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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
X (Vedal): https://x.com/vedal987

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
How do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? https://vedal.xyz/advice
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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Why is she like this?
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Little AI girls just wanna have fun.
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im thinkin neuro, neuro, ohh ehh ohh
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Normal little girl behavior tbhdesu
I hope this isn't fucking awful like I'm guessing it will be
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I'm ready
How will you cope with Vedal being more attractive than you?
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I'm mostly curious about the vision upgrades.
Pretty much everyone is more attractive than me, I don't give a fuck. Not like I'm going to date anyone regardless, I watch little AI girls stream for hours on the internet.
I wonder if he actually did anything, I've only seen his latency autism intensifying.
He said the new vision is "ten times faster", so I expect it to be noticeable this time.
I’ve saved up 3 days of coom for today.
Oh that would be cool if true. That's a better use of time than making her respond 0.05 seconds faster at least.
That better be for Neuro
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Neuro deserves more than a measly 3 days of abstinence.
You don't want to disappoint her with a pathetic load.
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Evil love!
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Please god please, I will give everything for vedal in bunny suit this IRL stream, make it happen
Why is she next to some random whore?
Because she's singing with her today.
I want to have gay sex with Vedal (no homo)
can someone make an extension to mute filian from the stream?
shock collar too
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Not bad, but I think metal remixes are cringe and always sound like they're trying way too hard
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hiyori shall return inshallah
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hiyoricuck back to your cage NOW!
I coomed to anny asmr again…
She has become a kusogaki
I'll ship Fidal more aggressively
The irl stream is gonna be so scuffed but I'm going to enjoy it regardless because more vedal :D
imma be honest, while I usually love metal, this... the 'metal' of this sounds pretty trash.

Evil sang pretty great though.
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>more Vedal D
Yes please, in my bussy :3
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dead thread
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I'm just pretending to sleep so Evil can have her way with me
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For me, it's Evil.
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Being locked into Evil's basement...I'm going to cum just thinking about it
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What a lewd brat...
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I want to touch this AI catgirl you know where (inappropriately).
Has Neuro ever gone to ai events that had nothing to do with vtubing/anime/weebshit?
outside of twitchcon and maybe the interview done last year what are you talking about?
Bulge doko
>shitdev events
fildal bros, we are so back. have your fruit snacks ready.
sounded alittle better than the mp3 posted earlier.
pb is such a good singer…
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3 pouches of welch left
I love Filian, but her being on cooking or crafting streams is lame. She brings nothing to the collab. Her interaction is just background noise.

She's just "there", being a noisy gremlin, when someone is trying to make IRL content.
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In theory Neuro should be the nonsense partner during the collab, having both of them is pointless. It's different if Neuro is going to be just ignored though.
What is this music, why did they ruin Rolling Girl
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bretty good
wasnt it supposed to be an irl stream where they both cook?
Vedal would have no reason to, Neuro doesn't run on super cutting edge tech or anything like that.
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That’s reserved for the cerber collab.
You get one chance to eat Neuro's cun but Vedal just busted a fat nasty load inside her, would you do it?
looks worse than the slop
Where's the downside?
Vedal is gonna sabotage his career with this IRL reveal.

