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>We've been
>uh, well, I've been
>Me? You guys?
>I guess in a weird way I brought you guys to come live with me

Now that the dust has settled, was it a good save?
Nah, 3/10 at best
Now that the flood has settled, will the philippines spread disease?
No, she should have just kept going rather than call attention to her word choice
reminder this happened on stream, and phasejanny deleting threads about it is just a seething, power-tripping retard
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On the brightside, lovebugs can stop trying to call her some forever alone fujo with nothing going on in her life but streams now.
as if that wasn't already an obvious lie
I trust Dizzy
she was about to have a woton moment, and quickly thought of a way to spin it as to refer to the viewers. even phase girls know they rely on unicorns
boyfriend connect
you still trying to push this rrat are you at least being payed money to do it because i heard the sound clip man bad bait 2/10
If a chuuba makes being a "lonely loser just like you" part of their identity, they're automatically lying about it. Every time, without exception. No, not even whatever 2view who you're thinking about.
>there are STILL people on this board who think that a modern woman on the internet wouldn't already be in a relationship
Femcels do exist, but they are a vanishingly small number of uggo bpd schizos with no common sense (nijisisters).
One more reminder that every single vtuber is out to make money off of you. Accept this now before you get hurt later.
was what i posted wrong ?
alright then concession accepted
Why do people not just assume every single vtuber has a boyfriend IRL?
The only women without a boyfriend are fictional women
you forgot
>me and my loved ones
concession accepted
>admits he's a paki
So at this point which ones are confirmed cucked? Pipfags, likers, urufugang, bitofags, makinist, runiekeks and now lovebugs so far, right?
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When did i admit to anything regarding my race are you perhaps hearing voices that's a shame but not surprising
1/10 really bad bait anon
this thread is bait. some retard thinks this is funny.
phasecucks really watch this and feel good about it
phasepags keep getting cucked it's insane
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Nah, not really. You could tell she panicked and that whole "I meant with the lovebugs" stuff after was incredibly obvious.
None of them are going to leave her anyway. Phase somehow has an unironic NTR audience and these slip ups just make them harder because it's a cuck experience sim where the girl tries to hide it as opposed to the openly cucking variety.
Phase viewer/anti Gavinyeet has a bbc fetish and likes to argue with e-girls on tiktok about Monogatari.
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All the more reason to make fun of them. Funnily enough this hasn't even been the hardest they've been cucked yet. That still goes out to Lia, I think.
You know that it's possible to watch a streamer without wanting to fuck them, right?
Sure, but this thread is about a streamer who wants her fans to fuck her. Or get cucked, I guess.
I'm a man, I want to fuck every single woman I meet.
You're trying to convince me there isn't a single phasefag or lovebug that wouldn't fuck any of the chuubas given a chance? Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? Especially with this one, she was GFE, tried to convince her fans she was incredibly lonely and permasingle, all so they would want her more. She pretty much failed as a chuuba if you didn't want to get into her pants with this.
A lot of the appeal is pretending to be a menhera forever alone femcel/girl failure. It feels relatable or attainable to the audience.
AYE lmao you called it schizo self reported in the thread >>81472309
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Holy shit why can't antis at least clip and ship. Instead this comes off as jerking yourselves off with how much seething has been going on for the last 20 hours over Phase. I can still remember the last one being an SEA moment
It really wasn't, i thought it was schizo exaggerating like usual before listening myself and it's pretty damning lmao
obviously haha
What stream was this? I don't actually watch phase but I just wanna see
Boyfriend connect strikes again. I honestly wouldn't care if they dated as long as they dropped the "woe is me, I'm all alone and can't find a partner" bullshit.
I just thought it was a funny comment under her vod, but you can believe I'm that guy if you want.
>this is who shits up the catalog with Phase threads
the absolute state of numbermonkeys and shitskins
if you are samefagging, you should at least change up your writing style so it's less obvious
He's an unironic cuck which means when he cuckposts phase he's actually doing it out of celebration, not to shitpost phase, retard.
oh i beleeb it
https://files.catbox.moe/8jvur4.mp4, dunno which stream.
Thanks anon
What did ERB do this time?
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I still think she's married to the fishman and got in as a nepotism hire, it's pretty obvious
But all Phase fans are cucks?
