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we have the squish technology

/ag/ chuuba rentry:https://rentry.org/agfrens
/ag/ literature rentry:https://rentry.org/exq5m

>divegrass team

Previous Thread: >>83999856
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[Good news]
This general is a joke, right? Like everyone here is just memeing, right?
>he doesn't know
we love big women here brother.
Are you lost? What website are you from?
First day on the internet?
>If I have a really hungry week I'll have a Wendy's tasting stream, and I'll eat the entire Wendy's menu
>I could eat five In-N-Out burgers in one sitting as a teen and still eat the fries
>If I eat like that now I will balloon, not just 150lb fat Shiina, but 300lb fat Shiina
I swear she's doing this on purpose
the amount of effort and craftsmanship that mao is putting into mint's 3d model is insane and I might even enjoy it more than her quest 64 model.
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Your oshi WILL get fat
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Of course, who could hate seeing big women
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hahaha yeah
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Fat flower...
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This compilation changed me forever
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I live how even in just the first clip architects are urging her to eat more.
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It's Fat Fuck Flower Fmonday
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oh, to get a whiff of this Orca after a workout and she's 400lbs
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where is this from?
I won't sugarcoat it, this isn't a meme when I say this general is unironically the best this board has to provide.
I will in fact sugarcoat it. A lot. Get plump, nerd.
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Her debut lore video
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If she's under 280, she ain't a lady.
Whenever someone draws an armpit like a vagina I genuinely get uncomfortable desu
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Kek and that one is pretty tame, I have one chonky Marine saved where the armpit pussy looks like a lion, people here hated it
I need the template for this
How tall is Mint
Surprised I haven't seen more Chonkibird
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She’s 5’2 oomfie
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God damn I would fuck this dog so hard.
Softbody modeling continues, now the knees get realistic shape changes when they bend.
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Divegrass anon here with my first AES update!
We have a ball!
It's the N64 GoldenEye "Architect" Cartridge!
Please stay tuned for more as we get closer to our first match!
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That's cool as heck
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is grape actually a mod in mint's chat?
i have no trouble believing that oakleysavatarguy has an uninterrupted streak of gift subs for over a year.
I forgot that the girls on the front of the cover were Mint and what looks to be Milky, that gave me a chuckle.
Yep that's them!
I also included the cartridge logo as the logo that shows up when they show the two big logos at the start of the match as well. Every other logo placement is going to be using our circle logo.
Is Himawari really that fat??? Holy shit I had no idea this whole time. I thought she was just a cutie playing it up about her weight as a joke. She must be so fat if her model is that off in that screenshot
Divegrass anon here, I'm looking for some fun text memes that I can submit as game tips, I already did the "FEED YOURSELF NOW" post, so any other suggestions would be well appreciated.
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Some of the lines about Ember's ass, maybe?

Ember's ass is simply huge. Absolutely enormous. Inconceivably massive. It's gigantic. Immense. Humongous. Its girth cannot be ignored. Chairs tremble in its mere presence. Couches cower in fear. It has its own ZIP code. Ember is legally required to have working brake, reverse, hazard, fog and indicator lights fitted on it. She is only able to leave her home through the garage door. Weather patterns are thrown into chaos whenever she goes outside. Bodies of water are completely displaced when she enters them. Earthquake warnings are set off across the US whenever she sits down. Its size is so great that dozens of innocent people die under it weekly without Ember's knowledge, their remains never found. It singlehandedly caused humans to be reclassified as the largest organisms to have ever lived. When asked about Ember Amane in an interview, Pierce Brosnan reportedly said "ass almost too big".
TL;DR it's sizeable.
I think that's already in there.
i didn't know buffpup was so pudgy
last night i bond burger your sister
300 is thin! (lbs) (kg)
bao sleeper agent fruit word
shiori is climbing mt choco as we speak
did you know? a superlative calorie intake is a current disease affection women globally
google the average american woman weight
computer, simulate my oshi 200lbs overweight, make her famished by 2 days and attach a family cake to my crotch
We owe it to our children to be better stewards of the enviroment. The alternative? - a world without whales. It's too terrible to imagine.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for fat vtubers.
stole this from massgrave_art:
Computer, Replicate the vtuber Mori Calliope and increase her bust size to where it makes wet slapping noises as she walks. Adjust the rest of her weight to be proportional as well, ensuring it is over 30 BMI. Place us both in an IHOP parking lot somewhere in the Midwest US at 3 AM, make her incredibly intoxicated off of cheap wine and ensure she is ovulating heavily.
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Any of Sakana's comments about Ember
You are going to have to type those out for me.
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Nta, i just remember him callin her

