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Previous: >>84614030
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

This one for niji gold
>anon links unmoderated doxx from the catalog /here/
>finally starts getting deleted after staying up all that time
hey guys maybe you should be monitoring the catalog more
Why can't I find fanart of this girl in a baseball uniform? She won Koshien this year and her 3D live was literally subtitled "Play Ball". It's baffling. I was gonna spam baseball-related images with her but there's none of than a few of her with a baseball bat (but still in her regular outfit).
yes but because of chinks, niggers, and ruskis trying to invade the land by mass buying the houses and steal the election, people are starting to hate foreigners.
Please understand, jannies need to camp /#/ to delete any post saying mean things about Fauna
The catalog is a wasteland.
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nigger janny tongue my anus
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>forcing us to use the early thread
>had to make a 5 minute early thread
phase janny did it again
janners do be like camping here
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Imagine baking early thread
>holoturd seethe
hate how fucking true this is
>Janny makes a early thread
>Deletes superior and actually used thread with over twice the posts
Gura in RP server with male ecelebs soon.
I wonder why Moom stopped being a homobeggar
Why do you think we call them phaseniggers
Zeta has small boobs tho
Ah, in this case I can't really blame them.
when did she beg?
Merch anon any update on ENReco merch numbers?
Will be interesting to see if GG will get a boost for all the fanarts she gets since for subs boost it seems dead for now.
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Now that Sora is on her next what do you guys think she will aim for?
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checked the nijiEN thread
looks like they STILL haven't announced whatever this stream is supposed to be about come on stop stalling
nah, that's clothing shit if I remember right. Suzy had some vault room merch I'm pretty sure. The male ecelebs come in with the "Crazy Raccoon" part.
just like pekora, yeah
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Why do you have a screencap from 2021?
Sex ranking
Its a nijinigger screencap
Did she really get this outfit as an excuse to hang out with Fauna more?
>Sora: Seven years was fast. But this is how long it takes for a baby to turn seven.
Pretty sure the janny who deleted the other thread is part of the same Discord that posted >>84620077.
I don't think Mori sees or even particularly wants Fauna as a friend
I think her bringing her up so much and getting so flustered in her presence is caused by her seeing Fauna as almost her antithesis, someone who started low and did everything "right", someone who didn't talk when it was time to shut up, someone that never fought or got frustrated with her audience, someone who just went in the flow, never dropped their smile, never gave into the negativity and grown to be liked by everyone
Fauna is the reflection and testament of Mori's inexperience, fuckups and character flaws, which is why she idealizes her and puts her on a pedestal constantly - someone she'd like to be, but knows or believes she never could be

funnily enough, that very much reflects her relationships with Marine and Suisei ever since both left her in the dust (though obviously reflecting on different aspects)
Mori only takes top because the bunny ears and hair is better
what makes you say that? did you infiltrate their discord or something?
Biboo casual outfit is gonna be here too
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I checked out the NijiEN stream and it's completely in Japanese kek.
idk what kind of "announcement" they'd do in this type of stream other than a merge that they want to hide from the EN audience.
Hey hey discordtroon
Rider is that you?
This is why I'll never believe Mumei's act
She's still the same homocock onahole she always was
didnt IRyS mention something about getting an emo outfit too
Its the
But isn't over midnight now?
>Did she really get this outfit as an excuse to hang out with Fauna more?
Nah probably not
I don't think you know what "homobeggar" means.
Specifically the "beggar" part.
they're still answering questions
phasejanny camps /here/ so sometimes phase dox gets taken care of when it's linked here only
welcome to euro hours
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>快晴 / Kaisei (cover) *new*
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>Utakata Maybe *new*
>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
Nah but it's neat that en is going down this route
>bringing her up so much
Anon she doesn't and nobody else has done it for the other members. I'm sure she'll be near the bottom. You are reading too far into this. Mori doesn't care to be close with her and is just friendly.
Hello ennacuck
More like HoloEMO
so the announcement isn't going to be until the early hours for JP
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> dogs have participated in every single voice pack since their debut
god damn
No, he wishes he was part of the holo-anti Discord servers.
