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OP please, I beg you, stop being a faggot.
She's always collabed with males? She did before Nijisanji as mint too.
OP literally cannot stop thinking about cocks.
you're asking for the impossible
this board really can't stop thinking about dick
Mint going to back to her old ways of flirting with dudes on stream I see
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Of Course
It's actually quite funny
Right after she graduated and was trying to get into Holo and get Holo fans to like her she swore up and down she doesn't care about male vtubers
In fact she claimed that she doesn't watch a single male vtuber

Glad the recruiters saw her for the brand risk that she is and didn't let her in, once a niji always a niji
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its mintover
>every male interaction is like cheating
>every collab is like having sex with another man in front of chat
Fuck off unicuck.
>Unironic unicorns for a liver.
You faggots are really starting to jump the shark with this shit.
Once a whore, always a whore. Now that you've learnt your lesson, can we please stop the Mintbegging?
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>Mint comes in
>"I swear up and down I don't care about male vtubers. I don't even watch them"
>"Sorry, but we not sure about you..."
>ERB comes in
>"I love Holostars"
So much for good nijis
>panel organized by convention staff
Funny how this is what gets shitposters riled-up, and not her being part of Wrestletuber that Holostars were in
Such a betrayal right after an emotional anniversary too. why do I always fall for these kind of girls..
Reminder that she calls a homo senpai and in the next breath she doesnt call FuwaMoco senpai (and they really like being called that)
also likening the homo and his brother to FuwaMoco too, fucking weird that they let someone that despises hololive through
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very organic thread.
That makes sense.
How many times do we have to go over this seething Nijisister? She only commentated, she NEVER interacted with them directly.
I 100% guarantee that's going to happen here too.
Wait so it's a tranny and a dude?
phasebrowns are trying really hard to distract from dizzy's yab
>luca cocksleeve collab with homo
anon, shes thirsty for that cock, only retarded mintfag coping that shes not like that
It's a reverse babiniku
FtM, probably like U-san.
homocollab and pronoun retards, its over bros
What a whore
Good. All of Dokibird's associates should be above this stupid muslim-like sex segregation.
>female playing a male vtuber
i mean tbf cover already rejected her back then, so its not surprising that they rejected her AGAIN, but now i can see why
>open their twitter
>click a video
>the most generic obviously female voice
yeah this is a total nothingburger
mintfag deserves it for mocking elira and finana's earnings >>81442036
Agreed. Dokibird and Dragoons sit tall on a throne above Holobronies.
well i can see why they hired her just for the singer slot, but mint got nothing with her
>good now i can enjoy my NTR KEK fetish stream
you got btfo >>81486309
smells like fake outrage. I find it hard to believe she actually has any fans who think she never collabs with males.
1st of all stop dick riding
2nd nobodoy outside of /vt/ cares about this and not even all of /vt/ is in agreement that females and males should be segregated, ESPECIALLY indies who are doing idol lip service.

this is a worthless agenda.
they're all here to defend their cuck fetish lol
retard kek
>who think she never collabs with males
Because she doesn't, retardd homobeggar.
Mint, as charming as she is, has nothing to show for vs Justice and Advent talents
Maybe she had a chance when the bar was lower (Myth or Council)
>was trying to get into Holo
And other tales Holocels tell themselves
ones a liar, ones honest
Dick rider lel
Good joke
Also Myth is still the most talented gen
>"male vtuber"
>it's actually a woman
Shitposters are desperate, huh?
Kronii proved they can't do it without couples drama, which was a shame because her stream with grandpa was fucking divine. ERB herself proves it's all about the activist draw of attacking us for being lonely, nobody reasonable ever cared if they had boyfriends off-stream, we just didn't want to see them on stream. We're not here to watch couples be happy and you aren't either.

Besides I'm reasonably sure the actual troon reaction to cis couples will be disgust, the only winner would be the person who wants to destroy the hobby where their political enemy likes. It's remarkable they've made such inroads with the girls themselves but the fact it's only that is telling, only the most foolish and arrogant of them ever go along with it. I'm sorry that your false activism created an ecosystem in which you're the forest fire.
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>nobody reasonable ever cared if they had boyfriends off-stream
stop saying this cuck shit please
doki collabs with males like 5 times a week why are you pretending to be a unicorn?
is this phasecuck deflection? KEK
How much would "cuck" and "whore" and "homo" posting lower if SEA was banned

