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Demon (Dog) Days Edition
Previous Thread >>81520694

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>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template
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Mama love
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Which show is she from. I can only identify Precures from the Momoya Show-Neko doujin I have of them.
Who's the small pink one from
Smile PreCure
Another artist
I just came everywhere to the thought of them both approving that kiss RT
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sorry I meant to post this is the horni thread
This used to be the horni thread when gorillas ran free...
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>i just wanna be your fuwawa!!
new members post
I'm not part of the family.
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The fuck are they doing that's making it sound like they're on the verge of karoshi/過労死.
>Sometimes it just feels like no matter how hard we try it’s never enough
Considering how they’re trying to juggle between this and hololive I think they do enough
>first half of the month
There are going to be a lot more homework days next week huh?
they meant they hope to do a single stream (like always) somewhere in the first half of the month ESLchama. they have streamed as fuwamoco on days where they did one of their family streams before
Must be so stressful raking in thousands a month doing one stream at most. What are they even taking all the money for? isn't hololive a big enough cashcow?
Discord got pinged early this time
nothing wrong with wanting more money
Well I need a dollar dollar, a dollar that's what I need
can’t wait for fuwawa to btfo everyone in tonight’s spelling bee
Yes but how long can they keep up this poorfag charade? They make more money in a year than the majority of their viewers so begging for even more money constantly and shilling merch gets grosser by the day.
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does this look like the face of a spelling expert.
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kek please, they don’t ever need to beg. people throw money at them of their own volition by just hearing them sneeze
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that’s the face of a mechanic
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She is an engineer at work clearly
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I'm sick of that joke.
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how’s the nigger faggot doing today?
They don't need to which makes the fact they still do it even worse. 20 minute shilling segments in a 30 minute morning show. Crying constantly about wanting to do superchat readings. Always complaining on Twitter to elicit sympathy supas. Bouncing those massive floofies constantly to seduce every man to empty his bank account for her.
I am too and I’m sick of it seeing repeated in chat by the brazilian
tough shit Fuwawa loves it. She made the joke 30 times in a 4 hour stream recently
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>Bouncing those massive floofies constantly to seduce every man to empty his bank account for her.
she will keep getting away with it too
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I think Mechanic is funny
fuck off gbraga you unfunny brazilian
block him
I've been putting away a lot more money this summer because the second she gets 3D I am going to have to drain everything
it's because she's forced to read it in that slow-ass chat you chat-spamming BR monkey
Do you think Fuwawa's will to stop with the Nerissa stinky jokes after she was reprimanded by her?
I don’t think mechanic is all that funny but it’s not the worst hololive joke that’s been beaten to the ground.
The day this thread finds out you can block people you don't want to see both on youtube and twitter, we'll finally be free of men talk.
Why the fuck does Fuwawa call Nerissa stinky? Literally what is her problem?????
You know it was serious when Mococo had to swoop in and say "I think you smell nice Nerissa"
Mococo definitely noticed she was serious, but did she remember to tell Fuwawa in private later? That's the real hurdle.
THATS HER FUCKING JOB NIGGER, holo its a fucking company, every jp holo talk about his merch every FUCKING day some of them have the new merch in the stream intro.
Fuwawa is being a bit of a cunt about it too. It's like she found a joke that got a laugh once and is just running it into the ground without any care. Which is rich coming from her after she cried and cried to Nerissa about the whowawa joke that happened once
Yeah, even respected daisenpai like Suisei and AZKi shill their albums and concerts every chance they get.
i would way more ok with it as the waiting room screen or the intro than them ruining an entire stream with it every week
at least people aren’t SCing fuwawa to say it like everyone did with every holomem with “hi honey” or that “uwu” copypasta
ENfags are used to their holos not caring
because the only people that watch streams and still like it are poor third worlders
How in the world is letting your genmates know in private that you don't like a joke before it becomes a thing the cunt move and not bottling it up for months and having to yell it in the middle of a collab? Are you female?
