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>Previous Stream:【ENigmatic Recollection】LET'S GO LES-LIBESTANS

>Previous Stream:【ENigmatic Recollection】Make Way For The Libestan Queen

>Previous Stream:【ENigmatic Recollection】MY HANDS

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniijokes (Memes)
#OKTK (Fanbase tag)
#krossets (Assets)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@OuroKronii/featured
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourokronii_holoen
Free Chat Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GZ5XGzRY-g
Debut VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3oVrq94mGM

【Original Song MV】Daydream - Ouro Kronii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W749jRBg-4&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Original Song 「Daydream」: https://cover.lnk.to/Daydream
【Original Song MV】Rise -【hololive English -Council- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHibTDJlTJw
【Original Song MV】 Our Promise【hololive English -Promise- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcVyYmVOi1U
Kronii's Latest Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQbmiAo6_qU
Kronii's Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI
Kronii's 2nd Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SC9Qzs7VVI
Kronii's Game BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3yq2GQQmk
Kronii's Member BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QUt_6oM9jI&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Birthday BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TXGPOaYp30&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Anniversary BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2OoITXJfAI&feature=youtu.be

>Current Schedule:
Away to Spain

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Current Bond Level: 7.0

>Fanfic Listing:

>Kronii's Streams, Collabs, Music, and Merch List:

Remember to report and ignore schizos and Londoners. KRONII LOVE!
>Also report any Leaks or Defamation against Kronii to Cover using this link
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Which Jack Black role would Kronii bet on to win in a fight?

Bowser or Minecraft Steve
Bowser can't even beat a wacky cartoon plumber
Steve is wacky cartoon x100
>he doesn't know
When is Kronii going to sing this?
Subtle anon, very subtle.
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>"Oh, I recognize that bulge!"
faggot retard
>Hating a fun song
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A splitting image of Her Majesty Tam Gandr, First of her Name, Azure Maiden of the Cerulean Cup, and the Rightful Queen of the Kinfdom of Libestal
you're so hilarious anon i can feel your humor irradiating my ballsack
>splitting image
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Everything with boros is canon
You can't say that when shota boros is around
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I adore Kronii
If it doesn't exist, it's not canon.
love bsf
Did Kronii like Mexico?
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>Boros cross dressing
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What are the chances that in the second season we get new world events based on the talents' RP? Imagine if the kingdom started experiencing a Hyperinflation due to the excessive money supply, making basic goods like carrots and potatoes cost thousands of coins each. It would be funny to see how they would react and what they would do to try to solve the problem.
I'm sorry but you're expecting too much
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0% chance. The blog post said that the world was designed in a sandbox format based on the girls choices. So they had some sort of meeting session where they got to help design the world, but that's it. The world is not BEING designed based on what they are doing now. The next chapters of the story are likely already written out.
That sounds fucking stupid.
Brief Tam Gandr mention from Takanashi "Shakira"
Yet you do not elaborate. Curious!
Less brief mention of Tam "Chandler" Gandr
The Europeans cannot pronounce her name
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Shakira acknowledges Tam Gandr as the true Queen of Libestal and considers herself a faithful night, but as >>84575241 states, got a bit tongue-tied not having been in the land as of late.
Forgive me, I had a Shakira moment
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Tis I
Tam's massages are too OP
So the only two we know who's loyalty are unquestionable to Tam Gandr are Gigi and Kiara.
Tam really deserves someone who actually admires her, not someone who only wants to fuck her
But enough about Shakira.
gigi is a bottom
Have you seen her collab with Ceci
She is 100% energetic bratty smalldom top
Horror stream domloss....
I miss Sana, I miss SNOT...
The before times...
She has IRyS now
Hell yeah
>Have to watch the traitor rock for 1 hour until Jon
Do we know if chapter 2 is going to be a clean slate, or are we keeping this lore?
Just like her queen...
I'm watching Kiara
We do not
I only watch Cerulean Cup members, it's the only guild I care about
Shakira may be Amber Coin, but she is loyal to Queen Gandr, unlike that traitorous rock
This, the only PoVs worth watching are those we know who are loyal ot Queen Gandr.
So that's only Shakira and Gonathan with a G
Bijou renouncing Tam live on stream
not watching the traitor
She is renouncing both queens and going rouge as princess of the stains
Also digging up the Curelean Cup land and putting mud all over it.

