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hey its fauna
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

Ame chan
thats ame
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No... Twisty-sama is a 2view now...
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Okayu has THE BEST cover of this song
nta but why is he a doxfag? because the suddenly mention? uhh probably, because the feminization shit was because of last stream
no its clearly fauna, she's green
you mean incels
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pls consider
learn to drop hate
invest in a smile
love will come
maybe you will like it
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No cull right?
get some sleep anon. you are seeing things that you aren't supposed to
>engaging with a homo tweet
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also kizuna ai lmao
All looks normal to me
What if there are 2 interns and the HoloEN one is just a fucking slacker
well i am sick... but I just got up from a 4 hour nap 2 hours ago. couldn't sleep if i tried.
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If that's the case that's a comical fuck up and the person who programmed this is gonna get fired
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We love and support Ame and her choices here
you gotta stop farming this shit retard
They're going to swordfight on their 3Ds
Stop linking it retard.
*likes them all*
This show is sort of funny
He's a doxxfag too
How does 30% reduce twisty to a 2view, wasn't she usually hovering at 200 ccv
oh, then ok, you can keep shitting on him, i hated it when he suddenly mentioned Kronii too
janny stop deleting my post i WILL be the next holostar and i WILL refuse to collab with women
Also the effects of the cull on Pippa are funny, she got a small raid and her graph completely flatlined.
That's probably what has been happening. The homo one is really diligent and the ones responsible for EN stuff are lazy fucks. They've been called out multiple times and even apologized multiple times and they're still lazy.
JWU, any news?
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>be intern-kun
>50something, hate your job
>its managing this twitter page for these weird anime girls?
>whatever, you're getting paid to do little (paid internship)
>only real coworkers are japanese businessmen and this weird girl who also speaks english
>she really really likes these anime boys
Advent has a new orisong. If only there was a tweet to link.
wow, i hate everyone on this list
They still have 5 days until it drops
That isn't cull, cull just effects the scale of everything, but the graphs shapes would be the same.
Anon? The average of this is 200. Anyway cut 30% off any of them and it shouldn't bring her this low.
i want my FWMC 3D repeat NOW
Why do you hate Wamy?
Nice numbers by Mori, she's killing it at least.
It would be incredibly grim to be a 50-year old intern social media manager.
Yeah i used to replay this one so much its really good. But check this one out, this one is pretty cool too!

You get irrelevant 3 homo posts in the official holo twitter. 0 news for the girls.

Fuck you FAGOO
We finally have a 2view
Ok fag
So it went like this, right?
Cover initially hired mostly female staffs to prevent relationships with Hololive girls
But then they debuted the dabois
The female staffs either have relationship with the dabois or fell in love with them
Now dabois have higher priority to them than the girls
I was imagining this 50-year old guy basically having no one in life, safe for a cat who was just diagnosed with cancer.
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Did LAM drop Vox and Fulgur? What are these new models man
>muh holostars taking resources from the girls
you know cover is a billion dollar corporation right?
they hire freshman and sisters own the institutions everywhere so the freshmen are all brainwashed into cutting their cocks off and hate women
U mad?
everyone knows males are better than females. just look at niji
Yikes spoiler that creature dumbfaggot
I don't think they even have social media manager. They probably just have someone set schedule tweets.
At least he still looks better then he does IRL.
>Microsoft pulling some absolute bullshit.
Kiss Fauna's tree goodbye. If they keep it up, then Cover won't let them play the game ever again.
That was 4 years ago, not anymore
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cat very cute
You know cover it's not a charity right?
I will never understand why Fulgur and vox like the pube beard look so much
You will /become/
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fatto catto is the cutest. her voice sustains me
Bros the twitter intern is getting absolutely eviscerated under that latest homo tweet
hate vagueposters
Wamy is pretty sexy
watch all of them get blocked like all the other times this has happened
Alias from V4Mirai has around the combined total ccv for all those streams right now
That seems rather delusional, when the real answer is probably that Cover simply told the EN staffer to pay special attention to the Stars since they're lagging behind, you can see the same behavior in the Japanese account with Regloss and HoloX, whoever are in charge of that account will flood the TL whenever Ao or Laplus breathe in the direction of a male ecelleb, but to date there has yet to be a single tweet about the Ark server.
it's not "OMG CHADPISS HAS RIZZZZZED ALL THE FEMALE STAFF" but that Cover simply sees the twitter as a promotional tool and are willing to use to push what they want to be popular, which also happens to be the least popular talents under them.

EN account has a homo bias
JP account has a DEV IS, HoloX (More like Laplus and Lui. Chloe, Koyori and Iroha get shafter) bias
Remember when the 'Lamy slot' was a thing?
Is this real?
He lost another Homo this year, I'd say he got his karma. Trust the plan.
>3 homos tweets before advent orisong announcement
I wonder why.
jwu qrd on the yab?
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Idk i like the Live one better cus of the little extra bass, makes it sound better too me. Still like the YT version too but i also like her 3D dance!
They still haven't announced shit bro
>3 tweet for Homo
>0 for Advent Orisong
Disgusting fujo
wtf is that?
These are better than her usual ASMR numbers. Maybe there is no cull?
Meowthcuck learned flip so he could talk to Enna but she ignored him in favor or a sex pest
It's wishful thinking on my part. No way they don't announce after all this shit, right?
Wait how does that make sense? Isn't holox super popular?
>there has yet to be a single tweet about the Ark server.
Wow israel. And that's how I find out Raden is going on a radio show with that niji clown.
that's strange
Cull de-confirmed. People have just moved on from holoniji
Every time this happens it makes me want to make a new HoloEN account so this shit can stop.
That reminds me, did that anon follow through with his HoloEN account after making it like 6 months ago or something?
I think we can thank kronii for making it increasing acceptable to openly shit on whoever manages the twitter account
The only announcement post homo is the one about HoloENrepeat where op got his image from
Don't blame the artist. I'm pretty sure the organs themselves specifically ask for this shit.
That's really stupid
They are marketing it to the wrong demographics
Shounen manga readers won't ever read Shoujo manga no matter how much you pushed it to them
Well, maybe 0.01% of them
But the annoyance would push 1% of the original fans away
didn't know Aqua had all that fat
Ame is fujo approved btw
Akutan is known for having a Phat puss and phat tits anon.............
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Not the members Cover wants to be popular, those being La+ and Lui, who both had rather weak reception to their most recent endeavors, and to be fair, HoloX SPECIALLY Laplus has always gotten preferential treatment over any other holo, it just so happens, that Lui the least popular HoloX also started getting that same treatment when she announced her album (after collabing with the homo)
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She is yagoo's favourite after all
No. no news about that since it's creation. called it , that it would be dead in 2 months or something. its not that easy to manage a page , alone
what are the ages of the justice girls again? If they have canonical ages
Huh. I always thought iroha was the runt of that gen
GTA 6 might be delayed to 2026
I hope HoloEarth will be finish by 2025
Koyori and Chloe do well, not the rest.
Lui is doing decently actually, just not Suisei level
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That's all very true, but when has Cover showed that they're capable of understanding those concepts, it's a company run by morons, once and always
>Hololive is not successful because of it's management, Hololive succeeds in spite it's management
Like friend, same people who shoved the homos on the countdown live, same people who shoved HLZNT on everyone's face, to the point where Miko had to flat out say on stream that she doesn't trust managment's projects. They know what they're doing, the know it's bad for the girls, they don't care. Yagoo is on the record saying he regrets making Hololive and Holostars separate, but know he can't merge them because several of the more popular girls would walk out. Call the admin stupid and move on.
I hate hololive en X account
anti-homo posts getting more likes now that likes are private
There are only two explanations, delusional fujos in high places of management, or delusional management thinking if they shill male trash enough randomly like abiogenesis a male or male collaber will become gura tier star one day.