But what if the forever alone bullshit sells? Dizzys entire personal up to the point and in her past life has been a cold disconnected "pay me money" character
Can't be worse than the wonton yab. She would be fine.
>We've been
It's joever
You know, logically this is impossible.
In practice, I can't argue with it.
Lmao, but wonton is still the superior one
If you watch untalented, uncharismatic, unfunny females (aka VTubers) without wanting to fuck them, you’re a fucking idiot.
>pretend you didn't hear that guys
Always makes me kek
I don’t think they’re married but they’ve obviously had an affair kek
>you're a fucking idiot
more like a "gay" friend, male feminist etc
You do realize you're never, ever, ever, ever, ever, in a million, billion years, even as you watch the sun go supernova, ever going to have sex with your oshi, no matter how much money you spend or hours you watch.
>believing womens "im alone :(" rhetoric ever
women are only as single as they want to be
what did lia do
shes 2/10 who cares desu
why do you type like a woman?
She has really nice tits tho
need a compilation of cuck moments if it happens so often
Benefit of the doubt. She could have just started using the royal we and realized how bad it sounded
phasecuck cope always tastes so sweet
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In all honestly Lovebugs(Cuckbugs? Lovecucks?) have nobody to blame but themselves.

It's fucking Phase Connect and her "uWu I'm such a lonely hopeless girl, I just want a man is really into Digimon" was so painfully bad I thought it was satire.
That's a cope and you know it. Sure, maybe, I guess? But very unlikely.
Is this really something people need to be told? My original oshi was Rachel from friends. Of course what I was watching as a child was reruns and In reality Jennifer Aniston got old.
Of course you can't fuck a fictional character and the person behind the voice is different.
I mean she always says “we” it’s a very common streamer thing to just instinctively say it because of the presence of chat. It’s not at all something new to how Dizzy talks.
Of course I don’t expect catalog cuckposters to know that or care so it makes no difference. Browns will be browns.
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it's quite interesting how much catalog browns and numbertrannies are pushing this.
is there something else eating away at them this week that they feel the need to cuckpost so much? I wonder what it could be
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I mean it's pretty clear she self reported, but that doesn't make these faggots who containment break for attention justified in anyway.
Imagine being so far gone that your whole personality trait is /vt/, sad.
>I mean it's pretty clear she self reported
sure anon, whatever helps you jerk off
Very generously, it could be some sort of family living situation that she's trying not to get too specific about. Or she's having a stupid pet parent moment and "we" means her and dog(s)/cat(s). I'll admit though I don't know much about Dizzy and if she has said things that precludes those possibilities.
>mint reaction image
Pot meet kettle
It's to be expected, she has admitted her mom is a gold digger before
I'm not trying to attack your oshi dude but cmon, no use in pretending that she's living alone after that.
Crap/10 save. If she had just mentioned any of the other streamers it would have been an actual save. Would have been super easy. Should have been the first thing that came to mind, really.
its one dude making all these bait threads
here he bumps all of them one after another

>all of this to deflect from ERB doing ERB things
Sisters working overtime today
That's global schizo. He bumps them to bump global off when they reach bump limit.
anybody has a link?
it's actually a brown schizo this time
Unfortunate reality of most vtubers.
Dizzy just got out of a lease that she was sharing with her druggie schizo sister. Said sister ran away with her two kids, bailed on paying her part of the rent/lease, and also stole Dizzy's couch.
Dizzy just recently moved into a MUCH smaller apartment that she could afford. Her saying "we" was her just mindlessly using it like she always does in most of her streams.
That doesn't fit the cuckposting fantasies of catalog niggers, numbermonkeys, or SEA creatures though so here we are. I'm sure we can all look forward to them reposting the same thread in the future.
I only ironically played into GFE with Dizzy so I can meet up with her IRL to dump her and get Jelly's contact info
what's the difference?
Seems too convoluted to be real, like a made up coverstory to explain someone else being in her place.
why would she steal the couch?
I already know you're a coping cuck just by how much you wrote to try to deflect
You didn't explain why she corrected herself immediately.
Is she finally moving with the fishman? damn they are serious about it
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And Cuck Connect does it again!
Stop equating this with wontons when Shiina has obviously been single for years now.
The fact that she kept bringing attention to the yab when she debuted in a corpo was really weird.
