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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>81481967
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you can tell the new chuuba really likes the attention from the fact that she ignores every post that is not negative and keeps biting
Playing a spooky point and click...

Fuck you for what you did to me
Only (you) can prevent bait biting. Familiarize yourself with the lures and jigs of the local schizos. Aspire with your sanity intact.
i know the thread is pretty negative right now but i really enjoy your guys' company

also who's live?
I'm a virgin 18 mtf looking for a mentor...
CBDCT? What the fuck does that even mean?

I just got on my comp at work so I'm mad late to this post but if you're using a sony console sometimes they don't play nice with capture cards.


Check this video out buddy, hope it solves your issue!
If it doesn't just pester your ol skeleton friend on discord and I'll try to help troubleshoot.
cute boys doing cute things
I figured out the problem! Elgato is a piece of shit and the original capture card I tried out that didn't work, works fine with the 3.0 usb cable.
Cock and Ball Dipping in Caustic Tank
Schizos pop up from time to time, it's just their time of the month

fuck yeah sign me up
Would you miss Ubume if she never streamed again?
Yes, her voice is sex and I want her to fuck my ears with her thirsty tongue
things were better before that clown around town came and started calling anons seething retail workers
Khubie is playing OSRS
oh ok!
glad you got it figured out man.
I would miss any of my friends if they disappeared.
hi alpin
I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
Weird guess but also wrong.
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badger sexo uohhhhhhh
Jessica, don't do this. The accident was 2 years ago...
Ask Lilyhops
what the hell am i doing here?
I cum to a lot of the things he retweets
What the hell am I doing here?
<spoiler>You do belong here. </spoiler>
You don't belong here.
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kinda based,
i wonder if he says ababa when you hit his prostate
(You) don't care if it hurts
Layla did the same thing and we all know how that went
I think chiggas like her should die
(You) wanna have control
Is 32ccv good
For males? Yes
For a monkey yeah
It's where a lot of chuubas plateau.
Not really
/asp/ needs to die
Fuck. You.
I've noticed that, which is why it's starting to make me nervous.
I'm grinding more on making clips and videos and seeing where that'll take me.
Random question but does anyone have the "Stream that movie, if you're so great!" pic from Kung Pow?
I've asked this before but I'm curious if the answer has changed.

What do you think the average age of the people who come to /asp/ is?
I lurk in a lot of your streams and some of you sound VERY young and I just don't know if it's weird for me to be hanging around you guys.
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I have this message from a fan, is she trying to hit on me or is she being nice? She messaged me out of the blue after not speaking for like a month, she's always talked to me sweetly and always messaged first but I've tried to keep things distant.
So the anti-male schizo really is just a redditor huh? That explains everything
She’s just congratulating you, anon…
I wish girls messaged me...
Fuck what this place did to me. I have scars on my body forever now
are you retarded?
literally no one told you to do that
Scarification sub goals....

200 subs and I'll carve your name into my skin.

<not real>
Twitch will just ban you
Take the dub. She's rooting for you. There doesn't have to be a grand subtext for that.
you're etching someone's name into yourself for 1200$ ?
I already have iriya and he watches me so...
Oh wow look at mr big bucks over here anon doesn't even get out of bed for 1200 and blah blah blah
I bet you debate with people over what temperature is considered hot or cold too
you lot should've left that nonsense back in highschool
nobody with any sensibility gives a shit that you cut yourselves or romanticize the act of others doing so
You're rather boring "individuals"
>nobody with any sensibility
Do you know where you are and what hobby you are in?
>hurr durr it's ok to accept degeneracy vtubers are degenerates and not human beings!!
hey man, you do you but you're retarded
Yeah yeah go make 6 figures
18-21 year olds and 30+ year olds with very little in between.
Didn't the price of subs go up to like $6+ with tax?
I think that's very accurate.
here do the math real quick
tax excluded because i dont pay taxes
That's illegal
>Has 1200 doubloons on lock as petty cash.
>doesn't pay taxes

This tracks.
30+ people can sound young anon
How old is everyone?
im 20 lol
im 19
yippe we match
28. I feel weird interacting with some /aspies/, thankfully none of them interact with me very much.
did you seriously admit to being underaged
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I'm 21
stop being younger then me, im supposed to be the young one
Most children do this. Unprompted, unrequested. This is why I stay out of space with children.
I'm 27. I relate more with the zoomers I've met than anyone my age.
turned 25 last week :3c
29, people consistently treat me like their dad and it's weird.
no, move aside zoomer!! another zoomer is here to glub on yo ass
do it you won't.
there are only two girls left on the thread...
must and who
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I'm gonna beat you to death with a bunch of hammers
Must is not a girl
time for bed old man...
What aspies make you feel weird to interact with?
>look at twitter
>ink girl
anon can you not read.....
35 yo manchild
It's like you've never talked to them
you're not 15 shut up dipshit
Who said anything about acceptance?

