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Sad Fuck Edition
Previous Thread >>81539718

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>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

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never post this BERO ever again
I'm scared of a "moderator" putting me into timeout for something I say.
How far are Fuwawa and Mococo going to make it through the spelling bee, respectively?
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Oh fuck the spelling bee is 1 hour earlier
Do you chat when they're in other people's channels? I'm always intimidated.
Hopefully they get out early so I can turn that shit off and sleep for the ARK stream in the morning
i barely even chat on FWMC's streams
besides posting "BAU BAU" after fuwamoco do their introductions, nope
Fuwawa 0 rounds
Mococo 1 round
Oh is that how it works? You lose you're done for the stream? That will be a short one, then...
Gonna watch a movie before sleeping.
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>the ARK stream in the morning
have you never seen a spelling bee before
Not really as much, especially since some other channels have chat rate limiters if you're not a member
No, no idea what it is.
I hope they can make it in, it's been kino
I don't know what to expect from that at all, I'm hoping it's not too long though.
get ready ojisan, after the spelling bee we will have
5 hours homework
7 hours ARK
4 hours egosa
2 hours sleep
2 hours marathon prep
12 hours SMW
4 hours SC reading
>12 hours SMW
Have faith in them. They will clear within 8 hours.
Reading SCs at the end of an endurance stream is a bit much
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they wouldn't read SCs after an endurance stream, would they?
they're going to read superchats during the stream and do batsu for each death
What if they clear SMW in 6 hours? Should they play ark or call it a day?
then fuwawa has to solo it.
They're gonna chat a little bit longer if they clear in less than 6 hours.
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I might unironically, and I have never done this before, turn off the stream and head right to bed the moment Fuwawa opens her mouth and says "well...wuffians, if it's oka-"
I'll say it's not OK in chat. If their piggies complain about sleep they won't read SCs
Everyone should say no and then spend the next hour apologizing
speak of the ludokino he's now doing justice stuff. notice how when they give it immediate attention he'll do more. Who would have thought showing appreciation to artists makes them do more for you
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>I'll say it's not OK in chat
please, it's no longer a question with fuwawa anymore. remember the end of chained together?
>wuffians if it's okay with you, can we stay and chat for a bit longer?
>*immediately after asking* we're gonna stay in chat
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that trailer for uzumaki looked great, what the heck
watchalong for october please
she knows what she wants and she's going to take it
Maybe they'll use all the secret exits and clear it in an hour.
>Clears SMW in 1 hour.
>Plays Ark for the next 8.
I am down.
I might be imagining it but I feel they explicitly said they won't be doing that
>turns a kino stream into a severely less fun to watch stream
>clear it in 1 hour
>I 1 guy them and tell them of a secret ending that doesn't exist
You're underestimating them. They'll attempt the credits wrong warp and complete it in 10 minutes max (including resets and mistakes). Their final PB will be 50.026s making them 10th on the leaderboard.
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>ARK stream in the morning
What? Did I miss something? They didn't say anything about that in FWMC morning
40 years? Jesus I know ruffians are on the older side but average age of death is like 80 lmao
They would totally try to 100% the game for a "secret ending" like they did with mbembe radio.
If they do a guerilla Ark stream tonight, will you watch them?
it was at the start of prechat for that horror slop
They're still not sure if they'll be able to. They wanted to switch the Exit 8 game for ARK, but they didn't even have time to set it up because they were in meetings at the studio after the karaoke off collab. So it depends on whether they have time to set it up today.
I'm 350 pounds I'm not making it to 80
I watch every FWMC stream :)
They said they might do one tomorrow, if they still weren't sure of it by the time FWMC morning started then the chances are somewhat low
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That's not how Mario would've wanted it
only if it's primarily in Japanese
Depends on how gorilla. I'm willing to set an alarm, but it'll definitely start while I'm sleeping if there's no notice.
I'll watch for 30 minutes and see how japanese it is. I don't care about interactions with their senpai because I have little to no feelings towards JP members but I'll be happy that they're having fun.
nope i've gradually begun to adopt the "you don't have to watch every fuwamoco stream" mindset and it's actually done me wonders so if it's not something i'm 100% interested in, i simply won't watch
I'm already watching my JP oshi for ARK
don't forget the last message which is the most concerning one
Got it, they want to but it's not confirmed if they can
I thought there was a schedule change outside of the Advent collab
yeah I'm assuming the average age of (you) is 40
cycleshizo can you expand on this?
