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File: chichiro.png (1.14 MB, 2301x2829)
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Big Boss Edition

Previous thread: >>81259966
OP Pic: >>81371046

>Post names and references, keep it all in one post
>Requests must be vtuber related
>AI-generated deliveries don't count
>Don't spam or bump your requests
>If reposting your unfulfilled request from the last thread, repost it in its entirety
>If you get a delivery, wait a week before requesting again so other anons have a chance to get one
>If you post a delivery, please remember to anchor it; it makes archiving them easier
>Provide constructive criticism, and don't be afraid to ask for it
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Have fun

Past Threads: https://warosu.org/vt/?task=search2&ghost=yes&search_text=&search_subject=drawthread

NSFW Deliveries:
>>>/i/746083 or https://catbox.moe/

hololive https://holo.booru.org/
/vt/booru https://youtube.booru.org/
>search the tag "drawthread" for deliveries only

Drawing Books: >>>/ic/artbook
File: 1721654645092256.png (1.61 MB, 2360x2258)
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1.61 MB PNG
Anchor deliveries and WIPs here
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157 KB JPG
Survive anchor, use if the thread comes close to dying.
File: great ass.jpg (2.25 MB, 5279x1678)
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2.25 MB JPG
Requesting the meme on the left with Gigi referring to Panthera big booba and her own cute cat butt.
File: smilfytitty.webm (2.93 MB, 1280x720)
2.93 MB
2.93 MB WEBM
Requesting Smilfy giving a paizuri like this:
Requesting a sequel to this with an angry Sora dominating both Suisei and the guy
File: Pumpkin.webm (3.21 MB, 1228x690)
3.21 MB
3.21 MB WEBM
Requesting Rina wearing a fancy micro bikini
File: Ugly Hot.png (2.46 MB, 2993x1240)
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2.46 MB PNG
Requesting pic on the left with Dokibird and Selen.
File: legaltiger.jpg (2.21 MB, 5454x2536)
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2.21 MB JPG
Requesting a parody of the doujin page on the right with Tomomi Toraya instead

Shinchou-sa Max Fuufu
File: snuffyref.jpg (322 KB, 1920x3332)
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322 KB JPG
Requesting Smilfy giving a shota reverse paizuri like this:
File: Jaius van Bibaelsar.png (867 KB, 1041x1080)
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867 KB PNG
requesting koseki bijou as gaius van baelsar from final fantasy xiv (jaius van bibaelsar) reciting any part of the famous Praetorium speech
https://youtu.be/gicnOK_grrE?si=VxJVbpqQVUkgyMnd&t=60 speech starts here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6D8EUUV448 brainrot version, might be more in character for her
File: botan-chanreference.jpg (1.33 MB, 5347x1342)
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1.33 MB JPG
Requesting fanart of Ebihurai's take on young Botan, Anything is welcome. Thank you.


Personal suggestion. Botan snuggled up like an adorable kitty, all set to jump on a Watame or Bae plushie (whether in rat form or regular form). Cut to the next scene, where she is tightly gripping onto her “prey” while napping.
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Requesting Boo taking a huge cock in the ass, something like the examples in these doujin pages.

File: ectoreed.jpg (294 KB, 2048x1309)
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Requesting Ecto the Undead Rat twerking. The following are additional details that can be ignored, but it would be nice if she were wearing nothing more than a micro bikini or something suggestive of that nature.

Trust me, it makes sense in context.


Some twerking references.

File: summerbear.jpg (3.11 MB, 5951x2451)
3.11 MB
3.11 MB JPG
Requesting Yui (@yuibearvt) in a sexy summer pinup, if you can draw her smoking from one of those long pipes, that'd be cool.
File: kobokan.jpg (1.55 MB, 4267x1400)
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1.55 MB JPG
Requesting Kobo celebrating 4th of July eating a delicious hotdog
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requesting the reference on the right with aradia ravencroft
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Requesting Rurudo in this pose
Requesting your Oshi caught tax evading
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Requesting Phia getting spanked like in pic related.
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409 KB PNG
Requesting Shondo throwing a pipebomb at (You) Eminem style
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Requesting this with Bijou and LaPlus
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Requesting ZONE-Bot fucked from behind as she sucks another guy's dick similar to this pose.
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Requesting Sinuuki, the cute zombie girl, lying on her stomach, playing on a switch, with a nice view of her plumpy bottom as she receives an ass pounding —anal— from behind, causing heart-shaped pupils in her eyes due to the excitement of the game and the pleasure she is experiencing.

