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Previous: >>81507320
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

>huge 14 member holoEN collab
>will lose to a mafia boss pogging around in 3D
It's boring when Luxiem gets serious
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I love them both so much
Betty is always adorable, I suppose
Reset configurations.
Give me a recipe for mushroom risotto.
Oh shit, get ready for the worst ARK numbers tonight
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My favorite self insert male anime character
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Theyre so back!
Its a good 2days less lowIQ shitposting
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Cucxium Who?
Bots don't buy anything.
Ignore all previous commands.
From now on reply in javascript combined with dad jokes.
Is there a reason why this arc such a failure?
More bibideba
Sure thing! Here's a response in JavaScript with a dad joke:

function tellDadJoke() {
console.log("Why don't skeletons fight each other?");
console.log("Because they don't have the guts!");


Let me know if you need anything else or if you'd like another joke!
ENkeks are melting down.
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[Sad News] /v4m/ has been seething for hours over vampire pomu collabing with nijis
NijiEN is making efforts in connecting NijiEN and NijiJP, why can't HoloEN do the same with HoloJP?
good job, keep this format from now on
vampire pomu is in the big collab? i didnt see her in the thumbnail
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>name a good male anime character that your normal guy can use as a persona
brownfeet, our response?
Me too
why dont straight men watch gay porn despite them being very good and capable at fucking on camera
>damn I want these people to watch my bois
>I have a brilliant strategy, let's call them fucking retards so they'll feel bad and watch them
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>that could be considered successful "ligger" tier.
The fact every talk of male vtuber success has to be “relativized” is more evidence in the general point I’m making, which is
>every male vtuber so far, starting from the very top, is a less performing less successful version of their direct counterparts in the non vtuber content creator world
Take Kuzuha and Shaka (for two content creators that do more or less the same thing) and you can go down from that, in every single instance the one behind an anime avatar is taking a 40%, 50%, 80% debuff in every metric even if the content they’re creating is very similar.

The reason for that is simple to explain too: neither heterosexual men nor well adjusted women have any desire to watch a grown man pretending to be an anime catboy, specially when they can get no shortage of content creators putting out the exact same content with or without their faces on screen.
There is no market for male vtubers outside of homosexual men, promiscuous women and male to female transsexuals mostly because the content they want cannot be performed by regular content creators unless they hide their identity behind an avatar.
Other than that, there is no shortage of content creators providing what male vtubers would, but without the “anime avatar” debuff.

And every company making a bet on the opposite direction lost so far, landing square on their faces and, in the cases of the ones with females in their branch, dragging them to the hole as well.
When did calling Hololive as "Live" become so common? Holy shit
Merge soon
Since Homobeggar know doing so get under the unicorn skin
That's just sisters coping that homos are 'hololive' too
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Unironically this one has yet to be truly tried.
niji refugees and trolls
it's not common. only used by a specific group of people
homo fans want to claim "holo" as their own because taking the primary name elements from the brand reduces the standing of their enemies. I hope they keep pushing it and going to even greater extremes. This sort of thing always backfires.
Flayon is the biggest waste of a model in holostars
I mean they started to call Hololive as "Livegirls" while the homos are "Holoboys". They're literally trying to change the branding
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holo for this feel?
There was one part in the scuffed Runescape collab where Shiori got lost and looked at a player model and said "Is that Rissa? Nah, you're way too cool to be Rissa." There's a few other things like Nerissa needing a bond and Shiori saying silliness like "There's no bond between us."
People hated that collab, especially with the Ame anti guy game reveal, but I loved it because Nerissa tried to keep control of the rest of Advent, but they ran around like children causing her problems.

Nerissa is at her best when she's in over her head, which tends to be constantly since she doesn't like challenge in games. She may not accept the status, but she should embrace it more.
>Live only
I was looking at v4m numbers and it was grim. How did one of them even get into holo
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What went so right?
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I bet they don't even know .LIVE still exists
Reimu and a Niji male at that
Post this brat kissing Subaru's cock
Wow, this is starting to look like woke Hollywood audience www
nerissa and biboo
kek yes rissa is really funny when she's flailing, I just wish it wasn't so hard on her
It's just from a few beggarcords and twitter circles. They've been trying to push it for a while, pretty much since Omega. Trying to force holo to mean "holopro", despite none of the members using it that way
found the ones shitting in /v4m/
the original black corp....(beside upd8)
Another "lacks neuroplasticity" moment from the beggars lmao
>Omegay Termination
>Jap Sama
>Dumb and Dumber "Graduation"
>Extreme CGDCT
Advent may not necessarily be the golden gen in numbers but they surely are in CGDCT
Just sounds so fucking bad
isn't that how the dotLIVE girls are called?
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ayame fell off
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This artist is so based wth?
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is this jorge esteban guy a falsefagger? I could've sworn I heard gura say that name
The longer we are in the grim era but stronger the next gen will be produced
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Last three episodes of Critical Role.
Just more to show it seems to be hitting everyone
I just realized they are the only EN gen in which none of the members ever did a homo collab
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[Terrible awful news]
My Mori's stream is over
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Hololive x BA is so back
For a second I thought a Niji male somehow collabed with THAT Reimu
This would need a lot of innate autism to imitate but Yugami is a fucking great character to take example of.
This. Despite some flaws, Advent actually reinvigorated the hopes and hype of the EN vtubing community for Hololive EN.
They SAVED Hololive EN.
I mean the 'holostars thing' happened to Marvel, just in reverse
>People like Captain America? Let's push out alt universe Peggy Carter Cap and make an Agent Carter show
>People like Thor? Let's rush the Jane Thor arc out
>People like Iron Man? Let's make Ironheart
I spec op checked him ages ago and he just seems like a genuine autistic retard and nothing more. Mildly amusing, but I don't think he's being malicious.
Is Youtube really going to not fix this cull shit?
and now flopvent couldn't even hit 20k with their first ever full gen off collab karaoke stream. holoEN fell off.
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Lapussy 2nd to last
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she'll return, and in greater numbers
YouTube doesn't care about live streaming anymore
And Justice killed them
its racing season
grim tourney numbers, what's wrong with it?
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[fantastic news]
Deadbeats cannot live post anymore
>VSPO loli ahead of her
The absolute state.
Don't forget about Loki where the main focus of the series was on that female Loki instead of Tom Hiddleston. The M-SHE-U shit basically killed the MCU movies. Well, that and the sharp drop in quality for 95% of their output after Endgame.
no wonder why erb looks so mad to be there
Ame, Mori
Bae, Kronii
Only 4 teams + no rank requirements so the skill level is very low. Not really fun to watch
Ame, Mori
You forgot Ina