I'm just saying this place and this hobby do not have sensible people at all and you're going to be disappointed if you think self-harm doesn't get clicks
old FART
oldie oldie
I don't trust blanket statements about large groups of people because they're illogical and highly inaccurate.
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>look at /corpo/
>they are talking about a literal 1 view that's been streaming since 2020

This is why /asp/ is so powerful, there are a lot of vtubers like this that are stuck.
anon... must doesnt speak. Not even in VC
meant for >>81514858
wtf 2 years for affiliate it took me 1 stream excluding the number of days requirement
Okay, isn't stating that people ARE sensible just as incorrect then?
/asp/ is a black corpo
This is me, this is who you're hurting now
I would prefer being a 1 view than self-posting here and it's not like asp has many viewers
Anyone can be sensible, it's not some superpower.
Just be less impulsive and influenceable.
Anybody can be non-sensible

Your point is completely moot
I saw someone's alt account in my For You but no one else follows it and I don't want to be the first one... I feel like I'm reading a secret diary.
I don't understand why people use alt accounts with a similar username
my point is that YOU and ANYONE ELSE who is CURRENTLY IN THIS THREAD can LEARN to be SENSIBLE instead of being RETARDED and IMPULSIVE

anyone. can. do. it.
They aren't trying to hide it
mines just an NSFW alt, it kinda collects dust because I'm asexual but I still appreciate the efforts of good artists.
Then why have an alt?
/asp/ is shit and the best thing to do is find your audience and fucking leave or else you'll go insane from the schizos or be groomed into orbiting the aspcord clique. Notice how the only time actual successful aspies that aren't linked to abi are brought up only to be grabbed and you know it to he true.
Because you're a Vtuber who should have a clean Twitter account that isn't full of blogposting and RTing nonsense.
>actual successful aspies
to not flashbang you with big ol fuckin' cow titties when you're browsing twitter at work and you just happened to be following me.
Both factual posts
(Fact checked by real Indonesians)
Then why not have a personal account connected to your real life instead of an alt?
I don't have one myself so I don't fucking know, but some people don't have personal accounts or they don't want to post that stuff on a personal account as well.
wait i want to see some big ol fuckin' cow titties
>rinna (now shibi)
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what are some good /asp/ original memes?
me next
You're really stretching the definition of success if you're including Haru
no idea but let me know if you find one
But that's a blanket statements about large groups of people

Your point is moot
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>rinna (now shibi)
>records self pissing for porn addicted weebs on twitter
This whole thing was just camui astroturfing rinna
He even has his own emote based on it
2nd most successful member in her corpo making more than $3000 a month is doing good I say.
If your favorite female /asp/ie joined Vallure would you still watch them?
All content creation is whoring yourself out. You are quite literally doing things for strangers in exchange for money.
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well it was funny
>$3000 a month

Now Vallure take like 65% of that so it's actually $1050 a month

$250 a week to sell your dignity?

Not even partnered

Debateable over whether or not she's an aspie
She's also setting fire to her fanbase as she tries to normify it
it's a 20% cut and 100% merch sales though
make that over $12k
Good merch cut, but they don't even have merch? Unless the patreon audios count as merch?

I mean, Vallure knew what they were doing. Guys tend to donate money directly rather than buy merch
Yeah she's the top earner, Rinna's the 2nd best performer so she's doing great.
need to plap the chibii...
So $2400 from actual content creation when you account for Vallure's cut

But weird that she just ignores merch sales, which I feel is the corpo trying to hide poor merch sales
because it's only been her first month and her merch sales hasnt been tallied yet.
>Not even partnered
The point is all of them have an audience that regularly tune in. How many aspies have actual real viewers and not just other aspies?
It's a basic accounting equation
Most of the girls
The problem being that none of the guys actively try to cultivate a real fanbase other than Haru