My sister is almost 30 and has never had a bf
If you have to write a whole paragraph to cope take a step back man
It's been an ongoing saga on her streams, unfortunately. Lots of tears and some cancellations.

The biggest problem with taking her literally is she said she moved into a ribcage, which was an in-character statement. A lot of her coworkers, but especially her favorite Muyu, tend to phrase real world or family stories this way. Dizzy's character is a parasite and her fans are her little bugs that are her children, so this choice of phrasing makes sense. She isn't big on the kayfabe because she gets embarrassed when she does "serious Vtuber stuff" like this, but she still tries now and again. It's not unreasonable to think she was just trying to be in-character and it came out completely wrong, and her reaction agrees with this. She was a little embarrassed, but just cringed a little and carried on with the rest of the stream (this was at the very beginning).
bait used to be believable
Then she's gay.
I know morbidly obese women covered in tattooos who work min wage and have multiple substance addictions.
They still manage to find people and talk about their tinder hookups.

This isn't soem curated red pill video, this is my real life experience.
Also I will add no bf doesn't mean much when women are so broken you hear them actually talk about being in situationships as if they aren't ashamed of it (because they aren't). So girls can sleep around a ton and still say they never had a BF, simply because they don't even ask that level of commitment.

Women are alone by choice at this point, with the exception of lesbians.
Her voice is so annoying, nice to know it fits her face
Eh looks better than Kiara
I like how someone can just write up paragraphs of bullshit because they know no one actually watches these phase girls enough to verify any of it
It's called boyfriend connect for a reason
If I write out even more paragraphs there is no way I could be a cuck.
Isn't that just an admission you're just making stuff up?
Fix the filenames, bro
Where does it say in their contract that they can't have a boyfriend?
It's an Asian so that narrows it down to everyone who isnt Lia, Tenma, Pippa and Lumi.
Yeah hahaha..haha..ha..
>thread still up
No, she suddenly sounded obviously nervous and stumbled over her words during the excuse. She made it extremely sus, should've just ignored it and moved on.
Funny that you say that...
Nowhere because that would be highly illegal in any real country.
Filename, bro
I can guarantee you that some fags in chat would immediately be asking "We?" if she hadn't immediately clarified. This is Phase chat we're talking about. Hell you could already see some idiots in the comments.
This is actually worse than wontons, because, as I recall, Dizzy said Fishman shouldn't have hired her because of her yab, making this all the more poetic.
NGL mate this one is actually pretty hot, which girl?
>This is actually worse than wontons
You don't seriously believe this
I don't understand. I'm on the /vtuber/ board but I keep seeing asian 3DPD???
Why is there 3dpd in my chuuba board keep posting
All these azn hoes are hot, guy must be a turboincel bitter that he'll never have any of them. Cuckposting about them is how he copes.
Uh oh melty
Oh nyo
On it's own it wouldn't be, but with the context I gave I feel it is. By her own judgement, other corpos shouldn't ever hire her because of this, just as she said Shiina shouldn't have been. It's more so the hypocrisy than the thing itself that makes it worse for me.
I can smell how brown this doxxfag is
Have you considered that the sister aspect is kayefabe in itself? And that maybe she doesn't want to fully talk about the real problems she has to her audience in fear of losing them?
>spamming dox to get a thread killed so everyone forgets what happened
Bold play on the /pcg/ side, let's see how they follow up.
there's a reason you do the opposite of what she says when you ask her for business advice
Remember ppl from 3rd world countries are still obsessed with porn and sex as their pinnacle achievement in life. Literally not developed enough to see anything beyond that, they’re more animal than human.
Mikochi is not lying at all
she is us, and she is our queen.
Lovebug spamming random girls to get the thread deleted. Rumao.
Cope. She has a wonderful, supportive wife.
and this is why phase connect should go under
those who don't are usually mentally ill in some way and since almost every popular chuuba is mentally ill there is a chance they're single also too busy. It's actually extremely hard for holo EN members to have bf's since they have to fly to Japan multiple times a year and do off-stream work etc. 2view indies are actually more dangerous especially when they have a group of discord groomers all over them.
Who dat
Who DAT? Damn. I’m a phasefag now
This is the funniest melty I've seen in a while kek
Post her channel.