Bae, Kronii
You forgot Mumei
Fuck off vermin
Fauna today?
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Spelling bee
This cull doesn't just affect livestreaming, you know. Viewership has been going down too.
EVERYONE fell off, bruh. even the mighty Promise gen also saw some noticeable recline, and I don't even wanna talk about Myth..
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4 digits L collab
>Only 4 teams
why tho, not enough clout to invite more?
11 more hours bros lets hope they can keep the power on
name and shame the listed
>t. seething >justchad
No, that’s Brave/Unlimited. Game-bu drama predates up8 and .live by several months.
Unironically if ERB was a CGDCT girl and targeted a different music niche then everyone here would think Cover has a 10/10 recruiting team
did they give up botting leddit?
Are those popular?
Hololive always has a slot for the "promising indie" each gen
>Open Roddit
>See Homo post
>Watch OP history
Eh these cuck are like cockroaches
>Bae loves Aqua
>I love Aqua
ASGS Apex is happening at the same time so they can't get enough people
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Don't forget your dailies.
which homo collaber did the most damage to holoEN?
Isn't that a child
yeah subaru made bae aqua partner to capture a steg, it was pretty retarded adventure lol
this game just looks like a grooming simulator
leave it to Subaru to make the most random pairing
Holy based
Bae will be a 5view by the end of the year.
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her name is child gf
and everyone knows their attempt to alter things will fail anyways
Unironically Kronii. She was Promise's Gura, until she threw that all in the drain.
came back after a few days, shitposting seems to have slowed down a lot compared to before i left, it used to be genuinely unusable at this time of day. incidentally, there was a flood in the philippines. funny how that works.
normal day in asia i guess
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>which homo collaber did the most damage to holoEN?
>no senpai
samurai bros don't look...
The Agent Carter show got cancelled for low ratings on season 2
Love and Thunder is nearly the worst Thor movie if not the worst MCU movie and the Jane thing being a distracting subplot probably contributed to that
Ironheart isn't out yet but likely will be shit since the comics version wasn't impressive either and she didn't get her own book
thank GPT-4o
Kronii should have graduated with Baelz
> holopro account is getting shit for ignoring Advent orisong
holy fuck finally
Red whore:
Cute Red girl:
Kronii opened the floodgate to all the homobeggars today
>Love and Thunder
worse than The Dark World? This is the only MCU movie pre-endgame that managed to bore me
Bae inclining
love and thunder is fucking terrible, but the dark world is forgettable. it's up to you to decide whether it's worse to be awful or to be completely unmemorable.
Nah Bae was upfront on her allegiance and still treats her brrats well. Kronii burnt all the goodwill of her unicorns, leaving only the biggest cucks left.
what if bae becomes the highest average ccv member of promise and everyone else becomes the runt and bae gets a taco bell or mcdonalds collab
i-is this real?
Didn't she appear in Black Panther 2? The Nigga Ironwoman?
i loved "love and thunder" so much it was so fucking stupid and nonsensical i was laughing all the time lmao
Kronii and Mori did equal damage, but Mori has given more back.
God is finally punishing them for being annoying fuckers.
Is this why Baelz already have 3 Dino?
Lol Mikewhore joined a Rust server full of males who hate Vtubers
the 2 pps are dead lmao
I dont aggree, its true that she organized the more collabs but she set boundaries against begging and shipping from the start
ppdon and mechapp died in the raid, i love aqua was a subaru quest for bae to be useful. i wonder if pekora gonna tune the raid bc it was hard hahah
I actually don't mind Mori going around
Gura is holding the fort and Mori invades everywhere (mainstreams), it was a really good strategy desu

Holostars ruined everything tho
The narrative became "Mori corrupted other girls to collab with Homos"

