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Pre-Chat locked...

I'd even like to leave a comment. But since it's blocked?????
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Smart. It would've turned into an anticorn circlejerk that devolved into antiing her senpais again anyways. Just like last time.
this has been a thing for a lot of other vtuber stream rooms. Don't jump to conclusions yet, wait till the stream is about to start.
Is this real?? When??
ntrosarians are absolute scum wtf, remove this bitch and her fans from the company
yagoo lets a niji in, hololive's downfall starts now
>set up a gangbang with your favorite homos
>stream it publicly
>"but please don't say anything mean okay?"
>over 2k likes
>0 dislikes
Oh boy unicorns sure are scary I bet she's shaking in her boots!
You are severely mentally ill.
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Tear down this wall!
KWAB, go back to your containment thread cuxk
Wtf? Are rosarians the niji/phaseniggers of Hololive?
Nothing matters until the stream is live. I’ll be waiting for an anon to give the rundown since I’m not watching that shit.
Get your fucking red salad away from mommy you motherfucker ill rape your entire family
KWABOTY contender for sure
>he lacks critical information
It's either she becomes feminized or ostracized in the future, both equally entertaining outcomes
Ideally she graduates.
Yes and we must do something, reported her to Cover or her channel to youtube, shit on her everywhere so she's thinking about graduating
>why would she prevent retards from shitting up her prechat?
Based, remove erb
Worst fanbase speedrun any%
Smart move ! She don't want to see the prechat turning into an anti fuwamoco trash talk place

Not gonna watch tho
>Act retarded
>Get called a retard
>"Stop calling me a retard"
Just don't be retarded erb.
>>set up a gangbang with your favorite homos

Sounds hot

Is that a...
only thing positive she is spreading is stds
ponthera is homocollaber to core in her PL
Thanks for your sacrifice.
>viewers don't behave like normal fucking human beings
>get surprised when they're punished for it
wtf why is my pp hard?
day1 Lizbro btw
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win"
- Some dude who kicked the British out of India without firing a shot
If Raora isn’t collabing within Hololive, than she isn’t ERB.
Funny thing, this happened like a day before Fauna's Dungeon, and when Fauna put up an early frame for that stream she kept the chat closed till like 3-4 hours before the stream, something she usually doesn't do for such frames.
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha
Holokeks. NijiGods always win baybeee
. Holokeks belong in the >>>/trash/
No thats faggots like >>81464919
Geez man thats anon cock. We want HOLOSTAR cock.
You are a cuck söyboy Holokek.
I'm neutral on the collab but if they're going to be sensitive and moderate as aggressively as they did with the Magni and daph collab I'm going to shit all over them.
Give your fans a chance to win over the naysayers. Dumbasses.
Reminder that nijisisters are too buck broken to be talking shit, it's phase cucks and the jannies whose dicks they gargle false flagging
See >>81465195
You are cum eating cuckolds
Rent free
go to sleep it's past your bedtimes you gotta go back to the rice fields tomorrow
Its nearly 1pm dude
>Those two twins are disgusting for pandering ng to unicorns
>FWMC cultivated such a toxic fanbase
That 5 seconds of silence was like 9/11 for the beggars
This is sad.
But you know what is even sadder? The fact that after few months, when she's going to hand jobbing unicorn horns and acting feminine for merch money, you guys are gonna forgive her and memory holed this collab.
knowing beggars, their love of pronouns and 41%, these 5 seconds might have a higher death toll than 9/11
Bau baus catching strays
Take your meds Kronii.
Homobeggars are niji/phaseniggers of Hololive, so naturally someone that cater to them would have such audience
Unicorns and shitposters are both playing 5D chess where they are doing everything they can to create fan division in Hololive. This will backfire since it causes talents to double down on Holostars collabs while management will go even further with HoloPro unity. Cover isn't going to give up on Holostars and I have the feeling there will be surprise guests at the next HoloEN concert.
Holo = fresh start, old yabs don't matter
I've run the maths based on twitter likes...the 5 seconds of silence was 10x more lethal.
FWMC are monsters...
Real talk: why do Holostars seem more pozzed than the girls are?