Please don’t wreck Tams house or Gonathan’s statue
Easy there schizo you did this last night too
If Bijou actually wrecked the house Kronii built, I would see it as a decoration of war even if she was 'merely pretending'
you've been doing this all day...I'm worried about you
proof reading is unamerican
Nta, but it would be really fucked up
Holy failRP Kiara she really pisses me off
Kronii should RAPE Bijou
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She's still loyal to the queen so she gets a pass.
>she made the moai a jukebox
cute traitor
Begone Egg
>Latino cat making biboo look more suspicious by not allow her to be investigated
They know it's her
Kingdom of LESBIANS
Thanks Nerissa and Kiara
>Queen Tam Gandr WHERE IS YOUR ASS
Rissa gets it
I like how you're trying to make this a thing
You are European
Millhouse is not a meme
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Old memes make me smile
I just learned this thing goes for 7 days
Kronii only got to play for 3 out of 7 days
Now you know why all the kronies are sad
Blame timeparents
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t. mods
I see you smiling thinking of the replies you're going to get
Why's she DMing Daaku?
Stop samefagging
>Kiara watching Ame video
I didn't get it before but now I do
Begone Egg
I missed GG's reaction to the chikubi addition to her statue
I'm a tammie
I think she discovered the crime off stream since she was Shakira's stream for a bit before moving onto hers.
She removed it off stream
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So is there gonna be some chapter 1 finale on the final day or is this just foreshadowing for the next one
I wouldn't expect there to be a time-sensitive final event on the very last day when they've designed the whole thing to be able to be completely at leisure. Would also be lame because some girls might just miss it.
I think it's just the 4 days of content, with 7 days to complete it
There is a finale on Saturday and it'll end with them showing the Promise base
>It's a 1:1 replica of the bunkeronii
You need to move on...
>almost half of Promise will miss it
That makes it sound like a lot but it's only 2
Well that's kind of the usual thing
>random Daydream promo on Holoplus
what did they mean by this?
What is Holoplus
60% isn't a passing grade
What is Bae doing anyway?
>Gonathon secret meeting with Liz
what does it mean?
Break month while still taking dance practice lessons
Yes it is, these days lol
Dayum. Sure things could be better as a kronie but at least Kronii never takes "breaks".
Is Kronii not kinda on break rn
Nonstop Liz corpsing
You could say
But her reason for being on a break is not "I want to take a break" it's "I have to tardwrangle my parents" that's what I mean
This lying rock
Lord The of Rings
Damn, this is better than TV
>I want candy
>Finished all my candy last night
>Nerissa has a child
Sometimes I feel I'm in Global /here/
Would it be less or more chaotic if Tam were here?
We’d be in a more organized civil war
The Kingdom would be at harmony, and the King would have passed away of natural causes shortly after Tam's ascension despite what the giant boot-shaped mark on his face might suggest.
What is Bijou building?
Kiara wants to sexualize the statue of Tam Gandr
The scarlet harlot is still a hag
Ame wants Kronii's fat ass
Well, they already slept together in NY.
She's spreading the Stain corruption
I am extremely thankful she didn't pick tsundere slop or kuudere cringe
Only thing better would have been deredere
>nearly everyone picked Yandere
>yandere ayame
I mean, it 100% tracks Kaela picked Kuudere at least (Ollie picking it is unexpected at least).