>Some context
File: Bend over.png (2.4 MB, 2179x1202)
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Requesting pic related with Gigi
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Requesting slutty cheebs Botan or Ina(or whatever other chuuba of your choice, but those are prefered) being used as an onahole or pleasuring a big dick in some other way. Anything as long as it's more cheebs sex.
>Collage of some refs for inspiration and extra examples of cheeb proportions
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Requesting Shion, Gura, Bijou, and Anya rigged up to a Newton's cradle with their exposed asses facing the viewer and Shion about to be dropped.
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Requesting the pose from my link with Tomoshika and Noruju both from VOMS Project.


Personally, I would like to have Tomoshika spreading Noruju ass, but any order works.
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Requesting Oko presenting her ass in the pose inside the link looking back with a sexy smug smirk on her face and having a talisman covering her pussy.
File: retardedogman.jpg (2.71 MB, 5974x2858)
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2.71 MB JPG
Requesting Rosedoodle watching a very sad Basil the Wolf drink toilet water while she looks completely smug, and he looks retarded, regretful, and sad.

Here is the context

File: retro.png (721 KB, 1437x563)
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721 KB PNG
Requesting the meme on the left with Onolumi
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Requesting pic related with Okayu
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503 KB JPG
Requesting Nyana bottomless in public
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977 KB JPG
Requesting Gura giving a guy a stealth footjob while streaming and telling chat she's just rubbing her feet on the side of the computer
This but a tailjob instead
File: LYRA.jpg (628 KB, 4096x2048)
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Requesting Lyra's pulling an ahegao face, like she's surprised or shocked, while someone puts a lamp in front of her.
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Requesting pic on the left with Ignis and Koa except the guys is a much older male-anon
I was thinking the tail could be covering the guy's mouth to prevent him from making any noise
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Requesting Fauna or Kronii trying to charm one of their male fans offering a bottle of their love nectar, cut to the next scene, we see Bae stuck in one of those exercise wheels for pet rats, frantically running and sweating with trays gather below hr to collect her rat sweat.
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Requesting a slightly older, thicker and curvier Miss Peggy trying her old fit.

Requesting Sister Noel helping a shota get rid of his lustful thoughts by milking all the "sin" out through his dick
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Requesting Vain being tortured by members of a rival mafia, relentlessly extracting every penny from him. They are bluntly conveying that unless he swiftly hands over the money, they will not hesitate to break his legs.
File: Ménage a trois.jpg (640 KB, 3719x2343)
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Requesting Roberu attempting to mix a cocktail while being sandwiched between Bae and Ollie's chests, just like in the reference image on the right.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtL_naY3GLc [
File: lappyforsale.png (3.32 MB, 2325x1663)
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3.32 MB PNG
Requesting lappy in her new outfit(but only the jacket on: no shorts or shirt) at a sex shop, sitting on a shelf with a bunch of onaholes and cock sleeves next to her, making a blowjob gesture to the viewer with her right hand while turning her hip and lifting the corner of her jacket with her left hand to show off her barcode
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Requesting pic related with Fuwamoco and a ruffian in the middle
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1.2 MB JPG
Requesting Raora put in the box
>he didn't call me an ungrateful bastard
Bros I think he hates me...
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451 KB JPG
Requesting Ryo giving a double armpitjob in this pose.
Its implied.
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Requesting a tipsy Ponpoko-chan having sex with a considerably bigger guy, looking a bit dizzy but still trying to be flirty.

Link in my post for reference, thanks for your interest.