>39daph collabs
>gotta support the cause
>if you jerk off to fictional characters then it’s rape
>constantly forcing mixed gender collabs
I wouldn’t be so hesitant on the male collabs if they didn’t have the most dogshit NijiEN-tier takes on politics.
>99% of your audience are xhe/xhey
>wonder why they cater to them
hm, i wonder
According to the catalogue, most of their audience is pro-unity, and only Nijiniggers want female-only collabs
You're an even bigger cuck than ERB fans
she is deliberately not banning them while secretly cultivating the anti holo fanbase. cancer needs to be removed before it spreads or else holoEN will end up like nijiEN
why isn't mori or kronii in there.
isn't she gonna own the fans !
But Luna's been a part of hololive for like 4 years.
They view FWMC like the final boss
Hardcore fans will be there till the end, but it's why you saw Kronii and Mori get dumpstered. People forgave them but aren't coming back.
>Seethes and false flags non stop for a month
>Wonders why pre chat gets shut down
exposing yourself as a homobeggar
FWMC are ultimately self-defeating.
Report her to Cover for what?
She had to ask to get this collab.
I hope Google bans you for false flagging.
But they won
if that was true phase wouldn't have fans, you're not slick
rosarians are a blight not just to hololive but to this entire hobby. absolutely disgusting
No, they were always the prime targets for jealous sisters. They can not fathom how FWMC got this big (even for Holo standards) without breaking the kayfabe, acting like whores, starting drama or bending to the homos.
ENwhores and their cuckoldry pandering. Pathetic.
>Lock the one place that SEAthing retards who weren't going to watch anyway could have shown up just to take a shit in chat and leave before stream starts
I don't like/don't watch ERB in the first place, but good on her.
The Holostars suck. Don't get me wrong - theres a reason they're not popular with or without collabs and everyone watches the girls.
If the girls acted like that they'd get ignored too.
The concept of Stars can work but I will say Ruze and Bettel can be a good watch. Flayon still weirds me out.
you should this once, it instantly disproves your falseflag, phasecuck.
Holy mental illness
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i wouldn't put my dick right above the flame if i were him
Ruze is still a faggot for that.
It's a drawing, man.
Ruze defense force coming in 3....2....1.....
you mean phase? theyre busy damage controlling dizzy+pippa yabs
Troll thread.
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A troll thread!?
Ruze actually improved since then. He gone on about how he misunderstood idol culture and is all in now. He is one of the good ones
Uuuhh unityfags? Why is she a three view? Despite the bots? Don't you guys watch streams?
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someone posted receipts for this btw, it was 500 bots if you want a real chuckle
Jesus phasefags are spamming threads about this bitch. The board was so much better yesterday when flips lost electricity.
she's had prechat locked since monetization i think?
This shit actually disgusting to see man. They act like the old grift streamers I watched where it’s always the girls fault
Homofags are genuinely all vapid cunts who don't have the personality to sell a stream without an avatar pandering to fujos.
what an absolute cunt
Anything to distract from them getting their cuckchair blown out after dizzy/pippa rumao
It's called the paradox of tolerance. People that ask you to be tolerant to them so they'll be part of your community will eventually be intolerant to you because you don't fit with them.
True, like phasecucks and holochads. They need their own containment board, letting them get cozy here infested the place with underage pag.
You fell for falseflaggers. Look at the chat history of those accounts, they exist to cause drama.
they're not exactly dealing in falsehoods
It's sad it was just for a day...
Or that they survived...
Yeah no shit LIZFANS69420 it's not a ERB fans, but I don't give a shit because of a homo colabbing whores
lol here they are >>81467664
methinks they are they due for another tsunami or hurricane or earthquake
>He gone on about how he misunderstood idol culture
>He is one of the good ones
I always hear this shit, from both men and women. All this means is "I won't shit on them anymore because people shit on me if I do"
>- Some dude who kicked the British out of India without firing a shot
out of all the way to admit you're a non-white
>/vt/ 's public enemy #1
>Unicorns' biggest boogeyman
>First collab with the homo's

I FUCKING WONDER WHY. Almost like even a blind retard could see the huge shitshow of unicorn drama hate prechat would be.