That tard would spill their beans so fast the moment he gets in.
What the fuck happened to EU?
They were once the place of the Manliest Men but now...
>Mori doesn't care to be close with her
Watch streams
I wish this retard post it on catalog so we can laugh at him.
She's been wanting a bunny outfit since bully anon. Fauna didn't even exist
>shartlings obsessively making clip compilations of people saying their shitter oshi's name to cope with her lack of relevance
This would be funny if it weren't so sad
>fauna can't even be ask to do one
sad really
I wish. I lurked one of their Discords but it got banned after getting linked in okbh.
That reddit mod getting demoted and the admin getting got spooked them real bad.
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God, Mori is a semen demon
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>Advent have participated in every single voice pack since their debut
Bro chill it's just that they have a slim overlap on game choices so she over index when an occasion arise, it's not like they can do music together.
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>Botsanji is getting ass raped
>Phasecucks are getting cucked by Homos
they became brown
>Sora: I don't like myself if my singing is not pitch perfect. So my singing voice is almost the same in concert and in Singing Stream.
>Sora: I figured people who hear it would stop coming to concerts where they could hear the same voices.
>Sora: But I've decided to sing more freely. I did a lot of singing streams this year and I want to continue that.
This woman...
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It's fucking pathetic that you need to make an illegitimate thread 3 MINUTES before the last one archives just to snipe an OP.
>t. not denying the EUFaggotry
You just replied to a fucking Euro, you Euroschizo. >>84620440 is my Swedish-made post.
They'll only announce it after they answer 40 questions.
And they're still at 16 or something.
It'll be "announced" deep into EU time where no one can pay attention to it.
They want them $$$.
Are they trying to make Fauna look bad and lazy?
Cus if they are they're doing a good job
>Alex pov
Anon she has 0 problem interacting and getting closer and wanting to collab with other and hang out off stream. Why does fauna somehow make it different all of a sudden just because she doesn't want to become friends with her. You can see from irys to bae to biboo to roara its no issue yet fauna she does. What ???
I don't think it's anything that deep, but you are either retarded or just squirming if you ignore how Mori acts about Fauna.
Sorry, Fauna just thinks that voice packs and the holobuta who buy them are cringe.
no, she does bring up Fauna quite a lot, there are members she brings up truly rarely like Ame or Rissa
but the context in which she DOES mention Fauna pretty much aligns with what I said
>eurotard deflection
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Listen you little faggot, I'm still waiting for you to transcribe everything Mumei said here.
What autism does to an aka-chan
I posted all of these, by the way. All me, baby.
Promise doko??
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>Phasecuck can't even remember the name for his cuckpost...
It's the same poster as
and the one seething here
Oh wow for being an announcement to be posted around 2-3AM JST they really want to hide it
Now he needs to buy and register another simcard
are there 15 questions left or are they only on question 15?
You think she puts her on the same pedestal as suisei? You are on another level of crack anon
I want suspend.
You dense motherfucker...
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Was it THAT raidcord again?
Cute morning Moom
Its the same since he cant post anything
she has like zero game overlap with Shiori but already squeezed in two solo collabs
it really goes deeper than that and it's not a dig at either of them, Mori is just both very emotional and a heavy overthinker with somewhat of a martyr complex
Fauna with the short hair is simply perfect
Unimaginable levels of merch shilling
There is so many low effort troll posts itt already, yet they don't clean it up
>nijiEN organs still have not made their announcement
How many times have those fags gotten banned?
is this a recent update or an old screenshot?
As in what? Do you think Mori sees her as a better version of herself and not just doing it out of courtesy like she does with a ton of others like mumei too. There's no need to prop up fauna anon
it's not the same pedestal, but there's still one and there's similar logic to it, in the way Mori thinks about them
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Anon, restriction doesn't mean shit, he's still can post.
Kaela crying is kinda hot
Fauna actually hates her fans. Refuses to do fanservice that isn't just whoring out her model since she can just detach herself. Voice packs are too personal and parasocial so she'd rather just give a big fuck you to her fans and never do them. I cannot imagine being a fan of someone who genuinely hates them. But hey, good for her, her fans are buck broken and gaslit themselves into believing they don't want or need voice packs. Absolutely fucking pathetic
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>Sora: Hey! Don't gift to the limit! No more! Comment more than gift!
