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(^・ω・^§)ノ おはこぉーん
Previous: >>81455025

>YT Channel
>Do your reps!
>Shirakami ZOID
>Shirakami Fubuki "Comfy Fox Inn" ASMR Voice Pack
Buy: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/comfyfoxinn_asmrvoice
Translation: https://pastebin.com/uUJw7Fzh

We can make it this time, friends!
Surely there must be more than 4-5 of us left? I know the IP count wasn't super representative but back when that existed not so long ago I had the impression there were a lot more of us. I'm a Eurofriend, so I usually take the night shift while the Burgerfriends are asleep, but I've been a little busy the past week or two so I couldn't bump too much, but I'll be back soon (and post the summary of the last Zatsudan I promised awhile ago) next week.
Today's menu:

1kisei off-collab karaoke in 20 minutes

More ARK at 20
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I bump the thread every now and then but don’t even watch Fubuki, I just bump out of an autistic sense of duty
SSS always feels good.
I've been IP-range banned for whatever reason a long time ago and have been unable to appeal it despite never once breaking rules before. I'm unable to bump the thread so many times I could've prevented it from dying, I was forced to see it die. I'm sorry friends.
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That was a fun karaoke stream! Glad they decided to do a little more 1kisei this year.

I wonder if Fubuki will be able to make it home in time for her scheduled ARK stream.
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Does she keep mispelling DAY as DYA on purpose?
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me on the left
I wasn't really paying much attention until ahe said it so I'm not 100% sure but I think she said Mamagitsune is staying at her place today and just brought her some food.
Is this considered anal?
ero foob
There's more than 4 or 5. We were fine for the last couple of months but this last week we died a lot. Something like this happened just before these fine-months
We have phases of laziness
And I should add, at the risk of coming off as paranoid, whenever this happens, someone always advocates and pushes for the idea of merging and/or killing this general.
Almost like an agenda, I can't help but think about it given the nature of this site.
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Why is she so cute?
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I love Fubuki!
Otsukon! I wonder if she was so busy in the last couple of weeks because she wanted to do whatever work is due in advance so she could no life this ARK event. Quite the contrast going from barely anything to back to back to back 8h streams.
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Is there anything big coming up? Only thing I can think of of that En Live next month but she's not involved.
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Rape friend.
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I haven't been keeping up with the news all that much lately, but I don't think there has been any announcement about Hololive Summer this year? Given how much of a big deal they made out of the 2023 one, I doubt they just skip it entirely this year. She has previously talked about it and said she is wondering if there is going to be a summer event, but it sounded to me like she was just hinting at there being one. I also recall her mentioning around her birthday that other than her birthday goods, there was going to be something to save money for around August, I think? I don't remember what exactly she said but I think she even implied we should prioritize the upcoming thing if spending for both is not an option (which makes me think it might be something unrelated to Summer, but who knows).
It's kinda weird they haven't done something for summer yet, or at least made it clear they were going to do something, if they were doing it this year. I feel like if they were doing a summer event it wouldn't really be that much considering there'd only be like a month at this point.
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More fubumping
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Good night, friends!
Good night, friend!
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Hi Friends!
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Hi friend!
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Wake up friends!
Hi Friends!
Hi friend! (again?)
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Hi fren!
Hi sexy fren!
I love Shirakami Fubuki with all my heart
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Morning, friends!
Morning, my waifus!
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Now even the thumbnail turned into DYA. What did she mean by this?
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Too cute.
gotta bump!
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Good morning, friends!
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Good morning, friend!
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