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hey man
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>BVTMcord raids
>Peak SEA hours
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Bae a cute.
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Hey girl
>Ollie is really skilled at using fingers
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Bae cute!
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>right after kinofest
Well, back to usual, I guess.
A shitty version of gigi
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Gura cute Gura cute!
>ENs by how badly they need a baby
Mori >IRyS >Kiara> Raora >ERB >Fuwawa >Fauna>Kronii> Bae >Gura > Bijou >Mumei >Gigi > Mumei >Cecilia >Ina >Ame >Mococo
Kiara needs to graduate already
It's weird how I watch 2 per EN gen, I didn't limit it this way on purpose it just kinda happened
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>Reset already
>deadbeats letting schizochads live rent free in their heads AGAIN
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I looked away for a sec and they were all dead already. What happened?
who the fuck are you schizos even talking about
Fuck off, Gremfag
novelite...stop coping lol.
Why are Novelites like this?
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Reminder that you could be arguing with retards like picrel
You should graduate.

From life.
That's not a Bae picture anon
I wanna like Raora but the mommy stuff is a huge turn off
I'd much rather she be my slutty big sister/senpai or straight up GF
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Iroha going "what's important is that I'm alive"
What the fuck
BVTMniggers need to graduate already
It's amazing how feminine that post sounds in my head
He wants her so bad.
Why are Grems so sensitive?
Gigi is literally way more entertaining than Kiara.
he was the one spamming about twitch in all caps
>is that some guy talking shit about Mori? I MUST SCREENCAP AND OBSESS OVER HIM
... was she at risk of not being alive anymore?
erm, qrd?
Ollie is funnier and more entertaining than literally anyone in EN
She survived the birth I see
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Rissa doko?
Mumei twice?
Nerissa should be most desperate for baby, she tried to get one with Shiori after all..
It's crazy how they've been at it non-stop for a week. It has to be a pride thing at this point, if you can even call it that.
we're all dying, bitch
oh he's seething
I'm sorry that taking a screenshot is that much work to you
Wait how are you watching her? There's no livetl...
Literal Frollo from Notre Dame behavior.
Why is Mumei higher than Mumei?
me after he comes out of stealth and autos me thrice before expunging the remainder of my hp
I don't care how much they try, they can't bring down my high from the recent ENreco streams.
Okayu is talking about buttholes again...
Once you get into internet you will tank your social skills.
Did deadbeats really get so butthurt about the outfit flopping now they are just crying about randos? At least have the dignity to seethe about KFP instead, that's hololive related.
>MiComet are taking notes of each time the server resets and who causes it
holyfuck its always the deadbeat
>deadbeats giving attention to antis again
Sometime it feels like deadbeats care more about antis than their oshi
based FMA stacey
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Brad drones are unironically here and allied with BVTM now huh? Not surprised they grifted his channel.
>giving attention
Astroturfing your shitty gremlin oshi won't make her more likeable than kiara
was it 2003 or Brotherhood?
Why are KFP so mad?
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Who would you bet on causing the most?
They watch Doraemon in Italy??
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he wants the reaper so baaaaadddd
Shiori will always be an unpopular failure anon.
Brrats are literally seething rn lol
unironically probably true based on her bad views
>ollie was a narutard
Weak bait phasefag
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>just talking about Holo things that happened while she was away
Are we supposed to like take blind shots and guess whose this guy's oshi and hope it lands?
I fucking hate Grems so much
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Believe it!
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no shit. have you seen her kimono?
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peko papa
what the fuck is vault room
Behead and skin BVTM alive
It's obviously gigi. She's the only one with the most obnoxious fanbase around here
Bro, holy fuck, it's been like 4 years, it's time to let go.
>Gura shitposts stop
>Kiara shitpost start
>Kiara shitpost stop
>Gigi shitpost starts
>Gigi shitpost stop
>Kiara shitpost start
>Kiara shitpost stop
>Gigi vs Gura shitpost start
>Gigi vs Gura shitpost stop
>Kiara vs everyone start
mods just need to rangeban 1 or 2 niggers to clean the thread from shitposters forever
novelite cope
GTA RP Server hosts and organizer
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thread quality fuckin plummeted in the past hour or so
Anon get down, you said the no-no word.