Nah I've already been getting my fill from my JP oshi and FUWAMOCO will just be completely lost and derail the server with people trying to help them
I'm not sure why they haven't posted the advent collab time change anywhere yet
having sex with mococo rn
I'd watch it so they're encouraged to do more guerilla streams so they aren't always 2 weeks late to every game
if they had flow they wouldn't go to the onsen
have fun Fuwawa
>they'll replace sleep right...
dumb dogs haven't learned a thing.
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>1 hour clear
>Well Ruffians, if it's ok with you, we'd like to chat for a little bit!
good morning likes deployed
A fine oshi.
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spewwing bee?
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I love her
They don't need to do few hours of notice guerillas to join these events or play a FOTM game
stupid mutt is gonna get out first round
I'd backseat them to the best of my ability as it's a game that appeals to my autism. I doubt they're gonna play it more than once though, all it takes is one person saying "FUWAMOCO pooped" in game for them to never play it again
We all agree Fuwawa will be first to go out right? I think she is >70 iq unironically
it wouldn't have to be a guerilla they're just retarded. There's a set time slot for the server so just announce it ahead of time. They have gotten so much worse with keeping viewers informed of stream information and schedule changes. Not even sure why they bother with posting one if it's going to be consistently wrong each week
>all it takes is one person saying "FUWAMOCO pooped" in game for them to never play it again
leave it to me
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You're an overreacting retard, this week has just been the time change for the anniversary collab and a possibility of an ark stream
> >70iq
she's a genius relative by hololive standards then
Why the fuck are you so angry? Is management who told advent to shift it up by 2 hours, probably to appeal to the JP crowd.
>Guess WHICH holo myth girl is the one that doesn't care about the rest of myth anymore!(hint: she is not part of this collab)
kek wtf, this prechat is alright
it's been a month+ of at least one thing being wrong or late to update. at this point you can't even trust it anymore do why bother posting one especially if they are just going to leave up incorrect ones
That post didn't seem angry at all, you seem angry now though.
Is too bad Melru isn't around. Would have been fun to see them interact more.
>probably to appeal to the JP crowd.
it's shiori's channel and she's a sleepy head
>I think she is >70 iq unironically
Well you're wrong

fucking kek
Guess they don't want to be the types of chuubas you expect to stream every day or twice every day at a certain time slot or a chuuba that streams weekly, maybe biweekly.
They should chill out a little and be more like Nene, who is also an idol
that was a quick way for sisters to start taking over a thread
She used to be an accountant, you know? Like Yuuka from Blue Archive
a dumb girl who knows she's dumb and knows she's loved anyway is one of the sexiest things there is
like my fucking birthday post I even got the limited set
they always stick to their schedules unless they want to remove streams
Catching up on last night's VOD. Did they give up on Japanese streams. Did our whining work?
I don't know, I just thought it was funny that some guy was starting shit for no reason
ina's travelling to japan though
yes, nips and jpbeggars are lucky to get crumbs these days
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Yes, and baused for that
I seriously don't know.
Ame and Gura are hosts, I'd expect Mori to do everything in her power to make it because she's cool like that, and I was just watching Kiara practice spelling words at the tail end of her stream today so she'll be there/
it wasn't the whining it's the fact that even when baiting JP tourists they still get essentially no yen SCs and barely any sub or interaction boost. if they're gonna number whore they've realized shorts are way better than chasing Japanese fans who don't give a fuck about them
took them long enough
JP shorts!
I mean that kinda shit goes viral to a degree because it low brow brainless humor. Not really anything funny, just funny because it crude, not unlike Festival's piss "jokes" earlier on.
I'm honestly glad their version of an idol doesn't entertain that kind of humor, because it disgust me
JP vertical karaoke would get them so many subs and EOPs shouldn't complain since it's mostly singing anyway
Honestly, they just need to do 20 vertical streams and they are done.