Netissa has openly said she hates it for weeks now. I can't imagine she didn't also say it in private. Fuwawa probably thinks she being cute but she's just s bitch for it which is shocking because it's the complete opposite of her personality to behave like this. maybe it is sleep deprivation and stress
Anon THEY ALSO TALK ABOUT THE MERCH AFTER THE INTRO, for fuck sake jp holos have paid promotion about fucking ramen every week. Past week sora was doing a huawei promo. I HATE HOLOS THAT SAID " I DONT CARE IF YOU GUYS DONATE OR BUY MY MERCH" is you job niggA people in the conpany live out of your fucking performance, YOU GOT A GOLDEN TICKET WORK FOR IT LAZY NIGGER
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Rate my desktop
brapfags will be insufferable during the ARK stream, kek
calm down Fuwawa I'll buy the fucking water park ticket
>ruining an entire stream
kek ruffians are so overdramatic
KYS Raul
You have autism anon?
pwe-chat open
Keep crying faggot. Nerissa IS stinky, because Fuwawa said so, and I'll call her stinky in chat too when she collabs with FWMC.
She couldn't stop herself from yapping about Fuwawa saying it to other people, it's how we learned of it in the first place, surely she would tell her viewers she asked for it to stop herself too.
I'll start sending her supas about her stellar stench
is that Raul motherfucker in chat. did that piece of shit BR really have the gall to block me.
shouldn't have praised fuwawa the way you did
Good evening over there, puppies, and whatever time of day it currently is where you live, Ruffians!
He unblocked me after I liked one of his tweets, kek
ARK is shit
I'll beat him within an inch of his brown life if I ever get my hands on him. fucking piece of trash.
he blocked me for using 2 Fuwawa headpats when she was the only one playing in DKC
I wouldn't know, I blocked him a long time ago and if it weren't for the fact that people tag and speak with him in chat or that he is namedropped here I would literally forget his existence
I'd rather have him blocked then speak with an anti like he's my friend for appearances sake
If he is from south brazil he is white as fuck kek
>white as fuck
he hasn't bathed in 30 years so I find that unlikely
That's right, [Ruffian]! Mococo is the best! LETS MOCOGO
baused. I blocked him on every platform, everyone should do the same for their mental health.
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I won't get ESR today
Send a SC during it
Let me know if you need a new man loop, I got a good one
Those are his alts KEK
This loser talks to himself so he seems more popular
You're kidding me. Ruffians can't be THAT deranged.
Is this your new loop?
I think i have 3 messages on chat since debut
you should loop a noose around your neck tbqh
nice deflect rrat but we'll never forget. Hope you enjoyed Australia
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Is it true you guys hate Nerissa? Why?
She said Wind Waker sucks, I'll never forgive her.
Faces are weird but hot
yes, she stole my wife's tummy touching virginity
why is Mococo is licking hair
just one schizo who spams on cooldown
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because she's stinky ehehe
>She's stinky, Ruffians!
>She couldn't stop herself from yapping about Fuwawa saying it to other people
As in telling other holos that Nerissa stinks? When did she bring it up?
Wait, did she really? That's sad. I think WW overall has my favorite music from a Zelda game.
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don't you fucking hug me gbraga, i'll cut you.
No, I mean that we know Fuwawa complained about the joke because of a hot mic with Nerissa telling other holos. We wouldn't know otherwise.
we would be better off without brazilians
Wind Waker is incredibly mid, if Skyward Sword didn't exist it would be the worst 3D Zelda.
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No, I'm just shitposting. Who would hate someone for not liking a game?
The first half of asakoyo is basically shilling. I swear some of you faggots just talk shit without knowing anything.
I can’t refute this.
Wasn't that when she was just asking their collab partner if there's anything NG and don't want to be brought up? How does that mean Fuwawa complained about it? It's an actual thing holos do to check with each other about topics that might be sensitive
>I swear some of you faggots just talk shit without knowing anything
80% of this board have the board itself as their oshi. This thread is actually on the higher end when it comes to percentage of people who actually watch streams.