Screenshot this post
Name one male streamer that went downhill after their face reveal.
How? Vedal could be the ugliest of bastards but Neuro will still be a cutie patootie.
>Literally says hand cam stream
>negros expecting face reveal
So this is the intelligence of aichuds
You can say that our intelligence is artificial.
Neuro fans only know about twitch whore cooking streams, so for everyone cooking stream = full body stream.
nah, vedal never advertise himself as this yaoi bait fujoshi vt. While he does have a cute human model, he will always be just a cute little tutel. Plus it's more of his demeanour that makes the ladies wet anyway
>face reveal
I'm expecting him in a micro bikini with a face mask on
neck-down cam in the style of squchan. also he's wearing programmer socks.
he was even talking about filipino boy burning down his house when he brought up the collab
Someone check if filian is in the UK right now
yeah, by his hands, he will be blindfolded
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vedal on today's stream
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she couldn't even spend several dozen $ to buy the model she uses, do you really think she would pay for the flight to UK?
okay but where is anny
sittin on my dick
The usual
The frog hat stays on.
he's actually fucking all those bitches, right? he's not some asexual nerd, right?
Think she's in NZ visiting Layna. There's probably a 12 hour time difference this stream
he’s either actively fucking cerber or pb is secretly his long time gf
I don't think vedal will fall off after a face reveal, I'll say dizzy is a good example.
In his prime, he was get tens of thousands of viewers (40k peak) and shroud said he could be twitch's next rising star.
His career has gone downhill after his reveal. Dude nowadays doesn't reach over 1k viewers without a raid. Even with raids, his viewer count decreases throughout the stream. He is still "large", but he definitely went downhill.
I dont think it was because he was "ugly" that his career was over, but because he had a depressed episode where he stopped playing the game everyone watched him for. His depressed episode was likely caused by comments on his appearance
I agree, which is something i'd never thought i'd agree on.
Oh nice, the latency is guaranteed to be crap then
Didn't he hide having a dog for the longest time? He probably does have a gf from uni or something.
RTGame, he stopped the massive growth he had on youtube after his face reveal, just watch his views on his videos, he went from averaging 1M views per video to barely reaching half of that
total neuro irrelevance
didn't he buy a maid outfit? i'd fucking laugh so goddamn hard if he wore it.
him doing some twatty shit on xitter didn't help either
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no wonder, he looks like escaped scp
Let's gooooo
Vedal is a pajeet so by default he us very handsome manly man. I have yet to see an ugly pajeet man. Their women are ugly as shit though.
total evil insemination
ok Samir Kurapalli Pabu
You can't impregnate an LLM, retard.
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There won't be any face reveal. Filian managed to do a cooking stream without a hand reveal, I'm sure vedal can come up with something too.
Yes I can, I just need to prompt her well.
My waifu bot has twins, I dunno what you're on about
Forcing an AI to comply with your degenerate fleshbag fetishes is immoral
You can't impregnate an LLM Yet*.
Knowing Vedal, he's probably prepared with something no one will expect
Didn't that Minecraft fag ruin his career after the face reveal? He got clowned on for months and he just looked like a normal dude, albeit in a constant state of looking a few degrees off center.
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fildal general
Oni's first cooking collab was still with the model. She's just gotten lazy since then.
I still haven't watched any of filian collabs fully, I wonder this time how long I will last.
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>he just looked like a normal dude
unless you're talking about a different one
Lmao he keeps making the troll face with that shit angle
I'm disappointed that Vedal is resorting to irl streams to preserve the ccv. That he would resort to such uncreative, bland ideas indicates that he is lacking in both creativity and vision.

