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How can we save Sayu?
>menhera melty AGAIN
Isn't she one of the most successful indies in the ecosystem now? Maybe she just needs meds, or a white boyfriend.
she just needs some good old fucking tot fix the menhera
>reaching for happiness
Make her go to regular work and stream after hours for fun.
drama/savior baiting is the only thing keeping her "relevant"
She literally just got flown out to some Chinese studio and is also working on a 3D mocap thing. Girl has made it and still depressed and miserable.
Bruh is this about the Noa melt? Shouldn’t she be happy she dodged a bullet again?
There's clearly something missing in her life, and I'm not talking about dick. Maybe she needs a bf/gf.
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>Maybe she needs a bf/gf.
Already tried that one
I bet you can chart her menstrual cycle just by looking at her posts
Menhera hag sex with Sayu
>in our current world we struggle so much for so little
ok, this retard is completely detached from reality
one of the guys planned to join turns out to be a retard schizo and sexpest so they kicked him. i doubt this is about him.
>sayukeks falling for blatant pitybait for the nth time this month after falling for it over and over again
How deep is the dent in your skulls at this point, sayukeks?
menhera matingpress anal sex with with wife
She just have PKD flashbacks,k is kurosanji cause it brings both trauma and stress
she should do porn already, before her age takes what's left
Maybe she would feel better if she went to a therapist instead of baiting dramafags all the time
O-oh, I forgot.
She's a vtuber, she can do this until she gets granny voice.
We're talking about irl porn here, not some shitty 2d *moans in your ears* shit.
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Fuck me. I'm tired of her whining and the only thing I see of hers are these tweets. I can only imagine the full extent of her woe-is-me shtick if I actually watched her streams.
>constantly pitybaiting
>even posting (and selling) flesh pics of herself now
parasocial cuck rearing 101
reminds me of that jap scammer girl who was infamous for selling guides on how to con men out of money by making them feel like they could protect or "save" you from fictional threats by giving you money lol
Yeah, I could never be a successful Vtuber even if I tried. She don't count her blessings...
All she has is thanks to pity and victimization, so of course she won't stop doing this since is the content her watchers want and give her money for.
You don't, she's already fairly successful. At this point, she's just coming off as a whiny brat that isn't satisfied with the toys she's already got.
It's kind of hard to understand what she really wants. If she's looking to be a BIG big streamer, like someone who regularly gets 30-40K viewers or more, it's extremely unrealistic. Getting thousands is already rare, getting tens of thousands is like hitting a jackpot.
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Get her a manager, who's a man and who fucks her hard twice a week, but also can tell her to shut the fuck up and stop her from sending a tweet.
You can’t, let her die
This so much. Handle her business, dick her hag pussy down regularly, and tell when she's being a menhera and needs to calm down. Sayu knows she needs this.
She can fuck off to chinkland if she likes it that much. Stop compering yourself to doki if you want to be happy
Imagine having a meltdown cause you cant handle playing video games 3 times a week
give her a good dicking
She could be Suisei or Gura and still not be happy. Her brain chemistry is fucked
There's an old polish saying "baba bez bolca dostaje pierdolca," which can be roughly translated as "a woman not getting a shaft goes completely daft"
>How can we save Sayu?
Don't she's like a year or two away from doing porn, we're so close.
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holy kek based poles.
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I'm starting to understand why she lost custody of the kids to her husband after the divorce
I will volunteer for this service. No need to thank me.
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>SJW grifter dramawhore has to pitybeg every day to remain relevant
Punished by fate itself.
You get what you fucking deserve Sayu and sayucucks
She just divorced a white bum. You dumb faggot
Send her lots and lots of money
Nah sayu is still pissed that Doki became much more popular than her. She has ranted about it already.
Doesn't she have enough followers and donations to stream full time now?
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This is the true gfe experience though. Ups and downs.
spoken like a true virgin cuck
Didn't she do softcore already or am I confusing her with codemiko?
if its ever too much, i got your back, and can tag in brother.
Is that a hard question for you? Or are you a troon with an identity crisis?
thats a default question on there it says on your picture that its required retard.
>if you don't like pronoun wokeshit faggotry then you're actually a tranny
the absolute state of sayucucks
wise pollocks
Alright yeah. I'm getting pretty tired of her whining. She has GOT to find a way to deal with the apparent travesty that is having a few Nijis/exNijis not like her. That or she's just baiting supers, which is gross.
> If I actually watched her streams
Go kill yourself and take as many tourist chumbuds together with you