>We are under a lot of stress and pressure right now
Well that's concerning... I wanted to believe that they would start having less homework soon, but yeah...

>Sometimes it just feels like no matter how hard we try it's never enough... We'll keep on at it though...!
I'll say it plainly; I'm not happy with how they are acting. This is ALL their fault. They are acting like absolute fucking retards. they are not teens, they NEED to rest and sleep, and if they keep overworking themselves like this they WILL burn themselves. I just don't understand their thought process. Do they not understand that they can take their time doing things in hololive? it's not like they have a time limit of 1 or 2 years to do everything, they can just take it easy and enjoy their time in hololive while doing a bit of homework, that's what most of their senpai do, and the ones that don't are just fucking monsters with infinite stamina like Koyori (something that FWMC themselves have admited that they aren't).
I'm just really concerned, I want to be with them for as long as possible, but at this rate they'll end up graduating next year because of the pressure and stress that they put themselves into. I really hope they learn their lesson, but at this point...? I don't think they'll ever learn. Just look at this week, they have a lot of streams and collabs, and they still want to add a fucking ARK stream before a long 10 hours+ endurance stream. I really hope the best for their future, I want them to be happy in hololive for many, many years, but I don't think they'll last "many years" if they keep treating themselves like this.
As their fans, is there *anything* we can do to help them understand? This situation is just depressing, I want to do whatever I can to help them.
Stream, complain. Don’t stream, complain. Kys faggot.
let them burn out and suffer a month + hiatus it's the only way. They don't even listen to senpai or their parents they sure as fuck are not listening to random fans
>As their fans, is there *anything* we can do to help them understand?
Nope. They're too stubborn to a fault. They'll read our comments advising them to chill out a bit and, just like when they celebrated the release of their nendos, they'll say "we are hungry!" and continue to do what they're doing. They're adults. They can make their own decisions. They've been this way since forever and no one can change that but them. Some people just need to learn the hard way, and they're one of them.
Graduate from breathing
It can't be helped. Just support them and don't whine all the time. It's not even like this is unique to FUWAMOCO, the JPs have hospitalized themselves multiple times.
are you the purityschizo
>we're under a lot of stress and pressure
Yeah, Miko is weird like that even after she cried in mengen
>They're workaholics like their JP senpais
They really are Japanese at heart
Yes, FUWAMOCO are self-sabotaging retards who have a complete disregard to their own health until they're absolutely forced to care about it. This is known.
They've already admitted that for them the only thing that brought them this far is their own stubbornness and stupidity, so at this point it's probably the only thing they really believe in until it fucks them over in a way they can't recover from
This is why I don't even bother to send them those type of messages anymore. They will never listen. Let them do what they want.
You know, I kinda illegally have access to all HoloID membership stuff, and it's kinda funny how nearly all of them say a variant of this shit recently
Did Miko actually cry recently?
When are holoJPs not crying or menheraposting about being overworked in membership?
what is HoloID working on?
Hell if I know
Most of them in JP apparently right now but they don't have something like Breaking Dimension, so I really have no idea
I am fervently praying for Fuwamoco's burnout and eventual graduation. Ruffians are the worst fanbase and they need to be wiped away from this board just like Fandead were.
No idea, but they all have been streaming way less recently.
Do you fucking live in this thread or something?
Weren't most of them in that world tour thing?
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Now that you say that, isn't FUWAMOCO also there?
We still haven't gotten any more information about that huh
Are some of you newfags? A bunch of their senpais have complained and cried about work, getting hospitalized etc. over the years.
They would never graduate. It's either hololive or nothing for them.
>but what about their other project
That is never getting off the ground, you know it and I know it.
The only ones confirmed for world tour are kiara, ina, bae, azki, watame, moona and kobo.
>isn't FUWAMOCO also there?
No, not in the starting line up at least
They did say there would be guests for some of the performances but that doesn't mean it'll be them and all of it was kind of far away still
good morning pt2 i'm eepy
bau bau
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>isn't FUWAMOCO also there?
prolly not judging from the cover
Why are they dressed like whores?
