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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
X (Vedal): https://x.com/vedal987

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
How do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? https://vedal.xyz/advice
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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Evil love!
So is he taller than Giri?
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By a little yes
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i miss shazam
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so after all
he was indeed, a femboy
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i enjoyed her collab more
fillian is too adhd
lust provoking images
now that we know that vedal is indeed a twink femboy, I wonder how will he survive from anny’s lust or filian’s adhd energy.
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Is vedal secretly ripped?
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nah he a skeltal
Yay! He's back.
not giving you the Lordvessel
probably a bit of both, if one pays attention he actually has some meat in his bones. Though he still one lanky femboy
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my wife is so cute
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reminder that he managed to climb thru a window to get to his laptop
I forgot to post clip https://youtu.be/pd3IQn-gD1U
Anyone can do that unless you're morbidly obese.
I had the impression that he climbed to a second floor, maybe the animation got me to think that
needs scratch marks after rough sex with cerber
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Needs a bigger ass
How does this cute hag manage to mog vtubers 10 years you Der then her.
Why Vedal become filthy frank?
Give up cerber you lost your chance
I'm straighter then I thought if this is considered a femboy.
I think Vedal doing IRL streams is not bad for content as he wouldn't need to rely on twitch whores for that. He doesn't want to call himself vtuber anyways, the only problem is that the whores are still part of it.
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Cerber won
looks like me irl
I'm imagining her bending the tutel twink over right there in the kitchen
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the right hand side needs to be edited to be bending neuro over the counter
she also called vedal master at one point
auntie layna prefers dadbods
He can
With that kind of stream, he has become the whore
A whore for neuro
Neuro plays Jeopardy when?
Its always the same 4 retards
He likes to be called that the most
Twig looking ahh
Shitcord rents free in the mind of some mongrels here
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so fucking cute
She's so good at dealing with Neuro and following her directions, Vedal should have done it with her instead with the noisy cat.
Filian got to claw her chewed fingernails into that back.
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GOD I WISH THAT WAS ME (fucking Neuro, not being fucked by Vedal)
Vedal should have done it only with Neuro and without blindfold. Neuro is not good when there are more than two people and will not be as long as she uses her current speech-to-text.
Perhaps when she gets built-in "hearing" things will change.
>Vedal should have done it only with Neuro and without blindfold
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like father like daughter
vedal's ego status?
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yeah, my mayonnaise
massive atm
Impressive, I thought he was fat.
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Say how much you love Neuro or the fumo gets it.
>Girls and gay men are simping over Vedal's body in youtube comments and calling him ottermode

Don't let /lig/ see the breakdowns knowing Vedal is talking to their oshi in private.
Actual xQc build, LMAO!
feeding vedal chicken & rice
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For me, it's Evil.
>Vedal was the kniferape poster
imagine the pungeent smell of Nur's regurgitation...
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Too muxh green ninja, not enough talking sand
Goddamn twitch women are blind
He's so hot I want to wreck him
who is flatter vedal or pb?
Why people draw him like Andy?
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oi! blimey. does he have a loicense for that knife?
cause that's like the png-tuber image that he uses when he goes on other people's streams.
put cerber instead of camimi and it makes sense
neuro butt?
Neuro but what?
Neuro but naked.
Neuro sweaty buttcrack
pb sweaty cunnycrack
Running my finger through both and smelling it afterwards
>he still one lanky femboy
That's considered a femboy? I'm more of a femboy than him by that logic lmao.
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Mating press
Camila said Vedal simps are about to become insufferable lel, she knows shes gonna look stupid if she really tries to play off Vedal as someone below her league. No hate though I love Camimi.
male vtuber mogging female vtubers.
I didnt say I was. I said by his logic I'm one if that body type is considered one. I'd imagine 46kg/155cm is more femboy than fucking Vedal.
I could definitely manhandle Vedal, that's pretty fucking hot to think about (no homo)
show me your penis so I can rate how femenine it is then
You are a cocksleeve by any logic. Now bend over.
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She's so proud of it.
vedal kissing neuro, soCute
>no more vedal irl streams
good, veddy should know his place. can't believe discordtards are more based than you niggers
Is your ass plapable buddy?
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looking forward to
Discord faggots are actually quite literally severely retarded?
Who could have guessed it huh?
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Is this canon now?
show vedal feet
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Cute art.
I saw that more as Camila is aware that Vedal is attractive as she already met him irl and now the secret is out
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The public perception of what a fit male looks like has been destroyed by every fit male celebrity no matter how famous they are being on roids.
You'll understand when you start lifting.
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This stream was more popular start - finish than the court stream.
Discord plebians said this was due to Filian's audience but Vedal said this bullshit and that most of his audience already overlaps with Filian. which is true
My only complain with the stream is Filian. Why didn't he collab with Layna?
Because it was fillian that suggested it, instead of Layna
She's been having an Anny menhara episode for the last month.
And? Who cares?
She should do an irl stream next.
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hm tried to get one of them online video generators to make nuro twerking but it didn't really work out

where there are tissues...
Nooo neuro holding it in doesn't do anything
I want to spot this Neur
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i'm gonna
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haha, cute
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actually did the reflection, nice
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>can't believe discordtards are more based than you niggers
yeah real based
You can swallow, Neuro.
that's just the camera angle in the left
What if filian sounded like this?
sounds better than now where she seems like she's constantly holding a load of cum in her mouth
She'd be more bearable that's for sure.
>vedal gets to hear this voice in private
I am fucking jelly
you can actually watch an entire stream with this voice
she should use this voice instead
the problem with Neuro cooking is after she gives an instruction it takes time to prepare whatever tools and ingredients, and she has no concept of waiting so she starts schizo blabbering (made worse when there’s someone else in a collab trying to stop dead air from happening) and then they come back ok it was sugar right how much and she has lost the train of thought and completely changes her mind on what to do

at least this time they managed to make something unlike the layna stream where it was hurf durf put soil in the cookies so progress imo
it's shocking how bad neuro is at giving cooking directions desu. i was surprised how lousy she was back during the first onigiri collab (which was kino) when giri tried to wheedle some out of her and mostly failed, and she hasn't gotten any better. seems like if there's one thing an LLM should excel at its giving a list of instructions but neuro's finetune or prompt makes her so stupid she can't do it
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Hug your daughter.
I mean... for neuro to give the exact same instruction every time, he would have had to probably implement something similar to the don't talk or everyone explodes module.