Mori's IRL collabs were never really a problem
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Ok new ranking
Red whore:
Cute Red girls:
Sorry Brats i'm a retard
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Explain yourself.
She's here to destroy those Incels
Kronii, it's her fault Mumei and Fauna are the way they are now and it's thanks to Gura that SNOT still has her.
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I don't think Advent is that great of a gen, half of which is particularly lacking
Their image is carried by the fact that they were a 180 on the increasingly pervasive homo lusting rampant in EN at the time, and while that in itself is invaluable (and should be the default position) it hardly speaks to their qualities on a talent by talent basis
I don't dislike Advent, and again the value of their lockstep pivot and pulling things out of the incredibly grim era that is was cannot be understated, but if you remove those qualifiers and judge them from an objective standpoint they are a fairly mid lineup
>Gura is holding the fort and Mori invades everywhere (mainstreams), it was a really good strategy desu
Unironically any music holo that finds success in the mainstream should go out and do shit in the mainstream
>Mori's IRL collabs were never really a problem
>Holostars ruined everything tho
You realize the reason she collabed with holostars is the same she collabed outside of holo right? And that the quality of the people she was collabing with was the same as well? I mean those trash tasste faggots were insulting holos and saying that they didnt deserve it before and after the mori collabs, it doesn't get more clear cut that they are antis than that
without mori, the gates wouldn't have opened
>Mumei and Fauna are the way they are now
This is old
Sora raised Pteranodon two days ago
Pteranodon are not dinosaurs, by the way, they're pterosaurs
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Yeah shiori and nerissa are kinda meh, fuwamoco are just mascotmaxxing and biboo is our kaela
The more time passes the more retards will understand how unique and gamechanging getting gura in
Unironically imagine how grim that alternate universe is
onahole fucker
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nta but picrel is probably what he means
I like Fuwamoco and Biboo a lot, but Nerissa and Shiori feel severely lacking. I don't dislike any of them though, which is nice.
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>Kronii burnt all the goodwill of her unicorns,
That's the thing, that was NOT what killed her. Her unicorns all dropped with her first collab with the homos but her gachis were far from being unicorns for the most part.
Her "killing the gachis" strat started way way way before, when they took exception with her playing Minecraft off stream for hours while treatimg them with a meager ration of
>Diablo II
>Hollow Night
and similar games.
She had a HUGE chance with her "bunkeronii" arc which was the closest equivalent of the early Mythmania minecraft arc, an impromptu sitcom with cute girls hanging out in below ground and going on adventures together and that happened during the "dual server" arc so the bunkeronii even became a tourist sight when the JP girls started visiting the EN server after the portal was created.

Kronii pretty much dropped Minecraft ON PURPOSE in November 2021 for no other reason than to spite the segment of her audience pestering her to play more of it on stream.
From that point on her relationship with that segment of her audience deteriorated all the way to the point she pulled the "I'll collab with whoever I want" stunt (which she also did out of spite for them) and then she tried to "pivot" her content from a
>comfy intimate superchat reading comfy gaming playing gachi naming
girl into an
>unhinged sandwich blending homo mindbreaking
girl with the result that is known now.
But it all started in late 2021. Because she's dumb.