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>one homo already prepping why he's gonna be a no show tomorrow
is ERB so repulsive even homos are trying to get out of collabing with her?
it's Koyori > Chloe > Iroha > Lui > La+
Lui has a single type of stream that does well and it's her DQ streams. and those streams are just weaker than Pekora or Noel's DQ
>the king of vtubing
>doesn't realize what makes his best vtubers popular
Is YAGOO genuinely a retard? Is it just Japanese Businessmen being Japanese Businessmen?
no, he loves RPing, that's why sisters like him, also he's not as annoying as flaygon
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Somebody needs to tell them that the pubes facial hair doesn't work on the models
I just got home, so what was the point of the Advent anniversary when they didn't announce anything? There's just homoshit on the hololive twitter.
I wonder if Nerissa will ask Fuwawa to stop making jokes about her smell
>Who's your Oshi?
>What's your favorite MLB team?
I've been gone all day how many people were gooning to the Kiara stream
fuwawa is an evil bully and nobody listened to me.. she is a clique leader now
I guess these are supposed to be design that appeal to males? But LAM is really bad at drawing face hair
All of them
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Didn't she just recently have a 3view stream?
some anon said he went to the bathroom to coom on company time
>Is YAGOO genuinely a retard?
Yes, how many times does it have to be said, he got lucky, he has done N O T H I N G to warrant the success Hololive, he got lucky with some stellar hires at and just kind stumbled his way into success, while Gen 1-3 hard to make part time putting out fires to make sure Cover didn't eat it's own shit. They know jack shit about what works and what doesn't. The only good thing that can be said about Yagoo is that he is at least not actually evil like Riku, man genueinly likes and looks after all his employees, he does try to make what he thinks is best for them, he's just really stupid, kindhearted but stupid and that leads to a certain group taking advantage of him
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any good mukbang vtubers with nice numbers?
>The only good thing that can be said about Yagoo is that he is at least not actually evil like Riku
So a kind man doesn't make for a good CEO, a ruthless but fair man would make for a great CEO, and an evil man makes for a terrible CEO?
Fuwawa only holds power over Mococo and Rissa though
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I have to rape correct this blue dog
I get the impression it’s less about fujo management and more about a bunch of ojisan management who pity da boiz and view them as bros/sons looking to knock those bitches who tell management what to do down a few pegs.
She's been bossing Biboo around the entire onsen trip. I remember because it's hot as fuck
Iroha's numbers are pretty solid.
Funny thing about Iroha is she's up there for most 100k+ streams, like 5th or 6th, surprisingly good ceiling
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If I was Shiori I would be eating so good right now
>Push homo left and right
>Homo tweet got shited on
Based based based ty management stupidity
He has some sense of why, which is why he hasn't tried to force a merge or whole org colabs himself. But having one side of the company being the massive money maker and the other being a loss; its his interest to at least try to make the loss into a money maker so long as times are good for Hololive (and times are very good).
Anon? The real read of what he said is
>I am sick
The funniest thing is that even ENmembers have stopped retweeting stuff from the HoloEN account. Nerissa by default now retweets the announcements made by the HololiveJP account
Fuwawa > Mococo
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Almost 1 Billion.
HoloID disband soon
does anyone else get hard when they hear mococo's voice
All default to the JP account off the top of my head. Any others?
Gura been doing that for more than a year.... like since the HoloPro acct was still active.
>*everyone waiting for Advent stuff*
maybe he is /here/
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I get Harbaugh.
Proof that they're being shit on?
Nothing against mmb- I mean Patra, but if she can get a Nendo, there's no fucking way there's not enough demand to the rest of Advent and Justice.
Do your part, fill the format, just make up an email or something
the best CEO is ruthless and heartless but not evil. You take care of your people but you still have to be fair. Company can only be successful if it's spearheaded by a highly disagreeable person taking control of majority of the decision. Corporation is fundamentally authoritarian in nature and it's for the best.
Instructions unclear, requested a Fauna pop up parade.
will you still count on the ccv if watching picture in picture mode with yt premium
Mori has retweeted fan accounts before since they tweet first.
Telling your followers who may have missed the stream when the song will be released is a good idea, yes
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did you see how many people bought her ASMRs
I submitted one already and all i asked was a Dino gooba Nendo :)
yes, please put Kaela in EN and graduate the rest
They just have to post the 4 second teaser from the stream on twitter, but they are too gay
I think some indies definitely approach gsc themselves because I doubt Filian has a fanbase who cares to buy/request nendos.
What is that?
>nijinigger projection
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Fell right into my trap anon, because I also love Fauna
There is a release date you scum sucking troglodyte.
Her karaokes is a popular demand
They did a group collab. Could have posted that. They showed a title card for their new song. Could have posted that. They showed a release date for the song. Could have shown that. Fuck they showed a whole ass trailer. COULD HAVE POSTED THAT
See, feedback works
Edelgard was the better leader
Rebroadcast marathon
Fucking finally.
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rebroadcast of rebroabcast
Miko/Gura yes I'm a whore
does banpresto have any forms like this I want more relax time holo figures
>Oh I wrote in all CAPS because le unhinged
Your homofaggot will always be irrelevant trash no matter how much you scream in here. Jutard has broke some NDA, that pagpagnignog gonna be terminated soon
oh fucking finally, intern-chan stopped flicking her bean
this should be counted as assault
shes gonna need to play games sometime......right?
They're going retweet homo after this in 2 minutes.
They used the hype of the karaoke to sneak homo posts in when people were clearly checking for advent info and did not post about the karaoke at all.
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Kaicenat 300k doryaaaaaa. Holokeks status?
So they had a scheduled tweet this whole time but anons here just wanted something to shit and piss about
>1 hour late
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Does it actually work? I might do it too.
>1 hour after the stream
Terminate these fujo
As bad as homobeggar ERB is, she is no worse than Ame until she brings one of them in her karaoke as a duet
Any excuse for refusing to tweet about/ retweet the karaoke stream?
get fucked flufkek
>2 homo tweets and not a single fucking retweet of a stream that had announcement
>a fucking hour delay after the fucking thing was shown
Rope yourself
Why would people not have just watched the karaoke stream of they were in the hype of the karaoke
FWMC said that the reason their nendos and PUPs were made was because ruffians spammed the form, Nerissa also said that if you want Nendos for the rest of Advent you should request them, So yeah, it does work.
Baseball in my country is like HomoEN no one watch it
Oh no
The horror of an hour, sucks those people that didn't watch the collab but had to wait an entire hour to know
Gura should do this too
aren't these numbers pretty good?
She's sung Homo orisongs more than Holo orisongs. Don't act like she's not infinitely worse. Ame at least had the excuse of saviorfagging.
Is she on vacation or something? Or trying to cater to multiple timezones?
No ''I'm sorry''??? Oh right hololive can't get apologies only da bois can.
>He actually thinks Nerissa would get a nendo if they spammed a form
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She don't have time for streaming
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ig so, i've been enjoying mori's ds1 playthrough ngl
She spends more time in people chats than actually fucking stream what
So da boiz had perfect 30 minutes early scheduled tweets while the girls get 1 hour late ones, gotcha
>Advent tweet already has more engagement in likes, quotes, retweets and comments than 3 homo posts
I thought the homo were supposed to be liked on twitter?
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No? Hoomans tried to and It didn't work
Then what're the use of this xitter handle if not for promotional news?
Then fucking do your job promoting 2 of the branch, @[hololive]EN not even up to date with HOLOLIVE fucking retard
Just play a game, chat, or something. Goddamn this woman.
Looks AI
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She did twice! Pic attached is the second stream, but they were within a day of each other, where Lui reacted to...herself doing an interview with her music producers.