>thread that regularly complains about a holo shilling her merch
just now figured it out?
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>youtube removed 480p from phone
motherfucker that was my comfy range for vertical watching
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>World Tour
coz it sexy
You're not gonna get ESR today
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Fuwawa sounds off
Fuwawa sounds rough.
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Already did last episode.
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Got it last episode. I'll let others attempt this time
They're not getting even 3k people to show up for these anymore. It's time to retire the show it's not worth it
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ARK is happening right now
LTST fucking sucks.
>no wings
>no horn
bootleg pero
That doesn't even look like Pero at all.
>We sang for YOU, Ruffians!
Don't reply to bait retard, there's a known viewership cull right now on Youtube
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Is a bloodbath right now.
can numberfags please stay in their containment shithole
fuwawa's tits are too big
I don't know why it's called Sirens
how are they going to play ARK if FWMCMORNING is in the middle of it?
they lure in unsuspecting sailors to their death
>Sirens continued to be used as a symbol for the dangerous temptation embodied by women regularly throughout Christian art of the medieval era. "Siren" can also be used as a slang term for a woman considered both very attractive and dangerous.
Rebellion wasn't that good desu, Sirens sounds great judging from the preview
They can just cancel the one on Monday.
Honestly I can imagine Nerissa lure jailbird and then fuck him to death like that
How much viewers are actually watching then? Is it actually x1.4?
Fuck that, FWMC. I'm not doing that.
wait, what got changed?
Stream and premiere 2 hours later
they do a FWMC Morning during it
>see a dinosaur
there's been another pero sighting
>see a dinosaur
how does he bau bau??
oh noes
it's moved from 6PM to 8PM, woes is me
No one knows. Around 1.25-1.33 times is a good bet?
drinking coffee and listening to fuwawa's sweet giggles
that goes straight to my blowjob noises folder
Last FWMC morning had 5k viewers
I guessing around those numbers
fuwawa giggles too much
stream at 8PM and premiere at 10PM? FUCK
Holy shit the temptress is real
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god i wish i was pero
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Have you ever noticed that Pero is always closest to Mococo?
Gems? Fuwawa just wanted me to focus on her floofies.
Can you even buy this GK online?
What are you implying?
Man I wish they sold prepainted garage kits
fuwawa sounded awfully similar to pero just now...
>Pero ero
I fucking love pero bros
Imagine if you had any sort of skill you could also make them this happy
I wonder if I can paint that in my basement
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I can't stop staring ether, Fuwawa.
Unless that Figzune guy is selling them, then no.
I'm looking up your skirt, Fuwawa, but you already knew that.
just release the fucking archive
why do they even wear belts? They are not holding anything up.
What the fuck? They were NAKED?
wtf they were naked
i need to see fuwawa's tummy
do you guys not know onsen???
well all the faggots that corrected me when i said they most likely didn't wear towels were wrong. fuck you guys for (temporarily) ruining my fantasies
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>fuwawa a bear because she's the fattest
>shikamoco mocomoco mococotantan
who's the rest tho
stop being an autist please
Fuwawa slapped Nerissa in front of Yagoo
>3/4 members have been attacked by Fuwawa
Shiori next holy shit
>throws bugs at her
>calls her stinky
>slaps her hard
mori is the bear
newissa is the deer
biboo is the fox
fuwawa is the tanuki
mococo is the monke
Fuwawa kissed Nerissa's naked body
Stop being retarded.
why so much yuribaiting today
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YuriGODS, we won.
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I stopped caring about their health.
This is better, I hope they crash and burn. The weaker they are mentally, the easier it'll be for me to groom them.
>They ate licor candy
She loved it.
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Imagine the sex with Fuwawa....
>Sorry Wuffian, I guess I got a little rough with you. Hopefully those marks aren't permanent, hehe~
I love these cat loving hags.