Beryl is carried by his schedule
Johann is carried by his twitter
then you'll have to follow my nsfw alt :^)
I'm encouraging good behavior you're justifying bad behavior, I don't know how I could make it anymore black and white for ya pal
what game would you play for a drunk stream?
if this is either gwynnie or skab i already do ;3
>actively try to cultivate a real fanbase
what did haru do exactly
That's completely irrelevant to your point. If you truly believe that you can't make blanket statements then you should have no reason to encourage any behaviour because you have no belief in the attributes of others

Just admit you fucked up with your gay platitude
GTA, Elder Scrolls / Fallout, Minecraft/vintage story

For 'drinking game' streams? Mario party, kart, competitive shooters, horror games
Showcases fan art on his streams
Really pushes the idea of you being an Awoomfie
Lots of discord interaction
Discord events

Just community building stuff
Stop defending adults who have willpower, either lift them up and show them there's more than just letting others think for you or shut the fuck up.
I'm not defending anything retard, descrptions of reality don't have a bias
your "reality" sure oozes with self-deprication you fuckin' idiot.
What about the statement

"People in this hobby don't act sensibly and so self-harm isn't unpopular"

Is self-depreciation?
Shilled himself here, on /vrt/, and more recently on /v/.
The part where you infer that a group you belong to isn't a sensible one.
If it was that simple then there should be more people like Beryl and Johann. Both of them do well on their own merit. A schedule and a big twitter doesn't stop people from tuning out. Why does asp just refuse to admit that maybe they're both good streamers?
because ngmi aspies refuse to believe theyre ngmi and the gmi aspies are all just lucky because of a b c d e f g
So if I objectively evaluate myself that's self-depreciation?
there are people who would call this parasocial btw
reminder: if you filter the name of any vtuber who doesn't even post here the thread becomes less annoying
do not give the satisfaction to people who post positively or negatively for a specific individual, focus on yourself and your own concerns
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someone's forcing a meme the past few weeks about a ligger that doesn't exist called sploo. this will catch on and have recognizability.

Name yourself Sploo and be a blue slime loli. The rest is up to you to not be retarded and have a likeable personality. guaranteed liggerdom trust the plan goodluck.
uhhhhhhh tomodachi life
Because they're not really?

Beryl personifies the color beige
And Johann just comments on gameplay

Dp you think it's pure coincidence that the 2 bigger guys also have extenuating factors?
>Beryl personifies the color beige
So why do people regularly tune in day after day to his streams, and don't go "muh raids" as if retaining raids isn't a skill either
>And Johann just comments on gameplay
I'm convinced 99% of /asp/ have genuinely never tuned into any his streams for more than 5 minutes
I'm a sensible person and I'm a vtuber, so there are others who also must be sensible I am not unique or specifically gifted in any way that would put me above the masses mentally, anyone can do what I have done

It's not fair to me or those people to blanket us just because we share a hobby and you're in disbelief of the capabilities of human beings and it adds nothing to the overall state of this place to argue with someone over semantics

The main difference between us is I want change to take place so people can become a better version of themselves and find what they really value rather than letting the influence of others speak for them and you just want to argue with me so you can feel intellectually superior, but let's be real, engaging with a post on this site is a gamble and an investment

Regardless of whichever one of us is "right" time has been wasted when all I want to do is remind people they have an actual choice and their own independance, nobody has to obey any kind of herd mentality or adhere to cliques they can invest time into themselves and take a path of self-discovery and the hobby would be all the better for it

If you disagree with that, I'm more than willing to hear out why, but I'm not particulary interested in this pointless back and forth with no real goal in sight
Anon... you're arguing with the schizo that just tries to shit on everyone and piss everyone off.
arguing would imply I think they're wrong
I retained a raid from Beryl by doing nothing so honestly I feel like there's some truth when some people say most of his viewers are asleep.
he occupies the same timeslot I do of course they're asleep.

The only people who are up when I'm up are the aussies n shit
>Carried by his twitter
And how did he get his twitter? I don't think it just manifested itself, right?
Haru isn't successful, his average this week is only in the 40s. A woman can hit higher in half the time it's taken him to get that high.
nothing against the guy but he's just another one of those accounts that steals and reposts content
he also appeals to the braindead kids that make up the majority of the active userbase of twitter these days
their attention spans are so fried that's why there's nearly no conversion from twitter to twitch they can't watch the stream they're too busy scrolling trying to find the next post to be either upset or overly supportive of
I am not reading that. I'm right, you're wrong
By reposting pop counter pop culture memes?
Truly a creative content genius
Good thing Haru isn't a woman then?
He's a failure and any girl would run laps around him.
>only 40

