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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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chuuba love

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307 (embed)
VShojo: https://x.com/VShojo/status/1810826269552169224

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

death to /asp/
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First for beating lil bro's balls with hammers!
>that one time fwofies nudes were shared
I don't like the diaper crew
Sell me on your males. Tell me why I should watch them. Hard mode: no appeals to horniness.
Well, what do you want? You can't sell a vtuber on gender alone.
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Watch me because I'm telling you to. I'll be back streaming starting from August!
I love attention but easily crumple into an awkward mess when I get it.
The lack of 1view fems tells me you're wrong.
I'd rather see your obituary. You model is ugly. Your voice is ugly. Everything about you is ugly.
That's rite, fuck the femcel audience. Me and my bros are still cute boys, but we won't appeal to you bitches
Then you'll never get even a cent out of this.
Welcome to /asp/ we got
>Schizos (free space)
>People who debut then never stream again
>People who stream for a couple months then just become vtweeters
>Actual girl failures
>The occasional unironic minor
>People who needed to leave the thread months ago
And they're all crabs!!
You're never gonna make it

fwofie please give me a footjob
anti-male schizo, i hope you're doing well. i noticed you come back to the threads every time you're one bad moment away from the rope. i just want you to know that we care about you bro, don't give up :c
Lol, lmao even
Name five fems who stopped streaming lmao
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Seethe Rin.
Mama Ubume
The one who was a minor
Fwofie (kind of)
The idol grifter woman? Haven't seen her posts in a while and I didn't follow her out of principal
>he thinks there's only one anti-male schizo
Tell us exactly how much money you've made as a 2view male. Denpa makes thousands monthly.
Me and my 5 reincarnations
Name chuuba and what they are doing for art idea.
Denpa makes money selling nude photos.
>under one-hundred views
>every video
Lmao youtube partner is easy to reach
Himari Sweat?
Denpa crabbing
>hating sex workers
As expected of a male.
Pittie stopped streaming?
Yeah that was the grifter
>no streams in 4 days
Fair to say she's probably a dud
>women dont have lives outside of streaming
rat lil bro pantsu eating cheese
She doesn't come here anymore. Keep up anon, she abandoned us.

She moved. She'll be back.
She streamed for 9 hours yesterday?
She streamed a couple times last week.
you dumbasses deserve all the crabbing you get when you bite every single piece of bait posted in this thread
If they can't make time to stream then they are not commited enough to vtubing and don't deserve a watch
What do girls do all day when they aren't streaming?
>2 staggered as fuck streams in the past 2 weeks
What kind of content creator is this
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doesn't seem like it
>m**e vtuber
Pick one.
Masturbate to abusive boyfriend ASMRs
I merely stated a fact.
I hope she's not
I meant fythol sorry
see >>81482954
Sure you did bb
She's a whore lets not sugar coat things
This hardware shit is going to give me an aneurism. I finally went and got a 3.0 cable, I got the adaptor to plug it into the elgato, I've plugged it into the slot on my computer that has SS written on it, what the fuck else does it want?!? My computer is STILL telling me the device would run faster on a 3.0 cable. What the fuck does it need from me?
Using Kyuu's mouth like an onahole while Kogorin watches and rubs her fox cnny through her diapers!
okay now thats a little too far can we go back to just making jokes about them peeing a little
Making it really easy to hate the new aspies
The crinklecrew likes to have diaper orgies
you better save uoooo.png to your new pc otherwise i'm leaving and taking the kids with me
show (or ms paint) your exact setup from device to device. cables, ports, everything.
What the fuck is even going on at this point? You guys alright?