>knowing basic history is for non-whites
Guess that's why London is a copy paste of Pakistan
You are a massive faggot
The implication that you agree with what he did makes you non-white
Is this the same cope Angloids had when the Germans kicked their asses? Lmao
>it's totally about unity guys
>which is why she seems so indifferent to the females in her gen and is collabing with them less and less
Fuck off with this shit. Why do you give a fuck if the Rosarians hang with Homo fans? Just unsub & stay in your own fucking lane, Jesus jumped-up Christ.
Not your personal army, faggot
>We spread positivity
I mean statistically speaking gay guys do so she's not wrong.
I hope they sue you.
Both are not mutually exclusive, anon, just accept it
Bros, does fuwamoco lock the chat because they know ruffians hate advent???
You are a tar pit.
Have you also reported Fubuki, Sora, Matsuri, Towa, etc. for homo collabs?
Nice falseflag, faggot. Dit Rima put you up to this? Do you want to be in one of her videos again like last time?
Does she really not know that groups of girls have a completely different dynamic to groups with guys in? And that people enjoy watching the girl dynamic? Nobody wants to date these girls, they just don't want to watch dudes nuke the girly dynamic.
english please.
Good thing chimps like you aren't considered people
Very nice fanbase, holobros.
ebin falseflag sis.
No she doesn't know that. Because she isn't retarded and deluded like you.
2 weeks back iirc
she is meh
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I dunno man. I'm convinced by the funny glass eater.
Le kino
But that's basically the entirety of Hololive, it's like getting angry bc the same animation studio of a slice of life anime you like also does a shonen anime... Ignore the ones you don't like and watch the ones that you do, simple as. And no, there's no "bUt ThEy WiLl FoRcE iNtErAcTiOnS", only the schizos with the most severe cases of retardation think that way.
I like how in one thread a few days ago people said that Nijisanji fans here were the sane ones whereas the Hololive ones were the uncouth animals, well, turns out they were right looking at the replies here.
I hate Advent, I would 100% have done that, dang it!
No, they're real. That's what hate marketing gets you.
Except homocollabers have literally dragged other girls into homocollabing before retard, its not schizo if it actually happened. Go back newfag
lmao, projecting much, anon?
Don't worry, homocollabers have as much power over the girls as the unicorns.
Not only that, but there's virtually zero catalog threads of Nijisanji fans attacking their own talents. Really makes you think who the sane ones really are, and it's not the Hololive fans that actively and aggressively go out of their way to attack any talent that isn't a /#/ darling.
in the same breath you'll start screeching that the unicorns have a gun to the girls' heads.
die, homoshill.
you mean homobeggars, you dense fuck
>Niji doesn't gatekeep their chuubas
Explains why they're all shit
If they get below 5K CCV a stream multiple catalog threads are made
And yet they're never overtly stressed and stream every day almost. You bully the girls with numbers and other unimportant things like even forcing Fuwamoco to stream in English or else.
Chronoir mog almost all of the /#/ darlings sans Gura in categories that matter.
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>never overtly stressed
no, homobeggars bully the girls, especially fuwamoco just because she was silent for a few seconds while a homostar ad was playing on screen.
It almost sounds like you believe what happens here actually matters, lol, lmao even.
>graduation rate of 41%
No I mean homocollabers, they are the real danger here if we're talking about roping others into the homos.
Because they don't have thousands of fans barking like dogs to do this or that every day? I wonder why the girls don't stream every day despite incessant demand. Maybe lower your fucking standards, they're not perfect
>never overtly stressed
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They must stream every day 12 hours 6 hours per game that must be speedran and 100% completed with no damage being taken while talking about the world history of their chosen mountain from 1100 B.C. to 2024 A.D. while only taking three bathroom breaks.
we are even more influential than reddit for some reason
>never overtly stressed
People here wish it did, people here wish it did.
If it did, Hololive would have half its current member count. Seriously.
Additionally they must respond to every chat message being sent and reply to superchats immediately
I don't understand why unicucks don't do anything. Beggars have no standards or rules of engagement, yet you sit there and do fuck all except complain. Taking your money away won't do anything, these girls have a salary as a safety net.