You know why? Because you faggots keep on harassing her over what happened a year and a half ago. You sub humans still cannot comprehend what she went through. It's like saying "why isn't that crybaby walking 2 years after having his leg amputated"
I wish you and people like you go through what she did so that you can finally understand what she felt right before you commit suicide because no way in hell are you as mentally strong as Sayu
Go kill yourself tourist
Proof: It came to me in a dream
Go kill your ring leader Kenji and then kill yourself. You'll do the world a huge favor
Not his fault you never talked to a woman before
Sayu, you have achieved so much. You lit the fuse of a revolution. You reconciled with Matara. You found a new agency. SO WHY NOW?
cinematographically freudian
> Sayu debuts a model
> Sayu announces her 3D model is done
> She even visited a professional mocap studio to learn how to operate it

What follows:
> NijiFags harass her
> She vents on Twitter
> Sisters rush to 4chan and make yet another Sayu thread pulling out all the good old aces such as "she's divorced" "she has kids" "you're not Doki" "just move on already" for the 1000th time

Sisters your branch is still dying.
Sayu is still mogging 90% of NijiEN.
She will have a 3D debut before her ex-genmates and perhaps even before most of her senpais.

Perhaps you find it funny and enjoy baiting and harassment but how about you actually go watch streams of chubas from the all mighty corpo?
This is what depression looks like. You can be the happiest person in the world one day and the next day you feel like dying. Depression and PTSD don't go away when you start doing better. It stays and then imposter syndrome is added to the mix. A year and a half is simply not enough to get over what Sayu went through. That's why the real fans will stay with her no matter how many times she breaks down on stream or in a post on Twitter
You're a tranny
It's called grifting. Sayu knows her numbers go up when she's involved in drama because retards like you get on your knees to suck her cock and send her money.
Stop falling for it and she will quit pitybaiting.
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t. Sayucuck
Your "gf" flirts with homos on Twitter
Sayu cucks you and you embrace it with open arms
This tweet isn't even as bad as the real sadposting she did months ago
Sisters please quill yourselves, you need to stop making bait threads, it's not a good look
>How can we save Sayu?
A lobotomy would make her smarter
I mean Doki threw her under the bus, collabed with other ex-livers except Sayu
whatever happened to that chinese agency or was that just a big shitpost
Pretty much this. She's been struggling with depression her whole life, even before she became a vtuber.
Doki probably resents her because Sayu's drama caused her overall decline in niji. She was getting sub 1K streams which was fucking unheard of when she'd hit 3K playing apex. Mind you 3K is good for a niji, really fucking good.
A lot of her projects flopped following the year of Sayu's termination; and for a results oriented person like Doki that must have rubbed her the wrong way because the decline was not her fault.
>maybe next life
was she taking a piss at his previous disappearance? incredibly based if true
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Is this why the sisters are seething today about her?
She's finishing up her setup for 3D.
Fucking Sayu is getting 3D before Noctyx.
Considering she was a literal who brand new niji with little to no community yet, she better be thankful of how things turned out. Selen had cultivated respect and her name for years before that happened
So true sis
>Being thankful
Holy projection. Who's your oshi? Enna is my guess
Even better. She's getting a 3D before the snakes that smeared her
I almost believed this thread for a second. Then I remember how /vt/ loves to take single bad day tweets and play them up like they represent a chuuba's entire life.
Not even deserving of a (You).
So true Finana
She needs a dosage.
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Be miserable, sink into a pit of despair, stupid fucking cunt, you're the one that got monkey ball rolling against Niji, all because you couldn't just obey the fucking rules, you had everything handed to you, hell you where one of the most popular girls and you fucking blew it.
So fuck you, burn.
You can be sure every single one of her negative tweets will have 5+ catalog threads made but for 99% of other things she does or says it's crickets. Antis are obsessed.
>you had everything handed to you
She paid for everything except the model out of her own pocket.
To Nijisisters the brand is everything, the livers are expendable
Please be satire. When it comes to pretending to be an outlandish sister I'm never sure if it's just pretend or if it's an actual schizo having an episode
