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Wet Dog Edition
Previous Thread >>81528464

>Upcoming Stream

>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel
>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template
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Rufferans have (You) done your
>Hide post
reps recently?
Only (You) can ignore bait and help clean up the thread.
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>Upcoming Stream
so is the ARK stream going to be added tomorrow or the day after or both
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Oh my gosh...
Magical Girl outfit for the whole gen would be kino as fuck. If not an actual Live 2D outfit, at least as the key art for the next song or something, to serve as inspiration for tons of fanart.
S-swimsuits soon...!!
Beautiful last post. My mogotyan smells like peaches and strawberries
they said it was their first trip but... wasnt moving to japan a trip
A trip is when you go somewhere temporarily and come back. They're not coming back to the NWP.
No, it was a move
Erm sooo, are we meeting up at BD or does everyone already have plans?
we’re meeting and doing karaoke
I'd rather die than meet any of you freaks
Need the version with the panties (it's better)
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I'm down
I'm going to the happi meetup
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>Raffians you don't want Pero, HE'S NASTY!
why is she like this?
>They're not coming back to the NWP.
But what about the concerts from the other side
Can I come even if I don’t sing? I don’t want to embarrass myself with my N900 Japanese
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What's the deal with
What did they mean by that RT?
Anniversary commemoration
one year twitter debut anniversary
They wanted to show us they were happy but they were also already in bed so they didn't want to get up and take a new picture but also this >>81540438
it's over a year since they posted that and they are about to have their 1year anniversary?
Anniversary. I choose to be a schizo and assume they saw me and a few others retweet it the other day lol
They probably did, they keep notifications on, but it does seem like the kind of thing they would do anyway.
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...I knew that
>haven't been able to watch their streams because they're all at 3AM
what do
Thats fine, but we all know you wont be at BD anyway, so no need to lash out
They've talked about this in one of the SC reading streams.
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watch VODS
Only two. Also just stay up like me. If you have to work in the morning, call out. You must have a shitload of sicktime
Don’t watch them and catch the vod later
>inb4 I don’t like watching vods
Just don’t watch it
>retweeted a 30s old tweet
anon they follow that account
These cute hags are cuddled up in bed staring at twitter right now...
Embrace the archiveGOD life, tweet your impressions after every stream to collect your free like, leave a longer comment in the archive to help boost them in the algorithm, send submissions for FWMC Morning and make sure to thank them and mention you saw it in the archive because you can't watch it live in your tweet thanking them for it.
the art is ugly too...
i gave it a like anyway
they should be sleeping
Implying i'm going to try at all tomorrow
Someone please hire me for the love of god
if they don't like my merch post I'm never buying another one. I came to terms with them skipping the gosling voice pack reviews but now even the birthday merch after liking all the Japanese ones?
Should have waited a few days, retard. If you want likes, you need to post things strategically, not when theyre on fucking vacation.
I just posted it today are they still on vacation? they clearly are egosa
My birthday merch didn't even ship yet. Will I still get a like?
not a chance in hell. They only exclusively like the JP merch drops because they're early. They have basically stopped interacting with EN fans
Stop replying to yourself you dumb retard
so this really happened
They haven't liked a single of my merch posts...
Did anyone here go to CTW? I heard there was people sitting throughout the entire show.
I’m yelling at anyone sitting down when the show starts
They used to before they moved to Japan and got too busy and too obsessed with numbers and building JP fans.
Hey man, you won. The thread is dead and you’ve scared everyone away. You don’t have to do this anymore.
Theyre extremely busy. Delete it and wait a few days, dumb bitch. If you do this though, I will post it here and I will make fun of you, but you shouldnt care about that unless I override your supposed
"love" of FWMC.
I'm not a dumb bitch I'm a blue ruffian
I have no idea what this venue will be like. There will probably be shit posted about acceptable ways of acting
No you're a bitch who's also dumb. Therefore, you are a DUMB BITCH
so which justice girls are we membering, ruffians?
If they were alone in the onsen, this would have a chance of happening
Just give up, you're retarded, ESL and can't shitpost correctly. It's embarrassing
>ruffian starts yelling at people sitting down
>they are just disabled or cripple
Ruffians really are the worst fanbase...
Kill yourself you filthy Brazilian piece of shit
this is my first event what's wrong about sitting down?
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spend money get attention. oldest rule of life.
spam twitter without spending money, get attention. Its that shrimple
did people stand up during their SMASH performance?