"Shes a large girl"
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The pon-de-rings
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You are the pon-de-ring
She's sturdy
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Careful, it's some body horror stuff.
>Mori is serving her kohais food in Enreco
/ag/bros what are your thoughts on this
good night /ag/
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good nighto
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stuffing this bitch full of ice cream till she looks like a mint scoop
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AIslop of Squarewave's art? Have some shame man, good god.
Counteroffer: post more.
thats the sad thing. theyll never have shame
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you're in the architect general. shame went out the window a long time ago.
finally, an artist who draws rounder faces as well
Who's model is that? Holy fucking SEX
Mint Castella's 3D model, the artist is cooking ever so hard with each update https://x.com/MVjagaimo/status/1830440114444730808
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thanks for the free bumps. stay mad
I'm a tourist to this thread and only clicked because of the thumbnail. I must say that this is legit one of the fucking hottest vtubers models I've ever seen. I don't have an actual fat fetish, but that pudge is just the right amount of sexiness
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Extremely based dude. Her streams are really good if you like yapping
Compared to most of this insane asylum we call a board, these threads tend to be fairly reasonable. At the very least stuff like that really shouldn't be encouraged, doubly so when Square would've probably made Doki art himself.

No need to announce you shriveling into a corn cob, anon.
Cool! Is she an indie? I'm a Hololive guy so I'm not too well versed on much else honestly. The model alone is enticing enough for me to check her out though. Makes me wish there was a Holo member as thicc as her lol.
Yeah, she's an indie. She streams on twitch as well.
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I swear her life plays like a sitcom
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I like chub arts no matter who makes them.
Anyway RIP Peagade.
What happened to Peagade?
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Twitter (X) got booted from Brazil. Peagade is a BR.
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oh now I understand why he draws some great butts and hips
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The best Polka
that one is mostly pudgeruffian
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>using tomboy artist for architecture sloppa
Divegrass anon here!
There will be a number of posts I will do to show off all of the players, I will catbox the rest after the 9th post.
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bucko too big
Hahahaha the fat fuck bucko
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She's a big girl.
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Holy shit
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That poor bucko's been banished to /d/.
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big mooner
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"Pierce Brosnan"
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Ange-sama.... Show me what's under the censor box...
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Anons are grillin and liftin.
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Coni looks like Professor Xavier, I love it
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Here's the rest of the players.
Pic related is Japan's Queen of /ag/ (Agano Mai)
https://files.catbox.moe/xfyrip.png (Porka)
https://files.catbox.moe/iizg3c.png (More Kronii = More Perfect)
https://files.catbox.moe/bo53xm.png (Snuffy's big fat sausage fingers)
https://files.catbox.moe/ql5aut.png (The Milky Way)
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I forgot about yuuners
Do you guys want close ups of our golds?
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>Yuuna was still skinny when we developed her idea

One more question, what should our stadium be called?
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something fat/gluttonous related but in latin?
The Blubber Bowl
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hag love
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The Architect has his sword.
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>everyone here is just memeing, right?
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My love for plump women is no joking matter
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In this thread we love fat bitches. We fuck with BBWs.
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Spidermom-less for the day... sadge...
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yeah, just a joke, i totally don't want to feed my big sis until she's painfully full and then play with her belly as she struggles not to fall into a food coma, haha
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She’s a twitch indie. She doesn’t really do the idol thing at all, but she’s really one of the best conversationalists in all of vtubing. She can react and respond to chat more consistently and quickly than anybody I’ve watched, her streams are like long winding conversations with your really really nerdy older sister. I love my fat bitch
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Aw, this artist has such a cute style.
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I've said it before but that artist is a great way to learn what chuubas are ok with chubby art.
Since they are all self comms
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Speaking of unfit chuubas, how did Nerissa's ring fit stream went?
iirc she got tired quickly
The game told her to take a break half way through the second level
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Sometimes I wonder how good AI is at writing architecture content, because I'm a shitty writer.
Before CAI got omegacucked it was pretty good.
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You can always study your favorite fics/stories — kink and non-kink —, decide what works best there and incorporate them to your own ideas. In my experience publishing the first story is the hardest part, confidence and will to write is something you acquire with time. I hope I'm not alone here, but I certainly would appreciate new writers around this place, it has gotten quite quiet as of late.
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Abandoned by her architect mother, this fatto catto will create slop to survive. Do you have the heart to watch it?
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it looks even grosser than usual
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I've discovered that chatgpt is kinda cool.