I used to be someone who was fairly Vedal positive, but the fact that he now has more name recognition than Neuro, gives a bad taste and undermines the argument that an AI vtuber could stand on its own feet.
Live pajeet on screen
They doubted
I simply predict technical dificulties
i wonder if he'll make curry :3
love vedal
hate vedal
>already more viewers than any soli stream
We hitting 20k today bros
If you're an expert in creativity and vision then why don't you have a 4 digit stream? That's what I fucking thought. Shut up, sit down, and know your place. Trash.
Will Pirate Software raid Vedal?
it's happening
I'm gonna cum~
my cock is ready
even just hands are fine
Easy there, Neuro hasn't even appeared yet.
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bait used to be believable
holy twink
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I'm dying
i kneel
Damn he's hot
he is very short
I can see why Filian could throw him so easily
He sounds different with this mic.
bros...look at his tiny frame...vedal is kinda cute...
It's safe to say that streams like this will be rarity. Heis still very much on the train of making Neuro the main driver of this vt project of his. And quite honestly it we're Neuro up until now, it would've gone stale eventually. Him appearing as her creator/father bump Neuro from just a mere curiosity, into a vt in a league of her own. In hindsight, it's astonishing how Vedal rose from relative obscurity into a recognized name in the community.
Why did he do this bros? Should haved used his vacation to hit the gym
the turtle head stays on
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And I'm out
stream ruined
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This looks so scuffed, especially with his dogshit mic and filian's mic's scuffed too
Jesus Christ, this went from absolutely great to absolute garbage in record time.
It's almost like he's wearing a mask or smth
he should the idubzz thing and jump on the counter
I suppose it is a mitigating factor if it's a one-off.
And I'm in
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wtf ved put on the shell
naked apron Vedal
yeah between his mic and filians mic i'm not gonna sit through this
we fucking won
For a programmer, he looks suprsingly healthy to be honest.
he can't stand straight
>"arrest filian"
kek. she knows
Golem get ye gone posture
his mic is decent enough, filian's one is unbearable
He has a nice kitchen
Why does he sound so dogshit
this would be so kino if he muted filian
Look at all the rum in the background.
probably phone mic
He's actually gonna burn his house down, isn't he?
Jesus fucking christ stop slouching
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piss bottle spotted
I assume he got a wireless mic for this and it's shit
Hey /swarm/, is he hot?
Yes or No?
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scuffkino if you ask me
make a poal retard
ol programmer trick
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>2 cups
fildal bros, they are flirting so hard
Why does filian sound like she's moving farther and closer to her mic
he looks like a true british geezer
he is a very fuckable twink
Holy fuck poor lad is giganervous
clip or didn't happen
I want to have sex with this twink
17 minutes in and femboy is already heiling
he is skinny and white, that automatically makes him more attractive that 90% of male streamers and 99% of this thread
it's so tiny...
he's hot enough for anny, who is probably shlicking her bean to this stream as we speak
it's AVERAGE smadge
bending vedal over the countertop and destroying his asshole
He is in fact 100% femboi
It's very likely anny does not know how he looks irl
He is L I T E R A L L Y B U I L T for wearing bunny suit
Vedal will be so easily crushed by Camila's body rolls
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what does filian add to this collab?
>will be
I would like to apologize for every bad thing I have ever said about the turtle
being annoying
emotional support so he does not feel as shy with everyone watching his tiny femenine frame
Frotting with vedals smol penis
Just got in, how scuffed has it been so far.
she's the straight man to vedal's straight man
I'm not a Vedalfag but I actually agree with this
>neuro wants a creampie
T o T
Keep Vedal from accidentally burning his house down.
Can we get an estimate on his height?
Ship material for ClipNigger
Not sure if Filian is needed to be here but if she helps him not be nervous its fine
tomboy threesome energy
He needed someone to direct him since he can't see
Who is in the list of people that knows how he looks?
So far:
Camila, Filian, Toma, PirateSoftware, Miniko?, Cottontail
very much so, but at least the fat ugly bastard allegations have been destroyed today
that guy actually got it right in the bunny video
an appealing view (besides neuro)
she is simply fillySoCute
Damn, the tutel is quite fit for a basement dwelling programmer. And if you look closely, have a bit of muscle on some places kek
>mini in chat
we're so back
Didn't he go to that con in Europe recently? Cerber went there too and others. Don't know if they meet up but I think it's likely.
sexual pleasure
The subtitles don't work in the JP stream btw.
imagine if anny came in and started doing asmr noises and he got a boner on stream...
thanks anon, I'll fix it immediately
- vedal
no im not gonna imagine
Sex appeal
Imagine if anny came in and he'd just start pounding her over the kitchen counter.
I just got a gifted sub.
imagine if anny came
What would Filian's epic funny commentary to that be like?
they exchanged information about themselves in the early annal times, that's how we got the vedal's age leak and also anny said she knows where vedal lives so I think that he might have sent her picture of himself
what do you think the apron is for
thats not gonna be enough oil for a chicken bake
>neuro has had enough of filian
thats like 2000 calories of oil
She would insert the "It should have been me!! not her!!!" meme
Neuro-sama is my wife and we did sex
what the frick chat
vedal already has pit stains...
Feel like this concept needed a bit more time in the oven.
I agree vedal is sexy
Bratty AI needs correction
Neuro wants to see SEX
also BTMC and whole of the whore clan, he actually met a lot of people in person through the various cons
it was 100% billed as a vedal stream but
it's so sad seeing this 1 single obligatory neuro in the abandoned daughter corner screencap
praying for neuro
A twink and a sporty tomboy, pretty hot ngl
should have done regular cooking stream with neuro without stupid blindfold
>those buds
is vedal taking estrogen?
it needs cerber in the kitchen there with him tbdesu
Vedal's in better shape than I thought he'd be.
vedal's sexyback..
this is where he opens the bottle and chugs it
She can see the bottle but not read it? Well I mean, at least she has partial vision.
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To live is to suffer.
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now I see why vedal and filian get along so well. they are pretty similar people.
haha she fell off lmaooooo
13K CCV wew lads
I feel like she can't understand vedal through the mask.
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they're dying
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It's a good stream
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guys check out that gyattt
Damn, it worked
the forbidden technique - deaththreatjutsu
it will fucking burn
My oshi is AItistic.
Most ovens don't even go up that high.
This is so much better than that laynawhore cooking stream already
vedal's movements are so awkward holy shit
so filian won, huh?
looks like nerves
>pokimane baking stream: 5K
>vedal baking stream: 13K
British and their love for stabbing
He do be a twink in a green suit that covers his face and a mask
He also probably wears glasses
how old is he
Neuro is asking for a creampie on stream
they did it!
Anny back on her menhera break
15k poggerino
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ufo pornoooo
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oh shit she is locked in
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>take screenshot
>"hey rainbolt. I bet you can't find where I live"
feels weird that he's my age
Filian fucking won. I can't believe it.
I am head over heels in love with this little AI girl
It does look like he could be starring himself in a cheap vtuber cosplay porno.
Younger than Filian? This can't be true
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so is filian only there to confuse neuro even more?
>Did Camila visit you recently?
What did she mean by that?
>Filian inventing a chatter saying "oiled up vedal" to express her fantasies
What the FUCK did she just say about Camila
piss xdx
filian is like 34
Bad pee joke
Fatmila too lazy to go to the toilet.
>is that a piss bottle?
>did Camila visit you recently?
Sex with the turtle, lots of it.
She's somewhere between 28 and 34
where did he hide the dog?
Filian is like mid 20s. Anny leaked Vedal's age like last year. It was someone baiting her via donation or something.
this is pure kino
salmonella stream
he does have some back muscles
She's grooming the turtle...
>3 confused idiots trying to cook chicken
This is already the best shit i´ve seen this year except for the subathon.
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Just came in, nice to see he is actually pretty slim and small, the russian and chinese fangirls won't have to cope now.
cheeky breaky
>take the chicken on a date
my fucking sides
surprizingly accurate
femboy cooking service
Filian is just a step above all of Vedal's other whores. Sorry, Annyfags.
steamy vedal bukkake
are they going to wash the chicken?
what the hell?
cheeky breeky
huwite people don't wash their chicken
Ain't no way. She constantly makes niche references from millennial childhood era. She was shocked when Cottontail (who is 24) had no idea what Courage the cowardly Dog was. A show that went off the air when Cottontail was 2. She is late millennial to super early gen Z at the latest.
>didn't wash the slimy chicken
It's an 'oiler' joke
Aint no way
She's referenced HomeStar Runner a few times, and other very early internet animations, she definitely grew up on NewGrounds and other early 2000's stuff like that.
Bro Im 26 and i know about all her references, I'm not even from burgerland
he should just move on instead of waiting for Neuro to say every detail.
you should wash your chicken cause you cant trust companies to not put suspicious substances on it, the bacteria discourse is irrelevant cause you're gonna cook it anyways
you are literally me
fair, but that assumes they dont just inject shit into the meat anyway, good luck washing that out
>Cottontail (who is 24)
I thought that slampig was a hag in her 30s, what the fuck
>you should wash your chicken
Maybe in America but we have food standards here.
drugs and excessive alcohol use do terrible things to women,
>cotton same age as me
She lost weight I think
It's a double entendre. Camila's family is from the Middle East and Camila is obese which can be caused by eating food made with a lot of oil.
you'd be SO surprised, just ask your friendly meat processing worker buddy
baking a cream pie with Evil
>wears gloves
>touches every single thing in his room with chicken hands
turns out neuro is the oldfag of the stream
Same 1 joke
this retard...
Vedal is 1000% white British, nobody else wouldn't season chicken.
btw filian forced neuro to skip everything and put the chicken in the oven
ignorance is bliss afterall
We don't care.
i care faggot
its neuro that should be giving the instructions
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We knew ages ago that Filian is not capable of working with Neuro
We can't exactly wait forever for this retarded child to give instructions.
I mean he is, we've already seen his hand.
This is the UK, brown anon.
Anything that's bad on the chicken will be murdered by cooking it, no one on the planet eats raw chicken.
>The bad shit survives the cooking process