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why does irasutoya got this icon specifically kek
They don't consume alcohol.
fuwamoco should start drinking alcohol
imagine how little it would take to get biboo drunk, like in hyouka
>everyone there washes themselves in a bath filled with their sweats
god I wish
>Be Obaa-chan
>Walk out of sauna and get ready to splash some cold water on your wrinkled face before heading to bed
>Four naked white girls sitting thigh to thigh right in your water well
>Fucking gaijin
>Tsk and walk away
No you didn't
3 words:
Small. Fry. Pussy
I'll dominate Fuwawa and she won't be able to do anything to stop me.
fucking sirens
watch streams, it's on their goal list
I was expecting more stories
So women just undress themselves in front of each other like that? That's pretty fucking gay man
>Thinking you can stand up to a demon.
LMAO, LOL even.
and? they're known liars.
they can't keep making me horny at 8am...
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where were u when fwmc
i was wathcing tv
then bro said
Why Do They Type Like This
>her name
I thought that was a male-only name?
i wish fuwawa didn’t exist
>expecting someone who uses /baubau/ to watch streams
Yeah, FWMC want to go out on walks with their Ruffians, too.
She is weak. I can resist her seduction attempts.
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>wrong! this cicada is deceased!
do the japanese eat cicadas? in my part of the deep south we would fry them up as snacks
Of course I love Pero. He's Mococo, after all.
Is stream buffering?
It's been a good long while since they did the instant ending gag
they really make it sound like pero is /him/ kek
>anime or cartoon
What's the difference?
You tell em Mococo!
I kinda dig this
I can self-insert into Pero now
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Mogojan so cute
What DID Pero do to FWMC??
You must be somewhere deep in the mountains cause I’ve never heard of that and I’m a southerner too
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Pero is round and behaves like an ojisan. Fuwawa should be all over him.
not even close. they make pero sound like he isnt even a real person
>submit every week
>3 clique members picked
I would actually love to see a Justice collab with Pero.
called Fuwawa fuzzy and Moco-chan fluffy
bring back suzu#1
It feels like it's been a while since I've seen AmeSame
I hope pero rape erb
make better submissions
this, i'm a poorfag and i got a walk showcase in december
Fuwamoco, spell Negus.
Don't fret. Even some of their paypigs are ignored.
TOTHPGH is not clique members
are they going to do star road?
the endurance stream is gonna be kino
100,000 subs all in one endurance stream!
Lore and kayfabe were already a long time ago. It's fine cause its the least interesting thing about them kek
lets go Sonic Master 2008
and here goes another day without ESR
I will always be a special ruffian, never extra special
I'm winning!
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they're gone...
>Raul got ESR from Fuwawa
I hope he kills himself
Atleast this thing there were some new names
>They took the effort to read lengthy names today knowing that those ruffians usually get passed over
I adore them so much man
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kek really? you just know he is gonna be passsive aggresive about it
She said Rule or something.
Every time I hear this song, I think back to 2011 driving with some friends down to a medium-sized con and blaring this while singing along with the windows down as we rolled off the freeway.
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they love us...
Thanks anon
I feel less bad about it now
mococo’s oniichan
Kek fuwawa got my name wrong
>retweeted the cute kiss
You should feel honored
Not him kek
She didnt say his name
It happens to me a lot, they completely mispronounced my name as somebody else's. what a funny mistake!
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No, she said it correctly.
Mindbroken. You're all mindbroken.
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Nah, you just spelled your name wrong
they pronounced my name like a JP would kek
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My wifes.
Cute twin sisters behavior
The endurance stream isn't a short? I guess they're not getting 900k
I hope the know how to use 3d at home, quick someone #helpfwmc it
cause they arent doing it for subs. its just for fun
They do everything for subs, naive retard.
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They hate him
back to sleep #3
If that were true, that stream would be a short.
>still shadowbanned
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garage kit is fucking insane bro
What a faggot.
>a time out
Kek does anyone know what he said?
He got timed? Fucking baused.
If they want 900k, they will just do a suika vertical.