What if I send money and spam twitter?
lol i don't remember making this post
had 4 interviews, i was confident in them, but didn't get hired, and that's all on top of other jobs just giving me no response, this shit is so lame man it's like they want me to stay as a neet, it fucks with your confidence and will
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oh 迷央十丁目 is a 'spot the difference' game...
idk if I'm gonna finish this VOD...
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But Brazilians don't have the money to have memberships for multiple girls
Then they will ignore you like they ignore me, except this thread will claim they give you special attention if they so much as like one single post of yours
imagine how soft her floofies feel as they completely smother you
They clear it in half an hour, the rest is just shitposting, keep going.
Give us IDs Hiroshimoot
I spent over $1k a month on them and they don't like my tweets...
Eh it's short and has some fun moments. Its better than most of the exit 8 clones, but isnt better than the chillaslop one(easily the best and better than the original)
no, everyone was seated the entire time near me
It’s a concert dude, everyone should be standing. In my opinion, it’s disrespectful
I give some money and get a few likes. I'm th perfectly balanced ruffian.
I should stop sending them money and tweeting so much they are taking my love for granted.
we're not even allowed ip counters anon, there's no way we get flags or id's
why's ping poing movement so... sexy
I can't stop thinking about how they were all naked squished in a bath together
in the rinsing pool*
Gotta camp Shiori's streams hoping she'll talk about their pubic hair
3am no like that's it fuck this maybe they'll be back to normal after this summer
kill yourself you worthless subhuman
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What would it take to make Fuwawa feel like this?
my diaper is full again
She already is, vacation was their honeymoon. You lost. Keep sending her money though she does get some secual pleasure from it so that's the best you'll ever get.
There's a reason FUWAMOCO don't like you and it's because your ESL retard self spends 12 hours a day baiting here. Learn a skill and make them proud. Look how much they gushed for the figures today
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so you need to be skilled or rich to get their love? fuck off
They're too busy right now to waste time liking posts on Twitter, which is probably why they liked so many replies last week
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did the soundposter abandon /baubau/ ? there's been some good sound post material i keep hearing in streams recently but i never see any sound posts for them....
This implies Mococo is more into anal than Fuwawa…
meiws art is improving, nice. hope to see her sexy plump body soon
Women generally like men who are their own person. Seeing you trying assures them that their attempts to motivate you and elevate your mood were not in vain. Even a retard living in a group home who makes no money can become more of an adult by pursuing something they love for the person they love.
Where do you think Fuwamoco will be in 10 years
Married to me
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in my arms
At the rate they're going? dead unless they start taking health seriously
Cute butthole...
why do you say that?
Yes, people usually like a person who can provide something
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Hopefully happy and looking back at their career/experiences with smiles on their faces. I hope I can look back and do the same
she lied about that to get 10k subs like the cheap whore she is. She already backtracked on it but promises it'll come eventually so please trust her. sounds familiar
Close examination
Have you shared any of your talents or interests with them?
yes but only in VOD comments
There's nothing special about me besides inherited wealth and lots of free time but they still love me.
I don't think theyd be interested in my schizo-autism rpgmaker game about a fat bald loser descending into madness amd seeing lizard people everywhere.
Lonely hag Fuwawa hitting the wall and squeezing herself into one of her costumes from her idol days to seduce you with her saggy body (Mococo will look exactly the same and frequently complain that people still mistake her for a kid)
The only thing I've done special related to them this year is masturbate exclusively to the two of them
they would fucking love it anon
I like singing, but I'm too autistic to post any of my covers on twitter for them to hear. I also remember Mococo hates being sang to.
I imagine in 10 years theyll have reached just about all of their dreams so theyll probably have be retired. I could see them being soft-retired insteead though. Streaming every now and then for fun with their ojisan audience. They'll probably have slowed down enough to get cats, so we'll hesr about them all the time. If they still choose to remain single hags, then they'll be extra affectionate and probably more casual at this time too. I don't think they'll be that dedicated to "kayfabe" after 10 years.
Ultimately, I think they'll be happy and satisfied with all their accomplishments. They'll have accepted any/all mistakes they made and will be able to pass on their wisdom to the next generation of western idols/vtubers
I'm a man
there's no way they still have a public presence after retiring. You're crazy.