The fact they haven't done one shorts karaoke in an entire year is insanity.
they shoulda done chloe collab in shorts
they should've done it naked
they should kill Todd Howard on stream!
They'd have to stream almost every day for that. That's asking a bit too much
so what killed their 1 million subscribers before anniversary momentum?
the jp move, every knows it
I call bullshit on that since they are still growing faster than the rest of advent + regloss.
most people have lost interest in fuwamoco and the only ones who remain are their regular fans
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It is cute how everyone in regloss is using that subscribe button animation.
Lack of sex streams
Which again proves the JP move did it. They lost multiple months of sub growth by not doing anything and have shown no positives yet to justify rushing into it. Their sleep is worse, they're busier than ever, they stream less frequently and lower quality. I pray it gets better in September
who the fuck even is this
didn't cover threaten to cull the whole branch if they don't hit 2.5m total subs by September?
The Dutch
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Raden will probably carry.
mococo would make it far in the spelling bee if she were on her own but alas
stop embarrassing Ruffians in front everyone you stupid coom-brained BR
They're at 2.3m so we'll just have to see.
chubby retarded girl named Kanade
korean woman love
They will definitely hit it. 1st army will just drop a PSA begging everyone to sub to them and it will be done.
Im goung to give her some exericse with my cock
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does amesame spelling bees did it in pair or smt
they do it in Shin Megami Tensei
Pegor is already doing everything she can to give them collabs and clip moments
what did mama mean by this
bets on starting on time?
10 minutes late followed by tech issues followed by 15 minute stream delay
7-10 minutes after starting time
What was the reason cover decided to make it a seperate branch again? I heard when they came out it was supposed to be more music focused but they just seem like normal holomems
why don't they do it for FUWAMOCO?
>13 EN members
10 minutes of waiting!
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FWMC will force ame to start on time rather than 5 minutes late as usual
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Peko has ptsd from getting raped but maybe Senchou would do it for Mococo. They've also been chatting with Suichan and Shuba a lot.
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quick since the opportunity presents itself post which EN you would like to fuck other than fuwamoco
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>stream starts 10 minutes late
Fuwawa: sorry for being so LATE ruffians hehehe
SOME of us weren't ready tehe
Fuwawa or Mococo
cover always wanted a music branch and it sounds good to the investors as music sells big
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gura late due to “tech issues”
(her baby)
It's funny how often she does this
>that time people were calling them unprofessional and the usage of that word from her shot up 200%
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>ruffians posting merch photos right before stream
That's not how you get a like
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mating press
don't worry I'll spam the tag with live posting to knock it off the page
Where is the pre stream tweet?
DELAYED 5 (for now)
short delay hehe
I'll quote retweet it with more tags to help them out
FWMC would already be live, after putting up a waiting screen 5 min ago..
kek all the passive aggressive comments for it being late
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lmao EN curse amirite XD
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over and over again
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So, what did they mean by retweeting this?
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>our beest
stop asking this, retard
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oh look, the only EN members that take the job seriously were all on time. what a surprise
Biboo, Shion, Gura, Luna
Tweet made on 7/25/2023
They retweeted it on 7/25/2024
What do you think
the koreans should be exempted from the spelling bee
Fuwawa should stream naked for the rest of her career as punishment for being too sexy
Mumei! I love moom!
either foobs or okazu
why do her boobs look like that?
>Ame can't even spell sorry
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Yeah, and from Hololive as a whole
Biboo with impregnation. I want to give her. A rock dog hybrid.
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holy shit 10 minute delay Im so happy my oshi would never do this
kino already, how do they do it?
Man I do not miss this side of EN
based owlfuckers
I don't like collabs with only one POV...
FUWAMOCO were right to distance themselves from this entire branch as soon as they could. what a disaster. Hope they can become honorary JP members if not fully switch
I wonder what the problem is, it happens so often
Viewers are expressing excitement and relief that the scheduled event will finally go live after several delays due to technical difficulties. They are sending supportive messages to the VTubers participating in the event.
their reward for winning is sex with me
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ojou sexo
that darn curse huh?
Rate the collab so far
FUWAMOCO would have a waiting screen 15 minutes ago by the way....
I feel so sad... Where are my doggos? And what about being right on time?