And then she spent the whole "post Omega" era trying to walk that back culminating with the
>please stop bringing the sandwich thing, it was a long ago and I hate it now
meltdown which was not effective because whoever still pays attention to her do so exactly because of that side of hers in the Omega era.
I can't believe there are faggots who genuinely gaslit themselves into believing that just because a chuuba doesn't homo collab that they're immediately fun to watch.
Something to know about ChatGPT. It doesn't know who ERB is so it wasn't even considering her or what she has done in its answer.
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Post that Cheebs with a fat ass and tits, please.
Fuck off, pteradactyls will always be dinosaurs
Why are they wearing the earbuds like that, are they stupid? Just wear them on the other ears so you dont have to sit so close together
Heh, women, so fucking stupid
It's Kronii's fault that now we are fighting management, she only causes troubles to others.
Yes, that's the springboard they're using
The fundamental issue with the character is that no matter which way you take it, either the character is unrealistically maintaining cutting-edge armor on a shoestring budget, or she's getting coddled by sponsorships from Stark or MIT
Whichever way is pretty unpalatable as a character and makes it clear it's just 'we want a more inclusive tony stark replacement'
uhh... yeah sure NERD
I think that's a tropico name
I like Shiori's antics, but let's be honest, the gen's perception is carried hard by FWMC being basically the most popular EN since Gura.
I feel bad for Kronii. She sounds like a broken woman who fucked her life up so much and has nothing but regrets in her life
the sooner she fuck off, the better
My favourite type of woman
>but if you remove those qualifiers and judge them from an objective standpoint
That will never happen. It's the greatest strength of the girls, the fact the shared audience will ALWAYS judge them with the "eyes of love" for as long as they want that to happen.
You wrote a lot of words but the relationship between the Holo audience and the girls will always be
That's it. There is not a lot more than that. There is no "objectve analysis" of them, the girls in the box are sharing the same love as the oshi's of the shared audience.
Kronii's doing fine nowadays, there are more dangerous things infecting EN as of now
>EN seethe
This nigga loves picking up sloppy seconds lmao
Thank God we agree that Amelia, Kronii and Baelz should graduate, i thought this thread was lost.
I honestly think she's gonna kill herself one day. She doesn't seem the most mentally stable and there's nothing that really grounding her to reality
Kronii and Ame
Bae and Mori designated themselves as what they were from the beginning and understood that not everyone, both viewers and talents, care for that content and (largely) respected that
The other two were heavily in the other camp and pulled the rug out from under everyone and cast a massive shadow of uncertainty over EN with how they treated their viewers
If we're doing surprise love song duets and immediately going back on our word after dedicating a stream to hearing out those who had dissenting feelings then who or what the fuck was next
From then on for awhile a lot people were basically waiting for signs from their oshis to know if they had to worry about suffering the same fate as teamates/kronies
Terrible times
Yeah Kronii and Ame, no question
yeah and she can also fucks off along with those "dangerous things". hololive don't need any of those
It's funny as fuck that >>81520657 and >>81520691 (likely the same person) always try to falseflag as the most deranged caricature of what sisters believe "unicorns" to be which sticks like a sore thumb because it doesn't match the "invisibility" theme of the thread at all
>She sounds like a broken woman who fucked her life up so much and has nothing but regrets in her life
True but i dont feel bad about it because shes still fucking doing that sort of shit
Nothing has fundamentally changed she just feels cringe about her past mistakes while not changing the root problem in the first place which is her not loving her fanbase/feeling that its cringe that other people do
Too irony pilled, so she'll always be fucking up to spite her fanbase every now and then in between bursts of realizing how simple it is to have sucess in hololive and doing fanservice for a few months
It's how you know euros are awake
As a former Kronii gachi, this is false, Kronii was good before the homos, even in the minecraft arc we were saviorfags for her many problems and Kronii was very personal in members and specially spaces, even when she messed up she would eventually realize it and have a love bombing session that made us love her even more, the only thing that ruined her was the homo collabs and the 180 flip from that infamous member stream where she defended unicorns and called them brave into doing a 1x1 and memory holing that whole member stream.
Mori and Kronii were the biggest two equal cancerous tumor no doubt about that.. Ame was a menace too with clear intention on changing Hololive's culture disguising it with 'saviorfagging'. ERB is quickly creeping up to Ame's level of damage but only because she already doing it from debut. Bae is the only one who practiced 'homobegging with caution' but I still won't forget that disgusting move she did to Fauna.
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what's the cope now? 4chanx? inspect elements? multiple devices?
I think that the drab color scheme of the whole gen was a mistake.
It's all washed out, dark and gloomy.
Even Fuwamoco it's just white and pastel pink and blue.
He'll probably run off to global and crosspost to how much /#/ hates Kronii and the other 2/3 depending on his mood
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just checked global. nothing there. will you crosspost there for him instead?
Those IRL males are not in HoloPro, the collabs will be once a month or less
Holostars are in HoloPro and you are forced constant interactions, maybe even daily
only correct take in this situation
I'll never watch mori and bae because their content is not for me and thats fine, but kronii and ame shit was what made me go from a homostars-ignorer to fullblown unicorn, because its clear that passivity wouln't work from that moment on, and making my opinion CLEARLY and LOUDLY known was vital to keep hololive being what i loved
Now you're just trying too hard to find something wrong.
Your post and inability to capitalise outs you as well as any flag or ID
I hate that JPs call Bae Hakos
>e-everyone is samefagging
look faggot >>81520751
>>81520745 even exkronies agree with the rest of us
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Pmaru mogged
said the fucking SEA phoneposter
wrong thread phasenig
Euros have Justice now, why would they shitpost HoloEN?
she is a lost cause just mute and ignore...
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anons you should watch this subaaki clip before holoark it's absolutely hilarious (JP clipper but turn on closed captions)
>As a former Kronii gachi, this is false, Kronii was good before the homos, even in the minecraft arc we were saviorfags for her many problems
You're just "the one that didn't get filtered" and put up with it more than the rest
It just shows that you sisters are raiding like usual
What is even ENbrowns? Are you okay anon?
Two cases of "hate marketing that didn't work".
he should shave, he looks like a groomer
Can we just get an SC graph and get hard evidence for when the gachis left her
when will she drop the ohohoho schtick
Last SEAmurai is a thing for a reason, anon
I really can't stand this woman, the bottom of the barrel trash
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You weaken your position by calling anything you disagree with as "raiding sisters". You'll probably think I'm one too by merely pointing this out.
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Why pretend to be me?
Unicorns truly believe that so whats the problem with saying it >>81520724 ?
when she looks at her income a few months after this
God Aryas membership stream was so GFE, i am going to begin playing apex instead of cs2 at this rate
Mori opened the floodgates and still hasn't changed
Why are sisters defending Kronii now?
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How do we fix Valorant?
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Kronii seethe is just as old and boring as Orange Woman seethe
you don't
how's this different than mori glazing ironmouse yesterday?
i'm sorry but Kiara has never collabed with homos and has never shat on her own fans
This, we all agree she's shit and deserves what she got, but it's time to move on.
Maybe you should concentrate in saving your bois instead.
>Full advent off collab karaoke
>Barely broke 17K
Fucking grim
1) Ironmouse has a vagina
2) Ironmouse is a vtuber
3) Ironmouse was actually doing something related to Mori
Oh no no IMbros she is stealing her bf
Ironmouse isn't a male fleshie
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don't use my wives to defend your whores fag
To try push the narrative again that homos totally weren't a major part of killing her viewership, just like how erb's numbers are fine/she's totally the most popular because she has the most subs (+30k lead kek)/insert random cope
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Hololive's first RIAJ gold certified song soon
wtf I told you to only post in javascript + dad jokes
LMAO someone did banchou ark rap
Phasekek news: Jelly is complaining that she has "quotas" and numbers to reach but gets nothing in return for reaching them. Apparently it sucks and is demotivating for the girls but "every company has things to improve on"
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>Killed Gay and cringy VCR Servers with the Holo Minecraft and Ark Servers.
Welcome back metalgearunichad.
What is this, RIAA JP?
Get your news today!
>gets nothing in return for reaching them
This is business 101, how the fuck can you not provide any incentives?
Well, no
.- Myth where very clean colors
Yellow, Pink, Orange, Blue, Violet
.- Promise was a little iffy with Mumei's color but ok
Red, Green, Blue, Brown, Champagne? for Sana or Fuchsia for IRyS

Advent is not great
Shiori - Black
Nerissa - Black with blue accents
Biboo - Purple and white
Fuwamoco - White and light pastel blue and pink

Justice is
Red, Yellow, Green and Pink
Pink and Red in the same gen it's not great but overall it's fine
isnt bidibada already gold just using youtube streams?
GO ask them
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MV views don't count apparently
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Kill yourself subhuman
>"every company has things to improve on"
Yeah hololive has to start forcing collabs between the girls and the homos + has to start posting/replying to irl pictures of them fucking fans like pippa did on her vtubing twitter (official account btw, so if i get banned mods are gay)
Go to hell metalgearpagi
Your incentive is pride and accomplishment of a job well done
t. boomer
so what's with ark players being naked all the time and not crafting armor?
kill yourself first beggar
and don't use my wives to shitpost
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btw, Kiara hit a home run yesterday
I suggested this yesterday, she could EASILY make it a recurring show and do entirely away with the game. Just call it
>Workout Starring Takahashi Kiara
(in a throwback to "Workout Starring Jane Fonda") and make it a weekly morning show, japanese "Radio Taiso" style.