Their merch seems pretty ass
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Why are Promise and Advent fags so jealous of Kiara
bvtm hates shiori so much
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>SEA hours
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>Just rangeban SEA
>jannie cant do the janning
No one's going to give a shit about gigi, stop begging
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Pekora, who ISN'T fucking your mother?
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BVTM still a thing and still raiding this place? Time to tick their neurons off with one simple name: Shiori
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nousagi server update
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sex with gato
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*steals inas move*
She's the most popular EN
Still made flaygod cucked their phase gf
Cool, Hypebeast-esque merch brand
Shut the fuck up, Grem
Post more cats please
I had a dream that Haachama wanted me to perform BAN RTA for my high school assembly. I was embarrassed but I went through with it, I didn't think I had it in me.
>people having fights over who's better among mori, kiara, kronii, bae, shiori or erb
>meanwhile I'm just over here not watching any of them and instead focusing my precious time on the actually great holoENs like Gura, Ame, Fauna, Mumei, Biboo, FWMC and Cecilia

It's like watching a few tribes of monkeys fight...
clothing store
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Sex with this creature
She looks like she fucks white men
Agreed, the faster she graduates, the earlier she can become my wife
Why are Ollie and Raora pretending not to know each other? They go YEARS back.
Now post her English yandere VP
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Did something happen again? I feel like they act up more when they're trying to take attention away from something.
Gigi was literally the main character of ENreco. Kiara wishes she was that popular
>Ollie wanted to have 88 faces on her outfit
Management was actually smart for shooting that down, that would look horrible
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I was here when they did that collab with Suisei
It was mid at best
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A better love story than most tragic romance movies and anime I've seen.
Nothing. Bvtm himself got anally raped in his catalog thread and came here.
Why is she wearing two pairs of shorts, one under the other?
plapu the lapu
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No one is going to give a fuck about gigi when this event is over
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>Gura - Vault Room collab
wait, i believe i've seen this post long time ago
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I really like Subaru's new cover
Btw, Iroha just confirmed that she will 100% find a way to get Aqua the Gozaru cookies she asked for
Based fat fuck enjoyer.
meanwhile, kiara will return to having some of the consistently highest viewership in EN
see >>84612037
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In what world is Nozomi considered fat?
Now that's just bait
Kiara won
Shiori lost
>One of NijiEN newest livers is graduating less than a year after debut. She's also not streaming or doing a graduation stream.
>One of Phase' girls got her model's source code leaked.
Pick your poison.
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Revenge for Jimmy.
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wouldn't deter me from spending money anyway
she has more monthly watch hours than gura
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What's with this hololive raid
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>catching up
I like this Enemy cover a lot actually
Good, that was one of my worries
You wish KFPiss
Gozaru is so sweet.
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>she has more monthly watch hours than gura
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Guras has not been in the streaming for many silent weeks as of now. It is supposed that she is near the end of her terms.
>barely went on the internet this past month
Man, she really got family business deep in the mountain huh?
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bros im 8 cans into two packs of hard alcoholic cider and am about to chug a 2.5L bottle of even harder cider right after, we had some good pure distilled kino strems today my bros i just wanna say that i love Hololive and we've been fucking feasting lately and seething jelly fags like all these cocksuckers ITT and the discordfags and that twitterfag should be pushed off cliffs in roblox and stub their toes on legos anyway I've been looping Sirens for the past half hour and it still slaps HUZZAH
How lesbian is the raollie stream?
If I were to stream to 10 people for 24 hours I'd have 10 x 24 = 240, I still wouldn't say I'm more popular than someone who streams to 200 people for an hour.
>No internet or Discord in August
Damn, Gozaru
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Kazamatai status?
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so is bae gonna be there for the finale?
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Just relax a bit and try to enjoy yourself, Friend.
Doing well
Not delving much into what caused her to take a break
Talking about Holo stuffs she's missed so far
why do you do this
hey hey chumbud
With how often she's gotten lost in the city it's quite clear it's not just a kayfabe
>>84612255 (Me)
Ah wait, you meant the gay dude
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sex with sheep
>posting kronii
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>you live in japan, surely you know japanese
I thought they were a cryptofags
Talking about their fav anime and stuff.