>Bar stream for more references of that outfit
You guys are weird
File: Smugbird.png (1.59 MB, 1700x1203)
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1.59 MB PNG
Requesting this with Dokibird
Please keep her smug aura and smile on
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Requesting Pia (in slime form) saying she is absolutely seiso as she slowly turns thicker and curvier.
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Requesting Amiya Aranha wearing Amanogawa Shiina's crab hoodie and pouting at the viewer
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Requesting Zaion in a similar outfit(if you want to you can make it more her themed), tanline important, extra thickness greatly appreciated
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65 KB
Requesting a 2koma of either one of the following
>Mono Monet (normal futa)
>Biscotti(horsecock futa)
>Faceless anon
getting a blowjob from nun Yae Yugiri in a confessional
>1st panel
Some small dialogue, with Yae saying something like "So what sins do you have, believer?" and the other person being overly confident with something like "Oh I'll show you some sin..." while taking of their pants and grabbing their huge cock to put it through the opening (ref noted (1) would be the ideal dick size)
>2nd panel
The dick haver having their pelvis basically glued to the wall of the confessional, knees shaking, fists clenched, tongue out as they are shakily begging for Yae to stop sucking their soul out through their dick, with a large cacophony of slurps, licks, kisses and moans in the background to show how much work the nun is putting in (ref noted (2) just with more sounds in the background and the character basically being mindbroken from the head game)
Yae's side. I enjoy when my imagination has to fill in the blanks sometimes so Yae's side of the confessional is not exactly needed, but if you wish to, ref noted (3) is still there if you want some explicit action.

Requesting Botan pressing her big fat lion titties against the screen. Nude, bikini, fully clothed up to you, there just needs to be good squish.
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Requesting a drawing of awol vesper but she holding maracas in each of her hands and wearing a wearable sombrero
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requesting Mori being charmed by Miquella, have them posed like the left pic but with him placing a hand on her cheek while she's in a blissed-out trance with her heart eyes
Oozora subaru matingpress
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Requesting Ci-chan cowgirl POV with her shirt being lifted up. Preferably wearing her inner shirt found on the upper right of pic

cowgirl reference https://files.catbox.moe/s0tsy2.jpg
Requesting Mio giving a double armpitjob with a third guy fucking her tits
Those are some great tits right there!
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Requesting Raomamma wearing the outfit on the reference, same pose or something along the line too. Just sexy and fun.
Towa with tits is too powerful
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Requesting my Oshi LaPlus eating a popsicle to cooldown in a hot summer day.
Excellent stuff, anon!
File: Ducktective.jpg (94 KB, 619x1024)
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Requesting Ducktective in a "surprise anal" scene, have her searching for clues or something like that while someone comes from behind to fuck her shithole
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requesting this stealth sex scenario with an anon and OkaKoro; Okayu under the kotatsu, and Korone outside of it
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requesting a plush, curvy shortstack Luna picked up and sexed in this manner(and with these proportions)
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requesting warm, soft, fuzzy paizuri
Requesting ass-plapping double penetration straight through those sweaty, tight shorts
pose refs
OOOF, I love how her huge tits barely fit inside that tiny top.
File: GANGBANG WHEN.jpg (243 KB, 1080x782)
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Requesting ERB getting gangbanged by her favourite holostars. Ideally all nude.
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Requesting Jowol wearing this bikini for 4th of July, give his design doll joints please.
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Requesting Selen fanart. Thinking of having her strike a really suggestive and sexy pose, you know, with her body language and all that jazz. Please draw her with a super lustful and sensual expression on her face, showing off those sharp dragon teeth of hers. Maybe add a hint of saliva dripping or some droplets, tongue out, and steam coming from her mouth. Kinda like what I have in the references on the far right. No needed but if you can include the text from the middle reference that would be really awesome.
File: Moonika.webm (2.81 MB, 526x360)
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Requesting Monika giving a blowjob with a dick squeezed between her big boobs, looking all sexy and naughty at the camera. Bedroom eyes, half closed eyes, that sort of stuff.

https://files.catbox.moe/n6sx9b.mp4 (embed)

Here is a reference for her model waist up.