Just wondering
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This is a nothingburger, the "male" is another mentally ill women who “transitioned”. You should be worried more mint is buddies with people from the lgbt mafia.
there's a middle ground between no males unicorn and unironic cucklord (you)
Literally who?
I am so glad this whore was rejected by hololive.
>nobody reasonable ever cared if they had boyfriends off-stream, we just didn't want to see them on stream.
So much this. I don't get why people can't just let us enjoy CGDCT.
I have zero sexual attraction to Dokibird's model and watch her for the snark and the Apex. My support for coed collabs is ideological in nature. Seriously, what sort of audience did you think a righteous anti-black company crusade would bring into Vtuber
>it's a woman
Is this another Towa situation?
why are you LARPing as a dragoon?
I don't think doki should be held to the same standard as mint, did doki ever lie about being CGDCT? It's not a bad thing if she didn't advertise herself that way, different strokes for different folks
Seethe more tranny sister.
How many dicks did OP suck today?
i honestly never had seen a race so attached with cuck fetish.
What mint just did was collabing with a FTM transbian behind a male vtuber model
Senpai autism sure whatever, DO BETTER or whatever you homosexuals like to say. But getting upset at her comparing one set of twins to another is retarded as fuck, who gives a fuck? "Vtuber twins? reminds me of these other vtuber twins part of the same production company!" isn't a hot take or some grave sin you faggot.
Honestly I think the lying is more of a red flag than anything. All the people Cover let go were notorious liars, they don't need more onboard.
If you can't see how hard she's trying to undermine Hololive idol culture then you're a Nijisis or at least as disingenuous as one.
>literal troon
doki and her have the worst taste in collab partners holy shit. they should only collab with eachother.
I AM a dragoon, but I am specifically the type of dragoon that first signed on during the events of February, and stayed ever since. Prior to then I just watched clips.
ah so a tourist dragoon then
I prefer to call myself a "colonist."
This one is for Bint for spamming the entire board with his bullshit for Mintbegging
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>destroy the hobby
I love you idiots keep parroting this as if collabing with males will suddenly make even the GFE tubers do a 180 and go "wow fuck scamming lonely idiots I want to make less money"

just stick with your CGDCT and GFE shit nobody is forcing them to stop doing that at gunpoint
Rosemi, Maria, Kotoka, Vivi, and Twisty all have unicorns
What's your excuse?
not a biomale doesn't count
>wow fuck scamming lonely idiots I want to make less money
you really underestimate how women's brains work
This retard has a very distorted perception of Hololive. Holo is plagued with homoshills including one branch of and 2 gens full of homocollbers, even a couple of male off-collabers
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Nijiniggers nijiniggering again
Vivi is very obviously the one who wants out of black company more than anyone else.
She's said over and over how much she would've preferred being in an all woman wave so she's not obligated to socialize with pests like Luca.
sure thing buddy and her oshis are totally selen and pomu and not elira
you literally don't even know what a unicorn is
Also, why do holocorns even care what is happening outside their precious walled garden. You are insufferable enough when you talk about how CGDCT is superior to all other chuuba genres. If you don't like the direction the rest of vtubing is moving in, then you can keep yourself cloistered in until the very day that ERB smashes the walls from within.
Most of the collabers stop after backlash though. Unfortunately it can't work on ERB because she didn't have normal fans in the first place.
holy shit KEK what a pathetic cuck
rent free
That's because Luca sexually harassed her, and her other male genmate is an all out niji bootlicker. Her negative impressions are understandable.
no u anon, you are the clueless one here
She's outright said Pomu and Selen are her two oshis. What are you talking about?
If Niji want even the tiniest glimmer of hope of redeeming themselves they need to out Aster and Luca. It's comical how much of a double standard sisters have when those two abusers are still active.
Her oshi before joining Nijisanji was Kanae
Do your reps
cucked nijinigger seething KEK
So what? Mint liked Belmond. It doesn't mean anything.
>Holo is plagued with homoshills
lets look at mori and kronii the biggest homoshils oh wait, why they never collab with males again?
So what? How can you say with a straight face that Pomu and/or Vivi are unicorn friendly when they've spent plenty of time collabing with their fellow male livers. And they get a pass over Hololive's very own male collabers?
why? op hit the nerves mintfag? when you finally stop coping? she was a luca cocksleeve and always will be
Because it's obviously different when management forces them to do it.
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holy cope batman
>Vivi is very obviously the one who wants out of black company more than anyone else
idk anon you guys keep saying that with rosemi too, but i dont see them quitting, in fact they look like they enjoying it
Nyanners had unicorns too
I'm sure vivi's pl recently got her new model just for fun.
not beating the allegation nijinigger? KEK so predictable
why do you think holochads care about the person who started "ALL OUT WAR". Your falseflagging don't work.
uhh why is my italian wife in the picture? wtf
yet shes not graduating, oh next month, another month. thats like couple month before
>management forces them to do it
Such as?
Ok I'll add you to my folder of screenshots so I can make fun of you soon
Why yes. I am a massive unityfag, thank you very much. I take it from my Oshi, as it is her will to see the EN scene brought together.
Minto has been grooming he/theys into docile submissive femboys since forever.
Nobody gave you the memo about her PL, I see.
>Verification not required.
I hate him already.
>two sets of twins
what a disingenuous cunt, holy shit kek
>still no streamable
stop farming views liz
There are no other vtuber twins part of the same production company, you're free to shove your family into your streams as much as you like, they're not hired talents. Nerissa's family are not Hololive employees either. Nobody said there are males as part of Hololive when Matsuri brought her brother on stream years ago.
>schizo sister shit
I should've known better.
"Unicorns" don't actually watch the girls they unicorn for.
So no OP probably genuinely didn't know. Hell a lot of Mintfags probably don't.
Literally every single female vtuber has unicorns
Fucking Doki and Ollie have Unicorns

Does that make these "unicorns" not-retarded as shit? No. Does that make them equally if not more annoying than usual? yes
>she swore up and down she doesn't care about male vtubers
Mintfags are unironically the most delusional faggots on the board just behind chumbuds.

If you heard that Twitter space and you took that away from what she said then you all deserve to get burned a million times over
Seethe more sister
If anything it makes more sense for Doki and Ollie to have unicorns because they're so normal around males it's not special for shippers anymore
>If anything it makes more sense for Doki and Ollie to have unicorns
The smartest /vt/ poster
Do you know what a "unicorn" is anon????????
Like all the times Pomu had to collab with Elira?
Nobody on this board does.
>So what? Mint liked Belmond. It doesn't mean anything
are you being serious right now?
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I seriously don't understand why you fags pretend Mint is some Unicorn savior and/or cares about /vt/'s "culture".