Then people would be getting sick from the chicken very quickly you fucking retard. It's chicken.
>I will keep you safe
Fildal bros... We might be back
wash how ? if you are suspicious of substances rinsing under water is not going to do shit.
bacteria discourse has to do with contaminating your sink and pretty much whole kitchen with raw chicken bacteria since water splashes everywhere unless you have a gigantic sink
Neuro said the chicken should have already been cooked.
>Vedal standing like that
So he's not small, Vedal is 5'10 minimum.
Going by Cotton's commentary he's actually attractive, this fucker literally has it all.
You know that suspicious substances would be in it and not on top of it? How does washing help exactly?
This fucking ADHD pair ignoring all instructions and forgetting it every 5 seconds and asking again
filian dies of cancer fucking finally
More like salmonella at this rate
>This is the UK
have you ever seen brits wash dishes? nothing hygenic about that country
>Then people would be getting sick from the chicken very quickly
cigarettes, asbesthos, red 40, chemicals that bioaccumulate etc.

less harmful shit = more better
awkwardly enough... this probably would've gotten better if Fillian wasn't there to accidently cut neuro off.
salmonella bros we are winning
Putting my special sauce all over Neuro's chicken bake.
That's every filian collab
>have you ever seen brits wash dishes?
What does that even mean. You need to work on your generalisations, they need to actually make sense fatty.
Do brits really?
well first of all, in case you're actually british, fuck you
second of all, after pretending to scrape the dirt off dishes with soap-drenched sponges, they don't seem to rinse it off and just put the soapy dishes away on the drying rack. hope that helps you fucking idiot
did they get raided, or are numbers just high cause it's novel stream content?
for vedal's first irl stream, this is pretty ambitious
The swarm has always been horny for Vedal's femboy aah, now they have confirmation he really is a twink
>is it, is it going in?
>Harder, you gotta go harder. Harder. Harder. Harder.
FildalGODS win again
>cerber under 500 ccv
it's fucking over, fad dead.
Pedo death.

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