The outcomes may be a bit generic, but I think its decent at combining themes and ideas that you want included, and gives you something to edit and build upon.
yeah. i love all of our art her ebut would love more writers too
Anon I promise you, anything you can write will be better than computer generated drivel. And you're actually capable of getting better the more you write, you just got to take the first step.
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Um so I do actually use AI Dungeon to do this. Constantly.
Not even remotely. Have some respect for your neurons and put your pen to paper. There's no reason to ever use GPT unless you're already half-coombrained and rerolling the same slop a few times would be a quick way to help you get your rocks off.
agreed. i tried gpt. novelai etc. but it always ended up feeling empty and the novelty wears off fast. but just a short yuuna greentext here gets me diamonds. i recommend just doing it
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Dear lord, someone get this woman proper food, stat!
It's still half decent if you know how to evade the filter. But these days I use chub.ai
>It's still half decent if you know how to evade the filter.
It's nothing compared to what it used to be even if they got rid of the filter completely.
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good night /ag/
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What is that, a lunch for ants?
I really love this animation, super cute
We need more chubby Haachama art.
vlack really cooked with this one wow
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That's so cute! Do you have the source?
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Shame they don't seem to draw much pudge but it's a cute Hachama
Planet Fitness for the irony
god damn
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Squchan is that you?
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board too fast
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And our girls are only allowed to waddle on their divegrass debut! Until then, they eat
mori getting wawa fat from nuggets...
>mori feeder arc begins now
chonky chinken... one of my rare dreams involving vtubers was of Kiara debuting a chubby model out of nowhere
It's hag inspection day
jesas that's good
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>ENReco gave everyone fantastical stories
>Kiara got "Man I wish they invented Burgers earlier"
I am kneeling
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I want my spidermom to feel better soon...
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to the drawfriend that made all those chubby rosemis, did you ever think of making her fat from all the sunflower seeds?
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Keep going!
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Hagbush my beloved.
>Part 4
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I need art of Pippa fattening up Lia with liquor and beer
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stepping out for a bit, watch the throne (the three chairs these girls use)
Everybody is fattening each other up
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Sure, I just need a little time and I'll draw it bud
how do you keep the motovation to keep drawong? i feel like the more i 'improce' the less i actually want to post. i ate grilled sardines 3 days in a row now
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For some quick and easy if you really want something average it can get the job done. But I wouldn't take it over reading something written by a real person. But why does it know how to write vore, this ain't okay.
Evil dog..
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>who's into 300 pounds?
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i owe you my life

hoping the smelly fish brings you some inspiration, i heard they're good for the brain!
as the person who wrote the original gal polka that inspired that art, it is both an honor and an embarrassment to see people continue spreading the image with compliments
I love drawing and have various ideas to draw, also I take my time to think; I don't know what motivates you to draw but you need leave out your fears, you'll never gain confidence if you never post your drawings, just keep drawing what you love and you will be fine.
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something something you will carry that weight
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Carry that weight a long time! Boy, you're gonna carry that weight! Carry that weight a long time!
Amelia Fatson bump
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good night /ag/
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>"And also that, this is a DAMN GOOD BURGER"
This isn't related to architecture, but I had a dream last night that Fallenshadow was actually transgender and not only all of her fans were fine with it but it was like a major part of her schtick. I don't even watch her and I don't know what it means
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is this meme magic working its way
I also had a Fallenshadow dream recently despite not watching her but it was about a death game.
Looks like we know what the next thread image is gonna be
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look at this fat whore
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>captcha SAASS
it knows
This artist needs to do fat Mint desu
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these 2 images have become aspirational for me, need a fat ame gf
catbox link for fat cat Noeru
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personally I think girls should get extremely large breasts from weight gain
However it's also funny when flatties don't.
I think boobs are great at any size but bellies and butts should always be bigger
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So where's Peagade posting his stuff now?
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You need to go down the Amazon directly for fats
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a classic
Blue sky
huh, that place is exactly the same but a lot less musky!
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>i ate grilled sardines 3 days in a row now
Come on, anon, this is /ag/, you should know the importance of eating properly and staying physically healthy to keep your mental health and motivation topped up too. Take care of yourself.
soery yuunwrs....... i sleep 4 hours a day and eat dry cereal and fish when i remember...... no wonder my drawing suxks lately
Fat with a "small" chest really has become my favorite body type.
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Nothing compares to it
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this moom edit still rocks
This is the ideal female form.
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litle wip
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Pinchable crab!
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I want to feed her and rub that belly.
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Look at her fat hands and fat fingers.
There's a saying in my country which states
>Wir ficken nur die Dicken
which means that thick ladies are nice as well.
holy shit
fake language
i was told awhile ago that this is sadly an edit
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fat bump
It’s great
Especially when the girl is intentionally gaining weight to try and get more chest mass, only for it to go straight to her gut
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The coon must be a fat sow.
Might be an edit, but isn't it still close to the truth?
For now
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The arms are obvious, but even in the non edited version her fingers are pudgy
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Post the real full version
Cecelia talks about bread fir 15 minutes.
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She shouldn't bust this Marshmallow Man. She should go a step further and embrace that Michelin Man body. Her chat is already full of architects, she taught her Wisps well.
Congrats, Shondo thinks you're gay
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I sense a disturbance in the force...!
Piggy needs her butter sticks
is that fucking rule 63 vesper
More like Piggy Dokuro.
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stoppa the sloppa
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Well... huh... guess I see you all tomorrow...
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Mang what the fuck is this garbage, get outta here
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Might be the same the bump limit spammer that shows up in some other generals
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I hate AI posters so fucking much.
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see you all in the morning /ag/! have sweet dreams about your oshi's fat tits/ass and jiggly stomach
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I wish I had the kind of confidence to post my prompts outside the containment thread. Anyway fat hags are real and do love you, night ag.
I warned these threads this shit is what happens when we start tolerating AI pics, the slop posters start thinking it's fair game to flood the thread with it. I've seen so many spaces end up the exact same way, these fuckers should not be tolerated under any circumstance.
We did tell the Randon poster to post women so I guess that's a compromise.

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