It would be effortless to show them a drawing or a piece of music, but I'm not satisfied enough with my skills to show them anything yet. Depression has been kicking my ass this entire summer, but I've been given new reasons to hope for my future, so maybe in a few years I'll be able to show them something that makes us both proud.
yes, is it surprising? he's left a while ago
I know, im just speculating. I could see them continuing to occasionally tweet/stream, but who knows? Maybe they'll just retire and live in the Japanese countryside with a hoard of cats
She hates serenades, it's different. They love music, singing, and teared up hearing us singing. She would never dislike your singing. Stop being a threadreader and listen to her actual words.
They'll be the next atelier grandmas.
In 10 years I probably will still be cumming for Fuwawa.
in 10 years, ill be cumming IN fuwawa
> he's left a while ago
explains why i haven't seen any new soundpost...
it's never been more over
I'm looking forward to twin hags in their 40s streaming obscure vns with no worries for their career just for fun
why haven’t they liked my birthday merch yet?
If you put a pondering on your dick, they'd definitely suck it
And there will still be schizos complaining that they dare to speak Japanese
>schizo-autism rpgmaker game about a fat bald loser descending into madness amd seeing lizard people everywhere
this sounds like something that would have a cult-following praising it even 10 years after the creator vanished off the internet
Itll be really cute
it isn't too late to do your reps. in 10 years you'll be full power
In 10 years, their eggs will be gone they'll have wasted the best part of their life. They'll be extremely unhappy as their career has gone nowhere and they can no longer be idols. They attempt to continue streaming but can barely break 2view. They won't be broke due to their minimal spending habits, but their monotonous life and declining health will soon get to them.

Then they have 20-40 years more of that. That's why (you) need to marry them.
Which channel is the spellingbee stream?
>They attempt to continue streaming but can barely break 2view
not after fuwamoco they wouldn't
I'm working hard to move to Japan but it's a slow process
Do you really believe that? Hololive is the only reason they have as many views as they do. If that ends they'll go back to a slightly higher low baseline
not back as a 2view though
>Graduation stream has a section of them going over their final "misunderstandings" (regrets)
>final cut to the ending screen as Mococo breaks down sobbing
So are they playing ARK tomorrow?
There's only 5 days left so they need to start soon.
We'll find out after the collab tonight
absolutely. probably every JP evening they can
fuuuuuck mogogo you are bouncing so good God It feels amazing
Is there a reason they hypothetically couldnt play it at their usual time? Is the server only up at JST hours?
yeah it's only open for a limited window each day during JP prime time
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Can't wait. It'll be years later down the road, reps done and coming home after a long day of work with them starting the stream for the night. Shooting the breeze about games and VNs til the late hours. Imagine how karaoke is going to be then.
Only up from 3 AM PT to 11 AM PT
Sirens are dangerous temptress
Be weary of them
femruffian please it's been a week now PLEASE respond to my dm
She still responds to me, it's a you issue.
Why is this thread so dead
Did Golden Week really poison the well?
I'm looking forward to seeing their big bushy tails more in their 3D outfits
You're probably one of the creeps that made all the pictures get taken down. Retard fell for the honeypot. Stop being a fucking creep
They will be multi-millionaires by then. They will just buy a house and do gardening/baking or whatever women like to do.
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Why are they called floofies
femruffian is the cuckposter. she narrated a greentext about fuwawa encouraging you to impregnate mococo even though she is sexually attracted to them
stop begging. if someone doesnt respond its either because they have nothing more to say, theyre uninterested, they feel the conversation ended in a nice way, or theyre autistic and waiting for you to send another message
Biboo is the one getting raped in that image
That would make her a cuckquean, anon. If anything, this means she would probably be spamming this thread telling you to cum exclusively to FUWAMOCO.
Id she ever gets a bf, she'd probably lock herself in a chastity cage and masturbate while you superchat all your life savings to FWMC
there are... female chastity cages?
They don't earn nearly that much and money will go back into all their projects.
Money also can't buy happiness especially for a hag.
they deserve to be billionaires
They don't even care enough to commission a room background and you think they're paying for projects? They are probably burning cash to anyone promising them the moon but only 1/10 will ever see the light of day with how horrible they are at planning anything
>Money also can't buy happiness especially for a hag.
Money can't buy happiness period. All money can do is ensure that you arent stressed over basic necessities and can buy whatever slop you want.