Like hearing a producer interview with a talent is going to not be the most interesting thing for everyone, but when you're reacting to it....you have to question who is this for? Some people suspect her having a shit manager, I wouldn't doubt it.
Cover has invested so much time and money into trying to make La+ a first army that I think they've got sunk cost fallacy and don't realize it won't happen with her content and how her career has gone.
She had potential, yeah, but a turnaround isn't really possible unless she herself changes really drastically.
my beloved... sorry for not following your art as much anymore, I just don't give a fuck about arcknights, please go back to drawing Nobus if possible
No guitar? Damnit
Corpospeak for peaked. Only goes downhill from there.
are you stupid
Is that the first Niji(that is not ID or IN) that is a 2view?
Nothing new here
But they did promote it. You're just throwing a tantrum because it wasn't instant even though everyone online who cared would've just finished watching it and would've known.
I think La+ gave up on right off the bat when directly after debuts it became evident that Chloe was going to be the more popular one. She was super young, impressionable, arrogant and probably had her family and Cover telling her she was going to be a super star and when it didn't go exactly how she wanted she stopped giving a fuck.
Like half of her roommate friends have had hard fallouts with her and all the roommate projects she was devoting more time to than Hololive have failed or have been outright canceled
you will only get the Patra ASMRtist and you will rike it
Lui definently has a shit manager. Her whole image change is fine, but the way she went about it with Homocollabs, some of her streams' quality, her Album PR, etc. Yeah not the best. If her goal is a Sololive, she should get rid of that manager
funny that the cull started the same day
qrd? She was a nepo hire?
She has only sung 2 homo songs and has sung 5 holo songs
I wonder what kind of deal do Cover and GSC have, like it's more than obvious that they're very buddy buddy, and things like the Nendo having their special bases included in the retail release for the Hololive nendos but not for any other vtuber nendo makes it very obvious. I wonder who's getting the most out of their arrangement
>trying to cater to multiple timezones
Iirc the blue flip fag complained he couldn't catch any of ERB's karaoke because it's like 2am flip time so now she rebroadcast her karaoke around 5pm flip time so the flips can watch it
It's still funny, FOTM game Part-Time Worker is still getting around, that's a stream bait game but it's designed to be beaten within an hour. It'd work perfectly for her if she wanted to do something short and zatsu.
But it doesn't cross her mind, she has "one story game at a time" autism with Undertale and has to do daring choices like Valorant and Overwatch. Easiest thing to do for her on a silver platter, but nope, gotta focus on homo collab.

I can't help but laugh.
>Chloe more popular
Really? I thought La+ ccv is higher than Chloe nowadays.
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>not counting repeats
She compared Say My Name to clownhomo's song
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I only know dodger so dodger
Maybe she did the dumb thing by asking for tips to get sololive from her manager. She should've asked Watame and Okayu.
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kinda strange looking there Fuwawa
It's a shame since Pekora was really trying to mentor her into becoming the next big thing and then she went full trying to funnel everyone into her rm, started a music group with her friends and then they got mad when La+ failed to prop up the group with her Holo audience.
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Daily reminder
Certain talent has matured
Fans love Ame. Nobody loves the homos. Simple as.
That never happened
you can tell with the gif she used that is a putrid ass sister
Why are we calling ennacuck this new name again? I missed it.
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>it's been 5 months since the song announcement
>still nothing
There is no song, schizo.
The only baseball team I know is dodgers
buff game
did you leave a dislike?
Thanks for the engagement
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Gen unity status:

Good but barely collab
Giga homo sister makes things awkward
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Feels good to be a holochad
NTA but the twitter account has consistantly done a shit job promoting the girls over the last few years. So they have lost their goodwill and any benefit of the doubt people would give them.
I don't think running here to sperg out and defend their pretty blatent favortism every time it happens is going to help anything
Hopefully they learned to not announce anything until it's 100% done.
Promise in shamble...
The person managing that account apologize for all the fuck up that they did with the homos but have never apologized for any holo fuck up. I don't even know why anyone expected anything but this.
Sitting on an arcade stool
>holovholo bait post
skippa skippa
The fact that the Holomem have stopped retweeting the official HoloEN account and rather retweet HololiveJP's account over the same context says sufficiently about the quality of the account.
Funnily enough, they implemented a high ratio of dislikes actually negatively affecting videos in the algorithm after they removed counts for them. So down the line, we might see ERB suffer what I like to call "The NijiEN effect," where a channel is so negative in the algos, it stops being recommended to anyone outside of a small bubble.
homos are not holo tho
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>4 am
surely they will sing it on the concert
>1H after the stream
Kek go back to /PCG/ Phasecuck
I'm not the one sperging out though. I just like giving things a fair shake
they have no one to blame but themselves. Why bitches gotta be bitches . Act like a team player for once.
>le epic hate marketing
>I thought La+ ccv is higher than Chloe nowadays.
No, Chloe pulls ahead by around 1-2k on any given stream except stream debuff stuff like public watch alongs, aside from that she's almost always ahead of Laplus, and that's not even taking in account if you agree that Twitch and Youtube numbers should be considered the same.
Part 1s are always a debuff anon
>lamy break soon
gokisei is truly cursed
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oh shit otter-chan came back to my feed. its been months lol
manchester united
Luna or Botan
why would they cry on Ame tweet???
thats soccer, anon.... we're talking baseball....
Did Iofi commission this doujin herself?
based I love watching re-rebroadcast streams
What's the rush anyway? They all will get them eventually. Unless we're talking about ID...
I don't care about baseball. For me it's the Rams + Manchester United
Fuck off nijinigger
It's humorous that they damage their social media presence so willingly.
Any potential fans looking at twitter is going to think it's strange that the fans need to tell the social media account to do its job.
What team? This team has 19 players no more than that. Homos are not on the same team as Holos. It's like the NBA account reposting the WNBA. Nobody cares about the WNBA
>Everyone online who cared
I wonder why Coke still have ads, promotion, endorsement, or even sponsoring event. I wonder why all those famous brand still did the same. Everyone that knows them should be buying. And why did Youtube still have an ADS for Youtube themselves? Why post it in shorts? Why do they have channel named Youtube in Youtube??
Not like a monkey brain like you can understand that
>But they did promote it
Promoting a premier of TEMPISINJAPAN 3 times in a row, while neglecting an important milestone of their main branch? When did they promote those stream?
Otters... eagles... Namibia...
Good times
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potential fans wont understand why its a problem to announce something for hololive
Nobody plays or watches baseball in my country so Dodgers are now be default my favourite team because they collabed with hololive.
holy checked
And yet a Kaela nendo would easily sell better than some of these random indies
I woke up and ToCar is real, who came up with these?
She comes from a really wealthy family, is extremely spoiled, and her only previous experience comes from being a vtuber for a middle size corpo with who she burned every bridge on her way out, trend that continiued with pretty much all her roommate friendships. Coming from that into being propped as the "leader" of Hololive's biggest project to date is hella sus, there's a bunch of narratives going around as to why she got those opportunities, but it's all made up at the end of the day.
29, chud
Sorry I don't make the rules
um, why Ame?
Oh no I'm going to forget about the song announcement I just saw within the hour
It has to be instant.
>Angry because of homo favoritism
>B-but what about Ame
Its why they should have split holoEN and starEN into two different account. It's actively hurting the girls at the moment and has done little for the stars themselves.
Kaela will not outsell Patra
>NND retirement home
I don't get it. Did NND die or what
>Team player
Kek homobeggar should watch stream and be team player for once lmao
I think even the biggest retards would instinctually know that its supposed to be girls entertaining men
if I was a little more conspiratorial minded I'd point out that by reducing the reach to hololive fans they make the comparitively few holostars fans look like a greater percentage of the total
lol, you’re actually retarded
big collab without homos
Daily reminder 2
I actually wasn't prepared to see that project name again, felt a brief teleportation to a different time.