Thus I call for Total Schizo Behavior. I wanna see hard doxxing, assaults in the streets- grow a pair and do what the JP Bros have been doing for years
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>never overtly stressed.
For sure.
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>Never overtly stressed
I doubt you'd have anything pleasant to say to her anyway. It's better to not let schizos fester in the chats for as long as possible.
Ruze defense squad never fails to show up in any irrelevant thread that brings him up somehow. you guys should be working on getting his cover to 100k
>Holy shit, where are all those faggots now who swore that ERB would never collaborate with the homos?
Nobody sad that that because it was clear from day one that she would collab with the guys at some point.
>false flagers.
That's exactly what you are doing.
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Like, zoinks Scoob! If he has a false flag, then where's the real one?
>nobody said that
>it's like getting angry bc the same animation studio of a slice of life anime you like also does a shonen anime
What an incredibly dishonest post. It's more like if those shonen characters started appearing in the slice of life anime where they just don't fit.
Do you think she's out to destroy idol culture like Kronii, or is she just a clueless retard like Calli?
Probably lock to subcriber only
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>Never overly stressed
Heh, she knew how serious the situation is.She definitely does it to provoke us but doesn't has the balls to face the consequence. Typical woman never admit her wrongdoing
She said it on her first chatting stream that she would (like explicitly), if there was someone who said that, they never watched her to begin with.
Found the liar
There are always like 3 anti eliza falseflagger/troll threads on the board at all times but any anti phase thread will be deleted in less than an hour without fail, nothing suspicious I guess
Destroy? No
She's just been terminally online for about a decade and has fully given into the "Yas Queen. Gatekeep, Gaslight, Girlboss" Egirl mentality. It did win her a job and husband, so it worked
Yagoo literally pays for Holostars to have 3D concerts there is zero chance these unicorn complaints don't immediately get deleted.
Seek help psycho!
Fuck off phasefag

We warned you about this red bitch. Graduate this whore now.
You do not know how to use "don't get me wrong" and "but"
Anyone who reads this will just roll their eyes and press delete dude
She asked some of the ID girls way before the collab ban ended, tho, according to Kaela, but they were busy with their shenanigans in Japan. It seems she has an attraction to runts in general.
90% chance of falseflag but
>She is confrontational against the general fanbase
No she isn't, the only """"fans"""" she has been confrontational towards were the dramafags/beggars sperging in her prechat about FWMC, unicorns and treating her like some kind of sledge to tear down the walls of hololive. She banned them for talking shit about her senpais.

I'm not going to watch her or her streams with homos but on the offchance you or anyone else sends a report like this it deserves to be dragged into the trash - unlike Jurard who actually WAS confrontational towards other fanbases and admitted to stirring up drama on purpose she has exhibited none of that behavior, its all in your mind.
Well the ID girls are a lot more open to collabing with homos so it's understandable she'd want to build her own little clique.
Gura it's time, you must return to overlap this bullshittery.
I wanna see her eventually collab with Dokibird.
I don't believe you really care about ERB beyond dramafagging. If you are a unicorn you won't watch her but nobody sensible thinks she is dragging any other EN girls into her homolust. Not with the current state of things and how obnoxious people like dinoflip and flayon are.

As far as all the shit about preserving hololives appeal goes, a single new EN girl nobody even had time to get attached to turning out to be a homocollaber is not even on the list of issues. JP is doing regular eceleb orbiting content for fucks sake if you want to write cover a letter about losing its appeal start with that not this nothingburger.
>you must consoom x amount of hours of her dogshit streams before I deem you worthy to hold an opinion
>Erm, can we be nice and stop talking about the fire burning the house down?
>*lights another match*
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You expect Gura to stream twice in one day? Fat chance!
sometimes i wish all the talent's relationship status would be leaked just for the total unicorn death when they see all of them are married/taken.
Pinching hand emoji thread
nah, they don't care, some of the most "unicorn-friendly" EN members have been doxxed already with proven boyfriends, but as long as it doesn't happen on-stream, it's all good.
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>If I say this enough times, it'll come true eventually!
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IT'S UP!!!!

>everyone in tightfit but Elizabeth
Pre chat open...