Even more, why you all would pretend literally any Vtuber that isn't in Holo gives a shit about appealing to Unicorns.
Not saying there aren't indies who do, but they aren't a majority or even a significant minority (and they usually always get exposed and burned by the retarded fanbases they cultivate).

Hell I'd go even further and say half of Holo doesn't even care.
But regardless, the point of being an indie (and even small corpo really) is to do whatever the fuck you want not obsess about retarded Unicorn larp rules that won't even last long term
>Why yes. I am a massive faggot who never watch streams
>I seriously don't understand why you fags pretend Mint is some Unicorn savior and/or cares about /vt/'s "culture".
nobody has ever said this
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>Ok I'll add you to my folder of screenshots so I can make fun of you soon
two weeks more sure
>nobody has ever said this
Are we gonna completely ignore the explosion of how
>Mint is a Unicorn God
tier posts when she did that twitter space?
And how everyone took her saying
>I don't watch male vtubers but they're fine
>I don't like male vtubers, don't want to work with them, and I was forced to work with them!!
Hell even in this thread a fag is saying she was forced to like Belmond lmfao.

Yes, people said this a lot. Then they all collectively shut the fuck up during wrestletuber. Now we're seeing remnants of them ITT now.
>I seriously don't understand why you fags pretend Mint is some Unicorn savior and/or cares about /vt/'s "culture"
you really this clueless? her fans still coping about it, denying about being luca cocksleeve, while shes literally offpako with him, everyone already know this, but her fans is next lvl delusional.
holy shit, its fuckng over
Honestly it might not even be Belmond anymore now that she's firmly anti-Nijisanji. She said she only watches ONE (1) male vtuber. For all we know that might be the He/They in OP.
>she's firmly anti-Nijisanji
okay now you are just trolling
People are going to collab with others for all sorts of reasons. You guys invented this restriction but it only exists in your minds. Your reactions are just a product of the neurosis that you're inflicting upon yourselves because you opt for beliefs that were never consistent with reality. Stop it.
do you think mint was paid for this collab
she didn't interact with males during wrestletuber, she merely commentated
I don't care about male collabs.
That is disappointing though. Why this terrible literal who?
if you've actually watched her, you KNOW she has a type of man she likes. Belmond fits perfectly.
>she didn't interact with males during wrestletuber
So you just didn't watch wrestletuber at all lmfao. I accept your concession
>the truth only matters when it's convenient for me
sisters' souls are as black as their company
In the screenshot of the reply chain of the OP you're replying to, she's literally laughing at Bettel's joke while talking to him with Doki.

What are you saying
the boss's crazy ex who hates her job? omg this is confidential information, anon!!! CEASE AND DESIST NOW
>like all the times a genmate was forced to collab with one another
I bet you threw a temper tantrum when Mumei offcollabed with Kronii
this is what happens with hags. they need to be seeded before their wombs dry up. you need to accept that.
i'm sure you accept a lot of concessions, fujo landwhale
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There are articles and even videos, basically this BIOLOGICAL woman was already an FTM before she started vtubing, she picked a female avatar because it was the safer choice, 3 years later in mid 2023 she finally decided to go full FTM transbian, she's friends with a bunch of LGBT vtubers, and she is even a fucking nijisister, yet she collabed with Mint, LMAO.
i guess indie mindset just cant stay away from those
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CGDCT they said...
>Still can't refute the point
Watch wrestletuber. Sorry your oshi loves talking to men
>she didn't interact with males during wrestletuber
holy cope KEK NGMI
they got scammed and her fans mintfag are so fuckng dumb kek
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>Hell I'd go even further and say half of Holo doesn't even care.

Here's a correct interpretation of the culture:

>Does not care about Unicorns
98% of indies
99% of small corpos
All of HoloID
30% of HoloJP
10% of HoloEN