Must be getting hit by the Kronii delay. Songs feel like a coin flip on whether they arrive properly or sent into some abyss for an undisclosed time.
>Nerissa's sisters and mother
>Mori's mother
>Kiara's mother
>Mama puppy
>Bae's mother
>Raora's mother and sister
Oh, okay.
Shame about the whole being evil thing.
It is still down and Jap are still pretending they are watching all the NND trend unfold for the first time in the backup site
FWMC still retweet the EN account
>le chud
>I dont make the rules
That's correct and because you dont make the rules it is 19. What's next? You're gonna say Barcalona's 23 man squad needs to incoporate Barca femini's 23 woman squad into their squad and allocate the 90 minute play time over all the 46 players because chuds?
there was a tweet for Ame's 3D repeat
Yeah, got hacked a couple month ago and has been down since
Cover really need to create some generic hololive ads to keep them in people's minds and for brand awareness purposes. Show people having fun watching hololive streams and concerts. Air it on YT, Twitch, Twitter.
Pippabros, our 5k....
It's baffling how something as simple as this is considered controversial
Mooms totsumatchi soon
Who else in this server?I mean popular chuuba
Forgot that homobeggar we're illiterate kek
There was a tweet advertising Ame's 3D repeat before the song tweet. I guess their point is that it wasn't just homos they were tweeting about
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Life is not fair bros...
Moom fucking hates IRyS
Not even the JP girls are allowed to have their own account, the JP account is just as cucked because everyone has to share and it ends up being like 50% ReGloss, 10% HoloX, 10% Homo JP, 10% HoloJP, 20% shilling, meanwhile the JP stars do have their own account but they still get posted on both, at least fucking Achan posted about JP streams but at some point she also started tweeting most about HomoEN and JP streams, a girl could be having an outfit revel but "Achans recommended streams of the day would be like 3 homo streams and 1 holojp shilling stream"
they announced it with their new outfits, they clearly related,
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The fucking irony of this reply
How many members were in Bae's full holoEN Mindcraft cover again?
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Good thing there's a spelling bee coming up!
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what the fuck is a chud?
The girls use the Hololive calander for just random stuff in their day to day lives.
It's down but NND is slowly uploading back up from their archive so all the geezers are having walk down memory lane, it's pretty fucking cool actually, it's funny seeing people counting down to when their favorite trends started them and seeing it unfold in real time
A chunky Bud
chubby chad
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Aren't they just misspelling chad?
I remember newfag being surprised that the JP account did not post about the homo in poppy store like EN account, but it’s because they post about it in homo account already
Here is an easier one, ask homobeggars why homos arent in the official "can you do the Hololive" song, which was posted on the Hololive main channel. It's literally can you do the HOLOLIVE
Moom is no longer going to stream games other than Overwatch
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[Moom news] She will be doing a long totsu with a lot of guests for her birthday countdown. Also, no more Undertale on stream.
wow you're so cool
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shes so cute bros
Mumei will never stream Undertale again. Thank god. She doesn't want to play it without doing the voices but the voices hurt her throat. Also other unspecified reasons which I think is probably the backseating.
I would like for Mumei and Noel to talk again, and since this thread makes post come true, it will happen now
they'll always make it holopro ad
You got more ad hominems to throw at me? Do it all at once. Maybe it is more effective
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uhh see for yourself
The homos lost a major ally when A-chan left.
Are you Italian-American, by chance?
A horse?
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>watching ark clips
now i get why subaru is so strong she is so fucking funny lmao
I recognize one... and she used to stream on NicoNico to like 200 people, Mike fell off
Uh oh Mikecucks how will we spin this one
Ina and towa is a they...
She wants me so bad
She's going to be super cute in her casual outfit/once she drops her hoodie.
Ikr? She been pretty good in the server
You're literally obsessed with her
i just want to say that kiara's new 3D model is absolutely fucking dogshit.
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There are no mike fans here, just fandead
Laplus is literally making historic lows ever since her flesh male live. Karaoke viewership fell from around 15k to now 4view, it’s grim.
Cover's all unity until money's involved because in their hearts, they know the homos are a financial liability.
I am of the opinion that this is a real tomboy in HoloEN, unlike whatever the fuck Cover think is a tomboy
That's Miguel in 28? So she doesn't actually have a team. Grim.
It's the appropriate and expect behavior to be obsessed with your oshi
>real tomboy
Probably why no one really watches her, then
She's like if Doki was set on being a CGDCT chuuba in Hololive. And I love it. I still like Ceci a bit more, but Gigi has uslurped Raora for second place in my heart.......
Look I'll admit they fucked up in the past for sure but it's a gigantic waste of time to get mad about a literal hour and they've been pretty on top of things recently as far as I can see.
>her family
Do I want to know more about this?
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>200k get
Being compared to Doki is probably not a good thing.
>No one
>The ccv is bigger than 0
>She comes from a really wealthy family
Huh, really?
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I love her so much.
It's a good thing in my perspective ex-fagoon. She's a good, funny parts of Doki.
>I still like Ceci a bit more
It's fine, under the FauMei clause, you're allowed to like both a little too much
Why are you so obsessed with Doki?
does anyone actually like that plastic looking weirdness besides coomers in global?
LA Lakers
I have no idea but I know it doesn't really have any impact because the type of people that use the term look like circus freaks.
>we have legal jargin-like clauses now
I need short haired but girly girl in Hololive
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Why are you gay
Sure and I agree, but it's going to take some time to shed the reputation they've built up over the years
Nijinigger spotted
>she's like doki
doki WISH to be half as funny and creative as GG, not a fps retard who laugh at every sentence for no reason like a ds1 npc
NTA, but I kinda doubt it. Well-off or upper-middle class, perhaps, but it doesn't sound like they are "really wealthy" when her mom keeps all her money. A super rich family normally wouldn't care that much about their children's spending habit
i mean... yes? Gigi is just better in every way.... When she laughs it actually means something.
Of course
>nijinigger apology
i've been watching gigi a lot lately, still like cecilia but her stream time fucks me in the ass
Doki crushes Gigi in every metric that matters, stop trying to spread these fake ass rrats.
I watch a lot of movies and don’t rich parents are more likely to do that?
Forget homo collabs, a new gen member should never miss a huge box event like the spelling bee thing if they're invited. Doing ANOTHER collab with ANOTHER branch (yes any branch, not just homos) on the same day is critically stupid
suicide attemps yeah
Sounds like nijinigger propaganda but okay
almost 1m!
Yeah gigi never tried to kill herself yet so I'll give you that
Gigi will catch up with Doki in that metric sooner or later
Only in FPS skill, and that just doesn't matter in 90% of scenarios. Gigi is funnier, has a better voice, has better chemistry with genmates, avoids males, is better at singing, has a background in and loves idolshit. Doki is mogged comparitively.
>Gigi is funnier, has a better voice,
Than Doki? Are you fucking deaf?
>Doki crushes Gigi
She crushes everyone with that mass.
No. Are you? Doki's voice is Gigi's voice, but you turned the chink dial up to 20.
>Everyone that's able should make an Epic account
>We need a lot of accounts to increase our store's trust
>Let's fight together against Steam
>Your free games will be sent real soon
>better voice
Nta but they sound exactly the same
West Coast Asian(Chinese) accent
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Moewthcuck having a melty
how nigga doki tried like twice in a row or somthing, thats more that all the 2views in this board unless there is someone trying to beat that record
>chink dial up to 20.