That's hard to believe without a better theory. A lot has happened and she's documented a lot of it in detail. It's not something she brings up lightly to cancel stream whenever she wants, like tummy hort or Shiina's IBS. She'll get really frustrated and angry talking about it.
All that this retard is proving is that all the phase girls are hot, weird angle.
damn they all are cute, maybe I should start watching them
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He doesn't even clarify which alleged girl is which
As far as we know he pulled these images from a yellow fever thread in /tv/
mel nekomata is a lonely loser who 100% is a lonely loser. bitch is 28 and lives with her parents and has no friends. you can see her trying and failing to get a boyfriend or make friends on her personal account @fuwa_kyo
Holobrony having a melty because ERB did what everyone knew she would do
So this is why every thread is getting raided by bvtm, every single time
You won't get the thread deleted Phasebrownie
It's not breaking any rule
Sounds like you're alone by choice too, anon.
Posting irl dox is against all the rules
>BVTM running to instagram of all places to do his anti-Holo/pro-Phase shilling posts after all of his xitter and Facebook accounts were banned and will be continued to be banned on sight
>Phase girls can't help themselves and reveal things that should be kept under wraps or to personal accounts. It's an elusion but regardless.
>Pippa keeps pushing libtarded/conservatoided drama faggotry on stream "Vote for Zion Don! I'm le based ebin corporate espionage!" "Fishman is getting extra knowledge on these other corpos I totally had interviews from!"
Phase is embarrassing but so is every other corpo outside of like Nanashi Inc. and VSPO (Even with the Nico breach) and the Korean whore agency.
>Cute dress outfit = slut
Imagine this level of mindbreak.
Perhaps "we" as in "I with the help of moving company and/or friends who helped me" was any of that mentioned? Typically you need a lot of help with this shit but was it ever mentioned?
I need names doxxfag anon
oh no phasefag, its over, first lia, now dizzy too? they cucked you again
And that's why those post are getting deleted but the thread itself is safe
oof, thats a big yab there
>resorting to dox because his cuckposting isn't getting (You)s
holy shit this thread is still alive schizos are built different
>phasecuck not beating the allegation that they are the one who create the ERB threads
Just a bbc loving fag and his boyfriend sitting on discord endlessly seething and cuckpostings.
holy ass
You didn't refute anything.
These whores are kinda cute idk I’m kinda being converted right now
Because I don't particularly enjoy wasting effort responding to these posts seriously when all you get back is a "no u cuck fag".
Nice butt, cute face.
>she's massaging your postate
What's with the kiwifag melty? It has to be a kiwifag because I've never seen most of these images before so I assume they're from kiwi or some other western doxx den.
Hilarious if it's some VTA shitter that decided to turn against phase because they felt cucked by this.
this is actually hilarious
The entire point is women can literally be everything unattractive and still have men lining up to date them, the bar for women is that low, so all women who are alone are alone by choice with the exception of lesbians.
>What's with the kiwifag melty?
It's okay, you can say phasefag.
Why would phasefags be spamming doxx of their own girls
Although to be honest it's possible none of this is doxx and they're just random Twitter e-girls, no one on this board would be able to tell
Is this some sort of phasenig 4D chess attempt to try to get this thread deleted by spamming supposed doxx?
i dont get what the point of this doxxfaggotry even is
oh no, the women I've been watching are hot and not landwhales
Probably but only his posts are getting deleted because op is from a stream
Might not even be vtubers because no one knows em
is >>15670459 the wonton girl? Man it's been more than two years
If you were a real anti you would post videos, it would 100% show her fans if other men were jacking off to their oshi.
I thought the whole phase cucknect thing was a meme, didn't expect it to run so deep
>It's actually extremely hard for holo EN members to have bf's since they have to fly to Japan multiple times a year and do off-stream work etc.
I've never bought this because it's just like girls who have husbands that are soldiers who go overseas on duty most of the year. Unlike those army girls who are likely to cheat though, any BF of a vtuber on that level would stay as loyal as possible. Both because the money is really fucking good, and because the BF knows that a girl like that could easily get any other man she wants.
I know, I've read the post. If you do actually want an actual response: I think you're suffering from high amount of selection bias in the people you see around you (femNEETs aren't going to be out and about, aren't going to be posting themselves online), misequating looks with personality (hambeasts can get dick because they're desperately chasing after it and don't have shame about it, unlike an anxious femcel), and ignoring another kind of selection bias (vtubers as a cohort are more likely to be people that have social anxiety or otherwise just stay at home all day). Have a nice day.