Also give me song recommendations for karaoke!!
uuuu homomo sing internet yamero uuuu i will rewards with seggs after
That's what I was wondering about. Should I keep all the files? Or should I start making new ones?
I would karaoke this if there was an instrumental version
sing this so I can listen to you sing it while I bleed to death I am tired of everything
Haru ice skating
>can't even reach two hours
This is what being a 'zatsu streamer' does to an attention hungry cunt
you can do both silly!
Stay mad multiple loli chuubas from uoh are now following and interacting with her
erp with everyone except you because you're ugly and annoying lol
I don't think I'll keep everything, I want to have a clean start on my new PC... but I'll keep all the fanart and some screenshots. :)
>stay mad
>at an attention whore with a failing stream
Why would I give any kind of fuck about her clinging to loli vtubers while being too much of a coward to switch to a cunny model herself? That's why she had to bring her younger sister on her stream multiple times. She's a pedo but doesn't want to make it obvious.
I orchestrated it, but I'll never tell you.
/asp/ is cringe
good that's my type of content
if you somehow need to see the back of my console to see the hdmi ports, that might take more effort. Especially since the game runs fine on my TV, it's just the capture card that isn't sending it properly.
Gclef? feet gclef? gclef's feet?
These are some oji san hands holy shit.
Men please moisturize.
get these ugly male hands out the thread
nice fingerprint mr Kyle Richards
You haven't even seen my calluses.
anon is asking a question, fuck off soc
are you plugging it directly into your motherboard or front panel usb? what is the capture utility saying?
This isn't a thread for questions.
can't you guys just ignore the anti-male retard
Defend your males better. They're never gonna make it anyway.
ignore THIS
*unzips cock and shoves it down your throat*
I think I might try for /vt/ adjacent, rather than posting here directly.
drink my semen
I might get a job soon, which means being able to leave my beating and abusive parents and finally be able to stream without constant fear c:
Its honestly for the best.
I'd rather beat your balls with hammers ;3
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I'm playing Gas station sim :3c
the front USB port, I've tried both of the ones on the right marked with SS, I'd have a lot of trouble getting access to the motherboard outright.
Fuck off pittiecord none of you retards are gonna make it

>Alber Morn
Retro kino

>Alpin Albench
Fitness kino

Sleepy kino

art/doomercore music kino

>Dante Deadalus
Wrestling/nerd kino

Comfy/sandbox kino

pixel art kino

kusoge/jank kino

>Haru Mizuki
Comfy Heckhound kino

Soulslike kino

>Kuromaru Oniisan
martial arts/zatsu kino

coding kino

brick golem kino

>Sun Albionus
classics kino

If you're not mentioned, then stream more
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Continuing Phantom Hourglass! Pure Metal hunt!
>stream more
>I stream more than half the list
Actually kill yourself
tbqh I also streamed at least 5 days a week last month bit of a bad taste comment to say why you didn't watch someone
I gotta stream more. I'll make ya proud anon!!
You're right about all those too. they're all great guys!
I can only stream on weekends tho...
can you (temporarily at least) try directly into the mobo?
You forgot papaya (schizo kino).
Can't wait to support you, anon.
I'm willing to try, but just for the record, OBS still gets the picture, but at a much lower framerate, and my system settings are trying to convince me to use the 3.0 that I'm already using for faster speeds. It's not like it doesn't detect it period, it just doesn't detect it as 3.0 for some reason.
>lurk their stream in a muted tab
I stream 4 times a week
So they're irony poisoned losers? Kino implies irony. I don't want to watch men who are one bad day away from killing themselves.
>buying a usb capture card
>current year
Next, don't use the front USB ports, you gotta plug that shit on the back.
Elgato software sucks dick and you shouldn't be using it.
On OBS, go to add source > add video capture source and change setting there.
If you're not getting audio, open the audio mixer in windows, go to the recording tab > right click and select show hidden devices and right click on your card and make sure you enable it.
Not him. Lapin will never grow. She's a failure who needs to graduate.
payout? nice!
>sex work
it's called being a whore, and society would be better off if we treated them as the untouchables that they are
w-what if it doesnt show in the sources... asking for a friend haha
How about you say that in her chat and see what happens, spermless ;3
>not using the thread definition of kino
do your reps
Okay when I say front panel, I mean more like the back where all the SS markings are, at least I assumed it meant the outside rather than something inside.

I WAS using OBS specifically, and I get audio by activating and deactivating the device on OBS. The only reason I'm using the elgato software is because I've tried everything else, and this is the first thing to tell me to use a 3.0 cable and port. It's not about the mixer or anything, it's all about the quality. My videos have been recording with bad quality in the past.