It's more like if a show has a shared universe with another show and every so often, characters from one will appear in the other. Like characters from Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru appearing in Kengan Ashura, or characters from Gen V appearing in The Boys.
kek, nice one
Hello ERB
relax the live chat and comment will be the exact same like before kek
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this is the only way to stop her
What's the yab? I haven't been on this board all day.
t. phasenigger
I've seen plenty of selen attack threads,
maybe the whore should do a better job at dealing with them instead of
>teehee be nice or I'll ban you next time
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I physically cringed reading this
Based never stop, king
what the fuck is this absolute retardation?
kek you suscribed to her? homo lover
get some help
I can't believe you actually took time out of your life to type that shit up
so just don't watch her?
Based ERB owning phase shitters
I didn't read all this retarded shit, but I feel bad for the Cover employee making minimum wage that has to sit through and delete all the garbage reports from you mentally ill subhumans.
>phase shitters
That the new boogeyman now?
>Donates to phase girls and dramafags
>Changes name to SHIORI NOVELKNIGHT to falseflag
Yeah no phasebeggars here
what's the name for a male Karen
>This collab with ERB will only manage to raise the Stars' numbers marginally and forever stigmatize ERB's career.
If that. We've seen before that even with MAXIMUM SAVIORFAGGING, the Homos still can't perform well.
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Somebody deploy dislike bots to her video.
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>Be a Japanese intern who gets the website report submission
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This is possibly the most retarded take I have read in this board this entire week, and that's saying something.
May God have mercy on your wretched soul, little weird one.
You are mentally ill
Nice meme, cumbud
Mumei isn't a homocollaber you dumb shitposter.
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Why did OP Lie?
Who the fuck said that
there were people who said she'd be like shiori and actually never collab with the homos
Doesn't count, she was forced by Bae and obviously didn't want to be there.
right, Bae tricked her, that's why they're still best friends. nice cope, enjoy your "whore"
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And Fauna will never be your friend
Go ahead and try, everyone's on your side, anon. Good luck on your journey. You'll need an infinitum of it.
Yeah, no shit, parasocial relationships aren't real. Also why I don't give a fuck if someone streams with dudes
You cared enough to post it and cry about most of Hololive, unikek
What part of "I don't give a fuck if someone streams with dudes" don't you understand? I'm just pointing out all you retards having a melty about something the majority of holos have already done.
Ah so unicorns were just projecting this whole time
Maybe Hololive isn't for you, go watch Kawaii or whatever "GFE" corpo is your speed
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3 guys 1 girl in a game where the first monster basicly rapes you. Trying to get that vshojo audience.
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She actually banned them,
More like it's you having a melty about said male collabs but OK unikek
Literally what the fuck are you talking about? I'm not a unicorn, and all unicorns are incel retards.
Nah, only a unicorn would post that. And the incel retard is you because you care so much about who the girls collab with to own an entire fanbase.
>only a unicorn would defend male collabs as normal within hololive
do you retards even hear yourselves?
Of course, he's reached the mindbroken stage to the point that he becomes obsessed with males. That's the final stage of being a unicorn, becoming the homobeggar, ironically or unironically :^)
>shit on her everywhere so she's thinking about graduating
This but all vtubers.
Hey bud, you're the one who complained about more than 40 Holos collabing with males in the first place. Maybe go back to Varium or Kawaii or whatever "GFE corpo" is so hip and cool with the nihilistic incels like you.
point me to the complaining you absolute retard
Phasecuck are not subtle
You may deny you are complaining but the fact that you need to remind people that more than 40 Holos collabed with at least one male at some point in their career, you're complaining pretty hard dude. Almost like you want to help the unicorns in their pathetic larp, even as you deny yourself being one, you've fallen right into their trap. Now you're doing their bidding, now you're causing people to drop all of the girls on your chart left and right. Congratulations anon, you've succeeded in helping the very people you claim to hate anon. It's never to late to just become one. Just say X is a whore and they'll accept you with open arms. You may have found the right company in the unicorn larping faggots, because you behave just like one of them with your pissant and combative attitude along with a complete dissatisfaction with Hololive as a whole. And with that, I advise you either drop Hololive as a whole, go to your pathetic "GFE corpo" or kill yourself immediately for being the biggest faggot to exist on my board.