Yeah, that's Gigi alright
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I want her erotic roleplay asmr membersex streams SO BAD
retarded on purpose or illiterate
Thank you numbers for the Ame
qrd on Meowth?
ennacuck = meowthcuck
having a melty can equal meowthcuck blasting off again
>One anon's phone autocorrect Nessie to Jessie
>Other anons start joking about Team Rocket
>Another anon jokes about Ennacuck being Meowth
>Meowthcuck gets coined
>Ennacuck seethes about it
>Meowthcuck's blasting off again
wtf is with the dokifags coming out of the wood works this hour?
Wait that’s true? Lol Hololive L, remember how hard the Niji account advertise the NijiGTA server?
Fagoons get upset when you point out Doki 2.0 is better than she is.
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Hololive won
It's meowthcuck and phasecucks.
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there is a brown meowth...
>euro hours
>thread is shit
Like clockwork
This is what xer looks like.
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we have banchou
Fagoons are slowly losing the "killed NijiEN" buff. They really thought Doki would be some nu staple of /#/, it's baffling really. Watch them accuse me of being a sister for not loving Selen, the nijinigger spearhead for years against hololive.
They can't even mask their hatred for JP it's laughable.
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Tired. Watching Mori. I want to play an open world fantasy game not made by Bethesda or Elden Ring. I want to eat pasta. I want to watch Raora. Mumei is cute.
why are you replying to yourself phasebrown
I want a Touhou open world game
Daily Reminder
never liked Doki’s streams in the past, appreciated that she took down Niji but still not for me.
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it's up next bro!
That would be fun. I've always thought a Magical girl open world game would be fun. I thought it would be a great theme for an MMO back when I played those.
No, anon
Dew it!!
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I’m warming up to GG, but RR and CC are still top 2 for me. RR number one and CC number two
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Kaela vs Biboo debate
300k soon
It's a good thing she burned many of those bridges since most of the people involved just wanted to use her for her families money and later for her Holo connections.
I still get a bit filtered by her voice, but I love Mamma-mia.
I NEED to see Fauna and Mumei sharing tender kisses
30k IKZ
That’s fine hopefully it will grow on you, I love her voice though
Christ you were posting Risu all along? I kept mousing over, thinking it's that phase italian, and skippa skippaing
>filtered by italian beeg cat voice
why are you gay?
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You say that, but don't forget when the collab ban was over and Mori set up the big Crab Game collab three weeks ago, ERB was late by almost 40 minutes.

That's already a bad impression for your first collab with the girls. But now she put herself into a worse situation this week, because sure, she set up waiting rooms for three streams this week, with one of them involving the homos. It creates a sense that she's learning streamer culture somewhat, I'll give it a slight pass, but here's two scenarios:
Is she going to be on time for the homos? If so, that's another bad precedent because it seems like she cares more about them than her gen/main branch.
Is she going to be late or runs into tech problems AGAIN? If so, it creates a sense that she doesn't take shit seriously to troubleshoot enough to be considerate for other groups.

You're right she's shooting herself in the foot not taking an easy opportunity to be part of another huge box event. But also consider this: RR/CC/GG are still putting out schedules where they have one or two days off a week, one month since debut. ERB needed at least three days off WITH rebroadcasts.
I'm just interested to see where this self sabotage goes.
Fauna doesn't deserve to be a Holo. She does not deserve to be called an idol. All she cares about is lining her pockets. She's a full on grifter. You have her genmates working their ass off, actually doing 3D lives, actually releasing music, actually streaming, and then there's Fauna who's just a lazy cunt not doing anything, just taking money and fucking off. Absolutely pathetic and abhorrent behavior. She is not an idol, she is someone larping as one to get money off retards. The one who actually deserves support doesn't get nearly as much as the lazy cunt who can't even fucking show up. Absolute joke of a hire.
explain what am i supposed to be angry about
I hope so too, it's the only thing that prevents me from outright fully fully loving her. I think I'll be able to overcome the filter, though.
It's not that, just that she talks pretty similarly to how my dead auntie used to, and it throws me off sometimes. I come from a Spanish family, not Italian, though.
I like this one more
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Theyre back!
>genmates actually streaming
lurk more newfag
ty ill listen to it now
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>Marine call Roboco "senpai"
>Red whore don't call Advent "senpai"
Why the red whore is like that?
It's pretty baffling, got to wonder what her initial plans were and what advice she got from other members and her manager.
She needs to figure out a niche, and what the selling point of her solo content is, impressions aren't going to carry her very far for long.
If it was just to be a singer then she needed to put out an original song on debut, or at least soon.
okayu got it right with this animation and song, very fluffy and cute
I think I’ve seen you said the same thing about your dead aunt during justice debut but I’m not sure. No need to force it anon, let it naturally ride out
good evening /#/, is the cull still on
she doesn't actually care about hololive but she'll never miss a chance to call the bois senpai
yes, Neal is shitting the bed as we speak
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Stopped reading at "Fauna doesn't" and I agree, she doesn't get enough praise for being sex.
Different anon with a dead aunt, she's been dead for a long while, about 7 years now. Just have a lot of great childhood memories with her. Don't worry about me forcing it, I know that things happen only once they're meant to happen. I'm all good.
Oh I didn't realize Risu had a new cover. What's the difference with the one in membership?
Ao with Marine I can get but how tf did Roboco got in there lol
Jesus, chattini are just a bunch of people with dead aunts
the whole point of vtubing is to eventually make your oshi quit vtubing
is time to tweet that or can they hold a little longer?
It means hes retarded
alright that’s great you have good memories of her, hope you’ll join us soon.
Less sex
They are talking about me btw
Why are you like this?
That's ok, we still have GTA Online, and that will last us until the end of time.
You know how the original MV has the girl getting fucked at the end?
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Is NijiEN's algorithm completely fucked?
Callin each other senpai in EN is unnatural and should only be used when referring to previous gens as a whole IE "i will be collabing with my senpai" "I love my senpai" instead of adding it after every single use of some EN senpai's name.
Which makes ERB's retardation of referring to the homos as senpai every time but not the holos even worse.
God I hope so
i would accept kobo on the english branch
We almost had a nijien 2view today
Yes. I'll still get recommended Phase, V4M, Indies, etc., despite only watching Holos. Never recommended any Nijis since.... November 2023? Even without BlockTube, when I'm on mobile, never any Niji recommendations. Even NijiJP reccs are rare in my algo.
It reminds me of how Enna does it.
She demands that everyone calls her "senpai" and constantly calls everyone "kouhai" all the time. But she never once called the people above her "senapai". In fact she considers herself to be on the same level as Elira/Pomu/Rosemi....etc even though they forged the path for her to join in the first place.
Lmaooo finana was raided?
I know how it is man. I understand really. Cope however you must.
She would never consider herself as low as those scrubs
Is this a new low?
holy fuck this branch is so dead
Oh, Vivi is streaming again? I thought she fucked off like Kunai.
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this was what omega wanted for holoEN
Everyone in holoEN plays games, this is completely different to that.
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man some indies are really good looking
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The unicorn/homobeggar fighting doesn't feel as raw and passionate as it was in 2022 and 2023. Back then we had the frequent collabs, the kronie/teamate exoduses, OMEGA as an overarching villain. Now it's just bait and falseflag over collabs that barely happen anyway, and when they do it's with someone that no one genuinely gives a shit about either way (ERB)
If the full release of the song reaches 1M on YouTube in less than 7 days then I will agree with you that IRyS might be a debuff :/
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Se, they can reach the front page too without getting botted.
goofy* phone post sorry
show your oshi model
Surely building the studio is the hard work, not the reward?
I hate hololive, stop talking about hololive
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Which Pokemon game is this? I don't recognize that character.
she succeeded
uh oh
I ate Kobo's cake btw
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english translation???
Did he mentioned where the fund come from?