He doesn't watch her and uses her only for avatarfagging
useless pink cat
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Thoughts on this?
What is the best Nirvana song?
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Towa is always lewd
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Oh I'm definitely going to enjoy this Friend
seething so hard
finally, halal fuwamoco
Kiara is a crypto millionaire
Come as you are
I mean unironically, how or why is she living in Japan and on what visa?
Usually you only get them if some work place hires you and for that you need to have studied and have JLPT2
The one where Kurt drones on about how sad and depressing life is while he strums on his guitar.
He's one of the best JP posters around though
Sharia I love this
Come as you Marge
Unironically, mococo looks much better now
>lui nearly 2nd to die
I'm starting to think doroken is only good at scamming people.
Mococo still cute. Fuwawa still a dirty slut who should be pimped out to investors and kept away from her sister.
He's just the same guy who used to ERP with Ayame and then Chloe. Iroha is already the third girl he's doing it with.
Then you always get that one faggot Kanatomo poster to show up too and they go back and forth with their "uhh I'm not lewd okay! Stop it..." shit.
I know you're just part of the discord group of avatarfags defending him but the fact he's not here watching Iroha being back literally proves it
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Close call Rui
Penis the Bae...
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Maybe I'm a schico but I think Iroha might be implying that she got a health scare, and thus will be taking better careof her well-being from now on
He's most likely watching Iroha without posting in the thread
>pink woman gets hot outfit
>cute on top with the bunny ears if she wants to toggle them on
>this makes schizos seethe
Water is wet, claim scientists
It's not gay if I love Gonathan a little too much since he's roleplayed by a girl, right?
Do aquacrew still exist here
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>drew a happy face
>added a single tear on the eye
>it's sad now
Holy seethe
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Sister Lois with children.
it doesnt change the fact that i want to fuck them
QRD on ENreco? My feed is filled with "Faunamart" clips and I just have to wonder if they're actually holding kayfabe for this one, or if this is just another EN minecraft server coz it seems there are storylines.
It's only gay if he doesn't have a cock.
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>he's roleplayed by a girl
Uuuhhh anon?
I walk a lonely road
What happens if you put all of it inside IRyS?
Watch Ame or GG streams. I implore you to watch the VOD. Spoiler will ruin it.
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Seething tourist lol
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It's this scene, but Gonathan,
how about you just watch streams if you're actually curious you fucking lazy retard
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>nether gate just hovering over a pit of lava
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cool animation
Wasn't she supposed to be a health nut? Maybe it's just she was pushing herself too hard.
Absolutely cursed portal location.
>I don't watch streams
>but I will always assume the worst of them
Mori sounds kinda esl there
You should dress up like one, you know, to lure them out
Her family runs an eggplant farm right?
Miko is going to die here...
>Coffee puts Ollie to sleep
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Where the fuck is the suisei statue
>Usually you only get them if some work place hires you and for that you need to have studied and have JLPT2
I would tell you but you're not going to like it
was Harley always sexy?
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Usada Pekora, developer of games
It's finally getting fitted for the biggest jar you've ever seen.
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Koyo's cat is becoming a fatfuck.
in the back covered in semen
Holy shit this is cute
Americabros, she hates americano...
Creeper just blew the fuck up on Miko
Cuteness visa
Covered with inuoe bukkake
Abu Dhabi
Comic characters got redesigned every decade or so
I'm sure you'd find something to your liking
KFPturds still seething after my oshi released a banger MV. stay mad with the floprunt
Mori stole it and no one could physically stop her.
Hirys is absolutely seething at Mori again because Mori is more successful kek.
How did I know Ollie was gonna mention the poop coffee
Oh no not the dung eater coffee.