Yeah the ratio is off it should be 4 to 4
>sisters too retarded to realize that the person they were responding to changed midway to one of their own
>they slapfight to out-sister each other
high comedy
Hey, I gave you two options, why are you ignoring me?>>81505674
don't watch /pol/ rabbit
>Now you're doing their bidding, now you're causing people to drop all of the girls on your chart left and right.
Good, all unicorns should fuck off out of the Hololive fan base. Not unicorn friendly and never was. Don't know why you think I'd drop Hololive when they're already the way I want them to be.
Clearly not if all you're doing is complaining about who they're collabing with chuddie
this bitch joined hololive to cause dramas and shit on unicorns but now doesn't have enough balls to go all in
And you're behaving exactly like a unicorn. X IS A WHORE THEY COLLABED WITH MALES LIKE 5 YEARS AGO BRO. I hope that unicorn cock tastes good
feeling called out? Fucking cunt
You are literally arguing against a position I have made nowhere. I am not complaining about any Hololive collabs, and never have. You are so ready to froth at the mouth and jerk off to your own posts you have failed to actually follow any of this reply chain.
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No, I'm pointing out unicorns are hypocrites. You are also clearly a unicorn seething that Mumei doesn't qualify, btw. Meanwhile I will happily watch her, and ERB, and every other Holo, because I am not a mentally ill incel.
vote Trump to put all trannies in prison
Yeah clearly if you're obsessed with who the girls collab with. You deny it but that's all on your mind. Almost as if you're what we like to call projecting.
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2 more weeks
>unicorns are hypocrites
So are you
>You are also clearly a unicorn
My oshi is on your gay chart and I've accepted it. Gonna call me a cuck now?
>Meanwhile I will happily watch her, and ERB, and every other Holo, because I am not a mentally ill incel.
I'm not sure if your oshi would be proud of you picking fights with strangers on an anonymous website dude.
I don't mean to be that guy but you sound like you're hiding something just because someone criticized your intentions
This is my second reply ITT. >>81505791 is my first. I'm drive-by shitposter, pleasure to meet you retard
I don't even understand what this imaginary persona you're ascribing to me is meant to be. You're saying I don't want the girls to collab with men, because I posted a pic showing that male collabs are normal? And saying that I'm supportive of talent choosing to do male collabs makes me a unicorn? I'm genuinely baffled by what you're trying to say. It's like you've abandoned all logic to avoid having to stop arguing with someone that holds a position that you have apparently agreed with from the start
You may not be a unicorn, but you're certainly helping them out with your retardation.
How am I a hypocrite?
>Gonna call me a cuck now?
...do you want me to? is that your kink?
Search the pic on the archive and you can see I have used it consistently to defend holos.
If you mean I am helping them stop watching Holos that have done male collabs, good. All unicorns should kill themselves. They make every fan base worse.
The fuck happen to this thread lol
He said he didn't like it, does he condemn anyone who does?
sisters unironically
>thread about erb homocollab
>phase gets blamed
>thread derails
Phase Connect are truly the rulers of this board. Phase thread, Phase Board, Phase MODS, Phase gods. Kek.
this is always going to be a retarded image, because there's so many who have done professional male collabs, think like when okayu collabed with that one JP comedian, who are missing.
If I say why you're a hypocrite you'll just deflect and call me a cuck that watches whores just like the rest of your dogfucking kind.
>on characters that don't have a say in it
what did he mean by this? that's like.. every fictional character
Dogfuckers. We're doxxes away from a full on /hlg/ invasion
I fucking Kneel
gooning to anime girls is literally rape
Ruze is a faggot. All of Armis is faggots.

Except for Octavio. The rest of those tryhards can go get fucked.
So you've got nothing, okay. It sounds like you are full of self-loathing. The only one of us that gives a shit about your oshi doing male collabs is you.
That's where you're wrong anon. Giving unicorns the idea of most of Hololive being whores (already a preconceived notion in their camp) only emboldens them. And you're helping them along the way. And the reason why I'm continuing to call you one is because unicorns don't leave silently anymore. That did nothing to help their cause. They're becoming far more fiercer now, a take no prisoners kind of attitude with the girls now. And it's all because of you. If something bad happens, I'll know who to blame first. Not the unicorns, but you for enabling them.