>Cares about Unicorns
2% of indies
1% of small corpos (probably 2 chinese ones or something)
70% of HoloJP
90% of HoloEN I will ignore all of the "secret" interactions (dms) and pre-magves interactions but this number is definitely not this high including them.
"You can't prove there are DMs"! And you can't prove their aren't. So lets agree that the number can't be difinitive.
You say "4view status" like thats NOT successful for a streamer lmao. thats pretty fucking good
he is one of the girls, you biggots!!
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ALRIGHT GUYS this is just a mentally ill woman larping as a guy. It's a female collab.
it's obvious Mint was only there for Ayamy now anyway
>99% of small corpos
look at this clueless retard, idgaf about unicorns but anyone with fuckng brain know that those paypig are unicorn and coomers, specially for vtubers, thats why the popular and rising vtuber all unicorn pandering, holo, phase, idols, kawaii, v4mirain etc in fact some of them are straight up GFE that if you are not into that, its fuckng weird.
Anon, most small corpos still don't hire guys or have girls collabing with them. Whether it's unicorn, gachi or personal preference no one can say.
>ALRIGHT GUYS this is just a mentally ill woman
whos gonna tell him? i kinda feel bad, but anon need to learn the hard way
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How new are you to be conflating Unicorns with Goslings?
He/They tranny is worse than a male
how are you even allowed to have he/they??
can't you just fuck everyone up by wanting to go by he/her or she/him
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its basically just labling yourself as a tomboy/femboy desu. my categorization autism can somewhat understand it
So is just a woman LARPing as a tranny? False alarm.
>see male
>first thing he thinks about is his cock
>when you are into cuckold so much that you are so used to it and think its normal
this mintfag NGMI
Ironically this one doesn't even half a cock. They were imagining a cock that literally never existed dicking down someone they deluded themselves into thinking was their girlfriend.
It's a shame ,really. You'd think because she's a fan of traditional idols she would better understand and emulate their culture.
Just watch streamers that do that then? I dont get it. its like, you are mad that you cant watch someone you dont like? just turn of the screen bro
wym? It's a FtM. Doesn't say she did surgery(and that just make you a mutilated woman).
Unicorns are the antithesis of normal behaviour.
>>Cares about Unicorns
>2% of indies
>1% of small corpos (probably 2 chinese ones or something)
Pxl and v4m alone have a majority of their corpos bring unicorn friendly
And there are plenty of indies that avoid males
Hell, more than 2% of indies do GFE! Cmon anon I'm a holofag and even I know this shit just by lurking the board
>thats why the popular and rising vtuber all unicorn pandering
We're confusing Unicorns and Gachis again
Because consider >>81491372
Yeah there's many dont-mention-men streamers but they're not as popular or as quality as Hololive? You know why? Because Hololive idols are sincere about pleasing their fans, the rest only do it for the money.
>girl who collabed with male vtubers as a corpo...continues to do so as an indie?! Shocking, truly unexpected
She's a fake one. That's why they didn't let her pass. Collab with homo but no talent to back it up
bro- i mean sisters, i think this will not bring the concert back...
you are just as delusional as the unicorns you are complaining abot
NTA but no we aren't. Gachi baiting, which is usually some level of GFE, is actually rarer than, and most commonly includes, being unicorn-friendly.
Cut phase and v&u out of your small corpo map and the entire small corpo scene starts looking almost majority unicorn friendly
I didn't complain in that post at all. you're literally projecting. I just gave my interpretation of the current sphere.
This is really weak bait
>no timestamps
i wont believe schizos
>And there are plenty of indies that avoid males
This definitely is not true.
And not collabing =/= "they care about unicorns".

Lastly, you're ALL completely not even acknowledging the massive fact that 90-95% of vtubers are females. So it's not like there's even big opportunities to do male interactions if they want to or not.

For example, obviously it's not as skewed as the vtuber sphere, but if you're male working in STEM, you will more than likely work with males than females, and you will be talking to males significantly more than females every day.
Literally go on youtube and type "wrestle tuber mint bettel/jurard" and watch a 1 minute clip you fucking retard
>"male vtuber"
>it's a woman with a male model just to be "different"
whatever you say sis
life isn't all about money
not a good look
of course
Now you're just trolling ogey
this guy sounds like a generic woman. not sure who that model/voice combo is supposed to appeal to
wait are you the same person? because these two things feel contradictory
>Unitroons put down pitchforks when they realize it is one of their own
Question for you then anon; why are there no male vtubers in VSMP?
>unicorn bait thread for fucking mint is going to reach bump limit
I assumed only Holo unicorn bait threads would get traction but I was clearly wrong
Reading this thread just confirms to me that the reason why these threads are so effective is because no one can agree on what a unicorn is so people just become completely retarded
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How the fuck?
so its true right?
not really, its just mintfag who still cope and in denial, you can check it yourself here
All he/theys are pedos in my experiences
Hololive may be the motherland and HQ but many of us have long since ventured beyond the wall to seek new frontiers, anonchama
> 90-95% of vtubers are females
Nah that's cope.
Male vtubers are desperate for collabs with girls and always shooting their shot until they get a reply. They are not hard to find at all because these guys are originally female vtuber viewers. And plenty girls find them in chat, comments, dm requests. So avoiding it IS a active choice. A lot of corpo vtubers know where the money is and how unpopular male vtubers are or that they are no different to the parasocial viewers who really wanna date them. When you go corpo you take these things more seriously than an indie who wants to have fun and make friends. Whether it is gosling or unicorn consideration this stuff is more calculated than you think.
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Not only do I not even know what this is but it seems like it's a consequence of what I literally said in my post.
95% of all vtubers are female.

The biggest male vtubers are in Holo, Niji, and maybe a few indies.

>The stars don't even play MC much (Holo doesn't in general) and when they do it's their own servers.
>Niji in general is a shitfire so no one wants to even talk with the girls there let alone the boys.
>1 male vshojo and he does nothing
>I don't know any male indies but I'm more than sure they're either 1 not even big enough to join this and if they are then 2 they probably have their own friend groups