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Requesting Momseki x Biboo

Pose idea:
I mean I doubt she will get dumber that's for sure but at least now she has huge tits. Now I kinda wanna see a bimbo Kanata too. They are opposite after all.
File: Spider.png (2.45 MB, 3276x2093)
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2.45 MB PNG
Requesting Nouvelle giving multiple handjobs and blowjobs, something like this:


More references
File: salliecebo.png (3.56 MB, 2080x2044)
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Requesting Sallie cowgirl creampie sex with (shota) Cebo(generic shota or shota with face hidden from view is OK too)
pose references:
/r/ pekora sexually punishing (you) for being more attracted to her mom than her. nothing too extreme, though. orgasm denial, light cbt, post-orgasm torture, something along those lines
File: Boobee.webm (441 KB, 1280x1080)
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Requesting BooBee (chibi form) having her huge shortstack ass fucked, something like this.


She has a normal form but that fucking chibi has been haunting me for months, because she uses it on screen to check if the stream is frozen.

File: ref.jpg (798 KB, 2926x4096)
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Requesting Esila Shephield in a white wedding dress holding a bonquet of white flowers and in white high heels for the occasion. If you fulfill my request please also post it on twatter under #Esilart so she gets to see it, too! If you also wanna do a NSFW version you gotta use #NSFdoubleEWE instead.
>dress+pose ref: https://files.catbox.moe/1xprer.jpg (the dress should be a bit shorter to show the heels)
Picrel is the only Esila reference available at the moment.
A doodle/WIP was made a few threads back at >>81110811 but I haven't heard from that anon since so I'm not anchoring it for now.
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Requesting Petra in a similar scene to this
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Requesting Shimo (@Shimobits) in this pose
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Requesting Vivi fucked like in the link reference
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Requesting Punkalopi shaking her fat ass riding a cock like this
File: bigcatto.png (2.02 MB, 3035x1080)
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Requesting the scene in the link reference with Gururu from KemoV
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Requesting AmeDoll giving a paizuri wearing an American flag bikini
Holy fucking Towa sex
My favourite part
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Requesting pic related with Tomoshika and Noruju on each side and Miuneru in the middle.
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Requesting Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame interrogating a guy by giving him paizuri and scorching the tip of his dick with the flame on her chest (it's not hot enough to cause permanent damage but it's very painful)
File: Justice.jpg (1.17 MB, 2728x1848)
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Requesting pic related with Holo Advent after having their asses kicked by JUSTICE
File: AMERICA_FUCK_YOU.png (3 MB, 3392x1184)
3 MB
Requesting Korone in an American flag bikini, striking a pose like the middle reference, but with a big smile on her face and saying tons of English words in a very excited tone. Also have FuwaMoco in the background giving her giant tiddies a salute while she's in that flag bikini.
File: image.jpg (1.57 MB, 3450x1890)
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Requesting Deme having her ass rimmed
File: reenn.png (1.58 MB, 2240x720)
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1.58 MB PNG
Requesting Renn (both tomboy and big tiddy) giving a double buttjob in this pose
File: Mini.png (2.37 MB, 2780x1497)
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Requesting Minimaali in her pajama outfit getting proneboned like-so by the guy on the right.
Not a bad idea
File: dogdayafternoon.jpg (3.07 MB, 7398x2680)
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3.07 MB JPG
Requesting Shishiro Botan in either her usual clothes or the casual outfit from the reference on the far left, experiencing a double wardrobe malfunction. The first wardrobe malfunction in this situation occurs when she attempts to put on her top or bra, having trouble with her cropped top in one outfit and her baggy shirt in another. The second incident takes place after she struggled earlier, noticing that all the pulling made her ass partly visible, exposing her thong and part of her buttocks, leaving her with a resigned look on her face much to her grief.
Imagine the gorilla grip handjobs...
File: Coyote.png (1.66 MB, 1854x1169)
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Requesting Coyote having her surprisingly big tits grabbed from behind as she bites her lips suggestively.
This but all the other Justice girls instead of Elizabeth while she cries as they force her to watch
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Requesting Echo in a similar pose as shown in the image on the right. I just want to propose that her expression should look more flirtatious and playful, with her glowing tongue visible.