I've met poorfag wagecucks who have found more happiness in life than I ever will
Yes, actual cages
>Money can't buy happiness period.
oh yeah then why does fuwawa orgasm whenever i donate an aka?
Because she wants to make (you) happy
Terminal threadreading
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those won't stop me
same reason she bounces her fat tits and babbles like a retard. it's fun
>I've met poorfag wagecucks who have found more happiness in life than I ever will
I've found literal bums who are happier than me
>cuteandfunny is becoming a common whore for follows
this is why you never fall in love with women
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Oh they are paying for projects/songs, but who knows how long it'll be before we see any of it. We're about to hit a year without a single orisong from them.
So when are FWMC gonna release an original song?
They have other priorities first
The covers aren't free either. Hell, even the karaoke isn't, they talked multiple times about how a lot of the songs they like to sing don't have instrumental tracks available and they get them custom made, they usually even thank "a demon dog who made the track for us" during the stream itself.
The CGs they use in the VN streams aren't free. They had a room background they used for a single part of one stream (outfit reveal singing) and then ditched it. They regularly have new (but pretty simple) backgrounds for thematic RnR Parties with its own little animation, as well as the ones they use for watchalongs. I already know where the goalpost will move
YOU used room backgrounds as your standard, eat shit.
The real question is who will put their original song in a game.
probably once this summer ends and 3D debuts and breaking dimensions are out of the way
I think I'm done being a ruffian. I don't really enjoy it anymore. I hate other ruffians. I find myself annoyed by how parasocial fwmc are trying to be with me, it irritates me now waking up to a dozen tweets from them. I don't know them and they don't know me. I think I'm starting to grow up. The real meat of this post is realizing I use fuwamoco too much to avoid my responsibilities and avoid actually trying to do anything with myself. call this bait or that I'm a faggot or whatever I just needed it out of me.
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well, can ruffians do this
okay just remember there’s a EN collab tonight
Every single one of those was created (except 1? RnR) before they moved. It's been 6 months. Like I said, I do think they are dumping their money into a few projects on the back end, but there's been nothing to show for it in the last SIX MONTHS.
I'm not the guy you originally responded to, I just think it's crazy that they refuse to change anything up on the streaming side other than vertical streams.
different voices and different hair styles
without that you might be screwed unless you could test their sensitivity
Hololive sang for eroge before, they would definitely love to participate if the chance presented itself.
they added the #shorts, the sub counter, and the fuwamocode word after some random suggested it
I can't wait for them to play the eroge on stream
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One more month until September and it will all be back to normal. If you've lasted this long you can hold out a little longer
Pretty big assumption given how they talk about continuing to take on homework.
They'll do it in probably 3 years, max so stick around. I can't see them ever doing it anytime soon especially since they're so averse to outright mentioning the fact that they like porn. Talking about thinbooks and buying "behind the curtain" doujinshi" with Shiori is a step in the right direction tho, but I imagine they dont want people to spam "YO!??" every single time they hint at their interests
why did they repost this? https://x.com/fuwamoco_en/status/1684036163441688577
Which one? I feel like for them to play eroge on stream it would have to be one they REALLY care about, they wouldn't grab those that holos like to play just for the fun of the nipslip moments. So something like ToHeart finally getting an english release and it not having an All Ages version would get them to play eroge on stream.
Use your brain, I'll give you time
Good morning #FUWAMOCO

As the sun rises, I look at these brilliant smiles and remember how it rose on our journey together. My heart can't help but be overwhelmed by how lucky I am you found me and kept close by my side all this time

Let's do our best today, together
Because it's been a year since https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZrgAMWvIBA and that was one of their first tweets? Or are they being menhera again?
You love cocks so damn much, how cute
the former
At least get a new man to obsess over, for fuck's sake.
I'll help, Houkisei's FWMC sets are up on kemono, the comments too. You can see who keeps shitting the threads because of that artist.
1 year ago I was employed. Happy for them.
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are you no longer employed?
Who drew this? >>81539706
My Pero hate is just for the memes but I really don't want fat fuck merch... it'll be a missed opportunity to me whenever it happens.
I meant the hypothetical eroge that has their ori song in it. They would feel pretty encouraged to play it
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maybe mengen stream
Oh yeah for sure, but nowadays it would most likely have an All Ages version to sell on Steam without having to deal with their certification autism and an out of site patch to add the 70% of the content they had to remove. So they would just play the All Ages version, probably.
