting shitposting and crabbing now and we are all being positive and supportive of each other and not a single non helpful post has been made!
sarcasm obviously
Not my fault I hate males. You fucks need to make even half of an attempt at being entertaining. There's more freaks like papaya than actual serious male vtubers.
they are unironically the source of most crabbing, schizo posts and drama in this thread
Shut up faggot
*doesn't even cum on your leg just grabs you and rapes and gapes your little butthole until you cant walk anymore because my huge cock broke all your bones*
Naive retard.
Serious male vtuber means what? Stroking off on cam for borderline menopausal femcels?
I must've hit a nerve!
Only faggors rp. Are you a faggor?
>Serious male vtuber means what?
Someone who actually wants to entertain an audience, not just hit "go live" when they're playing whatever games they would be playing if they weren't streaming
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ER-R-R-R-ROTIC ROLE-PLAY!? in MY Vtuber discussion FOR-R-R-RUM!?
I'm not a man but I think you're really fucking annoying so again, shut the fuck up Pittie
It means be fucking entertaining. Why can't any of you be entertaining? Make some goddamn content.
I'm not pittie ;3
nta but I only do zatsudan content, what do you consider me?
But that's literally what girls do?
too much of a casual to play videogames
Yeah and there are hordes of lonely men desperate for any female content who eat that shit up, guess what, that audience doesn't exist for men, you have to actually put thought into your content. Put on your big boy pants and work hard if you want anyone to watch you

Are you well spoken and able to keep a conversation going on a wide range of topics? If so, good job, you're well on your way
One of them hasn't posted for a few months and one of them only posts to shill himself and the drama crabbing and schizoposts haven't stopped
Doesn't matter, the lot of you annoying discord cunts are all the same so as far as I'm concerned you're all pittie.
I refuse to play autism games on stream
I am well spoken and can keep a conversation going at least after I've warmed up
ive been doing zatsu content more than games without meaning..
The diaperposting was so bad that I'm actually glad to see anti-male schizo back
kill yourself retard
anyone want to off-colab.....?
love yourself king
and who the fuck are you to be giving advice anyways? you're some nobody on 4chan acting like a fucking messiah, why should anyone listen to your advice?
Zatsu content is boring
Chat while doing something

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