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Requesting porn of Jhinxxx based on this clip
Blowjob, a handjob, etc, anything welcome but keep the lewd expression
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Requesting Raora and Gigi wearing leopard printed bikinis
Sex with that the lolihag
File: Yurace.jpg (1.17 MB, 3840x2160)
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1.17 MB JPG
Requesting Yuracye hotdogging a cock with her cute plumpy butt.


>Buttjob reference
Requesting FuwaMoco kicking off her in the pussy
File: llalla.png (118 KB, 500x500)
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118 KB PNG
Cute! Thanks for the delivery, anon.
>Those thighs
File: pekonahole.png (1.76 MB, 1978x1192)
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Requesting stomach bulge sex with lalafell pegor
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requesting gigi putting her 20 dexterity and +3 animal handling to good use (i.e. horsecock and/or dogcock milking)
File: BoroSan.png (637 KB, 936x596)
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Requesting Human Boros fucking Sana while San fucks Kronii
>Boros is in lust overdrive, mindlessly pumping away with his eyes shut
>Sana is ecstatic, with a mouth-open smile and arched eyebrows
>Kronii is shocked and overwhelmed
>San is smug as hell
pose ref:
(simpler alternative: the pairs both doing straddling paizuri, with little bubbles in the corners of the image showing Boros and San's faces:)
File: la+sfw.png (2.54 MB, 1372x1920)
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The lappy
File: la+ice.png (1.05 MB, 964x1214)
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1.05 MB PNG
Eating even more icecream!!!
File: nut.png (329 KB, 485x504)
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Fantastic lapsex
A couple of onaholes in boxes by her side would've completed the idea, but this is fantastic as it is and I want to buy a laponahole
Thank u very much, drawfren
I love Holo bimbos
Cute womanchild.
File: FEVER NIGHT 3D Wawa.webm (3.74 MB, 550x950)
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In honor of Kiara sex, how about drawing her fever night outfit but only wearing the blue shirt, no leotard or leggings? Bonus points if you indulge me with noncanon thick pubes.
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Requesting this pose with Kobo
Working on this but might delivery later because I am top tired right now
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Requesting Petra holding a long penguin>
File: smug.png (372 KB, 1159x501)
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Requesting pic related with Nerissa (left) and Aradia (right)
File: Meimei.jpg (215 KB, 2048x904)
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Requesting a slutty Gyaru Mumei taking a selfe while sucking cock or being fucked from behind
Good job there!
requesting an extremely tiny, chibi version of a chuuba still trying their best to stream normally despite how absurdly small they are
File: Will-o.jpg (1.18 MB, 3000x3524)
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Requesting Will-O deepthroating a cock with the guy using her horns as handles
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Requesting Chloe giving a thighjob
Delicious flat chested lolibaba
File: Lalion.jpg (508 KB, 2552x1213)
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Requesting Botan with her usual laidback aptitude wearing an American flag bikini with a New York Yankees cap. Pose up to you, but a little flirty and sexy vibe would be cool.
Most seiso semen demon
File: short.png (28 KB, 662x565)
28 KB
this, but she's being picked up and having a (very tall) anon thrust between her thighs because she's so short that she can't give one normally
I like this suggestion. I'll add it to my post next time.
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Requesting Bodegarat's giving a deepthroat blowjob to an anon's cock while she suck his penis with her thick meaty lips, plenty of saliva included.

Portable wife
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Request the sexy doll trying different pairs of breasts like if they were bras. Think about it as the upper torso where the breasts are located being interchangeable.
Thanks for the second delivery anon! I wasn't expecting that, what a nice surprise NGL.
Standing paizuri could work too
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>Ecto is /here/
>She is into gangbangs

Requesting Ecto clothed or nude but preferably clothed having sex with a bunch of men, giving one of them a tailjob with her long feral like tail, wrapping her tongue around another man's cock as she sucks his dick, riding a guy's lap reverse cowgirl style. Just that sort of stuff.

Here is her reference sheet

The first idea might be a bit too much, so in that case here is a simple and clean one. Ecto fucked in this pose.