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I can't find it
Why HAS it taken so long for them to get an orisong anyway?
Hey I never shat up the thread. You should be thanking me for getting that FWMC set drawn.
saying they watched kiss x sis in the mengen without the chat spamming AYO was refreshing at least
Oh, you asked for the artist. If you want the source where it was posted it's agri's twitter:
Debatable, but I believe that they're being wayyyyyyy too picky about it and it's causing a shit ton of delays. It's fine to want to have some impute, but this is going to be the first of MANY orisong if they stick to what they want to do.
An eroge with them singing in it wouldn't just use one of their already existing songs, anon, it would be a song composed for the eroge with them as guest singers.
Feel like they'd have to go as far as spending a 1m wish on something like that.
I think it's hard to say for now. If they had one in the works and it finished production in the past few months, they would probably want to save it to debut in 3D with a choreography to go with it. There's no reason not to at this point. Every 3D LIVE with a song being announced with an MV ready to go didn't just happen to finish production right on time, they're saving the song's debut for when they have the most eyes on them. Even Marine does this and anything she shits out turns gold these days. If Breaking Dimension passes and there's still no new orisong, then yeah, that's probably the cause.
What are the most likely options for their 1M wish?
they're wishing papapuppy back to life
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 353: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched two episodes of an anime.
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Peggle 3
VN. Same as akutan.
I was watching another talent's video of them using a 3d model while playing a rhythm game and it just made me think that with how hard it is for them to do something as simple as a 2 person stream at the office, we're never going to get a casual fun stream of them in 3d in a suit/using trackers and we'll only see their 3d/them in 3d during big events.
>Giga is now out of business
Having a Holomem sing for your eroge might be cursed
Not sololive?
Lol no. You don't get a sololive with just a 1M wish.
In 2020 it was definitely not the boost it would be today. Nowadays it would get a gorillion sales from people who have no intention of ever playing it. I know I'm never touching that tsugu no hi slop.
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Pero will steal their wish away.
Maybe Cover wouldn't allow it nowadays.
I don't think so, they don't mind their talents singing eroge songs on stream, they keep hiring porn artists too. I think they just draw the line at using imagery from their IPs, but their talents singing for it I don't think would be an issue.
But maybe, not like I have any inside knowledge. Who knows.
>october 2025 arc is a series of "trying to find Pero and rescue our 1 million wish" horrorslop streams
>at the end they announce it
Watching the Liz collab, Bettel isn't that bad. Wouldn't be opposed for FWMC to do something with him and his twin
Trying too hard
I guess we won't know for sure until someone sings something again for an H-game.
Not trying hard enough
2 months to settle into Japan. 3 months to practice for 3D debut and BD. Why the rush?
Because doing something as simple as paying for a new background or bgm takes almost nothing from them to change up the streams a little during stuff like SC reading. Just something more cute and 'them' to add to it.
FWMC should organize an ender dragon raid and hide once the fight starts
koahri they followed you and you repay them by oshihenning?
I-I just...to Momo-chan from GuP...
I think commissioning tracks is a much bigger deal than a new background, not a lot of Holos do this. Polka is another one I know of. Most just sing what's available and barely even explore that selection to bring more variety.
For how much this thread tends to complain about song repeats, you'd think FWMC are WAY worse at this than they are, I'm used to "the same songs every time" being a lot closer to literal than it is with them.
Anon, they are not focused on streaming right now. Their main objective is to make sure they can be presentable for 3D debut and BD. You can complain about streaming afterwards.
cry about it BYATCH
Their RNR has variety for sure. Probably because they are open to singing songs from the 70s to now.
The only change to streaming I wish they did is to add a little singing corner for FWMC morning. Something like watame no uta will be cool.
It's obviously a moot point for you, but I just enjoy a little variety during streams and those small things that take very little effort/input beyond spending a small amount of money to commission something like a background do a lot for stuff like SC reading for me personally. Just something with a little more personal touch and maybe some inside jokes hidden around.
Oh, sweet, I was thinking no RnR Party because of the 3D Debuts, but they're 2 hours after their usual time, so it's possible we'll get one precisely so they can redirect into Biboo's 3D.
The most likely reason they still don't have a proper location background is they haven't decided yet what they want the background to be and they still need time to think about it long and hard, because they'll also be deciding on the mood, what objects and mementos to put in, their arrangement, and layout.
Unarchived rap karaoke to funnel into shiochan please.
