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>doesn't roleplay
>only does dungeons and stays mostly silent throughout
>follows Mococo around
>left and stayed alone once Mococo started roleplaying with the others
Someone explain?
My wife is not allowed to RP with anyone but me. Please understand
>fire fire cook my food
How's the mechanic today?
Not everyone is born to be a roleplayer, but I respect her trying and sticking with other members whenever she can
Maybe they would rather be streaming something else instead of this shilled uncoordinated garbage that gura came up with out of fucking nowhere?
she's cute so it's ok
Shiori, Mori, Cecilia, Gigi, Bijou, Roara, Ame and Fauna all did other streams on top of Enreco. Fauna, Ame and Shiori even skipped days to do it. Nobody is forcing them to play it.
god I love my autistic wife
sadly she isn't the biggest 'gamer' and she's kind of shy but she's still trying her best!
>Biggest management apologists
>Durr maybe they would rather be streaming something else
Her personality is "Mococo's older sister."
Where did you get your information that gura of all people put this together
>gura put together a project
congratulations on the least believable bait of the year, genuinely impressive
So her coming up with big brain games and April fool's collab wasn't her idea?
Fuwawa is always in roleplay mode already
>Fuwawa being Fuwawa
Give her time.
MCC is the only one with the brain cell.
>hololive criticism
You're falling off, holochads...
>Gura came up with it
>Gura barely even shows up to participate in it
It's because Mococo is simply way too loud that she can be heard on Fuwawas mic, so if Fuwawa tries to leave Mococo, everyone she's around will still hear Mococo anyway. Or they will turn Fuwawa's volume down to prevent echo like Nerissa did, making Fuwawa completely inaudible. She's unable to participate because she's the quieter twin.
This event has convinced me that mococo could certainly be a successful streamer on her own, fuwawa... not so much.
Speaking from DnD experience, people who are otherwise charismatic can really struggle with improv; it's just harder to be creative when there isn't really a 'topic,' and you can't really force people to go along with what you want.

To do it really well, you also need to be on the same 'wavelength' as others, and Fuwamoco have always been a bit too on the independent side to do that on their own initiative.
>Mental Break Fuwawa: Sad Wander
>Final Straw: Mococo withdrawal
Ya boy Fuwawa ain't good at RP'ing.
>planning events
If they were separated permanently, they'd be unfathomably depressed and wouldn't stream.
didn't they say they had auditioned for hololive separately in the past? i can see a world where mococo manages to get on hololive on her own and becomes successful.
Reminder that Fuwawa was ass blasted at the "made up twin in Mococo's head" joke that Shiori made.
Most likely hitting menopause.
she's just happy to be there
She was clearly the lesser twin from the start. In everything from singing to japanese. Boobs are her only advantage, which is sadly enough for some.
Are you autistic by chance?
third world retard
mococo is the extrovert, fuwawa is the creative.
>stays mostly silent
not silent enough
None of them are particularly creative, that's one of their weaker points
Mococo seems to enjoy it, whats Fuwawa going to do? Force her to do more streams or solo stream? not a good look.
>Less sweet and kind than Mococo
>Without the guise of cuteness would actually often come across as mean or petty
>Makes jokes at others expense constantly
>Makes jokes at others expense to the point they've gotten obviously annoyed
>Creepy twincest shtick that's one sided
>Personality is less likeable in general and people are more drawn to Mococo
>Everyone loves Mococos HOEH and NOEHs and other mannerisms. Fuwawa has no funny or memorable traits by comparison.
>Can't take a joke, unlike Mococo who rolls with the punches
>Gives off strong"jealous of the cute, younger sister" vibes
>If she didn't have huge boobs, she would have little to no fans as it's her main appealing point
>Is actually uglier than Mococo if you know, you know
There's a reason Mococo gets more views when split up
This right here.
unchecked silicone desiccant addiction, please understand.
she’s melting down because she hates both Minecraft and the other EN WHORES
Sounds like copensation.
this is the problem. she can't figure out how to roleplay within the role she's already playing. it's roleplay inception.
These bitches suck at collabs. Actually, they suck at streaming in general.
Just let them do their own thing, they’re already the most successful ENs mogging even the fart shart. They don’t need to participate in a shitty event that they don’t like when they could just be streaming themselves barking for hours and getting 500k yen in the process.
Mococo is a girl playing a girl disguised as another girl.
But that would be boring.
People are finally noticing Mococo was the talented sister all along and Fuwawa is the leech? Good, about fucking time.
I'm happy that Mococo is making new friends.
>These bitches suck at collabs
Eeeh this time its only a fuwawa problem, the mococo fauna mark arc is super popular and has made mococo stand out more
Lol, they don't mog anyone when their CCV is worse than all the others these days. The only reason they have so many subs is because of the twin gimmick. They should have just debuted at HoloJP because they don't fit in or mesh well with a single HoloEN member.
my wife knows she can let mococo make all the clipnigger content so that she can reap the wages
they mog everybody in merch sales and that is where the money is at.
Time for more solo Hitmen
The reason they have so many subs is because they spammed shorts and ruffians subbed to them with alt accounts to make their 1M1Y wish true.
why can't you have fun anymore?
This event is great because you don't have mococo having an annoying little voice beside her going "mogojam don't do this, mogojam don't do that, mogojam stop that, mogojam let me wipe your ass since you can't do anything on your own"
Unfortunately mogojam's own annoying voice is still there
granted, I haven't watched them a lot, but this is also how I feel about them.