As far as the other deres go for Kronii:
>Already has a lot of tsun material in her existing voicepacks
>Even she can't get that monotone if she wanted to for Kuudere
>She would actually cringe to the point of turning into a mobius strip to do one on 100 deredere mode
Given how she's said that she usually picks the more tame script options and avoids anything too lovey (see: bridal voicepack) I am prepared to be let down
Found out that Kronie's ears are just the bells but artists draw it as bear ears so kronies are basically small clockfaced bears without body
Jwu, Gonathan is really progressing nicely on the Tam statue
Artists do what?? Kronies having bells isn't common knowledge?
love love bsf
Will she add her chest?
Gonathan is doing a much better job than expected . . he is a true sculptor!
Then the statue does a monument mythos and kills everyone
That series sucked ass within 3 episodes
Yeah ok
Nice simple concept that went way overboard with the creator sniffing his own farts too much.
But where are her fat tits Gonathon?
Kronii big clip
fuck off
Jon's statue looks even better than the skin
side might be a little too wide though
So many whoreronies
It’s going to be a damn shame to lose these builds after the event ends
Not enough ass
>not witnessing the statue of the Queen being constructed
You're a Fakeronie.
>Membered too
You already got read by Gigi, right?
ERB getting harassed by everyone’s horses kek
Guess her and Mori have that in common.
With Bijou's ugly shit going on I'm kind of hoping for it
That's usually how RP seasons work anyway, it's for the best not to have anything last forever. The entirety of each plot is filling up very quickly anyhow.
>End of Ame RP
Hello Aquatic
>Grade A angst
Tam would love this...
We need to have Tam to write her story so she doesn't forget.
Queen gone
Wife gone
Rock traitor
Knight sad
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The guild… it fell apart without its queen
If Tam wasn't gone would we have Tamathon now? With a land full of whores Gonathon is the only one worthy of marrying Queen Tam
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Naw, she doesn't have to balls to confess or commit to anybody. She will complain when they get with someone, when she was never going to make a move herself.
I’m so sad bros. All she has left is Tam and everyone is trying to take that away too
Nigga we don't even have Tam
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>Justice is the last gen so Gonathan will be one of the last holdouts of memoryless RP
befitting of the RP god
Even if Kronii regains her memories, she will always rewards loyalty.
>The Queen is suffering being away from her Kingdom
>Her most trusted knight is suffering from the love of her life forgetting her
>The child is getting corrupted by the very forces she was summoned to vanquish and confusing many people to be her mother
>The priestess suffers from hearing her own song being sung
>The Hot Pink One suffers from not having everyone as her side chick

Cerulean Cup? More like Suffering Cup
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>CLGTDRDjrGAT hates Amber Coin
>Tam Gander Hates Amber Coin
Kromei eating good again
Sufferkino my beloved
I can only give you a slow run down.
Chicken thirst
Oh god
>loses wife
>becomes enslaved to a muderer/waitress
Gonathan with a nun habit
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I would've preferred if Gonathan lost and suffered more
Ina is loyal?
Just because she is IRyS' wife does not preclude her being a loyal subject to Lady Tam.
Why do you wish ill upon the Queen's most loyal knight?
>Tam's card is already sold out on both the Store of the Hollow and the Geek who is Jacked
A plague upon those who open up preorders and then suddenly close them for cards of all blasted things.
>Raid from THE Amelia Watson
Lady Tam would applaud her knight's fortitude with the amount of suffering she bares upon her shoulders.
I laugh at the plight of the consoomer such as thee.
The suffering is endless but Knight Gonathan remains strong
>Tambert: "If you had the strength to take another step, could you?"
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The G was for Guts
Are you ready for AmeSame marriage tomorrow?
gg is reading tam's letter to her out loud
Oh how I hate Spain bro
Kronii hates AI, don't be a bitch
you keep being wrong about what's AI, don't be a bitch
Sit tight, we still have the Promise anniversary trip arc after this
Her foot was tainted…
Tainted stinky Tam feet
>Thinking that's not AI
you're blind and retarded
>using a meme template is AI
you're retarded
Nta, this guy has been wrong before but GG's face is defo AI
Way to confirm you're both blind and retarded
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And now kronies go back to being dead. You're no fun.
sssh it's bedtime
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I missed a part of the vod so I'm catching up what I missed, have this as an apology
I really wonder if Ame will get her ENRec memories back. And if Kronii will have the same happen to her when she gets to her dungeon
Ame was hinting at it during the tournament
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Ame was getting flashes of memories and some weird headaches while Gonathon was winning in the arena. Plus, Ina, Biboo and Mumei helped her out by bonking her head with multiple Revelations after the fights.
It's not over yet.
Shoutout to Biboo for accidentally setting up perfect bgm changes while trying to troll
>Lose old memories and get head pains from old memories flooding back
>Lose new memories and get head pains from new memories coming back
Who writes this shit
This a good summary?
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Thanks bro. I fell asleep so this helps
I fear too much will have changed by the time Tam returns...
Does Spain have internet cafes or something? Maybe Kronii can ask the hotel staff to give her access to a wired connection? I don't know, can she maybe hop on a train to Germany or UK and crash land into CC or ERB's houses? I just want her to be there for the finale.
Worked on the ENreco section a bit more. Added a few more clips since it’s basically necessary to try and catch more of what is going on from different viewpoints. Will continue to add more as I find different ones mostly for my benefit because I have no idea what is going on outside of Gigi’s stream

For today’s section, I added and “Other” section where I included the book Gigi wrote as well as what Kronii wrote her.