It's not that hard.
If you have a pool of 99 red fish and 1 yellow fish then you have an astronomically higher chance of randomly choosing a red fish.
Some women just want to be different in order to stand out
>We're confusing Unicorns and Gachis again
lol, no u, you are the one who clueless here, these "popular" or the one that make money from small corpo or indie are not as stupid as you, they knew what sells and to be unicorn friendly, they literally create an entire minecraft VSMP for this kek
Mental illness is how.
I checked a random video on their channel, its a woman, so its whatever
>I assumed only Holo unicorn bait threads
if only you know who is in those "holo bait threads" KEK the clue is not holofags.
>>I don't know any male indies but I'm more than sure they're either 1 not even big enough to join this and if they are then 2 they probably have their own friend groups
yeah because no one want to joint their "friend groups" because they will lose their unicorns and back to become vtweeter
>Not only do I not even know what this is
Okay, first point of order: Twitch is not the only player in town, /lig/ger. Hell you should KNOW this nowadays with some recently posted /lig/gers being YT based.
Secondly, not only do the Barbie Girls exist, so does their entire circle. And they're not even the only ones.
>seems like it's a consequence of what I literally said in my post.
Anon...it was a trick question, because it's already been said multiple times now that VSMP is girls-only.
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And this is why you never forget and never forgive.
Globie girls are in the server but globie boys were not invited to the server. They're mixed gen too so it's weirder when their girls are invited but their boys aren't.
The red guy(girl) and blue girl(girl) are AnimeFest's host vtubers. They're probably the ones who paid Mint to go to their con for 4 days in a row, to bring in wisp/pomie money to the con for 4 days. Doubt she'll ever interact with them again after the con is over.
I wish to see a Mint Flay collab in the future
>no one want to joint their "friend groups"
Anon I know this might come as a shock to you but there are real people who genuinely don't give a shit about unicorn shit. They just want to do shit with their friends.
You do understand that, right? I am assuming you've had a singular friend in your hopefully 18+ years of life at one point.

I don't know every single thing about the indies and what they do.
Also like i said I didn't even know what that was
I don't think it's weird at all. That's literally real life.
In highschool you (a man) is not gonna get to go to the girls' slumber party.
And none of the guys would ever invite any girl to going out partying on the weekends.
This isn't as deep as people here would want to make it out to be/would like it to be.
its not weird, they want those unicorn, "pls forget we are mixed gen" tho its useless because they are mixed gen with male anyway.
>Anon I know this might come as a shock to you but there are real people who genuinely don't give a shit about unicorn shit
anon, i know this might come as a shock to you but these vtubers are pandering to unicorn because they are not dumb like you.
Are you comparing a massive Minecraft server with tons of indies and corpos collabing to a slumber party? It's a content farm. They're doing it for content.
That's not Mint though.
So are you seriously gonna say there are no small vtuber indie friend groups with females and males in it? Really?

Anon the point is, you don't HAVE to collab with males ALL THE TIME just because they're there. And males don't HAVE to collab with femalse all the time just because they're there. It's 100% fine to only want to do your gender-only content once in a while.
It's not pandering to unicorns when you do it. Only brainrotted retards would think that.
>one of their own
Connect the dots, Anon. I wasn't talking about Mint.
>So are you seriously gonna say there are no small vtuber indie friend groups with females and males in it? Really?
I don't know if you noticed yet but you're arguing with someone who is AGGRESIVELY ESL and doesn't speak English without a translator, most likely.
You're wasting time
it's depressing she went from having to collab with males to appease corpo managers to needing to collab with "males" to make money as an indie
she deserves better
She collabed with males before niji you fucking larping faggot

Why do no mint "fans" actually watch mint?????????????
You haven't ventured far enough. Go outside if you are going to talk this earnestly like a chuuni.
I don't think anyone is forced to collab with males, I'm saying that the fact that they invited globie girls but not globie males in the same gen is a very pointed exclusion, since globie does in-gen mixed collabs all the time.
They are clearly pandering to someone, whether you call them unicorns or something else.
Mint fans are notorious liars and beggars who will say anything in her favor.
actual wisps know she's fine with guys. this is just either delusional new wisps or falseflaggers
>In highschool you (a man) is not gonna get to go to the girls' slumber party.
>And none of the guys would ever invite any girl to going out partying on the weekends.
Is this bait?
The server has over 100 people in it and has been a massive content farm for most of them for weeks. Not for one single second has a single male vtuber stepped foot into it even once, the girls even laugh at the idea.
One time a girl used a voice changer to sound like a guy and freaked out multiple other girls online. It's quite clearly extremely unexpected if they'd freak out.
I love the smell of Nijisister projection in the morning.
Reply to me again and I will RP a legendary unicorn ronin for the rest of this thread
>actual wisps know she's fine with guys
speak for yourself, sisters trying to falseflag again, not gonna work sister
>HoloStars invited a bunch of Niji Males to a big male collab, but excluded the niji girls they frequently collab with. Is this some sort of fujo pandering agenda????????
Anon, not everything is a conspiracy.

What else are you actually implying? They hate their coworkers? They only want to pander to unicorns? Can you not like watching all girl content and not be a unicorn at the same time?
What exactly are you arguing