Minecraft is fun?
she only knows how to ERP
Prude Cop. Good Cop.
Retarded dogs can't RP when it's not about their retarded routine.
News at 9.
Mococo made this thread btw
Nitpicking now are we? How desperate?
>giving an ounce of attention outside holo
Lemao, did you forget the "mint was selen" bit already?
Fuwawa solo streams were absolute peak tho.
Maybe Fww was the true autist all along
She wishes she was streaming vertically in Japanese.
This checks out. As someone who only has watched them in collabs Fuwawa seems more forced than Mococo, like she is overcompensating. Which makes me wonder what will happen to the channel if the twins have a legit falling out. Who owns the channel?
Based gura
>bigger tits so gets more coomers
>quieter voice so comes off as weak and demure
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>you can't really force people to go along with what you want
Yes, you can. First rule of improv is that you can't say no.
That is roleplaying
She just wants to have a comfy time with her wuffians. All this RP stuff is to mentally taxing...
>I don't watch them and I agree with this analysis
Fuwawa's solo hitman streams were hilarious.
>Mococo strike back
How does it feel you big tittied bitch? Now Mococo is in power and all you can do is watch. You made this happen. You made her like this. Mococo is your monster.
This, plus she just likes to take things a bit slower, not constantly high energy. Her pov is really comfy, especially with the music. Love my fluffy dog.
It was one stream, but it was a very long stream since she got really into it
Fuwawa is the biggest Mococo simp that exists on the planet. Mococo could get jealous of Fuwawa but Fuwawa would never get jealous of Mococo because she's a raging siscon
I wonder who could be behind this post
you now realise Fuwawa is athe actual codependent one because she needs to baby and look after Mococo. If she can't baby and look after Mococo she is left adrift, aimless and purposeless
Nah it was all Kiara, you should know by now that Gura doesn't do shit like this lol
I liked her timing here
>>only does dungeons and stays mostly silent throughout
I like this, thanks Anon
>Someone explain?
She falls apart without a Mococo to harass
I'm convinced you retards boosted Iori since last I checked she was a 2 view shitter streaming with men and now she is a mid 3 view.
NTR puts asses in seats.
/vt/ signalboosted that there was a niche chuuba.
I guess hate marketing works.
mococo is the true brains, shes nothing without mococo.
You could hear her sister in the background. It would've been incomprehensible for both streams if they were both socially active, with their voices bouncing off of each other. Kayfabe doesn't work in this instance when they're literally roommates.
I don't sense any animosity between the girls, but it is clear that Fuwawa dislikes being considered the lesser of the pair, if not outright negligible. Like the time she did solo streams shortly after their jackbox collab with the "who-wawa" joke.
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Being the "lesser twin" sucks. Me and my brother are both playing in a band, i KNOW that our fans like him more, but he said that this band only exists, if both of us are in. Man, now i feel bad for both of them. The only good thing i can do, except playing the keyboard, is negotiating deals and working with cash in general.
I think it's less that and more Mococo shrinks when alone even more than Fuwawa does, so Fuwawa takes the dominant role when it comes to chatting.
Seriously, Mococo HAS done solo content, but she's much quieter than Fuwawa and has more dead air. They're really at their best when together.
People don't quite understand Fuwamoco.
Fuwawa is probably the most emotionally intelligent and strategically capable chuuba. And instead of directing that intelligence towards her fellow chuubas, she directs it all towards wuffians, manipulating them yes, but also helping them and making them happier. Mococo could potentially match her, but her intelligence lies exactly in her willingness to let Fuwawa lead and take the spotlight. If Fuwawa is the prince Machiavelli elucidates, then Mococo is the sage Lao Zi alludes to. She gets more by taking less, rides higher by putting herself lower, leads by letting herself be led. She knows the role Fuwawa has taken is already fulfilled and chooses to play the counterpart instead of competing, thus completing the duet. This may seem obvious, but it's actually an incredibly delicate dance. She must placate her ego, the folly of all capable streamers, and keep hidden from the sharp intuitions of Fuwawa her true intentions, maintaining the idea that somehow it is better to be the one in charge, as if the sword of Damocles did not hang heavy over her head while Mococo makes herself like water, taking the path of least resistance, and letting all her needs be taken care of effortlessly.
The only good Fuwawa moment I've seen so far is when she's leaving the palace and hears CC and Biboo's blood curdling screams as they splat on the floor behind her
Aww is Fuwawa a little introverted? Cute and breedable
They were so beloved early on, when did this board turn on them
>Someone explain?
Not everyone wants to play minecraft and be in lesbian marriages.
Based ribaworld player
RP is cringe
>Maybe they would rather be streaming something else instead of this shilled uncoordinated garbage
>that gura came up with out of fucking nowhere?
Pretty much everyone loved the event you retard
Literally the only complaint people have is that it's TOO MUCH good shit that it's impossible to keep up with
fuwawa is nothing with mococo
that's why she commits financial abuse and withholds money from mococo and forces mococo to be dependent on her
>everyone is getting married
>durrr I'm gonna overthrow the kingdom
Trash low effort RP that ruins a dnd night. DMs won't let you pursue shit stories like this
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You don't even watch the streams, sister
You looked at the summary image that people made that literally only talks about relationships like plots and marriage
Holy shit you're so obvious
Sounds like she doesn't really like mineycrafta.
>t. catalog nigger

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