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Is this the change in direction that Aqua talked about?
what the FUCK are you babbling about, clown
Sometimes it's hard to even find words for the shit that people post here.
>Gura turning her back on unicorns when the bag of money is big enough
what part says anything about GTA rp or even a stream? isn't this just a merch launch?
At this point the "change in direction" phrase starts sounding goofy after dramafags abused it hard enough
All those big GTA, Ark and other games RP servers? All Vaultroom, is what they do. They are announcing Gura as a participant
You are a huge retard, OP
numberfags are retarded, what a surprise
oh that explains it
Okay but this collab with Gura is about merch, just like their collab with StartEnd and they had crazy ass animation for that shit

So what's your point ?
Unicorns are really so obsessed with cock that even when a run of the mill merch drop happens they start fantasizing about getting cucked. Impressive.
Vaultroom only provides the servers for the VCR group to use and play on. If Gura wants to play in there, she will have to sign up in the VCR group you fucking dumbass retard
Are you retarded? VCR stands for Vaultroom-Crazy Racoon. They are part of it, they are announcing Gura will participate
>OP tries to bait unicorns then blames unicorns when everyone points out how retarded he is
yeah it's brown hours
/#/ spills should be immediate permanent rangeban
Stop replying to yourself, anyone who opens that link can see that fag get shit on by the thread. You tried to bait them then made a catalog thread when you didn't get a bite.
I have never and will never click on a single /#/ thread
It's professional interactions, then, not a big deal
>defending /#/
I could bet that you are behind all those posts
80% of the worst posts on the board are made there and then crossposted to global or splits, the whole thread should have been honey potted or exiled to /trash/ already.
> They are announcing Gura will participate
Seriously nigga ? Gura ? The chuuba that stream twice a month ? The chuuba that has never interacted with anybody outside of Hololive bubble ? The chuuba who played Rust once 2 years ago and never again ? That's the chuuba they are inviting ?
Yes, why do you think Aqua left?
Everybody knows she is leaving for marriage anon. She is marrying me Stop pretending to be retarded
so point me to the stream announcement?
Sure thing retard
>flip timezone
Literally every fucking time
It's coming in two more weeks. Just wait.
Kek, they really biting hard. What happen to phase/nijikek today?
Obligatory graduation
Another liver opened up and restarted her PL account
Twisty and Hex interacting on PL
First ever NijiEN 2view stream happened
Tenmas 2 models got leaked, all files
no the phase thing was 3 days ago and none of the talents involved cared about it
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vaultroom produce merch you colossal retard.
>Another liver opened up and restarted her PL account
Who was it this time?
>none of the talents involved cared about it
they're begging to be skinwalked. why hasn't any anons shitposted with it yet?
So it came to you in a dream?
look at these seething homobeggars trying to force a yab KEK
"Retarded" is a good one. "Bait" and "ESL" also work.
>All Vaultroom, is what they do.
It is literally not what they do. Vaultroom and VCR are two separate things.

For reference, this is like you called the homos Hololive.
true if real
its over
nice crossposting you dumb nigger
ok. so they have a penis. who cares?
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Collabing with male e-celebs? Who do you think she is, Pekora?
embarrassing thread
Because no one actually cares about phase cucknet
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After this many years, people should learn that schizos /here/ will make bait-threads from almost every Gura twitter/community post and collab.
It's just a merch collab, anon. Marine had one with them a while back too and she didn't participate in the VCR collabs either.
Not even a thumbnail reader....

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