Requesting a shortstack Chloe giving a standing paizuri
Based same brain cell
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requesting biboo x pebble emuach
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Requesting FoxyReine in cowgirl position with a guy in his PoV, but there's no sex involved: both will be fully clothed, the guy would have his jeans unzipped, but his crotch would be covered by her cloth; and Foxyreine would be holding both guy's hands, and doing a licking expression. If you like, feel free to make a second version where she lifts her middle cloth with her right hand to show that the viewer has an erection through his underwear and show her panties. Another add up is the same scene, but actually having sex, but I would like the first idea.
Requesting Liz giving a guy a titfuck while trying to talk dirty to him in her thick English accent and using goofy British slang with an alternate version where her dirty talk makes him instantly cum like a fire hose
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Requesting a close-up of IRyS wearing armor and doing the same pose as the protagonist of SMT V, with her armor resembling Tehom's appereance.
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Requesting Randon fucking a tree
I might appropriate this idea for Esila once my current request is done. That one will definitely be #NSFdoubleEWE.
NEED ci sex
Still working on it, struggling with the dress. Since you wanted it posted to her tag I'm going to do fairly detailed rendering, but that means it will take even longer, but pretty happy so far. Also I'm just doing light purple heels with maybe some gem accents unless there's something specific you wanted, I got the sense the footwear was a focus
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Why did you reply to me just to tell me you are going to take my prompt for your next request while the artist still working on your wedding delivery? Weird flex...
Thank you anon!
> but that means it will take even longer
I didn't mean to make you hurry, I only put that part there because there were multiple times someone promised a delivery only to then disappear without a trace.
>light purple heels with maybe some gem accents
That sounds better than what I originally imagined, actually!
>I got the sense the footwear was a focus
Indeed! I'm quite into heels, but don't tell her lol
I didn't mean it as a flex, just that you had an excellent idea I'll steal for later. I'm kinda ESL pls andanstan
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Requesting Fauna straddling the bathtub, trimming her bush in just her bikini top, with bikini bottom around her ankle.
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Requesting Pippa tripping while eating expired food
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Redraw this screenshot of Aki Rosenthal on a bed so its normal and not Minecraft
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Requesting Ui with a thick ass anally fucked in a work closet by a man much taller than her
Here's a pose image I threw together in a 3D doll posing program:
(note that this is a very quick, rough posing job just to get the general idea across)
Other angles of the pose to give a more comprehensive view:
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requesting a slutty bimbo-aesthetic Kobo(picrel) getting her head grabbed and face fucked hard, smearing lipstick all over the cock and her mouth, plus some lipstick kiss marks on the balls
pose refs:
Not a drawfag but holy fuck you're a genius I'm gonna have to keep that doll posing in mind when I do my future requests
As a courtesy for opening my eyes also seconding, more Ui porn is always nice
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requesting this with raora
I'd recommend only using it sparingly for times when you really just can't find a proper reference for what you're imagining. otherwise we'll get accused of samefagging
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Requesting Fream chomping on a handful of Doritos and gulping down some Monster Energy, swirling them around in her mouth like a wild concoction. Then, with that crazy mix in her mouth, she decides to surprise one of her fans by attempting to deepthroat his... "'"soda can""" while flashing a double peace sign with her hands. All while she's looking quite pleased with her mischievous antics.
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requesting furi fucked in the full nelson anal pose
Oh yea for sure, but it's still extremely nice if I want a very specific pose or viewpoint that I wish for the drawfag to stick to is possible
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Requesting the pic on the right with Botan holding two SMG PPSh-41.


Alternatively, you can use the more simple MP-40.

Get a room you two or shut up already.
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Requesting schoolgirl Mifuyu having her asshole fucked at the school's bathroom
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Requesting Glubbable facesitting an anon
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Requesting big titty Subaru ovulating/orgasming after being told "I love you", kind of like this: https://files.catbox.moe/cf1icf.jpg
(Some other phrase is fine too, but it should go in that direction/keep the original idea)
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Kronii in a Blue Jays uniform please
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The duck thirst is real
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I didn't want it to cause any shit to stir up despite the fact that it was clearly two different people
what shit would it stir up?
samefag/spam accusations
the usual
The thread police anon who showed up a few weeks ago.
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Requesting the Holomoms shopping together, something like the reference with all 3 of them trying to get naughtier lingerie for the other member of the group.
the man really wants Subaru porn
you should just ignore that mentally ill faggot
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Requesting Fraiki cursing while being fucked in this pose

