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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>81358175
(Where we discussed Promise band, mastermind Aqua, what makes good smut, and pregnancy)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Story Anchor
Lap em if you got em
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
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Story Recap. There was one story posted last thread:

Fox Tail: Open For Business >>81405002
Tags: NSFW, Short, Meta, Shirokami Fubuki
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POV: You're standing tall
Present Day Present Time took the idea space of being the shameless pregnancy/impregnation smut fic for a while and kind of took all that energy for a bit. So I can kind of see why there hasn't been much on that front. Especially since the alternative is either series material or long one-shot territory.
If Watame isn't gregnant yet, she needs another round. She's the best mom
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Shin-Neo Darkness Ranger Season 2
Tags: Laplus Darkness, sfw, short, proof of concept, Tokusatsu inspired.

Based on the previous discussion we had and the fact that i wanted to write some extremely chuuni shit. Its REALLY short and more of a practice piece to get me back in gear but i liked it enough to share.
Womanlet Laplus activates my breeding instincts but cunny laplus deflates them. i love short girls goddamit
They've only had one round. Let them have more fun together before throwing them into parenthood. They gotta get to live as lovers for a while first.
>"Who's the chibi one now, huh~?"
Cute little fic. I always love some henshin. It could use a small look over for comma placement and formatting, but overall not bad.

Anon's and Laplus' relationship is cute from what's shown, and it kinda makes me want an origin story for the pair.

The action itself is simple, but being Tokusatsu inspired, that was probably the goal. The blows are meant to be one hit, one kill while the goons just jobbed. I was kinda hoping for use of Laplus' horns, since those would be fun to see closeline, trip, and poke goons in the ass with.

Ending got me to smile, a very episodic end. Thanks for sharing this.
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Nursing handjob from a flat chuuba
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Why flat specifically? Is there something you'd feel it could add to, or have a story built around it?
Mio and you wave at each other, which in turn causes you both to trip and her to fall with her vagina on top of your dick.
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I'm never finishing this WIP...
You can man. Put that quitter attitude in the trash where it belongs. Just put one letter in front of the other. You WILL finish that WiP, it may not be today or tomorrow, but you WILL climb over that wall.
A quick, fun fic that was a great start to my day. I laughed, especially at the end, though I think some more emphasis on how you and Lappy are both naked after the fight would have made it funnier.
>Shin-Neo Darkness Ranger Season 2
That title makes me think the big twist of season 1 was that Laplus actually was evil and had setup the events to use you as a tool to break her shackles during season 1 but due to plot events reshackled herself in order to (Insert genuinely heroic act here).
Though I'm not gonna lie, thought it was going to be more serious and or edgy with the discussion from last thread.
>Why flat specifically?
Change of pace and also I saw Biboo lewd that had her giving a nursing handjob and it awoken something in me.
>Is there something you'd feel it could add to, or have a story built around it?
Biboo feeling sexy and awakening to her motherly instincts by giving you one
Shion called you a gross lolicon only for her to refer to you as her baby when her switch is flipped
Kanata smugly giving you one because naturally, you want to suck on her big breasts and experience her master grip
Suisei doesn't have a gimmick she just likes giving you one.
thanks for reading! i gotta get that formatting right when the spelling bee finishes
i had some ideas for Laplus using her horns but it went way too much into slapstick and i think Toku works better when the fights are serious but the rest is goofy. I think a jobber doesnt deserve the "clothes burned off" treatment

as for the "backdrop" of the setting my idea was that the original Darkness Justiciar is Towa and both Anon and Lappy are triying to fill in her shoes. they are masive towa otakus and have a shrine that she finds disgusting when she eventually meets them.