>Sora: I can't stop your membership, so don't give me any more expensive gifts!
>Sora: Is my membership cheaper than normal? Yes, there is a fan club in the discription. Membership and fan club are separate, because some people join two.
>Sora: The fan club has had advance drawings for concerts, blogs, higher quality wallpapers, exclusive streams and exclusive videos, and recently some cooking videos.
>Sora: Memberships can use stamps here. Other than that, I would recommend the Fan Club as it has much more content than the Membership!
She also has exclusive voice packs and merch there!
I highly recommend getting the fanclub membership, especially the annual one since it comes with a physical membership card!
I deadass don't know who this is supposed to be
Is perfect, Friday midnight for their SEA/CN audience.
She quite literally has the opposite of a victim complex. What are you on about
Why did she cried?
Sadly, simcards are only ~1$ here in ph. Hope his hardware got flagged for easy repeat reporting and banning.
she's doing some minecraft gacha thing and keeps failing to get the enchanted book she wanted
EOP retard
it's supposed to be some liver or something, i don't know man
Damn nobody really watches these fwmc mornings anymore huh
Guess their schtick got old
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>still no announcement
>Early thread
>Janny seethe
You know it, either a niji shitter or a gacha whore, "to respect the covenant" (to seethe)
You will never be Japanese
>here in ph
Like what other than the head cannon you've placed on Mori as some failure yet fauna is number 1.
Go back to your dead board dogfucker
Im watching while shitposting agaisnt Phasenegros
>The doggos are for my own entertainment
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Still on Q19
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holoID mogged doryaaaa
Yes my guy. Im here in ph.
Must be the purple dragon
only a schizo would respond like this over a totally unrelated post
>*kiara breathes*
He's having a melty please understand
Sonny looks so happy to be there
she still has the fanclub? I remember reading somewhere that it was shut down.. or was it just the hololive main one?
The fact that you've never answer the last 2 thread meant that you don't know shit either nijicuck.
Ceci confirmed ENreco FST+3
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Increases mace damage based on # of blocks fallen, and Density IV is a +2 heart damage per block on the mace's special.
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> me when Fuwamoco Morning is finally back after a long-ass break
>First sleeping mousy
>Now it's sleeping Maloco
>the girl who just a couple days ago, during Persona 3 finale basically said her biggest wish is sacrificing herself for her friends
>same girl that during multiple lyric dives and interviews voiced her hope that her failures will serve as an useful bad example for other girls
>same girl that got burned multiple times by being way too enthusiastic to become a punching bag in defense of people that either fucked her over or forgot her
let me ask, why did you conflate victim complex with martyr complex, is it limited language comprehension?
Rare cute dog
They also managed to hit 6k today, so the last one was an OOF on numbers due to the significant overlap with the Monopoly game.
The hololive one was shut down
Both clubs made the transition from Niconico but only Sora's remain active
Is it still filler episode day?
Are all questions in Japanese?
Reminder to go for a walk
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here at PEGA games, we develop an array of original titles such as
>anata iro palette
>almond core V
>pekkori kart 8
ahh ok, I guess that's why her memberships are half the price of other holos
Hololive main one went into archive mode due to youtube membership making it mostly obsolete
Sora's also shut down but it was a niconico one, she has her own website now that's still based on niconico
No but the way you speak about this is you propping up fauna and Mori is doing playing the victim because she cannot have what she has. She can have all these things sure but it doesn't relate in anyway shape or form to fauna. She is improving herself and that's it
>dogs celebrating 6k unculled
Holy grim, did advent really flop this hard?
It would be funny when the announcement is in the dead of the night with less than 30sec explaining it.
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seems that way, but no rewind so can't confirm
Fuzzians really look better than the retarded ass fluffians
Yep, after this one is the finale
how is life being a peenoys?
fluffians got that down syndrome stare
last one was an oof because they started on a fucking Wednesday and I thought they were still with their parents.
When she's dropping Dark Peko?