Successful mori
EnReco's storylines are booked by Vince Russo
Shibuya (real answer)
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Probably moved to the corner where Gura's statue used to stand
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the real blackpill is when you notice that the JP avatarfag/discordfag types are never present in the threads when all the anti-EN shitposting is happening
once you notice this and remember that /jp/fags genuinely seethe about this place to this day, many things make sense about these threads especially in JP hours like now
>Within the coffee industry, kopi luwak is widely regarded as a gimmick or novelty item. The Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) states that there is a "general consensus within the industry...it just tastes bad". A coffee professional compared the same beans with and without the kopi luwak process using a rigorous coffee cupping evaluation. He concluded: "it was apparent that luwak coffee sold for the story, not superior quality...Using the SCAA cupping scale, the luwak scored two points below the lowest of the other three coffees. It would appear that the luwak processing diminishes good acidity and flavor and adds smoothness to the body, which is what many people seem to note as a positive to the coffee.”[17] Professional coffee tasters were able to distinguish kopi luwak from other coffee samples, but remarked that it tasted "thin".[18] Some critics claim more generally that kopi luwak is simply bad coffee, purchased for novelty rather than taste.[17][19][20] A food writer reviewed kopi luwak available to American consumers and concluded "It tasted just like...Folgers. Stale. Lifeless. Petrified dinosaur droppings steeped in bathtub water. I couldn't finish it."[21]
squirt for me bitch. your mori is a failure laughing stock in the industry
2nd reset!!!
lmao Suisei
I like the idea of Mori Terminator walking through the Cover offices while feeble salarymen try to stop her.
Apparently this is her new design

These girls need to stop going out at night.
not now, bvmt-fag
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>squirt for me bitch
only for that TV show
What restaurant is Raora talking about?
Faunamart is a filler subplot, the main plot is about the adventures of Gonathan G.
this picture was taken last year, it's old
Hey she was also featured in one of Japan's biggest music magazines today aswell. Be sure to check it out!!!!
phoenix rick made her straight lmao
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But didn't haachama just get the waitress outfit? What's the gag here?
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Raora cute. I went to pinch her little ears.
Is Mori cool now she has a DC MV?
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>Bread is pain
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Maybe that was just backed up?
Just like Choco, some Holos are only getting their 2023 outfits now
yes for a lolcow magazine
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The tally of shame.
why did they get statue, why my oshi didn't get any statue
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How is every frame i randomly pause on so cute
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Just like every Holo cat.
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With how popular this game is, it's kind of surprising the devs never bothered to make a sequel game.
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it's in Suisei's pop up shop
overtolerance to caffeine does that
Moris new outfit is maybe my new favourite, it's basically 2 in one with the rock and bunny. It being able to work both ways it's a good way to get around cover autism
Is your oshi blue?
Miko's fault for calling out to her every second. She needs to stop going out at night as well. She had an arrow sticking out of her ffs
your oshi is a floprunt kfp, dont expect anything
Because your oshi isn't blue
One of them was from last year when she was sick for a long time.
Harley in Batman Arkham Knight was sexy.
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fucking knew that Kronii is a faggot.
They make tons of these sims and every now and then a direct sequel. They're fun time wasters.
she should ask bilibili
>ripped hotpants and thighs
>the tiniest amount of squish squeezing out from the holes
My fucking god it's so boner-incuding
I missed the entirety of Iroha's return stream, can I please get a qrd of what she talked about?
posting more kronii
can someone post that weird looking creature thing
I thought the point of this picture was that Mococo is in front of Fuwawa
dexCHADs always win
Yeah, I know, they were my go to games to play when I get bored during college classes years ago.
I don't know but she was cute!
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Mark Wahlberg class
Not blue enough
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ollie should graduate
Hololive is a psyop to make you horny for Italian women, don't fall for it
just bought a life size loli doll
time to dress her up as kanade
>squirt for me bitch.
Well, that's a new one.
Well i'm not uncomfortable to admit it's working
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>EOP retard
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>Makes brown retards seethe
Proof below
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I don't really care for bunny outfits, they never did it for me.
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Kanade is an adult, if retarded, woman.
Oh boy Roara is streami-
Guess I'll watch something else.
She'll never be as popular as Kiara
Why are KFP like this?
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You will watch the cute italian hag cat and you will like it
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cute ninner!
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You're technically correct, but not in the way you think you are.
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Where is my Pearl?
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That reminds me I made this edit last night before going to sleep for me and the other anons who weren't so hot on it at first.
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I'll do that when she isn't with the zoombie
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>Inazuma Eleven
I just remember this girl being OP in 3
3D when dammit
Your oshi is a has been deadbeat
kiara only got popular due to savior complex of the people after finding out she got raped few weeks ago
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wow, damn it does exactly what it says on the tin by the look of it
gooning hours
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What is this?