Which would require him to not only research it, but it would also make neuro not give as much 'creativity' when the signal to regurgitate that list would come up.
you just know his erection is poking her in the back
well the same instructions every time is basically a separate issue, you have to insist multiple times to get anything at all out of her. similar thing with her refusing to use the image module i guess, he's got her tuned to mostly just not do what people ask
on the other hand speaking of keep talking and nobody explodes he did get a clip of neuro refusing to help him to pop off so mission accomplished
So I'm confused, as soon as I saw vedal's build I assumed the Femboy alligations were over. But everyone is seemingly more convinced. How do shoulders this broad not immediatly invalidate someone from being a femboy?
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>How do shoulders this broad
I prefer Evil's technique: tight grip, but slow stroke.
7/27 when you see it
Vedal actually has a pretty nice looking kitchen tbqh, and I know he doesnt live with his parents and bongistan has absolute mad prices for even small apartments so I guess Neuro really does bring in a lot of money, considering he also spends a lot on servers and stuff.
i don't get it
but where was the dog? is it really his gf's?
cerber was busy streaming.
>2 cups
You only need to do a little quick maffs with the plushie sales alone to see hes making serious bank. He probably moved out during his 3 month break after getting his parents house doxxed at the end of the subathon.
He looks like he runs and hits the gym once or twice a week, but as someone mentioned before, Hollywood's roided up actors have altered people's perceptions of male physique and also, vtubers and streamers in general seem to be so fat or otherwise out of shape that Vedal actually being skinny seems rare. With streamers you are either Asmon skelly rotten mode or fat and oily, or at least skinnyfat, and brown. Streamers have a career where they get high pay with little to no physical activity. Vedal being skinny and lean is actually rare.
don't let popular streamers always implying they're some combination of poor/broke/cheap to keep donos coming in fool you into thinking they aren't making absurd amounts of money
Filian is a master of that. Shes legit convinced most of her audience she spends most of her income on replacing VR trackers.
based schizoneurofag
yeah i saw more than one person imply that she pirated her model because she spends all her money on replacing equipment
i can't even lul
There are discordfags amogus
Vedal is way taller than I thought
For real people have a weird aah outlook on male physique, I had a classmate in Uni that was like a professional samba dancer, or just a dancer in general, and he looked just like Vedal, lean muscles but you could tell he did physical activity a lot, but people expect Hemsworth tier muscles if you say you are physically active like, bruh that shit is roids, dehydration, and good camera work.
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is she kinda like those necrons that 'eat' flesh but can't actually eat them
how tall is he?
There's also the factor of diet, a lot of Burgerland, Indonesia or otherwise Asian tubers have a diet consisting of fast food and junk, plus they don't know even the basics of cooking, while Vedal lives in the UK where there is absolutely shit fast food and likely cooks for himself anyway, so it's not surprising he looks somewhat healthy. He will likeky look like Connor and such if he keeps up a healthy diet with regular exercice and mostly homecooking, that is, twink ish if he maintains it, that by itself gives him an edge over a lot of streamers that go full McDonald's and tendies.
He is at least over 180 cm for sure
but it was a bit harder to tell with the turtle head
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god she is just so adorable
god she is so cute i'd let her stab me
Oi mate do you have a loicense for that naife
Discord artfags are really popping off from last night's stream.
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bruh wtf
>holds up spork
Nah it's better to compare the height of fumo to his
Yup, around 180 cm, I knew it
The position of the floor/his feet either seem bogus or not argumented at all why they would be at that height.
You should use the known heights of the oven and counter to establish where the floor should start.

Also the two red counter lines wouldn't be parallel at this perspective. (the vanishing point should be roughly above the top-left corner of the air fryer)
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What i got out of this
>The position of the floor/his feet either seem bogus or not argumented at all why they would be at that height.
Normal male proportions.
>Also the two red counter lines wouldn't be parallel at this perspective
Yeah that's a minor oversight but it's within the margin of error.
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She really is the cutest.
Got an unedited version of this pic?
Kek, this is Ina's back situation all over again.
people who say he is skinny and boney are just coping when in fact he has quite the average build. They just don't want vedal to keep winning further in life. God help if he shows his face and he's at least above average.
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My exact thoughts
He won't show his face, his "model" created too much expectation so unless he looks really good he will just get mocked.
Yep, ~174cm seems about right.
Gah, cut out the top part.
I have an adult woman fetish
you disgust me
You sicko.
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Using math and science to determine the height of a femboy programmer is so fun bros :D
I would rather if they leashed me...
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I'm thinking nurtum...
I hecking love Science!
fucking hell she's too erotic
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this gives me the same artist vibes as the neuro goddess one
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tummies built for being soaked in cum...
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But Evil doesn't like it there.
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You're right, I'll just rub her tummy and rope something else then

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