TLDR: i like the idea but i wont commit to a toku series but please write laplus porn as a womanlet, i want to cum on her so hard
This is either AI or the artist needs to study human anatomy.
its not AI. The artist is very amateurand an annoying menhera but that's me talking
who edited this picture to put panties in the way? everyone knows Mio doesn't wear panties, get those things off that hag.
Note: Replace the "_" with "%" and it will work. On certain browsers, sometimes it will automatically change it like that and you need to manually make the "_" into a "%" for the soundposts to work.
>Last spoiler
That would be a funny way to portray like half-unshackled Laplus.
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Glad to see NInisanni Scenario 2's players enjoyed my song. Didn't expect to see that used in the game. Thought it was gonna be an instrumental track I uploaded instead.
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I am finishing this WIP....
fookin hell i thought that one was already fixed. guess im editing it again
real talk? Laplus doesnt feel like cunny to me. Gura and Kobo do, but she doesnt talk or feel like one.
Hell, id argue that Luna feels more of a loli than her to me
Same bro. Laplus is a restrained super demon with big ambitions, but is just a little stupid and silly because of her big accessories. Luna I can't see as a loli because of how savage she can be, and also for reasons that involve getting so absolutely tangled up with her that only the jaws of life could separate our soaked bodies.
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Thats right.
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That's it! You got this!
Sexy womanchild
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Let that power flow through you, Anon!
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Laplus (womanlet) Humiliation fic where she gets sexually trained by a cunny fanatic trying to groom her into a brat.
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>Hey man looks like its just us in the office again. fuck overtime am i right?
>ever heard of workplace rape? scary stuff, really fucked up. No im not making it up
>Not like i would do it man, we are friends right?
>but like, if you wanna rape me i get it dude. all that cum has to go somewhere
>no really, im like totally understanding if you want to have sex with me. its just how it is yknow
>also if you need to pee just let me know, i have a bottle here. no need to risk yourself going into the bathroom
What's the difference, just behaviour?
Behaviour and i dunno, the way she dresses? Theres something in Lap's urban style that wires her to the same section as Bae in my brain.
Loli doesnt do anything for me so for example gura isnt wired to that part, since she looks and dresses like a kid, and neither is Kobo who acts like a kid.

Lap on the other hand should rub her exposed tummy against Bae's exposed tummy while im in the middle and someone cums
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>HJ Anon will impregnate his wives
>HF Anon will unite the world by knocking up monsters
Dick unites the world.
Up you go
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Post word counts
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I really need to buckle down and get working on this.
That's at least a word duke.
Wait, the guy who made that song is here? I thought he just stole it. Man, this thread is talented
I assume you're talking about the one in the Zaion's Rumor.
It's a good song. Definitely an earworm.
Are you talking about Corporate Grind?
>Shion called you a gross lolicon only for her to refer to you as her baby when her switch is flipped
I hate you that I want this VERY BADLY.
I'm just imagining them failing because their arm is too short while they have to lean their chest right over your mouth.
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No dying.
Next you'll tell me that you want to be carried to bed and fed by Shion.
You're maybe right on the 'fed' part but there's no chance in HELL it'd be possible for her to carry me.
Yeah. I really liked how it came out.
Glad to hear. I made it with AI.
> Shion using magic to levitate your sleepy ass from the couch to her bed (she feels guilty having a guest sleep on an uncomfortable couch)
Okay, I was TOTALLY not expecting that, ya know? Like, sometimes people just write Shion and they completely forget that she can use magic to make things easier.
I still hate you though, anon.
Anon nowadays Shion only shows up as a magical mcguffin.
What do you mean "they forget her Magic"
I mean as in there's some fics that have Shion as the 'main' girl but she uses no magic at all. That means 'forget her magic' correct?
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My goal is to have made 10k worth of progress before the week is over. I'm currently at 5k, so we'll see if I can pull off a miracle tomorrow.
Well the archive is out of order so i cant exactly Say when was the last time she got written without magic but out of the top of my head She's rarely written without it.
- Date with kusogaki.
- A Brat's punishment.
- Loving a kusogaki
- Jealousy - Prologue (?)
- Cozy Aftermath with a Kusogaki
- Valentines.
- (Series) Say, can you see?
- Coup De Grace.
- Bewitched. (?)

These are all the fics that has Shion as the main girl and without magic. I put a '(?)' next to some because I'm not 100% positive it has magic used or not.
Also I apologise if I went and misunderstood what you said and combed through the catalogue. I was just curious and had nothing better to do, ya know?
16k words which are all just different iterations of sex with Mio.
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Sounds delightful.

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