Still asleep in my bed
Why are Grems like this?
tits too small
It's real
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I am getting so many ads for the Am I Racist? movie
>worst performing outfit reveal in EN history
warm and wet
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She hard carries the sex in regloss
Something is happening to regloss soon!
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What's happening here? Is this shitposting or actual schizos?
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Kiara is likable
I'm watching Minecraft
>everyone thought Gonathan would be the prime cuck art target after the events of earlier days
>turns into this kino instead
Peak fiction.
Bvtm getting his twatter deleted again roru
Kanade is graduating so carers can take care of her.
It's hard to tell with Chammers.
Novelites seething hard about their floprunt getting nogged
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bvtm raid
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A farmer
can someone post the sex meme
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With all this focus on the unit outfits I'm thinking they either get both or just these.
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Even Kiara got 20k
I feel like I remember Iofi being told that the Monster Hunter movie is hot garbage and yet here she is watching it anyways.
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Moris 2.0 with the new outfit is perfect for when she takes off the jacket she looks so pon
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>same fagging tactics thinking some retarded newfag would believe them
I'd imagine both, the standard outfit is much more recognizable
Ask your doctor!
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I'm glad giant chama is in jail
I'm getting bratty vibes from Chammers
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We cool?
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this looks kinda retarded bros, not gonna lie
>KFP coping
Miko might be a capable Minecraft hardcore gamer after all
i thought for sure miko is going to die first
how does she fit in there
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Novelites on suicide watch yet again
>Miko deathless
What sorcery did Miko use?
I get that management doesn't like Kiara's giantess concert idea but this is going a bit far.
I didn't notice that creeper actually got both of them lol.
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>Someone made a music track for Gonathan
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Hello, I was this acrylic stand fag
Posting again here, for no reason at all
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watching vod
does mori ever turn her mic on?
Not a fair comparison because the fever night outfit was objectively better.
hard cope kfp...
BVTM and/or Phasefags are getting clowned on in the catalog,
And so, they're here
Miko has played a lot of Minecraft
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Kneel to the elite!
Always funny never seeing my oshi on this page because she's always on page 1 because she's not a shitter like all these
There will be more merch for enreco season 2. They're really squeezing me dry.
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>showed legs
>stopped there
>and now singing
Okayu too lol
so at the end Gigi still got cucked? lmao
What cope, shiori is a failure >>84613452
....i highly doubt raora understands half the references in the office
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Nah, she's a bit sick so she was resting her throat.
I saw her/kobo collab. Is she real?
It was a free addition because of the charity goals remember
I did the same thing
My only issue is that Tutu looks really low-res compared to Mori for some reason
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Gura cute Gura cute!
Towa should graduate
>gets mogged in ccv
>gets mogged in subs
>gets mogged in views
>gets mogged in SCs
She looks retarded and cut-
>look downwards
>she looks naked
Gigi has a whole damn story arc at this point.
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Guys I can't take how cute my favorite dork was in the voice pack as a deredere...
Towa should granulate into spores and spread throughout the biosphere.
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kobo called her -2000 aura so she's indeed a retard
But does it have GG's leitmotif?
cope doko? Our oshi can get 20k lol
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what year is this. Ollie I'm pretty sure Raora knows more about that if she recognizes it
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You know she won't be taking that jacket off In normal streams
Go watch her puyo puyo tetris video from a week or so ago
the HBO show, right?
By the way, ENReco is an episodic movie if you think about it. Each episode lasts 4+ hours.
she's talking about 2019 TV show
I forgot that chammers has an outfit reveal why the fuck did no one told me.
this is beautifully written
this is an actual legit story even if the way it's been acted out is unserious and comedic
Which ENreco VOD from yesterday had the most arc vs just building stuffs?
I thought it was about the hentai.
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Not fauna
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Is this Haato or Haachama?
Ame and Gigi
Is that SEX Chammers voice I hear
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Crispy chikem
Nobody cares about anyone but Kiara playing
I thought it was a VN. It got animated?
Chammers is sounding pretty sexy tonight.