Jannies since you're here just delete the thread, while you're here also clean up some of the other garbage bait threads up right now and I'll buy 4chan gold just to thank you
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What do you call the phenomenon in this thread?
you realize their are multiple holo girls who are currently active or past camgirls right?
The phase cuck-poster that has been shitting up the boards for months has been revealed to be gavin and he has a bbc fetish. But he persists in making these threads, it's comedy.
Even more since they won't actually say who they are, like if you aren't in the know they're just posting random asian and white women and expecting people who aren't from their discord to know who they are.
How the fuck is it selection bias when it's the demogrpahic I see in the wild? Reality is not selection bias, it is reality.
>But not all women are shamelessly chasing guys on tinder
Yeah, some of them have boyfriends, others are married. If it's selection bias, why is it the women all have relationships while the guys are all single?
this is the doxxposter who keeps samefagging and ban evading.
>it's totally not them guys
phasecopium cuckconnect
Who's Gavin? The guy who made this Kiara thread?
Did he make this thread too? Actually pathetic if true, I wonder how many schizos he moonlights as.
Which part of "femNEETs aren't going to be out and about, aren't going to be posting themselves online" was hard to understand?
>everyone is a cuck
cuck posters try the hardest to normalize their fetish so they don't feel as pathetic, tell themselves this lie
This is what no medication and undiagnosed mental illness does to a mother fucker
>phasefags eating their own
why are they following in niji's footsteps, I thought they were modeled after hololive?
There is actually only one schizo who makes all anti threads.
It’s (You)
Shiina and Lumi are always talking about wanting to marry a rich guy too. Despite playing into the femcel shit
She's hot wtf
>that wig
10/10 would groom on 2014 tumblr.
I keep mixing up lumi and lia, which one was which
she's funny and her mom is hot
What if this is actually secretly a phase shill thread, by posting pictures and showing they're hot in order to attract people to watching them.
Lumi = boobs
Lia = no boobs
The only femcels I genuinely believe are fencels are people like this girl
Horrid personality, ugly inside and out, massive menhera, disgusting fetishes. I wouldn't touch her if I was paid to.
All these other so called "femcel" vtubers are always decent looking and have personalities that guys like to the point where they can get hundreds of viewers to show up to hear them talk about inane shit. I assume they're just playing into what their viewers want to hear. Not a bad thing, mind you, but just realize what's happening.
Which one is this supposed to be?
People who try to whiteknight in these threads are even more pathetic than schizos
My wife Elia doesn't lie, faggot
Fishman is too powerful sometimes.
That’s it im nutting to this
>phasefags calling the doxx posters SEA
isn't that the height of irony?
I don't think this is a shill thread, there's too much seethe. On the other hand this guy clearly knows way too much about Phase. I wonder if he's a former jilted fan or some shit, how the fuck do you find all this stuff unless you're really deep into the fandom?
How the fuck did he managed to hire all hotties?
are you white knighting the cuck posters?
Nice brapper
for what i gather most of their poster are brazilians KEK
Maybe it's not a coincidence
I feel awful about
where can I get more?
Looks are part of the audition. No coincidence manly look like Marine.
>girls who used to resort to camwhoring switch to a less debasing way to earn a living and validation when it becomes economically viable to do so
>this is a bad thing somehow
holy cow
you can't escape the past
Vtubers are honestly disgusting. I would have respect if they were upfront about this type of thing but they try to hide is and deceive lonely innocent men into simping for them. Many such cases.
the west and it's consequences on vtubing
>Lia says she's flat
>Doxposters show flat
>Doxposters prove Lia is honest and trustworthy
You've honestly just described 70% of dox attempts
The japs do it too just as bad as westerners, if not worse
Damn, she's pretty hot
why does every anti post end with a cuck fantasy?
Lumi is safe
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>this is the face of a woman psychotically into Loki and mpreg
I don't buy it
blimey she's cute
bro your Miguel gato
It's more fun when he gives names and I need to google who the hell he's talking about.
I mean isn't that your average anti post? Take a photo or a Twitter post and then make up an entire story around it and spam cuck cuck cuck whore whore whore
No matter who the target is the MO is pretty much always the same
>1 singular JP example vs 2 western corpos
I bet this is Lumi posting lmaooooo
holy cope
What happened? Why today of all days to doxx hald the talents?