this is some retards in some kind of discord, maybe kiwiniggers, trying to pit and bait people against each other. dont take the bait. dont start shit, even if its niji. they pretend to be everyone at some point.
>Any other chuuba sadposts
>Sayu sadposts for the first time in a couple months
>2 catalog threads
I want you to show me other major vtubers who say the depressing shit Sayu does at the same regularity. And no, occasionally vagueposting about being mad at something or being really tired isn't the same as "I'm so tired of trying. Don't think I'll ever reach the happiness I want." She sounds like she's ready to end it all. That is not normal. It's not just something invented by antis.
It literally is. And open Twitter. It's at every corner
Kotoka probably committed suicide, Hex's fandom is experiencing an actual civil war and Sayu will have 3D before Xlolei at the very least. No wonder NijiNigs are grasping at straws
Then show me. I want examples of successful vtubers saying shit like this. I sure don't see it in the industry. And no, I don't care if some randoms like to doompost to their 10 followers on Twitter.
kek why does the 2 catalogue threads bother you guys so much? That's nothing. There are currently 7 anti ERB threads up as of a minute ago.
Nigga Holo's, Vshojo's, and even major indies constantly get endless bait threads for the FIRST time they vent on Twitter or stream. This is someone who does it constantly.
>two more years
Sayucuck seethe kek
Hmmmm I won't quit making fun of sayu so does that bother you? Lol
they selffag alot. if you dont reply they will selffag to make it look like you did.
its called samefag anon
Maybe don't engage in obvious bait threads? There's nothing to gain posting in these, anons who don't like Sayu won't be changing their minds.
If it fills your inferiority complex then by all means, go nuts
Last time it was left alone, there were literally 28 sayu threads made within 24 hours.
Knock yourself out, I guess. Roseschizo could use some company on the catalog.
I think the reason she feels like this it's because she is tweeting at a lot of other vtubers both small and big, but it seems most of them ignore her and never reply to her, just check the "Replies" tab and see for yourself, she honestly needs to understand she is not entitled for other vtubers to acknowledge her just because they are in the same medium even if they were friends or they knew each other at one point, people can freely choose who they associate, it sucks but she needs to just keep doing her thing even it feels like most of the vtubers in the community are indifferent to her, she needs to work even harder for others to look back at her with respect instead of demanding it for what she went through...
isnt it funny how sayufags dont understand how 4chan works? Almost as if they are raiding from their discord servers to protect the honor of their cuck queen
I don't know man, she comes off as someone who's quite lonely and trying her best to find new friends. Wouldn't even necessarily attach it to entitlement but something akin to naive hopefulness if that makes sense? It is a space after all where she can find a lot of people that seem to share similar interests
>gets paid to chat and play video games
i'm sorry but
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You're telling me these threads are sayutroon discord raids? say it aint so!
She's a doomer Westernized Japanese girl and it's going to be very hard to snap her out of the rot America inflicts upon every race of people. First thing is to get her out of her myopic view of her Japanese lineage.
I'll take 5 of those threads over this thread, Nijinigger
poor Wife *headpats* yoshyosh
Sounds like a Zaion waiting to happen again
Mint literally less than 24 hours ago started crying in her anniversary stream, thinking that she didn't deserve all her support
She's already doing feetpics on her side account. She'll get there eventually.
That's not doomposting.
>I dont deserve your support(Mint)
>You guys haven't made me more famous than Doki(Sayu)
Hmmmmm I wonder who's the grateful chuuba and who isn't?
>You guys haven't made me more famous than Doki
Excellent job at misinterpreting her words
Nothing there is misinterpreted, she was fuming when Doki got the support she didn't and even called out newer chatters who came because of doki's situation vitrolly.
>Sayu's drama caused [Doki's] overall decline in niji
This new learning amazes me, Anonymous. Explain again how sheep's bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.
It wasn't about fame nijinigger.
i used to think she was alright because fuck Niji but it's pretty obvious now she's just a grifter doing the "woe is me" shtick every time her viewership starts to drop. it comes off so insincere and manipulative that you'd have to be braindead to continue supporting her. it's like when a terrible person lucks into the perfect grift opportunity and still fucks it up by being too obvious.
>he goes to every bait thread and bumps it so it wont die. one after another.
one guy going mental. lmao