I've said some dumb shit in chat and never been timed-out kek
what a fucking retard kek
ugly ass baby face
I was timed out once pretty recently by mane-chan for directly mentioning "nukige"
>1/144 scale garage kit
>The 5 yen coin in the photo is for size comparison and is not included with the product.
Make a second Youtube account with an identical profile and sign up to memberships you care about to get around shadowbans
I just realized you probably meant twitter nvm
yeah, gotta be vague like the girls themselves usually are about certain things.
Just don't be fucking retarded and you won't get shadowbanned
i dont think they ever played White Album or DKC for subs kek. There's stuff they do for subs, and stuff they do cause they want to just have fun. They've talked about this before
Pretty sure thats a mod or google, how retarded you need to be to get one? Maybe he spammed like a retard
>paypig gachifag has a 3 year Ame memberships icon
I knew he was a whore. Empty words.
>he is scared
You can buy the base materials for like $100-200 but good fucking luck making it look like that
Probably mane-chan since he was banned in the past for shitting on Fuwawa. If it were anything else, he wouod have been shadowbanned
>Maybe he spammed like a retard
Can't be that, I spam the chat a LOT and they've never banned me, he must have said something "rude" about Fuwawa *again*.
doesnt really mean anything at all, since every single Ruffian comes from elsewhere. If you see posts of hom from the past acting like a gachi for her, then yes you can call him a whore
he keeps posting "I love you and good night" ritual tweets to Canan every night lol
spamming chat never results in a timeout, just a shadowban.
he was directly timed out. Hoepfully it was Mococo who did it
I really didn't expect 1000% price increase between painted and unpainted, like, goddamn
I mean, I guess it's a hard and long job
but still, goddamn
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I wear my other memberships with pride.
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FWMC are my first oshis and the first girls I've fallen in love with.
He probably talk about Mococo water or shit on Fuwawa.
Imagine being proud of being a newfag
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what's TFO
How did he get ESR if he got timed-out? You making shit up again?
>1/6 scale
holy shit that's huge
The Fluffy One
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They're my only other one
Anon it's already a miracle that they read us so much during FWMC Morning, timing out with chat at that speed is impossible. It was either a global mod or mane-chan. More likely a global mod.
Treasure Festa Online.
>spamming chat never results in a timeout, just a shadowban
Really? I've never been shadowbanned, even when I spam emotes all my messages appear in their chat, am I just really lucky?
>Mococo times out raul
KEK I really like that idea...
>since every single Ruffian comes from elsewhere.
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when is the best time to post merch for a W?
disgustingly fat
Right now. They're still awake.
either now, jp morning, or jp afternoon
wish me luck thank you
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>it was either the bug or fuwawa
>Really? I've never been shadowbanned, even when I spam emotes all my messages appea
Spamming the same emote can, yes. It happened to me before
I have not been shadowbanned but I did get timed out once
Same, though admittedly, I did deserve it.
I got timed out for saying "Congratulations on graduating from your old doghouse!" kek
they've changed so much
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Time to take a nice little nap before AmeSame surely i won't oversleep...
he could have been timed out in prechat anon. I doubt it was a global mod, since they only timeout for insane shit, and SO MUCH slips through the cracks during streams that theres no way mane-chan is actually moderating properly, unless she specificly seeks out raul now looking for excuses to time him kek
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just woke up, now i gotta watch fuwamoco morning and the horror slop
If you sleep you'll miss the goodnight tweet and like spree
fucking KEK what a horrible joke lmao
I bet they timed you out personally for that
I hope new mane chan sees what a faggot he is. Next one better be permanent
I did too and I don't regret it.
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i've never been shadow banned or timed out, i think you guys are all just mentally ill.
so was this something from the baucord or what?