Came here to laugh at phase, stayed to fap. Phasebros, your girls are pretty cute.
Where's Lumi? She's the only one I'm interested in because her opsec is apparently flawless.
>she's a le gypsy, guys
>shows an asian woman
I don't buy it
Oh that sucks, I wanted to give tenma a try
Jerry is safe.
eh nothing really that important in this thr-
>Ember was an actual camwhore
lol, lmao
It's been more than an hour now and the melty still isn't over kek
The phase girls are all really cute. I should start watching them.
yet the cucks and the unicorns keep raising pitchforks against each other and letting the whores get away with it.

im just gonna say it. we need more vedals in vtubing
All this and no Pippa, really makes you think
Oddly despite being a Dizzy thread I don't know if he's posted Dizzy.
yeah that is what I am here for
Holy shit
Pippa doxx got posted in the Biden sticky on /pol/ the other day lol. Not the fake balding doxx, the real one.
Our thoughts and prayers to the pon wolf after her car accident
what a fucking sentence lmao
how did we go from 'yellow woman will destroy phase' to the only dramafree member
I'm a KFP actually ...
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Man, Fauna is such a whore, I say this women in a room full of japanese business men, she had to take 11 loads down her throat to get her 3d model. She had to do the 11th one twice because she threw up the spunk.
Is lumi a cult leader or something
Care to share?
Doxxsisters are kinda retarded
You expect an indog to know what a gypsie looks like?
Not really, she's probably just posting these herself desu
This is the /pkg/ schizo lmao. He's been completely quiet there ever since this thread went up, he's usually spamming that general all day.
you expect me to believe in woman in phase is hot? get real doxnig
Why are vtubers so hot? Feels like 90% of vtubers that get face doxxed are actually good looking. I thought the point of this medium was that uggos could have a chance to get simp bucks.
Who is this white bitch?
I don't feel like looking for it, how trashy does she look?
Hello Gavin, you're not invisible here either and we all know you unironically love getting cucked by nigger cock. You're just gonna reveal that fact to the rest of the board now lol
Doxxniggers aren't known for being smart
I didn't care enough to save it, I don't care about Pippa. If you really want you can try archive diving into a huge sticky thread that is chunked into a billion parts on 4plebs.
okay what did we learn from this thread?
All this thread is telling me is that I should remain a virgin forever
Even if it’s not me I hope for Dizzy’s sake someone will save her eggs.
Lia deserves my cum on her flat chest.
phase is full of hot girls apparently and OP wants you be mad about it
Pretty Connect is real
Lumi doesn't exist
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doxniggers are doxniggers
Women will doxx each other for fun.
Tenma is way cuter than I expected her to be
Also Asian girls have really fat tits these days. What the fuck.
Every single person on this board is retarded.
Whats the next step in her plan?
What's her end goal?
Phase girls are pretty fucking hot
Jerry and Lumi get a pass for some unknown reason.
Me personally, I knew about Ember and Lia. Didn't know Clara would go that far so she could be an idol, also I expected Airi to be prettier
someone notified the phase discord to come defend their whores lol
Phase livers are pretty hot
Yes, completely. Now everyone has gone back to believing that she doesn't have a boyfriend.
I don't think there's anything to post from them
Lemon girl always wins
Ember, Tenma, Clara, and Airi are really good looking.
No it's holofags who genuinely, and I mean unironically, believe the holo girls don't have boyfriends.
She's not INTO mpreg. She's amused by the idea.
Airi breasts match her model
I'm sorry your girls aren't pure
Nah this guy knows the names of the phase girls, no holofag would do that.
>sees exposed breasts
>thinks of niggers
Does anyone still need "'antis are just cucks posting their personal fetish" explained to them?
Gavin has a cute and rapeable pucker
>Runie's image has been ruined to the point doxxfags won't even bother posting her
>Gen 3, Erina, Remi and Uruka so irrelevant no one cares to doxx em
Point of the medium is to get insecure girls that nevertheless have a lot of charisma to actually get themselves out there. There's tons of insecure ones without charisma too but they're probably just laughing as 1views on twitch. I do agree that there seems to be more hotties than you'd expect itt though. Maybe fishman is a sexpest and intentionally picks good looking talents.