See what I said in the post you're literally replying to. I don't even know what the server is and this is the first I'm hearing of it. But my point stands, why is that a "bad" thing or a "unicorn pandering" thing? Just because it's all girls on screen?
Is that what Unicorn means now?
>It doesn't matter if they talk with males all the time ON STREAM, they aren't doing it on THIS STREAM so I'm happy!
That's not what a fucking unicorn is if so.
yeah holy shit the kiara collab begging and begging holo to pick her is ridiculous
Where do you think 99% of Mint's fans come from? You're actually agreeing with me with such a statement kek.
>>It doesn't matter if they talk with males all the time ON STREAM, they aren't doing it on THIS STREAM so I'm happy!
Well basically it is like this for a lot of people. And for holofags its
>I don't care if they talk to males as long as I don't see it
Which is also, not what a unicorn actually is. if anything it's just being a cuck
>But my point stands, why is that a "bad" thing or a "unicorn pandering" thing? Just because it's all girls on screen?
>Is that what Unicorn means now?
>>It doesn't matter if they talk with males all the time ON STREAM, they aren't doing it on THIS STREAM so I'm happy!
>That's not what a fucking unicorn is if so.
Tell me anon. Tell me, a unicorn, what a unicorn is. I clearly am not aware.
Kiara was always the one begging on stream for the collab tho
you guys make terrible detectives. i'm not a "sister".
she has collabed with males before heaven and during heaven just fine. she was never unicorn-friendly. if you want that, there's plenty of girls for that.
Anyone who watches "all-girl content" is a unicorn yes, this concept doesn't even exist outside of vtubing. Normal streamers collab regardless of whether they're male or female. Imagine the idea of an all-male or all-female fleshtuber Minecraft server, you'd be laughed at.
>It's not pandering to unicorns when you do it. Only brainrotted retards would think that
imagine being this clueless and retarded
exhibit A
no one cares about before
it's only after she said she was pro CGDCT
and so far she's held up her end of the bargain
>this concept doesn't even exist outside of vtubing
Do twitch coomer thots collab with males?
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Holofags memoryhole the fact that FuwaMoco collab with a male vtuber all the time.
>18^ minor
A groomer?
>i'm not a "sister"
sure, everyone will fall for that shit sister, i'm sure of it lol
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>even the convention themselves had to issue a correction because "woman playing male vtuber" tripped them up
This seems to be a common occurence among the most zealous of Unicorns.
that's a mascot dumb idiot nijisis
there you go, thanks for proving me right
If we're actually using the use of "Unicorn" as where it originally came from it's
>My favorite Idol isn't allowed to have a boyfriend or husband, and should only appeal to her fans/me.
THAT came from /2ch/ autists and then came /here/ (and started on 2ch and other shcizo jap circles because they think "female talking to male means dating!!!".

So no what that shit is isn't being an ACTUAL "unicorn" it's in short just being a schizo retard
This is Mococo making a funny voice. I will not take my meds.
Yes like all the time
Depends on if you're a solo streamer or someone who does lots of collabs. If you do lots of collabs you will inevitably end up in mixed gender collabs. If you're a solo streamer or someone who collabs rarely you can stick with one gender easily.
Did you know that words evolve over time?
>minors DNI
I hope you are intelligent enough to parse what this means by context.
...Yes? They're desperate for clout and jump on every opportunity.
aren't their pronouns He/They
I'm so confused wtf
i'll never understand this nonsense.
i always found that reasoning to be completely retarded.
So we went from
>You don't know what a Unicorn actually is
>Uh well you do but WORDS CHANGE!
You're LARPing.
At this point it's just insecurity (always has been really) and trying to fit in (moreso this).

But if you're really going to try this "words change" angle then don't pretend like it was wrong originally retard
what nonsense? mint herself saying that
No one uses your definition of unicorn anymore. If you open up any catalog thread or Twitter post or reddit post or YouTube video that talks about "unicorns" almost none of them will be using that definition due to culture warriors calling everything they don't like a unicorn.
Unicorn has referred to male collabs since at least 2019 given sankisei made promises about not doing male collabs that year. Fucking newfag.
>No one uses your definition of unicorn anymore
That's what happens when a bunch of tourists desperate to fit in spam a buzzword 24/7 yes.
>calling everything they don't like a unicorn.
You say this but they aren't wrong.
If you have a problem with a male and female simply talking then yes you're a unicorn and will get shit on for being retarded.
More likely than not you can't provide a good reason as to why they should talk that doesn't go back to "I don't fell comfortable" which makes you sound like a sad faggot.
the whole CGDCT shit
i can understand getting into something because you liked the plot, designs, action, characters, but just something as "cute girls doing cute things" was flat out retarded to me.
NTA but you realize how hypocritical and retarded this post makes you sound, right?
poor bicorns...completely ignored but that might also be a good thing for them
Do you mind explaining how?
>If you have a problem with a male and female simply talking then yes you're a unicorn and will get shit on for being retarded.
Anon that conflicts with what you just admitted the real definition of unicorn is. So like I said, people just call everything an unicorn. And these threads are dumb because no one can agree what a unicorn is.
I'm sorry everything doesn't appeal to you anon. Must suck.
Damn twitch really is full of cucks.
You literally defended people calling random shit "unicorn" wrongly after claiming people were wrongly using it as an argument.
>that conflicts with what you just admitted the real definition of unicorn is
I didn't know I had to explicitly state that I was now talking about the "new" definition of it not the old.
And like I said, using this definition they are not wrong. Because you can't give a good reason other than you feel bad.