Just to get the damn thing working I had to duplicate the video source and turn on and off both versions of it until the video and audio start working again. So if THAT'S somehow what makes my video quality and fps so shit, I'm going to be annoyed but not surprised.
Okay now actually talk about what content they actually do instead of a surface level view
I don't follow/fraternize with hookers
How the fuck do I stream more than Beryl that guy goes 4-5 hours every day
Sex worker, prostitute, whore same difference.

"stream more" means I'm not aware of you, it's not a personal attack, and if you see it as such, you come off as thin-skinned and insufferable (which may be a contributing reason to why I don't watch you)
the pastebin with links is in the OP, no one is going to spoon feed you
...I have no idea what I did but I somehow made it at least slightly faster than before. I'm going to have to stream later today to make sure, though.
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Open your CC's properties within OBS.
The USB port in your capture card is probably broken/faulty.
Also, mess around with video properties, you might also wanna add filters to it, like making the picture more vibrant/sharp etc.
Bruh you're rude
You need to do your fucking reps, anon. This list is sad
You're fragile.
no you're just rude. And your expert analysis boiled down to "adjective-kino" anyways.
Somehow I doubt this is what you're talking about.
>that list
>not being aware of sin, mawg, malphon, skab, regulus, gscha, gelt, momo, nikola, kyuu, zeph, scege, churl, etc

Cringe. Stop only watching people who make your dick hard and start actually supporting aspies.
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Not those filters anon.
>see list
>all schizos
No thanks. I'd rather watch entertaining women.
Be more entertaining if you want support. You are not entitled to viewership simply by being associated with being /here/.
gooners deserve to rope themselves
Entertaining? no offense but half of that 'kino' list are folks with about as much personality as a blank wall.
I can provide more on some

LColonq is just generally an all round entertaining guy. You ever have a conversation with someone you could listen to for hours on end? Thats a Clonq stream
He rarely plays games and mostly is coding and adding more whacky stuff to his streaming setup.
Nice soothing voice too.

Kuromaru is the sort to always do competitive ranked. He's got some fierce confidence and if you're in the market for a more right wing male streamer? He's a good pick. Plays a lot of fighting games or reacts to videos.
Knows a lot about Japan and obsesses over it. Bigly weaboo.

Digby is a pretty comfy guy. He's friendly, more charming than he thinks and seems like he can get along with just about anyone. He knows a lot about a wide variety of things so he's able to chat about almost anything without sounding like an idiot
He plays a pretty solid variety of games though he has a long running thing for stardew valley right now

Sun Albionis is a soft spoken and nice guy who likes reading old books. All his streams are reading streams.
Good for educational streams if you're wanting to learn more about classical literature, history and philosophy as he'll not just read it but quip in with his own observations and other things he knows.
>checks twitter
>timeline spammed with female asp getting throne gifts
It's not fair
My Elgato hardware is fucked up today too
I wonder if they totally fucked their firmware with an update
Do you appeal to fans who want to buy you things?
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I'm weak today, that is all.
My twitter is just art and space stuff.
>married loser
>right wing schizo with ironic ugly model
No thanks. I'll watch Denpa.
Needs to have his balls beaten with hammers!
I'm not the anon you're replying to, but I use a 2 PC with capture card setup and I've never encountered anything like this across multiple computers, cables and setups. I think you may genuinely have a defective Elgato. If not the card, cables or your motherboard, have you tried using a buddy's PC just to test? Any family members you could bug a moment for?

If you can't warranty the Elgato, try exchanging the adapter (AFAIK Anker is pretty good, but there's also a disproportionately high chance that if you have a counterfeit cable or bit somewhere in your setup, it's the adapter). Worst case, buy a cheap knockoff capture card and compare it side by side; if it fails, it's a USB or port issue, something on the computer side. If it works? Elgato seemingly shit the bed. Good luck, and report back when you have updates. I'll keep an eye out for your posts and take a look at my setup to see if there's anything I can notice
cute lil bro, smoosh him around in my hands
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Back to good ol', nostalgic times of comfy World War 2
This is another one I played a lot when I was younger, and I've been needing this kind of shit injected directly into my veins.
The sounds of war and dying germans will give me a good night's sleep.

Watch me grind bodies live here:
No I'm not gay
Kill yourself you boring charismaless ngmi bitch



there is a reason why they all struggle to reach 5ccv on a good day
Pat pat, crab-chan. Trust me, life does get better, okay?
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thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
(dm me so i can thank you even more uwu)

Is appealing to girls gay now?
Love yourself king.
Saying I crab people because my life sucks is cope
I crab people because I hate them simple as
Mwah, love and care for yourself too.