>in nihongo:"btw we merging with jp, alright thanks for coming, otsu"
That is a crusty ass screenshot good lord
She miss Aqua?
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a new original game
>pekot monster blue
I mean IT IS a Friday, perfect to soften the blow before monday trades.
shocked there's no pekora quest
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fans reflect their oshi
Yeah that's accurate of the regular schizos in global and to a lesser extent here.
They post stuff like that every day
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ENReco popularity for active members
(Average VOD views = total VOD views / number of VODs)

Gura > Fauna > Biboo > Ina > Ame > Raora > Mumei > Gigi > Mori > IRyS > Kiara > Nerissa > Mococo > ERB > Cecilia > Fuwawa > Shiori
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pekot monster blue sold 130k copies and hit #4 on the sales ranking
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Sora turned into a midget...
Add fuwawa and mococo
You’re actually retarded
That's much lower for CC than I expected
Bro your eyes reps?
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>Baubau ended
What to do now?
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nvm seems there's EN questions from time to time
You just rawdogged random numbers together
It’s a stupid list of meaninglessness. VOD avg without accounting for duration is shit
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>/ number of VODs
Together, 1 channel
Shit metric for not accounting for things like stream length and raids. Raids will instantly net thousands more vod views as opposed to natural churn and funnel. Also someone with a less streams but long hours with more churn and thus more vod views, and has no bearing on popularity.
Someone is mad the numbers dont look good for someone
>Pepe into Suarez was what make her love soccer
She would love MMA also then
Because she starts at 3 AM and can't stream for very long, which anon's retarded metric doesn't account for
Stream duration has a large impact on VOD views, and her streams are quite a bit shorter than most of the others.
That's been nijifags and phasecucks for the last 2 years
I sense another melty coming in the next 10 minutes.
Someone with an 8 hour stream with 40k VOD views is naturally more popular than someone with a 2 hour stream with 35k VOD views. It's simple math, 40k > 35k.
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>Collab with males
>Stays relevant
How does she do it?
Nice, Gura today and then tomorrow.
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Holy cute
Professional collabs
idk ask Mumei
Source? she still has to do that drinking stream she mentioned
>sub 30k stream

/vt/ League 7 starts in little over an hour!
We play against /vsj+/ at 21:40 UTC!
It's a collab with Ame, and Ame is playing ENReco today.
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>Sora: Wait, did someone say they joined the old fan club? Get out of there now!
>Sora: The old fan club has no more content! So I'm sorry about that! But I'm glad you made that comment.
Mumei is literally the least relevant promise member in google trend
Mori wants to be a good streamer, entertainer, she also wants to be seen as cute and likeable
she sees all these traits in Fauna while either conciously or not contrasting them with her lowest lows and her petering out streaming career, because her brain focuses more keenly on negatives
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almost as if that's not the reason people get mad
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pekora straight up making holoplus
thread doko?
Gonathan G...
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>saplings hard at work searching for yet another excuse to shit on other holo girls
Holy shit, this is a master class shitpost
Did you make our intro overkill as requested?
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>Google trend
uh oh ennacuck slipped, caught with panties down
This is pure delusion when she already was like this before fauna even debuted. I can't fathom where you get this from
>sapling anti
Go back
Omg so unhinged! This is epic, thanks for sharing anon this is so much better than the usual seiso idol holo slop
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We talked about this yesterday, anon-chama
Overkill is one of the new goalhorns
but that's not a game..
You jest, but the amount of liggers attacking or defending her is not insignificant.
Oh, good, hope we score some goals then
thanks anon
Wouldn’t someone who stream longer and/or get raided or funnel get better vod view ?
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/#/ is uncontroversially /hlgg2/, but why is there two hololive threads? Why not post to /hlgg/ instead?
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Looks like NIJIEN group songs are also there.
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owarida pebblekeks
NTA but was yesterday old when I finally saw that this peko it's actually doing that thumbs up and that isn't s reflation from a knife thanks to your filename
Mori trying to better herself and you use fauna as the person that's doing it. I'll have what your smoking be because what are you on about, you could have picked fwmc, biboo hell even irys. Such a weird superior complex. Fauna has no play in this game, stop creating fake scenarios in your head because it makes fauna look good.