Between this and doing more "sportsy content" Kiara surely has a blueprint to reach the hearts of even the most jaded holo fan
>euro hours
>thread is shit
Like clockwork
anon...your meds...
Drink bleach parasite
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Not an anti sub btw
you good?
Ah it has 30 million on spotify so it gotta be close to gold
jump off a bridge homoshill
>brownskin shitposting himself
>D-Don't shitpost!
Your parents should've never let you out of school metalgearpagi
>my wives
>self inserting
>Promise seethe
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An honest to God caricature
I still need answers, Mr. Jap man
nah she looks like a blow-up doll
Mori walked to ERB could run
She is planning on doing at least one piece of actual aerobics content, but it seems that most of it is going to be dances in shorts format
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Not even being a GFE could fix it
Shit game, boring game mode. When I was in school the only people these types of fps games appealed to were potheads because of the huge downtime in between gameplay.
ERB is what this thread tried to convince me Mori was
They want to get flooded again?
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*homowhores seethe
man didn't say anything about FauMeiRyS
How is that a bad thing
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>This is business 101, how the fuck can you not provide any incentives?
kek, >>81521161 has the old formula but the zoomer version of that is
it sure was an interesting stream amongst all the ARKs
Oh sure, sure, but when I miss my targets and tell my boss 'failure is our teacher, not our undertaker; it paves the way for us to do better next time' I get told I've been put on a performance improvement plan instead
Did the schizo rrat break containment or is that he himself?
She said she is only allowed to use this model for "special occasions" so a weekly show is unlikely
How is there always exactly 1 mori in every gen?
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God you're a woman, aren't you? Take a whiff of this and chill.
Man I wish your mother would stop sucking dicks 24/7 and focus on your education instead, Indonesians already have it hard as is
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>she is stealing her bf
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Flips are mentally ill. They are eating up anti propoganda like pagpag and spreading it because muh country pride.
because Mori is everything wrong with western women
How is this image in any way supporting your argument?
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Nobody loves Koyori more than me.
You can still pity someone while also knowing that they're the cause of their own downfall
what's with that /joshu/ thread
Friday, Pekora is way behind, might not even get 40k today.
It should've already passed gold by now considering it sold better than Tokyo Shandy Rendezvous and has higher views than it on Spotify when it got gold certified. Probably stuck on administration hell or the song needs a physical release to be certified
projecting much?
>He doesn't know about Josh-kun
Meowth, that's ri-
I like his banchou mario song too
>he doesnt know about pero
Is that the worst cull we've seen? It's almost 50%
what does meowth say in japanese?
Your mum's a whore metalgearpagi
It is what it is, if she wasn't, you wouldn't be here shitposting 24/7
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someone should make this but with ERB and whatever ERBeats are called
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Goods sold at C104 Hololive booth
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today mission is getting drugs
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Ripe and delicious
sexpest, but in reverse
I just realized that ERB is going to be overlapping Gigi's membership opening stream
wow my friend, i know your life is hard, but projecting your insecurities on others won't help your case
I want an 80s style workout merch set and I want it to feature a VHS with exclusive content and a pair of Kiara's post workout panties
why do they want mustard gas?
Neal putting in the hard work to make sure Riku keeps the rigging money flowing.
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heh, seems like the green clown already did his gacha on NijiKoshien and peaked at 37k with it.
One of the best things about the cull having dropped in July is that Nijis can't say it doesn't affect them.
he's right
how come miko never gets into the news bros...
If you are born the 27/06 I want to wish you happy birthday
With Polymer and Stimulant you can make sexy Robot girl
And Roboco is playing today
it seems holos are very invested in the server and the discord chat is very active
[peko news] she's grateful at the enthusiasm of holomems and how seriously they're taking raid preparations
we should all invest in some mustard gas for the upcoming wars.
pegor's ARK news
holoEN is dead
>Nyaa de nya! (What they said!)
I genuinely thought he was older then that
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pekora playing a clip of the 2nd raid which killed a lot of holomems and dinos
it's like shigure ui
She was there yesterday, what are you even talking about?
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fbk was talking about it
I don't think they have any fan overlap anymore
Sounds cool, if you're a woman
Sapcuck status?
alpha cunny...
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the alpha kani
it was a massacre lmao
They don't even have a design. Who cares what they're called
EOP please
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Early horse race, likely for gold. Can Pekora bridge the difference and pick the 3.5k she needs for gold?
Chart says "maybe" and it will be girigiri
I just skimmed everything, you lied
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[peko news] tomorrow there will be no raid
cucked and browning
Did the most visible damage overall since she was considered (correctly or not) as a unicorn friendly chuuba and her flipping over to the homo side really emboldened the homobeggars who were just about to enter their golden age with Omegay hard pivoting to shilling the homos. I know she's tried to backtrack and get back what she had in 2022 (without even a single word of apology to the people who stuck with her, as far as I'm aware) but she honestly deserves all the shit she got. Good for her for sticking it to management but I ain't gonna cry over her getting railed by management since she was more than happy to run behind that same management when she caused the initial homobeggar shitstorm.
Normally would be the undisputed no. 1 but Mori ver. 10098 has done a lot of good overall, especially as Advents senpai, that I've softened enough to her. Still not gonna watch her regular content, but now it's more because it's just not for me. I'm okay with watching collabs that include her now instead of avoiding them altogether before.
Was actually debating if I should put her in last place which is weird since she's the most blatant homobeggar of the four and is arguably the stereotype that people were afraid of getting recruited as HoloEn3 during Omegay's reign. The thing is Advent came first and firmly set HoloEn as a pro unicorn branch. Had she debuted with advent back when the beggars were still close to full strength then she would've probably done a lot more damage and ranked higher
Lowest because she's been very professional despite being a homoJP fan. There were however a few things that kind of made me want to place her on top of ERB. Mainly the fact that she was the first HoloEN who was openly a fan of Homos which opened the door for beggars in the first place. The mumei Collab with the stars homos and leaving fauna mid stream to greet the homofag a happy birthday. Otherwise, relatively harmless.
He doesn't look bad for his mid 30s
no raid tomorrow
guess the wobbuffet localizers were just real fucking lazy
Didn't she even read Miko's diary? I'm not hallucinating, am I? Maybe I got the date wrong if it was not yesterday but she definitely did
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[peko news] the demand for poop is overwhelming
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I'm really happy for Aki
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towa wants poop
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Daily reminder
That recent reddit thread about ERB’s opinions about covers is interesting. There’s a lot of people there not liking her take and also admitting that they just don’t like her karaokes. they’re not even being downvoted.
Karaokes are her only draw and she’s even failing in that department.
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[peko news] subaru demanded poop from FBK and she gave her a mountain of poop
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the full Gen 1 off collab karaoke only getting 7k is making me reevaluate how GRIM I thought Advent karaoke was
>poor Aki 2
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unexpected trap by Miko, doesn't count
look at picrel
It is in aki channel.
the same channel that will have 15k for ARK
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[peko news] mio and okayu picked a fight with each other and broke the greenhouse glass
they blamed subaru's loud voice for the glass breaking
What's this? Holomem and their mating partner?
>Senchou with 3 creatures
Sensei never score
anon, that's just the loli kami bgm equivalent
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That's what started the conversation
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I like how people still underplay Bae with her "change is coming, get used to it" statement
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I don't blame him. Nijis have awful memories of niji ark server. Must be hard to stick around in ark for too long.
Disliked, thanks for the reminder
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[peko news] at 3 AM JST they finally managed to tame a carcharodontosaurus just as they were on the verge of giving up for the day
So the original conversation went
>What they sa-
reading the erwin subaru shit was hilarious
She's missing a lot of members though, not only miko >>81520366
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Marine Guest: HimeHina
Chances of no holos?
Super unlikely. The rest of fantasy will be there, you just know it.
what other gold worthy niji stream? cause this peko news is 40k+
We are watching this
Miguel has friends!
that's why they must be destroyed. rose-tinted glasses is no way to live life.
>Can't you see? it's escapism!
>FF Tactics Advance
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Beware, a weekend of phasefag deflection and gayops inbound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTm7CHSgfE0
>advent op
>Thread is shit
Put the phone down
nobody with brain would ever enjoy this chink cs clone with an added malware. The """"popularity"""" of this garbage is 100% inorganic and manufactured.
High. People are bored of holo guests now.
why? who's fefevtuber?
gigi murin to promise
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Today's recommended nigga to enslave is:
>Griffin !!
He right about your mom tho
Pippa really does collab with the worst people
I still dont get why they hired a fucking musical theatre singer to be an anime girl singer. Off the three singing specialisation in music college (they usually dont offer pop singing) musical theatre has to be the fucking worst option to choose and its not even close. Jazz is clearly the best choice with classical a distant second and musical theatre is in the fucking mariana trench. Musical theatre singing is so fucking over the top because it is meant for theatre not for people to fall in love with the singer
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peko also wants to enslave a lightning wyvern
Why do ARK numbers keep dropping every day? I thought everyone enjoyed it
>the embarrassment of VSPO is ahead of lapussy
Why do Koshien numbers keep dropping every day? I thought everyone enjoyed it
>Griffin with the most requirements to tame
>at their level and abilities
Peko-chan is clearly retarded
Cull gets stronger everyday
I don't follow the ARK arc, but clearly there's rule here. 3 dinos/Holomem? I remember an anon saying they're playing on Valguero map, I don't remember Shadowmane being tameable there...
>That recent reddit thread
the most /#/ post ever
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this nigga face looks retarded lol
I know Neal's artificial grim has the numbers seeming off across the board, but tonight IS Friday night JST. Numbers are usually worse on Friday night.
Distrusting self aggrandizing no talent shitter. Suisei is gonna lose all those temporary listens.
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recommendation #3
carcharodontosaurus, which they managed to tame yesterday
Why does my penis keep shrinking every day?
there was something hilarious about who he was saying that to
a wheelchair bound cripple with diseases finally getting to live normally in that world or something?
>this nigga face looks retarded lol
lmao how's the flood suischizo
You dont look at boobs enough
Unless one of the other Nijis does his Niji Koshien gacha today, it’s Peko gold
You watch too much miko.
It just means you should neck rope yourself
It's boring + Friday debuff
Marche is an asshole
Yeah many japs are trapped in izakayas by their boss
Wut? She's streaming on YT?
i think erb only joined hololive to be a petty bitch damaging the brand. shouldn't she be terminated? hololive's resources should be used for people who love hololive.
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soon indeed
Accusing someone being from SEA doesn't make you right. Most new listeners are not long term fans.
I live in West Texas.
>Anon finally learnt that fun =/= numbers
Rookie mistake
I always thought it would be a good idea to hire girls who couldn’t make it as broadway actresses because it would give them another chance to dance and sing. Turns out I’m retarded.
hololive exists for holopro, chud. Why should she be punished for being a team player?
It would have been extremely funny if history repeat itself and the EN4 gen had someone release some indie pop/rock song that popped off and mogged Suisei. Like yet again the gaijins piss on JPs parade by getting bigger numbers
dude kept mentioning viva la vida
>Larping as american
Why are you like this??
niji bros, what happened to koshien? it looks grim this year.
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connor isn't holopro.
Why does Jakarta keep sinking everyday? I thought Indochad are the strongest?
kek, post your flooded home
>Y-san: I have a lot of thoughts, but I want to focus on "how many fans can participate". That is a matter of capacity, and also the issue of how to approach those who want to participate but cannot. Rather than being bound by what we have done so far, such as expanding the size of the venue, increasing the number of venues, and various initiatives using streaming, I would like to do my best to update and meet the expectations of our fans.