If we want to use the actual definition then yes you're right you aren't being a unicorn, you just being insecure. I know everyone hates that word /here/ but that's what it is.
There is not a single big female streamer that has never collabed with a male. Literally none. Pokimane, Lilypichu, Qtcinderella, Kyedae, Jinnity, Amouranth, and so on; every single one has collabed with a man at one point or another. The same goes for Youtube content creators outside of ones that keep to themselves. This gender segregation stuff in the world of content creation is entirely unique to vtubing.
I just wish people would use a different word that's unambiguous but we're way past that now so I have to deal with it and be annoyed.
She's known FWMC for years. If she considers them more personal friends then vtuber connections then it'd be weird for her to call them senpai.
You are just post-hoc claiming you did something with absolutely no indication of such prior.
It's clear you can't even grasp a single basic premise behind the "new" definition. You aren't in a position to speak for anybody else, much less people you can't even understand.
Simp cucks were a mistake.
Then please explain it to me, since you understand so clearly.
What is the "real definition" of being a unicorn. And how is it not just a roundabout way of saying "I'm insecure"?
Rushia perfected vtubing.
Honestly it's not that hard to figure out in 90% of cases, usually it falls into the bf side or the male collab side or both, but there are some weird esoteric uses. Or maybe some especially retarded places.
Like it or not but no one would publicly admit "I'm a unicorn" un-anonymously (because everyone knows it's cringe and retarded as fuck to say so LMFAO)
Yeah dude, Islam was right the whole time.
Truest post in the thread
There is no 1 definition anymore. But all of them generally revolve around wanting to watch cute girls in a context where it doesn't feel like you're supporting another dudes girl. AKA literal definition of cuckoldry
No, we don't do it because crazy homosisters would attack us. It's like putting a target on our back.
>publicly admit "I'm a unicorn" un-anonymously
I've done this lol
>Only homosisters
Retard literally EVERYONE would because again, it's cringe and retarded as fuck
Why do unicorns wallow in persecution complex?
What you just described is
>I want to be ignorant so I don't feel like a cuck
Unicorns are so funny because it truly implies that a female will never contact 50% of the planet's population ever JUST FOR YOU (a random number behind a screen)
Because it's already happenig >>81497815 >>81497821
Just let me enjoy my cute girls in peace
I don't watch stars and I would also make fun of you if you openly said you're a unicorn
You can literally find people gnashing their teeth for unicorns constantly on Twitter, YT clip comment sections, etc. It isn't a complex when cancel culture exists
What kind of retarded cuck cope is this? I'm not saying coom streamers should be banned, I'm saying people who fap to a coom streamer then continue to watch the object of their desires get chummy with men on stream are certified cucks and should be gassed.
If you want to be a cuck and pretend everybody else is what you are too, feel free. I'm not interested in being a cuck anon. You can keep your random doxposts to yourself, I do reps if I need to.
>cancel culture
More likely than no Unicorns out themselves by attacking females streamers for talking to males. Making themselves fair game and a target.
People have the freedom to call you a retard just as you have the freedom to openly say you don't like male interaction. The internet is free for all.

If you only want cute girls then watch an anime anon. These are real humans with avatars (shocking I know). They've had boyfriends in the past, a LOT of them have them as they are streamers, and they will marry someone in the future that isn't you.
>mintfag turned out to be absolute subhumans, who would have thought.
ftfy anon
Has mori and kronii even show any interest to the homos since the start other than vesper/magni
I know mori collabed with rikka from homo jp occasionally, but that's pretty much it.