“My good liege, Gonathan with a G. I have left a home for all my beloved guildmates. Protect our guildmates. Until we meet again.

Queen Tam Gandr”

At least I think I transcribed it right.

I’ll add the voice pack later
>Can she maybe hop on a train to Germany or UK and crash land into CC or ERB's houses?
And leave her parents? Never ever.
Also travel to UK from Europe went to shit after the Torries forced through Brexit.
after Tam returns she should marry Gonathan...
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I know this is EXTREMELY unlikely judging by how things are progressing but I still believe...
God why did IRyS have to be such a whore?
Kronies are dead
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Daaku retweet!
What did Daaku retweet and why aren't you posting in his general?
A big JP clip of the bunkeronii saga
Based on this, we can expect the chronicles of Tam and her loyal knight Gonathon by 2027. HUZZAH!!
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TAM (The Azure Maiden) Tender
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>Gonathan with a G and Tam Gandr
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was the yandere voice pack any good
Doing the Tam's work man
I liked it. Playing video games with Kronii when?!
was it a joke yandere thing like the wedding voice pack?
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I hate Madrid
Madrid will be Tam Gandr's King's Landing.
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Me too man
Its not really Yandere. Its more hanging out with Kronii, talking about spending time with you, and her being slightly clingy.

She does talk about motivating you with a date if you hit your goals. Little ASMRish toward the end.

It was cute. Not really Yandere, but cute GFE sorta
Que lastima
Pekora being a Messi fan still surprises me to this day.
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Kronii miss
Armpits love
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>retweeting self-insert art with implied sex
Daaku keeps winning so hard
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>SpaceTime in 2024
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This is great. I hope Kronii sees it
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I miss the petplay arc
As I predicted >>84589951
I don't know why she doesn't go more all out with these things when they present themselves
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Eh, I think it was fine, I don't regret buying it. Its just not Yandere.
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>Kronii is clingy and doesn't want us to leave
>I am clingy and don't want her to leave
I dunno, it reminds me too much of the studying one just with some added clinginess. Listening to some of the other previews I can't help but imagine what she turned down and why. Some of them also seem the same way though.
How long is he gonna keep pussing out? Just draw himself fucking Kronii already. She’ll probably still retweet it.
Why draw it and make things weird for twitter users when it already happens irl?
A first world woman wouldn’t be caught dead in that spic’s village.
Good thing Kronii hails from Korea.
>he still believes Daaku lives in Uruguay
Are EN Yanderonii and JP Yanderonii just a language swap or are they different scripts?
I know it will never ever ever ever happen, but if Kronii somehow logged in on the last day to support Gonathon, or got a voice message of encouragement, I would never stop kneeling.
She already sent him a message on discord no? I think Gonathon mentioned ir
damn my Fanding Kronii merch came in, I forgot I even ordered that
If EnReco ends this weekend I guess that is for Tam in Season 1. I guess Bae and Kronii will have to catch up when Season 2 comes.
We still don't know how they're gonna handle it. They might just reset everything and everyone starts at chapter 2 when it begins.
>Kobo gets an oshi card but not Kronii
Yeah, I was waiting to catch up with it when Kronii came back, but I think I will just watch GG or whatever before it ends.
Forgot to get Rellection merch
Just watch the three Kronii vods, cry at her saying goodbye at the end of the third vod, then switch to GG's persepective. Been working great for me
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I did that first part, except the crying part because I was very sleep deprived by the time the third stream ended.
It's krover...
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I want this with Gonathan's statue of Tam for Season 2.
The story is not going to reflect any of their RPs
I can't get sad over the Gonathon plotline because I keep imagining Kronii gushing to Gigi about what a good job she's done and Gigi+Ame giggling like madmen over how well it's been received on discord
Why Ame
Because they both have distinct gremlin laughs.
Honestly I really really hope Kronii sees some clip compotation or something about what happened when she was gone.
No Ame has a soft and bubbly laugh
>Kronii on a hot, foul smelling tour bus in rural Spain
>parents ignoring her and on their phones
>Kronii looks out the window wondering how AM PM are doing
>Bus hits a bump, knocking Kronii's phone onto the seat
>Sees a discord notification

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