You are now remembering why EN was a dead branch before Advent
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Let's see if we can make it to 20 minutes
man this prechat is wild, it's like that Yakuza screencap with the manbabies KEK
I was naive thinking it would only be a 10 minute delay
why hasn't ARS been banned yet?
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Sorry for the delay everyone I couldn't get my cock out of Moco-chan's little x.
I got spoiled by Advent's punctualit
What is this FF12 music
delay is normal for big streams like this
they have not organized anything on this level
uhhh bau bau nau?
do you even know your FFs. this sounds more like FF Tactics music.
What about full gen offcollabs? That would be a 1:1 comparison
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I refused to accept the narrative that I am somehow "spoiled" by all of Advent starting their waiting screens 5 minutes before the scheduled time, and then promptly beginning on the dot. When I check cable TV and it says "Larry the Cable Guy - 8pm" and I tune in to the channel, I do not get a blank screen and wait an indeterminate amount of time for Larry the Cable Guy to start.
tactics music is 12 music
>When I check cable TV and it says "Larry the Cable Guy - 8pm" and I tune in to the channel, I do not get a blank screen and wait an indeterminate amount of time for Larry the Cable Guy to start.
Yeah, you got 15 minutes ads instead
this has over twice as many people
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God Gura's so cute
unironically SOUL
never post this picture ever again
how tf do these ugly muppet models work? the left right movement on gura looked pretty far
it's what happens when LA CREATIVIDAD is involved
Hey /Ruffians weekly Advent wellness check coming in. Trying to hurry before the spelling bee. Hope things are doing alright both in your thread and IRL for you guys too
This is the look of a woman that has her penis out
Ugh... Kronii...
The puppets look like Ni no Kuni models, kinda kino
Huh, they're separate
>Mococo bias already
why is she from smiling friends
this one of your wives, ruffians?
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ok smile restored. Mococo is so cute
At this pace the first hour will just be the intros
Why is she not flat...
I cant wait to see what Fuwawa looks like
can't hear Raora
I don't mind, it's cute
Raora is so low...
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>Biboo became Ditto
Ame I kneel
raora needs to upgrade her mic
>Fuwamoco are the ones that get labeled as childrens content
>Literal muppets stream
Those are headphones, retardffian...
Does Ame care at all about twitter? Should I thank her for the collab there or in VOD comments?
When is it gonna start this is taking too long
Wait, if Mococo looks like Pim from Smiling Friends, does that mean Fuwawa is going to be Charlie?
La creatividad... I kneel...
Who made all these or was it each girl making their own
Sure is! Holy shit my sides, this looks adorable. Can't wait for Fuwawa.
I would lose my fucking mind
Kek that would be fucking hilarious
why isn't fuwawa next to mocococ?
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>They gave Mori a double chin...
Ame I kneel
PLEASE for the love of God I hope this happens
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God I hope so. It would really seal the deal kek
Okay this is kino
please let kroni get out first
Collab ruined
kek that guy saw the future
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awww still cute
>Not Charlie
Talk about a missed fucking opportunity
Fuwawas intro ruined, fuck
noooo Fuwawa
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Everyone loves when they bau bau
kek true, but there's no way fuwawa wants to be anything other than cute
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Even in this form they make my heart race
Shame they didn't turn Mori into the black face demon, erm I mean forest demon.
Cause they're adorable
This is why I miss the likes tab. It was easy as fuck to tell who checks on that stuff and who doesn't.
You probably should do it anyway for FWMC's sake, activity is important.
I'll just do it on twitter since at least FUWAMOCO will see it there
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Do Ruffians REALLY?
I don't usually miss it but it can be useful, yeah. I wish I could know if they liked art I commissionned, but I'm not gonna ask the artist, kek. When they RT it's obvious, but can't know about likes anymore.
they are gonna ask each other but it will be useless
i want to stick my penis in these two creatures, if you catch my drift
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Yes, and?
>We love Ruffians, Mane-chan. We love RUFFIANS!
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they're amazing
I want someone to draw them kiss.
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why is fuwawa talking to herself shes so autistic jesus
I want to marry and spend my life making these dorks happy
let's marry each other and spend our lives making FWMC happy
The BAU BAU cut through all the yapping.