Is Mumei ogey
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hey guys I thought this redditor had a very reasonable take on male vtubers. cliffsnotes because redditors love to type:
>male vtubers are competing with male streamers while female vtubers offer something unique
>male vtubers need to find something unique to offer
>and their character designs need to improve
what do you think?
funny thing about this, Mori had an interview with cbr where she says something similar and I quote
"You know, still work on your singing, but also work on who you want to be as an artist? What is the vision that you want to project to the world? Your world, your world view, your ideas, your vibe, your aesthetic, your entire vision, the story that you want to tell is so much more important, I think – your voice is a tool. "
Matsuri was right, schizos are just fans in denial.
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Wasn't Enna having money problems/complaining about how much she was making, and that was even DURING her most profitable year?
I can only imagine how she must be feeling since she's made significantly less since then. She must be doing that for status for others, and to cope with how she isn't a mess behind-the-scenes.
stopped reading at "feminine presenting"
im tired of correcting posts like these so im just going to listen to it and move on
is this the punchline?
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Sana if Pokemon
kind of true i dont watch male vtubers because they all look like sissy and troons
slavery is no joke
I feel the opposite, like they're trying too hard to be cool, badass, and sexy when they're nerds playing anime puppets
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>feminine presenting
Is Miko banging Gura right now?
there's also that being a male vtuber provides literally nothing to your entertainment value in the west. in JP, sure, maybe. but it's completely absent over here. some fat fuck like WingsOfRedemption can make it looking like he does. Hell, MOST of the most popular male streamers don't make it because of their looks, but either their comedy, or their skill in gameplay. Most female streamers that aren't vtubers are either small, and stuck in their niche communities, or evolve into tiddystreamers that just exist to give 14 year olds a way to get their rocks off before they learn about actual porn. female vtubers, meanwhile, get real communities that see their chuubas as people, and actually care. kind of funny how it's the exact opposite of what people will claim with "MUH PARASOCIALISM" if this comes of as schizoish, thats my b, i gotta shower
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This is the only good male vtuber
remember when /hlg/ sent him the audio of Towa streaming in the kenzie discord to try and anti her and he laughed at them
What brought this on?
I have been playing The Talos Principle for the last twelve hours (thank you Crowdstrike for the vacation) and holy fucking shit I feel more retarded than I do after reading Ennacuck (Mewothcuck now right?), holy fucking shit, have any Vtubers played this thing? I wanna see that now
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I can land a helicopter on these graphs
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Youtube takes 45% of ad revenue?
>indian bots in the replies spamming her with the entire alphabet
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Peo ruined it.
You guys didnt notice but it seems that the niji loli broke after the low number stream
>meltdown on stream
This retard doesn't know the number one truth behind the failure of male vtubers: women don't watch livestreams. If you're not trying to appeal to women, just be a fleshstreamer guys will watch an ugly fuck as long as he's entertaining. You can't make women watch livestreams it's not a female activity. If you want to push male vtubers you have to do it in literally any other format. ANY OTHER FORMAT. Go where the women are and learn how that media landscape works. Just give up on livestreaming. The female to male streamwatcher ratio is so bad that whatever deviant niche female demographic you believe you've won over could be 100x as big and still be an irrelevant fraction compared to male viewers.

No one listens but I'm 100% right and have a superior understanding of streaming as a cultural phenomenon than billion dollar corporations do.
>feminine presenting
This guy is a faggot, but he's pretty much agreeing with the general sentiment I see /here/.
You’re a retard
>Feminine presenting talents
what is this guy even trying to say lmao, that there are unicorns for trannies? that some holos are trannies?
I mean she's legitimately menhera so that's not that surprising
Sounds about right, from what I understand, although I think it's less actually, which is why the girl's share after Cover splits is around 33% iirc
no u. women don't want a one person show, they want character drama and interaction.
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I mean how bad could it really b-
he wants to lump the unsuccessful transsexual indie vtubers in with successful hololive members and say that they're all finding success in a niche that men don't compete in.
You'd be amazed how many women watch Holos
If she was a good person she wouldn't be in nijisanji
100 out of 20 million fans
nah you're wrong. didn't you see the demographic pie chart from the last niji report? women are just not willing to watch homos
Over 10% of all fans
holos should play dst again, it may be a bit hard surviving for them tho
Yeah traitor prime isn't a good person
I've had intrusive thoughts about my oshi and if I took them seriously I'd be a schizo
>Official data gets you mad
Get fucked
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That's just Google thinking accounts are women for no reason
Pretty sure it thought my tablet account was a woman, no idea why
why does it elevate btw?
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This guy is the only Male Vtuber that is worth the watch, too bad he's killing his career by hanging out and wasting his time on notMagni.
why are you behaving like a woman on youtube?
NTA but it bares out pretty well whenever I go to con stuff, at least. Something like a 10 to 1 for guys to girls.
So you knee-jerked at a random term used to distinguish whores from not whores because some dude just doesn't want to get banned from an echo chamber? That dude was definitely a containment breaker talking to redditors like they're retarded children (because they are).
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Second cringe line aside, he has a point. Like dude streamers have weird senses of humor, they mention Ludwig and DougDoug, but I'll mention Vinesauce. Vinny has a weird sense of humor (that's grown more tame, but I digress) but would he voice an animated shounen guy? Fuck no, he'd do his alien puppet or some food item, because that's the kind of guy he is. In fact, here's him five years ago piloting a worm: https://youtu.be/bO8HpsURrsM?si=16Du65YtDUJSEBJP&t=301

It's funny and I remember it, more than any other design in Holostars and most of Niji. Also, here's a shitty screenshot from a compilation I saw once of Japanese people reacting to Smash Ultimate DLC. This dude is piloting a sentient burger.

Plebbit guy is close to something, you want to be funny, you either need to be natural at it or have some weird visual element. Bonus if you have two of those things, dudes love weird humor, even if shows like Jackass are a faded remnants of the past, people will love dicking around with stupid shit if they have someone to share it with. Bro humor can still get an audience.

Male tubers trying to appeal to the women audience, well....it's pretty proven women don't want streams.
no he isn't. you're a woman. he's good bfe for insecure women but if you aren't sexually attracted he isn't very funny and has nothing interesting to say.
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ERB will save him
Shut up tranny
That can't be right that leaves so fucking little for yt
>too bad
The sooner the clown goes, the sooner the rest of them are doomed
How much cock can you suck faggot?
Go back, subhuman.
That's 95% of vtubers
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this is gonna be such a banger
>was projecting to begin with
Pretty much a common sentiment to stuff that's been said here but translated for reddit
And his gachi will go away after ERB collab
That cunt is so fucking miserable he's kronii without tits
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rumao even
I'd rather watch a nijijp homo over him any day of the week
>common knowledge
> no citation
right so there's no reason to expect any audience crossover and bettel isn't worth watching (for hololive fans)
Do it then
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I don't care what you said but I see an ounce of Jerma985 within him.
>I'd rather watch a nijijp
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okayu looks retarded here lol
Did Jerma cum in his ass?
cool, I think korean fantasy dresses are cute
who's the artist?
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right, so the only reason to watch him instead of Jerma is because you're turned on by the bishie avatar. if you were watching for the content you'd watch the real thing.
What the fuck is that abomination drink korosan got
You need to be 18+ to post here anon.
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I'd rather does not imply that I actually like doing something.
mad because I rate your homos below even the nijis sister?
Stupid faggot, I actually watch Jerma. I only see faggotry in you, you don't know shit. Yeah keep watching your homotubers kek.
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our favorite niji lesbian (fake) released a figure!
>A super rich family normally wouldn't care that much about their children's spending habit
That depends on the family philosophy.
Kids with visible addictions like La+ tend to get the least wealth distribution.