Cuck connect Israel.
>all this alleged dox on only the asian girls
>none of it on the white girls
I don't buy it
One of your JP girls is literally an active camwhore.
uggos and those too mentally ill to have another career
The wonton slut is balding or something?
This thread reads like Holo vs Phase falseflagging and a lot of samefagging please kill yourselves
(You) did, Gavin >>81488299
>Ignoring Lia
Good job Liker
I guarantee you 95% of girls in all corpos have boyfriends.
>none of it on the white girls
Well I was going to say he allegedly posted Panko but then I remembered.
>Holofags stay in global
>Pcgkeks live in the catalog
I wonder who is behind the hate threads...
Show us remi!
Can someone explain to me how posting a picture of a vtuber i like is supposed to make me not want to watch them
The catalog Holo anti's are the same as the Phase anti's.

The thing I hate most about this board is you can never tell if you're just dealing with one extremely autistic mentally deranged mother fucker or 30. I wish we had the IP counter back. In any event this board easily has the highest rates of mental illness on the site. And yes I'm including lgbt in that list.
Lia is puerto rican
That Lia gets my penis hard and I should watch her
An anti of this level would unironically have been the type who would drop a vtuber because he saw their real life face, so he thinks everyone thinks this way.
Pretty much.
The indies are like that too.
Phase Connect has hot Stacies.
Holofags don't know anyone in Phase other than Pippa. It's clearly someone who's familiar with Phase or is just copying stuff from kiwi
Fauna is hotter than all these asian whores.
they don't show their faces during interview

i think jelly spoke about her interview and how fishman created meeting room with camera, but didn't use it and they both just spoke in voice chat
It's a Sharty raid
>Vegan skin
LMAO nice joke.
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Guys, I apologize for causing this melty

I called Mori fat one time too many and this guy now hates Phase Connect because of it
Lia is fucking cute
how do I get a Lia gf...
Fish unironically thinks
>cute/hot voice = cute/hot irl
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> for some unknown reason
>Phasecucks cope
Your trashy girls are subpar in everything
It's kiwi, literally if you reverse search most of the now-deleted pictures you get links to their posts on kiwi and nowhere else.
Be female.
Except for Lia who's I'd describe as the average discord kitten.
Seems about right. Holofags tend to schizo out at the slightest reproach.
Of course it is. What a cancerous site, wish they had stayed down.
Both are whiter than most americans
You need me to link the sharty?
Fauna is the hottest girl in the world that's not fair.
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how come this thread is shit but the jerry bait threads just become image dumps and people talking about her
>Sapling calling anyone else a cuck
Oh no no no no no no... At least you can have the sloppy seconds.
I'm sure her boyfriend agrees.
Lumi won
Back to kiwifarm
>I posted Jelly earlier
My ass, there wasn't a single SEA girl in this thread.
>all the other phase girls, who according to you are all super pretty, describe Runie as model-tier
>this is Runie btw, you guise
I don't buy it
Jerry bait threads are made by jealous women. These kinds of threads are made by schizos.
Mumei and Gura are cuter too. All these whores are 7/10 maybe Lia is the only 8 the wonton is balding.
Nah, Clara and Runie are unironically hotter than both.
>lumi is a le hecking ghosterino
>she also got groomed by her mods for years btw
I don't buy it
Just admit you love nigger dick Gavin, I'm embarrassed for you at this point.
Runie's face was spammed across the board, we all know she's white so she can't be in the left
No that's actually real, the girls really exaggerate how good looking the other girls are. Sure they're cute but "model tier" is pushing it.
A man with taste.
we call them kiwiniggers
Clara is unironically much hotter now that she decided to be a standard 30yo white girl rather than keep chasing that Japanese social media egirl look at her age.
Mori is hotter than all of them. There I said it.
/#/niggers and Gavin love Jelly. But I'm sure that's just a coincidence, haha, right guise?
runie got doxxed so hard no one cares, anymore, thats the thing about doxxes, no one will care unless they're into criminal activity
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>those images of prime mori tits
Jelly is the only good phaser.