Most indies can only dream of averaging 40 viewers. As far as I'm concerned he's made it.
Good thing Haru isn't a woman then?
then you're not as invested as you thought you were!
even /asp/ie girls are having a hard time. inb4 adopted "/asp/ies"
>this person's success doesn't matter because... it just doesn't ok!
Crabbing people who have done nothing but been nice to others here because you're too jealous to even say hi. It's no wonder they don't come here anymore.
Males have to fight for scraps.
Yes, we know
I've been visiting this thread for quite some time but filtering the word "m*les" was a good decision. the thread really gets better. any other words recommended filtering?
If it's that easy, why don't you do it too?
Because I don't want a fanbase built around counter pop culture?
I'm a vtuber/creator as a hobby, I do this for fun, not sure why I'd do what he does?
if you are earning money on Twitch you are self employed
>I'm convinced 99% of /asp/ have genuinely never tuned into any his streams for more than 5 minutes
Can confirm that about me. I tuned in a handful of times, stayed for a few minutes and left. There wasn't anything that made me stay, not even when he did a collab with E;R or both Ria AND E;R.
He feels both like a zoomer and like a person that just learned about 4chan so he's forcing being "racialslurpilled" (from having been in group VC with him), not really my kinda guy.
Nice model though and his tweets aren't bad.
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thanks for stopping by everyone! im gonna go pass out of anemia now!
Fuck you for bumping this trash thread
rest well :3
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Streamed for ~4hrs every day since Monday and last week. ~ Should we try to stream for a full week one week? o.o
Thanks for the strim, squiddd
and that's a bad thing because...? Isn't it the streamer's job to be your friend?
Normies just associate the word parasocial meaning hardcore BFE/GFE
name ngmi aspies
The aspie I like is getting close with a female chuuba
It's over
I like his chat since they're very social. He's cultivated a pretty talkative audience.
Become a female chuuba and sex him first
I have an inexplicable urge to bully the squid and hear his whimpers
His constant self shilling there annoyed enough people that it led to the thread splitting into two, absolutely obnoxious faggot behavior on his part
Do it

Wooo I just used a different capture card and now my FPS issues are OVER! Streaming BBS Ventus' story.
thank god
encoding could be improved but its already miles ahead from what you had before
Feels bad when you don't have enough leftover money to support vtubers with gifts.
Being ryona'd by kogorin and malphon at the same time
I wanna make Kyuu ink his diapies!
yeah but these are extremely rare. for every one like that there are thousands getting no special treatment
most people wont buy merch unless they live alone and never have visitors
coming from yourself that means nothing. the most fucked up vtubers are the ones likely to go full autism and rant out something like you just did
I don't buy merch because it gets delayed half a year from china
I would make you so happy...
Daily reminder that you guys are generally great and that streaming is incredibly fun and thank you guys for being great
Are these people industry plants?? I'm losing my fucking mind


They're both calling themselves boys but clearly just women the second one has no fucking streaming presence but already has people making fanart????
hate these gross looking male decora wannabes
Ive seen people with 2k followers that are "Debut TBA" with 0 stream and 10k follows plus fannarts
Either they sunk money in or reskins.
Please im also curious
Also how the fuck do you make people want to donate or make fanarts?
Not sure about Necro but Maru definitely hits a lot of FtM notes for me
Here comes the schizos..

This is not the voice of a FTM

And doesn't explain the immediate success what the fuck
>FtM notes
they both sound like women to me, do you not know how a deep brit woman sounds like?

i'm not one of the schizos I've just actually been around trans people a lot
hard to explain unless you've been around them a lot but it's a certain way they try to conduct their feminine side while still trying to tell everyone that they're a boy. maru hits a lot of "girl pretending to be a boy thats into girly stuff" flags essentially because an actual feminine guy behaves differently