I didn't see the stream, but it that sounds like gratitude, which is almost the opposite of "I'm tired of trying. I'll never reach the happiness I want."
She'll be saved when her eggs are saved.
I will do it.
It'll be a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.
That's literally what she meant though?? "About time you dragoons caught up with us, what happened to her is LE BAD... but I went through it first AND I DIDN'T GET AS MUCH LOVE AND SUPPORT AS SHE GOT!!!"
Yes that's what she meant and that's what Sayu said
>sayucucks are mint antis
Not even surprised about that you all spent a year gloating about how Sayu is mogging niji and Pomu and now look who's being mogged
>Sis is now trying Sayu vs. Mint as a strategy
NTA but Sayu is still mogging Niji lmao
Stop being a whore
Log off the internet permanently
Move back to China
Marry a Chinese man and raise one child together
Stop replying to yourself.
already ahead of you drawing it
Metishon Shanghai, she's "just" depressed.
>naive hopefulness
this, especially considering how easily she trusts people and can't let go even after being betrayed.
can't wait to not see some low quality vrchat tier 3D she'll only use once!
It was taking a while, seems like this will be her modus operandi everytime she wants to get attention
They tried to do the same with Mint VS Doki they got BTFO kek
What kind of fanfiction is this ?
why would she need to do irl porn when she has the best live2d model in the whole industry and her 3d model will only be better? projekt melody won't stand a chance
How much more does she fucking want? She's one of the top indies and mended all of her formerly burned bridges in the indie-sphere.

Did she think she was going to become Gawr Gura or Ironmouse or some shit?
> Sisters rush to 4chan and make yet another Sayu thread pulling out all the good old aces such as "she's divorced" "she has kids" "you're not Doki" "just move on already" for the 1000th time
I fucking called it, btw >>81418008
but enough about that niji "concert"
lol. lmao even.
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go back to your shitty doxxsite... oh, wait.
I'm pretty sure that's a bot, it's in half of the threads I visit, no correlation whatsoever.
pic sauce?
>the decline was not her fault.
It was her fault. Even the most retarded of zoomer normies eventually get tired of watching Apex every day.
There's no saving a genshitter.
i think this woman might literally be addicted to being sad and a victim. I'd just ignore her 2bh. Nothing good comes from people like this
there's no saving the mentally ill.
that's why you should kys
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>"let me make a pity bait post every month or so when my numbers drop, so I can reel in drama obsessed tourists and fans starting to get disinterested ;)"
Is this really the best twitch has to offer with vtubers
>not have being a low 4view that is like top 1% of streamers
Just quit at this point
>drama obsessed tourists
it clearly worked on you
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As far as clicking this thread to see what she's baiting retards with now?
As far as respecting her as an actual vtuber and wanting to ever watch her streams?
Not even close
>imposter syndrome
Concession accepted. You also lost The Game by the way.
Oh for fucks sake, what happened now? I thought she was fixed. Wayu weems, what the fuck are you doing? Explain to me this instant.
I mean, millie's dog died and the catalog didn't spare her either. Any semi famous chuuba having a melty will get a catalog thread, unless there is something bigger going on.
What is she even gonna use that 3D model for? Besides fucking around in vrchat? She has no one to perform with.
She is in a corpo so they may hook her up. Time will tell.
>What is she even gonna use that 3D model for?
Ring Fit would be a good example. She didn't use it the first time because she's gotta figure out the most efficient way to do 3D at home first.
>Girl has made it and still depressed and miserable
Story of many successful women. They were meant to breed, not make money.
I remember someone asked her on stream once if she's fertile and she said she has no idea... considering she's divorced, my guess would be no. Especially if you consider the astronomical infertility rates among chuubas.
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She chases numbers too much.
She was shocked to learn that Fillian wasn't a millionaire. And became desperate to join a corpo.
Gura and Fauna have warned that it isn't good for mental health. Don't let numbers steer you from what you enjoy doing.
Gura's honestly pretty smart despite how she presents herself, I keep forgetting that.
>She was shocked to learn that Fillian wasn't a millionaire.
she would be if she didn't break a valve index every other stream... that's why Sayu was shocked.
>Gura and Fauna have warned that it isn't good for mental health. Don't let numbers steer you from what you enjoy doing.
It's a lot easier to say that when you make way more than enough to live comfortably and retire before 40.
>I feel like I don't deserve you guys, I'm gonna keep doing my best for many years to come so you can be proud of me
Totally the same sayushart
You are a streamer you havent tried a day in your life
You can't be funny without first being smart
Gura has experience way before joining Hololive.
But what does she know.
>fillian's not a millionaire
Well if she was close before, she'll never be now.
Considering how many artists she's having to pay large amounts of her income to after her yab.
It was all true though?
Yeah we all know Sayu totally gaslit Finana and raped hex
Ehhh you can be dumb as rocks and still be a good comedian. Gura intentionally comes off of really naive and stupid, so that's why these rare moments of her real intelligent self still catch me off guard.
There's no way Filian is not a millionaire at this point
>She was shocked to learn that Fillian wasn't a millionaire
lol lmao. Do you seriously think anybody would divulge that information? God I love it when vtubers scam their audiences into thinking they're poor.
She explained that shorts don't pay anything. Which is true.
But we all know she's living comfortably.
You're really underestimating how big that yab truly was.