Why are they melting down today?
I'll give you a better question. Who cares?
judging from how tiny the 40s, 50s, and especially 60s slice is for Bae's, her songs seem more popular to sing for karaoke than the other two.
>Biboo flirting with a man
talking shit on other corpo is off-topic, here we can justify it by numbers
I pick which one to lurk in depending on which is the least shit at the time
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a monkey.. is that your pic anon?
Why do you care? How does it affect you?
global is too gay and being able to discuss how bad everyone else is, unironically makes us better holoGODS
she should make holoearth
haha poor
whomstd? didn't comment anything yet
you guys talking about this? https://youtu.be/J7tp_0lFI0I
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You're welcome! It's a deceptive image
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pekora investing in graphics
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>Jizz on the Cock!!
Why did they name it like that?
Need to know which channel first
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oh that monkey
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also just noticed, 1M dorya
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God I'm pissed I didn't get a Dino Gura...
They know their audience
Another day, another easy niji gold. How are we doing holokeks?
Holy shit that song is cringe
I really hope we don't get to hear it
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this employee's name is Akiko Torimura and for some reason Pekora started repeating AkirrRa TorRiyama
Man, the gaming lexicon is cringe, early 2000 were lame
GOAT recognizes GOAT
I want to imagine that there's just random free-to-use JP clip art of 3 grannies holding rifles and smiling.
Saplings thinking Fauna had something to do with Mori improving her own wellbeing is such a weird larp.
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>pekkori quest 7
original the RPG donut steel
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There you go anon, Pekori Quest 3!
hlg and hlgg are the places you go when you only want to discuss holos and nothing else.
hlg for JP side and hlgg for myth.
Rest of EN fans, mainly Councilfags and Adventfags livepost /here/.
This place also serves as a hub for news outside the garden to keep track of the industry as whole.
All the threads are holo-onlies, but ITT you might get someone to check out non-holos if they're interesting enough (they will still get shit on though).
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no i don't like to share a thread that has 100 image ritualposters, and thread celeb wankers. and also the timely gay discord erp sessions
My timeline is full of yuri rp art. Stop it, I go on twitter just to see holo porn.
I want to fuck Gonathan
Lurk moar
Because this is THE MOST
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retarded monkey
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pekkori quest 3 (she changed it to 3) only made it to #7 on the sales rankings in its first week
pathetic numbers, peko-chan
lol poor
>Pekora is making basedslop DEI games
Its over
I'm not the one who started watching her when advent debuted maybe you should learn a thing or 2
>pekora football watchalong
>japan vs indonesia next
>Something went wrong
>A poor monkey posting an image of a monkey
you are not understanding my point so I'm just not gonna bother anymore, it seems most other folks struggle less with the concept and language used
No one's falling for your weird larp anymore Ennacuck
I'll buy but I don't know which channel you're talking about
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lots of visitors to PEGA's booth this year
This is the 3rd time I saw this exact same post in the past 3 days, better not be an actual salty /sp/fag. Imagine seething that a rabbit girl like a sport player more than another
Ugh I forgot that place has fags like that too.
I mean I get it, your regular thread's a fun place to hang out it. It's the same for me in /#/. But it's fun BECAUSE it's anonymous and nothing you post can be traced back to you.
Never thought I'd see the day that retards would unironically believe shit that was posted here.
oh hell no.
I dont want to see those retarded monkeys spamming their jungle language in her chat.
>100 image ritualposters
Gura chu poster,mumei sexy poster.
>thread celeb wankers
Fauna schizo and mewothcuck..
>the timely gay discord erp sessions
Our daily session getting mad at the stars,phase, or whoever

Did it mean so little to you.
>I have no more rebuttal and I can't prop fauna up using Mori
You're not slick anon use another person
Anon, they already spam Hololive main channel every time they host an event there, it's too late to worry about that
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>yearly profit -160k yen
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Lots of shitposting this morning. What's the occasion?
>>84623224 (me)
oh whoops sorry -16 mil yen
ENrecochads, what's the episode for today
Can the shark beat Mousey's 18k today if she even streams?