If anything, I wonder why they like those two so much and pretty much ignored the other two
>look at me bragging that i'm a cuck
No shit, where do you think we are?
always has been, the most pathetic loser in the world, a simp that is actually a cuck
My point is even unicorns themselves know how retarded the concept is lol
Which makes all this arguing for it even funnier
Pretending these girls dont have partners while projecting yourself as their boyfriend makes you a cuck. Keep coping with being a failure as a man by playing dumb.
>harassing people is the same as expressing an opinion
because they are clueless and retarded like some cucks /here/ who think it will make them more popular and more money until they realised that they are kicking their own fans and paypig, ruin their own career and now struggle to get those unicorn back.
Vesper was genuinely funny. Magni, I guess maybe they found him funny too.
Why did people start parading the being a unicorn like it's any different than being a literal simp, I don't get it
People used to make fun of people like that.
Hell the real world still makes fun of people like that, it's not like things have changed on the outside.
Where did that shit fester?
Or I can just not be a black-pilled schizo who assumes everybody on the internet is always lying for personal gain, anon.
>>harassing people
Can you please define "harassing"?
>*Your streamer talks with a male on stream*
>*You @ her in her Twitter replies saying she's a whore and shouldn't talke to males*
>*Her fans see this and then @ you calling you a retarded fag*
Isn't harassing. It's your opinion vs the opinion of the vas majority
Mori quite literally does not care for those fans anon, she never has. The fuck are you saying kek
>come to mint thread
>surprised at mintfag being a unicorn
>Where did that shit fester?
Where do you think you are anon.
There's a reason you get made fun of it literally EVERYWHERE ELSE except on /vt/.
In the real world most of the people mocking simps are zoomers who openly support trans rights
Go outside and talk to actual women. Or keep yourself out of the gene pool by pretending to have a relationship with the anime girl. Win-win for everyone either way.
>are zoomers who openly support trans rights
If you explained this whole concept to a boomer, millennial, zoomer, gen xer, or even an alphafag, they would all laugh in your face>
Why are you pretending this is zoomer only
>Mori quite literally does not care for those fans anon, she never has.
look at this cope while mori are busy now pulling click bait lewd thumbnail, completely avoid any holostars single collab and interaction kek
Yet the entire site makes fun of cucks, except some loud majority of cucks on /vt/.
>@ her in her Twitter replies saying she's a whore
>@ you calling you a retarded fag
both of these, assuming you mean verbatim
>shouldn't talke to males
talk* and this is an example of something that ISN'T harassment, though ideally worded more likd "I'd prefer it if..." etc
loud minority*
I'm amazed at how proudly you spout bullshit, anon. She literally talked to Altare on stream a few weeks back when he was in chat.
There is 0 bad blood between them
Because zoomers calling people simps while being more filled with unironic cucks than any previous generation is funny to me, that's all.
Anyway, you should look up when Disney didnt let their stars have relationships. If you're going to speaking for previous generations after all.
See what I mean?
Its like going to the mall and using a loudspeaker to declare you're a virgin. It's just open invitation for people to mock you and hurt you. Not because there's anything wrong about being a virgin or being a unicorn but because it's just an easy target. At least if you were a racial or sexual minority if something happens to you it's a hate crime.
I'm divorced, retard
>Win-win for everyone either way
Cool! Now go back to twitter
It's the same as admitting to being a Trump supporter
Only Amouranth of those listed is a coom streamer. I assumed we were just calling every female streamer an ethot.
The reason you'd get made fun of is because it's extremely easy to change.
It's not hard to stop being a unicorn. Simply stop being insecure and pretending any of these girls will ever fuck you.
Watch anime if you want a girl who will only care about you, but even then it's a bunch of fat greasy jap male writers making her so, take what you can get
EVERYONE is on /vt/ though. Including Stars, Mint and probably Hololive EN. We know NijiEN comes here, we know ID comes here and we know Mikeneko comes here. And that's just the talents, wouldn't surprise me if moderation had people who were sympathetic to their favorite corpos and streamers. Dramatubers farm us for engagement.
Anyway, you know why /vt/ is so popular? Because we reflect the REAL voice of vtuber fans who would be laughed at in other contexts because other people just don't undertand what we go through yet.
>I'm amazed at how proudly you spout bullshit
stop projecting, if you actually watch and follow her you know shes avoiding any males
Found the leftoid, rumao
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... And they would still think it's goofy as shit and laugh at you for thinking you mean anything to that particular celebrity? Or heavens forbid, think you're in a relationship with, I don't fucking know, Selena? Time is a flat circle anon, the people whom we mock don't change. The methods do.
>I'm divorced, retard
So you cope this way now? Lmao sad fuck
The post you replied to was a very short post which explicitly said "coomer thots" >>81495585
see what? that you are a cuck and trying so hard for ppl to justify your shit? lol
This motherfucker really wants people to believe Mori is now suddenly pro unicorn, kek. Fuck outta here bro
>Because we reflect the REAL voice of vtuber fans who would be laughed at in other contexts
That's not the "real voice", that's called clowns in the circus that people make fun of
you guys fuckng lied, you said mint is one of the good one, she like CGDCT but now she collab with male?
She literally is not, what schizo delusion is this? Are you ok?
>really wants people to believe Mori is now suddenly pro unicorn
nobody cares about that, not even unicorn will watch her now, but it is a fact that she is now pro unicorn thats why shes going full pandering now
Go have a decade long LTR first and then I might care what you think about my situation, anon. Until then, you said it was a win-win that I do this, but you replying for an entire thread just makes you seem like a seething schizoid instead of a "winner"
Hey you're the one that compared being a unicorn to being a virgin no one else did lmao
She isn't and never has been anon, but I know better than to argue with someone who willingly chooses to be wrong
>no trust me anon, its not male, nothing happened when shes offpako with luca too, trust me she still virgin
They forgot the German Catboy.
>She isn't and never has been anon
anon, you are outing yourself that you never watch mori
You are absolutely right, my bad. Enjoy your cope away from harsh and ugly reality, by all means.
>open stream
>it's a woman
>check old content
>it's a woman
better luck next time
Contrary to popular belief, coomer thots do not make up the majority of big female streamers. The point remains that any kind of content (even ones adjacent to vtubing) in the streaming space are not allergic to male female interactions even if they try to hit the exact same demographic. The only valid comparison is solo sex workers, and if that's all vtubing is to you, then hey, to each their own.
Both the far left and far right are pro male collabs, so I can't tell who you're insulting or which side you're on.
It's my belief that whoever does recruitment at Cover is a really good judge of character. People of weak moral fiber don't tend to last long in that company. Maybe she finally learned from ERB that it wasn't CGDCT that gets you hired, it's other qualities as a streamer and person.
You replied to the wrong post. Also, you're retarded; people spending obscene resources on the opposite sex isn't new. Neither is expectations for those they spend on, that's just more uncommon throughout history. Geisha are a commonly given example of the latter.
Also go back cross-boarding tranny, nobody wants your garbage here
Changing clothes and speaking on a different tone doesn't change your gender, troon
woman who wants to be "different", to stand out from the tens of thousands of other female vtubers
Which stream was this?
>not allergic to male female interactions even if they try to hit the exact same demographic
By definition they are not hitting the exact same demographic unless you're telling me there is a gfe flesh streamer who does male collabs and somehow she has hordes of cucks loving it.
it's so mintover...
>The reason you'd get made fun of is because it's extremely easy to change.
>It's not hard to stop being a unicorn.
It's a preference. It's just like liking men or women. It's not something you can change just by being told to stop.
Then watch streamers who meet that preference then.
But you need to understand that this is real life and all of these females talk to males, and the majority of people think this "preference" is retarded, so don't be surprised when your streamer stops caring about this minority after a while
This whole issue would be solved if """"""""""""""unicorns"""""""""""""" would stop unicorning for people who clearly don't give a shit about their stupid larp.

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