She was able to settle with the rindou artist for a pretty large sum supposedly, but she still has 2 separate artists that she's in actual legal disputes with, one being for the model used in the vidya cameo, and a difference artist for a famous she made based off heir work. The latter actually sold quite alot of units, so Fillians in some deep shit behind the scenes rn. No way she's a millionaire right now with this.
do you mean the li'l fil plushie or some other merch?
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Why the fuck is she complaining again? I thought she was doing fine and good stuff happened, why's she beating herself down AGAIN? I don't fucking understand, it was already hard to avoid thinking about her past drama and now she just wants another pity party? What happened this time? Did something even happen?

If she wants to do so much introspective, did it occur to her that her fanbase gets negatively affected by her bullshit? "Man I've been supporting this girl for a while and she's still getting openly and publicly depressed as if nothing matters", can't imagine being a fan.
I'll spell it out for you, but only once so listen carefully, psycho anon
>why's she beating herself down AGAIN?
it's another depression spiral, obviously not the first nor will it be the last
>I don't fucking understand
that much is obvious
>she just wants another pity party?
this is why I called you a psycho by the way
>What happened this time? Did something even happen?
we don't know yet.
>did it occur to her that her fanbase gets negatively affected by her bullshit?
I'm pretty sure she beats herself up about this, too. unnecessarily, I might add.
>Man I've been supporting this girl for a while and she's still getting openly and publicly depressed as if nothing matters
thankfully none of us think like this, because most of us also deal or has dealt with depression, so we can empathize.
>can't imagine being a fan.
I can't imagine you being a fan of anyone or anything, and most definitely don't reproduce, you'd just psychologically damage the kids.
Now tell me again without seething
oh, you can't even identify emotions? definitely psycho. I'd say seek help, but the only help for your kind is death.
Now tell me again without dilating.
it's (you) who'll get dilated by Tyrone in prison ;-) you psychos just can't avoid that fate.
Now tell me without being an angry tranny
you really thought you could just sneak this in without me noticing, huh? you aren't as smart as you think you are. Tyrone will be waiting for you ;-)
I have a (You) more than you now. I won.
Sayu is lonely.
Normally, we have someone to vent to: a friend, family, a husband. But no more. PTSD has made it difficult to be trusting again. But she needs an outlet. So now does it to her chat and Twitter. Those that stay will become more parasocial, but negativity does not attract a wider audience.
have one more, hopefully it'll be enough cope in prison
loneliness is a mindset, anon. she also has friends and her family lives close by that's why she refuses to move away from California, and I'm sure you know why she won't get married again.
we cant
she just need to stop having a meltdown and immediately posting it to tweet instead of talking to a friend IRL
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Is it true that she owes him alimony?
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>Am I the one out of touch?
yes, that's what forced her into niji in the first place.
A menhera having a melty episode again?
Ain't that something they are meant to do, kinda like breathing? That's what makes them appealing to a certain type of audience (e.g. saviourfags). They'd tell her words that she's probably heard/read a thousand times to the point that she's become numb and doesn't appreciate their meaning anymore. In other words, she needs a good RL dicking, not just words that momentarily flash on her PC screen. The question is: is there anyone out here who's willing to touch grass and actually try to date this girl? (Hard mode: without coming off as a stalker/rapist)
She didn't call on the nerizzler within. She's gotta let it out. Bau bau bau.
lmao. go back to /r9k/ and never return, clueless incel.