Hololive winning
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pekora's new game "Go & Dragons" (like the traditional japanese board game Go)
vt league soon
Brave, no?
She's ready to become Brave CEO
I'm not your fucking boogeyman I'm baffled you think fauna because you watched a out of context compilation of her saying fauna. It's textbook mental illness
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Here's the occasion
isn't that man at the end, so it'd be 16k * 10000 or 160 million yen?
Oh its biboo flirting with towa
Its actually over
But that's everyday.
Some kinda yab must have happened.
She won't stream don't worry
iirc IRyS also requested an outfit with the same theme as them. We can expect her to join the edgy club soon.
>trying this hard
so none then. you can go back erping in global now.
>pekora wants to make a gacha in order to make money
she's becoming a real game dev
> Shizos fighting about Mori and Fauna.
>/#/ vs /vsj+/
Honestly a bit surprised this one in particular isn't closer to 50/50
They won more than usual
I don't think she even has a good outfit.
16,000万 -> 16千万 -> 160,000,000
yeah you're right
jp numbering format screws with my brain too much
Saplings are trying to force Fauna into Moris life for some weird reason saying she's the positive influence and she's some like God to Mori. Mental illness all around
>t. schizo
>IRyS forma gotica
This level of semen extraction can't be legal
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If Fauna was not responsible how come Mori is feminized and extra cute and kakkoi now?
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This one is sex
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Everytime I see that Niji guy I only recognize him as nipple man.
just one saplingshcizo
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peko usagame lost to Mario
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>squirmbeat is ennacuck
wow shocking, rumao
Squirmschizo latches on his misinterpretation of the argument as has another manic episode, as predicted
Casual > default > JK >>>>> gamer variant
With casual being one of the best looking in EN. Pure sex.
>t. advent baby
Is mori a pick me now?
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But Mumei IS sexy?...
you should also recognize him as botter man
Joysound is a Japanese karaoke company. There are probably around 100 people total who care about NijiEN in Japan who have enough friends to go to karaoke with.
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Lolirys is a better wife
>manic episode
I'm not even insulting fauna what are you on about
True that's fair
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Why is she naked?
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Bit disappointed CC and Raora weren't included for the memes
Can't believe I'm gonna download this dogshit game for Biboo...
>world of tanks
No Ayame
No Kiara
Wrong tab nijibro
I hate how Gaijin never does shit like this for War Thunder.

This collab was likely in the works way before Justice's debut.
koyo and mococo have the same pose kek
Flip pride world wide
they should have sex
world of tanks is still a thing?
5 of them do.
Stock pose, holo running out of money?
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>pekora resorting to making soulless sequels to her previous IP
you wish, its world of tanks mobile
If War Thunder still exists than WoT still will too
Still remember seeing a JP ruffian wondering why other ENs don't get shit and that Fauna and other Advent should get more spotlight in Japan.
Fuck off, Pekorarium is sex.
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>her soulless sequel slop beat pekot monster in sales
grim for the game industry and creativity
Cover can't force the talents to participate in these collabs
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170 million yen in yearly profit
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Queen of EN reached the 1 mil followers milestone on twitter
It's all up to the holo if they want more or less works.
Fauna don't even do vp.
Fauna would decline this one, she wants Hitman, maybe some waifu collector gacha, Crocs and Dyson, not fucking WoT
NijiEN is doom posting...
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>pekora: "making all those games felt like giving birth to children"
Merger inc
Post your memberships
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>2 hours 30 minutes
>still no announcement
oh no, they went from supporting palestinian genocide to supporting ukrainian genocide
If it does happen, do we retroactively remove them from the EN tally and reassign any golds they've gotten to the main nijisanji on the main tally?
What question?
this shit lit nigga fr fr no cap
>any golds they've gotten
????? lmfao
Nah just from merge date
gotta confess, I only ever did the meme route with marine for Pekoarium 1.
What work, you don't even have to stream the game for something like that. Gura didn't even bother for EDF. You just accept Cover using your likeness for the collab.