Star knights are militant and will rape a anti on sight with spam other girls fans take the bait
Runie is gorgeous, Clara has more of a girl next door type of look
Her natural blonde younger self was cute
Runie is black, she is the first black girl in PC
nice try tho kiwinigger
>posts an entirely different woman who according to all the other phase girls has beautiful feet
>Loombi is too hard to find, you guise
You're Lumi's head mod, aren't you?
Xylophone or whatever
Good lord.
feed me picture? i only saw her after hololive
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>those thighs
Quads of truth confirm
Holy boobers
Kind of crazy that Holo bait threads turn me off on them completely, but Phase bait threads make me want to watch them. Think I'll give Runie a try.
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HOLY, imagine the mill
>mass reply
>cant even doxnigger correctly
>asks others to doxnigger
Relax your muscles around that unwashed pucker Gavin, Daddy's going in dry to cure you of your race traitor fetish.
I'm thinking Runie is pretty hot and the buttblasted doxxfag is gay
She's definitely way better looking than I thought she'd be. Any suggestions for a stream of hers I should watch? I'm kind of interested now.
holy shit, why no one told me??? i gotta start watching phase
I want her to crush my fucking head with those thighs
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Most Holos don't have that many pics to spam except for Mori and Kiara.
>pippa tells a chatter to go back to kiwifarms last night
>the next day a dox dump thread
really gets the noggin joggin
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He finally piped down after we bullied him for not finding some random girl on instagram and pretending it's Lumi rumao
Based NTR chad, I am gonna prepare the chair for you
Not a lot of Pippa posted though, makes you think.
I’d definitely fuck runie. At this point I’m not sure who I wouldn’t fuck in phase if all these images are true though
nah, im straight, thanks for the compliment gaybro.
But enough about saplings
Have you seen her tv appearance?
Since there are many phasechads I wanna feel like I'm really cucked and your corpo is famous because of that. Give me a whore to watch, the Lia girl looks prime cuck experience anyone else?
This is the go to stream everyone always recommends. It was a really good high effort karaoke.
>only posted the hot girls
Not sure if the guy posting these was an anti or just a really schizo fan. Honestly he's probably both.
Wrong corpo then buddy. We phasechads are pro ntr, scram.
Thanks, I'll give it a watch tonight.
nah, i don't buy your acting, thanks for advertising phase connect to me though, i will surely watch.
Credit where credit is due phasefags, I hate the faces of your company and I hate your posters but whatever SEAnigger voodoo you do to trigger dormant schizophrenia in /#/fags you exile from your thread is funny as fuck. Hopefully this Gavin cuck streams himself sucking some big black glock soon.
Runie is an excellent place to start for an ntrchad
I'm so glad I don't have yellow fever
i'll leave her for you then, enjoy ntrchat :)
There's always Lia, you are a flatchad right anon?
He got doxxed himself the past few days so this is probably the result
thread is kino
phase won :)
also, tenma is CUUUUTE!!!!
kiwi farms lost pippa and no amount of doxxing her coworkers will bring her back
Muyu is safe apparently
in my mind i always thought she was ugly because of her voice but if she looks like that i wanna marry that crazy hoe
It's like of amazing how yab immune Phase is.
I think them all being hot is what actually makes them the sad girl corpo. Like imagine knowing you’re competing with girls that might be prettier than you everyday
What caused this melty
Getting cucked is not a bug it's a feature.
Is that why Lisa was too intimidated to join? She wasn't hot enough...
ERB is collabing with 3 Homostars soon, there's a waiting room up with chat locked
If your expectations are already low than nothing will be an issue.
man your clitty is leaking just typing that you tell them sister speak your truth
Phase doesn't really operate like a traditional Idol corp so traditional attacks don't work on them. Unicorns have no power over Phase.
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But enough about saplings
Phase is what every cynical /a/ fan believes vTubing to be
No that's HoloEN
/a/ believes that vtubers are a bunch of mentally ill asian girls? It's not really that far off.
No that's vshojo
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Phasecuck Connect...
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I'm sure if you keep typing it eventually someone will care.
>Saplings projecting
>he can't post more images "due to abuse"
Lumi is an AI

Jerry got posted, really easy to tell who it is if you ever watched her
Asian sluts cucking their viewers?
Post more, I'm not done gooning
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Not phase but I just saw it, consider
Does Phase have the hottest girls of any EN corpo?
Come watch this cute collab
Is it cuck kino?
Forgot hina
from what i've seen so far.. yes

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