Speaking of unarchived, couldn't they theoretically do an unarchived eroge stream?
What's the dream setlist? I'll add 3
Don't they use customized backgrounds for special occasions? I remember all cover after-parties and zatsus on special occasions used special backgrounds. Some of them even used a separate bgm.
Collabs on their channel are always done via the advent space they've used since the start. The last (and only?) time they used some model assets was during one of the advent collabs for content warning one time, Music is allways some variation of LTST that they've been using since the start, except for after the Christmas VN when they added the slow/soft version to their cycle very rarely. They used the city skyline one time for their whisper karaoke which I thought was cute and reminded me of the storybook look from Chobits, and that was 4 months ago. They added the starry moving background to their cycle around Valentines day and used it like 3 times before the move and retired it since then.
Why hasn't it left for a 2 view to be creepy towards?
calling someone that traces AI as reference and does 4 complete sketches for a simple illustration while still making the basic mistakes he does an artist is a stretch
you see how it types? hard to find a sane 2 view who will tolerate that
Sounds like a lot more variety than most holos. "and that was 4 months ago" is crazy, as if switching background every 4 months was the norm. It absolutely isn't.
I seriously don't get where some of the standards you guys have come from. Not opposing to you asking for it, I think it would be fun too, but still, feels like some of you want them to speedrun Hololive.
But yeah, I'd like a cozier background too, would be fun.
Mindbroken by cock
Imagine paying for porn of your "oshis" but not their membership...
compared to the rest of their gen FUWAMOCO look like a shitty new in the job indie with how uncreative they are with stream assets
>Compared to most Holos
I don't know who the fuck you're watching and while I can admit that there are others who have years of stuff built up, many switch up stuff like bgm and backgrounds pretty frequently.
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waking up was a mistake
it doesn't have a cock anymore haven't seen the OC avatar?
I wouldn't put it so shittly, but
>Uses her main bedroom background but changes up music
>Commissions/asks for assets to use during streams of games to make it feel more unique
>Commission new intros
>Change up music consistently
>Uses and changes assets for streams and SC readings.
It's not much, but it changes up the monotony and makes it feel fresh, even if it's just them rotating between a set of 3-4 songs/backgrounds/assets.
Not frequently enough to someone to say "that was FOUR MONTHS ago" as a negative. It's weird because I see some of the biggest players in the whole company that you could apply the same criticism to, and no one would ever dare to say something like "They don't even care enough" (81547426) about these talents.
Again, I don't have a problem with asking for it, I'm not telling you not to, but it just doesn't match my experience with Hololive.
Like how Marine had a whole stream to reveal her new background on her birthday in 2022, the one she shows at the start of the video before the switch she was using since 2019.
The one she switches to as the reveal she still uses to this day. That's 3 and 2 years. I've never read anyone implying anything close to "she doesn't care enough" when it comes to her. Which is why I'm saying I don't get where the standards come from.
fuwawa has a very nice body
Listen, I can't use JP as a measure because I don't watch them, but even clicking on that stream you linked it shows her putting on a goofy but cute crown asset. And clicking on her channel I just looked at the samples of streams and saw that she put on a cute little asset of a Japanese kids yellow hat for that train game that FuwaMoco played a while back. It's just little shit that I'm talking about. It adds to the streaming experience on a daily/weekly grind.
Darn, oh well.
FUWAMOCO insist that streaming is important to them and a priority unlike the examples you gave who are focused elsewhere and stream sometimes. How they've streamed as much as they have without putting a minimal amount of money back into assets to keep it fresh is ridiculous. But not surprising considering they also didn't care to even check rheoe audio levels for months and months to fix it
>owned by EA now
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mama is moustache!
They openly asked people to send them assets on stream, that they would love to use. Are you seeing many posted on #helpFWMC going ignored? Honest question, if so it would be worth reminding them, I think. If not then not much to be done. Even suggesting with free use assets on your tweet could help.
That crown comes with Cover's home3D app, btw.
they could work off the VN specials they already have
they rarely check that hashrag and rhe only assets they've used have been ones in group collabs where the rest of Advent probably pressured them to and helped. they are not good at streaming technology to put it lightly
Marine has a pretty iconic background ngl
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>FUWAMOCO insist that streaming is important to them and a priority unlike the examples you gave
lmao even
I didn't use Marine as an example for no reason.
