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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest Indies.

Previous >>81462267

Reminder to report and hide shitposting, off-topic raids.
you bitch you didn't even tell me you baked it
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Yeah i did ur blind
hi alice

hi idk who u are
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Kneel to your spelling bee cunny queen
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wtf? you guys are a global now? perhaps I've been underestimating you...
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fuck off blue man
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would you give her a second chance?
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my favorite bunny
No. Fuck off.
God I love this retard
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Need more sloppa of this brat presenting
my favorite cunny
alright fine if you niggers don't want to give her a second chance maybe asmr will
stupid faggots not sure what i expected from a queer thread
not me btw. nice try
I still don't get the drama around her but i found the whole masturbation thing tiring.
who is this? shes cute
It's one retard spamming her everywhere and complaining about "fake lolicons" or whatever.
who's this semen demon?
there is none kek, it's literally one butthurt tranny schizoing out.
Why doesn't rimaeri follow pamu anymore. Is she one of the schizo anti vtubers that she mentioned on stream
The thread likes her, it's just one guy complaining when she gets posted.
One schizo ruined it for all of us so now we can't talk about her.
I need more lolis that stream now why do they all have to cater to burger time
???? This IS (the last half of) PST time. SEA hours don't start for a bit longer (and have plenty of streams)
Did she piss in this thread's cereal? People heel turned hard for no reason.
You're in luck. She's streaming cat game right now.
Why would you admit to being SEA kek
she stopped following pamu on twitter because she teamed up with several other vtubers to harass stalk and spread lies about rimaeri
anything for wild and silly news or did that all die again?
>maybe asmr will
lmao after what you did to their thread?
Rimaeri has way too much drama surrounding her she is so unlikeable at this point I'm going to believe things she claims are lies
Nta, rimaeri is a retard. But i'll just let her enjoy her retardation with her husband and child. No need to go on a crusade against her.
There's cute retarded though and then there's actual stupid bitch retarded. She is definitely not the first
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Weak bait. Rimaeri cute
I will say this once and won't reply to anyone that replies to this
meifags are not welcome here
they are pedophiles and thread shitters
they have an irl channels in their discord where they post children
they spammed multiple generals after mei asked them to get her more viewers
when rightfully called out and told to fuck off they pretend none of it happened and say it's just a tranny/sjew causing drama for no reason
when proof is posted they claim it was an anti falseflagging
when it's pointed out that it happened after mei asked her fans for more viewers they defend the "anti falseflagger" saying there was nothing wrong with spamming multiple generals
just saying this because they continue to try to gaslight this thread, I have no intention to engage with any meifag or "tourist that doesn't know why she's hated"
Lmao get fucked SEAmonkey, no one is going to go for the pagpag timeslot.
>is taller than ame
>doesn't act childish
r e t a r d
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discord sex with ber wife soon, in the morning after I wake up
see >>81598748
>they have an irl channels in their discord where they post children
holy fuck you stupid tranny, you've literally been repeating this same lie since she opened that discord. it's just fucking normal porn. that's it.
unironically rope yourself.
Aren't you tired of samefagging? Pamu and Rima are friends and never had any drama between them, why are you trying to start one?
Friends that don't follow each other's accounts
good job schizo you made her refollow pamu
cunny pee
You think if I pay my oshi enough she will break my arms and legs
the pee goes directly into my mouth
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Why are there two threads? Are you guys okay?
Judging how this thread started im guessing meifags started this thread to try to get mei talked about again. They always try to pretend they did nothing wrong and try to convince people tbey have one schizo mad at them when it gets said they spammed all of /vt/ and everytime proof gets posted they just go nuh uh then start saying cringe stuff and sapmming the thread like a bunch of spergs. I guess the second is to avoid them.
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no its because the other guy went blind from jerking off too much (to cunny)
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The OP text is correct and the picture isn't her, therefore I don't care and it doesn't matter. If the picture was her, I would support the threadsplit.
skill issue
Never too late to call out the antichrist.
is this the person that said they would do their first stream july 24?
The image in >>81616158 is Walela Rose from an old VRChat stream.
i love my gold digger cunny imouto
fucking walela sideways halfway off of the bed until her ass turns bright red from plapping while she sucks on a binky. why does she look like she is on a crt tv? is she real? how do i upgrade her to hd tv?
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I dunno who is this AI semen demon but I will flood her womb with cum
who is this?
The shitskin loves replying to itself
i made this post.
>her husband
despite everything, its still me
now stop spamming
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she is this thread's biggest retard
pamu and rimaeri tickle collar collab when?
that's Irina, she even declared /uoh/ her own general before

Is she /uoh/ or not?
2 /uoh/, we are powerful
miwa using pedo a couple times last zatsu stream was a bit fun huh. also the cunny trigger word during asmr, imouto knows how to make me hard
zhenya didn't put any credits for the artist who the fuck drew this?
How does rimaeri expect me to schizo her now that she locked her twitter account and I can't see her tweets I took my only week off just so I can give her extra attention and she ruined it
you got your answer now check the post
always credit your artist don't be a retard like zhenya.
>credit artists
lol. next your gonna say i should pay artists. work faster draw slaves! my degenerate fetishes aren't gonna draw themselves.
Please masta its been months since I felt the warmth of the sun. I draw all day for 2000 yuan a month.
looks cunny and acts cunny but I'm not a fan of her voice or males on stream
yeah I just checked her most recent VOD and felt like I got flashbanged hard. I expected her to sound different, and are the males on stream her fanbase or is it just random guys?
they are all the 7 foot tall black men that pound her on the daily my nigger
sauce: I am one of them
get back to them tablet fields boy! if i see i see you so much as limp wrist on a drawing im not giving you your microwave ramen. the way you acting you won't even get it microwaved. you just go eat the brick raw you keep this up
who is live? im watching two cat creatures right now. here is one of them. https://www.twitch.tv/accidantey
I hate cunnys who are too sexual it takes away the fun of it. I love brats but her whole account is weird. Also her model has giant tits and is really tall
she streams shoulders up but this is her model kek

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