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Nijisanji English (Chinese (Japanese)) is thriving
>2 mil on twitch
>1 mil on Youtube
>1 mil on twitter
She's the most successful self made vtuber ever.
Now your twitchsubs
The nijiEN announcement won't be a merge. It's a happy announcement. Probably another concert or a new wave or something.
it's not the sponsorship you get, it's the sponsorship you choose
im not watching the stream kek im just monitoring their thread
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No one cares
is Cookieswirl not self-made?
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>self made
>another concert
where's the previous one
>watching twitchslops
>What work
Well you'll see next week.
No. They will still be considered an EN branch. If we had an ID/kagai tally and NijiID didn't have godless numbers, they would be included
corporate mandated stream hours
Glad they kept Fuwawa next to her sister
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>self made vtuber
that'd be filian or shylily, the two other big indie whores
>addressing the accusations
>entire existence is a lie
>self made
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It's Over?
>Addressing the accusations
ennaseabotnigger seething hours
Based oji-san Brrat
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Kino hours soon
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ready for another painful beatdown, sharkie?
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andYOUR membership?
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>embed raidmouse
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>Dat clickbait title
>overlapping Fauna
But seriously, how are they going to implement the RP of everyone in second part
Or was it more about them adding more secrets to find like discs instead since that was the main appeal of dungeons in the end?
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she's on her way to the top 3, doubt she'll break her last year record but we'll see
>only 100 waiting
the shark fell off
How much % on Fauna today? Considering that she said ‘next time’ instead of 'tomorrow'
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She said she'd be streaming daily, and she still hasn't done Ame's dungeon. So it's highly likely she'll stream today.
She already did. Fauna still got 10k.
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Is that all?
100%, she had shorter stream yesterday to catch some sleep. She still wants to roll her lottery, finish Ame dungeon, finish library.
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>Addressing the accusations
If they aren't retarded, they'll be doing adjustments based on feedback from the girls and expanding on the things that both the girls and the audience enjoyed the most.
Time skip the isekai world. Chapter 2 has a lotto, legends of the pure knight, stories of the coups and whatever else they will come up
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>Gen 1 - 4/6
>Gen 2 - 4/5
>Gen 3 - 4/5
>Gen 4 - 4/5
>Gen 5 - 4/5
What makes Gen 0 so strong?
Hopefully she doesn't ruin the gnathan arc
She already said wants to stream everyday during this event. Considering that she even stream during a Tuesday, she's pretty serious about ti.
Starting to get really tired of you gremshits
I never understood why ennacuck thinks he's speaking directly to the vtuber, as if Gura's here.
>Jawr Jewra
Hopefully GG understands her arc is over and doesn't impose herself again. That last hour was not necessary, and her RP was very one dimensional "I am le good husband".
the chat was glorious
Nobody give a shit about gg
Just don't interfere with Gonathan please please please
Fauna's totally playing today
>random numbers
are you retarded? It's just ''average'' in short
>FST + 1
Fauna please play today i know youre tired but gooba wants to play
Anon Fauna is not letting go of the daily free 17k(well, when CC/GG raid)
Guess Mori is skipping today then because of Gura
The "big announcement" was a fucking cover song
No, Mori is sick
>Fauna won't take an opportunity to be lazy
do you really not hear yourselves?
She has to do Ame's dungeon
Theres a reason why gonathan is getting WAY more fanart than Gura
dramaniggers baited yet again
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/#/ is just hlgg, but for CGDCT-exclusive Holos only
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>stall for 3 hours
>announcement ends up being some random song premier
what a waste of time
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Holy mother of bleeding, not even connor can save her wtf
Faunaschizo can you relax? I know you're mad because you can shitpost anymore but just wait next week when she's (probably) resting.
If you were watching that you have no one else to blame but yourself KEK
She has a stream tomorrow what are you on about. She's not that sick
>Successfully milked the drama
Based NijiEN
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Pulled a ~4.5k average for a few hours for that. Guess they don't want to be embarassed by having lower average ccv than Holostars EN again.
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i didn't watch that stream i just watched their thread while liveposting pekora
She can still get to like 13-14k in an hour at least based on previous streams. On earlier days she had around 15k after 1 hour, but I think this late into event people are starting to leave.