That last membership post about "we want to stream we want to stream we want to stream"? That's Marine's normal, they need at least a hundred more of these to match her.
Why do you think picrel was made in her general?
It's honestly because they attracted the worst kind of insane people who flood their tags with nothingness and do very little creatively. They are the ultimate gachi-bait and it attracts people who are lazy and don't actually want to do anything other than shower them with menhera posts, money, and what amounts to mostly spam at this point. Also to your point, they don't ASK for it on stream, which is something a lot of other Holo's that I've watched do. It's not in a begging sense, but I can promise you that some of the other Holos I watch would have said at this point in playing DKC "It'd be cool to have some kind of xyz thing, right?" which would instantly get them some artist who kinda watches them or some guy to draw some cute SOVL in paint to wear for DKC streams.
They literally check that hashtag after every schedule, they always respond to it, like posts in it, they even like replies to people posting it sometimes. They always give a like as credit whenever they get a suggestion from it. It's one of their most checked hashtags. The ones that don't get much love are the meme one and the beats one, helpFWMC they use ALL THE TIME.
I can't believe people are just making shit up to keep the conversation going now.
>Ludokano makes Fuwamoco Animations and Songs
Never noticed
>Ludokano makes Biboo Animations and Songs
Always noticed

I wonder what he makes now
If I have to hear Ame's voice I'm going to start crying. I don't know if I'll be able to watch this spelling bee.
It's on Ames channel not guras
Smh random ruffian
Marine also commission a ton of animations for her shorts and has a song like every month.
FUWAMOCO love me so much and I love them
A streamer reflects their oshi. kek. Polulu herself doesn't use special asset much too. Though she puts in all her effort into legend of polka.
>they don't ASK for it on stream
They literally did in the most tourist friendly stream they have, who am I arguing with? Nobody replying to me watches them. Where do you all come from?

They replied to animations made of them with double digits view, before this thread noticed the animation, their comment was already there.
It's seriously partly this. You foster your artists who provide you with cute shit instead of playacting your fans who go insane if you don't notice them. It's a balancing act for sure, but the amount of shit I see get provided for free for content on streams for people like Rissa, Kiara, Biboo, Mori, etc, because they pay attention to, ask for, and make their artists and providers happy is crazy compared to these two.
>Tourist friendly stream
Nobody other than hardcore fans watch FWMC Morning dude. Look at the VoD views compared to all of their other streams.
You are bullshitting. They respond to animations with 3 views.
60% of /baubau/ are hololive EN tourists
I give up, too much goalpost moving, I'm not gonna keep chasing it.
But yeah, agree, a new background would be fun. Everything else you're dumb.
They absolutely neglected ludokano and missed having him as a FUWAMOCO focused creator. They basically ignored his shit in the start until they got so many views they had to acknowledge it late. I agree they've changed more recently to acknowledge low view stuff probably out of regret for not encouraging the talent and missing on that one. After they ignored him and Biboo instantly embraced him that basically ensured he would switch to her
Nothing wrong with that if not for the fact that they pretend to know shit and keep pushing fanfiction.
They didn't to any of his early stuff. The only animation I remember them talking about was 2snacks and they are already big and established
>Nobody other than hardcore fans watch FWMC Morning dude.
one look at chat disproves this. you will see regulars, but the rest aren’t. even when it comes to most of the submissions you see on FWMC morning itself, the names don’t belong to regulars but literal whos. out of all the names you hear shouted to be ESR at the end of the stream, you are likely ever to hear, at best, maybe 2 names belonging to fuwamoco’s regulars
Fuck off with your walls text sisters
fuck off zoomer there’s a spelling bee tonight. you’d do yourself favors by reading once and awhile
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bro there is no point in arguing with these people, they are doing it in bad faith
I sure would love a new background. I'm totally not a starving artist hoping for a chance to get a commission, by the way
She commissions custom tracks too to increase Hololive's repertoire, which is amazing, and I greatly appreciate it, since I love the music side of Hololive a lot.
wanting them to do something fun and engage the community more during streams is not sister behavior. outside of fwmcmorning and the repeated batsu requests when is even the last viewer interactive stream? have they even done one in Japan yet?
No cunt LMAO
>Nobody other than hardcore fans watch FWMC Morning dude.
So true sis didn't read btw go wash your hole.
Yeah, I can see FWMC going down this route. Watame does this too.