Why is Chammers getting another outfit? Didn't she get that burger themed one recently?
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rumao even
Because this one was meant to come out last year during her hiatus
Who's the holo that likely goons to hentai besides reine?
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Oh Jesas
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>vagina bones
Damn, nopan?
it's the BBC outfit lmao
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Alright my penis is out Chammers. Proceed
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needs chub
this just in: chama found a new hole to sing with
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Definitely much better than the burger outfit.
You mean the person that ruined the dungeon for Ame despite telling her she wouldn't say anything?
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Haachama is going to sing from her womb
Yeah, and people still would rather watch Kiara
Did 5ch like Mori's new outfit?
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Lapsama my friend
Those borgars are being put to good use
jwu why is ollie leeching Raora?
>Haachama is suddenly sex
chama went with the lower hole after all
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>checked twitter
>gonathan kino
>checked reddit
>faunamart meme
kiara says yipee too much
Your opsec anon make sure to change your screenshot names
First the burger fit and now this sexy tummy outfit... Chammers knows what gets me going
Not enough
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Really? You said you have proof but you have never shown it
>check /hlgg/
>stain queen bijou discussion
Yeah the usual lolicon stuff
>check global
>brownman seethe
Why is there a mic at chammers' crotch?
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Guys, check it out, the womb is MCing tonight.
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>Haachama is a whore now
Are you retarded
Are those the girls she wants to fuck?
and its been like 2 weeks since youve talked to me so i guess you arent my friend either according to your rules then huh
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Which one do you prefer?
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>KFP coping
Nice wamies
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Remember when Enma banned Haachama from the EN MC server
just tuned in
i had no idea Chama's real voice was so different
and that's a good thing
wait is kiaras trial tomorrow or the day after?
anyone else feels like the arm is super loooong?
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This is Chamao, EOP
Yes, coincidentally it's also the ones I want to fuck.
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Enough tragedy, post batshit insane Mogojohn
How to get chaama girlfriend
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Good morning..........happy Friday. So happy my gozaru is back.
so he fully masked off as a holo anti?
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Nobody cares about the grifter dogs bro
it's Bijou's trial tomorrow, Kiara's is on Sunday (trick)
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What's her goal by exposing her sexual interests?
so that we could hear her period goo running down to the pad
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>fucked up my first soundpost
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Why did you suddenly say that...
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First you get a chubby girl and then you slim her down.
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I'm finally watching Biboo's POV for today and this is the level of RP I was expecting from her.
Being chuuni as fuck really is her natural calling. It was awesome when she looked at Tam's statue and Mario's castle and called them both False Queens lol.
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Kissable forehead.
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am i wrong
Haachama that haircut looks... dumb..
Magin Uojib
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haachama with the blowjob hairstyle
Haachama's forehead is fucking massive, holy shit. I'm gonna go golfing on that forehead. Jesus fucking Christ almighty it's absolutely enormous. Get ready /hlgg/, it's about time to land a plane on this bitch.
RIN ?!?!?!?
Can I have your discord too
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yes and they did all of the routes so its a clusterfuck
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Holy shit look at that FOREHEAD
Justice in Holocure in 2027?
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i bid thee farewell
I want to rub my cock on her forehead
that forehead NEEDS to be flicked
Chuuni is almost always more fun than anything else.
Nigga its just ISO time not some trackable sharelink like what they do in youtube
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More Holos should expose their forehead!
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Maybe I'm the wrong one here,... I want us to be friends.
kay yu better focus on getting JP done first before lamy gets another meltdown
Excludes はー? energy
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Lying ass bitch.
Also, fuck you for making me check that hellhole.
Do foreheadjobs exists?
Did you know that 4chan file names are also timestamps?
Big forehead, big space for kisses!!!
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its probably fine for us to be friends then
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>Lamy meltdown.
Kaela mc stream staring soon
I dont know what makes you think we have one
lamy got very sad when id got added first which meant JP was getting delayed
>Calli's new outfit really ROCKS!
i fucking hate my life, i'm too much of a newfag to soundpost properly
>Choco gets sex outfit
>Mori gets sex outfit
>Haachama gets sex outfit
>Reine gets joke outfit
Can I have your discord too...

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