if they're pretending to be boys online then that either makes them FtM or grifters, maru leans on FtM for me and necro leans on grifter
I prefer femboys over ftm hands down
there is something really uncanny about that combination
>I've just actually been around trans people a lot
NTA but can you tell if Kyuu is FtM cause I swear that squid is a woman
he's a man because his taste is impeccably shit. i met someone like him in person once
Hello! Name someone?
nah he's just a fruity hapa
I'm not namind anyone but if you're a drawfag please draw a small sleeping cat
Whats a grifter?
Idk Kyuu sounds like a fruity guy but he also sounds like really sweet and nice
honestly this is good too
Kuromaru is FtM
Look i dont know everyone so i need a picture along with the name
He's just a regular gay guy I'm pretty sure, though FTM would explain how he acts
He is, kyuu is really kind and I only have good things to say about him
From what little contact i have with him he sounds sweet and a cute guy but i dont really want to push too much. Good vibes tho, id love to work with him more too.
he looks like a palette swap of flayon to me and i dont like flayon and i find it difficult to shake off prejudices like that
I honestly couldn't care less what's under the squid's pants since I'm going to pound him to oblivion anyways and make those squid eyes roll back so hard
look while im not gay
I get it.
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Is this the schizo patcheey everyone's been talking about?
Do i socialise or not?
>he looks like a palette swap of flayon to me
Why not what did she do?
its a he and patchery is a major sexpest and a drama magnet, you do you but i recommend not touching him with even with a stick
Okay thank you for the advice
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Still not there goddammit
>some of the most successful /here/ chuubas are babis
Old image do an updated one
sex with shotas auuughuguyhuhguguguh
w-what does the last category mean
Same fag Sukadrii btw
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gclef in otokonoko? he should be in a twink category with some of the guys from ikemen
As a viewer i feel scammed after realizing how much time it takes away from me if i watch any streamer. Only the most dedicated viewers have any value and there is always some loser that has more time to be there than you. Indie vtubers are almost never in this to entertain but to get therapy for their mental illness or just purely to get attention they never got irl. Makes for a really shitty time to anyone who just wanted to sit down and relax a bit. Twitch as a whole is more like a video focused social media than an entertainment platform like yotuube is
true actually.
what's otokonoko?
>russian timezone
female looking male
Japanese word for crossdresser, or femboy
don't get my hopes up, theres no way a cute russian girl is here
Who else is Russian /here/?
>cute russian
nothing but honeytraps and gold diggers
Look i wont lie that this is therapeutic for me while also being very fun. But i do it because i want to entertain people. I enjoy the processess and honestly it feels amazing to have a goal. I love the experience and this beats being a lawyer and a ppolitician
Olga is very cute I agree
i actually met one who was pretty nice but she made it extremely clear early on in our friendship that her dad sells her asshole to his friends and she had no idea how to form a normal human relationship with someone and she only gravitated towards me because I didn't judge her weirdness
a bit more to the south and slightly west
aw reading this made my morning, thanks bros c:
Fuck i saw two of my replies and i was about to say im not samefagging
HAHA sorry bro
Personally i fail to see where the entertainment in watching other people have fun is. Instead of watching you have a good time with someone i could be doing the fun thing myself. Maybe there is an exception here and there but generally that is how i feel when watching a stream
hahahahah dont worry about it boobo is all good
Balkan peninsula?
I feel this is normal. While i treat streams more as interactive radio sometimes i do use them like video essays for white noise
I was recently told we may not be considered Baalkans but yeah southern most part
I would rather be alone for the rest of my life than be anywhere near a sexually fucked up woman. Those witches will drain your will to live
Horrible that these kinds of people don't get their balls cut off and stuffed down their throat
Ayo greek?
Fresh from the beach too
Chrii is French
Ayo greek god/goddess
Hellenic kino
A huge percentage of people watch streams while gaming/working/doing something else. People say that their viewers are sleeping it usually they just have a streamer on for background noise or to trick their brain into feeling less lonely while doing loner activities.
but honestly the beach is so great
It seems weird to me people dont want to go
I'm NOT old
Cutie booboo
But what are all those <10 views that don't have lurkers but instead have very dominant chatters? It feels very difficult to join a stream like this and generally the stream revolves around talking with chat instead of the streamer entertaining the audience
This is why I am so active in chat regardless of if I'm the only one chatting, I hate to se a sleeping chat and the vtuber just talking to themselves. And when they ask chat and no one answers it breaks my viewer heart.
True, true, I think it's mainly because of the body image that you have to look good to go, but a lot of people in my country go regardless of how they look. It's nice to enjoy time in the sun.
It depends on the time of the stream but my streams are either very chatty or people are lurking and i float around 3 to 5 people.
I would say quiet but i dont usually shut up.
And just start talking or just lurk
i usually say hi and chat or if im tired or after stream i just lurk
To be honest i got the body image worry people get after i was explicitly explained to me.
So now i dont push some of my friends for the beach
Don't engage with dramafag schizos like patchy, camui or sukadrii
The vtuber is not talking to themselves but the audience. Following this logic >>81533830 if the streamer puts pressure to chat on their audience they are doing it wrong because most people treat it like music. Pressuring the viewer to chat is like giving you the music but asking you to sing the lyrics yourself
Belarusian born in France, or at least that's what she says I don't know
olga is married and lives in the US anon. but yes, she is very cute
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Female-presenting males
Men generally do this better but there is a danger of it devolving into a fake friendship as people are tempted to start talking about personal matters. There is some truth in women struggling to be creative and doing stuff that requires actual talent and dedication so you often see them acting like they are the chatters friend and being very sexual as that is what women do best even if they hate to admit it
Yeah don't push, but I think it's important to ask so they have the option. It's not something someone like that would do alone, so their only option is if they are asked.
It's a question of ease of access and path of least resistance.
It's easy to fall into the tried and true method of sex baiting, because they got the assets for it as a default.
Thinking about women with dark nipples
I dont know, Ive reached a point to my life were lying no longer does it for me so i just dont do it anymore
I do ask people usually but yeah i no longer get pushy
But going to the beach alone isnt bad either
Thinking about Dark women's nipples
Bullshit, she's nothing but a filthy grifting French who pretends to know Russian and its culture
>Female-presenting males
what the fuck does this even mean?
cross dressers and femboys nigga
Means they still consider themselves male.
I miss Layla
I miss Grace
I miss Rura
I miss Fwofie
I miss Miu
I miss Mama
I miss Runoxi