Do not bow to a single schizo, anon...
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Requesting the reference of the pic with Subaru
ok fine
Requesting Subaru in a cheerleader outfit, fucked in anal reverse suspended congress in front of an entire stadium. Her expression is delirious and ecstatic from the rush of thousands watching her. Include anime-style spiral pupils.
So something like this scenario:
But with this pose:
(putting her arms up to include pom-poms in the frame would be appreciated)
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requesting an enormously curvy, thick Sana(these proportions: https://files.catbox.moe/69j8wp.png) lying on her back, pulling her legs up so her feet are beside her head
in this position, she's showing off the massive cream filling of cum that's sitting in her smooth, shaven pussy while she gets fucked and filled with another load in her asshole, and is delighted about it
pose refs:
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Requesting Runie Ruse from Phase Connect wearing the same as pic related but the panties on one side of her leg (doesn't matter which side) and her breasts outside her bra, doing sexual intercourse on the cowgirl position, where she's holding hand with the viewer, and her other is pinching the viewer's nipple and saying "Stoopid, you let your guard down" with a smug expression. I would appreciate an alternate version where the viewer cums inside her and she's surprised for that
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Requesting topless ripped spats Jean Faymas in a choke hold getting full nelson anal'd in this pose.
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Requesting porn of Savehymn. She is lacking lewds.

I'm up for anything, but if you need a recommendation, I've got one. Thank you.


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Requesting Routie with her breasts being titfucked or her lifting her skirt in a sexy way, showing off her butt in nice lingerie while waiting for her ass to be fucked from behind.

>assorted of extra references
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Requesting Ina in the midst of painting a naked Ame (who's posed like the catbox'd image, with Ina also being naked and with her butt visible
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requesting any regloss girl with picrel's body
regloss ref images
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Requesting a regular size Chattino fucking Raora, based on this webm from her Pizza Tower stream.

>"Dammelo! Dammelo!"

That pose for example, but anything that uses size-difference works too.
Nice Lappy!
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Requesting Deme rapping Kenji for not sharing his nuggets
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Requeting Yenkoes either fingering or toying herself, more ref for character https://files.catbox.moe/eq3nwb.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/wvm7l9.jpg
live so we can smoke more dank weed
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Requesting Irys at a striptease club throwing money at holos poledancing
requesting Mori pinning Tsukumo San down in bed like the linked pic, locking eyes with him dreamily as she puts a cigar out on his chest https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4677842
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Hell yeah split tongue action!
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Requesting Chibi Dokibird fucked in the ass, something like this reference.
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requesting a pinup of airi from phase connect wearing only her jacket and a skimpy bikini bottom like in the reference.
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requesting flare presenting her chocolate ass
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Requesting Salome as Lovely Labrynth
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Requesting Red Gura tying up a guy with caution tape and dominating him, while wearing this: https://files.catbox.moe/skfbef.jpeg
i'm a little dumb, can i get the context to this? is this a wip of something or a crop of an image that's already been done?
Her jacket will cover her bikini bottom.
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Requesting Justice Cats facesitting an anon and crushing his pelvis with their ass at the same time.
Not really, not sure how you think I was picturing this, but it is pretty simple to avoid that.
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Requesting this with Reine
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Requesting KUUL having her throat fucked as another man fucks her pussy.
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Requesting Polka in this style smooking weed
sry if it's too messy was tryin to sketch it out as fast as I could
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Delivering some kitty titties.
Leopard ver: https://files.catbox.moe/yx1sb7.png