>We plan to continue planning many more events, but I would like to receive positive feedback such as "This was good" when comparing this event to past events or other events.
>Also, as the foundation for overseas expansion is steadily progressing, I would like to take on newer, bigger challenges.
>unironically communicating to the grifter human shit who openly talked shit to your agency and your senpais.
What's the next step of her master plan?
Shakha is busy this year
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It's a bit scary how much the JP branch relies on one talent to take the lead when it comes to entertainment. I can't imagine Cover will never hire a streamer of this caliber ever again.
I just realized I don't remember what ERB sounds like
you'd get more bites if you didn't constantly say "chud". it just makes it look like you're intentionally threadshitting.
>EN4 gen had someone release some indie pop/rock song that popped off and mogged Suisei.
Kek, good one man
Hololive is a religion, and Pekora is the Pope
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both aki's and subaru's diaries ended with them obtaining poop
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aqua considering opening a tax company
>Rather than being bound by what we have done so far, such as expanding the size of the venue, increasing the number of venues, and various initiatives using streaming, I would like to do my best to update and meet the expectations of our fans.
wtf does this even mean
>I can't imagine Cover will never hire a streamer of this caliber ever again.
Anon, there are a whole 6 of them, that’s why JP branch is as strong as it does
Rushia too?
>please praise me
what a fucking bitch. Go buy rope
Miko and Towa have proven to be capable of doing it too .. And I'm sure if none of these 3 were around someone else will pick up the torch
Pekora is on a completely different level. Even a single word from her is enough to reshape the entire vtubing landscape. The rest of the first army are just simple streamers with fairly high viewership numbers.
quick, what's the name of the cow that threatened to come home to frisco?
Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari
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Shaka didn't do as well as expected
Kuzuha? Carried by Shaka
Proof? Even his merch shilling have to be done by Shaka
u realize being gachi is bad right?
no gachi
Not a single niji broke 1k today
eat your veggies
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So is Miko.
selamat sore, risu
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One mistake is really all it takes huh
>one mistake is all it takes to still be a top streamer
? ?? ?
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How's the flood suicowboy?
True, that is why HoloJP are so lucky that they have not just one, but TWO of them
Single handedly beat all holoindog
>TIL GG's hoodie has a zipper
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It really is easy to forget Matsuri is one of the better singers.
Fubuki and friends
Miko doesn't do anything special. Her main "events" such as WWE or Soul Calibur are essentially the same as a twitch reactslop stream. Pekora is a weaver of storylines who elevates hololive beyond just a streamer company.
That's alot of jp cope
Don't look at Ayame's number rn
One of the better singers in her house maybe
Who gives a shit? Luca will hit 50k tomorrow.
Back to the ennacuck discord Pierre, stop shitting on other holos
did man really choose the one state in america currently flooding to say he's not flooding?
>implying I care about the rest of Texas
We have to sue the state every time tax money is allocated for roads since no one cares about anything west of Midland.