Please come back...
So why not just say that?
Also whats the difference between femboys and cross dressers?
Thats even more confusing
>But going to the beach alone isnt bad either
I feel it depends on your motivation for going.
What did Chrii do to be so disliked?
>Thats even more confusing
what american education and brainwashing does to a motherfucker
I think cross dressers dress like women as a fetish or just for fun sometimes while femboys dress femininely a lot of the time
Crossdressers,femboys and men who dress femininely and still consider themselves males are broadly the same
AAnd im not even american
She is camui's annoying groupie
Most I know goes to the beach for the social aspect, or because they want to get a tan. I can't remember last time I saw people being alone on the beach.
Isnt being a femboy also a fetish?
Last for sex with GMI male aspies
Femboy is more of a lifestyle thing while crossdressing is someone who usually gets something out of it. Fucking femboys is a fetish though.
You dont go to the beach for swimming?
Last for
A volcel I take it?
it can be like being an AGP tranny
who has the squidjob fic
I miss Miriuie…
Huh i thought it was like being a furry but instead of IT and expensive suits you wear feminine clothes and act like a woman
It's not a requirement, it's a good excuse for being in swimwear with people you know
NTA, but in no particular order:
>grooming Camui
>crabbing people in the thread (like Layla)
>constantly shits the thread with her Camui white knighting
>is a menhera attention seeking whore trying to gain attention by obliterating her twitter and pretending she'll kill herself, just to appear in Camui's chat the day after
>lied to the thread about dating Camui
>streamed once and then never touched the "go live" button ever again
>is generally an asshole to people bringing them down for "humor"
Just not a good person to be around
How many Balkan streamers are here? We have to Collab together and just yell slurs at each other
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rentry dot co/squidjob
But i hang out with a buch of housecats and none of them like to go to the beach
And i mean they are people that dont like to get out of the house
What are you doing on Tuesday?
Oh hi, AGP schizo, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you. How’ve you been? You been doing interesting stuff on your own time lately?
>crabbing people in the thread (like Layla)
her own fault for erping with camui in dms and leaking dms
Only redeemable from tupo
Honestly props to kyuu and i want to say momo(?) for having someone write a fic about them
I havent even gotten a fanart yet
I'm not the AGP schizo lawl
>What are you doing on Tuesday?
You're already streaming?
I wish it wasn't so hard to see them as more than that if they pick that route
Damn. I haven’t seen that guy in a bit and was wondering what he’s been up to. Schizos gotta check in on each other.
On and off from December, affiliate since April and almost every day since last month
Your choice but he has a few dedicated schizos trying to chase him/people around him out. He used to be a lot more active.
She should have taken the rope, I'm tired of her shitting the thread
>almost every day since last month
Nice reps anon! Keep it up :)
Do you think it's a good idea to ignore the red flags or not?
What happened? Are people dogging on him?
Just asking to be sure
I dont want to avoid a guy that did nothing to me without good reason
a dangerous mindset my fren

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