What's telling that she's not super rich is how it wasn't her care-taker that's managing her assets, but her mom instead.
There's ALREADY a unique appeal to male vtubers, these retards are just to monkey level stupid to understand that. They waste their time aping everyone else (Who're also failing) and none of the innovate or try to think of something new and fun and interesting instead of actually advancing. You can't TELL them this shit either because it's like a lightbulb. Everyone knows how a lightbulb works, where you can get them, what they do, but I'd bet if I gave the materials to make one to every anon in this thread they wouldn't be able to build me one, because they don't actually understand it at all. Same thing with the faggot males, they don't think, they just copy everything horribly and even if you were to hold their hand and guide them, they'd still fuck it up because they don't GET it.
I hate these fags.
looks like she designed it herself
pikipiki piman
Those seem expensive
it's called a hanbok and it's a real traditional clothing
Oh boy I wonder how Mori's stream is toda-
>(really quiet) Wow guys we're finding a lot of good stuff here today
It's got that pepper from Holocure
When I tuned in she was screaming while getting fucked again
MTL but it seems to be some kind of ice coffee. The green pepper in coffee is a koro meme, piki piki piiman
He's not worth shit, he's just the least smelliest turd.
She's raping gura
yeah idk why i said fantasy I should go to bed lol
> the only reason to watch him instead of Jerma
That's because Jerma graduated anon...
that fag someone famous or just some random fag?
>but I'd bet if I gave the materials to make one to every anon in this thread they wouldn't be able to build me one, because they don't actually understand it at all.
I mean that depends entirely on if you expect me to make the glass bulb from scratch or not, otherwise I've made lightbulbs before, I passed Scouting and all that
yeah, by me
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im horny
Sounds like the DS1 experience to me
I understand the principle of a lightbulb. Hard to make with just the materials though, you'd need a vacuum to really get it right
What's the appeal of male vtubers? Unironically, what do they offer? Women have been buying audio porn since before vtubers existed and gamer bros are a dime a dozen.
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im eepy
major league baseball, anon
NijiHomos > than HoloHomos, there I said it, not get out of here sister and go back to your shithole
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Then go to sleep
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Hmmm bread brap
>debuffson OP
>thread currently in love with cicigigi (numbers poison) and posting kiara (lmao)
What's with /#/ and having a hard-on for the ones with... bad numbers? Isn't that kinda reverse-logic for the thread? Sure you could compare them to some dead company like Niji but you know what I mean.
Phase Connect objectively has some good streams man
>This guy is the only Male Vtuber that is worth the watch
His fans are constantly complaining about him and his streams
not him but realistically the appeal would be the ability to watch gay content without your parents or significant other catching on
What's the appeal of male anime characters?
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Holy fuck an actual homosister
rumao are you really upset over someone telling you your homos are worse than garbage?
Feminine presenting is not an adequate replacement for whores or non-whores
Okay. Doesn't mean that the /here/ pandering chuubas don't exist, and end up tainting the whole company. If I ever outgrow Hololive (this won't ever happen), I'm going to Pixellink or V4Mirai before Phase.
i will marry my korean wolf wife
Amateurs follow the ones with big numbers on CCV alone
Pros follow the Number Logistics, and the box maintenance girls are key to Logistics overall
Fuck you I am telling you and that other sister arguing w/c homo is better to get the fuck out of this thread
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Anon I'm pretty sure your parents know you're gay
they can perform incredible feats or go on amazing adventures that can't be experienced in daily life. it's interesting to see them challenged in exceptional ways and how it affects them. you'll note that very few popular male anime characters spend the series playing video games at a casual level and chatting--that kind of thing is for anime about female characters.
someone is sensitive
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Not him, but Chinman doesn't seem that bad.
I think he's referring to people with actual personalities and unique/interesting designs making good male vtubers, but that's not unique to vtubers at all. That redditor's whole point is that women don't have a streaming space that won't box them into being either a masculine woman or a thinly veiled prostitute in the entertainment space.
Mori Glitched the game permissions are ruined
Same as any vtuber, roleplay. Look at DnD as it's risen, people have become more okay with roleplay. If you're funny, guess what? You can incorporate roleplay OVER your already funny jokes, you can actually build a second layer of entertainment over your already present layer, it gives you something to work with at literally all times through a stream. You have to play a character, but the retards on twitch think that's cringe and just think of themselves as just a bunch of
>streamers with avatars
They're dumb as shit. They have something the fleshies don't that only THEY can use and they squander it. Look at Dr. Disrespect (Ignore recent events with him), he got the closest to being a flesh vtuber through his persona, but because he's still just a normal dude, there's only so far he can stretch it without something like a shitload of makeup or special effects.
The biggest and most important part of any male streamer at all is his humor, and they've got a card no one else has, yet they've ignored it for literal years now. The girls do have a bigger advantage in that they've managed to separate themselves from the twitch thot shit everyone expects of female streamers as well as this card, but it's still the biggest and best card a vtuber has. Ironically Vox was closest to this with his strange obsession with FuwaMoco, he's just cringe and unfunny.
Bleh I used to watch him before holos cus he was a friend of a friend of my fav streamer and he was mid. He was always in the middle of the pack in groups as the “ehh he kind cringe but not as cringe as the other dude”. I don’t see it, ther were probably 3-4 guys in those groups I rather watch which is the exact problem with Holostars. There always other dudes fleshstreamer more chad, funnier, more chaotic, more dramafag, etc than male Vtubers. But one thing make flesh streamers don’t do really is do BFE. That’s open, but I’m a dude and that shit is gay as fuck for me to watch
The guy is literally clearing hardest contents in the main game and fought equally with the best fighting game player in the world on his side game trip, anon.
I tried watching that daily lives of high-school boys anime and couldn't get through one episode
They just should be girls and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
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>and posting kiara
That's the bit anon, I always call him a two hours andy
She should co-op with Botan someday, the both of them can have fun exploiting From's shitty enemy AI.
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the current arc is kinda shit
she is so cute
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Gura collab when?
>Mori gets to the cute dragon goddess
>starts to gush over her
Being Morp is suffering
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I don't disagree, but feminine is really the most common term used on normalfag spaces to distinguish traditionally feminine women, which applies to a whole bunch of female vtubers. No one ever really uses that word (feminine) for trannies, whores or basketball players or butch lesbians.
No Mea no watch
Skippa skippa
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Based idk why I gave the holofag a serious respond anyways
I heard Koyori was fuming that her internet went down yesterday, damn it must have been hot
I meant homofag ….
>serious respond
beggars are SEA big surprise
Retard the holo sub doesn’t sperg if you say girls/women/etc, that was 100% trannyspeak.
Leeching miku
Ame has an unfair monopoly on the "HIC" emotes.
Our Mumei also hics a lot
I guess only the jobless SEAs are still around. I'm gonna go sleep. Bye monkeys
I agree with a lot of what you're saying here. Roleplay and an adopted persona is an important part of vtubing. I just don't think vtubing offers much to men who want to roleplay a persona.
>They have something the fleshies don't that only THEY can use and they squander it.
>Look at Dr. Disrespect
>because he's still just a normal dude, there's only so far he can stretch it without something like a shitload of makeup or special effects.
in what way has Dr Disrespect been held back by lacking a vtuber avatar? What could he have done with a live2D that he couldn't do with a wig and mustache? Choosing an anime avatar offers a woman a lot of things, like being cute and sexy, but what does it offer a man? A man who chooses to be cute and sexy is perceived as... well... a homo.
I could totally see a D&D group where everyone had their character portraits rigged, though. That could be cool.
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>he thinks the numbers thread is about numbers
Before zooming in i thought he was Chovy.