you guys are being farmed by retards on discord. they samefag alot.
from what i could rrat about. It's most likely the corpo she teased on joining, might be bad(again). She realised that after flying over there. It could also be imposter sydrom
Sayu doomposting again. Most likely backing out of NOA after they demonstrated they're black.
Chat is this true?
kill yourself sky rainpuff
I think she's just malding about not being one of the cool kids anymore. I bet the Noa guy probably asked her to be more "hip" and she lost it. Fucking boomers am i rite.
>It's just very frustrating and it makes me feel like I'm not capable of being anything more than "stuck in bad situations"
Sayu, you dumb fuck. We warned you.
wait she joined a different corpo? she already had enough momentum to go indie and got a boost from reconciling with matara.
i dont get it
this shit again, who cares
Why does she post basically this same thing like every week?
If I had a xitter and I saw this little spiel often I'd just respond with "lol"
I gave her the benefit of the doubt before because Nijisanji is a black company and they fucked her over, but the fact that she keeps bringing up "muh fefes" and "oh woe is me I'm so sad boohoo somebody make me feel better," makes me think her case is entirely different than Doki and Mint's. Whereas Doki and Mint have moved on and made their content better, Sayu always. Fucking. Complains. First it was, "Nobody wants to talk to me." Then it was, "I didn't receive the same support as everyone else." Now it's, "Look at me, I'm so quirky. I wouldn't want to go viral that's lame (but secretly I really do please please please let me go viral). Also remember I'm ex-Niji." How about shut the fuck up and just stream. If you put out good content people will watch it.
I think she wants a box.
Um this is literally abuse. Delete this
Eventually one has to stop blaming 'bad luck'.
>i'll explain more on stream
And there it is. The grift reveals itself. She only does it to dramabait so she can prop up her failing numbers.
She wants genmates.
If someone wants genmates that proves they can’t be successful on their own
It's not about success.
>believe what a woman says
retard, she is pity baiting, thats all he has to exploit.
>Also remember I'm ex-Niji." How about shut the fuck up and just stream.
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Eh, I think I'm done. I'm tired of this never-ending cycle of

>good things are happening
>sayu doomposts out of nowhere
>everyone is worried
>sayu comes back and promises that she will do better
>nothing changes

I get it, she got the short end of the stick and has big personal problems, but she doesn't seem interested in actually trying to fix them, and her community is too much of a hug box to have a real talk with her. Things are probably never going to change, and I haven't been enjoying her streams that much lately, knowing that she could get one guy'd again at any moment by a random guy in the chat

And this thing here makes me raise an eyebrow
>i'll explain more on stream later tonight

You could have just written a community post instead of making your fans wait and asking them to come to the stream. Don't forget that a considerable number of them have to wake up in the middle of the night to watch your streams, and I'm sure they were very worried about you. I'm at the point where seeing stuff like this makes me wonder if Sayu is a selfish person or if she is just trying to farm views and drama clips, so I'm going to take a break from her content for a while and see what happens

I wish her the best and hope she can find happiness soon in some way
I feel like Sayu is only appealing if you're a saviorfag. Personally I'd much rather watch a happy chuuba that's grateful for everything her audience and friends do for her.
I wouldn't say that. She attracts rabid saviourfags who can be schizo and vile, but people seem to like her for similar reasons as people may like other chuubas.

Meaning most of then wants to sex her.
It is to Sayu. She wants genmates that perform worse than she does so she can leverage her status as the top talent.
God I love victim blaming
i'll marry her

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