Haha, okay. Stay true to yourself, crab-chan.
Unfathomably based.
Girls don't buy guys things
Coomers get the rope.
Yes, tie me up, daddy!
Shit like this is why you will never grow over five viewers. Not like you care, you clearly became a vtuber to erp.
> 5 viewers

If you're going to be a crab at least say things that are real
Post streams for tonight.
Fine. You'll never grow past fifteen viewers. You've hit your cap. No one wants to watch a horny loser who's been streaming since 2016.
Rin you said you had ass cancer.
Go die in a ditch.
>the jump from five to fifteen
kek you're so lonely, anon. i hope the (you)s keep you warm at night
>twitchtracker doesn't exist
Retarded gooner. Hope you get inoperable testicular cancer.
Rin wasabi will never die I pulled multiple favors from every bruja I know
can you call in those favors but make it so i die every day sucks and you schizos won't stop dming me my doxx info.
I don't have testicles, retardchama
Sure you don't pantsu
Rin doesn't have ass cancer, his ass got torn by randolurk3r's huge cock
that cock? mine.
Is that, THE, randolurk3r, in /asp/???
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Beneath all the irony I can smell the cope. You all wanted to succeed as vtubers yet you know you can't due to that penis you have between your legs. Notice how the only true schizos in this thread are male. The fems are too busy making money and a community to care about this shithole.
I succeeded, I obtained every single goal I set out to achieve in content creation. I'm having to make new ones now.
Seeing how the femchuubas talk in their discords made me realize they really do more than us...
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Thank you for the mention, anon.