I love my wives so much, it's unreal
My "mococo..." is ready
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Mococo hype
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>chat spamming Mogojan
It has never, EVER sounded like Mogojan
It has always sounded like Moco-chan
Shut the FUCK UP
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I never doubted my queen
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I would have failed...
It's annoying, but whatever. They canonized it officially with the emotes so it's here to stay forever
I want these Pim FUWAMOCO designs as plushies.
I'm so proud of her
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Get ready to kneel wuffians!
Sure if you're cute
Fuwawa your word is gorgeous
rock for brains...
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>"I wonder how the EN girls feel about becoming puppets."
>"Well at least for Bae, it's not the first time she's had someone's hand inside her."
Why is this reinforcing my love of my wives
Odd sensation
Biboo is smart
it's old jp jork, folded 1000 times, because written in japanese moco and mogo are the same thing with the thing on top. miko also doesn't sound like migo, 35 is miko despite 5 being go, and so on
Subaru recognized it
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I'll give it up, you got me
She's doing her best
Dumb whore kek
its raover
it's so over...
goddammit I was tabbing out while waiting for Fuwawa, gonna have to pay attention
Clearly on purpose
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Mococo's butax
Mococo is the smartest one here
>it's hard
>making an ESL spell EN words
kek cruel
she is probably sweating bullets right now
Dumb fucking reaper
This feels kinda cruel kek
jesus christ mori kek
Holy shit how do these humans exist in the world
a self tought ESL who's only be learning for less than a year.
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LMFAOOO do assfags really?
TitGODS win again.
It is always plural...
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>head empty
Just tuning in, how did Mococo do
I think that anon saying 70IQ was top end of Hololive was onto something
She easily spelled her word "abdomen"
She spelled Abdomen perfectly. fuwawa hasnt gone yet
You're doing great Moco-chaaaaan
>Orangutan is an easy word!?
>It's at least medium
holy shit...
How do these women function in their day to day lives?
>"These puppet forms look so lifeless and empty."
>"Well at least Kronii finally got a model that represents her!"
do they?
I think Fuwawa is gonna win
I thought it was spelt with a g on the end
I might be retarded...
Managers(paid tard-wranglers)
my wives cant even change a lightbulb without papapuppy
I would have lost right here
Gura-chan's voice is so cute...
Nah, common misspelling
A part of me kinda wants Fuwawa to get a retardedly difficult word and accidently spell it right
Mococo was able to type in chat so they can all easily cheat
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Do you believe?
Only 10% of my chat messages are going through if I check them on a private browser
So this is the power and speed of a memelord's chat...
To be fair, my spelling skills have gotten significantly worse ever since using auto correct. You can really type some abominations and 99% of the time it'll figure out what you mean.
There's no reason to cheat in something like this
Her word will be feathery.
They're operating off of an honor system
>Fuwawa, please spell "Brazilian"
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no, not at all to be honest but I love that about her
>mococo got abdomen
>raora got buttocks
I guess these are their charming point
>Kronii spell "vespers"
Shouldn't that be very easy
puke. just skip to nerissa already
The moment I saw Mococo's word I knew I would've thrown frame 1
I'm not great at spelling but some of these words wouldn't be in the first round in other competitions
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She's got this
wait, isn't it kretin
>it's raover
kek she knows
of course they gave kumquat to Nerissa kek
ok actual first hard word
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its over for her kek
jesus christ Nerissa
It feels wrong to hear them not using senpai, but I know it's autism on my part
somebody please draw them as pim and charlie and post it on fwmcpix tag
fuwawa would have lingered
>inb4 coomers say something about fuwa

holy softball
My lovely smart Fuwawa
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my baby lover
Fuwawa would have 100% spelled put C U M and then paused and giggled
I like ame now?
I could ramble about mococo's butthole for the next hour, if you'd prefer that
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I love my genius wives
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Not now
My wife is so smart, I love her so much
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2 nukes on GG aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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fuwawa would fail half these words
thank god she got a cute EZ word
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I love my retarded wife
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Place your bets, is Fuwawa getting past round 2?
She's not retarded, she's fuwawa!
I'm nervous, it's going back to Mococo
I just got here, it looks like I missed some good content.
easily, my retarded wife is smart

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