Oh here you go, you sound just like a unicorn now!
You sound actually schizophrenic. There is no war. This board doesn't matter. Get a grip.
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This will be the biggest holo EN collab. It will surely break a record
>I don't give a shit about Holos doing male collabs
>You sound like a unicorn!
Okay bro.
You could have just shut up. Instead, YOU poked the bear. YOU are why people are becoming radicalized. You did not have to create the monster, but you did anyways. That is why you're more despicable than anyone you claim to be against. And if the worst comes to worst with ONE TALENT, your kind is to blame for feeding said retards.
the fuck is this schizophrenic SJW shit? please seek professional help
Unicorn give money to women, incel want to damage their income
Doxxer invasion. Phasecuck attack. Homobeggar seething. A cess pit
Did you.. not read the thread? These people are fucking serious with trying to graduate ERB. Someone wrote one long ass report to Cover and bragged about it, only to be congratulated by everyone here. That's only gonna lead to more bad things happening.
>two anti-unicorns fighting to prove they're the bigger anti-unicorn
If you link me a source I will add it to the chart the next time I update it. I did last time people suggested some I missed.
Yes because I don't post LE WHORE CHARTS as a joke or not like you do.
Finally someone gets it.
I'll take my money to the girls that deserve it, male collabers can die in a ditch
I'm not one, but the guy trying to whorenose the girls is one in denial
Somehow I don't think ERB's collab is a surprise to Cover. And again, given that HoloJP has been doing Stars collabs since before EN even existed, I don't think they will give a flying fuck.
Both of you have schizophrenia
I posted a list of male collabs. You're the one calling them whores, not me.
Why did one talent go on hiatus for 3 months from late 2022 to early 2023?
Are you gonna call said talent a whore in your response?
I don't have schizophrenia. I'm trying to call the schizo out on his bullshit using his own agenda against him. The fact that he's going around in circles means I've defeated him.
Not what he's talking about.
He's talking about the fact that all it takes is one massive retard like the fag who bragged about "reporting" ERB's behavior to Cover to cause a chain reaction of something dangerous. As this is only just one step of their plan. Because I think people here legitimately want ERB dead.
You both have schizophrenia. You argued this thread past the bump limit. Take your meds after it dies.
No, she's not a whore. And I don't know what your point is. Do you think there have been no male collabs since early 2023?
Touch grass.
>As this is only just one step of their plan.
This person also probably has schizophrenia.
Meds, all of you
Doxxers didn't got the reactions they wanted in phase bait thread so they moved target
I want to keep entertaining this faggot because I know he's a Holoan and he thinks that by whorenosing the girls he'll get people to silently leave. Not how it works today. Not with today's "unicorns" that have become today's most out of context terminology within the fandom. I'm simply gatekeeping him and the retards that are stupid enough to fall for his bait away from Hololive. So that it's safe from both miserable people and unhinged people alike.
>he thinks he'll get people to silently leave
>I'm gatekeeping people away from hololive
are you retarded?
Oh please, Laplus took a 3 month break because of people like you. You caused the harassment by saying to people that what she's done was "normal." I'm on your side, but telling people who will never understand what "normal" is, may just be the worst thing you could possibly do. Simply don't mind these people. Give them no attention. I've accepted that unicorns are just meant to be left alone, not attacked. You attacking them causes others to be hurt in response. It's cause and effect. Chain reactions. You need to be careful with how you act. You could potentially radicalize others with your crab in a bucket mindset.
Well they succeeded in causing one Hololive hiatus. But they were not successful in getting her to graduate.
These anti-unicorn fags think they're helping, but they're only causing more damage to the community, fucking retards, this applies to you fags too
>Well they succeeded in causing one Hololive hiatus. But they were not successful in getting her to graduate.
Yeah no I'm not gonna cede any ground to incel crybabies just because they throw a tantrum
You've used the word incel in 5 different posts ITT
Are you a woman?
Homobeggars-->Unicorns-->Radicalized Unicorns-->Holoan-->VTuberan
There you go. Messages relayed from one to another. Chain reaction, cause and effect.