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>he thinks the numbers thread is about numbers
I'm telling you guys, homobeggars are literally deranged trannies. I wish all world governments would destroy them and their sympathizers.
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What is /#/ about?
Is Migo tongue deep in the shark? W tf she “a”?
It actually is numbers, those guys just wanna shitpost
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Count the Gigis, /#/!
Miku is Raping the Shark Cunny
He thinks we dislike low numbers
Mesugaki doko?
That's a girl
why the fuck put a chili in there
Isn't it like, bootleg /hlgg/ except you can be more upfront about hating holostars/nijisanji?
Liking kiara
The most influential thread
Liz should have been hired into holostars instead
disappointing numbers from flopvent. I guess holoEN really is dead.
How dare you call us bootleg.
We are less bias and we recognize Fauna's worth more than /hlgg/ would ever do
What even is this about?
Who’s singling her out and how exactly?
>nothing on reddit
>nothing on twitter
where is this?
clearly the unicorns, didn't you see the fanarts
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>What could he have done with a live2D that he couldn't do with a wig and mustache?
You can go further with it. IRL you'll still have to look human, with vtubing you can be a robot, a monster, etc. It just adds greater flexibility to allow you to stand out. You can still do the same as a fleshie, but the limits are more clearly defined. That's not to mention differing art styles can even add different appeals.
>Choosing an anime avatar offers a woman a lot of things, like being cute and sexy, but what does it offer a man?
You don't really have to be "cute and sexy" just fairly good looking in a normal, not faggoty way. People make fun of the generic shonen protag thing, but that's probably the better default to slip into. Decently good looking but still like a normal guy instead of
shit you see on a lot of them. Pic related, just a fairly normal looking dude in a suit, doesn't really look faggy, doesn't really look ugly either. It alone doesn't add much beyond the flexibility in terms of the "character" you play, as I said, it's absolutely true that the women benefit from it far more, they'll always be on top of vtubing, it's just frustrating seeing retards pretend they're being held down for being men instead of held down for being fucking stupid.
That's not to mention it's a little more easy for some people to accept they're watching a "character" and get into it if it's actually an animated character and not just some guy in a Spirit of Halloween wizard hat.
idk they like her a lot there
That’s a lot of words when the most successful male vtubers are all conventional bishie twinks
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nothing personnel holocels
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It's actually crazy how few male protagonists there are that are just 'everyday' dudes with no special power or fighting skills or sharp mind that can solve problems. They need to constantly be capable of helping other people, or they're useless as a protagonist.
And of course, streamers can't help people in that way - they're just there for people to watch them enjoying themselves.
Like the only exception I can think of is Satou from Welcome to the NHK. Is anyone going to become an Alex Jones vtuber that constantly screams about the government muzzling his furniture's freedom of speech and then gets swatted on stream with a handcam trying to make nitroglycerin?
I think what anon meant was that Doc could crank up his persona to 100% and make fewer viewers feel weird about it if he started with an avatar. You know that weird thing when you switch from anime to live action and see the same character unwatchable even though he behaves exactly like his anime self.
Only 35k? Koshien really fell off this year.
>with vtubing you can be a robot, a monster, etc.
what does this offer the viewer? you still can't do any robot or monster stuff, because you're just a nerd with face tracking. you're going to be playing video games and chatting. is this meant to appeal to robosexuals and monster fuckers? that's a lot more niche than people who like cute anime girls.
>just fairly good looking in a normal, not faggoty way.
there is NO WAY to put on a good looking anime boy avatar and have it not be faggoty. it is FUNDAMENTALLY faggoty. you are trading on your male avatar's attractiveness, or if you aren't there's no reason to be a vtuber.
This isn't any gayer than being a cool shonen protag with good hair and hunter eyes
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Do you think she likes the fact that no matter what she will always the buttmonkey of her gen?
Unrelated but your first paragraph reminded me to shill My Hero Academia: Vigilantes again, where it's basically
>What if MHA was good instead of not good?
Fucking top tier shit
don't care, i still love her
>homobeggars inventing scenarios in xeir heads again
I think she does like getting to be the butt pinching gremlin of her gen yes
The irony
I like how they got exposed for talking to a real life minor and a subset of fags were hyper focused on the fact they had loli images instead like it took priority over real life children.
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like clockwork
What's butmonkey mean
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Laplus please...
Shouldn't Koshien be 50-60k?
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Ayame now officially behind lamy
Kuzuha hates LGBT though
at the bare minimum
Anon, Patra sold over 1.5M USD in three ASMR Voice Packs alone. Anyone with half a brain would put her warez for sale.
I agree that Promise should have their already a long time ago tho and now they have. As for Justice, isn’t it still early?
Yeah, because faggots from here can't control themselves from posting in the catalog
What is the problem with ASA? is it because it has more bugs than ASE?
Why is he streaming on Tuvalu prime time?
other way around, we got leeches out the wazoo who only hang here so they can run to the catalog ASAP the second someone goes
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Keep coping, liveJP still lost
>It's actually crazy how few male protagonists there are that are just 'everyday' dudes with no special power or fighting skills or sharp mind that can solve problems. They need to constantly be capable of helping other people, or they're useless as a protagonist.
Very few stories can be made with a male of this type, and most of those are just SoL or a comedy.
Kinda low for one of JP's main clique leaders.
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She's a stupid whore, but I still want to smash...
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my favorite anime/series has this kind of male
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anons here overestimate Promise and Advent too much
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oh lol i just realized that the fujo acc tweeted about tempus anniversary but not advent
Who is this fucking faggot that keeps posting Google fucking Trends thinking he has some hot shit and not the most worthless resource in the entire thread
Source or rrat
It's one of ennacuck's main tricks
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She is in the lower end of autism
Mori just killed a deadbeat
Calm down gon freak
The deadbeats have killed Mori
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Why is this boy trying so hard to be sexy
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Good! deadbeats wants to get destroyed make their mashed bones be used for miso soup
It's funny seeing all the comments under the tempiss posts. People calling out the bullshit
>non 10k lammy
Japanese channels are being hit by a heavy cull right now. Just look at the koshien numbers.
Re-read that sentence you are replying to. It said “directly after debuts”.
wrong, I do like HxH tho
Nice ass
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Love them both so much
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Y boradslow
Of course meowthcuck is the idiot spamming google trends
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Fauna yo G
Terrible art. The proportions are all off.
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I hope she starts a rap battle arc
This whole diatribe is just
Ok GayVinci
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Sex with gg
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Updated ver let's go!
Nothing is happening, schizos are flips drowned from the flood
This ark arc is unironically the best holo box game arc
regloss is not hololive
We already have non niji examples for male vtubers that could be considered successful "ligger" tier. The vspo thread talks about them all the time.
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Blonde loli when? All the blondes we have right now are titty monsters.
if you're not dismissing Omegay immediately, your opinion is invalid
Gigi is daughter, not for sex
Just saw a woman reacting to Kiara's stream by going
The things women say in public with their normal accounts put the things I'm willing to say on an anonymous image board to shame, good for them, man
yo I love this artist so much
always draws beako so cute
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guy pls help I can't stop jerking to wawa
Fauna should do something similar
daughtersex. It's for educational purpose
I have to fuck the fujo out of her. Not a gremtomo but I'm willing to make this sacrifice.
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She's adorable. I have a weakness for little blonde girls.
My fucking sides have been hit
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Better Version
This is supposed to be erotic? That shit had me laughing
I was going to say "name a good male anime character that your normal guy can use as a persona". But then I realized that most of the good archetypes have already been tried, so the fact that they all suck (at least in the EN sphere) is entirely their boring ass fault.
For some reason, this big fucking piece of bread called "EN male vtuber" can only attract thousands of some of the most crippled bugs out there, none of which could carry back a big enough chunk.

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