I just can't think up of anything else to say that equates to farewell party but more positive, damnit
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I like to post da funny emotes
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>i've never been shadow banned
just dont spam the exact same thing over and over, and youll be fine
RnR parties have the biggest risk of a shadowban cause shadows are done by YT themselves
i just realized mococo is sometimes a "me me me" person on stream
not going to seethe about a disloyal fan like you. which is ok but means you aren't ever in the running for favorite ruffians so you mean nothing to me
she demands attention and everything cater to her always. look at her pissy attitude during the space gem watchalong
how about " congrats on moving into your new doghouse!" you absolute autist kek
Its okay though, i probably would have been tempted to write the same thing cause I am also autistic when it comes to what I type in chat
The fuck are you guys typing to get timed out? I had a message deleted once but that was it. Kind of assumed they never did more than that because I never see anything that should get timed out. It's either something so bad it should be permabanned or so innocent it shouldn't even be timed out.
Baused hololive fan. Seeing newfags seethe is always funny to me. No one actually knows the definition of loyalty or disloyalty nowadays. Zoomers bastardize everything
>RnR parties have the biggest risk of a shadowban cause shadows are done by YT themselves
As long as you space it out a bit and mix the order of the penlight emotes while maybe adding others here and there like the baus you should be good
>disloyal fan
Cry me a river, faggot. You earn no brownie points for being 'loyal' to Fuwamoco.
Referencing porn or outright sexual stuff will get you muted for a few minutes now, depending on a bunch of stuff. I used to get away without before the new mane-chan took over kek
Interestingly enough, making siscon jokes used to get you timed, but now it doesnt
Yeah ok I'm still convinced it's a global mod, they're not so touchy about using the word "graduation" themselves. Same for the nukige thing, deleting sure, but timing out? Rat of all people, too? No way they would. Has to be a tourist.
But just how far do you take it? Because I still see plenty of sexual stuff. Though it's usually in response to something they say themselves, so maybe they advised mane-chan to not take action if they start it? Would make sense.
loyalty schizos make me laugh. You realize you are a fan of a talent with hundreds of thousands of other fans, right? Enjoy what you want this isn't some weird fantasy where they even notice or care that you watch other hololive members. They actually encourage you to. Being a faggot that shits on others for watching other holo girls is the worst kind of person outside literal antis
I wonder who muted that one guy for saying "im so close Fuwawa" i chat
mine was during metal gear solid because i said vtubers aren't real
They do notice, there's plenty of evidence, but yes, they have nothing against it. Quite the contrary, the scoop segment should make that clear enough.
I don't, but because I don't want to, not because I think they would like me less or whatever. If anything I feel kind of guilty of thinking "lolno" every time they say "support our kouhais! :D"
The guy is just bastardizing what actual fans consider disloyal. Watching other girls is fine, membering other girls is fine, chatting/replying is fine, superchatting is fine. What isnt is acting like a gachi for multiple different talents.
This guy is conflating all that other stuff with being a gachi, which is obvious if you've read a single one of his posts
schizo moderation
Mococo, but because she was jealous.
Fuwawa did that to you personally. Reminder they HATED parasocial
>I still see plenty of sexual stuff. Though it's usually in response to something they say themselves
Ah yeah this is probably it. We can match their energy, but cant go above or beyond
They always pick retarded banter to read out loud, though. It's a cheat code to get read, even. No way they would time that out, maybe pick a fight with him.
>I'm not garbage, I'm MOCOCOEH
stop being a pissy bitch fuwawa i was making a joke about the cutscene
Wrong. They like to do this but NOT if theyre actually offended by it. Vtubers are important to them, so calling them not real even as a joke would absolutely make them mad.
The guy 100% got muted by them. This is one of those situations where I can absolutely guarantee that kek
uh you guys promised a likespree?
Thats only cause they arent offended by that stuff. If you want to get banned, say something that actually hurts them in some way
They didn't time out the whowawa fags, is there any joke with more evidence that they hate than this?
They arent always reading chat, anon. They time for that every single time they see it.
Hell, there was an anon here going menhera not long ago cause he got timed for making a dumb whowawa joke
Gotta wait for the 3am good night tweet
They timeout those fags all the time tho. I've seen it
>merch that was supposed to get here on the 30th now arrives today
I don't remember that at all, but I don't read every thread, so can't say it didn't happen either, so I'll take your word for it.
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