Slight correction:
- Doing more coaching for Tekken going forward, as a pure ranked grind is getting stale
- not "right-wing" in the colloquial meaning. right of center libertarian. tune in for a zatsu stream for positions on specific issues. The policy of "No bans for opinions" is still in place.
- *Bigliest* weaboo
>fat lonely Canadian e-hooker with a useless art degree
No thanks, I'll watch the bros
What did you succeed, male?
They actually are entertaining, unlike you, scrote.
You can hate her for any reason you want but you can't hate her for her art. If I had just a fraction of her skill I wouldn't be killing myself when I go live this afternoon.
I didn't know second monitor was "watching"! You're so "supportive" of your "bros"! You do know they'll abandon you at the first whiff of pussy, right?
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Hi elfin i made a meme for you like you do i hope you like it
I was able to take my streaming and create resume and became a pr person for a major hobby company. Now I travel around the world doing stuff for it.
Sure you do. Why are you still here? Sounds like you're still jealous of the fems for being actually successful.
she would never say that
i thought mel nekomata was just a braper is she racist too?
if that's your experience, get better friends
I would genuinely welcome a woman doing what I do. It would make for a fantastic collab.
Following her if she's racist.
How do you "support" your bros? Do you watch them in your main monitor? Do you donate? Do you sub? Do you shill? What do you do for your bros like pantsu?
how make friend
I want to brap so hard into my mic...
Into my face instead please
dm me :)
Yes they do, just not you because you don't appeal to them. Girls are by far bigger spenders on things like merch
Only paying for this if you are a hot menhera guy who talks shit to me afterwords
What type of role is it and how did you market '2d anime character content creation' into pr worthy?
>how make friend
get friendzoned
now made friend
i cant wait to show off my new ref sheet openly soon... itll be so cool .w.
Watch them, be active in chat, give prime subs, shill them here
Looking forward to it, new art is always welcome
who dm
Broadcasting, commentary, social media posting, A/V etc.
Yet they're still 2views. Curious.
How many of you will still be streaming a year from now? Wasted time, wasted time...
me !
yess i can show off new skebs etc too slowly once i do since its the new design! :3
Wasted time, wasted time...
What else is there to do
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Thinking about giving it another go...
I used to speedrun back in 2013-2014 and sometimes I wish I would speedrun again, maybe when I comeback I will give it another go
Dis you >>81491598
nahhh, im diff.
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/asp/ies, how fucked are you in the suwawaverse?
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Make sure to let me know when you go live so I can watch you die
Please tell me its Rura
South America chads are safe
>learn a new skill
>learn a language
>let me cut your balls off
>write a book
>read a book
Anything is better than being a monotone anime boy on the internet, watched by zero people.
I read books on stream and do language learning streams on my alt. Checkmate
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ayyy lmao
To zero viewers.
Grow up
why didn't you listen to that one anon and fix the face
Tell me male chuubas, why do you stream? Is it for fame, money, or enjoyment?
why is your face so long
make eyes smaller, pull the nose and mouth higher a little, make the head smaller and you will look better
missed opportunity to say "why the long face"
because I'm very needy and my friends watching me while I stream feels nice
As a bonus there is always a chance to meet a new friend who stumble upon my stream
i'm, sadly, not that smart
Usually have my twitch open on my browser and on my phone. Some games count this as 2 viewers, some games only 1. Whatā€™s the deal with this?
oh wow I'd be doing that on my own, might as well stream it and chat with my friends and the random people that show up to help me learn the language i'm targetting more effectively... Seriously dude go get a fucking hobby you suck at this.
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How is sea looking
ty :3
need moar long head representation
but it looks terrible
Says the male who waits for someone like me to come in and traumadump at you ;3
don't you have some dicksucking asmr to make?
meant for
you messed up your reply
We should talk about diapers again
not replying is intentional you literal tourists
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it will be okay :3
Don't want to reply? Don't give it attention then, roody-poo.
Khubie is playing OSRS
You should peel your own skin off and lick the wounds. Maybe try giving fallatio to a stiletto
You have 60 IQ.
Itā€™s summer. New and old friends alike should consider if they are being trolled. Ask yourself: Emeril, is this statement intentionally inflammatory? If so, Bam! Bait gumbo.
>debuting on /asp/ in q3 2024
Please kill yourself
I can recording my self sucking my heels if you want that badly....
You spend all day doing something less productive than swallowing your own shit. You should quit that job you don't have and become a full time shiteater. It would provide more value.
This should be the first thing in the OP
You guys sure spend a lot of time posting and not streaming.
you guys should put this in the useful links section.
Males know they will never grow. Look at how smugly full of cope pantsu was when I called him out.
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Hey guys did you see this cool reddit post a few hours ago about a guide for male vtubers? A user named Neros_Viola posted it to help us out. It looks familiar somehow. I think it's especially interesting how it says there's no such thing as a female 1view. What do you guys think? :)
What do we have in this beautiful morning aspies?
>anti male schizos
Welp see you guys some other time
curious. I hope the schizo knows that when I find them I will be using a potato peeler on their genitals
Someone spent time out of their day writing this lmao
(You) farming is way too easy on reddit.
I think I'm going to start reporting your posts as spam at this point.
I wonder how it feels to have a knife blade rammed up your cunt. I bet its heavenly
Has anyone tried using hotsauce as a torture method? asking for a friend. I want to know if it still works after you feed it to them a second time
baking you pastries with razor blades in them~ you'll eat it all won't you? good girl good girl~
chaining you to the radiator with the choke chain~ turning up the heat because itā€™s cold outside in the woods~
Who broke Iriya again?
Denpafish is the queen of /asp/
>posts in political subs
>"muh 2a"
>would say the n word but not for cheap
>fence sitter with a hate boner for republicans
>dislikes libertarians too
>obsessed with the sperm count of other posters
Place your bets on which /asp/ie this is
Huh weird, that Neros_Viola guy just deleted all his reddit posts when his guide for males got posted here, weird, but I thought some of his advice was really good so I screen capped the best for later :)
I wish I could be a sadist on stream
Will be looking at these post when I try out my new vibrator later
its a tranny, and I'm so excited to finally meet them~ oh what fun we will have~
Kuromaru or Pafu
Fwofie dumping him and leaving the threads probably
I highly doubt it was Pantsu responding to you, given that he only self-promotes and responds to art posts in here. Keep coping, faggot.
>every group on earth has an insider bias
anti-male posters see themselves as women? how odd... Maybe by pushing the whole "I hate males!" angle, they can pretend to not be part of that group.
It wasn't Kuromaru, before they were all deleted the posts were anti-gun
little nightmares 2 is a fantastic game because I can hold hands with you
the name is also a reference to nero playing his violin as rome butned
burned* fuck
call a viola a violin again and I will shove a alto clef up your ass untill it comes out your face
>When you realize the anti-male posting isn't multiple people it's just one redditor
it was obviously one person.
They are retarded, the reference is still a reference
you gave up crinkles for this?
I reeeeally wish /asp/ would be a banned thread
you're right start posting scat, there was a ringo thread recently
it was me by the way i am all these posters
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this is what theyve shown so far
spam gore and it will be
I was very tempted to
I think I should start vague posting again, it really did make me feel better about myself even if it made things worse in the end