I was curious after watching that chunk of that FWMC Morning, so I went and looked at the #helpFWMC tag from that point to 2 months forward and it's barren hahah. It kinda makes sense with them moving and having no streams to draw stuff like that for. I think they should do a call-out somewhere, either at the start of a normal stream or on twitter or something, saying they'd like assets if anyone wants to make and submit them since that was 5 months ago and I'm sure some people have forgotten by now. Surely there's some hyperfans who can do some fun paint mockups for them to use for regular games like MC or DKC.
Maybe they just don't like it much. I don't either.
They commented on this when it had 4 views:
Like, literally, not 4 digits views.
now that you posted it /here/ I'm going to call out anyone that does it with a screenshot
Why do they need ludokano? They already get people like Kanaru making high quality stuff for them.
because he's a fucking creep
When they asked for mere fanart recommendations for thumbnails this thread was shitting on them for begging too. Now, of course, it's just the regular shitposters, not like their fans were shitting on them, but you will never find this thread not complaining about something, is the point.
They should make their sub icon in vertical streams like Watame's. A loop that plays the like, subscribe, and hit the bell animation
I'll take the one guy making those weird ass backyardigans looking videos of them over Kanauru, thank you very much.
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My mogotyan...
There will always be insane posters here, but that doesn't mean there isn't sometimes merit to some of the requests made here. More assets, more backgrounds, more bgm, pls.
Oh, I also looked because I couldn't remember what the background they used for their New Year's outfit debuts, and it was a karaoke focused one so it makes sense why they don't use it for generic stuff. One day we'll get a chill and cute location to hang out in during SC readings.
all this because they ignored purityschizo's art. fucker is the most annoying ruffian by a mile
I would do this with every Mococo
He gets the same views as a cover they'd spend months on. And it's not like he was some long time hololive animator that panders to the most view channels/clips, he literally made most of his content Fuwamoco to begin with
>they ignored purityschizo's art
first his mario art and now that sovless fuwawa piece too
grim, he must be at his breaking point right now
I just wish he wouldn't take it out on /baubau/ but you fuckers are obsessed with him and biting bait. ignore him and let it fade into irrelevant for fuck sake
do any other holomems have fans who ritualpost good morning/night tweets on their hashtag or is that just a ruffian thing?
I mean if views is what you care about, you might as well beg them to rap more. Their Silent Hill generated big views and attention.
Wow very subtle.
not in EN for sure. In JP there are members that post daily good mornings and good nights and people can reply there but FUWAMOCO are really inconsistent about it while still begging for the morning/night tweets so it's just the natural progression
most chuubas say good morning/good night themselves so there's no need to
Maybe not in the hashtags, but there are several chuubas who post a good morning tweet every single day, so it serves the same purpose.
>FuwaMoco inconsistent
Seems about right.
All the JP chuubas I followed do morning and night tweets and their fans replied there. They usually get around 300-400 responses too.
>most chuubas
Why lie?
everyone I care about does it so it's a 100% rate
some JP chuubas tweet a lot more in general especially on their subs
I just want one FUWAMOCO MORNING appearance, one retweet, one reply and ESR before I die
yeah, but like, ruffians will reply to fuwamoco’s morning/night tweet and then immediately post something similar to what they responded them with but in a separate post using their hashtag. i’ve never seen that before
I swear ruffians are whiny bitches. I have been following Sora for 3 years. She rarely does special streams or use special assets. Soratomos don't complain like some of you fags.
you'll die in like 40 years, that's a ton of time
Most if not all of the ones you see doing it are likewhores, that’s why.
that's just attention whores. fuwamoco don't usually give likes to replies so in order to get those few seconds of attention different posts are made
There were some really nice vibrant pink and blue flowers down this road last week that I forgot to take a picture of, I go there again today and they lost all their color what the fuck happened
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heh. Koyori gets 500 replies for her good morning tweets everyday.
None to be found here.
I always found that weird. I only send them if I really feel like it on the days they don't stream and if they haven't said good morning/night before.
It's kinda rediculous. I usually only reply in the replies section and the one time I decided to type in FUWAMOCO in the reply, I got a like. I'm not crazy enough to tweet at them twice in the morning and evening, let alone even more than once a week, so I won't change how I do things, but I think it's pretty funny.
those would be attention whores. some even reply with the hashtag then quote their own reply in a separate post with the ## again because they are going it for likes not because they care about FUWAMOCO

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