You're upset by my use of "incel", are you an incel?
that anon is either a female, a tranny, or a projecting incel himself
>Radicalized Unicorns
this faggot thinks he's fighting a holy war holy shit kek
You're projecting.
I'm a bystander. I'm simply explaining the situation unfold. Unicorns are quiet, majestic creatures until provoked. When provoked enough, they become different; radicalized is the correct way to put it. That's how /vt/ works.
You're buzzwording.
>Yes, I am.
Thank you for confirming.
And you're still projecting. Only incels in denial call others incels.
Unicorns are fat ugly losers insecure about the women that they pay for attention giving it to another man for free. Majestic my ass
Kinda true tbdesu
You forgot to say incel anon. Can't forget that.
Nijisisters' newest tactic is to try and blame phasefags for all their misdeeds.
So what should I call people that can't get laid?
>My dick is so small I piss on my balls
I'm sorry to hear that, but that's really neither here nor there.
Just leave them alone anon. They only become antagonistic and nasty because you have to be shitty to them. You made them that way.
All the world's evils.
full pic onegai
I mean that's just implied.
>actual feminists in here
remember to vote Republican to make these people's lives as miserable as possible
Implication isn't enough. You HAVE to use the word incel in every single post you make. That's the only way to really own the chuds.
It is true. I don't like unicorns, because I have different oshi preferences compared to them and do not mind male collabs, but I'll let them be nowadays. I don't like homobeggars, they're nasty and rude. You don't have to tell them that male collabs are "normal" to their faces. It's uncouth and it's wrong. That's the nuance of this all. It's a shame few people can understand this.
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings with my incredibly accurate description of your situation.
Just as gura and shiori right anon?
You aren't using the magic word, anon. Do you want the unicorns to win?
I feel like you're trying to loop me into your humiliation kink, and you're making me uncomfortable. Find someone else to insult you, it shouldn't be difficult.
And a big mistake I made was assume that unicorns were the ones that were subconsciously homobegging to attack others. I should have known that it was actual Holoan doing this. There may be a unicorn to Holoan pipeline, and I now think it's because homobeggars telling them to "accept" realities they don't want to, only makes them insane in the first place. Let them leave silently, and no damage will be done.
>only makes them insane
the irony
The anti-unicorn federation is deeply disappointed by your inability to properly own the chuds, anon.
All the world's evil can be traced to one's own shittiness.
That's your own. Because you want to eliminate the legitimacy of hundreds, you are evil. I don't think it's nihilism, you're just evil.
didn't gigi also dabbled in them? Makes you wander if Justice was selected as a homocollaber gen especially since all of them followed homos from the get go just like ReGLOSS, were they selected by homostar audition team by any chance?
this faggot thinks he's fighting a holy war holy shit kek
Look at this guy. Says I'm the one fighting some battle but that's all he's doing.
You want to eliminate both the girls' appeal and the people that watch them just so you can feel self-satisfied. You are evil. All homobeggars are.
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You were saying, anon?
I was expecting a number far more higher
If their appeal to you is that you can pretend they're your girlfriend, and you throw a tantrum when they do something that breaks that illusion (because it IS an illusion), just kill yourself, and decrease the surplus population.
>far more higher
Beggars aren't sending their best
Why do you watch Hololive anon
Just to consoom?
Real shit, I was expecting that number to be in the thousands
>watch Hololive
Watching streams is for pathetic jobless incels lmao
I like the music, the comedy, the games (sometimes), and for nihongo reps.
But why tho? That's like pull someone's pant down and blaming it on the glue eating retard
Fair enough, but why don't you seem to care about the girls?
This, but unironically.
Ahh the "Ghandi Long Con" maneuver.
10% of people hating something is a pretty high amount, especially in the holo hug-box where they dont want to offend anyone
>disliking a video still counts as engagement and boosts it in the algorithm
good job retards
To be fair, FWMC took the only option they had.

They couldn't shit on them because management would get onto them.
They couldn't acknowledge them or their fanbase would harass them.
Silence was the only viable option.
It was the funniest option
before this thread dies I just want to say that all unicorns should die with it. bye
>I h-hope you d-d-die!!
top kek, why are homobeggars so pathetic?

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