so don't post vtuber progress in the aspiring vtuber thread, got it :3
I wish I could vaguepost about her...
thats a local schizo, pay no mind.
I wish I can apply 12 gauge buckshot to the head of every vagueposter with extreme prejudice.
do me first so I can forget about them
>r*n was a fucking redditor
No wonder he got ass cancer, he is a tumor himself.
end me I don't deserve being friends with them, they should use their time on someone better than me
Live in a few seconds with a weird RPG Maker-like horror game.

Is it normally this schizophrenic? Or is the local schizo working overtime tonight?
burgers home from work, it will pass
sorry i'm close to a breaking point again. i'll try not to
My retarded ass thought this said super Mario rpg and now I am depressed after looking at twitch
just gonna leave this here https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=Neros_viola&size=100
I'm afraid of doing a birthday stream and no one showing up
If you let us know I'll show up!
I have nothing planned for my birthday stream. Been too busy so maybe I'll just hang out in a public vc.
I plan to comeback for my birthday stream
mary guarilla stream
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really makes you think
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okay one more what the fuck lol
If you can't learn from the mistakes of your predecessors and leave while you're ahead, then you deserve to fester in this piranha infested sewage dump
Welcome in, don't forget you're here forever you piece of shit
all these posts about mens balls and semen... you really think about cock all day huh? what a whore
>be me
>be aspiring vtuber
>click thread
>see no advice
>see minimal vtuber discussion
>see posts about a fucking redditor
>put on socks
>wait, fuckā€¦ feels weird
>look down
>see that I put left sock on right foot
Gonna be one of those days, aspies. Anyway, does lore actually matter in modern/western vtubing?

lmao chill out bro it's not that serious
not really no
I have a lot of fun personally with my lore. if you dont enjoy it you can probably just do something really barebones. but a little is nice I think
Seethe bitch toughen up or gtfo
Lore is as important as you make it be. It can add some nice flavour, but I think what Uwo said about tying it to your actual content is important. Like don't be a wizard who spends every stream playing Apex
but socks go on either foot

I don't understand why you're angry. Is it because women aren't welcome here? You didn't really explain the issue.
It's because you're a newfag pile of human garbage that should have lurked more
We don't need more narcissistic dumbfucks that are too stupid to figure out how this place works before astroturfing the thread
Can't wait for your first drama next week shit for brains worthless retard
>Is it because women aren't welcome here?
source on this? the seething /wasp/ falseflagger is not a fair representation of this place you know
>inb4 abigail plugs his groomercord like he wasn't the one trolling her
this is what happens when no one is around to daiperpost
the true identity of the anti-male schizo is camui

that just seems like a weird thing to be mad about
No, it's obviously scege.
stop biting bait retard
I guess I might just have to outright buy a new capture card... I'm going to need income for that, but- yeah I have nothing. There's nothing good about this whole situation.
Dont try to comprehend the schizo.
>newfag talking to the thread schizo
A tale as old as time
She'll get ran out of the thread like the others like she deserves
>see that I put left sock on right foot
I've seen this meme popping up nowadays, stop gaslighting people that there are left and right socks
This thread is a flaming pile of shit. Leave for your own good. You don't deserve to be disrespected every day for the promise of 4 viewers who are all going to be maladjusted freaks that bail the second someone new debuts
I don't wear socks at home
Heyo, I'm making some more asp's into mii's feel free to drop by and say hai!!
I've lurked here for a little over a year, it's weird because there was a point that things seemed decently chill here but guess not anymore..
Nobody gives a fuck
Your art is garbage and you'll never make anything cute like hanabi

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