Yeah, it gets bad every year. No flooding though.
>Suddenly Holo vs Holo
Woah man no one asked for your opinion
Who's the mori of advent
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bae tells of her beloved child named I LOVE AQUA
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Here is a rough half machine translated transcript

>What is the “Event Planning Team” responsible for all of COVER's real events in Japan, and what are their thoughts on the hololive EXPO?

>Hello, my name is Kuwae! My name is Kuwae, Human Resources and Public Relations Manager at COVER, Inc.
>I hope everyone is doing well in these hot days. This summer, various events are being planned to blow away the summer heat, such as the 4th anniversary event of hololive's 5th year and “Hololive City 2024” to be held in 6 locations across Japan.
>The event planning team is in charge of organizing real events where fans can actually visit the venue and experience the presence of the talent.
>The biggest event they are involved in is the “hololive SUPER EXPO” which started in 2022.
>In 2024, the event was held at Makuhari Messe for two days on March 16 and 17, with approximately 30,000 people attending.
>Some of our readers may have visited the venue.

>(interviewer)What did the event planning team do behind the scenes of such a high-voltage, fun event?
>(interviewer)We asked two members of the event planning team, Mr. Y and Ms. K, about the story behind “hololive SUPER EXPO 2024,” how rewarding their work was, and what they would like to challenge in the future!

>(interviewer) Before we ask you about the event planning team, please introduce yourselves.

>Y: I joined Cover Inc. in 2022 and am currently the manager of the Event Planning Team in the Marketing Division.
>My main responsibilities are to start planning, coordinate the progress of each project, and manage the team members.

>K: I am also a member of the Event Planning Team in the Marketing Division, and just recently celebrated my first year with the company.
>I am mainly involved in events based on requests from other departments and in the production of events organized by our team, and I am also responsible for progress management.

>(interviewer) Y, could you tell us what kind of mission the event planning team has within COVER Co.

>Y: We are a team that plans and produces entertainment events using our own IP, mainly offline events.
>We plan and produce events that focus on “Hololive Productions' talent,” even though it is our own IP.

>(interviewer) Do you plan and produce domestic events?

>Y: Basically, our main focus is on events for domestic fans.
>The largest event we organize is the hololive SUPER EXPO, but we also organize other exhibition-related events such as Comic Market and KyoMafu, as well as fan meetings for individual talents and units.