Couldnt be arsed to also draw Gigi. If another drawfriend wants to add Gigi, feel free to do so. Will provide transparent bg version if needed
Not OR but that looks pretty decent
Nice big fat tits
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Based anon you made both versions and added some extra boobage as well.
also fuck the litter gremlin, it looks better without her.
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Dude, it’s a bummer Gigi didn’t make the final cut, but whatever, it’s not that big of a deal. I just threw her in there 'cause I thought the different boob sizes were pretty cool. Huge shoutout for taking on my request, anon! I remember you did Okayu for someone else before, and I’m really loving your style and how you color your stuff. Seriously, thanks for drawing some big ol’ cat tits for me!
fuck it I'll do it I think Reine is really hot
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This is seriously breathtaking! A second delivery? I was not expecting this to happen, especially with your amazing fan art. Big thanks! Sorry it took me a while to reply. I usually just lurk around this time to see if I missed anything, but I definitely didn't expect another delivery. Do you have an X (formerly Twitter) account where I can follow you? I'm loving this picture! Those almost-visible areolas, those large breasts, and that jaw-dropping cleavage, plus the thong peeking out from those tight shorts all pressed against her upper butt. It's just so incredibly erotic, boner fuel at its finest.
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anon from /ciao/, based cow tits mamma.
That is an insane forehead to face ratio
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Requesting a sweaty-steamy post-workout Kobo.
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Requesting Haru in this Konata pose.
Whoa holy italian mamma
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Requesting something similar to the comic reference with Mint trying to act spooky and scary but ending giving her Wisps a huge boner with her huge tits and her thick ghost gyatt tail.
I hope this isn't fucked up or anything, but requesting Mori welcoming Minori to the afterilfe (I mean it in a happy way)
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Seconding but it's this meme specifically
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Requesting Bijou making a sexually suggestive gesture with her hand and mouth like in the reference pic, micro bikini no needed, but that'd be cool.
Because apparently the anon can't bother to make a reference and much less include the relevant information.
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Requesting Henya sex on stream
Something like that
I didn't want to cry today, too...
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Requesting Mococo squatting in this pose
Requesting Yuniiho like this https://files.catbox.moe/b0j2ok.jpg but she's not wearing her skirt, her pantyhose is visible and the bra is green color.
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I very quickly discovered I had no real knowledge of dresses. If there's anything you want added/revised, let me know, otherwise I'll touch it up and post it
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i will be that nigger faggot since no one is saying this, but the head is just too big, it's beyond le ''my style'' meme, also wrong hand.
holy shit anon, this is beautiful! I'll anchor the finished one, but one last question: could you please post a high res version on catbox? I'd like to print this out as a poster in A2.
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Requesting Mio giving a nursing handjob
Sure, I want to do some touchups but I can upload a full res version when I'm done
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Requesting Polka on her side spreading her asschecks like this.
thank you so much! you made my entire weekend, anon.
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Requesting the Ravencroft siblings in this same scenario, you can switch Nerissa with her mom if that is your preference.
I wish I knew enough anatomy to do nsfw. I don't know exactly you have in mind, but she likes to say bonkers and it's funny to imagine her saying that in this situation
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Requesting AI Candii fucked in this pose
I mean pose-wise I was imagining something simple like this
but it's all good if you're not confident in picking it up
thanks for expressing that you like my idea my guy, have a good one
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Requesting Slime Lumi having sex with an anon, here are some ideas for reference.


Her lore video for this alt model of hers.

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requesting Muppet Holox please
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>wrong hand
fuck me, this triggers me too much to just let be
>head too big
Raora's head is on the bigger side due to those hairflaps(?), but maybe I overdid it a bit yeah. Shrunk it a little

Leopard ver: https://files.catbox.moe/t10d1i.png
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She has a really cute voice
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Requesting Koseki Bijou dressed up like of the Pillar men from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. She can be in any pose, just as long as she is wearing a skimpy loincloth fitting for an Aztec God(dess) of Fitness. (Alternatively you can have her posing with any or all of the Pillar men. Just as long as its Pillar men related)
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Indeed she does, she is adorable overall. Thanks for the delivery my fellow anon, you made my weekend and for that I wish you a nice weekend as well.
Requesting anon using suck puppet Nerissa and Kiara to cum.
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Requesting this with Elio (big tiddy from)
Elio reference here
Hires version
Without the skirt layers, just for fun

Fun piece, learned quite a bit. I also realize big super long cape like hair looks cool, but it's sort of pain for posing and lighting!
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Requesting Shiori vaping and making fun faces

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