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chumbuds are ojisans
Dramasanji special
>shows an 8 hours graph
I don't fucking get why Sora has another fanclub where she post videos. Anyone can enlighten me?
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Lmao real vshokek ITT, dumb twitchnigger should do their /#/ rep, here instant 4k bleeds lol
She has/had a fever. That's why she didn't join MC yesterday.
1k average before leeching onto Myth LMAO
I thought he would fake his death again.
Sora started out on NND and has always had her NND fanclub there. For a very, very long time she did not have membership on Youtube.
>doesn't know how twitch raids work
So chumbuds can finally fuck off.
the watchalong is a demand from label/WB
I know that she still ended up joining without speaking. She has stream tomorrow though so I don't see her playing
botan center!
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>addressing the accusations
THE FINAL YAB. Gura will finally address her lack of streams
JWU, qrd on why there's so much bait?
Kek how does it work twitchnigger, tell me? I wonder what you gonna wrote lol
1k average before holo en is 10k average now
And her frame is 3 hours after her usual time and there's still no frame. She's gonna be sleeping to get better and avoid Gura in one fell swoop
Nigga she insta lost 60%+ of the raid
I'll probably get hate for this but I'm gonna say it anyway. I think GG will eventually pass CC on subs.
Chumbuds and negros
Nijiniggers seethe everytime Gura streams.
Phasefags seethe everytime Gura breathes.
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Who and who?
A raid is a raid, a peak is a peak. Don't hate the player, Hate the game.
holoEN thriving, nijicn important announcement is a bling bang cover
the amount of X gigi fanart from enreco is crazy
Lol. If anything, Raora will pass ERB soon enough.
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hey janny please do your job already
honestly i dont know why you left up that raora panko thread instead of just nuking the whole thing after people starting posting doxx
>phasecucks numbers have been pretty grim lately
>niji graduation
>shark is streaming again
>fauna numbers
choose your warrior
You forgot
>A bleeding is a bleeding
Don't hate the player hate the game
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Even as the "protagonist" of this roleplay session arc, she still has the lowest subscriber growth of Justice members so far in September
So she will finally reveal that she found the gallons.

True, but bleedings don't show in rankings. There's no asterisk next to the numbers. It's just considered cries of the loser.
I think a lot of them are JP tourists addict to gacha (lottery).
the shart is streaming so she can catch up.
everyone who's playing in the finale needs to be up to date before it begins tomorrow.
As this anon >>84625124 said, she used to have NND fanclub until last year(I think) but now she has a new one
Tell it to the twotchnigger crying about "bleeding", shittermouse is also getting grim numbers this year and ennacuck is seething that he can't use her to shitpost.
ESL king
go back to /jp/. no EN to trigger you there.
Don't hate your kind seamurai this isn't healthy.
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We have unironic Vshonigger threadshitting here
But you are a SEAmurai, you will never be japanese.
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>grim numbers
not sure about that.
What else did that leaker from 2 months ago say?

One of them said World Of Thanks "EN" collab.
One said Aqua, but there were a few more things right?
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>mfw the faggots itt latch on harder than their mom on muh penis with the easiest bait
kill yourself ennapaki
Holy fuck, I think that anon is right when they said Ennacuck is Zentranny fans
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Gamers is also 5/4
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korone academy general ticket sales start on the 7th
>Gamers 5/4
Holy fuck they got Subaru to join them?
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here's the lineup
>she used to have NND fanclub until last year(I think)
We're entering year three in February or March, I think
[Upsetting News] Fauna's dice didn't go through proper QC, multiple reports saying it's shoddily put together and are trying to contact cover in hopes of they sending out a fix like they did for Bae's bag
divegrass started
link pls
So that's it? The sharks just going to be cute again today? is she just going to deliver cute justice on the server till it's over cause she loves Hololive?
The funny thing is how 10k in ER is still more than anyone else in that list is able to get by themselves.
>implying most of those replies aren't ennacuck samefagging for theatrics and incite divide
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And that one is still using the backend of DWANGO's Nico Nico Douga. Just one look at the video player interface makes it completely obvious.
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