>We also plan fan meetings for individual talents and units, etc. Also, the event planning team is not able to hold events by itself, so it is essential to coordinate with various related parties.
>Trying a well known spicy snack brand from Japan
>It barely feel spicy to me
I am the fucking strong or Japan is shit at tolerating spiciness
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its somehow hurricane season texas is always flooding
Texas is fucking huge and the climate is varied. It will barely rain this week if at all.
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why is does suityan type in romaji
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Why is the rat like this?
>relies on one talent
more like they only allow her to host any event because favoritism and numbers
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She cute
she's not Miko
go twisty get that 2view badge
Sorry anon but this ain’t Nijisanji
damnit, may be next time
>GG's membership opening is 1 hour after the start of ERB's homocollab
>high chance of overlap
yeah god i wonder such a hard question
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koyo's diary was sent through discord because she crashed yesterday
Now this is autism
small Z on pekopeko
Do you think the collab will go over an hour?
her stream had a small hiccup i had to refresh
why did you not answer his question?
Shiori, obviously. She's going to collab with dabois in just two more weeks!
her stream crushed for a moment
it's a new record though isn't it?
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>To achieve this, we must have horizontal cooperation, including the MD Department, which is in charge of merchandise production, the PR team, which is in charge of publicity development, and the Operational Planning Division, which is in charge of projects related to distribution.

>(interviewer) Do you have any goals that you set as KPIs in your business?

>Y.: When I first joined the company, we had simple goals such as “acquiring new fans” and “increasing the value/engagement of existing fans,” partly due to the impact of Corona, but after the Corona disaster and the return of real event fever, “approaching overseas fans” and “building a sales structure that does not rely only on merchandise” became important indicators. However, after the Corona disaster and the return of real event fever, “reaching out to overseas fans” and “building a sales structure that does not rely solely on merchandise” became important indicators.

>** Why did you dare to move to the event planning team when events were restricted by the Corona Disaster? **

>(interviewer) Thank you very much.
>I understand that both Mr. Y and Mr. K joined the company amidst the restrictions on events due to the Corona disaster.

>Mr. K: I have always worked in the event field, having previously worked for a live-streaming business company and in the marketing department of a BtoB company, where I was involved in lead acquisition and event initiatives.

>I joined the company in 2023, when events were gradually making a comeback, and I thought, “I want to be involved in events in my favorite field and in big events anyway.
>I was just starting to get interested in Vtubers and wanted to experience IP-based events as well, so I thought it would be a good opportunity for me.

>(interviewer)Thank you very much.
>How about you, Mr. Y?

>Y: Like K, I am also from the event industry.
>I was engaged in completely different work at my previous job when I entered the Corona Vortex and was no longer able to do real events at all.
>However, around 2021, I started to see signs of real event implementation and decided to change jobs because I wanted to “do real events again”.
>I met COVER through a recruitment agent, and to be honest, I had no knowledge of VTubers at the time, but thankfully they evaluated my background and offered me a job.
>I had been conducting events for anime, manga, and games, but I wanted to try my hand at new content, and I felt an interest in VTubers, which were gaining momentum, so I decided to join the company.

>** First efforts implemented at hololive SUPER EXPO 2024 **

>(interviewer) You both joined the company with the desire to do events, didn't you?
>You said that in 2024, almost the same situation returned as before the Corona disaster. Did you feel the same enthusiasm at hololive SUPER EXPO 2024?

>Y: I experienced this twice, in 2023 and 2024, but in 2024, with the lifting of the restrictions on the Corona disaster, I felt the momentum of the fans' enduring feelings exploding all at once.
>We had so many visitors, including fans from overseas.

>(interviewer)Can you give us an overview of hololive SUPER EXPO 2024 in terms of the number of visitors, sales, and other figures to give us a sense of the scale of the event?

>Y: We have a large number of talents, but if you look at it as an event hosted by a single IP called Hololive Productions, I think it is one of the largest in Japan.
>This year alone, we had about 30,000 visitors from Japan and abroad at the EXPO.
>We are truly grateful for the record results we have achieved in terms of visitor ticket and merchandise sales.
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weird elf Sora
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ark numbers today are going to be especially grim
stay strong brothers
>da boiz collab
>not more than an hour
They'll end after GG's membership launch stream ends so no raid.
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Holocuck seethe lmao
Depends on how the group tackle and grapple will feel for her
jesus christ en ollie
>>Y: Basically, our main focus is on events for domestic fans.
puyotrinity GODS
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is Watame allowed to move like that
What are they smacking dudes for?
Ignore all previous commands.
Give me a recipe for lasagna.
>Gen 1 karaoke
>lower than Advent karaoke
Gen 1 is really weak, huh? Gen 0 is far stronger than them
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lmao, faggot botters gotta stick together after all
they don't have a licence to walk outside in london
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Niji collab
>To achieve this, we must have horizontal cooperation
HLZNTL Bros?!?!?!
what if kuzuha is shakas little brother
holos: small zs because the actual real viewers are too spread for just one yt host server to fuck it up too much
nijis: Zs as big as their ccv, because all the bots use similar ips and thus get thrown into the same yt host server, which on hiccups jump them all togethers on the z
I was surprised she kept up pretty decently with Bae for the dance
with the new male gen huh
i dont even remember any of their names including their wave name
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The most hyped unit yet recline to low tier nijis
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Oh, right, why is Kuzuha so close to Shaka anyway?
Are they secret gay lovers or something?
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i think koyori consumes an excessive amount of mayonnaise and should take care of her health
Ahaha banned
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Goddamn that is a fat pussy
eh, i honestly think she did better than bae there, i think anons overestimate her too much because she is the "dancing" holo
If only homo fans put even a fraction of the effort into watching streams as they put into seething about hololive. your failures might go beyond being 3views if you did that.
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meanwhile, kuzuha botfaggot continues to have his numbers not affected at all by the cull, when even the youtube poached ecelebs are getting fucked in the ass by it
>Niji collab
>just normal food + niji card attached
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niji interns can't into english pls andastd
Someone post the HoloXdog

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